joe joe said on 8/Aug/14
there is no way he is 1m84. I saw im last night at Shorditch house and he was a clear 2inches shorter than me at least. Im 1m85. I would give im 1m80 seriously the guy is not anywere near 6'1.
Womkey said on 2/Jul/14
@ -
My height decreases 1.5 to 1 cm throughout the day
Peter said on 23/Jun/14
@ Seahawksfan
So is he 6'0.75 as you mentioned or 187+cm?
A lady said on 13/Jun/14
I think he is 185cm tall as listed everywhere on net so this makes him 6'1" approximately
kevin said on 7/Jun/14
after seeing pics with hemsworth, pearce and cusack i dont think hes over 6ft.
lara said on 28/May/14
I swear I remember him saying when he first became huge when Twilight was released that he was 6ft. He doesn't really look any taller than that.
Guy said on 25/May/14
He looks like 183 here with 188 John Cusack.
Click Here
Bammer said on 19/May/14
I've just seen a pic with Robert Pattinson and Liam Hemsworth in Cannes.
You claim Liam to be 6'3" and if that's correct, Pattinson can't be more than 5'11,5" because Liam is at least 3,5 in. higher than Robert on that pic.
berta said on 13/May/14
kellan lutch strong six footer and robert pattinson weak six footer. zachary levi. who is 191 ( i believe he is 192 because he always have shoes on that give him nothing in heigh) look almost 4 inches taller.
No Surprises said on 3/May/14
yeah he looks tall at this height.
JA said on 21/Mar/14
Is it part of the "actors guideline to success" to lie about your height. I can understand lying by 2cm, but by 4-5 really? If you're 6 feet tall why say 6-2?
gian92 said on 10/Mar/14
he is max 6'0 barefoot
MD said on 6/Mar/14
Part of this can be claimed to a difference in footwear not being able to see the footwear, but it is still kind of surprising to see that 5'11.5" Jimmy Kimmel looks the same height if not slightly taller.
Click Here
Chris 182 cm said on 12/Feb/14
I don't think his posture is that bad
- said on 11/Feb/14
people only loss 6mm with the vertebrae constriction during the day, its nonesense to say that a person can actually shorten more than 1cm in the course of the day...
Natasha said on 10/Feb/14
Maybe 6'0.5"??
Realist said on 8/Feb/14
At 18 he looked 5'11 in Harry Potter, same height as Stanislav Ianevski(victor krum). Probably gained a few cms to reach 185.
Hannah said on 23/Jan/14
He's 6'1" end of
Lenad said on 14/Jan/14
to me pattinson is a strong 6'0, mayyybe a weak 6'1!
avi said on 7/Jan/14
@Sophie says on 5/Jan/14
its harder for a female to guess height if they are way shorter. you may just feel he is a lot taller than he is. i assume you are between 5'1-5'7 so most people are taller than you. even so at 6'0 i feel like many men are 6'2-6'4 but in reality if they stood next to me in a picture the difference is not as great as it may feel.
Sophie said on 5/Jan/14
Rob is definitely 6'1 I saw him at the water for Elephants premiere in 2011 and he was very tall, and he's listed as 6'1 in many places, and everyone who meets him always say how he's much taller than they think, and behind the scenes in movies they say he is 6'1. Plus Rob has bad posture so it might make him appear shorter in some photos.
SixFeetTwoInches said on 29/Dec/13
Ofc, anything at or over 6'0'' is considered rather "tall", definitely "above the average". The average world height for a man is approx. 5'9'', at the same time in Europe it would be around 5'11 and in the US, also 5'11''. So still, 6'0'' and above is indeed rather "tall". There are some place which show a deviation from this range, e.g. the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and some other places, both in Europe world regions, but this are only FEW places, where the average height for a man is 6'0''.
It doesn't change the fact that 6'0'' and above is "rather tall", "tallish", or at least "above the average".
The most important thing, to remember, is always the referencing part. With 6'0'' you are taller than approx. 75% of men out there in the world, and approx. 95% women out there.
So yes, it is still "tall", I'd lean to say. My bro is that height and he gives a "tall" impression amongst most of the people out there.
rkc_cat said on 29/Dec/13
Just noticed how Ed Gathegi, Kellan Lutz and Pattinson are all listed at 6'0.25". I agree with Gathegi and Lutz's listing, but Pattinson is visibly shorter than both, so it's just impossible for him to be the listed height. He's consistently 0.5" shorter than them (sometimes even a bit more, but never more than 1"), so that puts him in the 5'11.5"-5'11.75" range, definitely under 6', eventhough he can give off that impression sometimes. A legit 182 cm is my guess.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Dec/13
6ft0.25/184cm max and Kellan Lutz is 6ft0.75/185cm.
Really, this guy can appear 5ft11 range in Remember Me opposite Brosnan.
MD said on 17/Dec/13
Kind of off topic, but how tall does director Adam Shankman look here with Robert Pattinson?
Click Here
I was surprised by how short he looked. I always thought he was below average, but he looks short, here.
Lenad said on 14/Dec/13
strong 6'0
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Sep/13
"Robert Pattinson's height is 6ft 0in (183cm)"
Not more or less. Solid 184cm out of bed
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 25/Aug/13
5'11", 180cm for Pattinson. I think this listing is 1.25" too high. His thin frame makes him look taller than he really is.
cole said on 9/Aug/13
Rob don't you think he looks shorter than this next to 5'7 Christoph Waltz?
Dr JJ said on 30/Jul/13
Doesn't look the full 6' 0". Probably 5' 11'. However, he is a posho public schoolboy, and they're usually tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jul/13
6ft on the nose while Kellan Lutz is 6ft0.5/184cm, Billy Burke is 6ft1.25/186cm and Chaske Spencer is 6ft1.5/187cm
ross said on 11/Jul/13
How does his height keep getting downgraded while Lautner's BS stats have stood for years, despite even the wardrobe girl on his new film saying he's 5'8"?
Pattinson still looks a solid 6'1" to me. You can see here that in sneakers, and not standing totally straight, he still has inches on Facinelli and looks around the same height as Lutz.
Click Here
Dasher said on 7/Jul/13
186-7 cm He doesn't look so much shorter than Michael Strahan so I think he is not that short that most of you say in the comments
avi said on 21/Jun/13
hmmmm how is 6ft really "tall" anymore when it seems to be a dime a dozen. everyday i see men between 5'11-6'3 easy. i admit 6'4-6'6 is rare but anything between 6'0 and weak 6'3 is pretty common. just saying.
Jimmy said on 1/Jun/13
Lol I am a solid 192 cm tall guy and I quite tower Robert, explain that?
Europe said on 25/May/13
Avg. height for males around the whole Europe is 5'11. For the USA, for example, it is 5'10.5. Therefore, it can be safele assumed that someone who is 6'0 and above is considered above average/tall, whereas above 6'2 - very tall. Anything below 5'10 for a man is rather short, with the example of Tom Cruise being very short for a man.
George said on 18/May/13
As for the photo with Richard gere well done you've found a photo of a 177/178cm man who is closer to the camera with his arm over Robert pattinsons neck and Robert has bad posture...ummm let's all say he's 5ft11!!! No sorry guys he is a person that would measure between 6ft and 6ft1 in height. Just imagine if Robert stretched out his spine and stood eye to eye with Richard? I think most of you could imagine rob standing 2 inches taller of not slightly more. Rest my case.
lelman said on 13/May/13
@ice lol, any 15 year old who was legit 6'0.5 would never consider himself short, no matter where in the world he is. Average height in Europe for a grown adult is like 5'10", so especially not there. True you're not that tall, but way above average.
Anon said on 26/Apr/13
Pattinson compared to Lutz he has loose posture but I never see dominated by Lutz...if both are described as 6 feet 1 then 6 feet plus seems ok by me no matter the haters
5ft10guy said on 26/Apr/13
@ice its tall probably the people around you are really tall but lets not be naive its above average once your 6ft1 its legit tall .
Linebacker28 said on 20/Apr/13
Yeah, anything between 182-185cm is fair game for Pattinson. Has consistently looked a good 6' to my eye. Though, did have some strong 6'1" looks in Harry Potter but most were generally quite a bit shorter than him in that.
Shell said on 14/Apr/13
i just looked at a bunch of pictures of pattinson and lutz together. In most of the pictures they look about the same height. In some Robert looks a little taller and in some kellen looks a little taller. I would say they seem pretty close in height, although robert Pattinson does have bad posture, he always looks hunched over so he might actually be a little taller.
Chuckyb said on 13/Apr/13
I have seen a few pictures where it appears that he is wearing elevator shoes. I can tell because the pants do not fit properly over the top of the shoe. This is an issue with dress pants since they normally don't come in a boot cut. Some of the pictures posted on here also show this.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Mar/13
Pedro says on 23/Jan/13
Rob whats the meaning of strapping? means strong 6 feet 1 or weak
[Editor Rob: it's 'strong']
I've been called "a strapping young lad". It been well built/muscular/robust. Not exactly Robert Pattinson when those words spring to mind...
LG69 said on 11/Mar/13
My coworker saw him up close when he came to San Francisco. She said, "He's not as tall as i thought he was, but he's not short...about 5'11"." He looks about 2"-2.5" shorter than 6'2" Jaime Waylett. Not quite a 6 footer. I'd give him 5'11.5" peak out of bed height.
Dmeyer said on 20/Feb/13
This Guy CAN Look 1-1.25 in under lutz and then stands tall and CAN Look 0.5 in taller than luts from 5'11 to 6'0.75 with posture ,
thc-182 said on 20/Feb/13
he is not really shorter than gil birmingham, i would even say they are the same height...but pattinson has a bad posture.
6'0" is right
Bo said on 5/Feb/13
Definately not "strapping"
Lo sgozzatore said on 25/Jan/13
Yeah, this height is about right. He always looked a 6'-6'0.5 range guy to me.
Balrog said on 24/Jan/13
Rob, honestly you think Pattinson and Lutz are same height? Kellan is taller than Rob in every single pic.

Editor Rob
I think pattison standing with excellent posture is rarer than him standing loose
Pedro said on 23/Jan/13
Rob whats the meaning of strapping? means strong 6 feet 1 or weak

Editor Rob
it's 'strong'
orion said on 20/Jan/13
I think he is tall, 6 feet=182.88cm,I believe that. For the pictures that Alex is showing you can see that easily Robert can be 6f and little bit more, the pictures compare the height of Rob with two taller men.
Godred said on 14/Jan/13
@lolo - How can someone his age have had a peak height?
Pedro said on 14/Jan/13
He is probably 185 look him he is tall and im not sure he is shorter than lutz
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 11/Jan/13
Hew is right, Pattinson needs a downgrade to 180cm flat.
Hew said on 11/Jan/13
HOW can he still be listed 6'0.25 when he's shorter than Lutz and Gil Birmingham??
Xina said on 9/Jan/13
He has a leg length discrepancy so sometimes he will look shorter. During those times, you'll see one leg is slightly bent. Plus his mother never taught him to stand up straight!
lolo said on 7/Jan/13
height: 6' (183cm)
(peak height was 6'1.5 (187cm))
Original said on 24/Dec/12
5'11.5" i believe.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 23/Dec/12
I saw him up-close at the Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere in Los Angeles. He's probably 5'11.5 because in shoes he looks a little over 6' feet. His claim 6'1 is true if he's talking about himself in shoes. My guess...
5'11.5 in the morning
5'11.25 in the day
5'11 before bed
173 said on 17/Dec/12
@thc-182: Not so, I've seen PLENTY of times where he looks ~180cm but like I mentioned in my last comment, it's because of his terrible posture. He often looks shorter than Kellan Lutz who also is listed here at 6'0.25" (184 cm)...
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 14/Dec/12
Indeed, another 180cm MAX listed at 6'+.
Chameleon said on 13/Dec/12
180 max hes shorter than Lutz.
Hew said on 13/Dec/12
He's obviously not this tall, as he's noticably shorter than 6ft Kellan Lutz and 5'11.25/.5 Gil Birmingham. Barely taller than 5'10 (or less) Richard Gere. 5'11 for Pattinson is a safe bet.
balrog said on 3/Dec/12
A 182 guy, looks shorter due bad posture.
Chameleon said on 2/Dec/12
He is 180 flat like Gosling..
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 1/Dec/12
180cm flat.
173 said on 1/Dec/12
@Arch: Yeah he looks ~180cm there with Richard Gere.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/12
Click Here
With Richard Gere who is mostly likely under 5'10" today, does he look 184cm? Not sure he does.. ~~~~
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/12
Click Here
With Richard Gere who is mostly likely under 5'10" today, does he look 184cm? Not sure he does.. ~~~~
Truthman said on 24/Nov/12
Only 154 pounds? He doesn't looks that skinny.
173 said on 24/Nov/12
So, you're telling me he loses about an inch in posture? Looks noticeably shorter than Kellan Lutz but both are listed at 6'0.25"?
Arch Stanton said on 15/Nov/12
Click Here
Really don't know what people see in him. There are truckloads of better looking American actors. I wouldn't want to look like him put it that way but for some reason a lot of women seem to think he's super handsome. He looks around 6'.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 14/Nov/12
He looked 180-181cm next to Gil Birmingham and Dev Patel. Clearly shorter than 182-183cm Lutz and Brosnan as well. Nothing over 182cm barefoot for Pattinson.
178 said on 13/Nov/12
The question is: is the height in the evening or in the morning? Because we are measuring 2 cm less in the evening ...
Robert pattinson, I do not see it below 182 cm EVENING those who say otherwise are probably jealous ... I myself 178 cm 180 cm at night so in the morning, and I see much bigger than me (well it may be a llusion ...).
In any case, there is nothing to discuss, pattinson = 182 cm and 184 in the evening in the morning!
In any case many liars regarding height. Do not forget that the true height is:
The later-possibe (12h after waking)
-We do not count the hair :)))
Romy said on 11/Nov/12
I think the height's correct. When you see him next to Kristen when she's wearing really frigging high heels she doesn't even reach above his eyes and she's about 5'3 /5'4. To me 6 foot and a half maybe would be about right. Plus he doesn't look really shorter than my 6'1 friend, Rob has an awful posture though so he looks shorter.
Ua said on 7/Nov/12
He was on Jimmy Kimmel couple of days ago and looked about the same heoght as him.
Tony said on 6/Nov/12
This is more proof that modeling heights are bogus.
Pedro said on 5/Nov/12
WTF? Robert pattinson its about 184cm min at he is about 185 at least see him in pictures he is really tall
Chameleon said on 2/Nov/12
No, will smith is 6'1 maximum. Better chance he is 6' than he is over 6'1
173 said on 1/Nov/12
@Chameleon: so you think Will Smith is also below 6'1" aswell? If so, I don't agree. Will Smith is at least 6'1".
Chameleon said on 1/Nov/12
@173: He is not over 184cm. I posted lots of evidence showing he's 6' back in November and some other times but Its all gone. 6 feet is what he looks but standing tall he might be 184cm but no way is he taller then that. Im sticking to 6'. Just like Will Smith he is not 6'1.
Ed said on 31/Oct/12
I was near him 2 weeks ago almost i'm a STRONG 6 foot tall and he was surely at least half an inch taller than me. The height provided it's correct
173 said on 30/Oct/12
@Chameleon: You sure Jim Carry is only 6ft though? I mean he does look pretty tall, taller than 6ft at least...
Chameleon said on 29/Oct/12
Im the one that proved Carrey is 6 feet. The tallest he can be is 184cm and thats it.
Anyway, if Pattison is 6 feet I guess Lutz is at least 6'1 and Gil over 6' right? No sir.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 28/Oct/12
I changed my mind, I think that Dave Patel could be a bit above 6'2 actually, he looks close to the very tall mark.
Pattinson is just 6'0 but is slouching a lot, that's wht he looks shorter, upstraight he's not far away from Pierce Brosnan.
You're the one that thinks that Jim Carrey is 183cm, I hope you're joking, 180cm for Pattinson is a big joke, the lowest I see this guy is actually 182cm.
And Jim Carrey isn't under 185cm.
173 said on 25/Oct/12
I agree Chameleon. If Kellan Lutz is really 6ft, then Robert Pattinson is in the 5'11" range and not in the 6'0" range. In every photo I've seen of Robert and Kellan together, Kellan is ALWAYS taller.
Chameleon said on 24/Oct/12
Ehm Larc, u admit he was shorter than Brosnan and 'destroyed' by Pavel yet u say this listing is correct? He is also smaller than Kellan Lutz and max same height as Gil Birmingham, in other words what the hell are u thinking? Pattison is a 180 guy.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 23/Oct/12
Pattinson at 6'2? Maybe if you count also his big hair...without counting the hair he's 6'0-6'0.25, the listing is correct.
JohnDosen said on 16/Oct/12
If Uma Thurman is 5'11, then Robert is max 5'11,5.
Look at this pic from the recent ELLE event, were Robert standing with Uma, who's leaning towards him. She's wearing approx. 3" heels, Robert approx. 1" still she stands taller than him. I'll say Robert is max. 5'11,5 no more.
Click Here
balrog said on 15/Oct/12
IMO: Lutz 183-184 cms
Pattinson 182-183 cms (looks shorter because doesn't has good posture but I'm sure he's closer to 6'0'' than 5'11'' )
Lautner 172-173 cms
173 said on 15/Oct/12
Rob, I wasn't talking about a downgrade from Pattinson's 6'2" modelling claim, I mean from this 6'0.25" listing. Kellan Lutz who you have at 6ft is always taller than Robert. If Kellan is 183cm, Robert is around 180cm.
173 said on 13/Oct/12
Rob, if you downgraded Kellan Lutz, shouldn't you downgrade Rob Pattinson and Taylor Lautner aswell? Kellan Lutz is taller than Robert pattinson.

Editor Rob
maybe not so much taylor, but robert 6ft or 6ft 0.25 is a lot more likely than 6ft 2 modelling claim yeah.
Dean said on 6/Oct/12
He looks as tall as Peter Facinelli who's around 5'10"
John Dosen said on 29/Sep/12
I say max. 180 cm too. As Louis said, he's def. shorter than Kellan Lutz, who's listed as being 183 cm, so Robert is max. 180 cm.
Click Here
Chameleon said on 28/Sep/12
Yep, 180 max
Louis said on 28/Sep/12
shorter than 183 kellan lutz, 180 max
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 23/Sep/12
You don't even deserve a reply for a stupid and offensive comment like that.
daryl said on 22/Sep/12
Any one know how tall his bestfriend and fellow actor tom strurridge is?
spot on said on 21/Sep/12
1.83cm spot on, a legit 6 footer, he doesn't have a good posture that's why people mistake him for being 5'11"
Lawyer123 said on 20/Sep/12
Rob is definitely at least 183 cm, but saying that Taylor Lautner is 178 cm is a joke. Compare him to his ex-girlfriend, that American girl Taylor Swift - she towers over him by approx 3-5 cm. I'd say he's somewhere in between 173-175 cm range.
Pattinson defo 183 cm or 185 cm.
Chameleon said on 13/Sep/12
No way 6'0 he's like 180cm scroll down and watch some of the evidence left.
zero said on 12/Sep/12
Patel is taller than 6'1.5'', Dev should be upgraded, go to his page and you'll see that's he's pretty close in height with Nicholas Hoult who is listed at 6'2.75'' and looks it. Patel gotta be at least a solid 6'2'' if not more and Pattinson looks a 6'0'' guy but could be taller because he always has poor posture, the listing is okay.
Toby said on 10/Sep/12
Larc you are one of those pathetic people who think's being taller then someone else means you "destroy" them
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 8/Sep/12
lol...Dave Patel is 6'1.5-6'1.75 and clearly destroys this guy, he made him look 5'11.5 in their pic together.
To not count the fact that he looked also noticeably shorter than 6'1.25 Pierce Brosnan in "Remember Me".
6'1 in Hollywood means 6'0 flat in truth, and that's his real height.
TrueGuessing said on 8/Sep/12
No, I'm not a girl. I'm just tired of guys who cant accept that some celebs are tall, without wearing lifts. Pattison is not a liftwearer, he is tall! Robert 6'1 and Taylor 5'10. We do have some celebs that wears lifts, some bigger lifts then others. One of the biggest liftwearers being Brad Pitt. He's about 5'10 - 5'11, and is desperate about being 6'1
Chameleon said on 28/Aug/12
Lol he sure didnt look more than 180cm with Gil and that 186cm guy that someone posted a pic of with him. He is not 184cm.
Shaun said on 24/Aug/12
He never looks anything under 6 ft. 6'-6'1" range.
zalo said on 20/Aug/12
He can't possibly be 5'11. He's 6 and that's that. Rob put him at 6 feet for a reason folks! :D Doesn't matter what kind of footwear he wears, he's tall.
Tim said on 16/Aug/12
Someone show me a picture where he looks under 6ft.
There isn't one.
Fact is, when he wakes up he's 184cm. So He'll look 6ft all day.
Show me a picture where at anytime he looks below that and you win all my internets. Rob has this one right.
Godred said on 4/Aug/12
@TrueGuessing - I`m betting you`re a girl,right?
Chameleon said on 2/Aug/12
Kidding me he aint taller than Gil who is below 6' and taylor is noway near 178cm tall who are you trying to fool.
TrueGuessing said on 30/Jul/12
Guys, stop downgrading him, he is 185 cm tall, and Taylor is 178 cm tall, are you jealous of Pattison? Since you downgrade him so much?
Ricky said on 30/Jul/12
Defo 6ft 1 tall look at this picture
Click Here!image-number=12
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 24/Jan/12
He's 180-181cm, 182cm at the absolute MAX. This guy is around the same height as Ryan Gosling, who is overlisted as well. I could live with a 182cm listing, but nothing over that.
Aie said on 21/Jan/12
Is he bow legged anyway?
Chris said on 19/Jan/12
5'11 is too low for him. He tends to tilt the head down in the photos. I'd give him 5'11.75 - 6' (182-183 cms). But definitely needs a half inch downgrade.
ChiasmataX said on 17/Jan/12
Rob, just check out Pattinson's barefoot picture that I posted with Kristen Stewart down below on Dec 4, is that really how a near 6'1 guy look with a 5'4? I believed I saw a picture that you posted on the height challenge page that have the guy from height challenge # 10 with the girl from height challenge# 11 and he had a whole head on her. The point is if Pattinson is truly 184cm barefoot he will not look 180cm with Kristen in that barefoot picture. The max I can buy is 182-183cm for Pattinson. If he's 6'1 barefoot, he would've claim 6'2 since it's Hollywood.

Editor Rob
challenger 10 was on his tip toes in the photo with the 5ft 5 girl
Chameleon said on 11/Jan/12
180cm range, no way 184cm.
Silent d said on 10/Jan/12
Kellan lutz looks huge. He must be wearing lifts. Pattinson never looked shorter than 6 foot. 184cm. I'm assuming everyone is wearing lifts. Btw i am not a fan of robert. Don't like the guy but he is tall. 184cm.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 7/Jan/12
Yes you are right mId, he is below 6'. He appears taller in movies because of his thin build and tricky camera angles. He's around 180cm flat.
mId said on 6/Jan/12
maybe this can be of some help.
Click Here he sure doesn't look over 6'here in my eyes.
Attila _194cm. said on 5/Jan/12
182 for Pattinson is a joke...
Chris said on 2/Jan/12
Check Patel's page. The guy needs an upgrade. Pattinson looks 182-183 cms, but then again the guy has bad posture.
Chameleon said on 1/Jan/12
Click Herewith 186cm Patel, no way is Pattinson ever 184cm.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 1/Jan/12
@Bob Granted that is a better picture to judge, but I still don't think there is a 10cm difference with 174cm Lautner. And even if there is a 10cm difference, that would still not convince me as many people including myself don't buy Lautner at 174cm. You also have to factor in that Pattinson seems to be wearing thicker shoes. Bottom line is that I still think Pattinson isn't 184cm, 182cm I can buy.
Attila_194cm. said on 1/Jan/12
He is a strong 6 ft 1 in(185) 100%,in twilight i think he is 188-189 with shoes,i'm sure.
Bob said on 1/Jan/12
this is a better picture to judge
Chris said on 29/Dec/11
That pic is horrible to judge Pattinson's height, the ground is tilded, makes Lautner looks taller and Pattinson shorter.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 27/Dec/11
@J In that picture Lautner's shoes look pretty normal to me - if anything, Pattinson seems to have the footwear advantage, not Lautner.
J said on 26/Dec/11
@Mr-Killer Shrimp Lautner is known to wear huge platform shoes.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 21/Dec/11
This picture was posted on the Kristen Stewart page:
Click Here
The difference between 174cm listed Taylor Lautner and Pattinson is at most 5-6cm. In fact many people don't buy Lautner being 174cm - he's probably closer to 170. No effing way Pattinson is 184cm, he's struggling with 180cm in that picture.
Robert said on 21/Dec/11
Yeah he looks so tall in Twillight. And He is 185 cm
Chameleon said on 21/Dec/11
Pattinson 180
Lutz 183 max.
Chameleon said on 21/Dec/11
@ Mr KS: Lutz I can buy as 6' ... 6'1? Not convinced. He was visbly taller than Pattinson I remember so Pattinson 180 flat, Lutz 6'0 range. But not 6'1 range.
ChiasmataX said on 20/Dec/11
@ Valjiu not everybody on here is " tiny insecure people", there are some just base their assumptions of celebrities' height on real legit pictures. Just look the barefoot picture of Rob and Kristen I posted down below. That's is not how a 184-185cm guy look next to a 163cm person. I am 178cm barefoot and I looked just as tall with my 163cm friend. Rob is somewhere between 180-182cm not over 183cm...maybe in dress shoes.
ChiasmataX said on 20/Dec/11
@ Mr KS and Chameleon, yeah lots of height inflation on this site, although there are some accurate height listings. Hopefully Rob will be in the mood for downgrades soon.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 18/Dec/11
@Chameleon - Lol yeah, 180 flat for Pattinson is not impossible at all judging from all the pictures that have been posted on here. Chameleon what is your opinion on Kellan Lutz' height? The more pictures I see of him, the more I think he's no more than 182-183 MAX, and even that might be too generous.
Chameleon said on 18/Dec/11
Not even that, 181 MAX for Pattinson. More likeley 180 flat lol....
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 17/Dec/11
@Valjiu - Lol dude, how do you explain the pictures of Pattinson with Gil Birmingham? That is NOT how a 6'1+ guy (like you suggest) looks next to a 5'11 range guy. He also doesn't look 6'1 next to Kristen Stewart in the barefoot picture posted by ChiasmataX on 4/Dec/11. 182 MAX for Pattinson, end of story.
Godred said on 17/Dec/11
@Valjiu - it works both ways though with the fangirls trying to bump up the height of the celebs they are attracted to,to meet their magic height number needs,even if it doesn`t have any basis in reality.No I don`t think he`s under 6 ft,but he`s nothing over it either in the photos with the other celebs.
Chameleon said on 16/Dec/11
Lol, open your eyes and see he is clearly below 6'.
Valjiu said on 15/Dec/11
I'm just gonna assume everybody here who says he is under 6 feet are tiny insecure people who got dropped on their heads. Even with the terrible posture he has, he is clearly a solid 6'1, probably even slightly taller tahn that.
Chris said on 13/Dec/11
Wow in that pic posted by mr killer shrimp, Lautner looks so small, like five - six inches shorter than Pattinson. But the year was 2009.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 13/Dec/11
182 is the absolute MAX that I could buy for Pattinson.
MsKitty said on 13/Dec/11
Noticably taller than Jimmy fallon...
lol93 said on 9/Dec/11
he has bad posture... i think he is little over 6'0 so 184cm is right
Sean73 said on 8/Dec/11
Hey shrimp killa-i agree with you,birmingham is wearing lifts again.God, this guy is really insecure about his height.
Godred said on 7/Dec/11
If he`s under 6 ft,it`s not by much,I don`t believe he is anything over it though.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 7/Dec/11
Another picture of Pattinson and Gil Birmingham:
Click Here
Judging from the pictures of Birmingham and Rob on Birmingham's page, Birmingham is 179-180 MAX. Pattinson is about the same height, he's 180-181 at best, he needs a downgrade.
Chris said on 6/Dec/11
I think he could be the 6'1 that he claims, but i believe that he has a bad posture, so he looks a 6' guy. 6'0.5 is fair enough.
Chameleon said on 4/Dec/11
Indeed, a lot of evidence suggest he is 181 MAX and now I believe so.
ChiasmataX said on 4/Dec/11
These pictures with Kristen will show that he's under 183cm.
Click Here Rob was in Nike air max? So he had footwear advantage with Kristen.
Click Here Here they both in barefoot and he looks about 178-180cm (tip toe on one leg?) at most if Kristen is 163cm.
Godred said on 3/Dec/11
@Daniella Davis - Who are you talking to?
Daniella Davis said on 29/Nov/11
You should of been a little shorter so that Taylor aka Jacbo been taller than you. But my friends love you.
Maio said on 29/Nov/11
According with rob, Robert Pattinson is 6 ft 0.5 in/184 cm.
Chameleon said on 27/Nov/11
Yeah this guy is 181 at best..
xyz.reg(186cms-187cms) said on 27/Nov/11
A legit 181cms guy...nothing more than this..!!
Godred said on 26/Nov/11
@pete - yes more than average,6 ft max.
ChiasmataX said on 25/Nov/11
Robert looks 1cm shorter than the supposedly listed 182cm Gil Birmingham on this site). It is even questionable if Gil is a legit 182 cm too he might be 180-181cm at most.
Click Here
Robert said on 25/Nov/11
Looks no more than 5´11.5", I think that´s unlikely as well, 5´11" flat would be my best barefoot guess for him.
pete said on 25/Nov/11
to me, he looks pretty tall. more than average. As I didnt know his height, and I only saw him in television I thought hes 6´2 or something.
Silent d said on 22/Nov/11
He is taller than peter. Kellan must be wearing lifts. I never seen pattinson as 5 foot 10. He always looked at least 6 foot.184cm.
ChiasmataX said on 21/Nov/11
He's 179-180cm at best and maybe 6 feet in dress shoes. He looks 1cm shorter with Gil Birmingham who is about 180cm.
Canopus said on 18/Nov/11
5'10ish He was maybe an inch shorter than Peter Facinelli (6' but listed here at 5'10.25") and at least 3 inches shorter than Kellan Lutz who is listed at 6'1". This was on Ellen Degeneres today.
Chameleon said on 17/Nov/11
I used to think he was a legit 6', now I think hes 181/182 at best.
Silent d said on 16/Nov/11
He looked huge on letterman but maybe he was wearing lifts. 184cm. Lutz and brosnan are at least 6 foot 1. He always looked tall. I am not a fan but i respect him.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 12/Nov/11
Probably 183 cm flat.
Captain Howdy said on 11/Nov/11
Was shorter than Jimmy Fallon on his show tonight...
Carl said on 10/Nov/11
Click Here
He looked no taller than Kimmel last night. His interviews have him at 6'1" but he can't be taller than 6'0" by even a millimeter. 5'11" or shorter in bare feet easily. 6'1" in large shoes.
Chameleon said on 9/Nov/11
No he is 182 at the absolute max as he is shorter than Lutz and Brosnan.
Godred said on 7/Nov/11
@Karl - Then you have terrible perception, as he is clearly shorter than the 6`1 and 6`2 celebrities he has been photographed stood right next to.He`s still barely hovering around the 6 ft flat mark,anywhere from 182 - 184.
:D said on 6/Nov/11
6'2 in your dreams...
Karl 189cm 6'2.5 said on 6/Nov/11
Robert is no shorter than 6'1, I met him in Sydney Airport, he is probably 6'2.5 in shoes and 6'2 bare foot. You guys should be more objective, and yeah he is tall.
Chameleon said on 4/Nov/11
Indeed Pattinson needs a downgrade. 181 I can buy. He certainly isnt 184cm.
wolverine said on 2/Nov/11
he is around 179-181 probably max 182;dev patel is 186cm and pattinson is around 2-2.5 inches smaller than him .
Click Here
thebad7 said on 31/Oct/11
This guy isn't 6'1"--the 6'1" and 6'2" claims for him are good for a laugh. If anything he's a strong 5'11"/weak 6'0". Don't let the illusion his thin frame creates fool you. 6'0" flat at the most for Pattinson.
matt said on 30/Oct/11
well i thaught he might be like 201cm tall, but 184_185is sure for the taking, but he looks much taller in twilight series
Aiden said on 24/Oct/11
is it possible to look taller than you really are, cuz i am 5ft 11.5 but most people always tell me i look like ft 2 which is ridiculous. i dont even have that skinny guy thing as am pretty bulked could being more muscular effect the appearance of height?
LAN Jiao said on 20/Oct/11
184cm in dress shoe. 185cm in hollywood style dress shoe. he is 181-182cm , i don even will bet him 1mm over 182cm afternoon.
Jason said on 19/Oct/11
Yeah he'd be about 5'11 6'0
Shaun said on 12/Oct/11
Inception says on 23/Sep/11
Guys, i get that some of you might be jealous over this guy. He is succesful and everything. But does it make you feel better about yourselves when you write that an actor is shorter than he really is, just because you want him to be?
I'm jealous of his level of success and stud status among women but I wouldn't claim he is under 6' and I certainly wouldn't want to look like him...
Chameleon said on 10/Oct/11
Clearly shorter then Brosnan AND Lutz, that makes him below 6'0.....
LAN Jiao said on 10/Oct/11
i just don see 6ft for this guy. 5ft11.5 at best. weak 6ft
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 10/Oct/11
182-183 is more realistic, he's clearly shorter than Pierce Brosnan.
177cmmm said on 8/Oct/11
I think 182 or 3 evening
Godred said on 8/Oct/11
@inception - He`s 184 max,only 6`1 in shoes,are you a teenage girl? - the jealousy argument usually spews from them, are we jealous of Mr T aswell?
JACM said on 5/Oct/11
@Inception. Lautner is not 178 cm, check any photos. Hes 5'9" at the HIGHEST. They even had to make him stand on a box for a photoshoot so that he could tower over Kristen Stewart whos like 5'5" or so. If he was 178cm he wouldnt need the box, his boots would have sufficed. So yeah, Rob is a hair under 6" Lautner 5'8" -5'9"....
Moke said on 10/Sep/11
@Menace 195cm
Please stop judging other peoples heights if you really believe in your last statement.
Chameleon said on 10/Sep/11
Gaga: 180 flat for Pattison would not suprise me as he is shorter than Lutz who people dont buy being 6'1, and also in another pic he was exact same height as Gil which was posted in the past.
Gaga said on 10/Sep/11
Look at this photo, no way pattinson is over 6, even if he had loose posture in the photo.
Click Here
That gil guy is no higer than 5'11 if you look at the photos with rob, also he has perfectposture in every photo.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Sep/11
184cm out of bed and 182-183cm at night.
Overall that puts him at 6"0...
truthman said on 21/Aug/11
He is 6ft. Could looks even under that because of his bad posture. He looks 4 inches shorter than Ken Foree in "Water for Elephants" (really good movie btw)
Gained weight instead said on 17/Aug/11
Menace 195cm
Lautner is 173-174cm and Pattinson is more like 178-179cm, he looks taller due to his hair and physique.
Godred said on 2/Aug/11
I could buy a minimum of 182 and a absolute maximum of 184.
Menace 195cm said on 2/Aug/11
He looks similar in height with Taylor Lautner (who is a legit 5'10 178cm) thats why Robert must be around 177cm - 179cm.
Even Karl Urban (1,88m) is taller than Robert by nearly a head.
Godred said on 29/Jul/11
@Joe - he still don`t look it - 184 max.
Joe said on 27/Jul/11
He probably is 6-1, I am in 6-1 in the morning, and I lose a quarter to a half an inch by the evening. When doctors measure your weight and height, they take your morning weight and height which is you real weight and height.
anon said on 22/Jul/11
Imy, all of those wax work models are several inches taller than the actual person.
Godred said on 21/Jul/11
183 or 184.
whooodini said on 19/Jul/11
can look anywhere from 6ft to 6'2 probably in the middle is right
A said on 19/Jul/11
Modeling agencies add 1-2 inches on a lot of their male models heights. Pattinson is probably more 5'11"-6'0" area than 6'1".
stoodnext2 said on 14/Jul/11
Well we ALL should know by now that Modeling agencies LIE about height, by even SEVERAL Inches so I don't doubt as a young Model his height was exaggerated. But as of now, this kid is the same age as me 25, I think he may be 6' and some change out of bed barefoot. I doubt 6'1, BUT good sneaker could easily place him from 6' and some change to 6'2. At that point I get why he looks 6'1 barefoot
marvel 184 said on 14/Jul/11
He does look like a 183 cm or 184 cm compared to Kellan Lutz.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/11
183cm on the nose
zephyr said on 7/Jul/09
flash_of_eden and MD:
Yeah if he straightened up he might be as tall as Tyra but the thing is if you look at that second picture she's not standing up fully straight either.... and her heel's were your standard 4 inch heels.
Clay said on 5/Jul/09
Flash_of_Eden, look at the pic of Pattinson next to Dev Patel, Pattinson is an easy 2 inches shorter, my guess is 6 foot and a half barefoot for Pattinson.
Clay said on 5/Jul/09
MWa!, if you don't care about height why are you on here ? To whine and complain ?
Conrad said on 4/Jul/09
He doesn't look tall at all if you ask me. Looks 5'11" or 6' at best.
Mwa! said on 3/Jul/09
In the first place why would you guys waste you time argueing how tall an actor is? It doesnt matter that much. Just say somewhere between 6-6'2 the majoraty is saying that he is 6'1. All I know for a fact is that he is really fricking tall. Plus, why would it matter how tall he is barefoot? Why the hell would you care? And as for the weight thing. All i can say is WTF? Why would it matter. And plus i really doubt he is @ 200. I agree, he is lucky to be around 160. Why does it matter how tall Rob is or how much he weigts? Really can anyone answer me that?
Lmeister said on 2/Jul/09
He looks 6ft1, but he is def. not strapping.
Ryan said on 1/Jul/09
He described himself as gangly, so that made me think he was pretty tall. He looks to be 6'1".
MD said on 1/Jul/09
That first pic is actually pretty nice, though, I think if he straightend up, he'd be as tall as her. What it does show, to me, is Taylor's height, who is stretching every last inch not to look so short next to her. lol
flash_of_eden said on 1/Jul/09
In that second photo, it looks like he would be as tall as her if he stood up straight. But one must wonder how tall those heels are? Not to mention, if Tyra Banks is a full 6'2" in those heels and Pattinson is a legit 6'1", she'd still have an inch on him as is.
zephyr said on 30/Jun/09
More proof that Robert is not as tall as a 6'1"-6'2" Tyra Banks in heels.
Click HereClick HereI say he's somewhere between 5'11" and 6'0".
MD said on 29/Jun/09
Rika, where in the world did you get the 60 pound number from? It's been reported quite a bit that Taylor struggled to add 30 lbs.
flash_of_eden said on 29/Jun/09
Rika- Ok... um... what? You're stating opinions too. Not facts. Hello.
zephyr said on 29/Jun/09
Here's the youtube link that I eluded to where you can see Robert is not as tall as a 6'1"-6'2" Tyra Banks in heels.
Click Here
flash_of_eden said on 28/Jun/09
hey.- Nice. That should be enough for anybody. They're both standing straight up, are the same distance from the camera, footwear is visible, and still he tops her by a foot if not more. In fact I'd say it's proof that Pattinson is closer to 6'2".
raquel said on 28/Jun/09
this is so spot on 6"0 to 6'1 is perfect
Rika said on 28/Jun/09
@JJ. Lautner added 60lbs to his frame from 135lbs. PAttinson is really skinny, which is why he has a rather big head for a thin guy.
Opinions dont matter when we're talking about facts dude.
5'11 seems like a good height for barefoot, especially since he doesnt really look taller than i do.
Dev Patel, i dont think he gained height after Slum Dog Millionaire. He might in the future but i dont think he did now.
6'2 maybe his full height. But not his height at the moment.
orangy said on 26/Jun/09
@JJ, have you seen that Lautner kid lately? He's probably 160 if he's 5 8 and Pattinson's still fairly skinny so he's 160 too.
hey. said on 26/Jun/09
Emile de Ravin's 5'1.5" on this site and here's a pic of them (granted not the best, uneven ground), but Rob absolutely DWARFS her, it's kinda ridiculous.
Click Here
katie said on 26/Jun/09
id agree with 5"11 to 6"0 all of his twilight and harry potter co-stars are in the 5"3 /5"6 range
zephyr said on 22/Jun/09
He's not 6'1". He is 5'11" - 6'0" tall. He was on the Tyra Banks show and she was taller than him in her heels. She is 5'10" and in her 4 inch heels she should be around 6'1" - 6'2" which meant Robert and her should have been around the same height since he was wearing shoes that would put him at 6'2". However Tyra was still taller than him which means he's not 6'2" with shoes on which mean's he's not 6'1" barefoot. He's either 5'11" - 6'0" tall.
Clay said on 21/Jun/09
tallchick, Dev Patel is 6'2 and Rob was about 1.5 inches shorter. Same thing with Ryan Reynolds, Rob was shorter. He is absolutely not 6'2. His barefoot height is around 6 foot and a half. Don't believe everything you read online, he is obviously not over 6'1. Kristen Stewart is in the 5'4 range which is why Rob towers over her.
tallchick said on 20/Jun/09
i read online that rob pattinson is 6'2". i would say that is how tall he, because he TOWERS over kristen stewart and all the extras in twilight. he's VERY tall.
J.J. said on 16/Jun/09
I watched this Tyra show & they said him & Taylor's combined weight is 320 exactly. I was just guesing that Taylor might be 130 & pattinson 190 at 6'0" that's cos some people look skinny but quite heavy. But if indeed their
combined weight is 320 then being 4" taller than Taylor he
might be 190 max & 165 minimum. Everyones' entitled to their own opinion so get out!
Don't know just guessing! Am entitled to my own opinions. So get out
flash_of_eden said on 16/Jun/09
JJ- Seriously, lay off the pot. Some of the statements you make are just... asinine.
MD said on 16/Jun/09
Who looks heavy, JJ? I hope you're not saying Pattinson looks anything close to 200 lbs, because he's not. He's lucky if he's 160 lbs.
Clay said on 15/Jun/09
JJ who is heavy ? Rob ? He seems very skinny.
J.J. said on 14/Jun/09
He must be really heavy about 190 -200. But looks very 6'0" I really don't see 6'1" barefeet he rather looks 6'1" in shoes.
kelsey said on 14/Jun/09
6"0 is perfect he always looks taller then everyone because alot of his cast is short
Mel said on 11/Jun/09
6'1 is perfect. At least he will be taller than any girlfriend he will get.
Clay said on 10/Jun/09
6 foot legit barefoot is tall, not very tall but still tall.
Rika said on 10/Jun/09
So then 6'0-6'1 is right on the spot then. But it doesnt look that tall. Its only afew inches taller than the avg height of all men(5'10).
5'9 is kinda short for a 1st world country. Lol someone might change the avg US height soon. To many new generations coming shorter than 5'7. Alot of kids in Califronia have confirmed it.
Clay said on 10/Jun/09
JJ, I think he's more in the 6 foot and a half range barefoot.
J.J. said on 10/Jun/09
He is 6'0" max nothing more Taylor Lautner is 5'7.75" / possibly 5'8"
Clay said on 9/Jun/09
Rika, someone who is in the 6 foot, 6'1 range would look taller than most people, the average height for a male in America is 5'9 and a half.
Rika said on 9/Jun/09
He doesnt look that tall when you get a good look at him. Compared to other people he doesnt. But with girls he would.
He's shorter than 6'2 Ryan Renolds.
6'0-6'1 seems alright.
Maximus said on 8/Jun/09
Well, he definetly doesnt come across as being short. Definetly 6' or 6'1"..nothing below that. In twilight it is obvious he is avove average height.
J.J. said on 7/Jun/09
I think he is nothing shorter than 5'11.5" & nothing taller than 6'0" he had less than an inch on Jay Leno who is 5'11"
nicole said on 7/Jun/09
id say his a solid 6"0
Clay said on 6/Jun/09
"I'm not sure who the male presenter is (he doesn't look familiar), but I'm sure he isn't 6'1 and yet he's taller than R. Pattinson"
Leah, the presenter is Ryan Reynolds who is a strong 6'2. Even with bad posture Pattinson looks 6 foot next to him.
Catherine said on 3/Jun/09
I would say he is over 6 foot.I have seen him on loads of you tube clips and he looks tall to me.Makes him even hotter in my opinion
Clay said on 3/Jun/09
Once again Reynolds looked taller because Pattinson has horrible posture. Reynolds is only about 1.5 inches taller. Having met Pattinson I guarantee he is not under 6 foot but no more than 6'1.5.
john said on 3/Jun/09
watched the mtv movie awrds and yeah ryan reynolds looked to be 2-3 inches over this guy!
it was very noticeable,never tohought he looked 6ft 1 in twilight neither,bella's dad looked taller than him in the movie and that actor is listed as 184cm
hey. said on 2/Jun/09
Yeah, Ryan Reynolds is over 6'1", he's 6'3". He looked HUGE compared to KStew in her film Adventureland so it's no revelation that he looked slightly taller than Robert. But, good thing to bring up the awards....Rob looked taller than almost everyone he stood next to throughout the night and he was wearing Nikes! haha. He looked noticeably taller than Gigandet and Facinelli and here
Click Here he had an edge over the 6'1" Lutz who was wearing dress shoes with a heel. I'd say the awards more than proved that Pattinson is nothing under 6'1.5"....he towered over both Lautner and Stewart, it was kinda ridiculous....:D!