IronFist said on 6/Jul/15
Lethalleke, I can't tell if you're
trolling us or are this genuinely awful at guessing height and weight. Look at Michael Phelps. I mean really take a good long, hard look. This is what a 6'4 man between 190 and 200 lbs looks like:
Click Here
And this is what Randy Orton--who almost everyone other than you acknowledges is at least 6'3--looks like:
Click Here
Do you see any difference at all between their bodies? Because I see quite a bit of difference. I am personally 6'5, 260 and I remember very well what my body looked like at 190 lbs! That is, when I was 16 years old and skinny as a twig.
Rob, I seldom trouble you to weigh in on anything but I'm interested to hear your take on this. Can we all agree Randy is at least 30 lbs heavier than Phelps?

Editor Rob
of course Orton looks noticeably heavier
James B said on 5/Jul/15
Lillo Thomas your 6'5? That is very large
Height183 said on 2/Jul/15
Rob, do you think he is looking above 6'4'' in this picture again?
Click Here
Randys posture is just awful over half the time.

Editor Rob
in that still he could look a fraction over 6ft 4.
peter young said on 2/Jul/15
His height is wrong you have him at 6'4. I'm 6'4 and when I met him in 2013 he was t least 1/2 inch shorter then me. So he is 6'3.5 at most.
Lillo Thomas said on 29/Jun/15
The average door size is actually 6'8 or 80 inches in the USA. With shoes I'm about 2 inches shorter than average doors in the USA. I'm 6'6 in shoes.
James B said on 28/Jun/15
Rob is an upgrade to 6'4.25 a possibility within the next few months?

Editor Rob
at times I have thought he could be, but then other times I think the 6ft 4 is fair.
Resh1988 said on 27/Jun/15
Orton is 6'4-5, the size of an average door. The average head is 9-10 inches, So Orton probably has 10.5-11. His Neck probably has 3.5-4. Measure that against a door, and observe the shoulder level. Then, from that, measure the relative spectrum and shoulder level of a 5'9 man, like Wayne Rooney. Rooney looks like a Dwarf, you do not see this shoulder level from a man on the streets. Orton looks hugely disproportionate, almost like a balloon man. Cristiano from this spectrum, would have Shoulders almost level to mine and I'm 172cm. Height is NOT universally consistent, like a mirror or an INCH.
James B said on 25/Jun/15
I don't think Test was under 6'5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jun/15
6ft4 flat is a safe bet. He can look either 192cm or 194cm at times.
joe 193cm night said on 24/Jun/15
Test 6´4.5(194cm)
Randy Orton 6´4(193cm)
Height183 said on 23/Jun/15
You are Awfully wrong there James. He was a good 2 inches taller, even when hunching and having footwear disadvantage over the Rocks thick boots. You need to see that video all over again.
James B said on 22/Jun/15
Orton was a shade over 1 inch taller than the rock but not 2 inches.
Wade Barrett I don't think is any less than 6'5
Height183 said on 22/Jun/15
The guy has 2 solid inches on The Rock! He was easily taller than Sheamus, and even edged out Snoop Dogg in height! He looked identical height to Wade Barrett. There is no way Orton is a hair below 6'4''. Most likely he probably is a tad over 6'4''.
evan-roundtree said on 21/Jun/15
This dude is not 6'4. He was shorter then me when i meet him and i'm not
even 6'4. He is 6'3.25 at most i'm 6'3.75. And i can tell you this i'm 225lbs. And orton was a skinny runt compared to me i would put him at 200lbs max.
Height183 said on 20/Jun/15
@gds: Let's be honest. You haven't met anyone.
MusaTroll said on 20/Jun/15
6'4" no less
Tarinator said on 18/Jun/15
Minimum 6'3.5 height. Sometimes Edge can look taller, sometimes Orton. But 6'3.75 could be dot on.
areaz said on 12/Jun/15
i think he is 6.5ft
Michel said on 9/Jun/15
@gds, you won't convince me in a million years that there's a 4 inch difference between Kane and The Big Show.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/15
Jake actually looks 194-195cm range w/h Orton. He also edged DDP in a recent documentary about his rehab. Definitely a solid 6ft4½ guy today and most likely 6ft5 peak.
gds said on 6/Jun/15
I met Randy Orton and many wwe stars over the past 6 years, from 2007 to 2013 when I use to work with the wwe caterers at the former Baltimore arena. Im six three in a half tall . Me and randy orton are the same height.He is six three in a half.These are the heights of some of the wwe stars I met in 6 years. Batista six two in a half.tripple h six two back in 2012.John cena six feet. Big show six ten.shemas six three. Kane six six in a half. undertaker six six in a half. Mark henry six three.Seth rollins six feet. kali seven feet.Golddust six three in a half. R truth five eleven. Hbk five ten. Edge six three. CM punk five eleven in a half. Vince M. six feet back in 2010.Jack Swagger a little taller than me at six four.Drew macintyer six four. Alberto del rio six two.Davey Boy Smith JR six three in a half.Dolph Z five eleven. MVP six feet. Shelton B six feet. Daniel bryant five six.Boby Lashley six one. J b l six five. Jery Lawler five nine.Chris beniot five eight. Chris masters six three. Romain reigns six two. Dean six one.
Anny said on 6/Jun/15
Randy Orton has a perfect height about 6'5 that is essential to look hot
joe 193cm night said on 5/Jun/15
here it with jake snake, jake has less shoes still look a little higher than Orton
jake Snake peak between 6'5 (196 cm) and 6'4.75. (195 cm) nowadays still looks 6'4.5 (194 cm)
Click Here
Randy orton 6'4 (193 cm) look interval 6'4.25 (194 cm) time
rich_maiser said on 1/Jun/15
I have met 2 guys on hear who are ment to be the same height as me one is this guy the other is jared padilecki from supernatural. My question to rob is who do you think is taller, i know one is over an inch shorter then me. The other is an inch taller then me. So one is at most 6'3 the other is 6'5 which one do you think it is. I'm just doing this to help you get the right heights for this two. Please answer back
joe 193cm night said on 30/May/15
6'2 for orton out of the question, orton is a decent 6'4
Oliver said on 29/May/15
LOL @MarinaInLa... Randy is clearly 6'4, nothing less, nothing more. Case closed.
MarinaInLA said on 29/May/15
Sorry, Can't see anything over a terribly proportionate 6'2, without Gear.
Junior31 said on 25/May/15
Friend just went to his autograph signing. Couldn't believe how big he was. Every bit of 6' 4 if not more. Below is impossible
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/15
6ft4 on the nose. He can look ½in above and/or below that mark at times.
james b said on 16/May/15
orton 6'4.25
Jack Swagger 6'5
Wade Barrett 6'5 25
James B said on 13/May/15
Goal dust looks 6'3 1/2 compAred to swagger in that photo
Sam said on 11/May/15
@Vegas, Goldust looks noticeably shorter than Swagger who I have around 6ft5, but then again it could be that Swagger has a camera advantage. I can only tell if its an obvious advantage but that one I don't really know. Ordinarily, I don't think I'd put Goldust under 6ft4.
Vegas said on 10/May/15
goldust maybe 6'5?
Click Here
Sam said on 10/May/15
I won't go as low as 6ft3.5 but he can look that range to me, maybe because he has that fitness model look blended in with his gimmick and why WWE don't overbill him. Not the most imposing 6'4 guy on the roster but you can tell with those long arms and legs that he would easily clear the upper 6ft3 range. 6ft4 is a good enough shout.
Height183 said on 9/May/15
Dean Ambrose at 6'2''? You've got to be having a laugh there. He is a solid 6'0'' guy, maybe even 6'0.25'' at the most but not a hair taller. Even Cena was taller than him face to face at times. By the way Randy doesn't wear ''fairly thick boots''. I think you are talking about Seth Rollins there.
James B said on 9/May/15
Barrett looks more 6'5 than 6'6 to me.
Can I also remark in the past with spiked up hair swagger looked 6'6
rikashiku said on 8/May/15
Randy Orton 6'4" maybe slightly more, but he infamously wears fairly thick boots.
John cena 6'0.5" has always looked around this height.
Cody rhodes 6'0" looks this height next to 6'4"- maybe 6'5" Goldust.
Christian 5'11" maybe slightly more.
Wade barrett 6'6" his height has varied from 6'4" to 6'7". It's usually listed as 6'6" and he looks every bit of it. Especially when he is near Swagger
Jack swagger 6'5" in ECW he was said to be 6'4". His mugshot has him at 6'6" but that is in shoes.
Triple h 6'1". Has been looking this height for a while now. Probably 6'2" in his prime.
Daniel bryan 5'8". Next to 5'8" Hideo Itami, he has looked around the same height.
Roman reigns 6'3". He could be slightly shorter than that but he has always been listed as 6'3" and always looked it.
Sheamus 6'3"-6'4". He has strange proportions. His legs aren't very long but he is still a tall guy. He's taller than Bautista but just shorter than Orton. In a Documentary about British wrestlers afew years ago, he was listed as 6'4" and 194lbs.
Seth rollins 6'1" maybe slightly more. He has never looked much shorter than Ambrose or Reigns and is as tall or taller than Cena. He is deceivingly bigger than people assumed.
Dean ambrose 6'2". Looks every bit of it and has said it before on twitter.
punk 5'11"-6'0" He isn't much taller than Truth of Morrison, but isn't as tall as Randy Orton.
titus o'neil 6'4" always gives this impression but he could be slightly taller than that. There was one article on him that listed him as 6'9". LAWL certainly not, but he is a tall guy.
David otunga Doesn't look anymore than 5'11" and that might be in the morning.
James B said on 5/May/15
This could mean drew macintyre is 6'4.5
joe 193cm night said on 4/May/15
I doubt that it is the same height as alexander
Lorne??? said on 3/May/15
I've always said 6ft4.25, he makes other wrestlers look less than listed.
(Including 4cm over Batista)
James B said on 3/May/15
6'4.25 probably bang on for Orton Rob? If you look at pics of him and edge there looks 3cm between them.
James B said on 1/May/15
Rob do you think 6'4.5 is likely or unlikely for Orton?

Editor Rob
a little over 6ft 4 is of course possible, a full 6ft 4.5 guy I'm not sure he looks that.
Height183 said on 29/Apr/15
Rob, do you think Randy could measure a little over 6'4''? He looks a little more than an inch taller than Sheamus here (Ignore Sheamus's hair). Go to 3.30 on this video
Click Here

Editor Rob
at times he can pull off the solid 6ft 4 range
Height183 said on 29/Apr/15
James B, Randy also had your beloved Brock Lesnar by 3 inches from a clip that I've seen from the OVW days.
joe 193cm night said on 29/Apr/15
orton and Matt Conrath legitimate 6'7.5
Click Here
joe 193cm night said on 29/Apr/15
wwe always uses camera tricks to let him taller 6'4 no more and no less
Height183 said on 28/Apr/15
That's just your opinion though James. For me I think there is a chance he could be a little over 6'4''. He is a very tall man.
James B said on 25/Apr/15
Nah no way is randy 6'5. 6'4 no more no less
Height183 said on 21/Apr/15
Randy was a good 4 inches taller than Seth Rollins last week face to face in the ring. The top of Seths hair came up to Randys eyes from what I remember. Since Seth is about 6'1'' it makes you wonder if Randy is actually closer to 6'5'' when he stands up straight like he did.
Rick said on 20/Apr/15
Ryback and CM Punk have both said Sheamus wears lifts in his boots. At the WWE 2k15 roster reveal Sheamus was wearing a hat and some chunky boots while Reigns was wearing sneakers and Cesaro was wearing dress shoes. They all looked around the same height in the footwear they were wearing, yet in his wrestling boots he's taller than them.
James B said on 18/Apr/15
Sheamus with his hairstyle and build looks a legit 6'4 on TV to me. Next to Conan though didn't he look 6'3?
height 180-190 said on 15/Apr/15
I used my ruler to obtain on images the real height this is what i obtain
John cena 183,35 cm
Cody rhodes 183 cm
Christian 183
Wade barrett 196
Jack swagger 195,74
Triple h now 186,1
Randy orton 192,1
Daniel bryan 172,1
Roman reigns 186
Sheamus 187
Seth rollins 184,5
Dean ambrose 184
punk 181,1
titus o'neil 193
David otunga i forgot i think it was 184
height 180-190 said on 15/Apr/15
I used my ruler to obtain on images the real height this is what i obtain
John cena 183,35 cm
Cody rhodes 183 cm
Christian 183
Wade barrett 196
Jack swagger 195,74
Triple h now 186,1
Randy orton 192,1
Daniel bryan 172,1
Roman reigns 186
Sheamus 187
joe 193cm night said on 13/Apr/15
pablo77bar,he is not he is a 6'5 6'4 decent photos with snoop dogg he was wearing boots
Height183 said on 13/Apr/15
Here is a picture of Randy and Snoop
Click Here
I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out Randy is taller.
pablo77bar said on 11/Apr/15
If Snoop Dogg is a solid 6ft 3.75(what i think he is) Randy is a good weak 6ft 5
joe 193cm night said on 10/Apr/15
Randy Orton is clearly higher than the sheamus
Click Here
Austin said on 10/Apr/15
Randy Orton is now billed as 250 lbs on
johny said on 10/Apr/15
He 6'5 260 lbs
Height183 said on 3/Apr/15
He looks nothing under 6'4'' to me. We are talking about a guy who had 2 solid inches on The Rock! Orton was also taller than Snoop Dogg. In some footage I've seen from 2002, He was also about 3 inches taller than Lesnar.
James B said on 1/Apr/15
I definitely think he can 'look' under 6'4 at times but then thats like saying Kane can look 6'5 these days or Wade Barrett can look 6'4-6'5 range.
Height183 said on 29/Mar/15
Yeah in his prime I can buy 6'2''. He is 56 years old so he must've lost some height. He looks no more than 186 - 187cm to me today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Mar/15
Sting used to look 6ft2-3 back in the day.
Shamrock said on 28/Mar/15
maybe nowadays, but in his prime he wasn't any shorter than a solid 6'2.
miko said on 28/Mar/15
Sting is 6'2. Seems to have held his height very well over the years. Certainly looks it with Cena there anyway.
Height183 said on 27/Mar/15
I don't know about 6'2'' for Sting. Strong 6'1'' range is more likely.
Click Here
Shamrock said on 24/Mar/15
not sure, you'd think Sting would have shrunk by now seeing how he's 56 years old and has been competing for quite some time but in 2008 with 6'1 range samoa joe he still looked every bit of 6'2:
Click Here
i'm interested to hear Rob's thoughts on Sting's height, he's probably the biggest icon in the business who doesn't have his own page on here, but has he ever claimed a height himself?

Editor Rob
6ft 2 range
James B said on 24/Mar/15
DDP is 6'3.75 today
I think Sting could be 6'1.5 these days and probably a legit 6'2 peak
joe 193cm night said on 24/Mar/15
looked 6'4 with Jake Snake
Mike T said on 23/Mar/15
I guess it was the camera angle that made him look only 1 inch taller than him. I always get confused by the camera angle.
Shamrock said on 21/Mar/15
he had at least 2in on Sting.
Jay said on 20/Mar/15
Orton is not 6'3. Too small for him.
Mike T said on 17/Mar/15
6'3" is probably right. He only looked 1" taller than 6'2" Sting last night on Raw.
lethalleke said on 16/Mar/15
joe 193cm night DDP is 6'4 and orton is shorter then him and DDP is standing behind him. And DDP looks 1/2 inch taller. so 6'3.5 with shoes on that means an extra 1/2 inch so that makes him 6'3. So put his correct height down. And if he is over 210lbs I will eat my hat.
joe 193cm night said on 13/Mar/15
6'4 legitimate Orton
Click Here
nayhole said on 12/Mar/15
He is tall! I would go as far as 6'5" If you don't believe me watch any episode he was ever on he towers over everyone and is almost as tall as the undertaker. He maybe wearing lifts but bare foot he is 6'5.5"
bruce_vinco said on 9/Mar/15
Ha Ha there is no fu**ing way this guy is 6'4. I saw him at an airport when i was catching a flight. I was within 3 meters of him. He is the same height as me and guess what i'm only 6'3 at most.
EaglesLegendz said on 4/Mar/15
Hes not quite 6'4 but close. 6'3.5 is closer to the truth.
Austin said on 2/Mar/15
6'4" 230 lbs
N said on 24/Feb/15
Spot on 6'4". Towered a good 3 inches over Seth Rollins on raw. Looking about 230lb
Andre said on 17/Feb/15
Rob, what do you think of JBL?HoW TALL IS HE?
Jeff said on 16/Feb/15
Looks a strong 6'4 type of guy
Jay said on 11/Feb/15
He's 6'4. People downgrading him are mad that he's legit.
mrtguy said on 1/Feb/15
The heaviest I'll go for Orton is 265 lbs he sure looked that heavy back in '05-7.
Height183 said on 26/Jan/15
The guy can even look the same height as Kane in some shots. Solid 6'4'' guy.
Eric Styams said on 22/Jan/15
Had a chance to meet this guy about 3 month ago. I'M 6'4 and this guy was a least an inch shorter then me. Looks about the same weight as me give or take a pound or two. and i'm 210.
James Barry said on 7/Jan/15
Randy orton is 6'5 it says so in his biography
James B said on 4/Jan/15
Compare Orton here next to shawn Michaels
Take into account In that video shawn is 2cm shorter than he was when he faced of with
Sid Eudy in 1995.
Sid who I think stood 6'6-6'6.5 peak looks A LOT taller than randy does in comparison to shawn michaels.
James B said on 4/Jan/15
Orton easily get away with 6'6? If I had no idea about ortons real barefoot height i'd honestly guess him at 6'3 just to watch him on TV.
This is what a 6'6 man looks like just to give you an idea of how tall that height range really is
BorkLaser said on 4/Jan/15
I 100% agree with you, miko. They could have easily gotten away with billing him at 6'6" or so because of how he towers over everyone and how well he stacks up in front of Kane.
Clay said on 3/Jan/15
Neither of them gave me anything other than a 6'4'' vibr (Orton and Billy gunn)..
LegendKillerIzma said on 2/Jan/15
How come on, stop that, i've a 6'5 friend that doesn't look that giant after all, Randy really is 6'5 on a good day, look how huge he looks in front of the others wrestlers. Considering that most wrestlers who have too bulky muscles and with those surgeries have their bones piled too early, some of them shrink while they looked taller before
James B said on 2/Jan/15
Yeah 6'4 but he gives a 6'3 range vibe like Billy Gunn does
miko said on 1/Jan/15
He's the most legit 6'4 guy in the business. I'm surprised WWE never billed him taller as he could easily get away with a 6'6 bill when you consider weak 6'3 guys Sheamus and Batista have both been billed at 6'6 and even 6'7 briefly.
I wouldn't be surprised if he wakes up at around 6'4.5/6'4.75.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Dec/14
Rob, any chance of adding Bob Orton?
I see an increased number of wrestlers being added. He was actually billed 6ft1 by WWF but this might be a rare case of a wrestler being taller than his billed height

Editor Rob
there's probably a few wrestlers who might be added of him to add.
Height183 said on 26/Dec/14
Randys been tall almost all his life. Even as a 15 year old kid he was 6'4''.
Click Here
Rick said on 18/Dec/14
Seth Rollins claims 6'1 205. He looks small next to Randy. Orton is legit 6'4 230-240.
Height182 said on 16/Dec/14
@6 lysander 4 lawcombe 1.: Trolling skills need a little more work. You have to make us believe that you really did meet him.
6 lysander 4 lawcombe 1. said on 14/Dec/14
There is now way this guy is 6'4 and 250lbs. I'm 6'3 230lbs and he was about 1/2 inch shorter then me and looked like a skinny runt next to me. He is about 6'2.5 and maybe 200lbs and that is when i was in flip flops. And i now for a fact i'm 6'3. All i can say is this guy must have massive wrestling boots.
Height182 said on 22/Nov/14
@Vegas: Orton looks 6'4'' next to you anyway.
Vegas said on 21/Nov/14
met alot but nowhere near everyone as i still haven't met the likes of hogan, hhh, vince, nash to name a few and would still like meet, talk with and get a photo with the rock even though i have stood about 10 feet away from him. helps when they always stay in the same hotel every time they visit here however it must be said.
first time i met orton during mania 20 week was in hilton lobby. the shot isn't great for comparison purposes given he turned away right as we were taking the shot/video but he was standing around for quite a while before that. the photo with drew is from 2009 and I am in the middle of the group-shot with the black t-shirt, the guy to the right in the blue top is 6'4 just to give you an idea how tall that height looks next to someone of my height (last measured myself at night the other week at just a shade over 180cm barefoot and 182.8cm in shoes)
Click Here
Height182 said on 21/Nov/14
Vegas, seems like you've 'met' just about everyone Lol.
Vegas said on 19/Nov/14
i have met orton in person out of gear and he isn't over 6'4. drew isn't taller than 6'4 in person out of gear.
Height182 said on 18/Nov/14
Look how spread out Ortons legs are, and look how loose his posture is compared to Hogans, yet he still edges Hogan out in height. Vegas, there is more of a chance that Orton is slightly over 6'4'' than under it. He is taller than 6'4'' Snoop Dogg! Even if Snoop tilted his head up (which would give him no height at all) Orton still would be taller.
Vegas said on 17/Nov/14
Orton and hogan earlier this year
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 15/Nov/14
Kane usually looks 3 inches taller than Orton but at times looks 2-2.5 inches. Orton 6'4 and Kane isn't more than 6'7 today.
Orton's weight Id say in the 230-240lb range. At 6'4 and low body fat at that weight its pretty big even compared to guys who are muscular but Orton wont look as big compared to guys as Lesnar, Cena, Batista, HHH.
Height182 said on 13/Nov/14
@The A-List: Yes he can, Especially next to Kane these days.
Vegas said on 13/Nov/14
snoops posture in all of those shots is far worse than ortons in the video i posted
Height182 said on 10/Nov/14
@Vegas: Ortons posture was worse than Mcintyre. Mcintrye at best looks 1/2 inch taller than Orton. If Orton stood up straight maybe he would be the same height. Look at the pictures with 6'4'' Snoop Dogg.
The A-List said on 9/Nov/14
Randy Orton can look weak 6'5'' at times.
Vegas said on 9/Nov/14
Height182 says on 23/Oct/14
He is close enough to 6'6'' in wrestling boots anyway.
so what is your estimation for drew mcintyre..btw i have met both in person
5 minute mark
Click Here
James B said on 8/Nov/14
His weight rob?
Height182 said on 6/Nov/14
Randy and Snoop Dogg are both listed at 6'4'' but Randy is even taller than Snoop!
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Anything under 6'4'' for Orton is a complete joke. Chances are that he is slightly taller than 6'4''.
Vegas said on 2/Nov/14
backstage segments are pretty much useless for height comparison, pretty much anything with a shoulder mounted camera is useless for height comparison in wwe.
Mr Hieu said on 1/Nov/14
Rob he can 194 cm solid ? look only 2,5 inch shorter Kane in last week

Editor Rob
I think 6ft 4 is enough for him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/14
195-196cm out of bed. He has a short upper body
Height182 said on 23/Oct/14
Yeah in some backstage segments next to Kane, Orton can look tall as 6'6''. I think it's the camera angle. Orton is a very tall dude. A solid 6'4''. He is close enough to 6'6'' in wrestling boots anyway.
Louis said on 22/Oct/14
At times he can look 6'6 even but I'd say barefoot 6'4
KROC said on 21/Oct/14
Anyone saying 6'5 is full of horsecrap. 193 MAX. More then likely he's 6'3 flat.
Mmaeric said on 20/Oct/14
I saw him person and thought he looked 6'5 so anyone saying 6'2 is full of it
miko said on 20/Oct/14
I've met a lot of those guys Rikashiku, and your pretty close with them.
Orton is a rock solid 6'4 when he stands tall. Sheamus is 6'3 range, but with his thicker footwear and tall hair can look a weak 6'4. Sheamus would be taller than Batista in a staredown I'd say, and as we've seen before he's a bit shorter than Orton.
Cesaro I cant quite pinpoint, he seems 6'3.5/6'4 range to me, around an inch shorter than weak 6'5 Jack Swagger. And Barrett is a hair over 6'5 IMO, not quite 6'6 as he's a couple of inches shorter than Kane.
Height182 said on 20/Oct/14
@Aza: Your listings are very accurate. Ignore the people who are saying they are not. They are probably huge fanboys or just believe in billed heights.
Rikashiku said on 17/Oct/14
A solid 6'4". At times he can look taller than that. He's one of few Pro-wrestlers who actually looks his listed height.
Sheamus actually looks like a weak 6'4" himself. With Batista, or the rare times he performs alongside Batista, he actually looked taller, and slightly shorter than Orton.
Cesaro is definitely a strong 6'3". He has long limbs so he can look taller than that, similar to Swagger who is maybe 6'5.5"? Swagger is clearly shorter than solid 6'6" Wade Barrett.
Aza said on 16/Oct/14
Sheamus wears pretty chunky boots all the time , Cesaro looks strong 6'3, HHH has looked 6'1 tops lately, Rock is a solid 6'2 and Batista looks about an inch taller than hHh and at leat 2' shorter than orton . The heights listed are evening heights. Granted they maybe taller in the morning . Out of all of these guys orton is legit 6'4 and the tallest hence the yardstick.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/14
Those figures for The Rock, Triple H and Batista are well off
Height181 said on 14/Oct/14
@Aza: I almost agree with all of your height listings that you mentioned. Really good estimates man.
Aza said on 12/Oct/14
Orton is 6'4 definately but can look less at times in order to compensate with shorter guys in wwe who are listed as taller (i.e. Batista).
When Orton does stand with guys are genuinely as tall or taller (i.e Kane) he streches out to a legit 6'4.
He is noticably taller than the Rock (6'2), Sheamus (6'2),Batista (6'2), HHH (6'1);taller than Cesaro (6'3) and stacks up very well to Kane and Swagger.
The A-List said on 11/Oct/14
I can't see this guy taller than snoop dogg
Height181 said on 3/Oct/14
Orton is a proper example of a Solid 6'4'' guy.
James B said on 27/Sep/14
Orton can look around cesaro's height
James B said on 26/Sep/14
Big Z Kane is more like 6'6.75 today and maybe 6'8 peak.
miko said on 25/Sep/14
Randy is an easy 6'4 in good posture. Sure, in lazy posture he can look 6'3.
Height181 said on 24/Sep/14
If Orton is 6'2'', Then Cena will have to be 5'10'' LOL. Triple H would have to be around 5'11'', The Rock would also have to be around 6'0''. Come on guys, get real!
KROC said on 23/Sep/14
Wow. There have been ALOT of people post here claiming to have seen Orton in person. They all say that he is 6'2/6'3 MAX. Personally I believe it. I have never heard or seen a wrestler that was the height they were listed. Like NEVER.
TW said on 22/Sep/14
I have stood next to Randy many of times, he is roughly 6'2" to 6'2" 1/2 flat footed.
Aza said on 22/Sep/14
Orton looks a solid 6'4 evening height.
BigZ said on 21/Sep/14
Considering 6'7.5 kane barely edges him out. 6'4 is logical
BorkLaser said on 21/Sep/14
Rick he used to be billed at 6'4" back when he debuted and my guess is he got a boost on because both he and Triple H were billed at 6'4" and the height difference was too obvious to neglect. I still think Randy is a legit 6'4" though
Jesse36 said on 20/Sep/14
6'3 works but 6'2.5 also works but I think 6'3 is his height flat
Rick said on 13/Sep/14
IMO he's an easy 6'4 but probably drops a bit lower at night giving more of a 6'3-6'3.5 impression. He is BILLED at 6'5 on the wwe site, not 6'4 btw. He looks taller than 6'2.5-6'3 Roman Reigns, but Reigns footwear also doesnt look as thick as a lot of the boots the rest of the roster wears.
James B said on 11/Sep/14
Rob you think Orton could drop to 6'3.75 at some point in the day?
James B said on 9/Sep/14
Batista could be 6'2.5 although he hunches a lot.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Sep/14
In most faceoffs Orton had an easy inch on Batista and looked more 1.5 or so.
James B said on 31/Aug/14
Even with thick footwear Orton never looks like he could be near 6'5. 6'3 is the vibe he gives me.
KROC said on 31/Aug/14
I agree with lethalleke, I'm not seeing 6'4. I could buy 6'3-6'3.5 though.
184.9 on a bad day said on 30/Aug/14
I think he is a legit 6 ft 4 who wears a thicker footwear and sometimes give a impression to be near 6ft 5.
James B said on 28/Aug/14
Batista looks 6'1.5 there
SaveUsY2J said on 27/Aug/14
@lethalleke: Got anything to back that statement up with? Photos or it didn't happen.
miko said on 27/Aug/14
Orton and Batista
Click Here
lethalleke said on 26/Aug/14
I see this site has not corrected his height to 6'3 then. Like I said before have met him, back then I was 6'6 and he was about 3-4 inches shorter then me which would make him 6'2-6'3 at best so put his correct height up. And not his billied height.
James B said on 19/Aug/14
Yeah 6'4 for Orton seems accurate but to look at him you would guess 6'3 range.
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Aug/14
Orton at 6'4 is fair. He's not over that. Test could be 6'5 but no more.
James B said on 18/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 17/Aug/14
James B, yea def. shows how tall legit 6'4.5 really is. Test was def. in between 6'4 and 6'5 for sure.
Kane looks 6'7 with 6'4 Orton usually I think. It just funny how they bill him at 6'4 and sometimes 6'4.5 and still will say Kane is 7'0 or even 6'10 and 6'4 doesn't add up between the 2. WWE needs to have their billed heights add up lol
Hard to believe there is only 1cm between Randy Orton and Test. That said Orton is probably just 193cm and nothing more whereas Test was a legit 6'4.5 like 194-195cm. Test in the Attitude Era looked 6'4 1/2 or a even a full 6'5 at times whereas Orton looks more like a strong 6'3 guy.
I remember in the 90s Test had a few inches on the rock in on segment the had. He rock as well could only look 6'2.5 at times in that era.
Alex 6'0 said on 17/Aug/14
James B, yea def. shows how tall legit 6'4.5 really is. Test was def. in between 6'4 and 6'5 for sure.
Kane looks 6'7 with 6'4 Orton usually I think. It just funny how they bill him at 6'4 and sometimes 6'4.5 and still will say Kane is 7'0 or even 6'10 and 6'4 doesn't add up between the 2. WWE needs to have their billed heights add up lol
James B said on 14/Aug/14
Only looked 2 inches shorter than Kane last Monday on raw. Then again Orton was in ring gear.
I thought Kane looked 6'5 1/2 in that episode of raw but he was hunching his kneck down a lot. 6'7 1/2 seems hard to believe these days.
James B said on 12/Aug/14
Just shows you how tall 6'4.5 is doesn't it Alex?
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/14
Yea I remember that from King of the Ring 2002. In that pic it looks 2 inches but Lesnar has camera advantage. In other shots its more like 3 inches. Test looks between 6'4 and 6'5. id say looks more 6'5 than 6'4. 6'4.5 is likely.
James B said on 10/Aug/14
Well alex here is Test next to 6'2 Brock lesner
Click Here
I'd say Test looks about 6'4.75 next to brock. Would you agree?
He defo looked taller than Randy Ortons that's for sure. He looked shorter in later wrestling carrier like a flat 6'4 though. I heard he had operations which could have resulted in height loss?
BorkLaser said on 10/Aug/14
I saw a video of Test with Keibler and Austin, and the angles weren't good enough to get a 100$ confirmation of his height but he did seem to be at least 6'4"
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Aug/14
How tall was Test you guys think? Billed at 6'6 and sometimes said as 6'7 on TV. Now back then I thought he def. was 6'6 Lol. But he was really he had to beat least 6'4 to maybe 6'5 tops?
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Aug/14
Orton is another guy billed at his real height. At a point he was billed at 6'5 and even referred to as 6'4.5. Its just funny how they bill him and HHH the same height and Orton clearly is over 2 inches taller and billed Batista at 6'5-6'6 and Orton is taller than him too. Of course guys get billed taller than they are but make the billed heights comparable to other guys! LOL
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/14
James, yea he's a solid 6'0 guy. Id say 6'0 before 6'0.5 but he can look both. Wouldn't be surprised if he measured 6'0.25 which is a strong 6'0 anyway. Some say he's more like 6'1 or 6'0.75. No way is someone 6'1 going to claim 6'0. And most guys 6'0.5 will go with 6'1 before 6'0
James B said on 8/Aug/14
More evidence that cena could be a flat 6ft.
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Aug/14
Yea Orton even looks slightly over 4 inches taller there but his head titled up slightly up and has pretty good posture. Without that its still a 4 inch difference. Ive seen them look closer in height too and sometimes between 3.5-4 inch range. Then in a pic like this they look even closer in height but its not a good pic to judge. In the ring its always about 4 inches apart. That's roughly how I look with 6'4 guys.
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BorkLaser said on 3/Aug/14
With everyone together at the WM30 press conference
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James B said on 31/Jul/14
I agree bork and he looked a strong 6'4 next to triple h
BorkLaser said on 30/Jul/14
Orton could look 6'3" due to his posture and long neck, but all things accounted for I think he's a legit 6'4" guy
James B said on 26/Jul/14
Is still stand by my opinion that Orton looks a guy 6'3 guy on TV.
SaveUsY2J said on 17/Jul/14
@Drew: Because Jake The Snake is 6'5?
Ace1 said on 17/Jul/14
There is no doubt Randy Orton is 6"4,He looks taller than every one from every angle...leave out,Kane,Big Show And Undertaker.
samir said on 15/Jul/14
I think randy is 6'3.5 barefoot n 6'5 in thick boots
Aza said on 13/Jul/14
Orton looks 6'4 compared to other wrestlers such as Sheamus, Cezaro and Alberto Del Rio who are genuine 6'3 plus .
Jean said on 11/Jul/14
Not Orton related but here's Sheamus next to Mark Cuban, Sheamus isn't even 6'3''.
Click Here
Drew said on 11/Jul/14
@Height181 Randy Orton is 6'3 range why else do you think Jake Roberts is taller than him.
Drew said on 10/Jul/14
@Daddy do you think Randy Orton has 2.5 inches on Lesnar. Personally I don't think so I'd day he is nearer 6'4'' in wrestling boots but he is hands down 6'3''.
Daddy said on 9/Jul/14
To the person who said people who think Orton is less than 6'4" need to work on their
trolling skills:
Work on your own
trolling skills. Multipe fans who have met Orton say he was wearing suspiciously thick footwear, and he has some of the largest boots in wrestling today. You're in need of visual aids if you can't see that.
And just for the record, I believe Randy Orton is 190cm, or 6'3"
Drew said on 8/Jul/14
Height181, there is no way Orton has 2.5 inches on Lesnar I'd say he Randy is around 6'4'' Brock Lesnar is 6'2.5-6'3''.
matt.li_te.searton said on 6/Jul/14
Hello to everyone this is the first time I have been to this site. Anyway was able to meet Orton about 2 months ago. And I am 6'4 solid 6'4.5 maybe 6'5 with footwear on. He was at least an inch shorter then me and with the shoes I had on which wear thin flip-flops. They add 1/2 inch to my height so I would have been 6'4.5. And like I said he was 1 inch short then me did not look to see what shoes he had on. So by that logic even if he had flip-flops on he was still one inch shorter then me so barefoot I'm 6'4 which would make him 6'3 so he needs to be put down to 6'3 because he is not 6'4 I am.
lethalleke said on 6/Jul/14
I still see people think this guy is anything above 6'3.5. Let me make it nice and easy. from 2006-2010 I work in the wrestling business and had the chance to meet a lot of these guys. At that point in time I was 6'6 barefooted. But thanks to the chemotherapy. I lost about 4-5 inches in height. So went down to about 6'1-6'2. Now I'm better gained 2-3 inches back, so back to 6'4 on the dot barefoot.
Me then 6'6
Triple h is 6'1.5-6'2.
Orton is 6'3 without his boots on. He was 3-4 inches shorter then me.
So 6'3 at most. His boot have about a 2 inch lift to them, so with boots on he could be 6'4-6'5.
So I have also met Edge. He was stood with Orton both wearing normal trainers and edge was 1/2 inch taller so edge at most is 6'3.5.
Was able to speak to edge really nice guy.
Big show About 4-5 inches taller then me at 6'10-6'11
Undertaker About 1-2 inches Taller then me 6'7-6'8
Kane about the same 1-2 inches taller 6'7-6'8
So whoever runs this site list him at his proper height which is 6'3 at most.
Drew said on 6/Jul/14
Orton struggled to have an inch on Lesnar who appears to be a legit 6'2''.
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Alex 6'0 said on 4/Jul/14
Orton usually looks 2-2.5 inches taller than HHH but in that pic it looks even more. 3.5-4 inches. Orton's eye level looks 4.5 inches from top of head so based on that it looks 3.5 inches difference but that's one picture. MOst other pics it looks 2-2.5. Orton legit 6'4 and HHH max 6'2
TopKek said on 30/Jun/14
Full body image of Randy, Triple H, and Seth. Randy's footwear gives him just under 1 inch of lift, and this puts Triple H at a weak 6'2", and Seth at 6'1" MAX
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James B said on 20/Jun/14
Randy Orton 6'3.75
Triple H 6'1.75
Seth Rollins 6'1.5
Batista 6'2.5
Edge 6'2.75
Wade Barrett 6'5.5
Roman Reigns 6'2.25
Yo Yoshi said on 14/Jun/14
Randy looks about the same height as Edge
Bill said on 11/Jun/14
In comparison Jake Roberts is taller than Snitsky so I'd say he is around 6'4.5 -weak 6'5''.
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Zack said on 10/Jun/14
@Bill, Snitsky is probably around 6'5 and Orton is 6'3 minimum. With boots he is around 6'4.5 - 6'5.
mike said on 8/Jun/14
193-194 night
196 morning.
Bill said on 5/Jun/14
Snitsky was billed at 6'4'' in WWE smackdown 2007
Bill said on 5/Jun/14
@Zack WWE exaggerates about wrestlers height, to be honest Batista is 6'2.5'' and he is billed at 6'6'' same thing goes for Snitsky he looks like a solid 6'4'' guy next to Randy Orton who is around 6'3''.
Zack said on 4/Jun/14
Hey Bill, Snitsky was billed at 6'8/
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Wendall Wright said on 4/Jun/14
He look about an inch taller the batista. Who I Have met And he was about the same height as me which is between 6'2-6'2.5. So I would guess that Orton is about 6'3-6'3.5 at best.
ethan "the beast" tyen said on 4/Jun/14
He's 6'2.5 maybe. I met him back in 2008. At an airport was able to speak to him for a bit. Said I was looking to get into wrestling. He asked me how tall I was and how much I weighted I said that I was between 230-240lbs did not have a clue of my height. I know my big brother is about 2 inches taller then me. I asked him how tall he was he said around 6'4. He had 1 inch on me. Anyway got home and told my brother that I had meet him. My brother asked if he was as big as he look's. I told him what he had said and asked my brother to measure me I also asked my big bro how tall he was he said 6'4. Anyway I was just over 6'2. So goes to show leyth zendan and lethal leke and say he would be 6'3 he was I about 1/4-1/2 inch taller then me. And as I said not as tall as my brother who is 6'4.
Bo23 said on 4/Jun/14
If Randy is 6'4, then that makes Seth Rollins 6'2. They were in a picture on Instagram stood next to each other and Orton looked to have at least 2 inches on Rollins.
leyth zedan said on 3/Jun/14
I would have to go along, with lethal leke. I saw him a few weeks ago when I was with my wife and two sons. Both my two sons love wrestling. And my youngest pointed him out to me and I went up to him with my two sons. And they got autography's from him. He seams like a nice guy. Anyway I happen to be 6'4 and he was at least an inch shorter then me.
lethal leke said on 3/Jun/14
Topkek I was 6'6 barefoot. With flip flops on I was around 6'6.5 6'7. With my wrestling boots on I was billed 6'8-6'9. So taking footwear into account, mine and his. He is between 6'2-6'3. With footwear on, he is Maybe 6'3.5 but that is with footwear on. With boots on he would be closer to 6'4-6'4.5 and I now my spelling and grammer are poor because I have a very bad case of dyslexia.
dirth said on 3/Jun/14
saw a picture of randy with seth rollins and hhh. if randy is 6'4, rollins is 6'2 and hhh 6'2.5, bearing in mind hhh was closer to the camera and that in the raw segment triple h looked a bit taller than seth.
Topkek said on 31/May/14
lethal leke, according to your logic you were in the 6'7" range and Randy was about 3-4 inches shorter than you. Does that not put him in the 6'4" range, especially that those were all rough estimates? Also, you need to learn how to write.
Sean said on 31/May/14
Click Here
Wade Barrett has more than an inch on Orton.
Mark said on 29/May/14
luke harper is 6'3.25 he doesn't look any taller than cesaro as a matter of fact there both same height.
James said on 27/May/14
Randy Orton is 6'3-6'3.25
lethal leke said on 27/May/14
My god is everyone ignoring what I have said. I have met him as well as a lot of other wwe wrestlers. And like what was done with me they add anywhere between 20-50lbs on to these guys and they normally state there height in boots. Back between 2006-2010 I was 6'6 barefooted and weighted between 245-260lbs. I was billied at 300lbs and 6'8/6'9 with boots on. And that is a U.S 16 boot I wear, and I looked that height. So the times I met him I was probably wearing flip flops or plimsolls. So at most at these times I would have been 6'6.5 6'7. AND HE WAS AT LEAST 3-4 INCHES SHORTER THEN ME!!!!!! So stop calling me a liar. I am just stating what I have seen with my own two eyes. And at the time I had 5% body fat and as I said I was 260lbs at most and he was a stick man compared to he is at most 6'3 200lbs. 6'4/6'5 With boots on.
KROC said on 26/May/14
He's never looked the full 6'4 to me...
Alex 6'0 said on 25/May/14
ElRaloir, yea Orton is sometimes even referred to as 6'4.5 on TV and back then was sometimes said to be 6'5 on TV but was billed 6'4. Batista needs to be billed at 6'4. 6'5-6'6 is crazy. The Rock always been billed at 6'5 but claims 6'4 but they still say 6'5 on TV for him! haha
The Horse of FUNK said on 25/May/14
"Jay says on 19/May/14
BS The man is legit 6'4. Why do "tall" guys on this site need to downgrade other tall guys? What is there to prove? "
Either insecurity or they have some sort of complex opposite of Napoleon Complex.
ElRaloir said on 24/May/14
Alex yeah he was billed at 6'4" some time ago but recently he got upgraded to 6'5", while Batista is actually billed at a ridiculous 6'6". I take back what I previously said about Randy being in the 6'3" range; the man is defiantly 6'4"
Alex 6'0 said on 24/May/14
He's taller than guys who are billed his height or more. Batista billed at 6'5. Rock at 6'4-6'5 and Orton is 1.5-2 inches taller those 2. HHH is max 6'2 with Orton as well.
Alex 6'0 said on 24/May/14
The only guy ho looks to be his billed height. Guy looks a legit 6'4. Now his 240lbs isn't accurate. Cena is like 240lbs and a few inches shorter and is significantly bigger than Orton. Orton Id say weighs more 220 range
lethal leke said on 22/May/14
I'm trying to downgrade him, I have worked in the wrestling seen. Before I got spinal cancer, to the back end of 2010. And have met a lot of them. I now one of my comments below I put I was 6'5 instead of 6'6 my mistake. Anyway as I said I have met Randy Orton, Triple H, Edge, Taker, Kane, Big Show to name a few. And Orton was about 3-4 inches shorter then me. With his boot's on it add's about 1-2 inches to his height. Going to list these wrestlers heights and weights compared to me. Back in 2006-2010.
Me 6'6 250-260lbs approx. Billed at 6'8 300lbs After chemo 6'3 185lbs Now I'm better I'm 6'4 225lbs but can never wrestle again.
Triple H 6'1 220lbs Billed 6'4 255lbs
Orton 6'2.5 190-200lbs Billed 6'5 235lbs
Edge 6'4 210lbs Billed 6'5 240-250lbs. Now 6'3-6'3.5 because of neck.
Taker 6'7-6'8 260lbs Billed 6'10 330lbs
Kane 6'8-6'9 270lbs billed 7'0 330lbs
Big Show 6'11 400lbs billed 7'0 460lbs
So as you can see what I mean. I am not doing his to downgrade anyone I'm just putting down and stating what I have seen with my own eyes.
Jay said on 19/May/14
BS The man is legit 6'4. Why do "tall" guys on this site need to downgrade other tall guys? What is there to prove?
sxer3 said on 17/May/14
from this picture, if roman is 6'2.5, seth will be 6'1.5 and dean looks in the 6'0.5- 6'0.75 range, does not look a flat 6'0. it is clear all three of them tower average size people.
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Lethal leke said on 16/May/14
Like hell is he 6'4". I have met him and he was at least 2-3 inches shorter then me and I am 6'5 at most. He's 6'2 maybe 6'3. Also he is meant to be 240lbs. I am between 245-260lbs he is at best 190-200lbs. And also edge is taller. Met them both edge is just shorter the me at 6'4 he also looks around only 200lbs at most. You have to take in to account the wrestling boots they wear add at least 1 inch to there normal height. You look at me, my feet are a US16 and add about 2 inches to my height so I look over 6'6. When I am not in normal shoes.
Lethal leke said on 15/May/14
Met him, I am 6'6. And am about 260lbs, and at best he is 6'2-6'3 and about 190-200lbs. And I'm being kind.
KROC said on 26/Apr/14
I would have guessed Orton at 6'3.5. I don't think the Rock has ever seen 6'3.
James B said on 25/Apr/14
The rock at one time looked 6'2 when he was very bulked up. In his more recent appearances however he looks a legit 6ft3 cause he is leaner now. Orton on TV does not look too dissimilar in height to the rock.
I'd say
Orton 6'3.75
The rock 6'3
Lorne said on 24/Apr/14
Well if you think he looks less than 6'4, what does that say for Rocky? If you saw my video, you know that you CANNOT argue less than one inch between them, but you could argue 3-4cm. And that was in 2003... Randy at 6'4 makes the Rock no more than 6ft3 "peak"(which I believe he is/was) but if Randy is even a mm under 6'4, Rock was never even 6'3!!!
Kourosh177cm said on 23/Apr/14
randy orton is a legit 6'4 guy. He makes guys like HHH and Batista look very small.
James B said on 18/Apr/14
6'3.5-6'3.75 I think would be ortons barefoot height.
James B said on 18/Apr/14
Rob Vegas thought orton was a little under 6 4 when he met him......

Editor Rob
well he can look it at times, but I think he'd measure very near the mark
Sam said on 16/Apr/14
Looks every bit of 6'5" in boots
James B said on 12/Apr/14
Batista at 6''6 is insane cause he looks 6'2.5
BorkLaser said on 10/Apr/14
Solid 6'3", but could look 6'4" sometimes and with boots. Strange that WWE would bill him at a height very close to his real measurement when he towers over Batista (billed at 6'6") and Triple H (billed at 6'4")
James B said on 29/Mar/14
Well he looks 6'3 on tv
Lillo thomas said on 27/Mar/14
Randy orton is 6'4 or 6'3.5 at worst.
James B said on 26/Mar/14
Orton looks 6'3. I find 6'4 to be extreme for his height.
IronFist said on 23/Mar/14
Randy is around the same height as Edge (adjusting for footwear) so if Edge is a legit 6'4, I'd believe Randy to be about the same.
WTF @ thinking Randy weighs 205. Jon Jones is like 220 and cutting weight to get to 205 for the weigh ins and he looks like a twig compared to Randy. Randy was around 245 back in the horse meat days and even now probably weighs a solid 235.
James B said on 15/Mar/14
Vegas says on 11/Feb/14
Zack says on 1/Feb/14
Honestly, I think he is 6'5 barefoot
i met him in 2004, 100% he isn't 6'5.
Well to be fair recently orton has been looking at least 2 inches taller than triple h but that might just be because of wrestling boots?
Just to look at orton on TV I would have guessed 6'3 or 6'3 1/2 for his height. A bit surprised to see him listed at 6'4. For a wrestler he's not very bulky either....what does he weigh like 205 pounds?
harvard said on 22/Feb/14
I personally think Ambrose is 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 and in his SHIELD footwear has a bit of a boost.
Vegas said on 11/Feb/14
Zack says on 1/Feb/14
Honestly, I think he is 6'5 barefoot
i met him in 2004, 100% he isn't 6'5.
gnops said on 9/Feb/14
From an earlier conversation about Ambrose, he's definitely the shortest of The Shield. Reigns looks legit 6'2.5", Rollins 6'1.5" or 6'2" and Ambrose looks all the way down at 6'.5"
I wouldn't say Orton is taller than 6'4", but he is big. He's dwarfed HHH recently and looks level with Kane, but I think Kane slouched in those recent segments.
lalit said on 6/Feb/14
Randy orton is a very powerfull superstar so i think he is 6'4'
Lorne said on 2/Feb/14
Seriously, Cobra? Scroll down and watch the video I posted; he looks 3cm taller, with LESS FOOTWEAR, in the ring. I think 6ft4.25 is likely for Randy... And he would hit 6'5 out of bed, for sure.
Zack said on 1/Feb/14
Honestly, I think he is 6'5 barefoot and looks 6'6 with boots. He is a really tall guy.. back in his evolution day he was always taller than Batista who was billed at 6'6.
Here he is with Kane who is builled at 7 feet.
Click Here
Click Here
Van said on 29/Jan/14
Alright, I have no idea what Randy has inside his wrestling boots (although I see no lifts or anything) but backstage he was face to face with Kane and Kane had only about an inch on Randy .. Orton looks really really tall .. Are you sure his not 6'5 barefoot?
jack said on 24/Jan/14
may be 6'5
James B said on 20/Jan/14
Is 6'3.75 possible rob?
Hamd said on 17/Jan/14
The guy can be around 6'4.5 at his best.He's the only guy I've seen who doesn't look short even in front of 7 foot giants like Big Show.
Sam said on 16/Jan/14
6'3.75. Easily tall enough to leave no doubt that he is 6'4, which I'm not disputing, but 192cm - 193cm is my guess.
cobra said on 15/Jan/14
Looked shorter than the Rock when they were in the ring together.
Ras said on 12/Jan/14
kirk says on 29/Oct/13
Dean Ambrose is always taller than Seth Rollins and around the same size as Roman Reigns. Therefore he cannot be only 6'0. If anything he tends to look 6'1 to 6'2 most of the time.
Explain how he looks about 1.5-2 inches shorter than 6'2 william regal? He didn't look over an inch taller than 5'11-5'11.5 cm punk.
James said on 4/Jan/14
A strong 6'4 guy who looks gives of a 6'3 impression.
Mastermind said on 24/Dec/13
He is solid 6'3" with boots he looks 6' 5" even 6' 6"
pete1987 said on 21/Dec/13
rko is 6'3.5, paul-levesque 6.05 maybe in the mirror
jo-odonoghue',lcfc said on 21/Dec/13
orton is 6'3 and hunter has sawed down to 5'11 going by raw, what are they on, sherm sticks lol, jelly belly too
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obese hhh mark trucker skinny fat! arab water maybe...
Legend said on 19/Dec/13
He might be an inch taller than the Rock.
miko said on 16/Dec/13
He's somewhere between 6'4 and 6'4.5.
He looked 6'5 last week on RAW fully stretched out.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Dec/13
Rob, how tall would you estimate Randy Orton's father to be?
PAUL posted a pic below
Nick said on 27/Nov/13
Man randy orton definitely looked 3-4 inches taller than hhh
He seems 6'7"- 6'8". How did he get so tall suddenly