Cbrady said on 11/Sep/23
It seems as though Mitchum had a small head that might not have been over 9 inches long?
Arch Stanton said on 30/Apr/23
Rob for some reason I can't see Nielsen on the left on YT there in that scene. I think I was looking at Mitchum's eyeline which made him seem like he had the edge on Nielsen.
Click Here
Click Here In the Big Sleep do you think his footwear looks normal at 20:33, the shoes look a bit higher than usual at the back but not sure if they're normal for the 70s. Of course it's possible he wore lifts at times which would account for him seeming taller. At 3 minutes into the film, she comments on his height and says he is tall, and James Stewart is in the same film!

Editor Rob
There's an argument that Nielsen is 6ft 1/2 range, which could be true.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Apr/23
Not that my comment will make any difference but Mitchum was actually a bit taller than Leslie Nielsen in The Amsterdam Kill. Mitchum was about 60 too, Nielsen about 51. Hard to see Mitchum under 6 ft 1 in that film.
Editor Rob
Click Here. Hard to say precisely, but I'd have guessed both about same height there.
I may be mistaken but I could have sworn there was a scene earlier in the film in which Nielsen and Mitchum are stood together by a door, much closer range than that and I thought Mitchum looked a bit taller. Nielsen was only about 51 or 52 I think and Mitchum about 60.
Jtm said on 29/Apr/23
nielsen looked closer to 6'0 to me so that supports Mitchum 6'0 claim.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Apr/23
Not that my comment will make any difference but Mitchum was actually a bit taller than Leslie Nielsen in The Amsterdam Kill. Mitchum was about 60 too, Nielsen about 51. Hard to see Mitchum under 6 ft 1 in that film.

Editor Rob
Click Here. Hard to say precisely, but I'd have guessed both about same height there.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/23
Still looked this in the Cape Fear remake
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
In fact he looks to have the edge on Nick Nolte!
berta said on 7/Jan/23
this dude is probably the most legit 6 footer on the site at his peak. I can see argument for him being taller than nolte. Nolte maybe 183,5 and this guy close to 184 on a good day. He mad 6 foot look really tall.
Beau Dare said on 23/Dec/22
I had the great pleasure of meeting Robert Mitchum on the film, "Scrooged" at Paramount Studios early one morning by the coffee machine, when I worked in Hollywood as an actor. He was a total joy to behold, as he playfully arched his eyebrows and said good morning. He stood 6'01/4" with great posture and an unasuming manner. Mitch had this wonderful, casual way of including you in his life, and always telling amusing stories about his colourful life. They just don't make actors like him anymore.
Cerph said on 6/Sep/22
My guess is, he was a little over 6'1" in his prime- and less as he aged.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 28/Aug/22
184 cm.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 12/Aug/22
Agree, Philip Z.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 10/Aug/22
I agree, Sinclair. I think 6ft 0.25 is perfect for Mitchum. He looked near 184 cm in Cape Fear. Him and Welles were 6ft-and-a-bit guys I think and at times the Bob gave off a 6ft 1 impression.
Upgrade, Rob?
Philip Z said on 11/Jul/22
Consistently half an inch taller than 6ft 1 listed Cary Grant in "The Grass is Greener." Grant is likely closer to 6ft 0.5 peak, and was down to flat 6ft by 1960. 6ft 0.25 or 6ft 0.5 peak for Mitchum.
Sinclair said on 3/Jun/22
Rob, maybe 6’0.25”?
No less than 6’0”, one of those rare honest Hollywood actors. It’s also impressive that he made the age of seventy-nine. Even today, 79 years is a long life.

Editor Rob
I did think that was possible. He generally seemed one of the bigger 6 footers of his time, such that many might have guessed him 6ft 1.
Tall Sam said on 23/Mar/22
Mitchum looks huge near William Holden here, must be a little closer to the camera, otherwise he’d look 6’1” at least (which he certainly didn’t look near Gregory Peck).
Click Here
Jared Tyler said on 27/Feb/22
Looked 5'10 next to 6'1 Nick Nolte in Cape Fear (1991) though he was old in that film.
I'd say he was 6'0 at peak.
Rory said on 18/Jan/22
I think 6ft0.25 would be a fair listing for Mitchum, even aged 67 he looked not far off 5 inches taller than Judi Trott who is listed here as 5ft7.5 in the film Reunion at fairborough.
Also interesting to here his quote about being six foot or so, implying he could have measured a bit over it.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jan/22
The great Mitchum was one of three actors to appear in both Cape Fear movies.
Tall Sam said on 21/Oct/21
Would be a good candidate for a 184 cm listing, wouldn’t necessarily go higher. Height was one of the many things Mitchum didn’t seem to care much about.
berta said on 21/Oct/21
i saw him in some old movies recently for example cape fear ( both the old and the new) He coudl look maybe 184,5 in the old one and in the new he looked the same as Nick Nolte and nolte was probleby little over 6 feet. I Cant really see this guy only 6 feet peak. I think 184 would be a better listing. I mean there is zero chanse that he was 182 cm but big chanse of 184,5 and that means over 6 feet.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Oct/21
"How tall are you?" [Robert] Taylor asked.
"Oh, I don't know, probably six feet," Mitchum answered.
"That can't be," Taylor said, looking up to the taller Mitchum. "I'm six-one. You have to be six-three or -four."
("In those days," Mitchum recalls, "every actor was supposed to be six-one...including Alan Ladd. And in this scene, we're supposed to be eyeball to eyeball. So, okay, he was six-one, but I know I'm about six feet and he had to look up at least an inch at me.")
-- Vincente Minnelli's I remember it well, 1975
Funny, maybe he is being honest. About 6ft could mean a bit over of course.. Alan Ladd at 6'1 LOL!
Jim Thornibrook said on 25/Sep/21
Hey Rob can you make a page for Laramie actors Robert Fuller and John Smith
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jul/21
I think a bit over a flat 6ft
Canson said on 20/Jul/21
Easy case here. Legit 6’0” peak. He had his occasions where he looked taller
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jun/21
I can't see Mitchum at 6' and Lancaster a full inch taller!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Dec/20
Average guess is ridiculous
Beau Dare said on 3/Dec/20
Very clever comment you posted, Rob. Mitchum did seem to look down on most actors when I worked worked with him on the film "Scrooged" at Paramount Studio. I am 6'1" and was just a shade taller than him. Mitchum also had a wry sense of humor, much like you do, Rob... I'm sure he's smiling down right now..
Editor Rob said on 3/Dec/20
Mitchum seems the Chris Pine of his era:
"every actor was supposed to be six-one...including Alan Ladd" 😆😆
Beau Dare said on 23/Nov/20
When I worked with Robert Mitchum as an actor, in "Scrooged" in 1988, I was very aware of his excellent posture and bearing, which gave him the appearance of being taller than his 6'01/4 height. He seemed to move in a casual gliding manner, with a bemused grin on his face, and always telling amusing tales of his co stars, especially Marilyn Monroe.. He was quite a fellow..
Tall Sam said on 20/Nov/20
Yeah sometimes IMO Mitchum could look 184 cm range, there were even times I thought he could look a weak 6'1" but I think, especially as he aged, he might have started to wear shoes that gave him a little more height than average, if not outright lifts. He not only looked a bit taller than Nolte, he also in Scrooged looked still only a little shorter than Bill Murray and looked closer than you'd expect near Peter Boyle in The Friends of Eddie Coyle.
Kale - 186.5 said on 19/Nov/20
I recently rewatched the remake of Cape Fear, and Mitchum was noticeably taller than Nick Nolte, (182.9 peak).
Nolte would have been around 50 at the time, so I doubt he'd have lost much height.
Any chance Mitchum could have been in the 1.84 -1.85 range as a younger man Rob? Or do you think it could have been due to footwear?
Dr JJ said on 6/Nov/20
Just watched Track of the Cat.....any idea how taller William Hopper was. Looks tall...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/20
Arch, he was athletically inclined and strong but he was also fond of the booze and smokes.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Aug/20
He was a lifeguard as a young man and surprisingly very fit with a classic swimmers body. Surprising as you think of him as one of the heavy drinking/smoking types. I don't think he looked a 47-26, he would be much more bulky muscle frame for a chest that big. I would say nearer 44-30, maybe he was a 26 waist very young.
Beau Dare said on 8/Aug/20
When I met Robert Mitchum on the film set at Paramount studio's, in 1988, I was not only imprssed with his 6'01/4" height and bearing, but also his casual, friendly way of including you in his life, in an unassuming, genuine way. I can still see him now, sitting in his high canvas chair, smiling and telling tales. He was quite a guy..
Jessica Crawford said on 17/Jul/20
I have studied native Americans for years. Great people & very interesting. But they were among the first Slave holders in America. It is very common knowledge & also human trafficking. Sacajawea is an example of the first human trafficking in America. I hardly know any nationality that hasn’t been persecuted @ some time or another. Let’s all just except we’re not perfect, forgive & move on.... And I would NEVER want the crazy horse monument taken down!
M Billingham said on 11/Jul/20
What made him such a formidable figure was his 47” chest & 26” waist !
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/20
About 66 I think, he would have lost some height by 1984.
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/20
Mitchum was 70 odd by then though and had lost height. I haven't seen that film, I'll see it soon.
Beau Dare said on 8/Aug/19
While working on the film Scrooged in 1988,as an actor, I met Robert Mitchum in the morning, on the Paramount soundstage by the coffee machine. He was very disarming and casual and stood almost as tall as my 6'1", I'd say 6'18", with great posture and bearing. Happy Birthday, Mitch, Aug 6.
movieguy12 said on 20/May/19
Watched the Ambassador where Mitchum stars with Rock Hudson. Its not a bad film, I think Hudson in his last film role was starting to fall ill at this point although he looks OK in most scenes. Height wise I thought it would be a good film to compare the two actors but it's actually problematic. In some scenes Hudson towers Mitchum and looks the 6'6'' that is sometimes claimed for him. In others the difference appears less with Hudson looking 3 inches taller. Both give good performances though.
Mister lennon said on 10/Apr/19
I think a strong 6, weak 6'1. About 184-185.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 9/Apr/19
There can be no denying the fact, after having seen him in many movies, that this man was a strong 6' tall, even 184 in the AM in his youth. Truly menacing in Night of the Hunter (my of my personal faves:)
Dave DeValera said on 5/Apr/19
When they filmed the Friends of Eddie Coyle in Dedham,Mass.in 1973 I got to meet Mitchum several times.I had just been discharged from the Army at 6 ft.Mitchum was a bit taller .
Neelasish Sen Roy said on 6/Nov/18
He looks 2 inches shorter than 6'2.5" Gregory Peck.
Ian C. said on 24/Oct/18
Why would anyone lie about Robert Mitchum's height? Not even Mitchum lied about it.
Of course, one of the delights of this site is that it exposes celebrities who lie about their heights. I just love it when guys like Yul Brynner get caught trying to kid everybody that they're taller than they are.
My favourite variety of liar is the guy who sidesteps the issue when it's obviously relevant. Paul Newman is the champ at that game. Newman would say, people who met him were surprised that he was taller than they thought. That's hilariously sneaky, because he isn't explicitly claiming to be tall, while implying that he is. It's a double lie. He was falsely claiming to be tall while at the same time leaving himself room to say that he never claimed any such thing.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Oct/18
Just because one may not get a premium by lying here, doesn't mean that there aren't some who do. People can make up anything they want on the Internet.
Ian C. said on 21/Oct/18
Actually, Christian, my guess as to why wild misestimates of height happen here is a little more benign. I think that the wrong-guesser has mistaken somebody for somebody else. That is, Don thought he had seen a short Robert Mitchum, but had really seen a short man who looked like Mitchum.
There really isn't a premium to be gained by lying on this site. We're all anonymous, and we're all here because we're interested in accurate estimates of celebrity heights. Most of the celebrities discussed here are entertainers (including movie directors, for some reason), and really don't have any great power over anybody else. If it turns out that Bob Dylan really is five foot ten, for example, this will cause me no great grief, even though I dislike Dylan.
Rich Paul said on 21/Oct/18
This thread cracks me up because it’s more than obvious Mitchum was a big guy. Usually he was taller and broader than any other male actor he worked with. Being the same height as Cary Grant means he was at least 6’1’’.
Mister lennon said on 20/Oct/18
I think that he was in the 183-184 range
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Oct/18
Don's either lying or has the worst perception of height in the world.
Ian C. said on 17/Oct/18
Okay, Don Anderson, I did do the math. Apparently your head and neck are a total of five inches long.
I am six foot five, and I measure approximately thirteen inches from my shoulders to the top of my head. Assuming that you are much the same, you're saying that Mitchum was five foot four. Well okay, but if he was he was wearing eight-inch heels in all of his movies.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/18
Not impossible he got measured at 6'0.25 or something and just went with 6 ft. If he was 6 ft on the nose, most other listings need a downgrade.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/18
Got to admit I still never think of him as 6 ft flat. specially having seen him with Cary Grant. In my head he was 6'0.5. Saw a few films of his recently and stand by it. I mostly agree with the listings here and often form in my mind a height which corresponds to a listing, but I'd say 6'0.5 on average looks more accurate.
Ian C. said on 30/Sep/18
It's not just that Mitchum was tall. He was also heroically well built. Google up "young Robert mitchum shirtless," and you get a picture of him when he was in his middle twenties. He had the sort of tapered torso that bodybuilders used to try for, even though I doubt if he ever worked out.
He is also in the running for highest I.Q. in a leading man. You can see him on YouTube being interviewd by Dick Cavett, and he is effortless funny, unaffected and wise. Cavett always made a big deal about his own intelligence, and considered himself the intellectual equal of people like Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal, but Cavett was obviously impressed by Mitchum's quick intelligence.
Rabindra sankar sen roy said on 15/Jun/18
I think Robert Mitchum was actual Philip Marlowe. In grass in greener both Grant and Mitchum had same height.Both are 6'1.5"/187cm tall.
Don Andersen said on 8/May/18
I passed next to him on the Street in Manhattan back in the late 60s. I am or at least was 6'5" back then and the top of his head was at my shoulder level. Do the math!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/May/18
Looked the same height as Nick Nolte in the Cape Fear remake...
Tall Sam said on 22/Mar/18
Yeah, one of the strongest six footers on here, I think he could've easily straightened up to around 6'0.5". He looked strangely tall with Peter Boyle when older in The Friends of Eddie Coyle.
Click Here
Also pretty tall looking with Robert Ryan:
Click Here
Sean73 said on 20/Mar/18
Strong six footer to me. I always saw him the same as Burt Lancaster. 6'.05" flat.
zoki said on 12/Mar/18
I think that Robert Mitchum is the only movie star who claimed that he was shorter then he really was. I have seen many of his movies and I always thought that he was 6ft1 185 cm, but he always claimed that he was only 6ft. Usually movie stars who were 6ft1 claimed that they were 6ft 2, and those who were 5ft11 or 5ft10 claimed that they were 6ft but not Mitchum, he always appeard 6ft1 in the movies and claimed that he was only 6ft tall.
Gonzalo said on 5/Feb/18
Mitchum looking taller than Van Johnson, listed 1`85 in this site. Mitchum was definitely a mistery
Click Here
James said on 19/Dec/17
Mitchum was exactly six foot as he said. By 1990 he was about 5'11".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Dec/17
Rob, maybe 6ft0¼ is still arguable?
One of those guys who didn't bother with fractions maybe...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Dec/17
Actually with Richard Harris's downgrade this is reasonable since they looked identical in A Terrible Beauty
Jtm said on 25/Nov/17
When will you take the half inch off?

Editor Rob
he seems comfortable saying he was six feet on a few occasions now.
Gonzalo said on 23/Nov/17
In 1993 he also claimed six feet. You can quote it. It´s in Spanish
Click Here
Richard said on 3/Nov/17
Mitchum was known to be anti-Semitic in the 1940s. I wouldn't say his physique was robust.
movieguy said on 2/Nov/17
A great actor famous for his robust physique although not really that big by todays standards. I've read he was really laid back in his younger days but got a bit grouchy with age particularly when dealing with annoying interviewers which I think explains some of his rather horrible comments made as a much older man.
Tall In The Saddle said on 16/Oct/17
Rising - totally agree re orig. Cape Fear. A superior film and to say same doesn't require unnecessary downgrading of the remake which I also agree was a very good film in it's own right. While the orig. was not a noir film in it's entirety I think Mitchum still brings his own special brand of inimitable noir to seal it as a Great and hard to beat film.
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Oct/17
@Rob: I agree that he probably didn't care. Once you get past six feet, far fewer men will care as they're taller than most. As for the police, I can't speak for how things were done in Mitchum's day or even how things are done everywhere, but in my experience and those I've talked to, standard practice is for the police to ask you when they're taking your information or take it off a driver's license. Though I could also imagine some guessing when standing someone in front of a height chart. I'd be surprised if a police department actually did a formal measurement.
Tall In The Saddle said on 10/Oct/17
Safe to say between 6' and 6'1". With those shoulders literally shaped like a T-Square. All due respect to De Niro and the condition he got into for Cape Fear redux but for mine, Mitchum both far more physically and psychologically intimidating in same role, even if not gym trained to the second - and prob sucking in the belly a bit. A lot of anecdotal stories of so called tough guy actors but Mitch for real, newspaper reported, took down a former Marciano opponent - Bernie Reynolds - gave him the slipper too! Not a guy to f.. with at all. Nice story from during a scene in Cape Fear - Mitch said that Peck accidentally connected with a punch and that Peck packed a decent punch!
James said on 8/Oct/17
Mitchum looked 6'2" in "The Big Sleep", which suggests he was wearing lifts. I think you must have read an edited version of his "Esquire" interview. Mitchum made numerous anti-Semitic remarks in the interview, which is discussed here:
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/17
I did read the interview. He never said anything didn't happen. That's a fact. He actually said "I don't know." Therefor it is simply inaccurate to call him a denier as that means you have to DENY something. If you want to say the "f*ck you" joke was in poor taste or say it was bigoted, that's something else. But again, this is irrelevant. The lifts thing seems to me just an inaccurate. There's no reason to believe that and I don't remember it ever being reported. Mitchum was only about 60 when he did those films so more than likely, he was just a guy who maintained his height. Maybe he was only 6'0", I don't know. But there's no reason to believe he wore lifts or cared enough about his height to wear lifts. Also, why bring up Wayne's alleged lifts or claim only 6'0" instead of at least 6'1", which Mitchum undoubtedly could have passed for?

Editor Rob
the last film I seen of Mitchum was Night of the Hunter, he did still have a big screen prescence.
I don't know if he cared about height, he was happy to go with the six foot police said he was! Maybe some people do get measured at a physical years ago and genuinely cannot remember their exact height.
James said on 7/Oct/17
If you read the interview you will know Mitchum said a lot more than that. His interview with "Esquire" magazine would have destroyed his career today. Anyway I can't see Mitchum as any more than six foot at his peak. He was definitely wearing lifts in later films like "The Last Tycoon" and "The Big Sleep".
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Sep/17
I read the interview, Mitchum didn't DENY anything. He only said some people QUESTION it. He didn't even state what aspects of the story people question. James, i really think you add comments like this to stir things up. And come on, Mitchum wearing lifts? Incidentally, Mitchum looked quite big to me in The Last Tycoon. Unfortunately, we don't see a good comparison between Mitchum and De Niro, but I'd be shocked if Mitchum was under 6' at the time when he would have been in his late 50's.
Richardspain said on 22/Sep/17
Next to Bill Murray( 186/187cm) in "scrooged" Mitchum looks still a strong 6 feet (183cm)
He wasn't less than that.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Jul/17
I have a much more difficult time buying Mitchum at a flat even 6'0" than Nick Nolte for instance. Mitchum could still look a big 184-185 cm guy to me well into his 50s. 5'9.5" James Caan said he got lifts not only to stand next to big John Wayne, but also Mitchum.
@James: As far as I know, Mitchum wasn't one by any reasonable definition of that word. More often than not, when I hear people called that, it's not accurate. I could give you the names of a few people who could actually be called that as examples, but I don't want to get this page off track. It's funny, there were a number of "revisionist" Soviet historians in the 80s, who somehow never got called Communist sympathizers despite doing everything they could to minimize Stalin's crimes, which were more numerous than Hitler's regime's crimes with a lot more physical and documentary evidence to support them. To this day, I see some try to put the death toll under Stalin even lower than even the Soviet government admitted to the themselves! A number of those historians in the 80s turned out to literally have put the number too low by more than a factor of 10. I can't believe that was an honest mistake in all of their cases - they knew better. And the Soviet government was the type to say 2 + 2 = 5 if it furthered the party's interests.
As for Mitchum, I like him as an actor and don't know enough about him as a person. But I'll never meet him as a person, while I can still enjoy his films so it's far more important he does his profession well.
Arch Stanton said on 30/May/17
Palance was a decent 6'3 too Sam, 6'3'5 for him is quite possible, not 6'4 though as Gert claims on the Heston page. Mitchum did look nearer 6' with Brian Aherne though. Mitchum did look near 6'1 with Shirley MacLaine, though Rob agrees that a wee bit under 5'7 for her peak is possible.
James said on 6/Mar/17
Grant may have been six foot by the age of 56 (when "The Grass Is Greener" was filmed in 1960).
Arch Stanton said on 1/Mar/17
Cary Grant might have been 6'1 peak and lost a bit by early 1960s though, he was certainly no taller than Mitchum in that film.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Mar/17
Seeing him with Brian Aherne in The Locket, Aherne looked a good 3 inches taller in some scenes. I think Rob might be more accurate with the 184 than 185 I could have sworn he looked the same height as Cary Grant is Grass in Greener though.
Bruno said on 24/Jan/17
Unfortunately 5th photo down seems to suggest otherwise James, that's the one with JW, Mitch and a lady. Very large heels Mitch has on.
Click Here
James said on 22/Jan/17
Mitchum wasn't wearing big heels in "El Dorado", unlike John Wayne.
James Caan has admitted he was wearing 3-inch lifts.
mister_lennon said on 5/Jan/17
184-185 at peak
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jan/17
Shirley's shoes can be seen at 1 hr 48:41 I''m not sure if she wore those earlier one but they're not heels but more the sort of shoes than lesbian women wore in those days haha. No more than 1.5 inch I think, so the comparison with Mitchum does seem to add up more now.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jan/17
Rob, something's not right, see 46-48 minutes here
Click Here deleted the popups. See what I mean, 5'7 Maclaine is in heels too and still looks easily 4 inches shorter, in fact at times it looks easily 5 inches diff. At times he can really look a decent 6'1 guy. Doesn't add up. If he was really only 6' and her at 5'7, in heels it should be coming in at nearer 3 inches diff. I wonder if Shirley was shorter, often I've struggled to see 5 ft 7 for her.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jan/17
Mmm maybe more 4 inch range diff, 6'0.5 is the lowest I can see for Mitchum peak anyway.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jan/17
Funny you say that James as Mitchum looked a good inch taller than Hardy in comparison to the Duke. Hardy looked 5'11.5 tops with him while Mitchum looked no more than 3 inches shorter. In Two for the See Saw Mitchum looks easily 5 inches taller than Shirley Maclaine in heels. About 5'9 in her heels, Mitchum looks around 6'2 in comparison in shoes. I sitll think Mitchum was closer to 6'1.
James said on 2/Dec/16
Oliver Hardy was only six foot, the same height as Mitchum.
Mon said on 1/Dec/16
Tall for his era, and though not a huge man the deep voice, massive shoulders and strut gave him deceptive onscreen presence. Mitchum was a lifelong exponent of hard living (the unsavoury opinions on WW2 were made after he had too much to drink) and developed a slouch quite early, but the younger Mitchum (surely without lifts in a bit part) seemed comparable to Oliver Hardy. Another case of whether you go for peak height or height in latter career.
Mon said on 1/Dec/16
Not a huge man, though with a very deep voice, tremendous shoulders and a distinctive strut he seemed larger than life. Mitchum lived hard and had bad posture quite early, but the younger Mitchum (he started quite late in films) seemed as tall as Oliver Hardy.
James said on 8/Apr/16
Mitchum was six foot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/16
6ft0½-1 range peak
6ft flat in his much later career
Tom said on 20/Jan/16
James Caan has admitted wearing three inch lifts in "El Dorado", I expect Mitchum probably had help too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/16
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/16
Definitely one of old Hollywood's most intimidating guys. He just looked mean didn't he, doesn't surprise me what he said about John Wayne.
Which reminds me, he looked near 6ft2 in El Dorado. About 2in below Wayne
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/16
Definitely one of old Hollywood's most intimidating guys. He just looked mean didn't he, doesn't surprise me what he said about John Wayne.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jan/16
In the Yakuza 6'2" listed Richard Jordan had Mitchum by two inches. He was approaching 60 odd by then though and might have lost a bit.
james said on 13/Dec/15
My aunt once saw hin in a cafe in Wiltshire when he was making the grass is greener, he was quite big and much scarier in real life.
Mon said on 8/Dec/15
In the bio book " Baby I Don't Care" it said when he first applied for movie work the agent was incredulous at the self downgrading when Mitchum said he was "six foot or so", and his size was considered a potential problem. May have been a weak 6'1 in his youth.
Larry said on 8/Sep/15
Mitchum and Dean Martin both wore lifts in 5 card Stud.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Aug/15
Saw him in 5 Card Stud yesterday and really thought he looked a solid 6 ft 1 in it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Aug/15
A true alpha male. They don't make them like that anymore. I wish could have met him.
I think a weak 6ft1 is fair. Exactly 2in below Peck in Cape Fear.
Sam said on 30/Jul/15
Rob, what are the chances you'd list him at 6'0.75", Rob?
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jun/15
@Sam, I remember the scene in Not as a Stranger in which Sinatra was barefoot next to him. Really looked a good six inches.
Sam said on 7/May/15
Rob, is it possible that you'd split the difference and go with 6'0.75"?...I bet he and Harrison Ford would have dead-even when both guys were peak height.
mike said on 12/Apr/15
Saw Mitchum in person several times when I was a kid waiting tables. I'd say he was a hair over 6'1".
Sam said on 1/Apr/15
I think at times, he can look the new listing, like the difference with Peck could have been 2.5 in...I wonder if he wore small lifts in some his later roles, I think he looked rather tall in Friends of Eddie Coyle and The Big Sleep.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Mar/15
Mitchum was a notorious womanizer, had affairs with many of his co stars including Ava Gardner, lucky git!
If he was just 6 ft flat JTM then so was Cary Grant, and suddenly all those actors and actresses he was in films need downgrades by a good inch. A 6 ft Mitchum and 6 ft Grant would mean a 6 ft Ray Massey and Fairbanks jr under that 6' mark.
jtm said on 3/Mar/15
if he claimed 6'0 then that's what he was.
littlesue said on 2/Mar/15
Just finished his biog, does'nt mention his exact height but says he was a big bloke, he married to the same woman for 50 years but like a lot of the stars had many affair on set, thrown in jail a few times also for fighting and pot smoking. Seemed a laid back sort of bloke who was well liked by other actors.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
Click Here
You can see what I mean about Cary Grant with Tony Curtis, there's the film there.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
I do think though that in general Mitchum looked nearer 6'1" than 6' though, I'm not sure he was as low as 6 ft. He was looking about 6'1" with a barefoot Sinatra I thought. If he was actually just 6' flat then a lot of people really need a downgrade! Anything in 6'0.5-6'1 range is arguable for guys like Mitchum, Grant, Reagan etc.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
Marvin's 6'2 is increasingly questionable though. I see more 6'1.5 for him, he made Clint Eastwood and John Wayne look 6'4.5!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
Rob, yes, I've been thinking more 6' range of late too, I was looking at him with Melvyn Douglas and Ava Gardner in My Forbidden Past and he wasn't quite looking a proper 6'1". He looked identical in height to Cary Grant though in The Grass is Greener in what 1961 though. The thing is by the late 50s and early 60s Grant was consistently looking 6' range I think, check out Operation Petticoat with Tony Curtis for instance, looking no more than 184. There are films though where Mitchum could look a solid 6'1". 6'0.5 is probably the best fit overall, but I was certain he was the same height as Grant in that film. Mitchum did look about 6'1" with John Wayne's 6'4" but you've downgraded him slightly now so 60.5-6'0.75 figures I guess. There's so many good Mitchum films I'm yet to see though so I'll keep watching!
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
6'0.5 is arguable though like it was for Cary Grant, but in fairness both could often look an easy 6'1".
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
Rob, why do you think he claimed just 6 ft? If he was just 6 ft flat everybody needs a downgrade! He consistently looked around 6'1" didn't he?
I've seen The Grass is Greener fully, and I thought Grant and Mitchum looked so close in height that you could evenly balance Sookie on her paws across their heads!

Editor Rob
I can understand him as being over 6ft and dropping a fraction. The more I see of him the more I think 6ft 1 is optimistic actually.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
Looks near an inch shorter than Melvyn Douglas in My Forbidden Past, Rob has him at 6'1.5, so Mitchum was looking just under 6'1" in comparison.
joelj said on 21/Feb/15
Hes not a man who really cared about his height, his posture wasnt the best.
joelj said on 21/Feb/15
6' 1" easily, gary cooper didnt have that much on him infact there didnt look like anything more than an inch between them
Beau said on 2/Feb/15
I first met Robert Mitchum by the coffee machine in the morning , on the film "Scrooged" in 1988, where I was working as an actor. He was very charming and casual, and stood almost as tall as my 6'1".I'd say about 6'0", with great posture and bearing for a 71 year old man. Nice memory.
Steve said on 5/Jan/15
Like I said. Watch the entire movie.
One scene doesn't tell the tale. They could have elevated Grant in that scene by having him stand on something. That sort of thing is done a lot. We don't see their feet.
Sam said on 5/Jan/15
Sorry, Steve, Mitchum wasn't an inch taller than Cary Grant, in some shots he could seem have a fraction of an inch edge on him but look at the scene where they stand back-to-back, w/ good posture Grant was equal to Mitchum's height.
Steve said on 2/Jan/15
Arch, when you watch the entire movie, this is what you'll see:
Click Here
Steve said on 1/Jan/15
Mitchum was definitely 6'1" because he appeared an inch taller than Cary Grant in The Grass is Greener. I just watched it the other night. Mitchum was also much broader.
Mitchum once said that the one actor he'd hate to end up in a fight with was Frank Sinatra. Even though Sinatra was small, Mitchum reckened that in such a fight, one of them would end up dead.
Sinatra had a notorious bad temper. When JFK made last-minute plans not to stay at Sinatra's estate in Rancho Mirage, Sinatra reportedly took a sledge hammer and broke up the newly installed cement helicopter landing pad. Later on, it was replaced. Today, there's a garden when it once was.
Sam said on 4/Dec/14
Obviously, in size, Sinatra was upstaged quite a bit, I remember him looking physically tiny compared to Sterling Hayden but Hayden didn't have that star presence on level of Sinatra or Mitchum. I've read his bio and have mixed views on some of actions and statements but no movie star was cooler than him. Cooler than Steve McQueen who Mitchum strongly disliked.
Gonzalo said on 4/Dec/14
Mitchum looked very tall in Not as a stranger. Taller than Lee Marvin to my surprise
James said on 2/Dec/14
Sinatra was tiny. Mitchum was six foot so he was at least 5 inches taller.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/14
The only actor to date I've seen upstage Sinatra and make him look like a fumbling little boy. There's a scene in Not as a Stranger in which they're both barefoot and Mitchum has him by between 5 and 6 inches and just dominates him.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/14
Rob can you add films like Out of the Past, Angel Face, El Dorado, Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (one film) and Story of G.I. Joe. He's one of those where it's difficult to cut like Grant and Stewart but those should be among his best known.
Sam said on 1/Dec/14
I was just about to post the same picture here...I don't think Widmark actually looks taller considering the camera proximity but Mitchum does look more a flat six footer there.
Gonzalo said on 1/Dec/14
Well, that shot is on uneven ground, Widmark has angle advantage and Mitchum doesn´t seem to be wearing high heeled shoes while Widmark and Douglas are. It is a tricky picture.
steviebaby said on 15/Nov/14
If Mitchum was six-one, how does anyone explain this photo of him standing next to five-ten Richard Widmark (right) in The Way West? Widmark actually looks taller.
Click Here
Sam said on 4/Aug/14
His son Christopher did look a lot like him but was rather less attractive, not that Mitchum was typically good looking but had attractive features, Robert's brother John wasn't bad looking when younger but got quite fat, so I'd say Bob Mitchum lucked out genetically. I have a co-worker who looks like she could be his granddaughter, attractive girl but she can look a little masculine, same lidded eyes, similar cheekbones and clift chin.
Sam said on 29/Jul/14
Mitchum and Wayne didn't hate each other according to Mitchum's biography I read...Mitchum's comments about Wayne's lifts were like ribbing and from what I read they had no problems working together really, Wayne just hated Ed Asner during filming of El Dorado, apparently Wayne's nickname for him of "New York" was a big snap in Wayne's mind. Now an actor who genuinely seemed to hate Mitchum was Gregory Peck when they were filming Cape Fear, from what I've read Mitchum was kind of a douche towards Peck.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jul/14
Funny that Wayne and Mitchum hated each other and Wayne played Christopher Mitchum's father in Big Jake!!
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jul/14
He must have super strong genes as his other son James Mitchum is also a spit for him!!
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jul/14
Hahhaa, watching Rio Lobo and I spotted Christopher Mitchum and I knew as soon as I saw him it was his son. Spitting image of him!! One of the closest father-son resemblances I've ever seen!!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jul/14
The thing is though Sam Mitchum and Cary Grant looked the exact same height in Grass is Greener!! I think 185 was spot on for Grant.
Sam said on 3/Jul/14
This is reportedly a shot of Robert Mitchum and Burt Lancaster in full drag, while a understandably terrified-looking Errol Flynn looks on. Mitchum looks shorter than Lancaster but I don't know what their, uh, heel situation is.
Click Here
The Horse of FUNK said on 22/Apr/14
People automatically assume a person is the exact height they say they are. In reality, not everybody stresses over height and some people are more laid back about it, especially when they have a comfortable height. I can imagine Mitchum being 184-185cm. He didn't seem like a guy who would dwell on his height. Not enough to claim 6'1", but over the 6'0" mark.
Burt said on 18/Mar/14
Director Michael Winner said he made Mitchum wear built up shoes in "The Big Sleep" because he wanted him as the star to tower over the other actors.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/14
Looked 6ft2 in Cape Fear and The Big Sleep. I can buy 185-186cm peak and 6ft flat at the time of his death, maybe a fraction over.
Lenad said on 10/Jan/14
I think he was more of a weak 6'1
Clive said on 5/Jan/14
If Mitchum said he was six foot then that's what he was.
Robert said on 4/Jan/14
Mitchum was six foot, but no more than that. If only he had been a few years younger he could have been the best Philip Marlowe.
JJ said on 31/Dec/13
He always claimed 6 foot. His drivers license said 6 foot. If he was really 6'1" than that's what he would have claimed. I think he was 6 foot in his prime and Hollywood being Hollywood listed him as 6'1". Ill say a 6' is a more accurate listing.
Andy said on 28/Dec/13
Mitchum was exactly six foot at his peak. He was wearing shoes with bigger heels than Cary Grant in "The Grass Is Greener".
Arch Stanton said on 26/Oct/13
Amazing guess Rob, him and Cary Grant stand back to back in The Grass in Greener about to have a gun duel and they're the EXACT same height!! You could lay a ruler across the top of there heads and they're dead on the same height!

Editor Rob
never seen this movie yet
Arch Stanton said on 26/Oct/13
Odd but Bob Mitchum looks a bit taller than Cary Grant in comparison to Deborah Kerr in The Grass is Greener.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Aug/13
Towers above Leo McKern in Ryan's Daughter, although I think he was only 5'5" rangem but he does seem about this.
Willy said on 25/Aug/13
In Farewell, My Lovely (1975) - which was shot when Mitchum was 57 -, Robert's character, Philip Marlowe, describes himself as "six feet of iron man". And judging by the pictures with Cary Grant, I'd also say that that's the hight he looked 15 years before this film with 6'0.75'' Cary.
Sam said on 2/Jul/13
He and Cary Grant were very close in height. Grant, when compared to Howard Hughes, Randolph Scott and Jimmy Stewart, was barely 2 inches shorter than those alleged 6'3"ish guys.
Click Here
Also in The Friends of Eddie Coyle, Mitchum at a somewhat rough-looking 56 was probably less than an inch shorter than 6'2.25" listed Peter Boyle.
tex said on 22/May/13
Mitchum was never vain about his height. He always said he was 6'. He also said "John Wayne had to be the tallest person on his sets and wore lifts".
Slope said on 14/Mar/13
SRG -- As I said earlier, I never saw Robert Mitchum, and if you say his son, Chris Mithcum, is 6' 1" I won't argue. I saw Chris in person only once and I'm basing his height solely on my impression. Maybe because Chris, like his Dad Robert Mitchum, has very broad shoulders I concluded at least 6'2" for Chris. Of course, that may be "in the heel" and I didn't notice Chris Mitchum's footwear. Still, I agree with you that Robert Mitchum was a tad over 6 feet. That makes sense based on his son's height; the genes reveal the son to be over 6 feet so Robert Mitchum probably stood at least 6 feet tall.
JJ said on 3/Mar/13
Honestly, 5'7.5". He was a strong 6 feet tall there are numerous images,interviews, and movies where he looks a strong 6'. I don't think they could hide a 6 inch difference from the public so effectivley for so long without it getting out. mitchum was 6' or a little over.
kokkiesan said on 26/Feb/13
he was in about 1958 getting a new top put on his convertible here in Silver Spring
where I saw him. I am 5'7 1/2" without my shoes... he was about my height both of us
wearing shoes... not sure what kind of shoes he was wearing.
a friend who was in films in Hollywood told me that they used camera angles and
boxes for him to stand on to make him look taller. He especially had to look taller than his female co-stars. NO WAY was he over 6 feet tall !
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/13
he was in about 1958 getting a new top put on his convertible here in Silver Spring
where I saw him. I am 5'7 1/2" without my shoes... he was about my height both of us
wearing shoes... not sure what kind of shoes he was wearing.
a friend who was in films in Hollywood told me that they used camera angles and
boxes for him to stand on to make him look taller. He especially had to look taller than his female co-stars. NO WAY was he over 6 feet tall !
JR said on 6/Nov/12
6'0.25 to maybe 6'0.5 peak
Shaun said on 10/Oct/12
Yeah this is about right I'd guess 6'0.5-6'1" range about 3 inches shorter than Wayne I think. Didn't like him, he had one of those shifty, cocky faces you wouldn't trust...
SRG said on 27/Sep/12
Slope, Christopher Mitchum is 6'1. As for robert I'll meet his license and his billed height in the middle and give him 6'0.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jul/12
186-187cm in Cape Fear.
Rob, is there a chance he have been 6ft1.5?

Editor Rob
I doubt he was that tall,
slope said on 29/Jan/12
I saw his son, Chris Mitchum, recently at a John Wayne tribute in Hollywood and Chris is a big guy, at least six foot two inches, maybe taller. Although I never saw Robert Mitchum, based on his son's genes, at least six foot would make sense for Robert. No way 5'8"; as I say, Chris the son is a big guy.
5;11 barefoot said on 28/Nov/11
shorte than bill murray in scrooged so 6 foot is right on....
Mr. Kaplan said on 15/Sep/11
He had to be a strong six feet tall.
Jay said on 2/Aug/11
Sometimes looked 6'2'' yet was significantly shorter than Gregory Peck and John Wayne and wasn't that much taller than Dean Martin (though Martin wore lifts). Probably a solid 6'1''. And by the way 200 pounds was after he leaned out. Mitchum pretty much defines the word massive in Out of the Past.
Truth Jones said on 23/Jul/11
"Sorry, I don't agree with either of your explanations. Not at any time was 6'1" and 200lbs "massive" in this country. Massive impies true giants. That height and weight can and could definitely be classified as large-framed, but never as "massive". That's just an inappropriate word for that height and weight."
I disagree with this statement. The average height for males in the U.S. when our country was founded was about 5'7". So if someone was 6'1" in 1776, that would be the equivalent of a modern 6'4" guy, and a 6'4" 200+ pound man could definitely be described as massive.
Sam said on 11/Jul/11
The older Mitchum was still right around the height of Nick Nolte and Peter Boyle, I think he was a true 6'1"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/11
I think he was 186cm
Mark W said on 26/May/11
I'm not quite buying the 5'8" comment no matter where it came from (I am a film buff)... I'd say around 6 foot is correct... he always gave the impression of being taller because of his broad shoulders and chest (and standing tall)... it's amazing what posture and proportions can do to your overall perceived height... I've walked past many men who, at a distance looked tall but when they pass me, are no taller than my 5'10"... it's all in the frame... I think Mitchum called himself right at 6 foot 'ish... and much tougher looking than men who are taller these days and pretend to be tough.... It's all in how you carry yourself... especially on screen.....
epr said on 15/Mar/11
I had the privilage to meet and talk to Jane Russell about 10 yrs ago and she said Robert Mitchell was about 5'8" he had to be photographed with camera's shooting up to make him look taller and he also stood on boards and milk crates to make him looks taller. Jane was also said to be 5'7", however she said and looked 5'4.
jwwjr said on 5/Feb/11
He looked shorter than letterman in 1985, but on whats my line tv show, looked around 6 ft 1 or 2.
georgeclooneysmum said on 1/Feb/11
TruthTeller you are arguing about the definition of the word massive.
When Robert Mitchum was 25 he was 6'1 and 195 pounds when the average guy was 5'8 and 145 pounds in the UK. The average guy in the UK at 25 is about 170 pounds and 5'9 1/2 now. So modern Mitchum would be 230 pounds and 6'2 1/2 to 6'3. That is a big guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Dec/10
Probably was about 6ft 2in in boots.
I think 6ft 0.75in(185cm) and he rounded down to 6ft?
Mr. R said on 30/Nov/10
I always thought he looked closer to 6-2. But a lot of his roles are Westerns with him in boots.
TruthTeller said on 30/Nov/10
*Aleks, I don't care what part of the world you're in, 6'1" and 200 lbs can and could never be described as "massive".
*Sorry, I don't agree with either of your explanations. Not at any time was 6'1" and 200lbs "massive" in this country. Massive impies true giants. That height and weight can and could definitely be classified as large-framed, but never as "massive". That's just an inappropriate word for that height and weight.
MD -- There's only one problem with your comments: you're wrong. Although giants are indeed massive, the word itself does not imply being a giant. It implies -- get this -- having *mass*. Since Robert Mitchum had a *massive* chest, *massive* shoulders, and an overall *massive* body, it's quite correct to describe him as "massive." (To be fair, he probably weighed quite a bit more than the listed 200 lbs., but I have no way knowing that for sure.) What I do know, however, is that he was *massive* man -- whatever his height & weight.
strauss said on 6/Jul/09
I was living in Dedham, Massachusetts in 1973, when Mitchum was filming 'Coyle'. He was a BIG guy. All of 6'1". His shoulders were about a size 48. He told me he was from Ct.and his family worked for the railroad.
Gonzalo said on 2/Jul/09
Mitchum looking 3-4 cms shorter than Sigourney Weaver. Mithum was 66 by then, he is leaing and very probably Weaver was in heels.
Click Here
Lenad said on 30/Jun/09
I'd say a strong 6ft1 at peak like 185-186cm and at old age a strong 6ft0 like 183-184cm cause in the remake of Cape Fear he was marginally shorter than Nick Nolte
Lenad said on 29/Jun/09
He looks slightly shorter than Nick Nolte in Cape Fear. By at most an inch probably. Most likely by 1-2cm
Gonzalo said on 26/Jun/09
Adam, it amazes me how you can consider Robert Mitchum a great actor and not John Wayne. To me they are very similar actors, although Mitchum lacks Wayne
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/09
Looks this height
Lenad said on 20/Jun/09
The shortest Mitchum could have been was 6ft0
Sam said on 12/Jun/09
In The Friends of Eddie Coyle there is probably not even an inch difference between him and 6'2" Peter Boyle.
rebel peter said on 19/May/09
He was certainly 6'2"
Hugh 190cm said on 10/Apr/09
I wonder why he rounded down. 6ft1 at least and maybe just maybe closer to 6ft2.
Lenad said on 3/Mar/09
The difference between him and Gregory Peck was at most 2 inches I thought.
adam said on 23/Jan/09
He certainly was an impressive invidual. I
adam said on 20/Jan/09
In Cape Fear he looked clearly shorter than Peck. In that film Mitchum looked 6-1 at best.
Lenad said on 11/Jan/09
I'd go for at least 6ft0 after watching Cape Fear
mike c said on 28/Dec/08
Just want you to know, adam, mikec is NOT me. To my knowledge, I've never posted on the Mitchum site until today. mike c
mikec said on 4/Dec/08
i was watching his movie "out of the past" and was thinking to myself this guy has to be at least 6ft for two reasons. really good posture, and his body type. he does look 6'1, but any 6fter can pull off looking 6'1 with his body type and posture i know a couple guys who can look 6'1 but actually are 6ft, including me. oh and he had like 3 inches on kirk douglas' character also.
JC said on 27/Oct/08
I stood right next to Mitchum in the mid-'80s on the set of the TV mini-series "War and Remembrance" (the sequel to "Winds of War"). I am 6 feet even and I remember that Mitchum was shorter than I thought he would be. I recall that he was about my height, if not shorter.
adam said on 11/Aug/08
This Robert Mitchum seemed to be a real deal! My dad saw him in the early sixties and my dad said that Mitchum was clearly taller than him! And my dad is 5-9!!!
the shredder said on 19/Mar/08
Just saw a movie with him the other night ... 6'1 - 6'2 without a doubt !
could have been only 6'0 with he had lifts !
talker said on 7/Mar/08
i just saw "till the end of time" Mitchum with Guy Madison.Mitchum looks exactly 1" taller but Madison can look 5'11" sometimes.Was Guy Madison 6'?
anonymous said on 21/Jan/08
rarely was he ever more than 2.5-3 inches shorter than john wayne. 6`1 is likely the best bet.
Bob H. said on 13/Nov/07
6' was tall in the Hollywood of the 40's and 50's. Doubt Mitchum was more than 6'. In "River Of No Return" and "Pursued" he walks thru a crowd. In both movies he does not tower over the crowd. He looks to be of average height. He was broad and solid and looked large. I believe he was a solid 6' and 200+ pounds.
In his westerns at RKO in the mid 40's he was slender and shorter than his sidekick Richard Martin who was 6'1" or so. Martin was also Tim Holt's partner.
Gene C said on 26/Oct/07
Yes, I think Mitch was maybe 6'1". He was bigger than life, though.
sam said on 26/Sep/07
In Cape Fear (to me), 6'3" for Peck and 6'1" for Mitchum looked just right.
Joe said on 12/Aug/07
I just watched Cape Fear again (1962) just about an hour ago. I'd say Mitchum was 6'0" even. Possible 6'2"-6'3 for Peck.
Gonzalo said on 16/Jun/07
I wouldn`t say mitchum was an "elder star of western films". That clearly shows a deep lack of knowledge of Mitchum`s filmography.
I have just seen Cape Fear, the true one, not the crap Scorsese did later. He looked clearly shorter than Peck, although the shots weren`t very good. Hard to pin Mr. Mitchum: sometimes he looks 6`2 (in El dorado or Not as a stranger) and sometimes 6`0. I will stick to 6`1 however
patrick said on 11/Jun/07
Bob Mitchum never looked 6' unless being eye troubled and was not just a western star as Randolf Scott for example.
He looked tall and everybody said he was. I always saw him 6'2 while had something of taller men, you know, that "dimension"; Who are agree with that appreciation of the man and the fabulous actor he was, stand me up here!
Kevin T said on 9/May/07
If his driver's license stated he was 6' 0", why is he listed here as 6' 1"? And why are people saying he looked 6' 2"?
I have noticed any elder star of western films tends to get a height boost from fans, for some unknown reason.
patrick said on 13/Feb/07
Yes jon, you're right! What is sure that is Robert was never slouching!
He had larger frame than he was, a bit like Charlton Heston; These guys have "something else" which puts them "elsewhere", in another domain than "poor mortals" and allowed them to act and play roles higher than human condition standards.
That is why we love them and regret them, don't you?
jon said on 12/Feb/07
In The Big Sleep when he was entering his sixties, he looked a solid 6'2''.
patrick said on 6/Feb/07
I agree: 6'2 when "young" and maybe a bit less after 45 or 50.
Bob Mitchum was one of the greatest man and actor ever; a unique indivudual with nobody to be compared above all, TODAY !
he was a very very natural broad shouldered man and a fantastic boxer; Very clever and talented with that kind of intelligence taht makes everybody stupid in comparison because, him, seems alway saying "after all, i don't care but i'll do the job".
He probably had one of the widest back i ever saw; stood all the time like tensed bow; He was tall but even looked taller; Great singer and writer too, he was able to read just one time his lines and play; better: he read once the screenplay and remembered everything, even his co-stars lines!
A great American actor, one of the best. Just imagine him (or J.Wayne, C.Grant, Bogart, Cagney, J.Stewart or Douglas acting with Tom Cruise or G Clooney or Brad Pitt; Remeber Ricky Nelson next to J Wayne? Who could copare these guys with the old ones? Put C.Gable in the shoes of G.Clooney in "the perfect storm" and you get a good and credible movie. As for Tom CRUISE in the Mitchum or Wayne boots. Sorry, i can't!
Paul said on 27/Aug/06
Several Mitchum movies were just released to DVD. In "His Kind of Woman" he looks quite tall. Side by side with Vincent Price he doesn't look all that much shorter and he appears taller than Raymond Burr. I can easily see 6'2" for him in the early 1950s. He was one of the few male actors who could look tall next to Jane Russell.
In "The Racket" he looks a couple of inches shorter than Robert Ryan.
Gonzalo said on 1/Jun/06
I should watch the movie again. I always pay atention to heights and Peck looked taller to me except when They fight near the barn where they look the same.
I don
Frank2 said on 1/Jun/06
Mitchum was 6'1" at his peak. Heston and Peck were the same height or 6'3".
sam said on 31/May/06
I have seen that awful overlong western several times as well, and Heston is an inch taller than Peck in most scenes, except a few where they apperar about the same. Peck was 6'2 at his peak (5'11 when he died), and Heston was 6'3 (6'0 nowadays).
Gonzalo said on 25/May/06
Clark strikes again, downgrading everybody! I have seen The big country several times and Heston was, at the most, as tall as Peck, but no way taller. Peck was at least 6`3. He towered over everybody else in his movies.
Clark said on 22/May/06
Peck was actually 6'2, he was an inch shorter than the 6'3 Heston in "The Big Country". Mitchum was 6'0 at his peak, 5'10 when he died at 79.
Frank2 said on 23/Apr/06
Well, Mitchum was 6'1". He was an inch taller than 6' Cary Grant in The Grass is Greener. And Mitchum didn't wear lifts or elevators. He was two inches shorter than 6'3" Greg Peck in Cape Fear. And don't tell me Peck wasn't 6'3" 'cause I met him several times and he was at the very least several inches taller than me.
Gonzalo said on 6/Apr/06
Frank2 said he was 6`1. In El Dorado he doesn´t look much shorter than Wayne, less than what I expected. Peck was above 1`90 so he had to be taller than Mitchum.
Mitchum wanted to give the impression that he didn´t care about things: acting, being in jail, height. It was all part of a trick to create some kind of a myth around him. Howard Hawks said once that Mitchum was a true professional and a hard working actor. He said that to Mitchum, something like "people think you are a lazy actor who doesn´t care about this job, but you are not". And Mitchum replied "don`t tell anybody"
larry said on 20/Mar/06
In NOT AS A STRANGER, Lon Chaney Jr. plays his dad. In their scene together Mitchum looks 1" shorter than Lon (who was 6'2"). BUT, Lon was in pajamas and a house coat, so: was he barefoot or in slippers? He looked the same height as Bill Murray in SCROOGED. SOOO, 6'0.5"? Ever see Mitchum, Frank2?
MIKE said on 15/Mar/06
Gonzalo said on 10/Mar/06
Mitchum surely lied about his height. He looks at least 6-1. He was as tall as Nick Nolte in Cape fear, and he was in his seventies. he was as tall (maybe a bit taller) than Cary Grant in The grass is greener. As tall as Lee Marvin in Not as a stranger. Definitely a big guy.
When he was in Spain, in San Sebastián he said again that he was six feet tall.

Editor Rob
quite possible just didn't care about height, or who knows, maybe he liked to surprise people by being taller than he claimed...?
Frank2 said on 5/Mar/06
On the recent deluxe DVD set of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, director Richard Fleischer recals on his commentary track that he was quite surprised when he met Kirk. He had always thought of him as being tall. It turned out according to Fleischer that Kirk was the same height as he was and I've met Dick and he's really short! I'd say five-five to five-six.
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Kirk was NEVER five ten. Not at least without his lifts.
Tubbs said on 11/Feb/06
Mitchum, as has been said many times probably didn't care about his height, but to me he looked atleast 6'1. Saw him in a movie last night from 1947, and there were some good scenes of him with Kirk Douglas, who was 5'10 at the time. When they were up close to each other, Robert had ATLEAST 3 INCHES on Douglas, maybe he was 6'2 in his youth, as Gramps has suggested. To me he always came across as such a big guy opposite other actors, check out Ryans Daughter, he seems huge, definately above 6'0.5".
D said on 5/Jan/06
this is the guy who called a short jail term the "best holiday i ever had". im pretty sure he didnt really care what his license said
sam said on 9/Dec/05
I don't know, I have trouble buying this guy as anything less than 6'1" compared to other actors. I would imagine Mitchum didn't care what height his license says (I have a 6'1" friend who's license says he's 5'10").
Gramps said on 23/Oct/05
I gotta think Mitchum was about 6'2" in his prime. As evidence of this, I submit these photos:
The first three are with the 6'4+" John Wayne - - in two of the photos Mitchum looks almost the same height!
This photo has the aging Mitchum looking 2-3" taller than a young 5'11" Ben Murphy:
Finally, a photo of Mitch leaning backwards from the 5'11"-6'0" William Boyd (Hopalong Cassidy). I don't think 6'2" is out of the question here, either.
Bottom line: Mitchum was certainly at least 6'1' and possibly 6'2" in his youth.
Mario Nariano said on 4/Oct/05
Mitchum was probably 6 ft 1, that's what he looked in his most movie's.
Mitchum was an inch shorter than Gregory peck so I say 185-6 cm for Mitchum.
talker said on 12/Aug/05
I believe Mitchum when young was around 6'2"probably lost an inch in later years but still looked tall.
Anonymous said on 22/Jul/05
I don't think Mitchum was ever 6'1, although he was pretty big the 5'11 Oliver Reed looked a lot heavier than him in "The Big Sleep". 6'0 seems more accurate.