Weak5'11james said on 9/Jun/23
178cm peak
177 or 176.5cm now
Paul 177 cm said on 29/Mar/23
Yes, I've seen that pic although you can't see their footwear.
But he looks 5' 9" tops with Harry Kane there.
He is 58 now, so I suppose he could've shed a little by now.
In that prison documentary from about 6 years ago or so, he was measured at 5' 10.5". But people think he was in 3 cm shoes, making him nearer to 5' 9.25" at the time.
I think 5' 9.75-10" peak height looks accurate though compared with various people. And with thicker footwear at times, strong posture, etc, could give off a 5' 10-10.5" range impression.
Solid average height.
I'll go with 5' 9.75" peak and 5' 9.25" currently.
Lmeister said on 26/Mar/23
There is a pic of Ross Kemp and Harry Kane in Kemps instgram. In that picture Ross looks 174-175cm. He is the same height as Wayne Rooney.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Mar/23
Come on Ross! I’d like to see more of your excellent documentaries!
Ed c. said on 8/Mar/23
Daniel Wells said on 3/Mar/23
Click Here
Kemp getting a mugshot at 2:40
In that clip the camera is below the top of his head, this can add a few inches on, plus he was wearing shoes. Having worked with him for a few days a couple of years ago I can guarantee he is no more than 5'8" and that's being generous. Interestingly if you go through all of the earlier comments anyone who claims to have met him puts him at 5'8" or under. Only people judging him from how he appears on TV puts him any taller.
Daniel Wells said on 3/Mar/23
Click Here
Kemp getting a mugshot at 2:40
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Dec/22
What a strange, modern-day take on ‘A Christmas Carol’ Ross plays!
When asked by a Big Issue seller whether he wants one, he replies, “Get a job!”
How RUDE! 🤪
James (178.3cm) Jones said on 22/Dec/22
I'd say Ross Kemp is 5'10 now, and 5'10 1/4 or 1/2 Peak height...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jul/22
I saw that Ross is a Blackadder fan during my (third!) viewing of a Blackadder programme, containing members of the cast and some ardent fans, of whom Ross was one. You have good taste, Ross! 👌🏼
We couldn’t see him standing up, so I will agree with the 5ft10. He has a much clearer speaking voice than we hear from him in EastEnders. 🐍😂📺👍🏼
A Lawrence said on 3/Aug/21
This guy is alot taller than Phil Mitchell who is supposed to be 5'10 but is probably 5'8 so I'm saying this guy is 6'0.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jul/21
I was watching Ross's character, Grant, speaking to his TV Mum in Classic EastEnders yesterday and noticed the love and admiration he had for her - Barbara Windsor.
And who can blame him? His look spoke volumes, and that yes, he really did appreciate the privilege of playing Babs's son in the Soap.
MaskDeMasque said on 31/Mar/21
5'9.5 or 5'9.75 I think for Ross. I don't get the full 5'10 impression from him.
Erggu said on 22/Oct/20
Ross kemp is about 5'8", I've met him previously and at just over 5'8" myself reckon I just edge him on height. Note from all the previous posts that everyone who has actually met him puts him around this height. The only people who put him any taller are judging based on how he appears on tv.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/20
Ha ha! I expected to find 6ft for Grant when I first came here - or should I say Ross - because next to Babs Windsor, he looked so huge - rather like a great ape! I had a friend who looked identical to Ross, and he was 6ft.
Ross gets 5ft10. I'm looking forward to his next series of factual programmes, which are so very interesting.
OriginalAnon said on 13/Jul/20
5'9" to 5'9.5"
5'10'' too high
Alan B said on 11/Jul/20
I used to work out at the same gym as Ross, and would often train in with him on the same machine. He's slightly shorter than me and I'm 5'8", so his claimed height is laughable!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/20
I've been most impressed with Ross's latest investigative series, which last week dealt with people with severe painkiller addiction and this week, covered the strain of vulnerable families who are being relocated in areas where they know nobody, is showing just how much of a caring person Ross is.
His programme involves interviewing a spattering of people. Usually Ross looks medium-height to tallish, but today, he chatted to a man who had to be around 6ft2/3 as Ross had to look right up to him.
He looks big and burly in 'Classic EastEnders', the cast of which tends to be below average, but the one thing you can't help but notice is his strong build.
I've decided to go for 5ft10 this time round. A healthy man of 55 will have lost less than a woman of that age, if at all🤞, and Ross looks healthy enough to me!
Peter De La Mare said on 30/Jun/20
Littlelee, you’ve never met him in person, yet you’re doubting the word of someone who has, and who doesn’t care either way? My training buddy is 6’7’ btw,
Littlelee5ft6 said on 5/Jun/20
I think your friend was 5ft 6 or 7 not ross peter. Theres no way hes under 5ft 10. I always thought he was 6 foot myself
Peter De La Mare said on 25/Apr/20
My training buddy stood beside him at MK Hospital a couple of weeks ago, he was amazed how tiny Ross is, he estimated 5’6 which might be a bit harsh, I’d go with the 5’7 that others have said. .
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/20
.... but I still like you, because you care about people! ❤️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Mar/20
I'd forgotten about his bullying of Sharon period. First he punches her in the face because she won't part with the pub and then he tells her she's 'too old for the dolly bird image.'
How old is she? Twenty something! What a horrible tyrant! 😝🖕
Nik said on 14/Mar/20
@ shazzy - I-N-T-E-R-E-S-T-I-N-G!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Dec/19
Grant marched past Peter's green grocers stand in today's Classic EastEnders and openly pinched an apple! He deserved it just for his cheek! 🍎👈😂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/19
What an excellent series Ross has been introducing for the past few Thursdays. It's called 'Living With...' and has covered a host of problems that people are living with. Tonight's was that of gambling.
It just goes to show that actors and people in the showbiz world can have a very human side to them. 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Aug/19
Grant and Phil have just started in the vintage version of 'EastEnders'. They look so young! The year is 1990, which means Ross was 25/26 years old, so definitely at his peak height.
Ross can have 5ft10.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jul/19
🎁🎈🍺 Happy Birthday Ross! 🍺🎈🎁
Wishing Ross Kemp a very Happy 55th Birthday. He'll have played older in 'EastEnders'. I distinctly remember a very funny episode in which he was asked his Birthday at a job interview. He was, say, 35. "And when are you 36?" asked the interviewer. He replied, "Tomorrow!" 😂😂😂👍
After what I read down below from people who've met him, I'm going with 5ft9.
avfc said on 28/Jun/19
I've previously met him and was astonished at how short he was. Genuinely about 5'8"
avfc said on 28/Jun/19
I've previously met him and was astonished at how short he was. Genuinely about 5'8"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/19
again I think this is another guy that looks shorter than he really is...
Caruso Victor said on 14/Jun/19
He looked around 5’11 in the early days of Eastenders when comparing him to other characters whose height I knew. But who knows who was wearing what footwear!
I’d guess he’s probably now a weak 5’10
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Feb/19
Yeah this is safer. 177cm looks too low.
Ed c said on 8/Feb/19
Met him previously. 5'8", and that's being generous
James B 172cm said on 25/Jul/18
rob could you add this quote from the mirror newspaper
"He’s very polite, very witty, not as tall as you’d think (but stocky),"
James B 172cm said on 25/Jul/18
He didnt look 5ft11 with steve mcfadden in the 90s.
crackpotdeamon said on 22/Jul/18
I think he should have peak height listing somewhere between 5ft10.5-5ft11 because he did look taller back in the 1990s EastEnders
James B 170.8cm said on 24/Apr/18
Will you give him 5ft10.5 rob?

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 10 is certainly fair for him.
Chris83 said on 30/Jan/18
There was a documentary of him checking into prison. In that documentary he was measured. It is clear he is 5ft 9 dead. I am 1.82m which is the lower part of 6ft. I can't see Ross Kemp being as tall as me. I have met Tricky Dicky from Eastenders and I am taller than him. He was taller than Ross in Eastenders that's clear for everyone to see.
saltyfish said on 4/Jan/18
here is a scene with him and phil daniels who played kevin wicks (theres a pic of him and big rob on here) so judge for yourselves. i think 177cm is too short. plus there is also a bit with apparently 5'10 matt di angelo next to ross, with ross kemp being clearly taller then him despite matts spikey hair
Click Here
Richard said on 29/Dec/17
Ross Kemp is 5'9".
SamG said on 24/Dec/17
Rob, do you think he could be a weak 5ft 11, maybe even a 5ft 10.5? I watched the Behind Bars with Ross Kemp documentary and the height chart at the prison measured at 5ft 11 and I assume he had to remove his footwear.

Editor Rob
I suppose the 5ft 10.5 mark isn't exactly impossible for him, at one point I did think that could have been the case.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/17
There's a lot of noteworthy banter going on on this page about Ross's height. No doubt playing such a tough dude on 'EastEnders' and going on to make programmes all about the stuff associated with bravery is going to go in his favour and people will find it easier to believe he is taller than is actually the case.
I would at one time have agreed with his own claim of 5ft11, but now I know that his on- screen brother is a short/ average height and that Ross doesn't exactly tower over him, I feel I should revise my guess considerably. The fact that 'Anonymous' met him last week and at just over 5ft8 himself, could swear he was taller than Ross, is indeed food for thought and well worth digesting! Anonymous reckon Ross could stand as low as 5ft7 from the ground. Then we have visitor Nigel, who wrote on 21st February that his 6ft4 brother met him and believed him to be about 5ft8. Then interestingly, 177cm saw him standing by a measuring chart in a programme he did from a prison, showing that he stood between 5ft10 and 5ft11, stating he was probably wearing shoes. Of course he'll have been wearing shoes while walking about in a prison making a programme but the question is, "how much extra heel height did they up his height by?"
Taking into accent as fairly as possible all the opinions of the visitors mentioned, plus my own thoughts on the matter, and agreeing with the comment Nik made that he is 'above average but not tall', I am going to settle for 5ft9.25.
A come-down? Yes, sure it is, but one with plenty of meaty back up!
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/17
Met him last week and was shocked at how short he is. I' a shade over 5'8 and he was clearly shorter than me. I'd give him 5'7" flat, nothing more. The listing of 5'9.75" is way out.
Anon said on 17/Nov/17
When he was measured on the 'Behind Bars' programme the profile view shows the top of his head, the portrait view doesn't. His head was tilted back and chin tilted up which may have exaggerated his height slightly. Even so, the measurement in shoes showed 5'10.5
Here is the link:
Click Here (profile view at 0:47).
If indeed he was wearing shoes with a 3 centimeter heel he would be 5'9.25 barefoot or a millimeter or two over. Assuming his heel was 2/2.5cm it still wouldn't make him more than 5'9.5 which is what he was listed as on here for a long time. I think 5'9.5 is his true barefoot height.
Dave180cm said on 11/Nov/17
I watched behind bars a few days ago and on the height chart he stood about 5'11 in his shoes - He was wearing salomon walking shoes, they give about 3cm - I have a pair myself.
177cm said on 8/Nov/17
He did a program inside a prison last week and was between 5'10 and 5'11 on the height chart but I suspect was in footwear
Anonymous said on 2/Nov/17
on the prison TV programme he looked 6 foot! It said he was 6 foot on his height measurment when he was in prison.
Alex said on 9/Jun/17
Click Here He looks taller than Scott Maslen here! Reckon that's just distorted perception though, like I've said already higher ground/camera angle? Or Scott needs a downgrade or Ross needs an upgrade?
Hyde said on 1/Jun/17
Has a solid 2.5 inches on McFadden. He could scrape the 5'11'' mark in the morning.
177cm said on 25/May/17
You're definitely right rob he certainly gives a bigger impression. Could easily think he hits his 5'11 claim. Looks taller than most in ultimate force and in gangs. Being 5'9.75 most evenings I doubt I look as tall as he manages to. It's only when standing next to guys like vinnie jones his true height is visible.
Nik said on 23/Feb/17
He's above average height but not tall.
Nigel said on 21/Feb/17
My brother who's 6' 4", a lot taller than me, met him in Brighton and was surprised at how vertically challenged he was, reckoned 5' 8", although that was probably an underestimate. His physique probably lends himself to looking taller. He's probably 5' 9",
how hiami said on 17/May/16
One of the best ways to ascertain the heights of celebs,musicians etc,is to see them standing near or next to, everyday objects. Just watched the Peggy Mitchell death episode of Eastenders and near the end Kemp gets into a taxi. (hackney type) He didn't look anything more than five nine and a half tops.
Jeff said on 16/May/16
He's right on 5'9"
Flyin said on 20/Feb/16
Rob, did you used to have him at 180cm at some point?.

Editor Rob
a few years back now
robert said on 28/Oct/14
hey rob how tall is steve mcfadden is he just below 5ft8 like 5ft7.75

Editor Rob
weak 5ft 8 is quite possible yeah.
shazzy said on 19/May/14
How tall is he i am 5ft 4in and i av meet him inn brixton south london and he is just alittle bit taller than me
Craig 177 said on 9/Jul/13
This is bang on now. He has a good 2 inches on Steve McFadden, who is a weak 5' 8". When I was little, I used to think that Phil was 5' 10" and Grant was 6' 0" - until I realised how short Peggy (Barbara Windsor) was!
Craig 177 said on 3/Jul/13
I hope this listing is correct. When I was little, I used to want to be as tall as Kemp - probably because I used to believe he was 6' 0". Haha.
James said on 28/Feb/13
Ross Kemp 5'9.75
Nigel Harman 5'9.25
Jamesy said on 15/Jan/13
Rob its been brought up a lot that this guy edged out Nigel harman. Do u think Ross can carry himself taller than he really is?

Editor Rob
I think it's probably more likely harmer isn't the 5ft 10 he claims after looking at him just now, harmen's probably 5ft 9.5 max.
miko said on 23/Dec/12
Rob has Nigel Harman listed at 5'10.
Click Here
bandy said on 16/Aug/12
Ross kemp deffo 5'll ive met him im 5'9 and he is 5'll maybe just touching 6ft even?
Shaun said on 15/Aug/12
I'd estimate him at 5'10 and 16 and a half stone. If he aint 5'10" he's close. Two inches on Phil Mitchell.
James said on 27/Jan/12
what made you downgrade him too 177cm rob? i always thought there was 2 inches between him and 5'8 steve mcfadden.
he's quite a hard guy too pin down isn't he rob? at this rate he will eventually be downgraded too 5'8 lol
Alex said on 18/Dec/11
there is no defo height anywhere on Ross Kemp I have heard people say he ranges from 5'5- 6'2, how tall is this guy?
Shaun said on 3/Sep/11
Looks about as solid a 5'10" as you can get. Exactly what I'd have guessed. I think Phil from Eastender his bruv is around 5'8". I'd guess he'd weigh close to 16 stone. Built like one of those pro rugby forwards
James said on 18/Jul/11
177-178cm next too Vinnie Jones
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Mar/11
5ft10.5 Rob?
James said on 22/Mar/11
rob would this mean steve mcfadden aka phil mitchell could be a little under 5'8? I am not sure if there was only 2 inches between phil and grant mitchell?

Editor Rob
I think in or around 5ft 8 is fair for phil
James said on 21/Mar/11
Rob do you think he has been no more than 178cm all along? How come you downgraded him? I agree the 5'11 always looked suspect.

Editor Rob
I saw an ultimate force a few months ago and it is easier to see him near 5ft 10 than 11
Dean said on 19/Feb/11
Is 177 possible for ross rob?

Editor Rob
I think now 5ft 10 is probably a fair estimate, I don't know about 177 though
Jen said on 9/Feb/11
He goes to the same dentist as me so have seen him face to face- 5,9 tops
Ashley said on 7/Jul/09
I met him like yesterday.
I'm up to the top of his ear, and i'm 5'7. (i have a picture, i didnt measure :S:L) he's really not that tall. BUT i loveee him anyway :D
James said on 15/Jun/09
I'd say he's a weak 5'11.
Anonymous said on 14/Jun/09
Ross Kemp is about 5'8/5'9, saw him in Barbados & was susprised how short he looked.
Ejel Khan said on 10/Jun/09
I'd say 5'10" for Ross Kemp ... I know he's big, but he's not 5'11" appeared 2 shorter than 6' Paul O'Grady.
Anonymous -45 said on 8/Apr/09
I would give him just a tad bit over 5ft10
HMVer said on 14/Mar/09
met him. shorter than me. i'm 5'10'
Anonymous -15 said on 9/Nov/08
That scene is Extras is very interesting , Vinnie does tower over him in that scene and Gervais doesn't look that far off Kemp's height also. This is maybe due to footwaer though.
DannyDooBoy said on 2/Oct/08
He IS 5'8"... He is a family friend. I am 6' and Ross stands shorter than me. He often wears Army boots adding 1 & 1/2" to his height.
Thanks ;o)
little one said on 5/Sep/08
brushed past Steve Mcfadden (Ross Kemp's screen brother in Eastenders) outside a veg shop in Muswell Hill. Seemed around 5'8-9.
daii said on 31/May/08
when he used to walk through the door of the Vic in eastenders he seemed pretty big, but seeing him on other things id give him a 5'10.5
David said on 20/Apr/08
I've just seen Ross Kemp with Fiona Bruce on the Baftas. She's 5ft 9 apparently, and she towered a good few inches above him, so even allowing for heels, I doubt if he's more than 5'8''. He wasn't squatting or crouching as far as I could tell.
Nigel said on 5/Apr/08
My brother met him in Brighton and was surprised at how short he was. He reckoned 5'8''.
A Nulabour saddo
Height Fiend said on 22/Mar/08
met him , im 5'8 my freind is 5'10 and he was a little bit taller than my friend ( got them to stand straight up and salute for the pic as my freind is a infantryman on leave from Iraq and he loved Ultimate Force, Kemp thought we were mad at first but soon as we mentioned my mate was a soldier he willingly obliged. SUCH a nice guy btw, he was out buying newspapers and was wearing Trainers, such a lovelly , looked different facially in real life. Id say a touch under 5'11 as my freind is bang on 5'10 ( measured for the army ) and he was DEFINETLY taller than my freind. Id say 5'10 and a half or 5'10 and 3/4 .
Anonymous said on 3/Aug/07
I would put him at 178cm 5"10. He never looks any taller.
Missy said on 17/Apr/07
In Ultimate Force he seems tiny! Is he really 5'11"? I would have had him down for 5'9", tops
Matt said on 11/Jan/07
Other thing to consider in regards to Eastenders is that half the time, Kemp was standing behind the bar. Wouldn't surprise me if it had a slightly raised floor level, like many bars and pubs do.
LA Liver said on 10/Jan/07
He's taler than me, but not by much.
Met him while wearing shoes with a 1" heel & I'm 5'8.5"
Very nice bloke tho!
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
He is a big guy, larger than he appears on the screen and near enough six foot, taller than me and much taller than when we were at school.
Of course he got beaten up by his missus, gents don't fight back against women - at least not when their our size!
Zack said on 26/Sep/06
I've met him on several occasions and would say a max of 5'8" and that is being generous! Even that Gianni character is small and he towered over Kemp.
Rastus said on 12/Sep/06
Come on guys, I'm aware this looks like a one man campaign now, but I caught the Extras episode again last week. All the way through he looks 5'9" but in the last one Gervais is nearer the camera and they look the same height - 5'8". Even in his army boots Ross Kemp couldn't reach 5'11".
Rastus said on 31/Jul/06
Kramer, an SAS man could kick my ass, but Ross Kemp couldn't. Did you read in the papers that he got beaten up by his wife?! He's 5'9" tops, no doubt about it.
kramer said on 18/Apr/06
actually SAS men are never tall. they need to get into spmall places... but they would still kick your ass!
TheMan said on 4/Jan/06
Well steve mcfandons (Phil) is not that tall anyway he's got to be what 5,6-7 max. Even Billie was taller than him in one episode and he's tiny. But i still think kemps no shorter than 5,10 but anythings possible.
Rastus said on 4/Jan/06
Good points on Kemp and Fairbrass. Ross Kemp looks big when he's standing next to Steve McFadden (5'7") and Barbra Windsor (4'11"), for goodness sake. And Gareth, if you take a closer look you'll see that when he was in the SAS he was the smallest, fattest SAS man since Lewis Collins invented them to fight in the Falklands.
Scotty Boy said on 3/Jan/06
I would give him 5'10 max i remember when craig fairbrass who is 6'3 was in eastenders he dwarfed him by at least 5 inches. Some actors get away with looking tall until a genuinely tall actor appears next to them.
Scotty boy said on 3/Jan/06
Totally agree this guy is nowhere near 5'11 he is about 5'9. I remember when Martin Kemp was in eastenders he looked 2 to 3 inches taller than him and he is only around 6 foot himself. I think a few of the Eastenders cast are listed higher than they actually are Billy Murray who plays Johnny Allen in particular is listed at 5'10.I would give him about 5'8 max.

Editor Rob
Luis_Garcia said on 2/Jan/06
I watched that episode of Extras again last night, I think you've got Kemp spot on. Jones definitely towered him in the scene when he threatens him, unless they exaggerated it to look Kemp like a kid

Editor Rob
Kemp always looked big on EastEnders because of his brother who was about 3 inches shorter. I used to think he came across as big until Ultimate Force, where genuine 6ft 2 guys made him look average
The only Gareth in the village said on 1/Jan/06
No way. Kempo is 6' plus. THe man's a giant, he was in the SAS for heaven sake.

Editor Rob
Vinnie Jones had this guy by several inches in extras...kemp wasn't that bigger than Gervais as I'm sure you've seen that show...
Rastus said on 8/Dec/05
Yeah. Ross Kemp is 5'9" max and could be nearer 5'8". Check him out in the Spartacus TV movie next to 6'4" Goran from ER, even with funny camera angles. Like Russell Crowe, Kemp is a 'hardman' so has to be seen as big and bulky, rather than small and stocky. 5'9" max.