viper said on 21/Mar/22
Manute's son Bol Bol is 7-1
Toby Barrett said on 19/Mar/22
also about zhao liang if he was 8 ft 0.7 in then the doctor would be 6 ft 1 in and the nurse 5 ft 4 in which is realistic
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 19/Mar/22
Bol Chol was a natural giant too at 7 foot 10 and was Manute Bols grandfather
Toby Barrett said on 19/Mar/22
someone said zhao liang doesnt have gigantism and is in proportion i agree with proportion part but no gigantism? doubt it
Robbe said on 19/Mar/22
Reino Rutanen was also a natural giant. TTM lists him 7'7 but i don't think he was quite that tall. He looks around 7'7 in shoes in his promo pic
Click Here
He seems to be wearing pretty thick shoes there. He might have been tops 7'5 barefoot i think. Here he is with a 6'1 guy, who is standing slightly higher ground
Click Here
Reino looks 7'5 range there considering he stands in lower ground.
I also doubt if Madsen was really 7'6. If he was, that woman looks close to 6ft with her shoes. It's possible of course, but really?
Click Here
Nippu said on 18/Mar/22
@Daniel Lee it was not my point. I was just saying he is not famous and big eneough. We have bigger and more famous giants. He is just tall. He always wear like 3inch boots and silly hat to look taller. But i think he was really 7´6 tall. Just not be sure why we just cant discuss hi at this page. His own page would be great different kind of site like late TTM was.
Daniel Lee said on 17/Mar/22
@Nippu Ralph Madsen was born on 1897!! . He is a natural giant
Toby Barrett said on 17/Mar/22
@Daniel Lee
most likely this list works more
Angus Macaskill 7 ft 9
Bao Xishun 7 ft 8.95
Neil Fingleton 7 ft 7.5
Manute Bol 7 ft 6.75
Alain Delaunois 7 ft 6.5
Ralph Madsen 7 ft 6
Shawn Bradley 7 ft 6
Yao Ming 7 ft 5
Tacko Fall 7 ft 4.5
these were the heights from
Nippu said on 17/Mar/22
I never seen picture about Alain Delaunois where he look even 7ft tall. If u have one please add it here. And much bigger and famous giants to add than Madsen.
Daniel Lee said on 16/Mar/22
@Rob Please. Could you add to Ralph Madsen or maybe Alain Delaunois
Top Tallest "Natural" Giants:
Neil Fingleton 7'7-7'7.25
Alain Delaunois 7'6.5
Manute Bol 7'6.25-7'6.5
Ralph Madsen 7'6
Shawn Bradley 7'6
Yao Ming 7'5.5
Tacko Fall 7'5.25
ChaosControl2 said on 15/Mar/22
Joec-192.5cm said on 14/Mar/22
Shame he wasn't measured a bit earlier in the day, could've been an official 9ft...
If he was 8’11 1/8 in the afternoon yeah I can see 9’0.5 at least, maybe close to 9’1 and under 8’11 like 8’10.75 in the evening
Joec-192.5cm said on 14/Mar/22
Shame he wasn't measured a bit earlier in the day, could've been an official 9ft...
Duhon said on 14/Mar/22
I'd say anyone who hypothetically exists and is at or near 9' is likely in such poor health he's likely bed ridden or at least cannot stand on his own. Another Robert Wadlow who was able to stand on his own more or less is probably very remote.
Toby Barrett said on 13/Mar/22
@chaoscontrol2 i do too and if there is its most likely gonna be in india in the poor areas cause large populations and bad medical care
Toby Barrett said on 13/Mar/22
feodor machnow sometimes pulled of looking 8 foot but nowhere near 9 foot like newspapers claimed
ChaosControl2 said on 13/Mar/22
I always get the feeling there’s a legit 9’0 guy out there who’s undiscovered
Nippu said on 13/Mar/22
@Toby i was one of the people who did found Vikas. I was really active member of TTM site. I have seen and studied real giants and giants who are not as tall what some newspapers claims.
Nippu said on 13/Mar/22
@Toby at his tallest yes. Vaino was also over 8´5 at is tallest. Now we try to find height between tallest and shortest. Wadlow sure was ovet 9ft in his last month in lying position. And yes Vikas looks the man who could be over 8ft. But he was so sick. Vaino was just bigger, faster, stronger and could move like normal person. I care a lot about giants healt also. Vikas was tall but not anything i mention about Myllyrinne. I would also give more Credit for Monjane. He was really tall and was measured. Picture him and C. Greener tells a lot.
Toby Barrett said on 12/Mar/22
@Nippu vikas uppal was 8ft2 its been well documented and proven cause the owner of found a video of vikas uppal being measured at 8ft1.5 and was still growing at the time of that video and also just cause he was 8ft2 doesnt mean he would be in the guinness book and for the fact of money thing he was from indias poor areas meaning medical care wouldnt be the best and he died from his growth stopping operation
Nippu said on 10/Mar/22
Toby we calculated Rogans heihgt around 7´7 max 7´9. He was never able to stand up. It iso uncertain thing that its better just leave it be. We try to find evidnece of his real height and no succeed. But we could make him atlest 7+7. If he would be close to 9ft he would be more photogaprhed. Same as Carrol. He did stand 7´2 but even at best his corrected height was 8ft. Probably much less. These Asian giants never reach 8ft. Vikas Uppal perhaps was 8ft. But still no proof. I f he would been 8ft tall he would be in Guinness book and had a lot of money and help. I belive only real measurements or great photo evidence. So it is Wadlow, Myllyrinne, Kosen etc.
Toby Barrett said on 8/Mar/22
speaking of john rogan what was his real height cause its different from every source
the tallest height i have seen rogan listed as was 8 ft 10.5
Toby Barrett said on 8/Mar/22
@Duhon thats gabriel estêvão monjane who was 8 ft 0.75 in (245.7 cm)
Duhon said on 7/Mar/22
Is this a pic of John Rogan?
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 7/Mar/22
@rampage i agree
Toby Barrett said on 6/Mar/22
i wonder who the next 8 footer will be and where they will come from and how tall they are
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
this is the list
Gerrit Bastiaansz claimed height 8 ft 3 real height 7 ft 1
"Lolly" claimed height 8 ft 4.5 real height 7 ft 3
Chang Wu Gow claimed height 9 ft 2 real height 7 ft 8.75
Joseph Drazel claimed height 8 ft 3.5 real height 7 ft 6.5
Paul Henoch claimed height 8 ft 3 real height 7 ft 2
Franz Winkelmeier claimed Height 8 ft 9 real height 7 ft 5.7
Lewis Wilkins claimed height 8 ft 2 real height 7 ft 4.5
John Turner claimed height 8 ft 3 real height 7 ft 3
Baptiste Hugo claimed height 8 ft 10 real height 7 ft 6.5
Fyodor Machnov claimed height 9 ft 3.5 real height 7 ft 9.7
Johnny Aasen claimed height 8 ft real height 7 ft
Albert Johann Kramer claimed height 9 ft 3.5 real height 7 ft 8.25
Clifford Thompson claimed height 8 ft 8 real height 7 ft 5
Jack Earle claimed height 8 ft 7 real height 7 ft 7.5
Siah Khan claimed height 10 ft 6 real height 7ft 2.5
Henry Hite claimed height 8 ft 2 real height 7 ft 7.75
Rigardus Riynhout claimed height 9 ft 1.5 real height 7 ft 8.1
whats your thoughts on this list of giants of disputed heights also from the 1966 guinness book rob
im surprised with siah khans claim of 10 ft 6 claiming over 3 foot over his real height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Mar/22
Rob, could John Rogan get a page?
He was 8ft9
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
they have a list of giants of disputed heights too
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
said Muhammad ghazi was closer to 7 ft 10.5 like he was listed on
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
i agree rob i would say the new list of tallest people is more realistic
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
the 1966 Guinness world records have this list of tallest people
Robert Pershing Wadlow (1918 - 40 ) of Alton Illinois. USA (8 11.1)
Said Muhammed Ghazi (born 1909, fl. 1941) of Alexandria Egypt 8 10
John F Carroll (born 1932) of Buffalo, New York State, U.S.A 8 7 3/4
"B.R." (born 1871, fl. 1898) a Negro of Gallatin Tennessee, U.S.A 8 6
Don Koehler (born 1926) of Chicago Illinois U.S.A. 8 2
Vaino Myllyrinne (1909-63) of Helsinki, Finland 8 1.2
Constantine (1872 - 1907) of Reutlingen West Germany 8 0.8
Sulaiman ,Ali Nashnush (born 1944) of Tripoli Libya 8 0.4
Patrick Cotter O,Brian (1760 - 1806) of Kinsale,County Cork Ireland 7 10.86
Abdul Houl (1872 - 92) of Aswan, Egypt 7 10.5
what do you think of this list from the 1966 Guinness book rob?

Editor Rob
Interesting they went with the false 8ft 10 claim by Said!
Toby Barrett said on 5/Mar/22
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover i dont question the heights not cause rogan had stiff joints meaning no standing images and carroll had awful spine curving making him lose nearly more than a foot of height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Mar/22
Rogan was like 8ft9 I think?

Editor Rob
Almost 2 Joe Rogan's tall!
Toby Barrett said on 3/Mar/22
Click Here i discovered new images of zeng jinlian on a chinese site
Toby Barrett said on 1/Mar/22
same goes to john rogan and john f carroll causes theres not 1 picture where neither of these look above 8ft even tho rogan couldnt stand he would at least be taller than people sat down
Toby Barrett said on 1/Mar/22
i highly have doubts for any claimed 8 footer without evidence and trijntje keever is questionable cause theres not proof of her being over 8 foot and its more questionable from the time period
Toby Barrett said on 23/Feb/22
the giant musutaman has no pictures of him and the picture claiming to be him is nepals tallest man
Toby Barrett said on 23/Feb/22
musutaman has no pictures of him and the picture claiming to be him is nepals tallest man
Toby Barrett said on 23/Feb/22
not at full height tho
Toby Barrett said on 23/Feb/22
Xeaonity said on 22/Feb/22
Nippu, the man who was staying next to him, is 5 ft 9.5 in (1.76cm), his name is Ho Van Ngoan, and it's his father.
There is an video, of some people measuring his bed. -
Click Here. the short man is im guessing his dads friend and the short man is 5ft3 (1.60m).
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
also awhile ago i said about zia rasheed from pakistan who claims 8'1 but i wasnt sure fully i would say he sometimes looks it but mostly looks 7'10
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
Click Here
shaq compared to wadlow and more (shaqs on his tip toes in the wadlow image to look 7ft2 lol.)
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
Anarchy (Chaos, Dilemma) said on 17/Apr/14
John Middleton (9'3 feet) and The Giant of Castelnau (11'6 feet) were the maximum tallest. Even taller than Wadlow.
castlnau giant was a hoax or a myth most likely and middletons height is a myth
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
@nippu also vikas uppal wasnt measured by Guinness due to guiness having a strict verification criteria
not cause he didnt want too
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
trung could have been over 8ft for correction cause of not standing fully upright and spinal curving and knees escalated
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
trungs hands and feet were bigger than sultan kosens apparently
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
the videos could even have been before trung reached full height 9ft1 was post mortem supposedly
Noel Berthe is another supposed 8 footer standing at alleged 8ft1.5 (247cm) lack of photos lead to height being obscure.
Xeaonity said on 22/Feb/22
Nippu, the man who was staying next to him, is 5 ft 9.5 in (1.76cm), his name is Ho Van Ngoan, and it's his father.
There is an video, of some people measuring his bed. -
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 22/Feb/22
Isroil Hushbokov height is confusing too only 1 image of him exists and he is said to be 8ft tho more info is needed
Xeaonity said on 21/Feb/22
A video, where they are measuring Ho Van Trung's hospital bed - it is 8 ft 6.5 in (2.60cm).
We can clearly see, that by the time he looks close to 8 ft (2.44cm), although him standing was looking closer to 7 ft 9 (2.36cm), due to his escalated knees, and spine.
Click Here
Xeaonity said on 21/Feb/22
This video is from 27 September 2019, just few months before his death. He has been grown, since October 2018, to September 2019. The man who uploaded the video, claims that he is 9 ft 10 in (3m), although I would say that he look close to 8 ft 1 in (2.46cm), to his actual claimed height, 8 ft 5 in (2.57cm), he looks very tall, his knees are escalated, and minor spine.
Click Here
Nippu said on 21/Feb/22
Please Toby. We have no proof. The video of measuring Ho Van Trung was horrible evidence about horrible measurement and horrible evidence. He look like 7´7 to 7´9. 8ft is not impossible but 9ft is. I give him 7´9. Unless the men were 6´7 tall he was not even close to 9ft. Poor guy. He would probably alive some country there they can treat that condition. In Finland we make a lot of Surgerys every year to stop growing. So no another Myllyrinne this area. Every not normal growth will be checked.
Toby Barrett said on 16/Feb/22
maximus thrax was said to be 8 foot 6 and from roman times and if true he would have been giant back then but nowadays would be not as giant as wadlow
Toby Barrett said on 13/Feb/22
ho van trung is the 2nd tallest man ever he was taller than vaino cause vaino was "only" 8'3.75 where as trung was 8'5.3 from his last measurement
ChaosControl1 said on 13/Feb/22
Vietman said on 12/Feb/22
We need to see photographic evidence (Videos or photos of the tall people being measured) or skeletal evidence (for long dead giants). Word of mouth from non-professional people are not credible. Unfortunately, only a few giants were captured being measured.
Being honest skeletal measurements aren’t great cause of decomposition and possibly even damage to the bones but I guess it’s the best thing we can do. It’s not like they’re gonna complain if we measure them wrong
Vietman said on 12/Feb/22
We need to see photographic evidence (Videos or photos of the tall people being measured) or skeletal evidence (for long dead giants). Word of mouth from non-professional people are not credible. Unfortunately, only a few giants were captured being measured.
Toby Barrett said on 12/Feb/22
tho one thing is for sure is ho van trung from vietnam was above 8ft maybe 9ft1 at death
Click Here he gets measure at 250cm and he grew to 257cm in 2019 and maybe was 276cm
Toby Barrett said on 10/Feb/22
feodor machnow was really tall even if he was under 8 foot and probably will be in the top 50 tallest people ever
Nippu said on 10/Feb/22
Toby we guinness has so many records and most of them are not even true. They just want to sell books. They are lucky to have few 8footers now. But they change Kosens height 8´1 to 8´2 just to make new record. 8´1 is real height. Corrected 8´3. Its his max lenght. And i dont like it that u use some giants corrected and some not corrected. They all should be not corrected. U are as tall u stand. What if belongs Marvel comics. Machonov was really tall but not even near to 9ft. Hint less than 8ft. But one of most tallest man ever anyway. Dont trust Guinness its only business for them.
Toby Barrett said on 9/Feb/22
i bet some people still belive feodor machnow was 9'3 like billed at and not 7'10
Toby Barrett said on 8/Feb/22
i dont get why old guiness books list rogan as 8'6.5 and randomly changed it to 8'8 then to 8'9
Toby Barrett said on 6/Feb/22
also on my old chart i misspelled ho van trung
Toby Barrett said on 4/Feb/22
But With Robert Its A Whole New Story
Vaino And Andre Get Dwarfed
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 4/Feb/22
Nippu said on 1/May/19
Nobody really has any proven information Rogan or Carrol`s height. My opinion is that they were 7`7 to max. 8ft. U do remember that doctor was ”measured” late mr. Stadnyk 8`5 and real life he was ”only” 7`7 max. Carroll look like 7`6 in picture evidence. His standing height was around 7`2 at that colorpicture. With very bad postery. Vaino was max 255cm lying down no more. If i remember it right his dead height was 252,8cm. But was not totally straight because of his knees. Andre the giant would look really tiny compare to Vaino. He would not reach even his shoulder height.
@Nippu He Would Barely Reach Vainos Shoulder According To My Chart
Click Here
Sharuyan said on 3/Feb/22
Is it possible a hacker Doxxed or bought the URL illegally from Cryptocurrency/Python that was another great database similar to your website except it had Giants height 7'2'' or more?

Editor Rob
I don't think so, the guy used his own name and I think had personal little blog too if I remember.
Maybe just got another job, or family responsibilities and moved on.
Toby Barrett said on 1/Feb/22
@Nippu She couldnt stand straight and needed help to stand and she was 17 when she died and on her height i would say 8'1.75 at best but 7'11 at worse mainly cause for that reason i cant guess it without estimates but still i would say she is the tallest female ever.
Nippu said on 31/Jan/22
Yes. Now that is a list what we can use. And later names added. We can also add Jeng Jinlian atleast 7`8 up to 8`0. Some pictures she looks huge and some not that huge. But i guess she was atleast close to 8ft.
Daycringeothon said on 29/Jan/22
The Indonesian giant Superwono was measured at 242cm in 2010 that was likely an average of measurements taken. The Asian pacific press did say 271cm which was overly exaggerated. Zhang Jun Cai still tallest known Asian man at 243cm (244cm+ corrected height).
Toby Barrett said on 28/Jan/22
I Cant Guess Dhamendra Pratap Singhs Height But He Looks Above 7ft
Duhon said on 27/Jan/22
@Daycringeothon They'd all look like dwarfs next to Wadlow. They are not up to his caliber.
Daycringeothon said on 26/Jan/22
A few more
Johann Albert aka Johann Kramer over 7’11” not sure photo evidence could be 7’9”-7’10”
Filipe Fernandez Birrel around 7’11” same. photo evidence could have been 7’8”-7’9” possibility of around 7’10” he lived to around 78 years old.
Radhouane Charbib was measured at 7’8.9” by Guinness 1999 staff but shrunk down a few years later at around 7’6”
Toby Barrett said on 26/Jan/22
and 8'2.8 corrected height sultan kosen
Toby Barrett said on 26/Jan/22
(updated list of tallest people with heights i cant guess)
Robert Wadlow (USA) 8'11.09
Väinö Myllyrinne (FIN) 8'3.75
Don Koehler (USA) 8'2
Vikas Uppal (IND) 8'2 (May Have Been Closer To 7'10)
Brahim Takioullah (MORO) 8'1 (Corrected Height)
Morteza Mehrzadselakjani (IRAN) 8'1
Gabriel Monjane (MANJACAZE) 8'0.75
John F Carroll (USA) 8'0
Suparwono (INDONESEA) 7'11.3
Zhang Jun Cai (JPN) 7'11.3 (If Height Was Corrected Would Probably Be 8'0+)
Sa’id Muhammad Ghazi (EGYPT) 7'10.5 (Claimed Of Being 10 Feet Tall But Was Measured At 7'10.5)
Feodor Machnow (UKR) 7'10
Albert Johan Kramer (Netherlands) 7'9.5
Frederick Kempster (UK) 7'9.5
Yoshimitsu Matsuzaka (JPN) 7'9.3
Bao Xishun (CHN) 7'9
Sun MingMing (CHN) 7'9
Chang Woo-Gow (CHN) 7'8.75
Adam Rainer (AUSTRIA) 7'8
Cant Figure Out These Heights So Im Putting The Claimed Heights Hoping People Can Guess These Heights
Trijntje Keever (NETHERLANDS) 8'4.32
Dhamendra Pratap Singh 8'1 and 8'2 and 8'0 and 7'10 (IND) (IDK Why Multiple Heights Were Claimed)
Zia Rasheed (PAKISTAN) 8'1
6Foot6 said on 24/Jan/22
he was last measured a month before he died. safe to say he couldve been 9 foot out of bed (if he could fit in a bed)
Toby Barrett said on 23/Jan/22
also why do most giants have bad posture or cant stand
Toby Barrett said on 23/Jan/22
also i forgot don koehler by mistake
Toby Barrett said on 23/Jan/22
also i was looking at pictures of suparwono and i belive he was actually 7'11.5
Toby Barrett said on 23/Jan/22
and also john middletons bones were exhumed in 1800s so that makes it harder to guess height but he was certain below 9 foot 3
Daycringeothon said on 22/Jan/22
Myllyrinne, amazingly was still growing and could have reached 258cm-261cm if he lived 6 years longer.His growth plates hadn’t quite closed yet. He had to stay in a hospital.Related to rheumatoid arthritis.He lived a relatively long life at 54 years old.
Toby Barrett said on 21/Jan/22
im not even gonna start with john middletons height either cause his even tho i agree he was 7'9 his height was different
Toby Barrett said on 21/Jan/22
the lack of photos of john rogan makes his height not known same with the fact he couldnt stand
Nippu said on 21/Jan/22
We already find the photo of "Grady patterson". It is just bad photoshop for picture there is avarage size man and the hole case was a hoax. Sadly late TTM site is gone and most of the community and all the evidence what we make have gone? Unless someone copied them. What we did proof that 1. R. Wadlow was really 8´11 tall. Not 9. If u use correction he probably would hit 9ft mark. That tall man dont need any correction. 2. John Rogan´s height is and will always be unknown. He was probably "only" 7´7 tall 3. Carroll case. We did find unknown photos about him just before he died. He was standing 7´2 really poor position. We try to correct him as much was possible and we did not get him in any case more than 8´0 tall. Probably Carrol´s correction height was 7´8 tall. 3. Vaino Myllyrinne is was 252,8cm tall. Doctor who measured him is still alive and my next house neighbour in Finland. So as we know Vaino is 2nd tallest man after Wadlow. Myllyrinne was probablya bit taller even. His knees did not go totally straiht then they measured him in lying position. Myllyrinne is also tall enough so he dont need correction. Vaino also stand that 8´3 in his normal standing position with shoes. 4. Sultan Kosen do not stand 8´3. He stand more like 8´1 in strech position with shoes Normally 7´10. 5. Brahim stand normally around 7´10 but can be stand over 8ft. He need correction for that 8´1 like Sultan need it also 8´3. 6. There will be probably more 8footers in poor countrys and distance villages. The reason why we had find a lot of really tall people like Sultan and Brahim is because today diet is better and there are medical cares to keep them alive. But probably never see anyone like Wadlow. Today in this world is more than 7billion people and nobody come even close to Wadlow. And nobody should. Wadlow could barely walk anymore in his final 2 years. That pace of growing also give u a lot of pain. You dont have to expect to find people like Vaino in Finland anymore. Max. height here is around 230cm. Today they find all the people who has gigantism and treated them in they teens. Known Finnist tallest man Sami Eerola is 218cm tall but he has no gigantism. He is just tall and big. But he is not really the tallest here. I know atlest 3 men who are taller than him. One is measured 222cm, one 225cm and one dont tell his height but he is tallest of them. To me 7´7 like Muresan. Dont have gigantism.
Duhon said on 20/Jan/22
Robert Wadlow has to be the only human to have ever approached mythical giant height. 9' seems to be what people consider the mythical minimum for giant vs just extremely tall human being. To be fair in shoes he'd have easily passed 9'.
Toby Barrett said on 19/Jan/22
and by taller than rogan i meant again
Toby Barrett said on 18/Jan/22
there probably never be a human taller than john rogan at 8'8 and i know people will say "grady patterson is taller" but grady didnt exist
Click Here look at the feet shadow it doesnt exist and theres more proof that grady didnt exist and because gigantism can be stopped now meaning sultan will be one of the last people to be tallest living man and be above 8'0
Toby Barrett said on 8/Jan/22
just looked him up and i feel really bad for him 8 foot 5 is plausible from looking at photos tho they disputed his height up to 9.05ft 275cm which isnt possible
Toby Barrett said on 8/Jan/22
@Alex182 i have never heard of Hồ Văn Trung before but maybe 8 foot 4 is a bit of a stretch
Toby Barrett said on 4/Jan/22
John Middleton Would Dwarf Siah As Well
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 4/Jan/22
But In Reality It Would Look Like This
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 4/Jan/22
Click Here What Robert Wadlow Would Look like If Siah Khan Ibn Kashmir Khan Was 11'10 Like What He Would Like People To Belive
Toby Barrett said on 4/Jan/22
Click Here Robert Wadlow And His Dad Complation And Also Looks 6'2.5 Just Like He Should At 9 Years Old
Toby Barrett said on 3/Jan/22
Click Here how robert would look next to 8ft9 john rogan (no standing images of rogan exist)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Dec/21
People clearly want to push the average guess to over 9ft!
Robbe said on 20/Dec/21
Yeah, Machnow would have been dwarfed by Väinö Myllyrinne also
Click Here
Duhon said on 19/Dec/21
Robert could have grown more but anything beyond 9' would have likely confined him to a wheel chair unable to walk. He died from his braces that helped him stand and walk.
Toby Barrett said on 18/Dec/21
heres how richard kiel would look with robert
Click Here
Toby Barrett said on 18/Dec/21
@robbe thats more realistic because i dont belive the woman next to him is 6'6 and he looks shorter than robert
Robbe said on 17/Dec/21
In reality Machnow would have looked like this next to Robert
Click Here
Robertwadlowshouldbetenfeettall said on 17/Dec/21
Is there any pics of him at 8-11.1 ?? And also editor Rob I was wondering had he not died unexpectedly from a very minor foot blister injury and continue to grow the way he did (he grew at the rate of about 2 and half inch on average) and lived a few more years …… how tall could he possibly be ?? Could be grow to 10 feet tall ?? There should be scientific study on how tall he could’ve eventually be …..I just feel a little sad that he couldn’t lived until he complete his entire growth …… could be worlds first 10 foot or 3 metre guy !!!!!!
Toby Barrett said on 15/Dec/21
Click Here robert next to the unverified 9ft3 Feodor Machnow
Daycringeothon said on 11/Dec/21
Is it likely Wadlow’s femur was 30”+ at the time of his death. 30-31”. The 29.5” is given in most Guinness editions around his last official measurement at 8’11” 272cm. Most editions even state the average femur of a six foot man is 19.75” by comparison.
Toby Barrett said on 11/Dec/21
@Robbe @smileshy22 sorry for late response but thanks for the info
Robbe said on 3/Dec/21
Lol it says 1933
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
Click Here Click Here
Yeah, October 1938 is probably right. It can't be 1939 cause that picture was publiced in december 1938. It says Robert was 8'8.5 at the time, but his height chart says he reached that height just 1939? Well, maybe he really was 8'8 in late 1938, and was measured the same when he turned 21 in february 1939?
Robbe said on 1/Dec/21
@Toby Barrett, picture is from 1939. Robert should be 8'8 range at that point
Click Here
smileshy22 said on 30/Nov/21
@Toby Barrett- That's from 1938! He's with Maureen O'Sullivan and Ann Morris at MGM Studios. :)
Toby Barrett said on 27/Nov/21
Click Here how old is this picture of robert?
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Nov/21
Well, it just goes to prove the scale ruler method isn’t always reliable given the less obvious illusory effects in some photos due to angles etc. That yearbook photo also appears slightly slanted to Robert’s disadvantage.
One cool thing, the perfect photo of Wadlow and Carnera back to back also proves that Primo was an exact 6’5 3/4”.
Robbe said on 21/Nov/21
Robert looks bang on 6'11 with Primo Carnera, just like he should, at 12 years old.
Click Here
Like said, that yearbook photo is really strange. It looks pretty decent, but camera angle must have been terrible, cause Robert looks shorter there at 13 years old lol 😛
Tall In The Saddle said on 19/Nov/21
RW’s height chart indicates 7’2” at 13 and 7’5” at 14. The Yearbook was published 1931 but we don’t have a month. We could assume latter part of year but some are published earlier..
RW turned 13 in the Feb so we can assume at least 7’2”. He apparently was measured by Drs annually, each birthday. Perhaps 7’4” was a rough measurement during the year (shoe heigh?). Fully grown, the teacher would’ve likely known his bare foot height and provided same but impossible to say for sure.
Note also that RWs weight is provided as 272 lbs while the teacher himself is listed as 240 lbs! If correct, the teacher isn’t carrying that weight too badly on a 6’2”‘frame I guess. However RW’s own 272 lb might be a bit light for 7’4” as compared to his weight trends on his height chart. Meaning. If the weight is correct it might lend to RW mot being quite 7’4” barefoot at that time of the photo.
Robbe said on 15/Nov/21
That yearbook pic is really weird. It says that the guy on the right is 6'2, and the short one in the middle is 4'2. If Robert is really 7'4 there, it doesn't match at all
Click Here
Robert is tilting his head down, so he is dropping maybe an inch there, so i put him 7'3 on the chart.
If we put their feet on the ground, and set these two guys heights at 6'2 and 4'2 like claimed, Robert is nowhere near 7'4
Click Here
Go figure 😲
smileshy22 said on 13/Nov/21
@six four guys- The yearbook says the guy (Randolph Austin) was 6 ft 2, so Rob was right! :D
six four guy said on 10/Nov/21
Thank you, @smileshy22!
Rob in your opinion, How tall is the guy next to 7'4'' Robert?
Click Here

Editor Rob
if the angle (and head tilt) is reducing the difference then 6ft 6-7 range maybe
six four guy said on 7/Nov/21
Hey @smileshy22 do you know the year of this photo?
Click Here
Tall In The Saddle said on 29/Oct/21
??? I’m not the one overly preoccupied with and frequently reporting on the scale measurement. That’s you. LOL. Anyway……
asdl30555 said on 27/Oct/21
@Tall In The Saddle
Please measure it yourself without telling me
Tall In The Saddle said on 26/Oct/21
I would suggest you first address the considerations I have put forward. LOL, I don’t rely on anyone but it seems you’re affording far more accuracy to the scale ruler method than it warrants and you compound the error by not taking into account all due variables. Your approach is flawed but feel free to continue playing with your ruler.
asdl30555 said on 23/Oct/21
@Tall In The Saddle
I suggest you learn to use a scale ruler first and don't rely on others for everything ~ laughter 22 is a waldlow expert, but he is a novice in measurement
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Oct/21
Thanks again for yet another considerate treatment and analysis. Much appreciated!
Who’s arguing about winning or losing and isn’t it somewhat arrogant to suggest an alternative view to be incorrect?
If we’re being objective show me when and where Harold’s peak height was ever actually measured. It wasn’t. I believe it was informally supplied by Harold. Anything is possible and Harold might’ve suppled an approximate height for himself or even one that included shoes. Also, some possible height loss on Harold’s part is a fair and objective consideration.
Tell me what thickness Robert’s heels were? Fair to assume they were that much thicker than average so you would have to deduct that much more heel gain for Robert than Harold. Have you allowed for that? Have you also allowed for less than perfect posture, particularly on Harold’s part? Making estimates from photos has to entail error margins. Possibly being accurate to within 1” to 1/2” is an excellent result from a photo source but it can be wrong by a crucial inch, five or take.
Finally, I have my doubts that Robert would attend his physicians for whatever reason without being measured. Expanding on that I doubt that Robert didn’t attend his physicians from his 21st birthday until 27 June 1940, particularly since he wore a brace which would need periodic checking, as was the case for the 27 June check up, the brace needing to be refitted with the measurement of Robert’s height being an integral part of the process.
I believe you’re referring to a guy who calls himself The Height Detective who has done calculations on the heights of Myllyrinne and John F Carroll, sourced from photos, the workings of which are available on his web page. Great stuff. If has already done one on Waldow it would be great if he included that on his page also.
asdl30555 said on 21/Oct/21
I don't want to argue about winning or losing ~ I won't destroy and interfere with other people's incorrect views
asdl30555 said on 20/Oct/21
Both photos are tilted without correction ~ I take a step back, even the correction comparison is blind ~ in addition, Harold's height has shrunk ~ that's your subjective view, not objective
smileshy22 said on 18/Oct/21
@Tall In The Saddle- I put my measurement at the bottom of the shoe, right before the heel starts. I didn't consider Harold losing height, but it's a big possibility! Him at a smaller height of 5 ft 10 (or 9) puts Robbie at 8 ft 9 (or 8), which goes with the 8 ft 8 measurement from 1939!
I don't know when the pic was taken, but Betty is wearing the dress from Robert's 21st birthday. When I compared a b-day photo (
Click Here), to the infamous pic, Harold Jr. is about a couple inches inches smaller. Comparing the two Roberts (by making the heads the same size), showed the same size difference for HJ. (
Click Here) So the infamous pic is probably from mid to late '39.
After all that comparing, I'd say that Robert didn't reach 8 ft 11 in '39 after all and he's actually 8 ft 8/9, just as reported! :)
asdl30555 said on 16/Oct/21
@Tall In The Saddle
Wadlow didn't have a bone line closure examination ~ we can say that it is still growing or stopped growing
Nippu said on 16/Oct/21
Agree. We have best evidence about Roberts height in his final measurements. His growth was slowed also. To me he is 272cm. 2cm taller than my house first floor ceiling. Upstairs rooms are 240cm at height. And basement only 200cm. It is unreal to think that Robert could not stand straight in my house. But i also have apartment very centre of Helsinki. Building is 110 year old absolutely beauty. In Helsinki my room ceiling is 350cm. Every room. Just suited for Wadlow. He could even stretch his arms up here.
King Spattan said on 16/Oct/21
Can you please add Arshavir Grigoryan to this website he needs a page??
Tall In The Saddle said on 15/Oct/21
Could you reiterate your methodology and the relevant details upon which you are basing your conclusions? I understand that this has been an ongoing and incremental discussion so a start to finish refresh would be good.
This is the photo, apparently taken in late 1939, being analysed.
Click Here
Could I ask:
*What is the most accurate time stamp for the photo in question and what is the occasion for the family get together to corroborate when it was taken?
*I assume Harold's deemed height is the pivot for calculating Robert's height. What height are you deeming Harold to stand? Harold was never measured but he volunteered a height of 5'11" which I guess was his peak height. Since Harold was 47 yo (1892 to 1939) as at the time of the photo , why not entertain possible height loss or, at the least, inaccuracy for Harold's originally claimed height?
*Are you including shoes in the calculated height and then deducting for heel? If so, are you making greater allowance for Robert's heel which was thicker than average size? Otherwise, are you excluding heel straight up and measuring from where you believe the barefoot starts?
*What's the deemed margin error for this method? Just 1 inch is less than 1% of Robert's overall height.
*Robert was last measured, in person, barefoot and by scientific method, on 27 June 1940 and found to be 8'11.1". If you believe Robert already measured this by late 1939, then you would have to conclude that Robert somehow had not grown during the time between late 1939 and 27 June 1940 and perhaps deemed to have ceased growing. As I understand it, Robert was described as still growing as at the time of this death.
Nippu said on 15/Oct/21
Yes. In late TTM page we did tons of measurements and Lasoi was certainly best of these. He actually calculated Myllyrinne height right in the room wich door and roof high i know. Vaino at that time stood 8`3 with shoes and with great posture. He did same multiple people.
Click Here Read alsocomments below.
asdl30555 said on 13/Oct/21
@Tall In The Saddle
Please refer to the measurement method of lasoi, a TTM height calculation expert
smileshy22 said on 12/Oct/21
@asdl30555- Putting the ruler under Robert's foot and making him 8 ft 11 made Harold 5 ft 11, so your measurement was right! He reached his final height so fast! :o
Tall In The Saddle said on 11/Oct/21
Due respect but smileshy22’s methodology looks fine to me. This lady is perfectly conversant on all things Wadlow and her analysis just so happens to reconcile to the most reliable methodology of them all, being that of the physicians who actually and accurately measured Robert in the flesh to an exact mm, not relying on mere photos for estimation.
Remember also, Harold’s height was simply provided, not medically verified as Robert’s was and Harold might’ve lost some height at any rate.
asdl30555 said on 10/Oct/21
Friend, your measurement method is wrong! It's only right to put the ruler under Robert's feet
smileshy22 said on 7/Oct/21
@asdl30555- I put Harold at 6 ft 0 on my height chart and Robert was 8 ft 11 (while Robbie at 9'2 made Harold 6'1)! So maybe the reports were correct? It would be cool if Robbie actually hit his peak height earlier than expected! :D
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 6/Oct/21
I share an interesting thing with my friends! The reports of 8 feet 9 inches and 8 feet 10 inches are incorrect! Wadlow reached the height of barefoot 8'11 in late 1939! This photo is strong evidence!
Click Here
Robbe said on 3/Oct/21 lists Rigardus Rijnhout 7'6.5 (230cm) but i believe the statue is 7'9. I have seen couple of pics Olivier Richters standing next to the statue, and he was way under it's eyelevel. Richters should be around 220cm in shoes, and he looked at least 15cm shorter than the statue.
Nippu said on 1/Oct/21
Some pages said statue of Rotterdam is 230cm tall? And there are also 2 version of his height 237cm and 230cm? Dont know wich one is true. But he really was big boned man. Anybody there to measured it perhaps =D
Robbe said on 28/Sep/21
Grigoryan's head looks indeed massive. His eyelevel/tophead is pretty much normal, but eyelevel/chin is HUGE! His head looks near 14in.
If that Wadlow statue is 8'11, Grigoryan appears 7'8 range there. Brahim, in relaxed posture, looks 3in taller than that 7'9 statue
Click Here
King Spattan said on 25/Sep/21
But than again Rob that is a statue of Robert Wadlow and not real so therefore we don't know!
King Spattan said on 24/Sep/21
Here's Arshavir Grigoryan with Robert Wadlow you think his head is longer than Roberts head it's freakishly massive??
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think the statue would have been made fairly accurately, so the other guy does pull off 7ft 8 there and a big head too!
King Spattan said on 24/Sep/21
Here's Brahim Takioullah and the giant statue in the center is 7'9" (235 cm) tall. How tall does Brahim look to you in that picture I noticed he has a bigger eyelevel but smaller eye chin compared to the skull of the statue of the Dutch Giant??
Click Here

Editor Rob
About 3 inches between them
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Sep/21
I’d love to test drive this height for a week to see if it’s as tedious as they make it out to be...
MichaelMyers said on 14/Sep/21
If he hadn't got that infection that killed him at only 22 years old, I wonder just how much taller he could've grown? If he had lived even just another few months or half year, he could've very well been the first and only human to ever hit at least 9 feet tall...
Robbe said on 14/Sep/21
Yeah, Rutanen is the last true giant in Finland. He passed away one year after Väinö in 1964. He was often mixed with Väinö, although he was much shorter. The Tallest Man lists Rutanen 7'7 and Moilanen 7'9. That's how they would have looked next to Robert
Click Here
Nippu said on 11/Sep/21
Thank u Robbe.Now it make more sense. Vaino was Bigger than Robert in certain areas. More muscular and more fysical overall. Probably most impressive giant who we know is Vaino? Matter of opinion. For me its still Wadlow and second Vaino. But Vaino was mobile. He actually was superpowered. Wadlow was taller but not that powerfull at all. Poor guy was tallest and that is his legacy. And every year in Finland are making people to stop growing. High quality medial like in Finland dont let u know more than 200cm-215cm tall. Some are even shorter. So people who are in future tallest dont come good medical treatment countries. Top of There they stop grotwh in Finland is 230cm if there are desicse. If not we have many 7ft "for me its not giant". 7´5 and above start to look really tall and big.
Nippu said on 6/Sep/21
Robbe comparision with Vaino and Robert is little incorrect. Prime Vaino was closer 8´4 not 8´3. Small but pretty important correction. 252,8 cm. If u could do it again would be great to see it.
Tall In The Saddle said on 2/Sep/21
Good question. Robert’s parents were offered certain medical treatments to possibly arrest his growth but they felt the risks were too high so they allowed nature to take its full course. Today, if someone was tracking at Robert’s growth rate I would guess there would be medical intervention well before said individual got anywhere near 8’11.1”.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Sep/21
I wonder if and when the next Robert Wadlow will come along.
Tall In The Saddle said on 1/Sep/21
Funny to think back in the day of full on circus’, side shows etc. that even when their heights were grossly exaggerated, most claims still weren’t close to Robert’s actual height though there were some
less common claims of 9 ft +.
Wadlow’s height will never get “old” or suffer relative depreciation. It be like, how tall would 8’11.1” have been considered in 1940 as opposed to 2021?? Answer: still insanely tall and literally unbelievable if there wasn’t also photos and film to support it. LOL.
King Spattan said on 31/Aug/21
Igor Vovkovinskiy passed away it's sad. He doesn't even have a page??

Editor Rob
He never got a page and it is sad to hear he passed at a young age. I am not sure of just what his final measured height was though.
Robbe said on 28/Aug/21
Robert with his family
Click Here
Nippu said on 24/Aug/21
Aasen is old news. He was around 7´3 at his best. We solved his height early 2000. Robert is only person who makes Vaino look small. And Vaino is probably tallest person to stand beside Wadlow with great posture. This shows how unique Wadlows height was. Wadlow weight was 200-220kg and Vainos 170-200kg. Vaino was more big boned than Robert but picture is not 3D so we can not see that. To Alex. We know Vainos final height. It was not 8`1 it was closer to 8`4 than 8`3. Rogan and Carroll will stay mystery. No proof that they stand more than 7`6. Rogan was not even able to stand at all. I would put both of guys unsolveld heights. Trust me we have been looking evidence more than 20 years now. And many giants use corrected heights. Robert and Vaino use they real heights. Kosen and Brahim also use corrected both. They stand normally a bit under 8ft. Kosen can strech his height over 8ft standing position. But walk ”only” very impressive 7`10. People seems to forget how freakin tall 7´10 is.
Robbe said on 24/Aug/21
If Aasen's head was 11in, then the "average height" guy is 5'5 and his head is 8in.
Click Here
5'5 sounds pretty low for average height, but maybe it was back then..
Sharuyan said on 21/Aug/21
I found pictures of Brahim and another 7'8'' African giant (to the left) next to Historic Dutch Giant in Rotterdam Netherlands and it turns out that he is indeed is 8 feet, but I must admit Brahim does have a small head of course it's bigger than average man I wouldn't go over 11 inches.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Robbe said on 17/Aug/21
Peak Väinö Myllyrinne would have looked like this next to Robert.
Click Here
I wonder if Väinö's head was really 15,7in? It doesn't look any bigger than Robert's head if you look at the pictures online. But Väinö was interviewed by a swedish reporter face to face back in 1944, and the interviewer said Väinö's head was at least 40cm 👀 👀 👀
Robbe said on 17/Aug/21
If Robert's dad was 5'11, and his head was 9in, then Robert appears 8'6 on the left, and bang on 8'11 on the right. Robert's head around 13in in both cases
Click Here
Tall In The Saddle said on 16/Aug/21
Agreed. Even though fast approaching 9 feet tall it was amazing that Robert stood as perfectly tall and straight as he did for so long. That's one reason why I personally don't subscribe to corrected height calculations which ignore the equally amazing resistance to skeletal breakdowns and deformities.
Atop that, the term "tall" speaks for itself and Robert literally stood as vertically tall as recorded. Interesting though, in the very late stages Robert did become a bit compromised, including a visible hump/hunch. Robert might've scored a bit extra height via "correction" but I don't believe such calculation was ever applied to him and tbh, I'm happy that it wasn't, leaving no gray areas re Wadlow's height.
Have you visited 8'3" Vaino Myllyrinne's page? Sure, about 8" shy of Robert but very much an all round giant of a man and well proportioned as giants go.
Sharuyan said on 14/Aug/21
@Tall In The Saddle
Robert Wadlow had hypothyroidism in his pituitary gland which is even worse than having Acromegaly/Gigantism, but I'm just amazed how he managed to stand tall and have much better mobility walking than Sultan. I've seen pictures of Sultan next to Wadlow model he looks like a kid from head to toe. As for Brahim and Sultan weight I read that they weigh 300 lbs at most which is very thin, where as Wadlow weighed close to 500 lbs.
Alex182 said on 14/Aug/21
Rob Paul, this is my list of the tallest people. What is your opinion on this list?
8ft 11.09 Robert Wadlow (United States)
8ft 8 John Rogan (United States)
8ft 7.75 John Carroll (United States)
8ft 4.50 Hồ Văn Trung (Vietnam)
8ft 2.82 Sultan Kösen (Turkey)
8ft 2 Bernard Coyne (United States)
8ft 2 Don Koehler (United States)
8ft 2 Vikas Uppal (India)
8ft 1.75 Väinö Myllyrinne (Finland)
8ft 1.75 Zeng Jin-lian (China)
8ft 1 Patrick Cotter O'Brien (Ireland)
8ft 0.97 Brahim Takioullah (Morocco)
8ft 0.85 Morteza Mehrzad (Iran)
8ft 0.80 Julius Koch (Germany)
8ft 0.75 Gabriel Monjane (Mozambique)
8ft 0.25 Suleiman Ali Nashnush (Libya)
8ft 0 Anton De Franckenpoint (Germany)
7ft 11.30 Zhang Jun-cai (China)
7ft 11.30 Suparwono (Indonesia)
7ft 11 Jane Bunford (United Kingdom)
7ft 11 Felipe Birriel (Puerto Rico)
7ft 10.50 Sa’id Muhammad Ghazi (Egypt)
7ft 10 Feodor Machnow (Belarus)
7ft 10 Ajaz Ahmed (Pakistan)
7ft 9.50 Albert Johan Kramer (Netherlands)
7ft 9.30 Frederick Kempster (United Kingdom)
7ft 9.30 Yoshimitsu Matsuzaka (Japan)
7ft 9.30 Alexander Sizonenko (Ukraine)

Editor Rob
Quite a few of the names I haven't looked might be in a better position to guess some of those height than myself.
Alex182 said on 12/Aug/21
Rob, what is your opinion about the height of Hồ Văn Trung?

Editor Rob
beyond just a few photos I've not looked much at him
Tall In The Saddle said on 12/Aug/21
Andre's head looked disproportionately enormous even for a man of Andre's great body size and height. The effects of acromegaly and gigantism. I don't think that Wadlow's head would be necessarily proportionally larger due to his notably greater height.
Sharuyan said on 9/Aug/21
Rob I disagree with you on the head size, Andre the Giant was 7ft his head was 12 inches and yet Robert Wadlow was two feet taller so that makes his head 13.5-14 inches... long right?

Editor Rob
Well I looked at a few photos with different people and I would not go more than 13 inches compared to other head sizes I've seen...but it's just my estimate.
molvanian nights said on 24/Jul/21
@Matthew Lean: The defunct TTM site suggested his height as 7'7, perhaps reaching 7'8 in the morning but clearly nowhere near 8'5.
Aidan Creekmore said on 20/Jul/21
I think 8'11.2". He was measured 18 days before his death and was growing rapidly at that time.
wannabehidden211 said on 16/Jun/21
Gosh! 8 feet 11 inches tall, that's tall, that's super tall.
Matthew Lean said on 13/Jun/21
@Rob paul how tall was Leonid Stadnyk?

Editor Rob
I think most agreed he wasn't as tall as he'd have liked people to believe
Matthew Lean said on 13/Jun/21
@Rob paul can you pls add john rogan?
Duhon said on 7/Jun/21
Sultan stands as close to Robert Wadlow as about any human in history or at least captured on film.
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 3/Jun/21
@Tall In The Saddle
This is the highest photo of Robert! According to the TTM calculation expert's image correction, he corrected the original tilt image by turning left 1.5 degrees before calculation! The reference object for correction is the window behind Harold! Father and son are in the same horizontal line! Robert's shoes are 9 feet 0.25 inches, and his socks are 8'11! Harold is standing in front of Robert! Robert Shoes 8 feet 11.25 inches, socks 8'10!
Click Here
Tall In The Saddle said on 1/Jun/21
Even if not technically quite at his tallest, that photo is one of the most majestic, if not THE most majestic images taken of RW.
Click Here
Here's a clip of RW celebrating his 21st birthday with his family, uploaded by smileshy22. The family is similarly grouped and they do a great pan up to RW's full height. You can see that RW's youngest brother Harold Jr. is that bit younger than he is in the still photo above.
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 28/May/21
@Tall In The Saddle
In this photo, Robert's sock reaches an amazing 8'10, no doubt
Click Here
Rapha said on 27/May/21
Hi Rob
In case he would not have died at age 22, do you think that it would have been possible for him to reach 3 m of height ? It seems that he would have never stopped growing.

Editor Rob
I don't know, but over 9ft was looking very possible for him...
Tall In The Saddle said on 26/May/21
Interestingly, if we ONLY take Feb 1939 and Jun 1940 as RW's last two "official" measurements, we can calculate his growth over the 16 month period and pro rata it to extrapolate him being about 8'10 4/10" by Feb 1940 (coincidentally or not, that's close to the fig of 8' 10 3/10" reported in newspapers upon his passing in July 1940). Of course, this is all just guesstimate work.
I say this because you have previously and justifiably raised question re the Feb 1940 measurement which was possibly informally made by his father and therefore, "unofficial". Also, without due equipment and methodology, particularly in view of someone of such extreme stature, his father's measurement might've easily been inaccurate.
On the flip side, if we accept the Feb 1940 measurement as say 8'9 1/4" that would mean RW only grew 1" over the preceding year but then went on to grow a considerable 1.85" in little over 4 months. Quite the spike but certainly not impossible.
Of course RW's growth wasn't uniform but in his final years, it did appear that his growth was slowing and I guess it allows for the possibility that images of RW in late 1939 early 1940 actually depict him above 8'10" and that much closer to his final height than we originally thought. That then allows for a growth of about .7" from Feb 1940 to June 1940 which might seem more reasonable.
It would be great if the relevant details of RW's medical files could be released without intrusion on his privacy otherwise.
asdl30555 said on 25/May/21
I don't feel very true about the 8'9 reported in the newspaper, because there were relevant reports from 1939 to 1940
asdl30555 said on 24/May/21
You are still disturbed by the newspaper report 8'9! In fact, this photo can be said to be Robert's maximum height! TTM calculation experts also calculated that the sock in this photo reached 270 height, and I also calculated the same height! I also compared several other photos taken by father and son in 1939, and the difference was also very obvious
Tall In The Saddle said on 24/May/21
I was just thinking (yes, a dangerous venture, I know) but the old saying “act your age not your shoe size would’ve been non applicable pretty early in Robert’s life. I’m a mere size 10 and can still, justifiably, be accused of acting my shoe size and not my age but no one can ever say I don’t have sole. :)
smileshy22 said on 23/May/21
@asdl30555- He's probably 8 ft 10 or 11 in the pic because of his shoes, which would make him 8 ft 8 without shoes. But with the height difference being a bit more, the pic could actually be from late '39 or even early '40! So maybe he could be 8 ft 10 without socks! :o
Matthew Lean said on 23/May/21
@ Rob Paul what would have been his morning height?

Editor Rob
something that would have been interesting to is likely based on his spine that he easily cleared 9ft mark first thing.
asdl30555 said on 22/May/21
If you compare all the photos of Robert and his father in 1939, the Robert in the family photo is far more than 8'8 height, the difference is very obvious!
asdl30555 said on 21/May/21
Do you still think Robert is standing at 8 feet 8 inches, this family photo
asdl30555 said on 19/May/21
The comparison between the 8-foot-8-inch Robert and his father is like this: the difference in height and body is not as obvious as that in the family photo
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 18/May/21
Harold reflects Robert's Shoes 8'10.75! Father and son stand on the same level, Robert's shoes are 8'11.5, socks are 8'10.25
asdl30555 said on 18/May/21
Put the ruler on Harold's heel and measure Robert! Robert is 8'8! But it's not right, because the feet are in different positions
smileshy22 said on 16/May/21
@asdl30555- He isn't 8 ft 11 in that pic. It was taken in '39, but he hadn't finished growing yet unlike most 21 year olds. He was about 8 ft 8 there, so putting him at that height makes Harold 5 ft 10 and a half. It's not his usual height, but Harold could've shrunk a bit with age. :)
asdl30555 said on 15/May/21
Have you found that 5'11 Harold shoes stand in front of 9 'shoes Robert, Harold's visual effect is 5'8, the visual effect is very shocking
asdl30555 said on 12/May/21
If this picture was really taken in 1939, then he will complete all the growth in the later period of his 21 years old! Then there was no growth any more! Harold stands in front of Robert! Robert is 8'11! They're on the same level! Robert is nine feet!
Click Here
Caleb 5'10 1/8 at noon said on 9/May/21
Click Here
I see so many men who are over 7 feet tall on this website. In fact there are several men listed there who are 7 feet 2. Yet I see much less women who are legitamately 6 feet 7-8 and there are suppossed to be 6 inches between men and women.
smileshy22 said on 9/May/21
@asdl30555- That's perfect! :D
asdl30555 said on 8/May/21
Yes, I think so too! Rotate left 2 to achieve the perfect correction, and the correction reference is the flower bed behind Robert's little brother
asdl30555 said on 7/May/21
In order to pursue the perfection of photos, let's finally discuss this topic! Photo left rotation 2 and left rotation 2.5 compare each other, which is more suitable for photo correction! I'm a little bit trapped and want to hear from you
smileshy22 said on 3/May/21
@asdl30555- It seems to be a bit tilted. 2 works best!
asdl30555 said on 2/May/21
I try to rotate the picture to the left 2.5, the picture seems to be overcorrected, left tilt! Do you think it's tilted
smileshy22 said on 30/Apr/21
@asdl30555- I'm glad I could help! :)
asdl30555 said on 29/Apr/21
But I prefer to accept image rotation 2! Although it's a rough figure, the photos are closer after the experiment! Thank you very much for your cooperation!
asdl30555 said on 28/Apr/21
I did experiment 1.5, which is basically consistent with the line diagram
asdl30555 said on 24/Apr/21
I later looked at the picture and turned left 1.5, which basically coincided with the line picture
smileshy22 said on 21/Apr/21
@asdl30555- It looks to be about 2! :)
Dred_ said on 20/Apr/21
well if his Father's head isn't much more than 9 inches, then 12 inch range is possible...some of the wax models seem to put his head near that
13 inch range is possible ? Seems clearly bigger than sultan kosen head
Click Here

Editor Rob
In a few photos with his Dad I think 12-12.5 might be a range, however as much as 13...I'd really need to spend time.
If the Wadlow statue had his head tilted down slightly, it could look 13 inches for sure.
asdl30555 said on 19/Apr/21
If the picture is rotated 4 to the left, it will be severely tilted to the left! The following line drawing is a correction chart! The left rotation range is between 1.5 and 2, but I'm not sure which number it is
Click Here
smileshy22 said on 17/Apr/21
@asdl30555- I rotated the angle by 4 in Photoshop, which made it even. :)
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 17/Apr/21
Hello, expert, I need your help here! How much should this tilted photo be rotated to the left before it can be corrected
Click Here
Dred_ said on 11/Apr/21
Rob how big is Robert wardlow head in your opinion ? Is the biggest head you ever seen ?

Editor Rob
well if his Father's head isn't much more than 9 inches, then 12 inch range is possible...some of the wax models seem to put his head near that
Alex 6'0 said on 6/Apr/21
When you look at his growth chart its mind boggling. 6'0 at 8. 6'5 at 9. 6'11 at 12. 7'4 at 13. Insane numbers.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 2/Apr/21
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Mar/21
8'11.1 is exactly 8'11 1/8 right? He'd definitely broke 9 feet if he didn't die.
He’d have broken 9’ in the morning mate
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Mar/21
8'11.1 is exactly 8'11 1/8 right? He'd definitely broke 9 feet if he didn't die.
Tall In The Saddle said on 29/Mar/21
I was just thinking. Imagine being aboard that boat along with Robert Wadlow and Jack Dempsey to view Niagara Falls. In terms of icons, that's quite the trifecta and a heavyweight combination that I didn't necessarily imagine coming together.
Tall In The Saddle said on 27/Mar/21
Thanks you. I really appreciate the time and effort you put in to provide that estimate. Sounds very much the height we would expect RW to be hitting around the time.
smileshy22 said on 25/Mar/21
@Tall In The Saddle- I sized Dempsey in the picture with a full body pic to get a height of 6 ft 1/2, which made Robert over 8 feet! :o I'd say he was about 8 ft 8 or 9.
Tall In The Saddle said on 22/Mar/21
THANKS. How cool is that? Dempsey was mainly listed as 6'1" but I think he was more like 6' 1/2". Based on the latter height, what height would you calculate RW to be standing in the photo (even though RW is clearly not fully straight)? The hood might make it bit difficult to mark the top of Dempsey's head but given a height of 6' 1/2", we could alternatively estimate and mark Jack's eye level to be about 5'8" I guess.
Tall In The Saddle said on 19/Mar/21
smileshy22 said:-
@Tall In The Saddle- This pic was taken either on his b-day or the day before (he celebrated at a hotel in Florida):
Click Here
Thanks for that. Yes, I've seen that photo many times before but without any caption/context. So that is RW on his or very near his 22nd birthday. Excellent reference point. A lot of relevant detail is lost to time when photos, after multiple copies are uploaded, aren't properly described and time stamped as per the original photo. Lucky you're here to put it straight. :)
Here's an interesting photo from you very own, awesome site. RW at Niagra Falls 1939.
Click Here. LOL, years after the fact I still get nervous for RW in such situations, being so tall with a much higher center of gravity than the average Joe. The ships rails certainly weren't built for a man of RW's size!
Great photo but what also caught my eye was the guy on RW's right, wearing the rain jacket with hood and holding onto RW's cane. For mine, he bears a striking resemblance to former HW Champ Jack Dempsey (reign 1919 to 1926) who would've been about 44 yo or so as at the time of the photo. Could be just Jack's "Doppleganger" but if you're not familiar with Dempsey, here's a portrait photo of Jack for comparison:-
Click Here
Finally, I noted a link on your site for ordering a revised edition of THE GENTLEMAN GIANT 1943 by Frederic Fadner with assist from Harold Wadlow Snr (which I assume prompted Harold Snr's request for a letter confirming RW's final height from his physician for inclusion in the book). Do you know if the book is available internationally or just within the US? Thanks.
smileshy22 said on 18/Mar/21
@Tall In The Saddle- Here's the pic (Robert looks a little older than the family one):
Click Here
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 15/Mar/21
Nippu said on 15/Mar/21
Chaos. Hint over 6ft. Evening 5´11 and 3/4. Morning i hit bit over 6ft. 183-185cm. I guess that is correct height at feets?
Yeah you’re basically 6’0 by my standards
Nippu said on 15/Mar/21
Chaos. Hint over 6ft. Evening 5´11 and 3/4. Morning i hit bit over 6ft. 183-185cm. I guess that is correct height at feets?
smileshy22 said on 15/Mar/21
@Tall In The Saddle- This pic was taken either on his b-day or the day before (he celebrated at a hotel in Florida):
Click Here
Tall In The Saddle said on 14/Mar/21
Thanks heaps for your reply and analysis. All that you stated is exactly what I thought as per my prev post. The only thing I wasn’t sure about was if it was RW’s 22nd birthday. I haven’t seen any photo of RW celebrating his 22nd birthday or at least being described as celebrating his 22nd birthday.
Otherwise It seemed reasonable to guess that RW was celebrating a birthday in the photo i linked since the whole family is present except for Eugene and if it was a birthday it would’ve had to have been his 22nd. I’ve never seen a caption or date for the linked photo.
But you’ve seen a photo of RW celebrating his 22nd birthday and the suit is different so a question mark remains as to the event they gathered for in the linked photo. RW is so very tall in the linked photo, looking very close to peak.
smileshy22 said on 13/Mar/21
Tall In The Saddle- This definitely isn't his 21st birthday since the family looks a bit older. It looks more like late '39 or early '40 (Harold looks a bit thinner than pics from mid '40). Robert was wearing a different suit in the pic from his 22nd, but it could be from around that time. I'm always glad to help! :D
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 11/Mar/21
@Nippu how tall are you?
smileshy22 said on 11/Mar/21
@asdl30555- It's truly the tallest pic of him, then! :D
Tall In The Saddle said on 11/Mar/21
Re this photo
Click Here
Could you reaffirm the date of the above photo? I’ve seen footage of RW’s 21st birthday Feb39. The clothing in the above photo doesn’t match the clothing in the footage. Also, RW’s youngest brother Harold Jr is older in the photo than the 21st birthday footage. So, any chance the photo is actually from RW’s 22nd birthday on Feb40 or, at least, taken somewhat later than Feb39, more likely taken in 1940?
Thanks for your reply in advance.
asdl30555 said on 9/Mar/21
In the photo, Harold is closer to the camera, standing in front of Robert's figure! If Harold is on the same level as Robert, Robert will be higher! Robert socks is 8'11! From this 1939 photo, Robert completed all the growth!
Nippu said on 8/Mar/21
Robert`s fert are not straight in that picture. Hard to tell is upper body because his jacket. I think it is pretty fair to say Robert was 9footer. In Europe we use metric system so 9ft is no big for me. 2m, 2,5m and 3m are numbers what i see. But 3m is too much for human body atleast standing.
2,5m is THE mark what u should hit. Atleast Robert, Vaino and Sultan has hit that mark. Tere might (and probably was) be others too but no 100% proof about that.
smileshy22 said on 3/Mar/21
@asdl30555- Yeah, in socks! Even if he looks a bit tired, it's the most impressive photo of him! :D
asdl30555 said on 3/Mar/21
You mean Robert's socks are 8 feet 10 inches, right?
asdl30555 said on 3/Mar/21
It's Robert's biggest photo, more appreciative than the statue!
smileshy22 said on 1/Mar/21
@asdl30555- Using your ruler with Robert's left (his right) heel right against it (since yours was an inch below that), he was 8 ft 10. Putting your ruler right at Harold's heels makes him 6 ft 2, so I made the ruler bigger until Harold's head hit 5 ft 11. When I did that, Robert was only 8 ft 6! :o
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 28/Feb/21
I actually know how to calculate height from solitary photos. If you know the height of the photographer, angle of the camera and distance from the subject you can draw a right angled triangle and calculate their height with the Pythagorean theorem. Figured it may help with calculating RW’s real height
Click Here This should be the video link on how to do it
asdl30555 said on 28/Feb/21
In the photo of Robert's family, Robert and Harold stand on the same horizontal line for scale measurement! Robert is nine feet high! What do experts think
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 28/Feb/21
@Tall In The Saddle
I want to say if the photo of Robert's family is the highest height photo! If the three statements of 8-foot-9 inch in the newspaper report are wrong! Put Harold six feet in the picture! Robert, 8'11! But Robert and Harold are not on the same level! If they're on the same level, it's nine feet! What do you think?
Tall In The Saddle said on 26/Feb/21
@Jason Jeffries
Good question re RW’s potential height loss in the future.I haven’t read anyone ever ask that. People often muse how tall RW might’ve been if not for his tragic health issue. The way I see it, all RW’s health issues were inextricably entwined with his ever increasing height. Inseparable, like the Yin and the Yang. Basically, there was always going to be a ceiling to RW’s ultimate height due to worsening physical ailments which were a direct consequence of his height.
RW’s growth chart also indicates that his rate of growth had declined in the last 2 to 3 years of his all too brief life. At the stage of human evolution that RW was born into, the same stage we are at now, I think RW’s height represents the maximum or near maximum achievable.
asdl30555 said on 26/Feb/21
It would be perfect if you could find the biggest positive photo of Robert and Harold standing together
Tall In The Saddle said on 25/Feb/21
In today’s market, RW would’ve been a huge hit on the talk show circuit and special events IMO. Aside from his height, RW made for a good interview in his own right. There would also be the potential shoes, clothing endorsements with the likes of Nike etc happy to sign him up. Hell, even Elon Musk could get in on the act, customising a special one off, oversized Tesla, perfect for the Extremely Tall Man.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 25/Feb/21
@Jason what if he just never stopped growing and hit like 59 foot or something
Jason Jeffers said on 23/Feb/21
@MissSandyCowell. I wonder what height Robert would have been down to supposing he had lived and carried on growing for a few more years before loosing some height? Could have still been around 9ft tall as a 103 year old. Imagine the media attention? 😂😂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Feb/21
The amazing Robert Wadlow was born 103 years ago today. Sadly, he lived for just 22 years. 😢
RIP Robert Wadlow 🕯️ XX
22nd February, 1918 - 15th July, 1940
Nippu said on 20/Feb/21
U can only measured height ”around”. Robert was so tall that even smallest error his position to stand drop easily 3-5cm off. Usually Robert is not standing at his best. I think he could stand 1940 easily 9ft with shoes if he wanted. I guess he never thought that in 2021 people try to measured him by pictures =)
smileshy22 said on 19/Feb/21
@asdl30555- He most likely didn't include the hair. :)
asdl30555 said on 19/Feb/21
An interesting topic! Did the doctor include hair when measuring Robert's height
Tall In The Saddle said on 18/Feb/21
Nice investigation work. Could you link the source that states that Robert’s father measured him in Feb90? Thanks.
Also, perhaps I’ve got it wrong but are we assuming that Harold stood 5’11” in shoes? If 5’11” was assumed to be Harold’s barefoot height then Harold’ could be calculated to be close to 6 feet in shoes. In turn, that would suggest that Robert was standing closer to 8’11” in shoes himself. Based on smilesshy22 calculation we could then perhaps give Robert back an extra 3/4” putting his barefoot height at 8’9 1/4”.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Feb/21
Oops I gave him 8’10.1 instead of 8’11.1
asdl30555 said on 17/Feb/21
@Tall In The Saddle
Robert and Harold in Florida in February 1940! They are not in their own city! They've been traveling in other cities since 1940! In February 1940, the shoe industry said that Robert's father helped him measure 8 feet 9 inches! Later, in June 1940, Harold said that Robert did not have a formal measurement for more than a year! All kinds of signs indicate that Robert was not officially measured in February 1940!
asdl30555 said on 16/Feb/21
@Tall In The Saddle
I measured two photos of Robert and Harold in 1939 with a ruler! Robert's standing at 8'9! Match the results of later reports! We can see Robert growing up very fast! Robert looks bigger in the picture than in his birthday! Shoulders start to twist!
Click Here
smileshy22 said on 15/Feb/21
@asdl30555- Robert would be about 8 ft 8 1/2 in socks :)
Daycringeothon said on 15/Feb/21
John F Carroll’s growth chart
Age 12: 5’6” very normal height/above average but not tall for a boy that age.
Age 16: 6’2” tall height for his age. He grew 7 inches more in less than half a year. Like Wadlow at a young age he was able to lift heavy things almost effortlessly.
Age 17: at his high school graduation he stood 6’9”
Age 20: he was 7’ tall
Then his height slowed down he did reach 7’6” and may have stood 8 foot at one time but was very weak at that point. Then the possibility he was still growing
asdl30555 said on 14/Feb/21
Here are two photos of Robert and Harold together in 1939! Put Harold at 5'11, Robert at 8'10, socks at 8'9! The results of the two photos are consistent!
Click Here
asdl30555 said on 14/Feb/21
In your last highland survey, did Robert's 1939 family photo show 8'9 socks
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 13/Feb/21
@T. I. T. S. I just added up the length of my hands plus estimates for my arms based on my hands. My fingertip to fingertip span is 6’11, probably cause I’ve got wide shoulders. I’m stumpy by comparison
viper said on 12/Feb/21
Yeah, I know all about how much of a physical freak Liston was
Tall In The Saddle said on 10/Feb/21
Boxer Sonny Liston was about 6' 1/2" with a listed reach of 84" (7'), an almost 12" pull. That basket ball player still beats him though with a wingspan that is 14" in excess of his own height. Liston also had over sized hands. When he closed them to make a fist, they measured a whopping 15" in circumference. Put that pre-measured around your own fist and you'll appreciate the size difference. Most of the bigger HWs, at least in Ali's era, maxed out at 13" fists. Today's HW crop may be that bigger again.
asdl30555 said on 10/Feb/21
Thank you very much! It seems that Robert's posture has been affected! I overestimated the height of the person on the right
asdl30555 said on 10/Feb/21
The statue of Robert does not have the visual impact of Robert's real person! Unfortunately, there is no front photo of Robert and Harold standing together at the maximum height! Will those photos be hidden in a corner? Maybe they didn't take pictures like that in the end