How tall is Steve McFadden

Steve McFadden's Height

5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm)

English actor, best known for playing Phil Mitchell in BBC's long-running soap opera EastEnders. In the 90's he claimed to be 5 feet 10 inches.

How tall is Steve McFadden
Photos by PR Photos

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Add a Comment50 comments

Average Guess (44 Votes)
5ft 7.05in (170.3cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/23
The episode ends with Phil crying and looking up to the Heavens, praying. 🥲
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/23
What a horrible Christmas it was when Jamie Mitchell was knocked over by Martin Fowler. His liver is shattered and the outlook is bleak. Phil’s acting is top notch.

Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/23
Phil has approached the clearly guilty man about some outrageous criminal damage to his property.

Why do those with something to hide always, ALWAYS say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

That means as GUILTY AS HELL!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Dec/22
He’s 5ft7.75, alwight?

There’s been a bit of a wightwash in tonight’s episode, but that’s always the way when Phil’s amongst the cast! 🖌😖
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/22
That was a sad Christmas for Phil. (2001)

Having been told by Sharon that Lisa’s baby is his, he goes to see mother and child and Sharon observes them sitting together on a bench in Albert Square. She decides shortly afterwards that she won’t play third fiddle to his two kids, packs a bag and leaves Phil, having arranged to take a plane and stay with her mother.

Phil gets drunk and goes round to the Fowler household, demanding to see his baby. He kicks Mark, Lisa’s fiancé. in the stomach and grabs baby Louise. Lisa runs after him to get the baby back and does so. Phil breaks down in tears and says, “She’s all I’ve got.”

It’s a pitiful sight as he crumbles up.

And so ends Christmas EastEnders, 2001.

Next to Lisa, he looks quite tall, but Phil is one of those guys who doesn’t need a lot of height. This is still the case 21 years later.

Villa man said on 20/Jun/22
I've met Ross Kemp and spent a couple of days with him on one of his documentaries. Ross I'd estimate to be no more than 5’8“ (we were all shocked at how short he was). This guy appears to be a couple of inches shorter than Ross Kemp so I can't see him being more than 5'6"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Mar/22
Yes, I do think that Steve wears lifts in EastEnders because I struggle to see over two inches between his Phil and his Enders brother, Grant. I’m watching the Classic version right now and will have a good look for comparison opportunities.

It’s Christmas and Steve has hit the bottle again, having found out that Grant slept with his wife, Kathy.

Why is nothing ever kept secret in Soapland? 🤔

A Lawrence said on 3/Aug/21
Hes smaller than Perry Fenwick(Billy) in EastEanders so I'm guessing around 5ftor maybe even 5ft6½.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jul/21
No way is my last guess correct. On today's Classic EastEnders, from a Boxing Day from the late 90s, I could see quite a difference between the 5ft7 Tiffany and Phil.

I'm therefore going higher than I've ever gone for him before with 5ft8.5. I just hope he wasn't wearing lifts! 😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jun/21
A drunken Phil made the most disgusting speech ever today in Classic EastEnders, insulting Kathy and calling her an 'OBG', which he claimed stood for 'Oldie but Goodie'. (I'd never heard of it!)

What a disgraceful thing to say. I bet Kathy looks a darn side better in her birthday suit than most actors 'EastEnders' has to offer, and without a shadow of a doubt better than filthy-mouthed Phil. 😝

Oh good - his bruv just socked him in the face. Maybe that'll sober him up and make him contemplate what he's just lost in Kathy....

5ft7.25. Grant (Ross Kemp) is much taller at 5ft10.
Nik Ashton said on 17/Feb/21
@ Rory - He could have been around that at peak!
Rory said on 15/Feb/21
In eastenders tonight on his police profile it said 5ft8
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Feb/21
What a poisonous piece of work the drunken Phil was back in 1996, mouthing off at Kathy's brother, Ted! He really puts his size nines in where they're not wanted, stirring up as much trouble as he can. 😝

AND he always manages to finish his sentences with 'aw-wight?' 😣

Steve McF can have 5ft7.25. Ted towers over him and he's shorter than his brother, and barely has to look down to Kaff!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/20
I've been looking forward to watching Phil give the mouthy, drunken Ian that famous 'bog wash' and it finally happened in today's 'Classic EastEnders'.

It's Kathy's Birthday, and Phil arranges a nice little dinner party to be held locally. Ian, Kathy's son, played by Adam Woodyatt, is followed into the gentlemen's toilet by Phil (Steve McFadden), where he tells him off for his rude behaviour. The 5ft9 Ian looks down to Phil and doesn't want to relent, so Phil grabs him and flushes his head down the carsey!

Phil might be a bit smaller than Ian, but Ian is more than a little slimy and weasel-like. He fully deserved that *** wash, if you ask me, but I think it goes quite a long way towards making him mend his ways. In later years, he's quite reasonable!

Steve gets 5ft7.5 😃🚽👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/20
In Classic EastEnders Steve's character, Phil, is racked with guilt after setting fire to the car lot and killing an innocent man. Hence he's drinking like a fish, and he's horrible with it. I don't understand how his girlfriend, Kathy, can tolerate his behaviour; she could have any man she wanted.

Steve can have 5ft7.75 🍺🍺🍺
Nik said on 28/Apr/20
He did look short on 'Enders last night!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Mar/20
I have just viewed part of the 2002 episode in which Martin Kemp's character of Steve Owen meets his end. Steve McFadden starred in this too, and although I saw just a clip, it wasn't enough to compare Steve to Martin's strong 6ft.

However, I was quite surprised how comparatively little Steve has actually aged, and as such, I don't think he could have lost much height.

His 5ft10 claim is out of the question, but I will give him 5ft7.75, considerably higher than his average vote.
Nik said on 12/Feb/20
@ Christian 6'5 3/8" - Yes, I did but Steve may not be 5'7.75"! The average guess of 5'7.19" suggests that he could be my height twin!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jan/20
It's a good thing really that a guy his height plays a force to be reckoned with in 'EastEnders'. But it would be that much nicer if he could use his influence for good rather than vengeful, evil things.

Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/19
Didn't I recall you claiming to be 5'7.25" before though? If that's not true, then I apologize.
Nik said on 19/Dec/19
He may be my height twin!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Dec/19
That was some kicking he gave Jack this evening, and he hasn't even checked out the info properly - HE'S THE WRONG GUY, and he isn't responsible for getting Sharon pregnant! The look on Keanu's face on hearing the reason for the kicking! 😲

Why do some blokes feel that having their egos dented warrants such drastic action? It's all part of life!

Phil should have done the right thing and let the deceitful Sharon go. Now that would have been the grown-up way of dealing with the knock to his pride.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Aug/19
Steve, as Phil Mitchell, would be delighted to hear that his brother Grant has just been referred to by Arthur Fowler as 'The Big One'!

Mind you, those 2 and-a-quarter inches don't half notice! They look possibly more than that....

Mark M said on 18/Sep/18
I always reckoned around the 5ft8 mark, but I sometimes felt as if Eastenders had a lot of short actors, maybe to make him look a bit bigger! At one point, though, they had him taking on man mountain Dan(Craig Fairbrass) and still made it convincing. Phil Mitchell is a legend!
James B 171.5cm said on 1/Jul/18
saw him last night rob but the bouncers didnt allow me and my friends too have our photo taken with him because there were too many people wanting a photo with steve.

As for his height he didnt look tall and the majority of young men in the club having there picture taken with steve towered over him.
Editor Rob
Well that's a shame...these actors rarely go to the conventions, I mean some do but it's smaller events.

I never understand why they don't get bigger soap stars as they will be popular!
James B 171.5cm said on 17/Jun/18
rob might get a chance too meet this guy on 30th june since hes visiting my local nightclub.

will try and give you feedback on his height.
Editor Rob
That would be interesting if you met him!
saltyfish said on 31/Dec/17
i'd say, inbetween 171-172cm. no more no less
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/17
@ James B - I'm not talking for myself personally, (I can take him or leave him), but maybe it could have something to do with the fact that he doesn't look as though he spends half his life in front of the mirror! He looks like one easy-going dude!

Today, as Steve hasn't had a comment or an estimate from me for the best part of a year now, he can have a Christmas🎅 comment and a festive🎄five foot seven-and-a-half! 👍
James B said on 19/Dec/17
Why do women find this guy attractive???
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/17
5.10 in the 1990s!!! He has always been 5.8 or below if anything.
Pete said on 18/Oct/17
Met him in Brum city centre last Xmas. He looked my straight in the eyes, no taller or shorter than me. I am 5 ft 7 and a half in socks (according to the police) so add on a bit for boots
Nik said on 23/Aug/17
Hard one to gage. He is probably a strong 5'6" or 5'7" flat!
George A said on 13/May/17
Saw him in a club last night (he was the special guest), I'd say was 5ft 7 tops, probably more 5ft 6 though.
Percy said on 18/Mar/17
Rob, I notice there isn't a page for Todd Carty (Mark Fowler).

I've actually met him! The surface was flat - a shopping centre. We both had normal footwear too. We spoke for ages, he was filming for the Sky comedy 'A Touch of Cloth'. He's a really nice guy.

He is 5' 9" (175 cm). He's listed as 5' 10" (178 cm) on different websites - but that would definitely be a shoe measurement.
Editor Rob
yes about 5ft 9 is probably more reasonable for Todd
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Feb/17
Yeah Arch, definitely looks like the type of bloke you'd see at a fish 'n' chips on the way back from a football match at the weekend
James B said on 26/Feb/17
He has the Clint Eastwood squint
Arch Stanton said on 24/Feb/17
Always thought he looked about 5 ft 8 in Eastenders, 172 is a perfect estimate. He's aged terribly, I hadn't seen Eastenders for years until recently and was shocked how much he'd aged, can't have a healthy lifestyle. Henry VIII esque, though Henry was a six footer.
Sam L said on 23/Feb/17
Was he ever five eight Rob?
Editor Rob
Sam, I feel he was close to it.
Enigma said on 23/Feb/17
Click Here Interesting pic, how tall does aishwarya look in that pic
James said on 22/Feb/17
He was never any more than 5'7".
Nik said on 22/Feb/17
I am glad he has got a page.
Sam L said on 22/Feb/17
He seems to be similar in height to Billy in eastenders to me. I don't know his height though.
Rory said on 21/Feb/17
Looks like Clint Eastwood ? Wow I think Steve would love you forever.
John B said on 20/Feb/17
Think he is heading towards the 5'6 and half mark his a lot lot shorter then Danny Dyer who 5'11 and a half (his best mate wink wink ;)
James B said on 20/Feb/17
He looks a bit like Clint Eastwood I think except for the height lol
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Feb/17
@ Rob - You couldn't have found a nicer picture of Steve, if you don't mind my saying so! 👌
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Feb/17
I have SO been waiting for Steve to appear! I've checked him out before, but to no avail!
So he's just under 5ft8, (5ft7.75 to be precise), which is about a quarter of an inch more than I would have thought for him now that he's in his fifties. He's still a convincing tough guy though, there is no mistaking that!💪
VeryShortRussianDude said on 18/Feb/17
He can look 5'7 at most nowadays with that said his posture is usually horrible on the show.
King of the hill 91 said on 18/Feb/17
Rob when was this picture took
Editor Rob
nearer 10 years ago I beleive.
James B said on 18/Feb/17
Bit shorter now rob?
Editor Rob
James, always thought he wasn't far from 5ft 8, but he may well be a 1/4 inch less now...all those years playing the same character will take it's toll...

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.