Comentarista said on 12/Apr/23
About 127cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Nov/18
@ Nik - I agree Sam is a talented young man and making the most of what God gave him!
I accessed his page via the Tallest to Shortest Sams page. I wanted to see if the girls named Sam were intermixed with the boys named Sam. They are!
Yes, I do still have the two Pink Floyd albums, bought separately and quite recently at that! Cheers Nik! 😉👍
This fellow, the shortest of the Sams, shall have 4ft2.
Nik said on 2/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Have you still got this brilliant 🍐 of albums? It must have been a pleasure to buy it and enjoy the 🎼!
Yes, God made Sam the way he is and I know that you join me in saying he is fine the way he is! He has good looks and he is also very smartly dressed!
He is a smashing young man too who has made the most of his great acting skills!
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jun/18
@ Nik - My Pink Floyd album was a compilation album of their early stuff, when they had Syd Barrett singing. It comprised their albums 'The Piper at the Gates of Dawn' and 'A Saucerful of Secrets'. It is indeed a brilliant 🍐 of albums, which were released in the early/mid Sixties.
Read Christian's interesting comment from the 24th June, to Connor. It explains why Sam looks particularly young for his 24 years.
Nik said on 28/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Well, your 22nd Birthday denoted a pair of pairs! A pair of 2's! 🍐🍐! 😂😂!
Your Pink Floyd album was a double album - It was a 🍐, and a nice 🍐 too! It was nice to see the 🍐, but the 🍐 of ...!
It was so refreshing to see your 🍐 emoji on this page!
Sam has a youthful face, this is another thing God has given him! He is a great addition to this site and he must serve has a great role model to everyone, I am glad he is on this website!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Jun/18
@ Nik - Thank you very much! 🍐 The pear emoji takes me back to my 22nd birthday, when I bought a Pink Floyd album called 'A Nice Pair'. It was a double album and depicted a pear on the front cover and also a pair of....
Nik said on 25/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - And hasn't he just! I like your emojis too! ⚽️! 🍐!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jun/18
🍐 Correction Time! 🍐
That should have read '...making the most OF what God has given him..' instead of IF.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Jun/18
He has a child like face because of acrodysplasia, which is a type of dwarfism.
Connor Simpson said on 23/Jun/18
How old is he Rob? He looks pretty young

Editor Rob
He's 24 now, and does look several years younger.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/18
I just Googled this little fellow to find that he is 24 years old. He has a very young face, and I was wondering even, if he could be still in his early to mid-teens, but no, he is 24 a fully grown man and making the most if what God has given him by taking on 'little people' parts. Bravo to him for that!
I also saw that his height was written up as 127cm, which is exactly what Rob has him down as here, so that is what he gets today from me....
lee168cm said on 23/Jun/18
I remember watching a documentary about him. He seemed so down to earth. A Lovely guy. I can believe this listing