James B said on 6/Oct/14
Was silva measured 6'2 early in the morning?
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/14
Not seen Seagal in a while James but last time I saw him he had a dodgy dyed goatee and honestly looked easily 6'4" next to Anderson Silva. I thought he looked between 1 and 2 inches taller than Wayans in Glimmer but I think he had on his typical thick boots.
James B said on 9/Sep/14
Arch Stanton says on 9/Sep/14
Nah, I think a peak Seagal was about as honest a 6'4" as you can get
I dunno Arch you should watch Glimmer Man and compare him next to Keenan Wayans because at times there looks very little between them.
James B said on 9/Sep/14
1.5 inches shorter than bill duke and struggling to looking close in height to Keenan ivory wayans.
6'4 is starting to look a bit suspect do you agree rob?
Arch Stanton said on 9/Sep/14
Nah, I think a peak Seagal was about as honest a 6'4" as you can get.
James B said on 8/Sep/14
Arch Stanton says on 8/Sep/14
In Exit Wounds he was easily an inch shorter than 6'4.5 listed Bill Duke which is confusing.. He also looked nearer 6'3" next to that 6'6" Canadian actor Matthew G. Taylor in it! Probably the shortest I've seen him look in that film..
Arch you think 6'3.5 could be possible for Seagal? Rob thinks he's closer to 194cm than 192cm but next to Keenan wayans struggled to look an inch taller at times. Seagal had great posture in that film as well compared to Keenan who slouches a lot.
I guess wayans could be 6'3 1/2?
Arch Stanton said on 8/Sep/14
In Exit Wounds he was easily an inch shorter than 6'4.5 listed Bill Duke which is confusing.. He also looked nearer 6'3" next to that 6'6" Canadian actor Matthew G. Taylor in it! Probably the shortest I've seen him look in that film..
James B said on 4/Sep/14
At times looked a weak 6'4 to Keenan ivory wayans
Arch Stanton said on 31/Aug/14
Hehe, Rob I chopped the hair off yesterday. Without anything in it on the sides it was starting to look like a Dutch basketball player and I don't think the ponytail would be a good look! It is surprising though how after growing your hair for a long time how different your face and hair look when you get it cut, better I think.

Editor Rob
Seagal will be disappointed.
James B said on 1/Aug/14
Seagals looking old i must say. He looks about 2.5 inches taller than the 6'1 guy.
6'3.75 today
Peak 6'4.25 peak
SaveUsY2J said on 31/Jul/14
Click Here
Rob, the guy on the left is a legit 6'1" in person, he's a former schoolmate. How tall does Seagal look in comparison? Bearing in mind he does look to be at a slight camera disadvantage.

Editor Rob
I think Seagal can still look near 6ft 4 there
James B said on 25/Jul/14
Looked 6'5 in Out for Justice.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jul/14
Haha! Look at all that grease! I'd guess that was around Marked for Death period, pre Velcro transplant :-) He's almost saying "Nobody beats me in the kitchen". Yeah, the "tail" is probably best avoided for a lot of blokes! I can't imagine you ever growing one again! You could always go for that Argentinian footballer look with the shaved head and long tiny rat's tail though! You could poke G's eye out with that thing!

Editor Rob
the tail is a disadvantage in a fight though...you don't see chuck with a Ponytail ;)
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jul/14
Hehe can you find a photo of Seagal with a ponytail to put up here to marvel at :-) Part Velcro!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jul/14
Did you? Hehe, I'd never have guessed! I can't imagine you with hair going back! I think it might look good actually! Especially with the beard! Chuck Norris action jeans? LMAO!! I remember I used to have a really light faded pair of Lee jeans in the mid 90s which I call my Kurt Russell jeans!! I'm being honest now, I'm seriously thinking of going for the tail though!! I've been growing my hair out for a while now as it tends to curl up and go haywire when it's shorter and I got fed up of it. I've been growing it out as an experiment to see what happens and I find the longer it gets the better quality it goes and the straighter it begins to look. I've got that thick dark blond hair type, Ewan Mcgregor sort of thing. When I wash it with conditioner and slick it back and put a little gel in it when it dries it looks much better on top than it does when shorter. The weightier it goes, the tidier it looks. In many ways it's more manageable longer but it's beginning to reach the stage where it's starting to look like an 80s tennis player at the back and I'm thinking about going for a sleek tail to keep it all tidy!! I just don't want to be one of the douche guys who wear them to stand out, in my case it's really for maintenance reasons! I don't suit very short hair, it would be different if I had that thinning hair type or that really sharp short hair which looks good like Djokovic or somebody but I haven't. It suits me longer and the longer it gets the straighter and sleeker it begins to look! Plus I'm a guitarist so I have more of an excuse :-) It's just a lot of the famous guys who wear/have worn them are douchebags! Funny too that most of them are 6'3-6'4" guys! I think of it as similar to a beard in terms of maintenance, rather than being clean shaven and having to shave twice a day all the time which is mind numbingly annoying to just grow the full beard and keep it trimmed down. It's a lot easier to maintain! I don't wanting to be faffing about in front of a mirror with all that styling nonsense, and don't like skinheads, so I only have one option left, to keep it tidier in a long ponytail and never have to style it! I'm just concerned that society has a stigma against guys with ponytails!

Editor Rob
I try to keep mine relatively short for easier maintenance and for dong this site, or I'd have done different styles, but not he ponytail again :)
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jul/14
Rob do you think it takes a certain kind of fella to wear a ponytail? Do you think it screams arrogance or deep insecurity or what? I think it's probably a mixture of both. A lot of guys with ponytails or who had ponytails really come across as super arrogant stand out types. Seagal, Ibrahimovic, Andy Carroll and Darius Danesh for instance come across as about as arrogant as you can get, and of course G is about as insecure as you can get. In fairness though if you have a certain hair type which is really difficult and messy to style when shorter and looks crap shaved then it might look tidier than when shorter and actually less maintenance! It does suit a lot of the tall and dark types, although a lot of the Argentine and Italian footballer types who wear them seem really greasy.

Editor Rob
hey buddy, I used to have a Ponytail at Uni :) Of course I was a dedicated student and after a year of having it thought I better go shorter...although I loved twiddling with my curls!
I actually gave myself an undercut style back when Van Damme had long hair, I think around the Hard Target film. I also had a make of jeans that I called 'Chuck Norris action Jeans'...
iyolo said on 25/Jun/14
He looked at least 194 (6.4 1/2) next to self claimed 6.6ft famous bulgarian host Slavi Trifonov (although he had some bulky shoes).He is at least 300 pounds too :(
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/14
Rob can you mention Executive Decision, Out for Justice, Hard to Kill, On Deadly Ground, Firedown Below, The Glimmer Man and Exit Wounds?
@James. A lot of people talk about people who work out excessively being vain and egotistical but in Seagal's case I think it is actually the opposite and part of the problem that he sees himself as superior so doesn't care if he is overweight and not motivated to "prove" himself sort of thing. He's clearly very comfortable with who he is. Still, being a martial artist you'd really expect him to be in some sort of shape.
James B said on 2/Jun/14
Seagal was naturally slight in frame in the 80s he could do with getting down to 13 stone 5 at the age he is now. A tall guy at minimum 193cm yes but he clearly did not have a large mesomorphic frame but more ecotomorph (narrow shoulders and long lanky limbs in Nico). Although being a lethal weapon at his age and height weighing 20 stone is VERY unhealthy.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/14
BTW in Ticker Seagal had like 3 inches on Peter Greene who claims like 6 ft 3 or something! In Under Siege 2 I think Seagal only looked about 2 inches taller than him though. I think Greene is more like 6'2" though, he doesn't look 6'3". Seagal must have had generous footwear in Ticker.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jun/14
The thing is with a name like "Out for a Kill" you're expecting early 90s bad ass action with the witty one liners. What you get is an utter disappointment cashing in on his earlier credible action movies.
RisingForce said on 30/May/14
Yeah, I think the worst I've seen was Attack Force where Seagal's voice was dubbed at times, but wasn't at other times! I saw it on cable one night a few years ago around 3 AM, but even at that time, it was a regret!
Arch Stanton said on 28/May/14
Yeah I agree Rising, anything up to Exit Wounds is great, after that it went sour. I've seen half a dozen of his post 2001 films and almost all were identical LOL. The worst one, Out for a Kill I think he was an archaeologist or something, that's goes down among the worst 10 films I've seen in the last five years.It was a shocker. I'm actually in the mood for some Seagal right now, I think I'll watch Ticker, that was 2001...
Arch Stanton said on 28/May/14
Here's a slow mo of him in early 80s
Click Here Quick even in slow mo.
Arch Stanton said on 28/May/14
ian c. says on 24/May/14
Fast? When was this gent ever fast? Not on his feet.
That's a dumb comment. What on earth has reflex action got to do with how fats you can run a mile or something?? Yes, he did run like a girl in Above the Law but he had extremely fast reflexes back in the 80s. Watch one of his early aikido demonstrations. You wouldn't stand a chance against him, even today, despite his weight he's still got it. He admitted he was way too tall to be ideal for aikido but despite his size he's very quick in small movements.
ian c. said on 27/May/14
In my previous post I wrote "marital arts" when I meant "martial arts." These are two different arts. My own wife is proficient in both, but only one at a time.
ian c. said on 25/May/14
Okay, okay, the man does show impressive hand speed. But you notice, Seagal is the only marital arts hero guy whose character regularly uses guns. And I'm saying, you can infer from that something about his capacities. That is, he's a lot more practical minded than those other dummies who just use fists and feet.
RisingForce said on 25/May/14
ian c., Seagal uses Aikido which I believe is about self-defense and using their attack against them, which is why you see him waiting for someone to attack him in the movies. Personally, I'm a big fan of martial arts and action movies, and did generally enjoy Seagal's movies from Above The Law through the early 90's, but I can't watch his straight to video stuff from the past decade. It's unfortunate, but he's just gotten far too out of shape, and not only are the movies not comparable to his early ones, but neither are the fight scenes, and lets it face it, Seagal was in movies because of the fight scenes, not because he's Al Pacino.
ian c. said on 24/May/14
Fast? When was this gent ever fast? Not on his feet. In Above the Law he has an extended running scene, and he runs like a whooping crane. Tom Cruise could run by him going backwards. Also, his fighting style is an odd kind of flim flammery where he stands still and waits for somebody to punch him, and then throws or countersmacks the victim, who should have just used a gun. It doesn't look especially athletic, like the balletic fighting of Bruce Lee or Jean Claude van Damme, who liked to kick people in the face. Also, he's fat now, but in Above the Law he seems more thin than muscular, with narrow shoulders and a shallow chest. It wouldn't surprise me if he got fat in a failed effort to compensate for his lack of muscular bulk.

Editor Rob
in terms of martial arts moves, not running speed...although he still could probably move 3 times as fast in 80's as he would today.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 20/Feb/14
Maybe he's 6ft 5 in some dress shoes or trainers, but yeah strong 6ft 4 at peak i definetly agree with rob, seagal is at least 6ft 4 flat today i think when he will be in his late 60s im sure he will dip under 6ft 4 and be in the 6ft 3-3.75 range.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 19/Feb/14
I think Seagal is still 6ft 4 today could be a few mms under or a fraction under it a worst, but he's a big guy you would not want to pick a fight with thats for sure, looked very tall in Out for Justice and did actually look 6ft 5 you could also argue 194cm for his prime 194-195cm is a possibility.
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 19/Feb/14
Rob do you think Steven Seagal could have been 6ft 5 in his prime like around the 80's-90's, he did look 6ft 5 in Out for Justice. Very big tall guy you wouldn't wanna mess with.

Editor Rob
the Seagal of the 80's and early 90's could move...I mean you wouldn't mess with him as he was fast.
The Seagal of the 2000's seemed to be more static and enemies would just run up to him without much movement.
I don't think he was a real 6ft 5, but a strong 6ft 4 range
dmeyer said on 1/Feb/14
To me this guy looked over 6'4 because of 1.3-1.7in heels he wears a lot, 6'4 flat fits him
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/14
Seagal's one of those guys who should never grow facial hair. He looks weird with a goatee, doesn't look right on him.
James B said on 20/Jan/14
Rob do you think in the 1970s he might have measured 6'4 1/2 on a good day?

Editor Rob
a fraction over not impossible
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 14/Jan/14
He looked really obese in Pistol Whipped, now in 2014 he still could do with losing some pounds but hes not as fat as he was in that film hes still a badass though. He could still be 6ft 4 today maybe a few mms under it.
Stretch said on 5/Jan/14
Steven (the human cartoon) Seagal was probably a shade over 6' 4" while fighting fearsome foes decades ago at the Japanese Deer Park and Village. He is perhaps a shade under that height now. Seagal seems to tower over most in Hollywood since a majority of actors are not that tall. Among many athletes however, the Karate Kid on doughnuts is dwarfed which seems to make make Steven Seagal extremely uncomfortable.
Here is a memorable photo of Steven Seagal with 7' 1" Shaquille o' Neal. Note the very elevated high-heel boots and rigid stance of tiny Seagal alongside Shaq.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Dec/13
Rob, do you think Seagal might've claimed his morning height?
Definitely a legit 6ft4 in the 80s and 90s.

Editor Rob
possibly or in sneakers height.
Rusty said on 18/Sep/13
6'4.5" peak. Looked 6'4" in machete
jasperwazup said on 6/Sep/13
I buy the 6'4'' as his height late in the day. He does tower over many of his co-stars and villain actors. I can only recall in the movie Above The Law there being a male co-star around 6'2'' and similar in build to Seagal. Van Damme was never 5'10'' maybe 5'9.25''176cm. Seagal called Van Damme an "ant" in his reality cop show.
Elfoersaan said on 9/Aug/13
6ft 5in could have very been his height straight out of bed 30 years ago. He surely towers over every single person he stands with. Most people don't take him serious and they are right he's a fat, egotistical, delusional walrus... but I love him for it. Hope he'll be in The Expendables 3.
zzz said on 8/Aug/13
he looks really tall. Just saw a commercial with him and anderson silva who is 1.88cm. he is 6ft4 indeed
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Aug/13
Maybe 194cm is closer, Rob?
you said that he might edge out Neeson
Elfoersaan said on 15/Jul/13
Like I stated before Chan was definitely over 5ft 9in 30+ years ago. I remember a video from the '80s when Chan was in Japan at the time were he looked like a giant compared to his 5ft - 5ft 2in Japanese female fans. His way above average height for men in China three decades ago, his huge head and hands are probably the result of the 12 month pregnancy of his mother. He just looks short because of his bigger bone structure. A 176 cm mark in his heyday seems fair enough to me.
adam LZ said on 11/Jul/13
well i say hes 6"5-6"7 because if anyone of you had seen the movie my giant of gheorge muresan a 7"7 basketball player from NBA..steven seagal had part in that movie and in a scene the movie shows steven seagel near gheorge muresan..and to beleive gheorge muresan looked just 1 feet taller than steven not more..so i say steven is 6"7 tall as he looked just 1 feet shorter than muresan which is 7"7 tall ;)
Cameron murray said on 8/Jul/13
Fair guess I always thought he was 6'2 so when I saw 6'4 I was shocked
He looks 6'3 most of the time I guess 6'4 in his prime maybe at a push
I'm no expert I've not seen enough of his films to have a accurate opinion on this one
But Jeff goldblum is not 6'4.5 he is barely 6'3 I mean Jeremy clarkson was the same height as him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jul/13
In their prime
Snoop Dogg 6ft3.75(192cm)
Chevy Chase 6ft4(193cm)
Liam Neeson 6ft4(193cm)
Steven Seagal 6ft4.25(194cm)
David Hasselhoff 6ft4.25(194cm)
Jeff Goldblum 6ft4.5(194cm)
Randy Quaid 6ft4.75(195cm)
Tim Robbins 6ft4.75(195cm)
Vince Vaughn 6ft5(196cm)
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jun/13
gian92 says on 10/May/13
for me is maximum 6'2 .
LOL, sure and Anderson Silva is 5'11.5".
shipnut said on 8/Jun/13
In my photos with him he is inches taller than I am and I am 6'3".
Frost said on 1/Jun/13
he was 6'5" in his prime. Now he's about 6'4".
gian92 said on 10/May/13
for me is maximum 6'2 .
justin said on 26/Apr/13
6' 4¼" peak
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/13
6'4 without question. Stature of that kind combined with world class Aikido expertise makes him a real force to be reckoned with, both on and off camera.
How he stacks up (approx.)
Chevy Chase: 6'4(193 cm) peak
Snoop Dogg: 6'4(193 cm)
Steven Seagal: 6'4.25(193 cm)peak
Liam Neeson: 6'4.5(194 cm) peak
Jeff Goldblum: 6'4.5(194 cm) peak
Randy Quaid: 6'4.5(194 cm)
Tim Robbins: 6'5.25(196 cm)
Doc said on 20/Mar/13
I just saw him in Russia basically towering over the Russian fellows ushering him around.
James said on 25/Feb/13
Take into account that he is titling his head in that photo with Michale he still looks 3 inches taller too me. If he was not titling his head he would look 3.5 inches bigger in that photo which again adds up too 6'4 for steven.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Feb/13
Danilo018 says on 24/Feb/13
It's one photo Danilo. Try looking at the barefoot pics next to 6'2 Anderson Silva, Seagal has 2-3 inches on him. Nobody thinks Seagal was under 6'4" peak!!
Arch Stanton said on 25/Feb/13
Danilo018 says on 24/Feb/13
It's one photo Danilo. Try looking at the barefoot pics next to 6'2.5 Anderson Silva. Nobody thinks Seagal was under 6'4" peak!!
Danilo018 said on 24/Feb/13
Here is picture with Michael Jai White
Click Here . This site lists Michael at 184. Based on that Seagal looks at best 6'3''(and that's being generous) on this photo. As you can see on this photo Seagal is still slim, so he is close to his peak heigh, not to mention that was movie from 2001, Seagal was 49 - so in age in which he shouldn't have a drastic heigh loss. Anyway it's highly possible that Seagal was barefooted (since he was in aikido kimono) and that Michael had sneakers or that Seagal had traditional Japanese sandals for men. Even in that case Michael would have a slighty advantage. Personally i think Seagal max was around 192cm 6'3.5" to be more precise.
James said on 24/Feb/13
6'4 not 6'5.
James said on 23/Feb/13
A man I would say who does not look very tall is Hugh Jackman who at times can look 6'1.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/13
A man who never dips below 6'3" and upwards I consider very tall range. Meaning that they're 6'4" morning. Sacha Baron Cohen you think doesn't look very tall?? One of my old managers is 6'3" range and my mother perceives him as very tall and thought he was near 6'5". Seagal without a doubt would be considered very tall and big by most of the population. Even he considers himself too tall ideally for aikido.
Lillo Thomas said on 22/Feb/13
Again 6-3 isn't very tall . 6-3 is tall very tall starts at 6-5 6-6 .
Arch Stanton said on 22/Feb/13
Lillo Thomas says on 20/Feb/13
6-3 isn't very tall . 6-3 is tall . Very tall starts at 6-6 6-7 . 6-6 is a very very rare height . You can spot several 6-3 guys in large crowds . A legit 6-6 is very hard to find .
So Ralph Moeller is just tall not very tall at 6'5.5". Hmmm. I think we have a word for that James eh, "poppycock", or "balderdash"...
James said on 20/Feb/13
Nonsense 6'3 or 6'4 is the start of very tall. 6'6 and 6'7 are extremely tall heights.
Seagal I would say who was a legit 6'4 in his prime looked very tall in his films not gigantic though but you could tell he was more than just a regular tall guy.
Lillo Thomas said on 20/Feb/13
6-3 isn't very tall . 6-3 is tall . Very tall starts at 6-6 6-7 . 6-6 is a very very rare height . You can spot several 6-3 guys in large crowds . A legit 6-6 is very hard to find .
James said on 18/Feb/13
I don't think seagal was ever quite 6'4-6'5 more like just 6'4 flat.
Liam Neeson and goldblum would have edged seagal out at there peaks. Neeson could look shorter than seagal because of his posture.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/13
Yeah but nobody, not even a 6'4"-6'5" guy should be near 300 pounds, its obese. He could do with losing 50 pounds.
James said on 12/Feb/13
Well I guess the older you get the harder it is too keep slim.
Strange arch a young clint Eastwood was near 6'4 and very slim yet he never looked 6'5. I bet a peak clint and guy henry would been dead on the same in height. A peak seagal could have edged out Clint and guy henry.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Feb/13
Yeah he does. What I don't get about Seagal is that he is regularly practicing aikido and training fighters and stuff, you'd naturally expect him to be in shape surrounded by fitness all of the time. Not to mention seeming quite a vain guy, not sure how he is content to remain near 300 pounds. He's obviously self-conscious of it, in interviews he puts his hand over his belly and wears a big coat to try to hide it.
James said on 8/Feb/13
Yeah arch like how guy henry looks 6'5 but is actually 6'3.5
Arch Stanton said on 7/Feb/13
What with the squint? LOL.Dunno Brandon a legit 6'3.5" guy in public can start to stand out as very tall and could probably pull off looking 6'5" to some people if skinny and in good footwear.
Jamesy said on 1/Feb/13
Start of very tall is 6'3.
Arch maybe seagal is trying too copy Clint Eastwood?
Brandon said on 30/Jan/13
I dont see the term "very tall" starting at anything less then 6'4, however theres so many people around that height these days, that I rekon you could get away easily with starting "very tall" at 194cm or a solid 6'5, at a push even 6'6.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/13
Yeah Seagal had on big ass cowboy boots in that movie, he did actually look 6 ft 6 in boots in that movie. He had 3 inches on Seagal in that film, but I've seen a photo where he had 4 inches on Seagal.
Hehe James I'm trying to grow my hair at the moment. If I don't wash it and gel it back my hair ends up looking like Dirty Harry, but when I wet and slick it back with my forehead reminds me of Seagal LOL, especially when I'm wearing a black jumper. I could always grow a ponytail and start wearing Chinese jackets and start squinting heh!
Jamesy said on 14/Jan/13
Connor he wore cowboy boots next schawarz
Connor 183cm said on 13/Jan/13
Rob how tall do you think Scott Schwarz looks next to Steven Seagal in Fire down below? Hes the huge bald guy right?.

Editor Rob
he can look 6ft 8, sometimes a 6ft 9 guy
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/13
Rob, do you think then 194cm might be more accurate for him? OK he's not 6'5" but I think he's looked 194cm throughout most of his career even accounting for boots. If he edges out Neeson who himself claims 6'4 and a wee bit...
Outlaw said on 9/Jan/13
Here is the picture, Rampage:
Click Here
If Neeson straightened out, they be about the same height, give or take.
I'd say 6'4.5" for both of them in their heyday.
Trent said on 19/Dec/12
Anderson Silva is listed at 6'2, and here with Seagal that would make him 6'4 or so.
Click Here
If he claimed 6'5 as well maybe he peaked at 6'4.5? Apparently he edged out Liam Neeson, who himself claimed to be "6'4 and a wee bit".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/12
I vaguely recall him looking a wee bit taller than Liam Neeson. but I can't find the picture anywhere.
But I just realised that Seagal, Neeson, Goldblum and Hasselhoff turned 60 this year (all born in 1952) and have probably lost a bit of height due to age.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/12
Rob, you in your opinion would be taller Neeson or Seagal?

Editor Rob
they're so close, but seagal maybe by a small amount
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/12
Click Here
Looks taller than 6ft4.25(194cm) MCD
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/12
Click Here
Pause at 3:27. Look at the height difference between Seagal and the other guys!!
James said on 14/Nov/12
Maybe Anderson Silva James is more 6'3?
Arch Stanton said on 14/Nov/12
He still looks 194cm next to Anderson Silva James.
James said on 13/Nov/12
But rob u said seagal at 60 can still look a big 6'4 at 60.

Editor Rob
yeah he can still look it, so a small fraction isn't going to be noticeable.
Dmeyer said on 12/Nov/12
Rob how come a Guy like seagal in bad shape and very tall didnt loose height by 60 while Bruce Willis whos barely above average droped 0.5 in

Editor Rob
it is possible seagal has lost a fraction aswell
James said on 12/Nov/12
That's an insult too seagal arch lol
Would you bet money on seagal and Vince Vaughn measuring close in height?
Arch Stanton said on 9/Nov/12
Click Here
Hey James I found a guy who has similar features to Seagal, same long big ass head and must surely be around his size and weight, the guy on the left is 5'11" ish.
James said on 15/Oct/12
Maybe he's not 6'4 if he wears lifts
Ice said on 13/Oct/12
lol why would a 6'4 man wear lifts ?? To appear as 6'7 ?
James said on 5/Oct/12
Could look anywhere 192-194cm compared too Kennan ivory wayans
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Yes, he does look 6'4.5" range a lot but the likelihood is he's in big boots with footwear advantage.
Miiiiiiighty_l- said on 4/Oct/12
Always looked a solid 195cm.
There is a picture of him and UFC Champ Jon Jones who many suspect to be closer to 6'5 than 6'4 floating around, and they are the same height or Seagal is even a tad taller..
ps: here we go :
Click Here
Shaun said on 26/Sep/12
I think Rob's taking into account the fact that Seagal usually wears big boots/cowboy boots for not listing him at 194-195cm. He can look 6'6" ish in boots so barefoot 6'4"-6'4.5" seems likely, he certainly looked that range in Fire Down Below next to Scott Schwarz who is around 6 ft 9 in shoes. He doesn't look below 6'4.5" next to Silva barefoot though but Silva's 6'2" might be rounding up of course.
matt678 said on 10/Sep/12
looks a legit 6 foot 4 mabye even taller.....
Shaun said on 24/Aug/12
the shredder says on 23/Aug/12
I know people will bash me , but Seagal is a legit 6'5 , my friend who is a measured 6'1 looked like a kid next to him in his photo and he said he looked 6'6 to him in cowboy boots .
Probably so as cowboy boots do give 1.5-2 inches. He would be 6'6" ish in them. He's a strong 6'4" I think although one exception to the rule is that he was shorter than a 6'4.5" listed actor in Exit Wounds and looked about 6'3" in comparison, but then again he also looked 6'3" in comparison to the 6'6" guy in that film.
the shredder said on 23/Aug/12
I know people will bash me , but Seagal is a legit 6'5 , my friend who is a measured 6'1 looked like a kid next to him in his photo and he said he looked 6'6 to him in cowboy boots .
Shaun said on 22/Aug/12
Click Here
Yes they're wearing the same clothes, both barefoot. Seagal looks 194-95cm in comparison to 188cm Anderson Silva. I believe his height is legit as they are more likely to measure the fighters barefoot as they usually are.
Shaun said on 22/Aug/12
Rob do you think peak Seagal might measure 6'5" out of bed barefoot?

Editor Rob
quite possible
Shaun said on 22/Aug/12
Click Here
With 6'2" Anderson Silva. I think this was taken after the instruction video which is on youtube; both are barefoot. He does actually look 6'4.5" here and surprisingly hasn't lost height seemingly yet, although like Lundgren and Arnie he was never a weightlifter.
Shaun said on 5/Aug/12
Anonymous1 says on 17/Jun/12
He's a notorious lift wearer, check out his footwear in A Dangerous Man, they are elavator boots, I can show you the exact brand if anyone wants proof
Lifts I doubt, but he usually wears Timberland type boots/cowboy boots which makes him appear probably 6'5-6'6" in them in his films. Proportionally you can tell he's genuinely as big as 6-4, 6-5 is pushing it though. But I would agree that for such a big guy he does seem height conscious as John Wanye was and always wanted to appear as big as possible.
Shaun said on 5/Aug/12
He still looks a solid 6'4" next to Anderson Silva barefoot Connor. At peak I'd say maybe 194cm barefoot.. Somebody said here once swore they'd met him at an aikido dojo on the mat where he was giving a seminar or something and said he looked 6'4"-6'5" range.
Connor said on 25/Jul/12
Rob do you still believe that Steven is a strong 6ft 4 today at 60 years old?

Editor Rob
I think he still looks that big
Dmeyer said on 23/Jul/12
Hé wears 1.5-1.6 in at Times and mostly 1.3 in type hé isnt the converse type of Guy but ní´ lift
Anonymous1 said on 17/Jun/12
He's a notorious lift wearer, check out his footwear in A Dangerous Man, they are elavator boots, I can show you the exact brand if anyone wants proof
Shaun said on 12/Jun/12
Yeah he had low muscle mass for an action hero. WTF 140 pounds in ABove the Law?? 10 stone for a solid 6'4" guy?? That would be vitrually anorexic. 190 pounds minimum. Today add a good 100 pounds on that. Peak I'd say 6'4.5".
adam said on 9/Jun/12
Seagal was definitely at least 6-4 in his prime but yes James, he had a small frame for his height. Very narrow shoulders and no chest. Watch Above The Law.
James said on 6/Jun/12
I've seen Seagal in a few of his movies.He use to be skinny but now he's a lot bigger but he still kicks a**.I'he heard he was 6'4" tall and 380 lbs. I think he was 190 lbs. in Above The Law. He might be big but I think he's still small framed.
Big Mike said on 27/Jan/12
He is 6ft4 and back in the day he was a twig in like Above the Law he was probably like 140-160 now he's like well over 200 pounds probably like from 240-265 but is still fairly fast despite this weight gain can't really run anymore plus he's like 60 he's incrediable in the films being able to destroy guys taller and heavier than him like in Above the Law there was a guy who pushed him for messin with his friend the guy was like 6ft7 and like 300 pounds one punch knocked him out 6ft4 def
Silent d said on 23/Jan/12
6 foot 4. He is huge. He never looked skinny or small framed even in his early movies. He is heavily built. His screen presence is incredible.
adam 2 said on 16/Jan/12
He was at least 6-4 prime, possibly even the 6-5 he claims. If he is now at the age of 60 and weighing 300lbs taller than a 6-4 man, that only reconfirms it.
Russell Ash said on 2/Jan/12
Seagal looked taller than 6'4" listed UFC fighter Jon Jones:
Click Here
les said on 1/Jan/12
6'5" at peak
Shaun said on 2/Dec/11
Seagal was only real skinny in his first film. He started piling on the pounds after he moved to the US in 1988. probably diet related, Japanese diet is far better and US, fell everythings loaded with sugar..
Shaun said on 2/Dec/11
Click Here
He was. He was rake thin up until his late 30s. Look at his arms and legs in Above the Law, he was an ecto. now it would seem incredibly hard to believe as he pushing 300 pounds.
jtm said on 17/Nov/11
6'4 at his prime just like liam neeson. by the way i thought seagal was born in 1951.
Markos said on 16/Nov/11
Richard, Neeson is not a skinny guy, he is a large man, big-boned. And like Seagal, he's born in 1952 so he isn't any more "an older guy" then Seagal is - they're both the same age: 59, nearing 60.
Seagal is quite old (he has grandchildren) and pretty obese these days. He still has a good posture, though.
RICHARD said on 15/Nov/11
Actually Neeson would have 2.5 inches over Eastwood,imo.Neeson is at most 6'3.5"now,and Eastwood a weak 6'1.5" so Seagal would be the taller one now,esp.since his weight makes him look like a monster next to these skinny,older guys...
Tman said on 15/Nov/11
steven seagal is naturally small framed
Click Here someone once pointed out that Steven use to high really tall people to star in his movies and that is evident here at the end of this clip where everyone is taller than him.
adam 2 said on 13/Nov/11
Seagal has narrow shoulders. Watch Above The Law. He has very narrow shoulders for a six foot four man. He does have huge hands though.
Markos said on 13/Nov/11
Steven Seagal is not only a tall man he is also big all around, has very big hands, broad shoulders, heavy-set. Shook his hand once in 2007, guy has the biggest freggin hands you'll ever see.
Nowadays he's getting real fat, is not in good shape and at all and probably shrunk a lot.
RICHARD said on 4/Nov/11
The lowest I will give Seagal today is a flat 6'3"(1.91m) if anybody wants to be technical.I doubt he's shrunk that much from his 6'4" prime,though he's 60 and way heavier than he was like 20 years ago so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Tman said on 3/Nov/11
I'm a huge fan of this guy I love how his movies are about finding inner peace, but manh...
Click Here
Shaun said on 3/Nov/11
Neeson had about an inch on Eastwood in the Dead Pool actually and today would be easily 3 inches taller..
RICHARD said on 3/Nov/11
The highest I'l give Steven Seagal is 6'4",Liam Neeson 6'4.5",McGill 6'2.5",and Eastwood a strong 6'4" next to Neeson,well at least in '88.NOwadays Neeson will edge Eastwood by maybe 2 inches,3 tops...
Shaun said on 16/Oct/11
It says a lot about him though that he's the only non old school action star not to appear in the Expendables and that he has had ugly tiffs with the producer and Van Damme. He strikes me as a man who would have very few real friends, one who prefers to distance himself from people and keep himself to himself. That said, he has been very active with MMA so he not exactly a recluse but there is something very mysterious about would you agree James?
James said on 11/Oct/11
demeyer he could be just 6'4 but he can also look 6'4-6'5 range next too actors.
its hard too tell cause he wears big footware.
Shaun said on 11/Oct/11
Moriarty I think was 6'3" and Clint 6'3.5" in Pale Rider, by Dead Pool he looked 6'3"-6'3.25" next to Neeson. Seagal looked more 6'5" than 6'4" in Out for Justice. In fact in the scene where he walks through the doorway and is about the play baseball with his son he looks like 6'6" in shoes!
Dmeyer said on 8/Oct/11
I think seagal is 6'4 but in most movies hé 1.3-1.6 in footwear
James said on 8/Oct/11
Shaun says on 26/Sep/11
James Eastwood in 1985/6 was still close to 6'4", 6'3.5" likely. Don't forget he was about the same height as Michael Moriarty if not a smidge taller in Pale Rider. Eastwod didn't look as low as 6'3" until Dead Pool next to 6'4.25" Neeson and even then he could have been 6'3.25".
Shaun Clint Eastwood if i recall wore cowboy boots in that film which . i agree in 185/6 clint eastwood could have been 6'3 1/2 and was defenintly a bit taller than moriarty but again he wore cow boy boots a lot in that film.
PS Seagal always wears black too make him look even taller probably.
Iv 6'2.75 said on 5/Oct/11
If William Sadler is 5'8 with flat shoes, than Seagal might be no more than 6'3.5 (192 cm) in dress shoes in the 1990 movie
adam 2 said on 29/Sep/11
Seagal is six foot four prime. Six foot three now. And he has lost some weight.
Shaun said on 26/Sep/11
James Eastwood in 1985/6 was still close to 6'4", 6'3.5" likely. Don't forget he was about the same height as Michael Moriarty if not a smidge taller in Pale Rider. Eastwod didn't look as low as 6'3" until Dead Pool next to 6'4.25" Neeson and even then he could have been 6'3.25".
Shaun said on 26/Sep/11
OK that proves McGill is 6'2.5". Eastwood looked about 1.5 taller and in 1986 he should have been 6'3.5" at the time. So McGill is more 6'2"-6'2.5" then. **** i m d b with their 6'5" listing a few years back. That also explains why McGill barely looked taller than Timothy Dalton. It doesn't explain though why he seemed 6'5" next to Anthony Zerbe and Robert Davi.
strawn said on 2/Sep/11
Shaun! Seagal or Seagull or whatever you call HIM is no more than 5'10 in his early, bedroom scenes.
hi said on 31/Aug/11
i saw him few years ago for the mardi gras,he's tall,he's good looking
James said on 25/Aug/11
he has not lost that much height
Hansen said on 25/Aug/11
seagal is nearly age60. his biggest worry now is shrink. he look 6ft3 alot nowadays. 6ft4 a hair.
AZmink said on 24/Aug/11
We saw him at the opening of a movie in Phoenix and he was with his band. He is 6'1" at the most. He walked right next to us. Another exageration. He is the very same height as my husband.
Terryman said on 8/Aug/11
lol the Suede in that clip must be around 1,96-7m
James said on 7/Aug/11
No Clint Eastwood was not 6'4 in Heartbreak Ridge he was more like 6'3 so that would mean McGill wis 6'2.5-6'3.
RICHARD said on 6/Aug/11
Like I said McGill was 6'2-6'3" next to Seagal back in US2.Seagal edged him out by an inch or two so if Mcgill is truly 6'5" then Seagal is 6'7",and if he was 6'5 then he would've been the taller one.Seagal looked taller than him throughout that movie;McGill was closer to Peter Greene in height than Seagal,but he wasn't that far off but still.Seagal always made guys 5'11-6'0"(i.e.Tommy Lee Jones,Gary Busey,Tom Arnold) look about average in films.
mike34 said on 6/Aug/11
Here is Everett McGill with Clint Eastwood from the movie Heartbreak Ridge. The movie was made in 1986, if Eastwood was still 6'4" than McGill looks 6'3"-6'4".
Click Here
By the way how about adding Everett McGill to celebheights, he is mentioned quite a few times in the comments in celebheights.
James said on 5/Aug/11
shaun would you agree that if collins is 5'8 then seagal looked 6'2.5 or 6'3 in comparison?
Shaun I don't think seagal looked as much as 3 inches shorter than 6'6 guy. maybe 2 inches? I know some people on this page have been saying that seagal looked 6'3 in Exit Wounds.
Exit Wounds was filmed way back in 2000 when seagal was 48 so since seagal was starting too get fat back then its possible that he might have been half an inch shorter than his peak like 6'3 1/2 by the time of that movie possibly?
Shaun said on 4/Aug/11
Sorry I mean between 1 and 2 inches taller. If Keenan is 6'3" Seagal looked 6'4.5" in most scenes I thought.
Shaun said on 4/Aug/11
In Exit Wounds Seagal also looked 3 inches shorter than that 6'6" guy in it, you know the electric shock scene?
Shaun said on 4/Aug/11
James, Justin Lee Collins is even shorter than we though. I thought 5'9"-5'10". He's about an inch shorter than 5'9" Alan Carr!! How the hell did a 5'8" guy look as tall as that next to Seagal? James did you see 8 inches between Seagal and Carr?
James said on 1/Aug/11
I thought Seagal looked similar in height too Bill Duke. I defenintly thought though that bill was slightly taller.
Shaun says on 30/Jul/11
What James? Seagal looked between 2 and 3 inches taller than Keenan. He looked a strong 6'4" in comparison in most scenes.
between 2 and 3 inches taller,? I was not aware that seagal was 6'5 1/2 LOL. Keenan is probably a 6'3 guy and when they were walking through the school at the beggining of the film there only half an inch between them. but yeah in the parking lot/gang fight scence seagal did look noticibley taller.
adam2 said on 1/Aug/11
Correct, Shaun. In EXIT WOUNDS Seagal was wearing normal footwear and looked about 6-3. He was two inches shorter than Bill Duke. Seagal has btw very narrow shoulders.
Shaun said on 30/Jul/11
Looked little above 6'3" next to 6'4.5" legit Bill Duke
Shaun said on 30/Jul/11
What James? Seagal looked between 2 and 3 inches taller than Keenan. He looked a strong 6'4" in comparison in most scenes.
RICHARD said on 30/Jul/11
Seagal's weight in the late 80s-mid 90s made him look tall,though he had a slender build in Above the Law.probbaly weighed 190 or so,then in Marked for Death,Out for Justice,Hard to Kill,Under Seige he looked 200+ lbs...I'm sure he gained weight rapidly or something went wrong with his metabolism.He got fat towards the late 90s,and continued.
BTW,Everett McGill was never 6'5" to begin with.He did NOT look 6'5" in Silver Bullet,The People Under the Stairs,etc...I pegged him closer to 6'2" guys like Will Smith,Ryan Reynolds,Robert Davi than let's say 6'5" guys like Tim Robbins,Vince Vaughn,Howard Stern,Dolph Lundgren,etc...He's definately not short,though not quite 196 cm,either
James said on 27/Jul/11
McGill might be 6'1 1/2 today.
RICHARD said on 26/Jul/11
McGill was about 6'2"-6'3" tops back then,now since he's 66 he's probably a flat 6'1",though not sure since I've not seen a pic of him at his old age.Peter Greene is a soild 6'3";he was about 1 or 2 in.over Jim Carrey in The Mask,and I
m willing to bet he was taller than Carrey.Seagal,however,edged these guys out.
James said on 26/Jul/11
off topic for a bit.
In the Glimmer Man i remember Seagal had lows of looking 192cm next too 6'3 Keenan Ivory Wayans but a lot of the time though seagal did look 193cm in comparison.
there was a scene were they were fighting this asian gang in a parking lot and seagal could pull of looking 194cm next too Keenan. then again though we do not know what seagals footware was like? Likewise at the start of the film were seagal and wayans were walking down a school coridoor they looked very close in height and steven only looked 192cm.
Not looking 6'4.5 with 6'3.5 Danny Glover but then seagal is not standing very well
Click Here
looking a strong 6'4 here with keenan ivory wayans
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Shaun said on 26/Jul/11
Thing is I thought Peter Greene was about 6', doesn't look that tall to me.
adam 2 said on 26/Jul/11
Nonsense. In UNDER SIEGE 2 McGill looks a solid 6-2. No more. He is shorter than 6-3 Peter Greene. Robert Davi is around 6-2 but at times he looks a lot shorter.
However Seagal was definitely 6-4 prime.
James said on 24/Jul/11
I don't think he looked 6'5 in Underseige though
Shaun said on 23/Jul/11
Difficult to tell as they were bent over having a fight. All I know is that there is a scene in License to Kill were Kellifer (McGill) comes out from hiding in the side room with 5'10" Anthony Zerbe and he walks past 6'2" Robert Davi who hands him a briefcase and he says something like "2 mill all all in 20s". and Kellifer replies "smart" or something and McGill looked 6'5" range. I think that's why I believed the 6'5" I read for him. He really did look that height next to Zerbe and Davi.
James said on 21/Jul/11
Shaun did McGill look 1 inch taller than Seagal in Underseige 2? Besides if McGill was really 6'5 he would have creamed steven seagal LOL.
Mathew said on 20/Jul/11
Definite 6'4" peak height. Maybe he's shrinking these days those, I don't know.
miko said on 19/Jul/11
He's looking 6'3 in 2011. He's nearly 60, he must 250lbs of flab.
James said on 19/Jul/11
Maybe Gil is 6'2.5 after all.
Never thought he looked anywhere near 6'5.
adam 2 said on 18/Jul/11
McGill was shorter than Peter Greene in UNDER SIEGE 2. Greene is 6-3. He did look a strong 6-2 in Under Siege 2. 6-5 is nonsense. And Seagal did have about two inches on him.
James said on 15/Jul/11
Shaun says on 8/Jul/11
6'2.5" is crazy. McGill made Robert Davi 6'2"-6'2.5" peak look average tall in License to kill and he absolutely towered Anthony Zerbe who was close to 5'10" in 1989.
Well he does not look as tall as 6'4 1/2 or 6'5 men such as Tim Robbins, Vince Vaughn, and Craig Kilborn etc....
Shaun says on 8/Jul/11
McGill is very intimidating looking I think. not only his 6'5" height but he has such a hard, cold face. I wouldn't mess with him LOL.
Seagal still owned him in Underseige 2.
RICHARD said on 12/Jul/11
Don't forget that McGill didn't look much taller than Eric Bogosian(5'11.5") in Under Siege 2,also.Looked at most 6'2.5" next to him.
Shaun said on 8/Jul/11
McGill is very intimidating looking I think. not only his 6'5" height but he has such a hard, cold face. I wouldn't mess with him LOL.
Shaun said on 8/Jul/11
6'2.5" is crazy. McGill made Robert Davi 6'2"-6'2.5" peak look average tall in License to kill and he absolutely towered Anthony Zerbe who was close to 5'10" in 1989.
Shaun said on 8/Jul/11
James watch Mcgill walk through the doors on the train on Under Siege 2. You can tell he is around 6'5". He looks it.
Shaun said on 8/Jul/11
Click Here
Look at the door in the back ground. He's 6'5" ish.
Shaun said on 8/Jul/11
Everett McGill is 6'5", trust me. James its I M D B, which once listed
Vin Diesel at 6'4" and
Matt Damon at 6' and Tom Cruise at 5'5".
James said on 7/Jul/11
Why would a solid 6'4 man be very very height concious?
adam 2 said on 6/Jul/11
Seagal used to wear big bulky coats to give illusion of broad shoulders and v-shaped proportions. He also wore big boots frequently. He is very very height conscious.
In ABOVE THE LAW and EXIT WOUNDS he often looked under 6-4. In some other films he can give a 6-5 illusion. Aside of wardrobe he has naturally an excellent posture.
I`d say Seagal was a solid 6-4 prime. Go to books google and type in "Steven Seagal six foot four". There is an old article (1977 or so) where he is described as 6-4 and 200lbs.
James said on 6/Jul/11
Just looked on I M D B Shaun and Everett McGill is listed at 6'2 1/2 (189cm).
If he was 6'5 i don't hink I M D B would list him that low?
James said on 6/Jul/11
Listen Shaun maybe i am wrong i mean seagal is not very broad shoulderd nor does he have a big head so thats maybe why he does not always look as tall as he really is?
kinda like clint eastwood build if you know what i mean?
WOW Everrett McGill is 6'5???????????????????????????? i thought he was 6'2 LOL. God sorry maybe i was wrong about seagals height LOL.
James said on 6/Jul/11
Shaun says on 5/Jul/11
LOL I can't tell 0.5" on screen. But if you watch Seagal walk down the corridors on and on top of the train and comapre him to Katherine Hiegel and Everett McGill he looked a solid 6'4".
Yeah maybe but he was wearing heeled shoes and was dressed in black so that will make him look taller esspecially since on top of all that he was very slim in that movie.
Shaun said on 5/Jul/11
LOL I can't tell 0.5" on screen. But if you watch Seagal walk down the corridors on and on top of the train and comapre him to Katherine Hiegel and Everett McGill he looked a solid 6'4".
James said on 3/Jul/11
Danimal says on 3/Jul/11
James says on 2/Jul/11
Shaun says on 2/Jul/11
I think in Under Siege 2 though James Seagal was wearing flat dress shoes. I recall he had a suit jacket and was quite smart dressed.
Do you think he looked 6'4 in Underseige 2 or maybe 6'3 1/2?
You're actually asking someone to tell if they see a 1/2" difference???? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?
Yeah I know LOL. I think in Underseige 2 for the most part Seagal did look 6'4.
Danimal said on 3/Jul/11
James says on 2/Jul/11
Shaun says on 2/Jul/11
I think in Under Siege 2 though James Seagal was wearing flat dress shoes. I recall he had a suit jacket and was quite smart dressed.
Do you think he looked 6'4 in Underseige 2 or maybe 6'3 1/2?
You're actually asking someone to tell if they see a 1/2" difference???? Do you realize how crazy that sounds?
James said on 2/Jul/11
Shaun says on 2/Jul/11
I think in Under Siege 2 though James Seagal was wearing flat dress shoes. I recall he had a suit jacket and was quite smart dressed.
Do you think he looked 6'4 in Underseige 2 or maybe 6'3 1/2?
Terryman said on 2/Jul/11
1,93 meters and no more!
Shaun said on 2/Jul/11
I think in Under Siege 2 though James Seagal was wearing flat dress shoes. I recall he had a suit jacket and was quite smart dressed.
Shaun said on 2/Jul/11
James says on 30/Jun/11
why does 6'4 look a joke there shaun? he has a few inches on the 6'1 fighter he is training with.
also shaun yeah i am sure in his heels he would only look 1 inch shorter than 6'5 guy.
His proportions James that's why, plus I didn't realise Machida was 6'1". If you watch him sitting down and then standing up he really doesn't look 6'4" though you know what I mean. I think his hug girth makes him look much shorter nowadays. But evnen in Above the Law he did not look above 6'4". I used to think 6'4.5" peak but that means in his big ass boots he'd be close to 6'6" and he NEVER looked that tall.
Maximus said on 2/Jul/11
brad pitt is tall enough...you start getting shorter with actors like curise, pacino etc
ryan said on 1/Jul/11
probs was 6'5 in his prime nowadays around 6'3
James said on 30/Jun/11
why does 6'4 look a joke there shaun? he has a few inches on the 6'1 fighter he is training with.
also shaun yeah i am sure in his heels he would only look 1 inch shorter than 6'5 guy.
Shaun said on 30/Jun/11
Although his frame doesn't look 6'4" Lyoto Machida is 6'1" and Seagal does look 3-4 inches taller actually. He aint under 6'4" even if his huge girth makes him look shorter than he really is.
Shaun said on 30/Jun/11
James you are also forgetting that several people have reported being barefoot on the mat with Seagal. Everyone of them has said he look at least 6'4". C'mon at least at peak he was nothing under 6'4". 6'5" is a bit of an exaggeration though.
Shaun said on 30/Jun/11
James says on 29/Jun/11
I watched Underseige 2 Dark Territory tonight and there looked no more than a 5 inch gap between 5'10.5 Morris Chestnut and Seagal. Steven Seagal's eye level was at the top of Chestnuts head and this was when Seagal was wearing 'heeled' shoes boosting his height 192cm maybe?
You also failed to notice that Seagal was only about an inch shorter than 6'5" Everett McGill then. McGill had 3 inches on Robert Davi in License to Kill and looks pretty much what he claims. Seagal barely looked shorter.
Shaun said on 30/Jun/11
Click Here
Seagal at 6'4" looks a joke here. Barely looks 6'2". But I think is ever increasing girth is to blame. No exaggeration this guys must be 22-23 stone nowadays which is around 325 pounds. He is over 280 for sure now.
James said on 29/Jun/11
I watched Underseige 2 Dark Territory tonight and there looked no more than a 5 inch gap between 5'10.5 Morris Chestnut and Seagal. Steven Seagal's eye level was at the top of Chestnuts head and this was when Seagal was wearing 'heeled' shoes boosting his height 192cm maybe?
This could indicate that Seagal might have measured no more than 6'3 (191cm) barefoot peak? And today 6'2.5 (189cm)?
Seagal is obssesed with looking as big as he can do by dressing in black and and wearing really big shoes giving him a boost in height. He's no doubt a tall guy but i suspect he ain't 6'4 let alone 6'5. he was very lean when younger and add that too him dressing in a certain way and wearing big shoes he could easily pull of looking 2 inches taller than he really was.
RICHARD said on 25/Jun/11
That black crap on top of his head is giving him more height than he needs,lol
James said on 23/Jun/11
Appeared 190cm in Underseige. Although in Out For Justice he could look sometimes over 6'3.
Terryman said on 18/Jun/11
when he came to South Africa in 2008 he looked 193cm and fat,but man he looked like he was scarred of crowds lol
James said on 17/Jun/11
eh well he looked 6'3 too me in that film.
Shaun said on 17/Jun/11
I watched Above the Law last night and you have to admit Seagal looked better in that film than any of his others. Looked 6'4" to me. He looked good back in the day but has looked awful since the mid 90s since his massive weight gain.
Vegas said on 17/Jun/11
that movie was called nico in europe when it came out
Click Here i noticed on the blu-ray release its now called "nico-above the law"
not sure why but movie producers change the name of movies in different parts of the world, peter jacksons classic braindead is called dead alive in north america, the rundown (starring the rock) is called welcome to the jungle in europe and lundgrens i come in peace is called dark angel outside north america
Danimal said on 17/Jun/11
James says on 15/Jun/11
do u guys agree that he looked under 6'4 in Nico?
The move name was Above The Law and he was at least 6'4" 23 years ago.
James said on 16/Jun/11
he looked only a little bit over 6'2 in Nico
Truthman said on 16/Jun/11
He looked under 6'4 in most of his movies because of his proportions. His very long head make him looks shorter. But i'm sure he is a legit 6'4 guy, just look at him near Lennox Lewis - almost same height.
Lenad said on 16/Jun/11
I doubt he was ever taller than 6'4
James said on 15/Jun/11
do u guys agree that he looked under 6'4 in Nico?
Dmeyer said on 15/Jun/11
In thé shot were hé looks taller than arnie hé has 1.7 1.8 cowboy heels hé most Times wears 1.3 to 1.9 in heels wish CAN mí¢ke him look near 6 ft 5 i guess 6 ft 3.75 to 6 ft 4 peak 6 ft 3 or more now
James said on 15/Jun/11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 14/Jun/11
Is 194cm a possibility?
Hard too tell. Remember Seagal a lot of the time wears big footware
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jun/11
Is 194cm a possibility?
Gareth said on 14/Jun/11
6'4.5" peak
6'3.5" now
James said on 12/Jun/11
looked 6'3.5 (192cm) in Exit Wounds
James said on 11/Jun/11
Matthew 6\'2\ says on 11/Jun/11
6'2.5 you are joking right in some of his films especially above the law he looks 6'6 its definitely easy to believe he was 6'5 sometime in his life he always looked really tall
Like i said often there would be tall extras in his movies so maybe thats why he looked shorter at times?
Matthew 6\'2\ said on 11/Jun/11
6'2.5 you are joking right in some of his films especially above the law he looks 6'6 its definitely easy to believe he was 6'5 sometime in his life he always looked really tall
James said on 10/Jun/11
maybe 6'2.5 might be too low but certainly in Nico looked 6'3 or 6'3.5 at best.
James said on 9/Jun/11
Just looks 6'3 a lot in is films. Can even have lows of looking 6'2.5.
To be honest i struggle to see 6'4 for Seagal in his movies but seriously the guy NEVER looks 6'5. He might look 6'4 in his more recent films becuase he has become adapt to wearing bigger footware but if you see his more early work he does not look as high as 193cm let alone 196cm.
Maybe i need to see more of his movies. I woulden't trust what seagal states about his height.
adam2 said on 8/Jun/11
Type in old google "Steven Seagal lukeford" or "Seagal under siege"
This guy is a major league a-hole and most of the thing he has stated are BS. A delusional liar. But he was a very tall man in his prime.
Like people have stated, he didnt look 6-4 in Nico. This might be due to a very tall cast. But I do believe he was a solid 6-4 prime. He can easily pull off looking 6-5.
James said on 8/Jun/11
Shaun says on 7/Jun/11
What the hell? Brosnan looks nothing at all like Seagal except for the tendency to squint a lot!! Its a big insult to Brosnan saying he looks like Seagal LOL. Brosnan's hair also looks picture perfect and finely styled and above all it looks real, unlike Seagals black shoe polish attempt.
I have got a DVD box collection of steven seagal films and some people i knrew just pointed out the resembalence. I don't really think they look alike either LOL.
Shaun said on 7/Jun/11
What the hell? Brosnan looks nothing at all like Seagal except for the tendency to squint a lot!! Its a big insult to Brosnan saying he looks like Seagal LOL. Brosnan's hair also looks picture perfect and finely styled and above all it looks real, unlike Seagals black shoe polish attempt.
James said on 3/Jun/11
more irish ancestry. like i said he said he only looks asian cause he squints his eyes.
its been said seagal looks like pierce brosnan which would make sense if seagal has irish blood. both brosnan and seagal have the same kind of hair (both wear rugs)
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
Lundgren and Seagal always looked the same height on screen to me. 6'4.5" peak, weak 6'4" now.
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
Seagal sort of looks as if he has Italian and Tibetan ancestry... And for sure Native American, he definitely has a Native American look about him.
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
Seagal sort of looks as if he has Italian and Tibetan ancestry...
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
235 maybe in the early 1990s but in Above the Law in 1988 I doubt he was above 190 pounds. I estimated him at around 240 pounds in the 1990s and 280 in the 2000s, today he could be a little over 300, he looked nearer 325 pounds with Justin Lee Collins.
Seagal's face and hair is very cartoon like, the pronounced hairline you get on action man figures. Yes his hair looks very fake, sort of like black shoe polish on a brush glued onto his head. I've long suspected he wears fake tan too. To me he looks half Italian, half Asian.
James said on 15/May/11
Seagal and Lundgren could be between 6'3-6'4 today.
James said on 14/May/11
RICHARD says on 14/May/11
Forget his height,how fat is he,his Asian-like features,fighting skills,etc..
His hair is the worst thing about him.It looks sooo fake;a V-shaped hairpiece/hairplugs dyed jet-black,and slicked back.Hideous!!! I mean,even John Travolta's looks semi-real at times,but Steven's looks like somebody got a can of black spray paint and sprayed the top,sides,back of his head.He just looks silly for a 60 y/o guy,and that GD weight gain!!!!
He only looks like he has Asian features cause like you said he dyes his hair jet black, has a fake tan and squints his eyes on purpouse to look more asian. in reality he has irish ancestry so not really Asian at all :)
And of course he is old and heavy now so he might be 6'3 range today but i am sure random extra if you met him 20 years he would have looked 6'4.
RICHARD said on 14/May/11
So basically this list is right....right??
Seagal=6'4 peak,now 6'3.5,esp.since he gained weight like crazy!!
Stallone=hmmm...I've always figured he was at least an average 5'9 peak,now 5'7,though he's in much better shape than the others on the list.
Schwarzenegger=strong 6'2 peak....he would seem shorter compared to Seagal,IMO
Lundgren=Easy 6'5,maybe 6'4-6'4.5 now.He and Seagal are the same height,or very close,IMO.
random extra said on 14/May/11
Worked with him back in December. He looked about 6'3 to me since I got acquainted with one of his doubles. His double even told me he was 6'5 and when he stood next to Steven, he was slightly taller.
RICHARD said on 14/May/11
Forget his height,how fat is he,his Asian-like features,fighting skills,etc..
His hair is the worst thing about him.It looks sooo fake;a V-shaped hairpiece/hairplugs dyed jet-black,and slicked back.Hideous!!! I mean,even John Travolta's looks semi-real at times,but Steven's looks like somebody got a can of black spray paint and sprayed the top,sides,back of his head.He just looks silly for a 60 y/o guy,and that GD weight gain!!!!
James said on 12/May/11
well if he was 6'5 and skinny surely he would have given off a 6'7 illusion in his early films but he never did.
Mike said on 11/May/11
If the man says he's 6'5" I believe him, he sure enough looks it. In his early movies I heard he was more like 235 and he looked skinny at that. He looked skinny by himself, but next to most other people was noticably bigger. He's put on about 50 lbs since, but still doesn't look too bad. That claim of him being 175 though, is ridiculous.
James said on 3/May/11
hard pic to guage cause neeson is not standing well and seagal could be wearing big shoes.
Truthman said on 2/May/11
Segal & Liam Neeson
Click Here
James said on 2/May/11
Vince Vaughn is massive guy though so he can carry the extra weight
Shaun said on 2/May/11
Vince Vaughn looks to currently be 18- 18 and a half stone in"English money"
Shaun said on 2/May/11
Vince Vaughn currently looks around 250 pounds, 260 possible, 270, too high sorry.
James said on 29/Apr/11
well i think he could look less than 6'4 in some of his early films like Nico.
Truthman said on 29/Apr/11
Vince Vaughn at 230 pounds? Hahahaha! In 1990s maybe, now more like 260-270.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/11
I think he might be heading towards 192cm today...
15 years ago he was near 6"5
James said on 25/Apr/11
Shaun says on 24/Apr/11
Well James I think Seagal looks a clear 6'4". At peak I see 194cm. Never a legit 6'5", similar to Dolph, only out of bed I think at peak.
Well you know what hollywood is like were they inflate peoples heights by a few inches like the WWE. Interesting you mention vince vaughn because i heard rumours that he is 6'3.5 or 6'4 flat. i also remember there was something going around about Steven Seagal being 6'2.5 and who knows with seagal becuase he likes to deceive by wearing big shoes.
Iam just saying that seagal does not look as tall as a 194cm man such as Tim Robbins who claims "6'4 and a half"
Danimal said on 25/Apr/11
truth says on 23/Apr/11
There is no way in hell he is 6,4 lmao hes full of himself, mabie 6,1. Saw a video on youtube recently, ether hes not as tall as he says he is or the women around him were 6 foot something
Have met the man (2002). 6'4"-6'5" guy...
James said on 24/Apr/11
He's defenintly taller than 6'1
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
Well James I think Seagal looks a clear 6'4". At peak I see 194cm. Never a legit 6'5", similar to Dolph, only out of bed I think at peak.
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
Jon Gaunt says on 12/Apr/11
Well I must say to me
Jean Claude Van Damme looks bigger than Seagal does!
I gather you were born blind?
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
Looks 6'4" with Wyclef James, that's no more than 5 or 6 inches...
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
Seriously a 6 ft 4 inch legit guy carrying the amount of bulk Seagal is is going to clearly weigh no less than 18 stone. Vince Vaughn is similar in height and is about how a 240-250 pounder looks. Seagal is WAY fatter than Vince Vaughn.
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
Aaron says on 18/Apr/11
Anyone who thinks Seagal ever weighed 300lbs is out of their mind (looking back at older posts). Seagal isn't a very big guy. He has narrow shoulders and narrow hips, and a narrow head. He's tall and he wears a suit well, but even a very flabby Seagal would struggle to hit 250 lbs, and he was only 160-180 in his earlier films.
250? LOL You think he'd be no heavier than say Terry Crews? 160 in his earlier films LOL. A 6 ft 4 inch 160 pound guy would be anorexic. Seagal looked 180-190 in Above the Law, skinny. He looked about 240 pounds throughout the 90s but today he's around 280-300 for sure. In fact in the Justin Lee Collins video he is looking more 325. No doubt about it he's around 300 today.
Shaun said on 24/Apr/11
truth says on 23/Apr/11
There is no way in hell he is 6,4 lmao hes full of himself, mabie 6,1.
Yeah and Michael Caine is 5'10". Go back to your mental ward.
truth said on 23/Apr/11
There is no way in hell he is 6,4 lmao hes full of himself, mabie 6,1. Saw a video on youtube recently, ether hes not as tall as he says he is or the women around him were 6 foot something
Aaron said on 18/Apr/11
Anyone who thinks Seagal ever weighed 300lbs is out of their mind (looking back at older posts). Seagal isn't a very big guy. He has narrow shoulders and narrow hips, and a narrow head. He's tall and he wears a suit well, but even a very flabby Seagal would struggle to hit 250 lbs, and he was only 160-180 in his earlier films.
James said on 30/Mar/11
yeah looks taller than weak 6'3 clint eastwood there.