Bard said on 2/Nov/17
Looks 187 here for whatever reason(s) but I believe he's a solid 6'2.
Andrea said on 2/Nov/17
Rob, do you think his hair is completely flat here or it adds something?

Editor Rob
it's a neat 2mm, so basically nothing.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Andrea: I can see your point about Fisher because In the height chart he doesn’t look over 6’2” if even that with rob. This chart is off tho because it barely puts rob at 5’8” whereas he normally is a touch over at 5’8 1/8. Factor in footwear and he comes out 6’1.75. 6’2” is max and very possible too
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Jordan and Junior: he’s taller than Ben imho. At worst they’re the same. I remember S.J.H met Affleck and pegged him as 6’1” range in person. Maybe it’s a slight diff but could be something like Fisher 6’1.75/6’2 or a full 6’2 and Ben at 6’1-6’1.5. Looking at pics Ben doesn’t look 6’2” and change. He looks at best a weak 6’2” or strong 6’1”.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Jordan and Junior: he’s taller than Ben imho. I remember S.J.H met Affleck and pegged him as 6’1” range in person. Maybe it’s a slight diff but could be something like Fisher 6’1.75/6’2 or a full 6’2 and Ben at 6’1-6’1.5
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Jordan87: yea it’s hard to tell with fisher. With rob the height chart appears off as Rob is 5’8 1/8 normally. In this pic he looks 5’8 flat or 5’7 7/8 with the chart. Going off 5’8” flat it puts Ray around 6’2ish in the pic but then factor in the .3” footwear it brings him back to 6’1.75. My guess is he’s not less than that but no higher than 6’2” either. This height chart isn’t the same as the one with joe Manguanello or others where rob looks a hair over 5’8”. My guess with Ray looking at this is that he is solid enough of a 6’2” that he’s out of weak territory. He’s between 187-188
Johno said on 2/Nov/17
Well i guessed the difference between Rob and Fisher even before the height chart was superimposed; 5.5-6-inches but possibly even less due to footwear of Fisher. The difference could be 5.25-5.5-inches even.
Fisher easily falls in to the 6'1-range and said before, 6'2 or 6'2.25 is the most probably he can measure. He looks comfortably at 6'1.5 if you deduct footwear advantage.

Editor Rob
the footwear is just a small fraction, just more like making me 5ft 8 flat rather than a little over.
Andrea said on 2/Nov/17
Christian, as I said, I'm not accusing you of anything, apart from being hypocrite and incoherent. 😊
You first say that height differences are an opinion, but then you attack another guy and calls him a liar just because he doesn't see the same way you do. Me, on the other hand, I don't think that they are an opinion, but a fact. So I don't regret what I said. If a guy comes on here and say that Ray looks 6'0.5 with Rob, I certainly have no problem to say that he's a liar or that he has no clue about height differences because it is a FACT that Ray looks 187 range in this single picture!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/Nov/17
You said that Canson was lying, so don't act like you're any better than me.
Jordan87 said on 2/Nov/17
I agree with you Affleck is the shorter man then Fisher. Canson brought up a good point about Rob and the height chart with Fisher and compared it to other height charts, and It would seem Fisher's 6'1.75" is actually around 6'2".
That Being Said, Affleck is Sub 6'2" b/c yes you are correct he is shorter than Fisher, not by much however.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
It’s hard to tell who’s taller between afleck and fisher. There are times when Fisher honestly doesn’t even hold 6’2 like in the height chart above with Rob given he had a footwear advantage. It appears a bit off but even if we gave Rob 1/8 or 1/4” and gave that same thing to fisher it brings fisher to 6’2” or a hair over before knocking off .3” which makes him at his lowest more like 187cm. As far as Ben goes a poster here S.J.H met him and has him under 6’2” as well
Grant said on 1/Nov/17
Was he a good bit shorter than you expected him to be in real life?

Editor Rob
not that much shorter, I still think he is somewhere in 6ft 2 zone, but not really a 6ft 3 guy.
Andrea said on 1/Nov/17
Well, even without that comparison with the challenger, it is quite clear that he doesn't even look 6'2 (let alone over). Why? Because, as I said, the height difference that appears in a photo is not an opinion, but a fact, IMO. You sustain the opposite and I could even respect that opinion, if it wasn't for certain comments you have submitted on here. I mean, at least be coherent with what you say! Yeah, you didn't explicitly said they are lying in that case. I'll give you that. But you did with the other guy on Brock Lesnar's page. Don't misunderstand me, I completely agree with what you say in those comments, but if you really believe in what you say (that height differences are not a fact), you can't really say that...
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
@Andrea: if you say so.
Harris said on 1/Nov/17
May as well list him at a flat 6'2" given the guy still looks shorter than that with a fraction footwear advantage, and has better posture than Rob!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 1/Nov/17
I wasn't saying that people who think Chaske's 6'2"+ are lying. I just found it a bit funny that they thought he was 6'2"+, based on my opinion, especially after seeing that photo Rob posted where Chaske looked no taller than the 6'1.5" measured guy (Challenger #8) standing beside Rob.
Agent Orange said on 1/Nov/17
@Christine - 5”6 8/3
Just curious. Are you Russian? We could be friends then. BelieveMe.
Alex 6'3 said on 1/Nov/17
Same Affleck's height.
Andrea said on 1/Nov/17
Oh, really, Christian? Why did you come out with a comment like this then, if you really believe in what you say:
"And the reason why I essentially called you a Lesnar fanboy, wasn't really because you believe him to be 6'2"+, but rather because you lied that there's only a 4" difference between Lesnar and Strowman, when it's reality around 5". I have a problem more than anything, when people lie about the actual height difference between two celebs in order to make one of them taller. This isn't a 4 inch difference, don't lie."
Just because that guy thinks the difference is less than what you think, does that mean he's a liar and has no clue? 😊
And that is just one example. What about this? "Funny how many people are saying Chaske's over 6'2", some even 6'2.75", lol." You made fun of people who think that Chaske is over 6'2. Why? Their opinion just differs from your opinion of Chaske looking 6'1.5. No need to make fun of them... 😊
Andrea said on 1/Nov/17
I always try to read everything and ignore nothing, unlike you, Canson...
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 1/Nov/17
This is the minimum that he is. 187 CM is complete and utter insanity.
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
@Jordan: not sure if my other post came through but I mentioned I can see Ray sub 6’2” at times was in the height chart with Rob. This one appears off imho tho because it puts rob at 5’8 flat tops maybe 5’7 7/8 even vs the ones he has with other actors where he looks a touch over. I saw other pics of Ray however and he looks a legit 6’2 so really he may just be 6’1.75 since there’s not much difference between the two
Canson said on 1/Nov/17
@Andrea: I am able to. Are you? Everything you accuse me of doing whether it’s not reading or comprehending posts you do as well. Even direct references comments etc you ignore
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 31/Oct/17
I don't always have to use terms like "in my opinion" or "I believe" or "I think" whenever I'm guessing a celeb's height. When I stated that "Kimmel who's about 5'10.5", I wasn't stating it as a fact, I was stating it as an opinion. This is the same thing if I said that "Pineapple pizza tastes disgusting", it's merely my own opinion, and has nothing to do with anyone else liking or disliking it. I don't have to say "Pineapple pizza taste disgusting in my opinion" or "I believe that pineapple pizza tastes disgusting" in order to convice people that it's just my own opinion.
And about the height difference thing, to say that height differences is a fact, is fallacious. Users on this site argue and debate over height differences all the time, and they bring up factors like footwear, posture and camera angle. For example, look at the "Height Challenge" result votes. Everyone voted different heights, and the Average Guess was a quarter or a half inch higher/shorter than the actual measured height, in most of those cases. This is one of the many examples why judging height differences is an opinion and not a fact.
So this is why I said that anyone who doesn't see height differences the same way you do is a liar and has no clue about height differences, according to you. Different people on this page said that Ray Fisher looks 188,189, and 190cm. So does that mean they're liars and have no clue? Of course not. Their opinion just differs from your opinion of Ray looking 187cm. So quit shoving your opinion down other people's throats.
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
I'm not sure, Jordan. I mean, I barely knew his name before Rob put a photo with him. I would say that somewhere around 6'2 is quite believable. It is true that he looks a weak 6'2 with Rob, especially if he has bigger footwear, but if Rob says that he looked taller than this in person... Rob, what's the lowest he could possibly be? How tall do you think he would look compared to the plumber "on a normal day"?

Editor Rob
nothing surprises me anymore...6ft 1.75 wouldn't be shocking.
he's really barely taller in person than brett dalton to be fair, with a half inch swing in footwear...
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Jordan: look at the height chart and it’s maybe slightly off. Rob doesn’t have thick hair but his scalp Barely touches 5’8”. Compared it to another height chart with rob and he’s lower than normal example mangianello
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Jordan87: I initially said he looked under 6’2 yesterday but the height chart puts rob at a flat 5’8” while Fisher is maybe 6’1.75 in it. Now giving the difference where rob is 1/8” taller I can give Fisher that back along with a slight lean. Yet the footwear advantage negates some of that. In my mind he could be as low as 6’1.75 at evening height and as high as 6’2”. He’s not over 6’2” imho nor is he as tall as rob has him listed. I don’t think he’s as low as 6’1” tho like pekple here say
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
Canson, are you able to read an entire comment without misunderstanding something? The Jimmy Kimmel thing was just an example. And I clearly said that 5'10.5 isn't necessarily a wrong or bad estimate. The point is... Christian likes to say that everything is an opinion. Why does he say that Jimmy Kimmel IS 5'10.5 then? Did he measure him? Nope. If he really believes in what he says, he should say that "Jimmy Kimmel looks or can look 5'10.5" (like I generally say for every celebrity) or that "Jimmy Kimmel is 5'10.5 IN HIS OPINION". The hypocrisy is here! I hope that Christian understood what I was trying to say. Of course, the fact that Rob has him at 5'11.25 doesn't necessarily mean that he HAS TO BE that tall. I myself wouldn't have guessed Kimmel much over 180, when I had a look at him a couple of years ago. But this is not Jimmy's page...
Jordan87 said on 31/Oct/17
Andrea , Canson
You guys are arguing about personal things, ok I get that b/c I do it frequently enough on this site. But what is your Actual Opinion on the Man's height, b/c With Rob I see him having a hard time breaking the 6'2" mark, really I do.
Respect your opinion as always, but how exactly is Fisher getting the 6'2.25" with you? I think he looks 1/2" Shorter than that mark, I mean I still think he can hit 6'2, but I am having trouble seeing him as over it for the simple reason that you have a cool picture with him. Before this I would have had him as 6'2.5", but after your Pic, 6'2" No More.

Editor Rob
there are a few photos out there recently in which beside guys like Ezra miller, well he's not looking much over 6ft 2 really.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 31/Oct/17
I don't always have to use terms like "in my opinion" or "I believe" or "I think" whenever I'm guessing a celeb's height. When I stated that "Kimmel who's about 5'10.5", I wasn't stating it as a fact, I was stating it as an opinion. This is the same thing if I said that "Pineapple pizza tastes disgusting", it's merely my own opinion, and has nothing to do with anyone else liking or disliking it. I don't have to say "Pineapple pizza taste disgusting in my opinion" or "I believe that pineapple pizza tastes disgusting" in order to convice people that it's just my own opinion.
And about the height difference thing, to say that height differences is a fact, is fallacious. Users on this site argue and debate over height differences all the time, and they bring up factors like footwear, posture and camera angle. For example, look at the "Height Challenge" result votes. Everyone voted different heights, and the Average Guess was a quarter or a half inch higher/shorter than the actual measured height, in most of those cases. This is one of the many examples why judging height differences is an opinion and not a fact.
So this is why I said that anyone who doesn't see height differences the same way you do is a liar and has no clue about height differences, according to you. Many people on this page said that Ray Fisher looks 188,189, and 190cm. So does that mean they're liars and have no clue? Of course not. Their opinion just differs from your opinion of Ray looking 187cm. So quit shoving your opinion down other people's throats.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Andrea: Boris never looks below 6’4 in a single picture? I beg to differ he does with Kobe and with Jordan very clearly
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Andrea: who the hell cares what Rob has Jimmy Kimmel “listed” on this website? Again not trying to start anything or be rude but that’s why I call Rob your master. You run to him for guidance and reassurance and don’t have a mind of your own. Just because Rob says something doesn’t mean it’s true. If rob said the sky were Black and it’s a sunny day you would prob believe that. Not putting Rob down because he is an awesome guy and good at what he does and very intelligent or unbiased but he is human like all of us. He’s not exempt from making mistakes.
As far as Kimmel being 5’10.5, Christian got that from a poster S.J.H who met him and said he’s that height. If you see others here posting put him at 179cm as well so others see the same thing

Editor Rob
yeah, I change heights a lot over the years as I see more evidence...estimating height is an ongoing process.
One thing is, we shouldn't get upset over opinions, sometimes you have to simply agree to disagree on estimates.
Mimi said on 31/Oct/17
Ray Fisher your height claims is causing major heated exchange of discussion here at celebheights!!! Why don't you get measured by a reliable someone and take a picture of it and send it here!!! Lol
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
Christian, I don't think that the height difference that appears in a photo is an opinion, like you are trying to say. It is more a fact, IMO. If it really was an opinion, since we are on Ray's page now, that would mean that a person could say he looks 6'4 with Rob, while another person could say he looks more 6'. And they both could be right. I mean, according to you, it's a pure opinion. I don't agree with that. Ray does look 187 range and this is a fact. Call me arrogant for this, I don't care. On the other hand, the estimate of a celebrity's height is indeed an opinion. In fact, I can say the same thing that Rob says for a guy like Boris: "I'd be quite surprised if he was as low as 6'3". Why? Because he simply never looked that short, not even in a single picture. And that's a fact. What he would really measure you could certainly say is an opinion. Maybe he really wears lifts to appear a big 6'4 guy. Who knows? Although, I must say, it's funny that you say that it is all an opinion when you always use the verb "be" for your opinions. Me, on the other hand, I usually say that a celebrity can look this or that range, not that they are. To show you what I am talking about (from Khalid's page):
"Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 24/Oct/17
Maybe about 5'7.5" standing next to Jimmy Kimmel's who's about 5'10.5" Click Here but that's without knowing their footwear."
You say that Jimmy Kimmel is about 5'10.5. Who says that? Rob has him at 5'11.25, so it is just your opinion. Why do you say he IS about 5'10.5? Not saying it is necessarily a wrong or bad estimate, but if you are so convinced that everything is an opinion, you can't say that. At least, say something like "Jimmy Kimmel who IN MY OPINION is more about 5'10.5" or it can be quite deceiving for people who read your post and don't know that Rob actually has him at 5'11.25 (and not 5'10.5).
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Christian: the comment that Andrea made about being “embarrassed” if she’s wrong on Boris’s page only bolster what you just said. She won’t admit when she’s wrong.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Rob: looking at this chart vs the one with maybe Manginaello it looks diff. That one you look a hair over 5’8 vs this one
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
I have accused that guy of commenting under different names because I am sure of what I say, just like Christian did the same with that "Agent Orange" guy (who I think is another
troll). Did Christian do it because he simply disagreed with him? No, he did it because he tried to provoke him, just like this "Taylor Jack" guy did with me.
You say that you said that I have to prostitute myself just because I called you guys "boyfriends". So, you consider it an insult? So, are you also homophobic now? I already said it, but it seems you ignore it as well. What I was doing there, when I called you and Canson boyfriends, was joking. It was just a mere joke based on the fact that you seem to get along so well with each other and that you are not able to have a discussion on your own without bringing up the other one. That's all! And no, I am not trying to say that I am educated, good and perfect. I am just saying... Don't act as if you are that way, because you certainly are not. As I said, as long as people respect me, I respect them. As soon as they start to attack me with very stupid arguments, like you and Christian always try to do, I have no problem stooping down to their level!
For the last time, the only reason why I asked Rob his opinion about those photos is because you said that I am the only one who sees those differences and that I am biased because it's clearly more than that. But apparently this is not the case... 😊
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 31/Oct/17
Just because Canson's opinions on height differences in photos and clips differs from yours, doesn't mean that he's lying. You make it seem as if your opinion is the truth, and anyone who sees it differently is a liar. See what I mean when I said you have the "it's my way or the highway" mentality? I guess all of your opinons are facts then. How arrogant. Rob is the owner of this site, but even he doesn't believe that his opinions are facts. He lists celebs based on how tall he personally sees them as. He typically says something like "I'd be quite surprised if he/she was that low/high" when replying to a visitor who disagrees with his listing, but he never calls them liars. Even though Rob and I may disagree on the height of Boris and some others, I still respect him. But I have no respect for you.
berta said on 31/Oct/17
ben affleck needs 188 cm listing. he is clearly the shorter one.
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
I don’t know Rob. Using the height chart he actually does look sub 6’2, prob 6’1.75” not including the tad bit of hair from his scalp honestly but You look a max 5’8” flat and only over if you include your hair. You look as if you touch the line and he doesn’t even quite touch the 6’2 line from my view. Maybe it’s off somehow

Editor Rob
I don't have a huge amount of hair above my crown, even for the old height challenge I kept it quite flat, like between 1/8th and 1/4.
anyway, you can see
another comparison both with the stadiometer and with a true 187cm show the lines weren't shrinking the guy or anything. It is just a guide of course, some people might look exact, others taller or shorter than a listed height.
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Andrea: lol you have now “accused” multiple people of “commenting” under multiple usernames. And It’s always people who “provoke” you because they disagree with you. And the comments about “prostituting” came as a result of you calling Christian and me “boyfriends”. So it’s ok for you to toe that line when you see someone disagrees with you but as soon as someone retaliates against you, you play the persecution card like you were wronged. Yes all of us said stuff (Christian has actually been more respectful and politically correct than both of us yet you attack him like that too) but frankly much of it has been you “provoking” it with your “my way or the highway attitude you have” and insulting people and saying “they don’t sound educated”. If you’re so “educated” and so good and accurate at determining heights and height differences, why is it that you always need Rob’s assistance to reassure yourself that you are correct in these situations and to have him throw in his two cents to the argument that he isn’t even involved in?
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
Yeah, I am pretty sure he isn't a
troll, Christian. He tried to say that I base my estimate on the height chart alone, when I CLEARLY said the opposite. It's not a misundestanding. He did it on purpose, to provoke me. He even tried to call Rob out by saying that his height chart is "falsiable and subjetive", when it simply shows the actual difference between Rob and Ray at the moment of the photo. Furthermore, the fact that he needs to change his name to come out with such a brilliant comment (I am sure this guy has already commented on here before, under different names) is a giveaway...
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
It's funny that you even complain about the "crying smiley faces" now and call them "insulting" when you basically said that I need to prostitute myself, just because I didn't agree with your estimate: "You probably didn't even graduate high school and sell yourself on the street to make money because it's all your good at.". Not that I care though. To be honest, I even laughed at that one when I read it the first time. 😂 Ops, a "crying smiley face". Did I just insult you? 😊 Oh no, I did it again. Or this one is not considered an insult?
What I am trying to say is... Don't come on here and act as if you are the educated and good one and I am the rude and bad one because this is certainly not the case and you know it. Do you want to talk about all the other posters you have attacked and insulted through these years? I guess you don't. The list would be quite long...
P.S. For the last time, I have never been (and never will be) upset because you don't agree with me. Your opinion is not as important as you think it is on here, Canson. Don't flatter yourself! What I don't like about you is that you lie about the actual height difference that appears in photos or videos, just to make people as tall as you want them to be (like you did with Boris and Wayne, Kobe, Magic or Rick Fox). Or maybe you're just bad at it. I can't say that...
Johno said on 29/Oct/17
If were to in turn correct for Ray's apparent footwear advantage, Ray would be just over an eye level taller than Rob, about ~5.5-inches. 6'2 or an 6'2.25 is not a bad listing in the sense, it's the tallest he probably can measure.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 29/Oct/17
This listing works better, but not lower. He edged out Affleck.
Rob, would you say this guy is taller than Brett Dalton?

Editor Rob
in person he is taller for sure, but remember I met Brett when he had a fraction less sneaker so he was never going to look a big 6ft 2 guy...but he was well over 6ft 1 flat.
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Andrea: yes I described your attitude of “if someone doesn’t agree with me they’re stupid or wrong”
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
Well done, Canson! You basically just described your overall attitude on this site. 👏👏👏
Now take your comment and go read it in front of a mirror! 😊
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Thanos: I agree with everything you said. But I have to agree while I crossed the line on some comments I made to Andrea but she makes them on every post to us. The crying smiley faces 😂 etc. that is insulting honestly and you don’t see either of us doing that toward her. however I echo Christian’s sentiments in that I can’t take her seriously at this stage. I mean how can you take someone like that seriously that gets upset because you don’t agree with them. Then says “I thought you guys were reasonable but I guess not” lol. I saw that from the start. Then said if Rob met Boris in person and it came out he’s not really 6’4 that she would be very embarrassed. But that’s how she is she has to put other people down to make her feel better about herself. That’s a sign of insecurity. It takes a stupid person to know one!

Editor Rob
ultimately we are here trying to figure out how tall these famous people are.
sometimes you don't need the last word, it's easier to drop it and agree to disagree.
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Andrea: Christian just summed it up well. It’s your way or the highway. You keep up with your high horse crap saying I am biased saying 4” with boris and wayne. The difference with Kobe and Boris is more than an inch. You’re the only one that says it is. Don’t even get me started on the pictures. You make an excuse about ground level Shoe etc but when the pic supports your argument you don’t mention anything about it even when you can’t see any of them. But I think the average guess can do the talking there and you Christian and I all know that there is a footwear advantage clearly wit kobe yet you are in denial about it. You even came up with the excuse that he’s wearing a different shoe when he isn’t from other photos.
But you’re right this is not Boris’s page. So let’s addrss your insults about the stupid and BFF etc that you made. Thanos is correct in his assessment. I didn’t even start to insult you until you started down that road with me and clearly stated to us that it was because we weren’t “reasonable” and don’t agree with you. And I have even backed off of late and been more respectful toward you and you still do the same to both Christian and me but that is common. You mock our responses as if they’re laughable or you are saying we are stupid like he just said or are making stupid comments. I don’t find the faces you put on the comments amusing. It’s insulting. We’re all in a debate and you don’t see Christian or me doing that to you. We easily could tho because a lot of the stuff you say borders on that territory but we digress. Especially when you said that stupid is a compliment in comparison to us supposedly. This coming from someone who can look at two similar pics and assess two diff height differences like you often do just to fit your argument.
So yes You are a hypocrite. You accuse both of us of doing everything you do. You say we insulted you when you do it on almost every comment to us. You say we are biased when you show yours in every single comment you make and your pics etc. but it sounds like you do it to anyone who doesn’t agree with you or see it your way. So that’s just you I guess.
spainmen192cm said on 29/Oct/17
Rob, he started at 6ft3.5 in here didnt he?

Editor Rob
yes, he would still measure 6ft 3.5, but in some Nikes
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
Thanos, or whoever you are, if you think that those are insults, I suggest you to go read Canson's comments on Wayne Brady's page. I think that "stupid" is a compliment, in comparison to them...
Thanos said on 29/Oct/17
"Comments that veer away from height, insult other visitors or celebrities may be edited/deleted. "
Ehm Rob, Andrea called "stupid" or "Maybe just you never went to school" single person who does not share her opinion, moving the height topic to offensive personal discussion. The answer should not be deleted?
For me Ray Fisher is 6'2.25".

Editor Rob
there's been a bit of banter on the Boris thread for a while, although we shouldn't be using insults in discussing heights.
As for Ray, seeing now I think his sneakers were a fraction thicker I am giving him 6ft 2.25
Foster said on 29/Oct/17
6'2 is low for this guy. 6'2.5" is good for him.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Oct/17
Andrea claims she's from Italy. I'll give her credit and say that her English is pretty good for an Italian, but she usually doesn't act logical and has this "it's my way or the highway" mentality. Apparently, anyone who doesn't conform to her beliefs "has no clue about height differences".

Editor Rob
remember Andrea in Italy is a he 👍
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 28/Oct/17
The more I look at it, I think this listing is fine.
He edged out Affleck.
Andrea said on 28/Oct/17
OMG, not here too, Canson. I mean, I knew that you would have come on here at one point to defend your bff, but this page has nothing to do with Boris, so at least stick to his page for your smart comments! You're right about one thing. I am educated, but only towards those who show me respect. When someone tries to attack me with very stupid arguments, like you and Christian always do, this is what you get! It's funny you call me a "know it all", when you guys are the ones who go on every page and speak as if you personally measured every celebrity. And everyone else is wrong. And if they don't agree with you, you simply attack them!
Speaking of Boris (again, this is not his page but you brought it up), I confirm what I said. If you see 4 inches between him and Wayne, you are biased because the difference is clearly somewhere in 5 inches range (5-5.5 inches), no less than that. Either that or you simply have no clue about height differences. You choose. Same thing with Kobe. The difference between them in that single picture is no more than 3 cms. Not because I say it, but because it looks that way.
Dave said on 28/Oct/17
No way he is 6'2. I have meet him in vegas last year and was a bit taller than he is, and im 6'1 barefoot. My estimate is 6.5, max 6.1.
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
@Slim 6’: yes my thoughts too 😂
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
@Christian: no need to defend your credentials or you education because it’s well known and perceived that you speak well and sound educated.
@Andrea: I believe you are educated as well but you don’t always act like it or show it. You often make comments to others posts that you turn around on people or mock them and you come across as a know it all. “well Canson you’re biased because you said it’s 4” diff between Wayne and Boris”. Yet you call the diff between Kobe and Boris 1”? So it’s definitely 1” because you say it is? Is that the case?
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
@Andrea: just curious. What country are you from?
Agent Orange said on 28/Oct/17
‘Ture Ture’
Andrea said on 28/Oct/17
"Stop being so sensitive and have some thick skin for once.", said the guy who cried for over one month for a joke like calling you and Canson "boyfriends". You crack me up, Christian! 😂
Again, this is not Boris' page and what you are doing is called spam, but since you brought it up again... The difference between Boris and Kobe is CLEARLY no more than 3 cms. If you see more than that it's because, as I said, you have no clue about height differences! Just because you say that Boris' footwear is noticeably bigger than Kobe's doesn't make it a fact. You did the same with Wayne, saying that Boris had a significant footwear advantage when, in fact, it's just a small fraction, AT MOST! As for Kobe's knee, it has already been said that he could even get more height than normal by standing like that. All you can do is speculate, speculate and speculate in order to make people as tall as you want them to be. And if people don't agree with you, you don't hesitate to attack them and call them "fanboys" or whatever. Grow up, Christian!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 28/Oct/17
@Taylor Jack
Andrea doesn't know what she's talking about.
Taylor Jack said on 27/Oct/17
Its funny how Andrea bases all her "coherent arguments" by one falsiable and subjetive height chart. He is crearly 6'2.5" as listed.
Junior said on 27/Oct/17
I think editor rob mostly given mid day height to actors. So i"ll point out those Justice League actors lowest height. Henry Cavill 6'0.5 as listed, Ezra Miller 5'10.75",
Ben Affleck 6'2,
Jason Momoa 6'3.75", Gal Gadot 5'9.25" and lastly Ray Fisher 6'2.25". I usually give lowest height from every perspective.
Edimar1.84 said on 27/Oct/17
188cm at night.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 27/Oct/17
First off, I was born/raised in the US and a graduate of a prestigious university, so I have no problem with the English language. And I wasn't attacking you, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. I didn't call you any derogatory names or things of that sort. Stop being so sensitive and have some thick skin for once.
And the pic with Boris and Kobe is clear enough that there's more than just an inch or a 3cm difference, especially when you account for the shoe difference/Boris' hat/Kobe's bent knee. And I agreed with you that there looked a 5"-5.5" difference in that clip with Boris and Wayne Brady. If I really "have no clue about height differences" like you say, then I would've guessed the differecne to be way lower or higher. So If I'm accused of having no clue about height differences for believing that Boris looked 5"-5.5" taller in that clip, then essentially you're telling yourself that you don't have a clue about height differecnes either, because you also believe that it looked a 5"-5.5" You embarrass yourself everytime, it really cracks me up.
Andrea said on 27/Oct/17
Well, you seem to misunderstand many things, Christian. Too many things. I guess that English isn't your first language or maybe you just never went to school. 😊 You should think twice before posting something, especially when you decide to attack someone like you often do!
This is not Boris' page but the fact that you think that Kobe looks at least 2 inches taller than Boris just goes to show my point: you seem to have no clue about height differences! So, if anything, I am 100% coherent. The exact opposite of hypocritical! 😉
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 26/Oct/17
The reason why I thought you really meant he was 187 was because you said "Well, I already see him in 187 range here. It's for those who say he looks over 6'2... 😊" The way you worded it seemed like you really believed he was 187. So if I misunderstood you then maybe it's my fault.
But you're 100% hypocritical when you accused me of having no clue about height differences. You actually believe that Boris Kodjoe only looked an inch shorter than Kobe Bryant in their pic together, so don't accuse me of having no clue about height differences.
Johno said on 26/Oct/17
Sometimes, i guess it is better to approach an estimate by assumming it was a height challenge picture; most people got the various challenger's estimates approximately right by simply comparing a 5'8 Rob with the challenger.
If we were to use the same rules, Fisher would be measure 6'1.5, or 6'1.4 if we were slightly to correct Rob's posture; now that would be his lowest daily height. I usually don't go with the lowest height and usually go down the middle assumming daily height loss so i would put Fisher at 6'1.75 or 6'2; he may hit 6'2.5 out of bed but i would certainly be very surprised if some of these 6'2+ estimates on here were based on a minimal height, there is no evidence for these minimal ranges judging by the picture and if the same logic were used in the height challenges, most people would be out by a mile but not many were so i deduce most users still have the same logic and by that logic, Fisher's lowest daily height as evidence by the above comparison is ~6.1.5 not 6'2+. If we want to go by a median daily height or out of bed, then 6'2 and 6'2+ estimates are fine but either way, Fisher is probably a weak-6'2.
Jordan87 said on 26/Oct/17
Andrea, Christian,
Forget about Affleck for the Moment. In the pic with ROb He is about 6'1.75" in it ( Really he is), but Rob claims he gave a taller impression which is fine.
If he gave a 6'2.5" Impression, that doesn't mean that's his height. I would go by the picture he has with Rob since to date that is the very best evidence.
Rob did not mention any Leans in the Pic or Footwear Advantages to anybody.
Now back to Affleck, There are a couple picks where Affleck looks about the same height, some slightly shorter then Fisher, Its possible Affleck dips around 6'1.75" during the day who knows.
I just do not see 6'2.5", or even 6'2.25" for FIscher right now. He may have given that impression to ROb, but I would still go by the picture.
Also him being taller than Affleck doesn't matter now that Rob has a very excellent picture with him, Thanks ROb!.

Editor Rob
I hadn't mentioned any difference as I had exact 1 inch sneaker and had written down in my pad "~similar" for Ray, but looking again the guy had Nike Air Force One
Click Here, but I can't say with 100% certainty if it was the 1.25 inch version or just the 1 inch...although it seems the thicker version seeing a photo like person looking downwards, sometimes thickness isn't quite as obvious.
Andrea said on 26/Oct/17
"Slim 6' said on 20/Oct/17
Pegging him inbetween 189 and 190 sounds really fair. 6'2.75"."
Andrea said on 26/Oct/17
And... once again you speak for nothing, Christian! Your stupidity is cringeworthy, LMFAO!
I never said that Ray is 6'1.5. I said that he doesn't look much more than that HERE. It's not that hard to understand!
Read it more carefully. Come on, you can do it:
"Andrea said on 23/Oct/17
I am not saying he is 6'1.5, Connor. I am just saying he doesn't look much over that mark in this single picture. Remember this is how Rob looks with a MEASURED 6'1.5 guy: Click Here Do you really think Ray looks taller than him? They look quite similar to me... Of course what he looked in person is another matter (as always). Furthermore, if he really looks a solid 6 inches taller like you say, how can he be only 6'2 flat? Rob is always a fraction over 5'8 (basically a legit 5'8.25) plus 6 solid inches, that would mean that Ray looks near enough his 6'2.5 listing! He doesn't though. The difference is more around 5.5 inches, in fact (which still puts him near enough 6'2). One thing, having seen a few pictures of him, he seems a guy who stands pretty tall (with good posture) in photos..."
It's a known fact that most of celebrities that Rob has a picture with look "noticeably" shorter than their listings with him. Ray is not any different! He is listed at 189, but he looks 187. This doesn't necessarily mean he is as low as that though. As I said, I completely trust Rob's estimates, so if he says he's over 6'2 in person, I'll trust him. It is a fact, though, that he looks more 187 in this single picture, even if it must be a bit hard for you to understand, considering that you seem to have no clue about height differences! 😊
Slim 6' said on 26/Oct/17
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 25/Oct/17,
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 25/Oct/17
It's funny how you put Ray at 6'1.5" yet he looks taller than
Ben Affleck, so where does that leave Affleck then, 6'1"? Lol. You even said once on the Boris Kodjoe page that Rob isn't off by more than half an inch whenever he meets a celeb. So you're saying Rob's off by a full inch if he's listing Ray as 6'2.5" yet you're insisting he's 6'1.5" You contradicted yourself.
Johno said on 25/Oct/17
Just as thought, somewhere between 6'1.5-6'according those height lines; i reckon he would be 6'2 flat for the most part of the day.
Andrea said on 25/Oct/17
"Andrea said on 24/Oct/17
Rob, could you add the height chart? 😊
Editor Rob: you want to see him in 187 range then 😑 😲"
Well, I already see him in 187 range here. It's for those who say he looks over 6'2... 😊
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
He doesn't even clear 6'2 with Rob ( Who has now posted a height chart).
Sam said on 25/Oct/17
6'2.5" is okay for him.
MD said on 24/Oct/17
Editor Rob: "...Ray seen he was taller and then didn't hesitate to go on his tip-toes to look taller for the photo..."
Wow, I didn't know this was a thing with tall guys.
Andrea said on 24/Oct/17
Rob, could you add the height chart? 😊

Editor Rob
you want to see him in 187 range then 😑 😲
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 24/Oct/17
I believe as well that Ray goes down to 6'2" flat at night, but I don't think he falls under that. He has a pretty low eyelevel so I can see why some believe he's about 6'1.5"
Jordan87 said on 24/Oct/17
6'2.75"? No...Try Lucky to be 6'2.25". Take a look at the pic with Rob, you see 6'2.75"? Really Now?
Johno said on 23/Oct/17
6'2.5 is what he is probably in the morning but he does appear slightly shorter than Brandon Routh did with Rob.
I do believe he goes below 6'2 in the evening, he is likely a weak 6'2. 6'2 flat fine to but i would do not believe is that the difference between Rob and Ray is 6.5-inches unless he has an 11-inch head.
Jackson said on 23/Oct/17
Ray is definitely a solid 6’2.5 6’2.75 guy.
Jordan87 said on 23/Oct/17
6'2.5" About right. He never towers over Cavill and at times only slightly taller then Affleck.,
Andrea said on 23/Oct/17
I am not saying he is 6'1.5, Connor. I am just saying he doesn't look much over that mark in this single picture. Remember this is how Rob looks with a MEASURED 6'1.5 guy:
Click Here Do you really think Ray looks taller than him? They look quite similar to me... Of course what he looked in person is another matter (as always). Furthermore, if he really looks a solid 6 inches taller like you say, how can he be only 6'2 flat? Rob is always a fraction over 5'8 (basically a legit 5'8.25) plus 6 solid inches, that would mean that Ray looks near enough his 6'2.5 listing! He doesn't though. The difference is more around 5.5 inches, in fact (which still puts him near enough 6'2). One thing, having seen a few pictures of him, he seems a guy who stands pretty tall (with good posture) in photos...
MD said on 23/Oct/17
Who went on tippy toes? Are you talking Ray, Justin or the guy who took the picture with either of the two?

Editor Rob
the guy in front of me in the queue, Ray seen he was taller and then didn't hesitate to go on his tip-toes to look taller for the photo, but he didn't do it with me of course!
I've seen this happen with some attendees who are 6ft 4-5, the actor or actress goes up on tip toes so they don't look as short.
Cameron said on 23/Oct/17
6'2.5" sounds legit for him.
Csimpson 6ft said on 22/Oct/17
You look a lot better now you trimmed your beard Rob you look younger now, as for Ray he doesn't look more than 6ft 2 range to me but i cant see him as low as 6ft 1.5 Andrea its unlikely, looks like a solid 6 inches difference here, im going to vote for 6ft 2

Editor Rob
this was in May 2017, although I did screw up a trim of the beard so had to revert back to just a half inch beard 😡
travis said on 22/Oct/17
he almost 6'3 he def doesn't look 6'1
SD-5'8(172CM) said on 22/Oct/17
I'd like to see how he measures up next to
Ben Affleck's Batman and
Jason Momoa's Aquaman...
He looks over 6'2...close to 6'3!!!Which is good cause Cyborg is 6'6.
Andrea said on 22/Oct/17
I know, but he was 6'1.5 in the picture for the HC. Ray really doesn't look much different than him, comfortably over 6'1 and nearer 6'2, but not quite the full 6'2. Based on the picture alone, I would have guessed him around 187... A guy like Jack Coleman, that you now have at 6'2.25, certainly gives a taller impression (next to you, at least)!

Editor Rob
but shorter in person than proper 6ft 3, but definitely taller than 6ft 1 range guys easily.
6ft 2 flat? Well, he can look it I think in the photo, but I am not so sure he is quite that low.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Oct/17
Looks a tad shorter than how Brandon Routh looks next to Rob. Bradon is a solid 6'2.5" while Ray's maybe 6'2"-6'2.25"
Mimi said on 21/Oct/17
He looks 6ft1ish range with you Rob, I wonder why?

Editor Rob
he's well over 6ft 1 really!
Andrea said on 21/Oct/17
So, Rob, is he really comfortably taller than the plumber in person? I really don't know this guy, but he looks more 6'1.5-6'2 range than 6'2-6'2.5 with you. Not much different than the plumber, in fact...

Editor Rob
I've seen the plumber 90% of time earlier than 6-7pm so he looked nearer 6ft 2 than 1.5 I feel, although in person Fisher can seem over 6ft 2.
184guy said on 21/Oct/17
From 6'3.5 to 6'2.5
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 21/Oct/17
Nicely done Rob! I have an idea! I should get Roland Mann to see this dude and both stand on their tip toes! (Roland is really a 6’3” guy in person!)
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 21/Oct/17
If that’s the case, then where would that leave Henry Cavill?

Editor Rob
I think still in 184 range.
Nik said on 21/Oct/17
6'2.25" - 6'2.5"!
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 21/Oct/17
Rob, was he really taller than Justin Hartley or same range?

Editor Rob
they can look similar, but my main memory of this guy is being a bit taken aback when the guy who was taller took a photo, I have never seen any 6ft 2-3 guy go on tip toes from what I remember.
I stood on edge of his sneaker to make sure he didn't do that with me of course 😈
Tom said on 21/Oct/17
Makes sense given most pictures with him and
Ben Affleck.
Shredder said on 21/Oct/17
Wow Affleck must really be 6 ft 3
Slothee said on 21/Oct/17
Looks no more than 6'2"
Johno said on 20/Oct/17
Or better still, somewhere like 5.5-6-inches taller than Rob, jeez i expected him to look taller.
Hmmmmm, i reckon he would average around 6'2; probably a weak 6'2.
Johno said on 20/Oct/17
About 5.5-inches on Rob
pok said on 20/Oct/17
6'1.5 in this picture
Slim 6' said on 20/Oct/17
Pegging him inbetween 189 and 190 sounds really fair. 6'2.75".
travis said on 20/Oct/17
he isn't to far from jason momoa by 2 inches
Paul said on 20/Oct/17
Cool photo. Yeah, he doesn't look like his old 6'3 listing here.
Junior said on 20/Oct/17
I thought this guy was supposed to be 6'3?
grizz said on 20/Oct/17
And the downgrade game is continuing...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 20/Oct/17
Looks flat 6'2" with Rob for some reason.
Andrea said on 20/Oct/17
He doesn't look over 6'2 here. In fact, he can look very similar to the plumber with you. Is he really comfortably taller than him in person?
Csimpson 6ft said on 20/Oct/17
I dont know why the average guess on here for him is 6ft 3.03, doesn't look anywhere near that tall but this listing is ok although 6ft 2 flat isnt impossible.
Csimpson 6ft said on 20/Oct/17
I dont why the average guess on here for him is 6ft 3.03, doesn't look anywhere near that tall but this listing is ok although 6ft 2 flat isnt impossible.
berta said on 20/Oct/17
he looks no taller than 189 cm in the photo. but now that he is down to 189 cm maybe give affleck 6 foot 2 flat?i feel that he is 1 cm maybe little more thaller than affleck. this guy legit 189 guy and affleck barely 188 cm.
World Citizen said on 20/Oct/17
Listing seems to be correct
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Oct/17
Rob, did you downgrade this guy?
TJE said on 20/Oct/17
Looks 6'2 flat with Rob
Dejavu said on 21/Sep/17
The difference between him and Ben affleck is minimal and doesn't even look to be an inch.
Amanda said on 23/Jul/17
If rays 6'3 than Ben affleck needs an upgrade.
Click Here
shiva183cms said on 22/Jul/17
I already thought he was a flat 6'3 guy
It's very much time to downgrade
Ben Affleck by a 1/4"
There looks to be a rough inch b/w them
Mark(5'9.5 said on 22/Jul/17
Rob, this is probably me, but Fisher kinda looks like Muhammad Ali in some ways. (He's actually comfirmed to play Muhammad Ali in some film or stage. I have to look it up some more.)
Out of curiosity, how does Ray Fisher compare to
Gwendoline Christie in person, minus the dang tip toeing of Fisher!

Editor Rob
there is a difference, how much? I think half inch is very likely to be fair...
Mark(5'9.5") said on 19/Jul/17
He might met someone so much taller than him that it got him height phobia.
Maybe he came across someone who was nearly 6'6" at one point when he was young or he just wants to be taller.
Edit* Either way, I don't see the point of him tip toeing since he's already a genuine 6'3".
Mark(5'9.5 said on 18/Jul/17
Rob, this is a question that we both don't know, but why would Ray Fisher have to tip toe if he's already 6'3"? Just sayin!! 😂😂😂

Editor Rob
tip-toeing might be a sign of feeling a bit insecure, especially when it comes to being used to being 'the tall guy'.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Jul/17
He gives a taller impression with Momoa than
Chris Hemsworth does. I would rule out 6'2.75". Though when he tip toes, it's kinda cheating already! XDD
Dejavu said on 15/Jul/17
He edges out on
Ben Affleck but its not even an inch at times.
Jordan87 said on 13/Jul/17
Click Here
Click Here
If Fisher is 6'3, And Affleck is just under 6'2 here.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 8/Jun/17
@Mark same. He would definitely not be shorter than
Chris Hemsworth if they were to stand by each other, with him possibly edging him out. He might even be the same as a 6'3 1/4" Liam Hemsworth.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 12/May/17
Of course, Ray Fisher is tilting his head up and he looks ridiculously towering.
Click Here
Mark(5'9.25") said on 12/May/17
I know Cavill isn't standing at his tallest. However, Ray Fisher really does look a solid inch taller than
Ben Affleck despite both of them slouching and that Ben is kinda closer to the Camera.
Click Here
Rob, for someone who is 192 cm, Fisher seems like a guy who has decent or good posture, just like Henry Caroll and Jon Hamm.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 12/May/17
I know Cavill isn't standing at his tallest. However, Ray Fisher really does look a solid inch taller than
Ben Affleck despite both of them slouching and that Ben is kinda closer to the Camera.
Click Here
Rob, for someone who is 192 cm, Fisher seems like a guy who has decent or good posture.