How tall is Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels Height

5ft 9 ½ (176.5 cm)

Peak height was 5ft 11 ¼ (181 cm)
American retired professional wrestler. When somebody mentioned on twitter "do you think a 5'10 190lbs guy could have a chance in WWE today?, Shawn said "I know a guy that size that did pretty well:-)"

How tall is Shawn Michaels
Ronda Rousey & Shawn
Photo by DFree/

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Average Guess (210 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 11.36in (181.3cm)
Current: 5ft 10.18in (178.3cm)
bmb said on 27/Nov/24
The more I look at him. The more I'm thinking 182cm is closer and sometimes 183cm, he still held it very well during the mid 2000s.
Jakepaulis6ft said on 19/Nov/24
Not sure how to link videos, but on youtube there is one called
"Shawn HBK Michaels is annoyed on the Canadian Home Shopping Channel 1995 WWF WWE"
Skip to 51:00, Shawn stands next to Lifesize 6ft 1 cutout of himself and matches it's height. Granted, he is wearing cowboy boots and if someone can find out how much of a boost those add, they can find his peak height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Nov/24
Is he really this low, today?
Editor Rob
I think he's looking it now, with legs being bowed he lost more height.
Henners said on 22/Apr/24
I'm pretty sure Shawn Michaels didn't measure himself before his spinal injury in 1998 that's why he himself,Steve Austin and a few others stated he was only 5"10.
5"11 1/4 (181) peak
5"9 1/2 (176.5) now
J-Dog said on 20/Sep/23
Currently today I think Shawn is around ~5'8.5" maximum.
Kay L said on 16/Sep/23
Could be as low as 5'8 now. He was shorter than Dom on nxt however wwe usually uses camera tricks to make managers, commentators etc look smaller than active wrestlers. They did something similar this week to make AJ Styles look the same height as Heyman
7272 said on 2/Sep/23
How can you lose almost 2 inches of height at 58? I've seen people that are way older only losing an inch or near it?
Editor Rob
Reckon he's suffered in his back and knees, which are looking bowed.
Slamo said on 19/May/23
Honestly don’t think he was over 5-11 peak. Looks pretty short now imo.
Michael Vardy said on 28/Dec/22
He was at least 5'11 in his prime and likely the 5'11.25 he's listed on here. He could look close to 6'0 on occasion but his boots could look quite thick at times and he liked a cowboy boot as well.

He does seem to have shipped quite a bit of height over the last 5 or so years, and his knees look pretty shot. Whether he's as low as 5'9.5 measured is questionable but he certainly looks a weaker 5'10 guy now, 5'9.75 could be more on the money.
Abdulrahman said on 26/Dec/22
Peak 180.5 cm / 5’11.

Today 176.5 cm / 5’9.5.
Ethan99 said on 8/Dec/22
Imo hbk looks 5'9 maybe 5'8.5 at his absolute lowest. He looks about that in his recent pic with logan paul
NCL said on 17/Nov/22
Hi Rob,

Do you think HBK could be down to 5’9” or even 5’8” now? He looks at least 2 inches shorter, than Bret Hart maybe even three in this recent video. I can’t see the footwear though. I think you have Bret Harte at a current 5 foot 11.

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Editor Rob
Yeah nowadays he's under 5ft 10, just how much is the question.
Ben Bell said on 22/Sep/22
Looking even shorter these days. Looked as low as 5'8 in recent photos.
Becheese said on 4/Aug/22
Billed at 6-1. WWE silliness again.
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 31/Jul/22
@ChaosControl can't see him referring to someone else with that wording, he just got measured recently and went yeah that's my height
Monkey knees said on 19/May/22
5ft 11in peak. 5ft 9 75in now.
Bryant A Walker said on 17/Oct/21
Michaels looked 6ftish back in the 90s
Ben Bell said on 5/Oct/21
Look at those legs, definite height loss there.
He couldn't stop a pig in a passage way.
I go 5'11.5 peak. 5'9 3/4 today.
Jaquan adams 6'1 said on 24/Sep/21
I’m looking at him 2021 and he clearly just looks 5’9 ish people still thinks he’s 5’10 y’all just be looking 2012-2016 photos of him.
Check said on 14/Sep/21
If ’i’m a hair under 5’10 after a long day of physical labor ( 5’10-5’10.25 range throughout the majority of the time) I reckon hbk is about an inch and a half taller than me. With boots on he can appear in the 6’0 range. He is basically the same height as me in 2021, I might even be a bit taller honestly.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/21
Strong 5'11 peak
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 15/Jul/21
Maybe if Shawm was 5’11.25 peak the 5’10 190 guy was someone else
Charles Carroll said on 26/Mar/21
WWE measures everyone's height with boots on and then often inflated the number by 2 to 4 inches. Shawn's 5' 10". MAYBE 5' 11" with boots on.
Tizwaxxx said on 3/Feb/21
6-1 billed. 5-11 maybe peak
TheDon91 said on 14/Jan/21
5'11" peak, 5'10" these days
Iril said on 31/Dec/20
Looked like a really solid 5'11 in the past but I don't think he looked more than that.. Nowadays he is definitely no more than 5'10.. Maybe time for a change Rob?
Editor Rob
he does look shorter, his legs are definitely more bowed now
Ben Bell said on 13/Dec/20
Looks 5’10 at the most today. A solid 5’11 peak.
His knees are bowed out massively, he couldn’t stop a pig in a passage way.
Obvious height loss in HBK

I’ll be meeting him at the love of wrestling in May.
I measured myself late at night and I was a hair under 6ft for the first time in my life. I was 6’1 in 06. Spinal fusion has robbed me of over an inch in 14 years.
Can’t imagine how it is for wrestlers.
Dayshaen said on 9/Dec/20
I’m still waiting on this man to lower Michaels this guy looks 5’8 or 5’9 now.
Mma Eric said on 4/Dec/20
It’s weird that you have Bret at 6’0 peak, yet Shawn was always taller in they’re prime stair downs. Even if thats footwAre that puts them even. I say HBK was 6’ peak and 5’10.5 or a Bit more now
Roderick said on 27/Nov/20
He was peak 5'10". Undertaker described him as 5'10" on the BSS. He's max 5'9" now.
Monkey knees said on 21/Oct/20
Peak 5ft 11.25in. Had .75in on Davey Boy whenever they were seen together. Not much difference between him and Bret, although Bret obviously edged it.

Now 5ft 10.25in. Mixture of wrestling/injuries etc has made him lose an inch in the last 20 years.
FM said on 18/Oct/20
Hi Rob - how tall would you say Rick Martel is?

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Editor Rob
Martel seemed 5ft 11 range, but I haven't looked at him for many years.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Oct/20
5'10" seems fine next to a strong 6'4" Drew Mcintyre. Wouldn't put Shawn under 5'10" though, even today. Click Here
SeanR said on 1/Oct/20
Shawn looks sub 5’10” these days. Looked about the same height maybe a little taller than Ric Flair this past Monday. All those beatings in the ring sure took their toll.
Ben Bell said on 27/Aug/20
Wrasslinfan said on 14/Jul/20
I believe Triple H said of Michaels “His physical presence? 6’2 225? More like 5’10 185”

I always took this as a bit of a roast. In 94 he was way over 185. I’d guess around 200 in later years. Could have definitely been 5’10 by the time he retired.
Ben Bell said on 27/Aug/20
94 Heart Attack tour I was in the lobby of a hotel in hill UK with HBK, Nash (biggest man I’d ever seen). Taker, Razor, Luger, HBK, Kid, Owen, Yoko, Bam Bam, Paul bearer and a few others.
I was 6’1 barefoot. I got picks with Taker and Bam Bam.
Back then HBK was probably 1” shorter than me but he had cowboy boots on, they virtually all did looking back.
That would put him at 5’11 peak. He was big guy though, big arms and back. Somebody who would stand out in the street. He looked 220 and pretty lean.
So hard today. He looks to me 5’9-5’10.
I’m meeting him at a convention in May next year (COVID dependent) but I bet he’ll be wearing a cowboy hat. Still I’ll get an idea.
Joe Exactly Average said on 24/Jul/20
The guesses for peak height are short. I am 5'10 on the dot. I'm 35 and have been exactly same height since 15. I used to be a wrestling mark and go to local shows constantly when I was a kid up until late teens. Shawn was about 5'11. I'd say today 5'10 seems right. The people saying 5'8 or 5'9 that's asinine. He was 5'11 and probably 5'10 now
Wrasslinfan said on 14/Jul/20
I believe Triple H said of Michaels “His physical presence? 6’2 225? More like 5’10 185”
WillyWonka77 said on 20/Jun/20
There was a video of Hbk backstage at a WWE show and he was greeting everybody including a 5’8” Michael Cole by giving him a hug, Cole looked a bit taller than Shawn which shocked me because I always thought that HBK was at least 6’ ft. I knew that wrestlers exaggerated their height but to go from 5’8” or 5’9” to 6’1” is stretching it.
Yogesh said on 14/Jun/20
In his early wwe days he was max 5'10.5 stretch. In 2019 he doesn't look more than 5'8.5 .
Ben Bell said on 2/May/20
Those saying 5’9 is ridiculous. He’s now eye to eye with Jericho.
I met Jericho in 06 and he was in the 5’9 range. 5’10 at a stretch.
Whatever Jericho is HBK is within 0’5”.

That’s using logic and going off most recent photos. Trying not to use personal bias.
Ben Bell said on 2/May/20
I met him in 94 and he looked a solid 5’11. Maybe slightly over.
Today he looks 5’9. 5’10 max if he stood tall but for me he’s probably between the two.
Definitely lost some height.
Ethan99 said on 24/Mar/20
Realistically he would be around 5'10 now.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 5/Dec/19
Sorry but I don't see anything less than a prime 180-181 for that guy.
Or he was the worst lift user ever.
He was really similar to Bret Hart, even he was 180ish or Bret was never 6'.

5'9 is just ridiculous
Caldonio said on 25/Nov/19
Billed at 6-1 haha. 5-11 more like.
180.15cm guy said on 21/Aug/19
About me 173 to 175 max
K.A 188 ! said on 11/Aug/19
@XPAC99 agreed.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19
I don't know if I'd put Michaels anything under 5'9", but he certainly doesn't seem 5'10.5" anymore.
Roderick said on 5/Aug/19
Rob I don't mean to sound like the downgrade police but in my honest opinion I think you should lower Michaels and a lot of people can agree. He is definitely not 5'10.5". I honestly give him 5'9" max today but do you think you should lower him to 5'10" now? Dolph Ziggler is 5'10" max and made Shawn Michaels look like he was 5'8". Even if you think Dolph is 5'11" Shawn still doesn't even look close to this listing.

Please reconsider, Rob.
Roderick said on 26/Jul/19
Looked under 5'9" with Dolph Ziggler. Looked 5'8.5"-5'8.75" (aka 5'9" max)

Next to Miz, he looked a good 3.5" shorter, making him 5'9" MAX.

Seriously, 5'11.25" peak, 5'10.5" now?
More like 5'10" peak, 5'9" now.

Rob I agree with you 99% of your estimates every page I visit but some pages are just way off. Shawn Michaels can't be 5'10.5" even if Dolph Ziggler was 5'11", but in reality he's 5'10" max, making Shawn Michaels look 5'9" max. In my honest opinion he looked 5'8" on SMACKDOWN but Ill give the footwear advantage to Dolph Ziggler which would put HBK close enough to 5'9".

Before you say it, he only looked taller than Tyson because of footwear. They were the same height.

Shawn Michaels is only 5'9" in 2019.

Random fact, but on RAW Reunion, it was HBKs birthday. Just something a little cool to learn. Dude is 54 now and still sells like a boss
Johan 185 cm said on 29/May/19
If you look up the Hall of fame induction for Mike Tyson, he is standing next to HHH and looks 4 inches shorter, this was in 2011-2012.

HHH being 6'2" peak does line up with him being 5'10" at that point.

Don't forget that when he got inducted himself that HHH was saying 6'2", 225 and then burst out laughing and said ok...5'10, 185 lbs.
Alessio said on 12/Apr/19
Back in the 90’s and early 2000s he was around 5’11 barefoot. Always wore lifts in his wrestling boots which took him to 184-185. Nowadays looks around 5ft 9, never seen anyone lose as much height as him. Looks very short even next to Sean Waltman
George F said on 12/Apr/19
Rob needs to give him 5ft 10.75 peak. We all agree on that now. No way 181 cm. He was 179.7 cm max. These days he looks probably 5ft 10 1/4
George F said on 12/Apr/19
Rob needs to give him 5ft 10.75 peak. We all agree on that now. No way 181 cm. He was 179.7 cm max. These days he looks probably 5ft 10 1/4
Johan 185 cm said on 11/Apr/19
Interesting to look back and see how his height was all over the place. Ofc in the 80's/90's he had big hair and boots so could look taller but I really don't see him over 180 cm ( 5'10.75).

Today maybe a hair over 5'10", its the words from his own mouth.
George F said on 10/Apr/19
Totally agree with Jw.
Rob it is time to downgrade Shawn Michaels. He was never taller than a 5ft 10.5
He was 179 peak never above that. Rob has to give him peak a 5ft 10.75 at the very max. His height was a typical 5ft 10 3/4 at his 30's. He was never able to look taller than that and he wears big footwear all the time. Rob?
Jw said on 8/Apr/19
Met him 3 years ago for inside the ropes event in the UK. We paid for the premium package which was including a signed autograph and able to ask a question during the Q&A. When we met him to get the signed tshirt he was wearing 3 inch brown leather boots, even with these on he was only pushing 6ft. Yea bret is 6ft legit as met him too but shawn always wore lifts. 5'10 peak possible 5'9 now.
Fisticuffs said on 28/Feb/19
Looks similar to 5'10" Mike Tyson back in 1998. Maybe an inch taller.

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rawdshaq said on 21/Jan/19
If Triple H describes him as 5' 10" then he is DEFINITELY not anything over that. In his recent matches he looks 5' 9" or 5' 9 1/2" so he's got 5' 9 1/4" from me. At peak he was probably 5' 11".
Monkey knees said on 14/Jan/19
Peak 5ft 10in. 5ft 11.5in in boots. Now, easily 5ft 9in. Just watch ANY recent WWE programming.
Zampo said on 27/Nov/18
I find it hard to believe that Shawn Michaels would measure 5'10 flat. Maybe today, I can buy possibly nearer to 5'10 than 5'11. I think at his peak, even 5'11.5 is arguable but the current peak listing is fine. During his comeback in the WWE, he generally looked about 5'11. I could buy he looked 5'10.5 by end of his career but not so sure 5'10 flat.

I do think thought that evidence points towards some type of 5'10 measurement with the amount of wrestlers that have stated Shawn at 5'10. I could see a 5'10.25 measurement at his absolute low which wouldn't be uncommon but I can't see this pre-1998/99.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Nov/18
Triple H describes him as 5'10" 185lbs in 2011. Click Here
Viking said on 7/Sep/18
Looks 5'11 these days
Sacred said on 27/Aug/18
185 cm for me
tree said on 23/Jul/18
Still looked 181 in mid 90's
Monkey knees said on 19/Jul/18
5'10 now. 5'11.25 peak (early 90s)
tree said on 15/Jul/18
Somehow he pulled of looking 182cm with Randy Click Here
I think he was 181cm,definitley not under.
Benji Schulman said on 25/May/18
MS said on 17/Mar/18
One more underestimated guy. Bret is still 6´and he was a bit taller in early 90ies than now: ttps://
Therefore, Michael Hickenbottom was clearly taller than 5-11,25 at peak hight, he must have been taller than 6´ at peak hight

I think people feel that if they like someone they need to sensationalize them. It's a weird human trait but I suppose we all do it in some way. Bret was never over 180cm let alone over 183. Shawn was shorter than that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/May/18
Looked similar to Bret Hart in the late 90's
Leno said on 1/May/18
Pre back and knee injury, 181, after them, he got down to 179
MS said on 17/Mar/18
One more underestimated guy. Bret is still 6´and he was a bit taller in early 90ies than now: ttps://
Therefore, Michael Hickenbottom was clearly taller than 5-11,25 at peak hight, he must have been taller than 6´ at peak hight: Click Here
dicksock said on 15/Mar/18
If you go back and watch him and 5'10.5" (Olympic listing) peak Kurt Angle from 2005, Shawn looked about 1.5" taller.
Click Here

I'll say Shawn was 5'11.5-6' peak, 5'11 by mid 2000s, and 5'10.5" now.
Doink said on 5/Mar/18
Bruce Prichard said Michaels was "5-10" on his podcast this week.
Im 171CM said on 14/Feb/18
Looks 5'10"ish nowdays
Leno said on 6/Feb/18
Today he is between 177-179, his peak was 181 at best
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Jan/18

Undertaker was never 6'8.25", believe me.
Tarinator 6'1.75 said on 12/Jan/18
He was 5’11.5” in his prime and I think 5’11” now. He isn’t much shorter than he was 8 years ago when he wrestled his last match. It seems to me that he can pull off a weak 6’0” in the 90’s. Compared to the 6’8.25” Undertaker, he was only 8.5” shorter as Undertaker’s eyeline was probably 5” long and the rest of his head 5.5” so Shawn looked to edge out his chin by maybe 2 inches. Which would look to be 5’11.75” range or a weak 6’0”. He looked 5’11.5” fighting John Cena in 2007 at least.
andre said on 23/Dec/17
Rob give me a estimate on shawn michaels max weight and when he weighted less

i would say prime 86 92 kilos and today 82 84 kilos

tell me range ?
Tarinator 6'0.5 said on 18/Dec/17
I am going to say he was about 182 cm and he lost about 2 cm throughout the years and is now 5’11”. Doesn’t look as short as a weak 5’11” to me now. I think he would have 3 inches on you Rob if you guys were to take a picture together. I wonder why Google lists him at 6’1”. Must be his height in shoes or somewhere near it.
Attitude said on 9/Dec/17
Click Here

Side by side shot of Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 9 backstage. 3 inch difference at the very least. I know at Wrestlemania 9, Shawn wore cowboy boots in his other segments. So there may be more than a 3 inch height difference between the two.

Just to say, Shawn Michaels looks very small compared to McMahon.
Attitude said on 3/Dec/17
Click Here

Miz and HBK height comparison which was taken only a few days ago (Dec 2017). Michaels looks 5'9 beside Miz.

Rob, you recently had a photo with Tatanka. Michaels is shorter than him too both back in 1993 and even today.

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1993 we can't see footwear. Cowboy boots in 93? Maybe.
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
Wow i didn’t realize he’s only been claiming 5’10 these days. Guess truth serum
Attitude said on 11/Nov/17
Click Here

From WWE's site. Shawn Michael's wrestling boots in '97 remind me of cowboy boots the way the high heel is in the back and how near the front of the foot is lower to the ground (if you have input, your thoughts Rob?). He's essentially on tip toes.

How much of a lift that'd be? an inch or inch and a half more than regular boots?

Steve Austin wore boots that had nearly no sole to them:

Click Here

Click Here

Difference between HBK and Austin's boots:

Click Here

If HBK was 6'1 barefoot, he'd tower over everyone in those boots. He's not even Austin's height with the shoe advantage. HBK didn't wear elevator boots when he returned in 2002. See my earlier posts on how, is O'Neil boots in 1996, he looked about 5'10 next to Bret Hart in his wrestling gear.

At his peak Shawn is 5'10 minimum and 5'11 maximum without footwear.
Anonymous said on 24/Sep/17
I truely believe than he was 6'1" in his prime.
In early 90s,height were exaggerated only for those wrestlers who were giants such as Diesel,The Undertaker,Sycho Sid,Kane,Big Show,Andre The Giant.

Wrestlers like Bret Hart,Owen Hart,Shawn Michaels,Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan,Razor Ramon had billed height same as their real one.

In 1996,it was clearly visible that Shawn Michaels was an inch taller than Bret Hart.Boots that Shawn used to wear in 1990s have same amount of lift as in sneakers.And Bret was legit 6'0",hence Shawn was 6'1".

In 2007,he was 42 and had same height as John Cena.Maybe he was about 6'0.5" in 2007.

Now he's 5'11"!!!

This downfall in height is due to aging factor and injuries,and trust me the number of back injuries this guy had in his career,I swear nobody can afford that much!!!

The number of back surgeries he had in his career is more than any wrestler!!

So peak height was 6'1" and now he's 5'11"
pauly e said on 19/Sep/17
it seems a lot of guys say michaels is 5'10. The rock, HHH and now Michaels himself!
Mr. R said on 11/Sep/17
Rob, What do you make of his own tweet?

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Editor Rob
I can't see Michaels being that short, well in his prime anyway...
176cm guy said on 22/Jul/17
Click Here In his hall of fame induction, Triple H described him as "6ft 225lbs" but then corrected "5'10" and a buck 85 (185 lbs)".
Attitude said on 16/Jul/17
Click Here

Click Here

Shawn Michaels and Mike Tyson are the exact same height in their primes. In the second link, both are standing with the same posture, both are the same height.

The first image is probably the best we'll ever get. Shawn is in normal dress shoes (no cowboy boot heel) and Mike Tyson is wearing some sort of sneakers. Mike Tyson tends to drop his head forward while HBK always stands with military posture (and in face offs like against Austin would jut his head upwards to raise his eye level to some one taller than him).

Shawn is 5'10". Max 5'10.75". Prime Michaels is equal to prime Tyson.
even said on 7/Jul/17
now 179 cm

then 181 cm
Eddie is under 170 said on 1/Jul/17
I think he is 5'11 or moreyou can see him with Mick tison he may be 1.5 inches or more taller than mick who is 178 cm
WcW said on 21/May/17
Peak 180cm. ( 182-183cm with footwear ) Current 177cm ( 179-180cm footwear )
King of the hill 91 said on 6/May/17
Brett heart is put 183cm to be faire peak 183cm easy 183cm .5cm most that is What he is on his page hhh said five ten but was smilling digging at him five eleven is small for a wrestler peak five eleven no man likes have him self said or under eleven as their is a inch difference of an inch maybe just under
King of the hill 91 said on 6/May/17
Brett heart is put 183cm to be faire peak 183cm easy 183cm .5cm most that is What he is on his page hhh said five ten but was smilling digging at him five eleven is small for a wrestler peak five eleven no man likes have him self said or under eleven
ok said on 5/May/17
Taller than Chris Benoit imo
Pantheist said on 27/Apr/17
If MMA fighter Tim Kennedy who's 5'10 and walks around at 225;is it not possible that hbk was well over 200 in his prime?
Socrates said on 26/Apr/17
180cm/90kg in his prime, today maybe 178cm/80kg.
Frank R said on 23/Apr/17
In the 1980s, Shawn Michaels' height was listed as 6' in magazines and on action figure packages. The same was true of Bret Hart, also listed as 6'. Then in the mid-1990s, the WWF decided to embellish Shawn and Bret's heights to 6'1" (to line up with all the other wrestler's billed heights). Shawn Michaels was probably 6 feet even at his peak. When he was part of DX he looked 2 to 3 inches shorter the Triple H.
Theo said on 7/Apr/17
@John Stop smoking, John
John said on 3/Apr/17
Peak: 5'10"
Now: 5'8.75"
King of the hill 91 said on 24/Mar/17
181 cm peak maybe
John said on 24/Mar/17
Was 0.5 inches shorter than 5'9.5 Chris Jericho.
andre said on 11/Mar/17
for sure hbk weight now days 185lbs but at his prime what was is max weight tell me rob i would say 188lbs?

tell me rob is max weight

Sam said on 15/Feb/17
5'10 now 5'10.75 peak. Didn't really look taller than 5'11 peak IMO, but was obviously taller than 5'10 flat. Still edged Kurt Angle in 2005 who Alex met the same year and said was more or less 5'10. I think a 5'11 listing for his prime is fair though. Bret was always slightly taller than 5'11 guys but Michaels normally had a shoe advantage to look the same height or taller.
King of the hill 91 said on 14/Feb/17
5 10 now peak five eleven at some time in day 180cm strong
Attitude said on 11/Feb/17
Remember, The Rock claimed in his book (from 1999/2000) that Shawn Michaels was 5'10" and 195 lbs. Although, is The Rock a reliable source? Well, his claim corroborates with Vader's recent shoot interview by Hannibal that HBK was roughly 200 lbs more or less. With HBK's muscle mass, at 5'10" that weight/height ratio seems correct as long as HBK is actually a 195/200 lbs at 5'10". A true 5'11 or 6'0 guy at 200 lbs might look a bit too skinny.

Then HBK has recently claimed he was a 5'10 guy when wrestling. Plus, as footage and pictures suggest, he is way smaller than Bret Hart unless he wears cowboy boots. If he was the same height as Bret Hart, Shawn in cowboy boots would just tower Bret Hart. It would be a noticeable height difference. Bret Hart wore traditional wrestling boots like Rocker version of Michaels. HBK gimmick-era Michaels in the 1990s wore motorcycle boots most of the time (although, he did seem to have an alternate pair of custom HBK boots that were more akin to regular wrestling boots which appeared around 1995; the image of Bret and Shawn yelling at each other in one of the links I posted is an example of when he wore more standard boots rather than his O'Neil motorcycle boots). If anyone knows, motorcycle boots, much like work boots, boost height mostly forsafety reasons. Extra padding is added for comfort as well, otherwise they'd probably be too hard and painful for the foot. Motorcycle and work boots usually can boost one up 1.5-2 inches.
Chuck said on 10/Feb/17
Some guys claim he's 6'1". hes shy of 5'11" easily. HHH was the 6'1"-6'1.75"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Feb/17
Rob, how likely is 182cm peak?
Editor Rob
this guy's peak is still quite debatable!
rikashiku said on 7/Feb/17
HHH says he's about 5'10" and 185lbs when they first started using him in DX.
Johan said on 29/Jan/17
Claimed 5'10" himself lately on social media, guess he mellowed with age.
Attitude said on 27/Jan/17
Click Here

Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty, and Bret Hart height comparisons. This is pre-HBK gimmick Shawn, and he looks way smaller without his HBK boots. Inch taller than Marty, Bret way taller than Shawn (a lot like we see modern Shawn without cowboy boots next to Bret). Note, Neidhart in the back, he's roughly the same height as Bret, which checks out to be correct

Again, this image to show how much smaller Shawn is to Bret (late-1996):

Click Here

Marty and Shawn to show there's no funny business with footwear:

Click Here

Click Here
King of the hill 91 said on 10/Jan/17
181 cm or 182cm peak
Jas96 said on 6/Jan/17
Massive Shawn Michaels fan my personal guess is 5'10" been watching a few matches on WWE network recently and his tag team rocker days with Marty jannettt he isn't really that much taller I put Marty jannetty at 5'8.5"-5'9" Shawn looking around 1 inch-1.5 inches taller but suddenly when he leaves he looks around 2.5-3 inches taller take a look at the footwear change in 1992 onwards in his matches with Marty for the IC championship marty still has the old rockers style footwear attire where as Michaels has changed and a fair ammount he claimed 5'10" on Twitter the 6ft claim he gave was a while back and that's more than likely a max footwear claim, I also believe Marty jannetty the fallen rocker deserves a celebheight page rob! :D would be awesome to see him on here
John B said on 25/Dec/16
5'10 Max for HBK these days, lost a lot of size and height over the last 10 years
dicksock said on 23/Dec/16
I was just watching Shawn with 5'10.5" Kurt Angle from 2005 and Shawn was 1" taller. He was probably about 5'11.5" in in prime and just a little under 5'11" now. Click Here

Kurt was listed at 5'10.75" at the 1996 Olympics.
The Ben said on 27/Nov/16
Rob has this spot on.
Attitude said on 14/Nov/16
Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart in their prime height difference (Early 1996 leading up to their Iron Man Match at WM 12). Same posture, same distance from camera. Shawn is 2 inches shorter than Bret.

Click Here

Might want to update Rob.

(posted on Bret's page as well, sorry just so more eyes can see it and debate :D )
Attitude said on 6/Nov/16
Hey Rob, In the WWE DVD Documentary, "The True Story of WrestleMania," there is a clip of Shawn Michaels and Vince talking (shot with both of them standing equal distance from the camera at a full profile to the viewer) from 1993 (Wrestlemania 9). Vince is considerably taller than Shawn. The top of Shawn's head is to Vince's eyes/brow region (poofy mullet hair included). Shocking to see them outside of their wrestling costumes and HBK is really small compared to Vince McMahon.

Would that be about a 3 to 4 inch difference in height if the top of the head is about the eye /brow region of the taller person? This would be peak heights for both McMahon and Michaels. It is possible Shawn is in cowboy boots too, so taking that into consideration he might even be an inch shorter than what we see from that behind the scenes footage!
Editor Rob
Attitude, yes, around the eyebrows of another person could be in that 3-4 zone, usually nearer 4 than 3 though.
King of the hill 91 said on 3/Nov/16
In 2002 he looked smaller with or without lifts five eleven people can get believed as ten but at the hall of fame they were laughing nash said hes taller then you thing punk was taller but shawn ithink had lost some
xtrememicah13 said on 20/Oct/16
Shawn Michaels was my idol back in the day and I never got to meet him but I did see him up close back in 1996 and he looks a good even 6'0" back he is probably like 5'10" even......
Bean said on 6/Oct/16
Always looked 5'11"ish to me.
kingkong56 said on 5/Oct/16
I don't think HBK was hitting the 5'10.5 mark during his latter years. He was absolutely dwarfed by the likes of taker. Looked almost a foot shorter at times. But in all honesty, somewhere between 5'10 to 5'10.25 now. Peak could have been just under 5'11.5.
Attitude said on 26/Jul/16
Sorry for the double post, but since you've seen my comparisons, you can tell from this photo that HBK's boots had an extensive heel, not as much as Kane's I reckon, butlarger than guys like the Rock or Triple H

HBK's boot [2.5 inches at least] (I think he dropped the lifted boots in '06 or '07 as photos afterwards his boots look more normal, but alas here he is still wearing height enhancing boots):

Click Here

Kane (2.5-3 inches):

Click Here

Triple H (1.5-2 inch increase):

Click Here

The Undertaker (normal):

Click Here

The Rock (1.5 inch perhaps?):

Click Here

Bret Hart (flattest boot I've seen, which makes the HBK-Bret comparisons null and void since it isn't fair that HBK's got advantage):

Click Here
Attitude said on 26/Jul/16
I dunno. Benoit is described by Kurt Angle as 5'8" (Which I believe to be the most accurate; he just has too short proportions to be taller) and Shawn Michaels was only 2 inches taller (Remember, HBK's boots have an extremely thick heel, but I think Benoit's does too).

Click Here

You can also find pictures of Brian Pillman (5'10") on WWE's site where there are full body shots with him and a clear boot lift.

Click Here

And here:

Click Here

You can see Triple H wore similar style boots (looks like a logger boot/motorcycle boot with logger style out sole) that have a major heel (lift inside?):

Click Here

and him wrestling during the same era (2001/2002):

Click Here

Here's Kane's boots for comparison:

Click Here

I am absolutely sure that wrestlers are self conscious about their height.
heightchecker34 said on 20/Jul/16
Shawn Michaels is the typical 5'11er claiming 6'1 to boost his self-worth. No doubt one of the greatest in ring wrestlers of all time, yet he has a very poor self image and was quite insecure. He always wore big 2-2.5 inch lifts to the ring, especially in his younger days, he was almost the same height as Vince McMahon (186-187 cm)! Only in the NBA and wrestling, is 5'11'25 considered "small". Present day, he looks no taller than 5'10-5'10.5. Even today, the few appearances he has made in the WWE, he always wears his hunting boots which give him a little boost.

As for X-Pac... he was a 5'10 guy at best... no where near the 6'1 mark either. Plenty of matches and backstage segments to prove that.
andre said on 6/Jun/16
Click Here

please rob see shawn michaels twitter where he says he is 5ft10

tell me is he real 5ft10

change his height please if this is real
Editor Rob
yes I'm aware of that, he also gave 6ft too.
Nobody said on 20/May/16
Ok so here are two interesting ones for you guys to figure out, how tall does Ken Shamrock look compared to Shawn Michaels? Shamrock looks about 5'10 here even though he has been billed in MMA at 6'0, he was billed as tall as 6'2 in his Pancrase days!

Click Here

Also here is a segment where Michaels confronts Sean Waltman (X-Pac) Waltman claims he is 6'1 and Kevin Nash has also stated that Waltman is 6'1, Waltman has an inch on Michaels here:

Click Here
Roman Reigns said on 26/Apr/16
Click Here Michaels claims to be 6'0" and maybe 200 lbs at 4:35.
Jason said on 7/Apr/16
Michaels, Austin and Foley from the other night.

Click Here
Attitude said on 4/Apr/16
Sorry for the triple post Rob,

but this picture comes to mind as well.

Click Here

Again, HBK at wrestlemania looks to be in Mamun's range today in comparison to Austin.

However, from the 1997 photo, HBK clearly looks 5'10 considering Austin is only a bit taller than Alex 6'0.

So hopefully everyone enjoys these comparisons. I think it shows how much WWF(E) inflates heights!
Attitude said on 4/Apr/16
Actually here's the photo of 1997 HBK and Stone Cold:

Click Here

And here's a 3 inch difference with Rob. I hoenstly feel this is a good comparison. If Austin (Prime) is 6'1, Shawn Michaels (Prime) is 5'10.
Click Here

Plus, Marty Jannetty is about 5'9 from what I've heard and him and Shawn are the nearly the same height as the Rockers wearing the same boots (and the Rockers boots are not lift type boots with huge rubber soles on the bottom, unlike HBK's 90's attire boots).
Attitude said on 4/Apr/16
Shocked on how short HBK looks beside Steve Austin (in running shoes) at this year's wrestlemania.

Honestly, if you look at Rob and Evander Holyfield, HBK looks the same between him and Austin.

Watch Wrestlemania 14, and HBK is the EXACT same height as Mike Tyson, which both are wearing boots that have a thick sole (HBK's might have a bit more boost than Tyson's) and they look identical in height. No more, no less.

There's a great picture of Steve Austin and HBK back to back from 1997, and HBK's posture is impeccible while Austin is slouching, and HBK is about 2.5 inches shorter (and HBK is in wrestling gear, which his wrestling boots give a boost, Austins wrestling boots are nearly flat, so we can assume both are wearing their wrestling boots in the picture).

But yeah, HBK looks to have lost height. That, or his boots don't have a boost like he used to wear (If you watch Tyson and HBK face-off on Raw is War, HBK is wearing cowboy boots and Tyson is wearing these flat shoes; HBK is barely taller despite his cowboy boots). The only time I can say HBK isn't having a height advantage is in the summer of 1997 where he is wearing those loafers.

It would be interesting to see 1997 era Austin and Michaels vs 2016 Austin and Michaels.
andre said on 14/Mar/16
shawn michaels claiming he was 5ft10 see the video rob and downgrate his height
pauly e said on 10/Mar/16
A Person said on 21/Feb/16
Shawn Michaels claiming he was around 5'10" and 190 lbs: Click Here

exactly! I've also mentioned it for awhile that The Rock described Michaels as 5-10, 195 lbs in his book.
A Person said on 21/Feb/16
Shawn Michaels claiming he was around 5'10" and 190 lbs: Click Here
james said on 13/Feb/16
And he always claimed 6'1 back in the 1990s I remember when he did in ring interviews with 6'1 Vince McMahon he was about 3 inches shorter
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Feb/16
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Feb/16
Click Here
.....he later claims 5'10 and about 185lbs(SEEMS ACCURATE!!!)


And, sorry - how do you make 185lbs out of but-gay-ty-five ...(SEEMS NOT VERY ACCURATE!!!)

But thx for bringing this vids up!
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Feb/16
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Feb/16
Click Here
Triple H jokes about his height from 6'2 225lbs(The audience laughs!!!)

I hear 6ft 225lbs
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Feb/16
Click Here
Triple H jokes about his height from 6'2 225lbs(The audience laughs!!!)he later claims 5'10 and about 185lbs(SEEMS ACCURATE!!!)
Click Here
Kevin Nash still sticks to the 6'1 claim
FM said on 15/Jan/16
Rob, if Shawn Michaels is 5'11 and a 1/4, how tall would you say these wrestlers are:

British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith?
Rick Martel?
Dynamite Kid?
Josh said on 1/Jan/16
He's always looked to be around the 5' 10 mark. He's always had the body of a 5' 10 guy, not a 6 footer.
NewHorror said on 20/Oct/15
He looked 177 cm standing next to Rollins on the most recent episode of Raw.
andre said on 16/Oct/15
Rob what you think is shawn michaels prime and today weight

people say that at is prime he was 220lbs and today is 180lbs

i think he was 210lbs prime and in the last years 185lbs since he is 5ft10
Editor Rob
the latter figures seem closer than 220 range.
Rob the constructor said on 24/Sep/15
How tall is Chris Masters?
Sam said on 16/Aug/15
I think Bret decently edges out Shawn in the 90s and maybe even moreso today. Shawn generally looked taller only because of his footwear (Looking about the same height as 6ft0.5 Austin once) Bret must have been an easy 5ft11.5 now more a weak one based on Robs photo, and Shawn 5ft11 prime 5ft10.5 now.
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/15
Wasn't he and Bret Hart about the same height? HBK was a bit taller than 5'10 Kurt Angle in 2005 and that was 10 years ago so HBK may have still been his peak. No more than 5'11 at his peak.
andre said on 8/Aug/15
what you think is wwe brian kendrick and former shawn michael student height 5ft6.5 barefoot?
Austin said on 9/Jul/15
Click Here
The Ben said on 3/May/15
5'11 peak, 5'10 today.
jose said on 10/Apr/15
indeed on what attitude just said, shawn always seemed to be taller due to his shoes, this photo of him infront of sergeant slaughter, shows the difference of atleast 4 inches imo. Click Here
Thomas said on 24/Mar/15
Michaels at peak 5-11,25 makes DiBiase´s height (mid 90ies) 6-1,25 - nonsense.
Michaels was taller, nearly 6´ at peak.
173-174 cm guy said on 23/Mar/15
For Me Shawn Michaels Is 5´10 (1.78 M )PEAK... My Perspective About Wrestlers PEAK And REAL Heights : Khali 7´0 (2.13 M ) Big Show 6´11 (2.10 M ) Andre The Giant 6´11 (2.10 M) And 6´9 (2.05 M ) In His Death Kevin Nash 6´8 (2.03 M ) Kane 6´6.5 ( 1.99 M ) Undertaker 6´6 (1.98 M ) Hulk Hogan 6´4 (1.93 M ) Jake Roberts 6´4 (1.93 M ) Randy Orton 6´4 (1.93 M ) The Rock 6´2. 5 ( 1.89 M ) Triple H 6´2 (1.88 M ) Edge 6´2 (1.88 M ) Mick Foley 6´2 (1.88 M )Ultimate Warrior 6´1 (1.85 M ) Stone Cold 6´1 (1.85 M) John Cena 6´0 (1.83 M )Cm Punk 5´11 (1.80 M ) The Miz 5´11 (1.80 M )John Morrison 5´11 (1.80 M )Cris Jericho 5´8.5 (1.74 M ) Eddie Guerrero 5´7 (1.70 M ) Daniel Bryan 5´7 (1.70 M ) Rey Mysterio 5´2 (1.57 M )
Attitude said on 23/Mar/15
I just had to debunk him shrinking in his later years. I noticed he had full body shots standing the same way (and probably with the same lens distortion, since it is a studio shot, meant to have a default look to be used in promotional material with other wrestlers). I matched his feet and head to the same size, double checking to make the proportions be the same in all images.

In his last days wrestling he hadn't shrunk just yet from his prime before back injury.

In his young days he wore big boots with big heels, many times with cowboy boots. His later days he wore flat shoes. T=In his wrestling gear he remains the same height from then and now.

If he looked 5'10-ish in his older days means he probably always was 5'10.

Click Here
cdk said on 18/Mar/15
5 foot 11 peak
5 foot 10 today
Jake S said on 10/Mar/15
I think 5'10.5 peak I think 5'10 today myself personally this photo he has atleast 1.5' with footwear thoughts rob there a fair bits showing him to be 5'10 and even smaller Click Here
Attitude said on 8/Feb/15
If he was 6'1, he'd be taller than Bret Hart, and the exact same height as Curt Hennig. He wasn't. Bret Hart is a proven 5'11-6'0 range guy, and Yokozuna was legit 6 feet. HBK, in his prime, was shorter than both.
Scotty said on 6/Feb/15
He was 6'1 in the 1990's. Every interview I see from Nash, Hall, Waltman, Austin etc. say he's bigger then most people think - & this is 15 years later - no reason to lie. I do think age & knee operations have caused him to shrink.
Attitude said on 4/Feb/15
X Pac appeared taller than HBK on the Raw they were on together.
daz said on 18/Jan/15
5'11 peak
5'10 today, 5'11 in footwear
saj said on 13/Jan/15
Click Here
this is an interesting picture of shawn michaels with 6'4 randy orton. there shawn looks 5'11 in whatever footwear he is in. baring in mind randy is a bit closer to the camera and is leaning a bit what do you think rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/15
Looks around 182-183cm in wrestling boots
paul said on 6/Jan/15
Even HHH said he was 5' 10" at Shawns HOF induction. The Rock said he was 5' 10" in his book too.
derick said on 27/Dec/14
@attitude that picture is the most epic picture of two icons, nice one bro. shawn looks 5'11.5 there with sting who is 6'1 to 6'2.
andre said on 27/Dec/14
dolph ziggler for sure is 5ft9.5
Jdueiqpxm said on 20/Dec/14
Shawn Michaels is 5' 10".
Attitude said on 24/Nov/14
Click Here

Shawn Michaels and Sting. Michaels is slightly closer to the camera and still looks really, average, to my surprise. How tall is sting? 6'1 or 6'2 (same as HBK's billed height)?
Dark Magnator said on 19/Nov/14
Jhon Cena and Shawn are of same height then what about Cena
andre said on 12/Nov/14
Was shawn michaels short too be a pro model rob?
BestInTheWorld said on 12/Nov/14
I think HBK was always 179 cm. In his prime he was a lot shorter than Triple H who was around 188 cm. Not only that but he looked short next to almost everyone he wrestled with.
Attitude said on 9/Nov/14
Click Here

Hey Rob, I need your opinion, Alex 6 footer, if you could weigh in on this too that'd be awesome; so I recently came across this image in the link above and I noticed the way his boot is looks very strange and his heel looks way too long and at a weird angle despite his foot being flat on the ground, like if there was a built in lift in his shoe... even the top of his foot is at a 45 angle degree despite still being flat on the surface. So I did some digging and looked for a similar shot without a boot lift, such as him in his post-2002 career where he indeed looked shorter.

Click Here

Here the heel doesn't have that weird extension and rounding and the top of the shoe/foot isn't at a 45 degree angle, it looks normal.

Could you weigh in on the matter?
Editor Rob
there's a possibility, it looks a bit suspect, but could always just be the design of the boot. Some of these wrestler would have at times had some special boots with an insert, but who exactly is the question!
Attitude said on 6/Nov/14
5'11 and a half is too tall. He was close to 3 inches shorter than Austin in their primes and still smaller than Bret Hart.
genes said on 6/Nov/14
no way is he 5'9, that is too short for him. 5'10.5 today and 5'11.5 peak. maybe he hits over 5'11 today in boots. the best we will ever no is if shawn has a pic with rob, best look at for shawn doing uk visits rob lol
pauly e said on 5/Nov/14
hbkfan says on 16/Apr/14
If I can also make a comment that first of all I'm probably the biggest hbk fan you're ever going to meet I'm just clarifying what is probably the truth I've read that the rock describes hbk as 5'10 in his book.. And on shawn michaels retirement triple h says abit along the lines of shawn michaels 6 foot 225 pounds.. Then laughs and says alright more like 5'10'' 185 pounds I'm not hating on hbk I'm his biggest bloody fan just saying that he's mostly known for being 5'10'' and that wrestler's who were known to be 5'10'' that shawn has wrestled shawn was barely, maybe even the same sizer and as attitude points out yes his footwear does mostly range of higher heeled boots once again not hating or saying its wrong personally I like more a heeled footwear to feel that bit more sturdy and confident I'm just stating my opinion rob your thoughts?

I've stated this as well. I remember HHH saying that and I also read that same thing in the Rock's book. I was just watching some old footage of HBK wrestling. He has the build of a 5'10 guy for sure.
Attitude said on 3/Nov/14
In that picture I posted he is 4 inches shorter than HHH. That puts him at 5'10 if HHH is 6'2. There's always been about 4 inches between them. Maybe 3 and a half. 5'11.25 might still be too high. If Austin is 6'0, HBK is about 2 inches to 2 and a half inches shorter with his wrestling boots on. In regular shoes it was 2 and a half inches at least. Weak 5'11 was his peak. Hart was a weak 6 footer. I'd put hart at 5'11.75.
George F said on 1/Nov/14
Shawn Michaels peak height: 179.5 cm and 178 cm now. 5ft 11.25 is too much for him. Maybe 5ft 10.75 was his peak.
George F said on 30/Oct/14
Rob do you think Michaels was 180.5 cm peak or as tall as 181?
Editor Rob
you can argue really 5ft 11 or a bit more for him
Attitude said on 28/Oct/14
Click Here

The absolute best picture for comparing height for both HBK and HHH. They both look like they are wearing similar boots in that they don't have a2 inch heel nor a lift inside. Around the time HBK changed his pants, his boots stopped having that thick heel. This is also a great photo because it's taken pretty much straight on unlike most. It's also a full body shot of both standing pretty straight. HHH is leaning on slightly. Goes to show you how camera tricks make guys look similar in height. HBK looks just as tall here as he did in 2000 in the segment where he gives Foley the powers of commissioner.

Feel free to figure out how much an inch is and edit in a measuring tape like Red or Vegas have done in the past in other comparisons.
andre said on 20/Oct/14
5ft10.3 today and 181lbs with big arms
Dxcnfesd said on 19/Oct/14
He's 5' 10".
wrestlehead said on 29/Sep/14
Hate to say it but guys you're wrong the video I posted down at the bottom proves shawn michaels is 5'10'' shawn lost height 2010+ before then no! in the 90's he would wear thick footwear and I believe lifts sometimes shawn michaels is 5'10'' no more no less
Attitude said on 29/Sep/14
There is an interview with Shawn and Jim Ross from 1996. Both were standing beside each other, Shawn in his ring gear. He looked barely 2 inches above Jim Ross.

Shawn's height seems to fluctuate a lot.
Loser said on 28/Sep/14
Michaels looks about 5'11" WITH BOOTS.
Horse said on 28/Sep/14
HBK is 5'11" in his prime nothing more okay
Habanero said on 28/Sep/14
Shawn Michaels looks like he was 5'11 in the 90s and looks a strong 5'10 today. He has long legs so he looks taller than he is.
Rory said on 27/Sep/14
Rob what do you think? Can the boots he wore really add that much height or maybe he just lost it because of his injuries?

Another thing is Shawn Michaels has long legs which make him look taller. He has good posture too.
Rory said on 27/Sep/14
I always found Shawn Michaels' height interesting. Back in the 1990s he looked anywhere from 5'11 to a very strong 5'11 (5'11.5 or higher). At times he even look over 6 foot, although he was wearing pretty big cowboys boots. But even with cowboys boots pushing to look over 6 foot, he was still looking 5'11.5". When he came back in 2002 he again looked 5'11.25 to 5'11.5 range and he wasn't in his big boots. In the mid-2000s, he started to look more 5'11 and by the end of his career and today he looks 5'10.5" and can even look 5'10". So in his prime/90s, Shawn can look anywhere from 5'11" to 6'0" and nowadays he looks anywhere from 5'10" to 5'10.5". Either HBK was wearing lifts in the 90s/early 2000s or he has lost a good amount of height (or both!). Either way, I would say:

Prime/1990s: 5'11.25" (in wrestling shoes can look 5'11 to 5'11.5)
Today: 5'10.5" (can look 5'10" at times)

Rob is 100% correct
Rory said on 27/Sep/14
This seems right. Dude has long legs that make him look taller than he is. Jericho is the opposite where he looks shorter because of his leg.
wrestlehead said on 21/Sep/14
Hey Rob, Chris Jericho is currently listed as 5'9'' and Shawn Michaels is listed as 5'10.5'' I believe Shawn is 5'10'' and this video which contains a segment with Chris Jericho shows strong evidence that he is nothing above 5'10'' even with the rumors saying Jericho's boots are thicker Click Here your thoughts rob?
Kourosh177cm said on 29/Aug/14
Kourosh177cm says on 8/May/14
179cm fits him better.

Here is my comment in may 8th when i said 179 cm fits him better and i was right :).
Kourosh177cm said on 26/Aug/14
yesss true height of hbk. he was nothing more than a typical 5'10 guy. he always wears boots to be taller.
Harrold said on 20/Aug/14
I disagree with this downgrade, Shawn is more likely a flat 5'11 today and peaked 5'11.5 in his younger days.
mike said on 18/Aug/14
Rob, this should be changed to: Former American Professional Wrestler.
Attitude said on 15/Aug/14
For those saying he looked close to Austin's height and just a couple of inches shorter than HHH, I think this photo proves that it isn't the case. HBK is the only one wearing lift type footwear and still was shorter than both. I think HBK was aware of it and always wore boots like this to get away with looking taller.

Click Here
Attitude said on 15/Aug/14
If he was over 5'11 and closer to 6 feet, HBK would look 6'2 in cowboy boots. The thing is he never looked the same height as triple h ever. Not even close. Again, going with the segments with Tyson, HBK was in his cowboy boots and HHH was in some fairly flat looking dress shoes and Tyson I think was in boots. They looked about the same height in the segment where HBK tells Tyson that he is calling him out and rips off his shirt, revealing that Tyson is with DX.

If Michaels was 5'11.5" then in those cowboy boots, he would look about the same height as Triple H. He didn't. He looked to be almost the same height as Mike Tyson.

I think both, barefooted, would be pretty close if not the same height.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Aug/14
Attitude, yea I agree. Angle who I met I estimated 5'10 but a bit less is very possible as well. To me comparing HBK to him was good since I had met Angle and have a pic with him on here. The cowboy boots he use to wear more gave a 5'11 or more impression.
Attitude said on 8/Aug/14
I am inclined to believe 5'10.5". In a shoot interview with Bret and Anvil, they said Shawn was a small guy and wasn't very tall. He would have to be noticeably shorter than Bret.

And he is barely taller than Angle who is possibly just under 5'10" or 5'10" on the dot. Shawn also seems to be the same height as Brian Pillman who was measured at 5'10"! Don't forget that. Compare Brian Pillman to Steve Austin, Bret Hart, or Vince McMahon, and you will see that they are about the same height.

HBK wasn't much taller than Tyson, not an inch difference. Less than that.
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Aug/14
He was barely taller than Angle at WM. it was more like 1/2 inch
SaveUsY2J said on 7/Aug/14
5'11 peak at least. He was an inch taller than proven 5'10 Kurt Angle at WM21. Never more than 3 inches shorter than HHH either.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/14
Rob, I just noticed the height change for Michaels on this page.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/14
Height 181, yea that's what I think. When he was only a bit taller than Kurt Angle at WM 21 in 2005 he was still at his peak 5'10 1/2 and today 5'10 flat.
Attitude said on 5/Aug/14
I would say the listing is much more fair! I think it is more accurate now!

Though, I do agree with Alex too. We can all agree that HBK was never even close to 6'1" haha
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/14
5'10 1/2 peak, today 5'10? That would make sense. Was always an inch or so shorter than Bret Hart who was prob 6'0 peak? Hart looked 5'11-5'11.25 with Rob in 2008 I think it was. He's lost height too
Editor Rob
to be fair, I have looked a bit more at Michaels and can believe him being sub 5ft 11 today.
Attitude said on 4/Aug/14
Yup, no taller than 5'10" today! In 2005, he still looked as he did in 1995! He looks like he has lost height recently, like around the time he retired. Before that, he looks to be the same as he was in his prime.

I do not think he was ever over 5'11" though. He just looks too small for that, even in his prime. He got away with claiming 6'0" or so due to his cowboy boots or his combat boots he always wore (with a 2 inch heel).
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Aug/14
At WM 21 with Kurt Angle. I had actually met Angle only some months later that year. The picture angle favors HBK a bit though. This was in 2005 so HBK was prob at his peak height still. 5'10.5 he looks with Angle and today 5'10 flat would be right.

Click Here
Danimal said on 3/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 2/Aug/14
5'10 range nowadays but peak I could see more 5'11 but no more. At WM 21 he was a big taller than 5'10 or slightly shorter Kurt Angle who I met

You're right Alex. I agree.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/14
5'10 range nowadays but peak I could see more 5'11 but no more. At WM 21 he was a big taller than 5'10 or slightly shorter Kurt Angle who I met
Attitude said on 30/Jul/14
Yeah, Shawn, being interviewed by Lawler in 1995, was only half an inch taller if that. Shawn was wearing his tall cowboy boots in the segment when Tyson joined DX and looked almost Tyson's height despite those giant cowboy boots he had on. I really think Shawn has always been in the 5'10" range all his life.
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jul/14
Looked a bit shorter than Bret Hart in his peak and looked only a bit taller than Kurt Angle in 2005. Not Bret was possibly 6'0 at his peak. HBK was shorter and looks 5'11 with him. HBK wasn't anything more than 5'11 peak and today 5'10-5'10.5.
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jul/14
5'11 peak. 5'10.5 today
Attitude said on 25/Jul/14
Hey Rob, how much would these shoes give in terms of a lift? They look like customs in my opinion.

In this particular segment, HBK looked a bit taller than 5'9" Jim Ross but not by much.

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Editor Rob
they don't look like they'd have enough room for any lift of note, I'd say they were just near an inch
Attitude said on 6/Jul/14
Here I have compared Cena and Shawn:

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with Bret Hart in mind, a few pictures (not mine) show that Bret looks to be under 6 feet and is more of a 5'11.5"-5'11.75" guy.

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So when we compare Bret and Shawn, Shawn is obviously shorter. Keep in mind Shawn always wore thicker wrestling boots with a slight lift to them and Bret's was always flat on the bottom. I have posted Shawn's boots on this thread before so you can take a look, but his has a heel on them whereas Bret's boots don't.

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In the more recent photo, Shawn stopped wearing those styled boots in the mid-2000's when he changed his attire. There, he is wearing flat boots like Bret did.

Shawn Michaels at his peak was 5'11-5'11.25 MAX and if he has shrunk today (looks like it could be possible) I would pit him under 5'11 today if he has shrunk.
Attitude said on 2/Jul/14
I would say 5'11" peak and 5'10.5" today. He may have not been shy about wearing that type of footwear, but when you see him in that and compare it to him in boots, it's a huge difference. He was dwarfed by Slaughter in sandals but a few inches shorter than him in boots.

He was never close to 6'0" tall. He looks a good 2 inches shorter (if not more) than Cena. I'll get a pic of that soon. He didn't shrink a lot if at all today. He's the same height he was in 97 and 98, no doubt.
ryan said on 2/Jul/14
now a days he's only 5'10 tops. i think he was listed as around 6' cause of the boots.
Quartile said on 1/Jul/14
Listen if Shawn was confident to walk around in flat shoes and sandals, as he did many times back in the 90s, then he clearly was not shy from 6'0.
5'11.5 peak
5'11 today
Attitude said on 26/Jun/14
Shawn's head came up to about Vince's eyebrows often times looking shorter. Vince hunched over a lot in his interviews and made himself look smaller, but when he would straighten out, he looked huge compared to Michaels. Austin would hunch over a bit too when he got into someone's face.

Take this for what it is worth, but Kevin Nash called Bret Hart 5'11. What would that make Michaels?
james said on 25/Jun/14
The wwe listed Shawn at 6'1 Vince McMahon is a solid 6'1 and I remember back n the late 90's McMahon would do ring interviews with Shawn and he was about 2 inches shorter then vince
mikey said on 19/Jun/14
there is no way shawn is below 5'11.
5'11.5 at peak, hit 6'0.5 max in boots possibly
5'11 today and probably can only appear 5'10 due to posture
my uncle has the same thing due to back problems and can appear 5'10 when he is actually still in the 5'11 mark
Attitude said on 14/Jun/14
Take this image for example:

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Shawn is looking a very weak 5'11" if that. possibly could be 5'10.5". He also seems to be wearing boat shoes unlike the rest. Hey, one of the only times the wrestlers probably aren't wearing their boots with height-elevation technology. Steve Austin looks to be in the 6'0.5" range at most if Owen is 5'8-5'9 (yet Owen looks shorter than 5'9" for sure!)

For Owen Hart, to me, he probably is 5'8 (possibly even in the 5'7" range). He looks short compared to the Bulldog who is a legit 5'10" guy. Owen's height looks to be identical to that of Dynamite kid who is a legit 5'8" guy.

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Bernardo said on 6/Jun/14
though he really could be 5'9-5'10 considering he always wears boots on promos and stuff. plus looking at his more recent pictures on the hall of fame he really looks significantly shorter than everyone else.
Bernardo said on 6/Jun/14
Triple H sarcastically remarked Shawn was 5'10 but maybe he was downplaying it for the joke. 5'11 seems about right.
Attitude said on 31/May/14
To me, according to this pic, he looks to be barely 5'11 if at all. He has a perspective advantage but still looks close to Tyson's height. I don't think he shrunk, or if he did, it was minimal considering that when he has his cowboy boots off or isn't wearing his wrestling boots, he has been smaller than Austin, McMahon and Bret Hart.Actually, his height relation to McMahon in this picture is the same as it was in 1997 before his back injury. Watch some of his promos during the summer months where his footwear is nothing but boat shoes; he looked much smaller than McMahon.
pauly e said on 29/May/14
He looks in the 5'10 range to me in his wrestling days. He has the body of a 5'10 guy, not a near 6'0 guy. I seem to remember Bret Hart looking a tad taller than Michaels when they would be face to face.
herrshelll said on 11/May/14
enough with these 5'10 claims people, he is nowhere and never was in that range. shortest for shawn michaels is 5'11 flat, no more. rob has it accurate hear.
5'11.5 peak
5'11 today
Attitude said on 8/May/14
Hey Rob, one last thing if you don't mind, but I came across this image and to me, Michaels' boot looks suspect. What do you think?

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Editor Rob
they look normal enough to me
Kourosh177cm said on 8/May/14
179cm fits him better.
Attitude said on 8/May/14
Well, Michaels always looked (from 1996-2000 included) about 2 inches shorter than McMahon when not wearing cowboy boots (cowboy boots give a solid 2 inches of extra height). Otherwise, when he wore his cowboy boots in segments on TV, he looked to be the same height as McMahon. I think we can get an accurate height of HBK in his prime if we know McMahon's height.
Terry said on 7/May/14
Rob what about this pic, HBK looks 3.5-4 inches shorter than HHH
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Editor Rob
as I said before, there is a chance he could have lost a fraction in 5ft 11 is probably what he generally looks yeah.
Terry said on 6/May/14
Rob if you have time check out these photos from Mike Tyson's Hall of Fame induction in 2012. I've posted some different ones and maybe you can look at the angle of the pictures and determine Shawn Michaels' height. In some pictures he looks barely 5'10 but in others he looks around 5'11. I do think he needs a downgrade though (as does almost everyone on this page).

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Brad said on 6/May/14
hey rob here is a pic of HBK and Angle in their match at Wrestlemania. If Angle is 5'10 how much does HBK look here? From watching the match their wrestling footwear looks standard for both with no look of lifts. I'd say it looks an inch difference at most.

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exe said on 28/Apr/14
give me a break - he is barely 5"10. the guy weighted 190 pounds in his prime. look at his appearence on "bay watch".
Attitude said on 25/Apr/14
Well, best is to compare HBK to Owen Hart (5'9") or the British Bulldog (5'10"), Stone Cold Steve Austin (who is really 6'1") and Bret Hart (6'0" highest but has been billed at 5'11" as well). Also, if you take a look at Brian Pillman, who had similar tags on him as HBK, such as too small (see his tribute video by the WWF in '97), since he was listed in Football as 5'10". However, he looks roughly the same height as Michaels and can appear a lot taller when in some thick boots or other footwear with some leverage.

For today, compare HBK to CM Punk who is 5'11". Now, HBK can appear quite a bit smaller than CM Punk or around his height, again, depending on footwear. However, more recently, HBK appears quite a bit shorter than CM Punk.
Kourosh177cm said on 22/Apr/14
rob your estimation for both HBK and Cm Punk are way off.
HBK is 5'10
Cm punk is 5'11
neither of these guy are anywhere near 6'0 mark.
Hamd said on 20/Apr/14
hbkfan idf you think HBK is 5'10 then what height is Kurt Angle? cause he never looked taller than HBK and the world knows Kurt has a 5'10 Olympic listed height.
Attitude said on 14/Apr/14
Well, to be sure, Shawn did wear thick boots when he was up against Austin and still was a bit shorter. In a RF shoot with Bret and Anvil, when they were talking about the Rockers first time being up in the WWF, they mentioned that they couldn't make it since they were both "too short." Shawn Michaels obviously was shorter than Anvil and Bret yet Anvil is slightly smaller than Bret, with Bret Hart only being 6 feet tall at best.

Here are some comparisons of HBK with Austin. Note, Shawn Michaels' boots compared to Austin's boots; Michaels was easily getting a two to three inch lift. Plus, in those days, Michaels wore Cowboy boots everywhere and could have easily worn lifts inside the 2-3 inch heel already on the boot. I doubt he wore extra lifts but it is not out of the question. Also, X-Pac looks taller than Shawn Michaels (especially now, when Michaels is not wearing cowboy boots 24/7). If you take a look at a segment recently, when WWE had many past champions in the ring and Cena and Orton were doing a promo, HBK was standing beside Bret and looked 2 inches shorter than Bret. It is really noticeable.

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Hamd said on 13/Apr/14
hbkfan aree you a fan or a hater?
HBk is no less than 5'11.5......he's barely an inch shorter than Austin who's 6'1 and is clearly taller
Attitude said on 21/Mar/14
See that's the thing, Shawn Michaels, even today, can look like his height during his prime, or he can look much smaller. It's hard to tell if he has lost height since in anything pre-2000 he usually is wearing cowboy boots or some dress shoes with a huge heel on them. However, there is moments, like in 1998 when he was with Vince McMahon and the corporation story line, where he looks nearly 2 inches smaller than McMahon.

There are moments in the early 1990's where Michaels still looks smaller than McMahon whilst wearing wrestling boots and Mcmahon is in Dress shoes, in which it looks like the boots Michaels wore had a good two-inch lift on them like Jericho's boots (Look at Austin's boots for comparison; Stone Cold's boots were flat on the bottom).

There are moments in 2003 where he looks just as tall as Austin, yet in 1998-2000, 2006-present looked shorter; or how in 1997 he looked taller than Austin. It seems really odd how that has happened.

It seems after a certain point in the mid-2000's that Shawn Michaels stopped wearing his old style wrestling boots when he changed his attire. The boots he wore from the period of 2006-2010 are much flatter than what he wore prior.
Carter said on 20/Mar/14
How much does wrestling boots give? Because Cena wrestles in sneakers which is probably 1 inch range and Shawn in boots which I think are 2 inches (since most wrestlers are billed 2 inches above barefoot height). Rob I think 5'11 is more fair for Shawn what you think
Lorne said on 20/Mar/14
Michaels had some serious injuries, so I say, yes, a cm loss is probable. But, CM doesn't really look taller...
Carter said on 19/Mar/14
Hey Rob thanks for replying. Do you think 5'11 is more accurate for Shawn? Also do you think he has a very small torso and long legs?
Editor Rob
5ft 11 is possible, he can look sometimes 1.5 inches smaller than cena in the ring.

maybe Shawn is a candidate for having lost a half inch or so by today.
Carter said on 19/Mar/14
Hi Rob, we know John Cena is 6'0.5" what do you think of this picture. How can Shawn Michaels be only one inch shorter?

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Editor Rob
he can look barely 5ft 11 at times, maybe that shot cena has more posture advantage making him appear not even 5ft 11.
Attitude said on 14/Mar/14
Saw some recent clips of him and Bret Hart together and Shawn Michaels looks to be an inch, 2, or more shorter than the Hitman. I understand that HBK has had back surgery but Hart has had health problems too after his wrestling career ended. I would pin Shawn to be about 5'10" (possibly just 5'10" in regular running shoes). Bret looks to be the same as he was in the past which was about 6 feet tall. If you look in older clips, Shawn Michaels always wore cowboy boots when he was going casual and his boots looked to have at least a 2 inch lift on them. When you see HBK on the WWE Network promotion with Helmsley, he is wearing those boots and looks to be his old height like in the past. It's safe to say he might have lost a bit of height but not that much and he always wore boots such as cowboy boots, that gave him an extra lift that put him at 6 feet or more.

There was a picture of him and Austin in referee shirts and Michaels looked to be around 3-4 inches shorter than Stone Cold. That was a recent picture from around 2012. There is also a picture of them back to back as a tag team from 1997 and again, HBK looks to be quite shorter than Austin, like 3 inches.

However, for some reason, come Wrestlemania 14, HBK during the press conference looks to be taller than Austin. So, I attribute that to what boots or dress shoes he was wearing. I think, since HBK was a vain person back in that time, he probably was aware of how much smaller he was compared to the challenger, Stone Cold, and did not want to look weak.
cdk82 said on 2/Feb/14
peak height was very close to 6 foot, today he is 5'11" or slightly under
Marcus Hickman said on 15/Jan/14
Ken Shamrock 5' 11" 206 lbs.
Shawn Michaels 5' 11 1/2" 210 lbs .
Jo said on 10/Jan/14
I think shawn was 5 ft 11 prime,punk is 5 ft 11(i dont think taller,since my brother is 6 feet,so i could tell),and punk is a lil taller than shawn,so my guess is 5 ft 10 barefoot
Jo said on 10/Jan/14
Met punk at the airport,my brothers whose 6 feet tall,is quite taller than punk.
Zoro177 said on 9/Jan/14
I'm sorry but 182 cm is way too generous

One inch shorter than Punk (who is probably not 182 cm himself) so I would guess 179 cm
Jeffery said on 4/Jan/14
Looked like a strong 5'11" (if not 5'11.5") next to a 6 foot Bret Hart in 2010. I don't think he's under 5'11"
Chris said on 1/Jan/14
If Kurt Angle is 5ft10 than Shawn Michaels is 5ft11 there was one inch between tham at wrestlemania in 2005
The Ben said on 30/Dec/13
A solid 5'10.
Looks to have lost an inch with age. I imagine a 21 yr old HBK would be a solid 5'11.
cobra said on 26/Dec/13
Same height as 5-10 Kurt Angle.
Attitude said on 25/Dec/13
Shawn Michaels clearly wore boots that increased his size when he was doing interviews with taller people such as Vince and even Commissioner Slaughter. If you look at his boots he wore in 1996-1997 when he came out in a suit or something of the likes like that, he looks taller because the boots he wore had HUGE heels on them. However, in those same years, when he came out with those yacht shoes in the summer months he was barely taller than Jim Ross. In that same time frame, you see Shawn is considerably smaller than Sgt Slaughter, who comes out in one segment (the one where HBK is wearing a green shirt). Shawn goes on his tip toes to mock him. However, that same year (1997) in a segment around October or November, Shawn with Hunter, Sgt. Slaughter comes out again and all of a sudden HBK is the same height as Slaughter!! But, the trick is, Michaels is wearing these boots again!

Every segment with McMahon prior to 1998, HBK is just as tall as him or taller, yet in segments with McMahon in 1998, the one where he gets fired as commissioner, Michaels is considerably smaller than McMahon, like at least 3 inches shorter.

In conclusion, Michaels wore shoes that increased his height in public and you can tell he is wearing suspicious boots back then. He was never a 6 footer. Even in his prime.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.