Griffith said on 1/Oct/22
Rob that 182.2cm his max height, he looks 5'11 don't look near 6ft
Rowan182cm said on 9/Feb/22
I think he's my height, 182cm or ~5'11.75 could be the full 183 tho
a 5'11.5 said on 2/Nov/21
Pere said on 8/Oct/21
182.5 183
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/21
Clearly he's a fan of big shoes (see 2nd pic) as he's taller than Enrique in these!
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/21
Editor Rob: sometimes it does look possible
I think it's arguable...what you have him at currently is a low range, never falls below it. Out of bed is easily 184.5-185cm zone. Average guess is too low.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jul/21
Rob, is 6ft on the dot possible?
I think in those shoes he's easily clearing 6ft1, maybe even pushing 6ft2...that's why he appears taller a lot

Editor Rob
sometimes it does look possible
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 21/Mar/21
180 cm max next to 185 cm will smith.
Dom5'11.5 said on 6/Dec/20
Looks my height with biden. 5'11.5
Click Here
OriginalAnon said on 18/Aug/20
180.5cm for Martin.
Bora said on 14/Nov/19
Yes he's a weak 6 feet, 5'11" solid at keast
Aar?n R said on 7/Nov/19
Rob how much height does that boot add? My dad saw him in the airport once. He's like 181-182, according to my dad. Really slim.

Editor Rob
Could be 1.5-1.6 inch...or if the angle is making it 'thinner' as much as 1.75.
Sometimes if you photograph a shoe from higher up, then from floor level, the difference can be dramatic.
c-mo said on 14/Sep/19
this man is an excellent example of why I am saying that around 6'0 is the best height for men .
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Feb/19
The full 6ft I think is fair
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 24/Oct/18
Ricky's heels at that event were enormous
Click Here while Rock's footwear appears pretty flat. In regular shoes he appears too similar in height to guys like Timberlake to have a shot at a full 6ft listing.
Gracian said on 23/Sep/18
Hey Rob, does Ricky Martin have a full six-foot chance? Here is his picture alongside Chris Rock from the 90s:
Click Here
Ricky looked at least 2 inches taller than Chris Rock. Rob, how likely is the full 6 feet for him?
Ales said on 20/Aug/18
Would agree with this listing. I saw an interview on mtv in 1999 where he said he was 1.81/2. Also, I saw a quote from a UK newspaper in 2001 where it said he’s not short, he is the best part of six feet tall.
Lucio said on 11/Aug/18
martin came in Italy for Festivalbar (famous italian summer music show) in the second hall of ‘90. Amadeus (famous italian announcer and showman), 184, was ah hair tall than him.
Bryan231197 said on 1/Jul/18
Ricky Martin is 1.82.5 in his 20.Actually he is 1.81 no more.
Pierric said on 23/Jan/18
Any idea about Roch Voisine Rob ???

Editor Rob
Not so familiar with him yet.
Slim 186 said on 12/Dec/17
Rob, how much would his shoes add in the photo above?

Editor Rob
a solid 1.5 inch heels
MD said on 11/Oct/17
You obviously have no idea how tall you actually are, then. Sorry.
David said on 8/Oct/17
I'm 5'11" precisely in bare feet and met Ricky when he lived in LIC years ago. He was wearing sandals. He was a good 2" taller than I, so he's 6'1" and not a smidge under that. 5'11.5" is insane--he was measurably taller than I, by at least two inches. None of these other people seem to have an in-person frame of reference.
Tgdhjggjj said on 30/Sep/17
I met him in Mexico on '99; he's no less than 1,83.
jhose said on 26/May/17
I think ricky martin is over 1,78; Here is next to edgar ramirez in the new series. what do you think?
Click Here
David guarin said on 10/Apr/17
I saw him yesterday in concert,,im 6.1. I was 10 feet away from him,,,i would say he is 5,10. Not more than 5,11,,,also he is slender type good shape ,,but he looks tiny,,,,,small butt too,,he probably weights 180 pounds
oscar 5'9 said on 22/Feb/17
Ricky was 3 inch taller than Dr. Oz and Dr. oz claims 6' 1"
Roberto Lopez said on 2/Feb/17
Met Ricky back in the early 90's. I'm 6'2",I say I had at least 3-4 inches on him and he was wearing boots.
Jamal said on 16/Dec/16
I met this guy in Dubai am 6ft 3 bare feet measure by a doctor during general check up. I swear i only had 2 inches on Ricky shocked his hand. Maybe he wears lift if thats the case its kind of silly as 182cm isnt really short.
Pia Denmark said on 21/May/16
182 cm really Ricky?? :-)
Peyman said on 13/Sep/13
he is actually 5ft 11in & looks 179 next to 185 will smith.
180 end of the story.
viapto said on 17/Nov/12
1.82 m is right, smaller than will smith, see photo.
Click Here
Mathew said on 3/Oct/12
anon says on 26/Nov/10
I saw an interview from mtv in 1999, he mentioned his height at 1m81/2 i think this listing for him is accurate
Yeah 5'11.5" is correct for him.
If he says he's 181/182 (~ 5'11.5")
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Jul/12
I think 6ft(183cm) at least...and Shaun
this guy is not skinny in the slightest.
He is built like a brick house.
MBH said on 9/Feb/12
i think 5'11.5 is perfect
stoodnext2 said on 7/Feb/12
I think he needs a serious upgrade He looked an easy 6'1 on Glee during his Latin themed Episode. He towered Matthew Morrison by an easy 2 inches
Shaun said on 27/Oct/11
He really does look 184-185cm range and about the same sort of height as David Boreanaz.
LAN Jiao said on 26/Oct/11
Funny he wad describe at 6'2, 195 in late 90s. He look 181-182 at best
Shaun said on 29/Aug/11
I'd have guessed 6'1"! Another of those skinny 5'11.5" guys who can pull off looking 6'1".
ali said on 22/Aug/11
ı think min 6'0
john said on 12/Jul/11
just saw him on leno. leno is 5-11 on a good day, and ricky is an inch or two shorter. i'd give ricky a solid 5-10...maybe.
SAL said on 28/Mar/11
Ricky Martin is 6'0 see:
Click Here
Shaun said on 19/Mar/11
6'3" is a joke but for sure he could look close to 6'1". I'd have guessed 6'- 6'1" actually.
aggressor said on 18/Mar/11
I remember in a magazine he's listed from 5'11 to as high as 6'3, but he confirms 6'1.
Bon_ said on 18/Feb/11
i don't think he's taller than this listing.
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/11
i dont agree with that he looks more than of than
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jan/11
Rob could 6"0(183cm) be a more accurate gauge?
anon said on 26/Nov/10
I saw an interview from mtv in 1999, he mentioned his height at 1m81/2 i think this listing for him is accurate
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/09
I saw him and said hi at a club in las vegas in 2005, and he is more like 5ft9. He is very very slim though, i thought he would be beefy. VERY PRETTY SMILE!
Hugh said on 4/Oct/08
6ft1 or 2 was my original guess, I'd say more 6ft0.5.
Anonymous said on 20/Aug/08
I never saw Letterman listed at 6'4", as far as I know he is about 6'2". As for Ricky Martin, he _is_ at least 6'. In that same interview with Letterman he said that when he was about 14 he looked like a 10 year-old, or something like that... did anyone watch that interview? I think Ricky Martin was a late bloomer.
Teague said on 17/Aug/08
First off Letterman is 6'4", so, in that case he is at least 6'!
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/08
Nonsense, he is actually slightly over 6'. I remember once watching Ricky Martin commenting the beggining of his career on Letterman, he said that when he was young people didn't make much of him because he was too short, Dave was really surprised at that and said "too short?!". So I assume he is probably not noticeably shorter than Letterman who is 6'2".
Brad said on 6/Jul/08
Wears big heels. 6' is about right. Why he isn't a movie star is beyond me. Poor management. Big down time between any projects. Not enough touring. His fans hate that.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/08
Stefano , thats not an interview ,thats not coming out of rickys mouth ,is just a website with info that someone put in there.
Anonymous ,i didnt see the picture , but you have to take into consideration rickys heels , hes allways wearing big heels , if he is 6.2 is not necessary to be wearing big boots all the time you seem to ignore the photos down here where hes sporting more than normal heels.
Plus there is one interesting pic when he is near bush and he did not tower bush nor looked significally taller than him just answer that cuz i dont get it.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/08
Hey Manolo if you say that Juan Luis Guerra is 2 meters(6'7") than Ricky Martin has to be like 6'2". And I am not saying it beacuse I am defending him, its beacuse I already saw the pic in there isnt 8 inches of diference between ricky and juan luis guerra its more 6 or 5 inches. But you cant really tell because how the pic was taken, and its hard to tell.
Manolo said on 10/Jun/08
Ricky is definitely 5 ft11in that means 180cm..look at that photo:Juan Luis Guerra is 2 metres tall and Juanes is 1.73 so Ricky is definitely 1.80 plus he always wears heels that's why people think he is taller than that but it's not!
Stefano said on 26/May/08
In a inteview he said i'm 186 cm or 6.1
Hugh said on 8/May/08
He's over 6ft.
Anonymous said on 29/Apr/08
He is at least 6.2
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/08
Ive noticed he wears a lot of clunky boots outside the stage , I just found some pics of his footwear.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereHey rob check this one:
Click HereWill Smith is leaning, but still is taller than Ricky , i wonder what kind of boots ricky has since his pant covers his heels ,looks like boot are they ?
Also ,where the 5.11 1/2 came from? I remember he was listed at 6 ft and all of a sudden you changed it to 1.82 ,have you based on his strange footwear to do that?
Andrew said on 12/Feb/08
As I'm reading the comments it's almost clear that most people who met Ricky IN PERSON says he is about 5,9 - 5,10 ( only one person said sth different ). So I think that could be his true height ( maybe all of them are one jealous **** who want to disgrace mr. Martin :) but I don't think so ). But the most interestin thing in this topic is how skillful and tricky he is - he looks really tall in every picture he appears. Maybe he's got great boots - if woman can look tall in high heels , man can also. Celeb official heights are often false - for example I'm from Poland and our prime minister Donald Tusk
seems to be tall guy ( in a press conferences, meetings ) and he is listed on the sites 5,11. But when he came to our city we were surprised he wasn't that tall - he was 5,7 - 5,8 ! Very interesting idea of this site Glenn and Rob:) Keep up on this work !
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
Why don't people realize that the debate should come to an end when there are people who have met Ricky IN PERSON? It doesn't matter how tall he can look, and much less on T.V., the "IN PERSON" fact is what counts ( to have seen him in concert doesn't count, because you have to stand on the same ground to judge someone). There are some people who look taller than they really are, and that is Ricky's case. I don't know if people lie here, but I'm 6' and I met him in person, and he was shorter than me. Having said that, there should only be one thing left to say: either I AM A LIAR or he is SHORTER THAN 6'. Personally, therefore, I think that Stacy lies. I would add that I happen to like Ricky Martin, and that I don't gain any money by saying he is shorter than he really is.
Glenn, what looks to you like a "relaxed posture" in the Metallica photo, looks to me like the typical tense posture of someone in high heels; in other words, he looks like he could fall if he doesn't pay attention or stops resting on James Hetfield's shoulders (I'm exaggerating so that you understands what his posture suggests me...) Regarding Bush
glenn said on 28/Jan/08
ricky was 6-2 when i saw him.but in boots.those pics are bad to judge with.sorry.he looks at least 6ft in the metallica pic.his posture is relaxed.and similar in the bush pic.all that said,i think he admitted once he was 5-11.
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/08
OK guys ,i want to clear up this thing of martins height.For those who think he is taller than the height listed here , here is the photo:
Click Here Ricky martin and President Bush
If Ricky is taller than the height listed here , he would have towered over bush who is 5.11. That wasnt the case.
Oh and for people who repeately claim that ricky is 6.1 here is the other photo :
Click Here Ricky martin with Metallicas James Hetfield
Hetfield is 6.1 so no way ricky martin is the same height.
Of course he can look very tall sometimes but please check his shoes because he wear some huge heels almost everytime.
And finally , Leonary , stop attacking Dcs ,sure , may be ricky wont be as short as 5.9 but I think he has a valid point which is ricky being sorter than the height listed everywhere
leonari said on 23/Jan/08
DCS: I fyou truly think Ricky Martin is 5'9" tha you are either 6'5 and /or can't gauge height for ****!
5'9" for Ricky martin..thats new one. Incredible.
Dcs said on 22/Jan/08
I shook hands with him London's Virgin Megastore in 1999 when he became number one in the U.K with Livin' la vida loca: THERE'S NO WAY HE CAN BE 182 cm, as I'm 185 and he was WAY shorter than me! I would say 175, more or less. Days before I met him, I heard a female journalist on Capital Radio saying that she felt deceived to find out he was so short when she met him but she was pleased with his English. Days after hearing that, I had the opportunity tho check that in person, so no one can tell me he is 182 whatsoever (but shortness is not an illness, by the way)
carlo said on 22/Jan/08
luca says on 25/Nov/07
I'm watching italian television;ramazzotti(180) is near italian showman pippo baudo(185 at his peak) and ricky martin.baudo is taller than ramazzotti;martin is taller than baudo.There are little differences.If Baudo lost some inches and if ramazzotti isn't 180,martin is 182.But if baudo today is 185 and ramazzotti is 180,martin is 186.
luca,i'm watching in italian tv "telegatti oscar" and baudo is near bova(181);they are at the same height.I think that Baudo was 1,85 at his peak,now is 1,81.But if Martin was taller than baudo,he can't be only 1,82,but 1,85.
Robbie H said on 9/Jan/08
he was slightly shorter than jonathon ross who is around 6'1.5/2
glenn said on 5/Jan/08
he does look tall.6-2 in boots though.
Robbie H said on 5/Jan/08
he looks 6ft 1 when i have seen him, quite tall
Alex said on 18/Dec/07
5'11.5 seems short for him. He looks 6'1 to me.
andrea said on 25/Nov/07
Click Herebaudo with max tortora(1,97)
Height Detective said on 22/Nov/07
funny thing ,ricky martin is listed on the movies site at 5.9 1/2 LOL!!
NoUser said on 31/Oct/07
Eros Ramazzotti is very lucky to be even 5'9. There's a photo of him and Laura Pausini and Andrea Bocelli (I'm not bothering with tinyurl, please use Google). And if Ramazzoti is 5'11 Bocelli is 6'5. Although I believe Ramazzotti and Martin are far from the same height, Martin at 182cm is completely out.
Height Detective said on 25/Oct/07
Ricky Martin and Italian singer Eros Ramazotti
Click HereEros ramazotti is listed on the Movies website at 5.11 (1.80)
Check also the last video they made thogether ,there is not much difference in height between the two.
fiowers said on 6/Oct/07
somtimes ricky looks 195c.m and sometimes 175c.m
fiowers said on 6/Oct/07
somtimes ricky looks 195c.m and sometimes 175c.m
cookielips said on 30/Sep/07
I just saw Ricky Martin in concern and he looks tall. I would say he is at least 6'1. By the way, he give a GREAT show.
faranak said on 28/Jul/07
thank you rob!!! but i'm still on my last mind franco is ... what you know !
I'm what I am said on 6/Jul/07
I used to read he's 6'4!
faranak said on 19/Jun/07
franco i think you can just laugh at yourself .you khnow why? because you're envious to another person who is so famous.ofcourse every body knows this.

Editor Rob
Franco grew 2 (or maybe 3, he wrote 185cm/6-2) inches from 2006 to 2007. At least that's what he said.
Stacy said on 18/Jun/07
I met Ricky in 1989 when we were both 17. I was 5'10'' then. He was several inches taller than me. I would guess he was 6'1'' at that time. And he was barefooted.
Josh said on 12/Jun/07
Wow hes one of those that can look 6'1 but after seeing those pics specially that one Dave posted yeah hes barely over 5'11 , 5'11.5 (182cm) seems to be right.
Darrel said on 10/Jun/07
I have met him in person, I am 5'9" he is shorter than I, and better looking than me as well
Dave said on 22/Apr/07
per this photo on his myspace page - not that tall
Click Here
Viper said on 31/Mar/07
This guy can look 6-1 with the right angles.
Franco said on 30/Mar/07
all i can do is laugh at the girls commenting here....they love RICKY ok we know that, just dont go saying he is 184-185cm that's crap.
he is max 6'0 and more accurately 5'11.5 that's 100% sure, anything above that is just the little girls trying to "defend" their beloved singer. :P
YES he wears heels and possibly elevators.
6'2.5'' JK said on 3/Mar/07
All along i knew this guy wasn't 6'0'', 5'11.5' is more accurate
leonari said on 3/Mar/07
I think he is 184 to 185 minimum. looks big. tall features. !82 is too low. no less than 6 feet thats for sure
Height Detective said on 24/Feb/07
when he was near bush performing , he didnt tower over him , as one could have spected from someone who is 6.1 near a 5.11 man.They looked like the same height, ricky being slighty taller.
Snapper G said on 20/Feb/07
Remember him always being billed as 6-2 but I also remember from the first time I saw him thinking somethin seemed a little off about his height, as in artificial inflationary lift measures, aka dodgey feet parafinalia.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/07
I disagree with you, cause i remember him, next to Bill clinton at white house and he was 1 or 2 cms. shorter than him, what reflects he is around 185.
Height Detective said on 12/Feb/07
i kow it , but i posted it anyways , even in that photo you can see he is not 6.1 .
MD said on 10/Feb/07
That's a horrible picture to judge any kind of height off of. Not only does the ground level come into play, but their not standing up straight.
Height Detective said on 9/Feb/07
taking a second look at the picture may be the ground level played a role there , but impressive tough.
Height Detective said on 9/Feb/07
check this photo of ricky with brazilian host Luciano Huck , they are on the beach getting out of the water without shoes , Luciano Huck offical height is 1.73 cm ,near 5.8 and Ricky Martin looks very close in height , may be some sort of camera angles ,but he looks really , i mean really close to Lucianos height , remeber he is on the beach without shoes or elevators.
Ricky martin barefeet with luciano Huck
Click Here
Lucianos profile HEIGHT=173 CM
Click Here
iris said on 22/Jan/07
this guy is tricky... He sure does look tall(184-185cm), nevertheless I´ve paid attention to some clips of interviews (talkshows and any sort of public appereance) and he ALWAYS has heeled shoes....
Anni said on 16/Jan/07
He is taller!!!! I remember I saw him somewhere near to Elle McPherson - she was in very big heels (she herself is like 183 cm)and.... they were of the same height!!!! Really!!! I was also surprised! It was Miss Universe I guess, but not thi year.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/07
I always though he was about 183-4cm, probably about 185 when he wakes up in the morning. Oh by the way how much does people loose height during the day Rob, and those everybody loose height or just certain people? I hope you can answer my question, beacuse I notice my self more taller when I wake up than when I go to sleep.

Editor Rob
the taller you are, you could shrink more. But, anybody claiming they don't shrink at all...has a spinal column of an alien nature
Height Detective said on 5/Oct/06
Rosie O'Donnell and Ricky Martin
Click Here
Height Detective said on 5/Oct/06
In this video Ricky stoods besides Juanes , the difference isnt great at all.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
I originally thought this guy was 6-1 back in the day.
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Seemed a shocking 6-2 when I met him.but I think he had heels on.
MD said on 1/Oct/06
Ricky is squatted right there, for sure, but I still think he's not anything over 5'11" barefoot.
Height Detective said on 30/Sep/06
Ricky and Sting
Click Here
Height Detective said on 9/Aug/06
He likes big heels
Click Here
TheMan said on 2/Aug/06
Trust me guys he is not even 6,0 more like 180cm just about 5,11 maybe. All ive got to say is what i saw on johnathon ross what i stated earlier.
Anonoymous said on 28/Jun/06
Most of the sites that I looked for Ricky Martin's Height said that he was between 6'.05" and 6'.1" which for me sounds correct. I have seen Ricky Martin Martin and a Spanish TV show called bailando por un sueno next to the host Adal Ramones which he is only 1.69 cm(5'6") and Ricky defenetly looks like 1.84 cm (6'0.5"). I said Ricky is about my saize cuz I am 6'.1".
anonoymous said on 25/Jun/06
Uk magazine in 2001 stated, i met Ricky Martin, hes not short,hes the best part of six feet tall.Indicates hes just under the 6 mark, 5 11 and change?
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/06
interestingly he mentioned on the interview his height was 1.81,1.82 but miscalculated it into imperial saying, which is like 6"1/6"2!
Height Detective said on 21/Jun/06
anonymous , he really said that ??
Anonymous said on 16/Jun/06
i saw a mtv interview 7 yrs ago with ricky martin. He mentioned his height at 1.81/2.
sal said on 4/Jun/06
i love how women judge men's heights all the time, meanwhile they wear high heels... a girl who is 5'6" can give off an appearance of 5'9" with 4" inch heels, and standing next to a guy who is 6'2" make him look 6' and make a guy who is 6' look 5'10"
MD said on 21/Feb/06
Ricky is exactly the type of person that I think would care about his height. His build never looked more than average height, to me. I'd always guessed 5'10"-5'11," and he is nearly always in boots.
rockshock said on 20/Feb/06
he's not that tall!!
i've met him 3 times and i'd dare to say he's not taller than 5'10
he wears shoes with platforms... that's why he looks taller in pictures or videos.
CelebHeights Editor said on 13/Feb/06
"Inevitably, he also turns out to be shorter than the six-foot-four claimed by his publicist even in the four-inch heels he was wearing"
DudeX said on 1/Feb/06
Will Smith is 6-0.5 and ricky is 5-10
Torero said on 12/Jan/06
judging by some of the pics, he looks like 5'11 tops. Firstly Will is leaning over and Ricky looks 2-3 inches shorter with Will leaning. Secondly, if will was standing fully straight Id think it would expose the height of Ricky Martin, which I think is about 5'11 or possibly shorter.
TheMan said on 1/Jan/06
I think Martin is only about 5,10 or something. Becuase when he was on the jhonathon ross show he was atleast 3inches shorter than 6,1.5 Ross.
Glenn said on 1/Jan/06
Ive seen him look 6-2.but I think I heard him admit he was 5-11.
J.J.F said on 23/Dec/05
Always to be seen wearing big soled dock martin-esque shoes... just a shade over 5'11" perhaps 181cm
Some Guy said on 16/Oct/05
Yes he is considerably shorter than Will Smith. I'd say 3-4 inches in the photo plus he wears really big shoes. Well he definitely is the type of guy who would wear lifts. So i think he should be downgraded to about 5'11 at very least. Thank You
Viper452 said on 9/Oct/05
I would be shocked If this guy is under 6-0. But If he is shorter then Will, then the 5-10 to 5-11 is a possibility.
Anonymous said on 8/Oct/05
next to will smith whoes not 6'2 , hes less, ricky looks more then 2 inches shorter ( around 3-4 inches , as will is leaning over a lot), I reckon rickys under 6ft, maybe 5'10- 5'11, I think 6'.5 is pushing it seriously overboard
rick said on 15/Apr/05
Smoke Ricky is around 184 . I often calculated his height as 187 with norm shoes !