How tall is Randy Orton - Page 4

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Average Guess (560 Votes)
6ft 4.11in (193.3cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/May/18
He’s easily taller than 6ft3 guys.
joe### said on 30/Apr/18
i agree.
y2flu said on 29/Apr/18
I met him at Axxess with my son, and we were literally eye-to-eye. I'm a smidgeon under 6'3".
Er21 said on 28/Apr/18
Cannot see more than 190cm for this man
James B 170.8cm said on 15/Apr/18
I agree lawrence i just dont get this 6ft4+ for Orton. In recent years hes been looking 6ft3 range in my opinion.
Lawrence said on 14/Apr/18
And to top it off orton wears super thick wrestling boots of 1.5" or a bit more. So Orton is no taller than 6'3.5" IMO but you guys fail to see this. 6'4 and up is the starting point for super tall and is not as common as people think. Orton is not this
Canson said on 14/Apr/18
Today he hovers around 6’3.75
176cm guy said on 8/Apr/18
Hey Rob, I'm not saying to change his height or anything like that. But do you think 6'4 1/8" (193.4cm) is possible for him. Since you do agree he can look 194cm at times, but in the end you seem to agree with 193 more. It's not only more closer to 193 than 194, but it is pretty close to 194 as well.
Editor Rob
It's certainly been an arguable figure for him.
Lawrence said on 2/Apr/18
Orton no taller than 6'3". Always looks just 1.5 taller than hhh which hhh is 6'1.5"
James B 170.8cm said on 29/Mar/18
Rob perhaps orton has developed worse posture over the years?
Editor Rob
Wrestling over 15 years may well effect posture a bit!
James B 170.8cm said on 28/Mar/18
Rob do you agree he can give of a 6ft3 vibe?
Editor Rob
Sometimes he might look less than 6ft 4, but overall I think this guy is gonna measure in that 193 range.
Lawrence said on 27/Mar/18
Look at many pics curculating online with orton and will notice orton is 1.5" taller than 6'1.5" HHH. Orton is 6'3" barefoot. In wrestling boots (boots are obviously huge like kanes)..orton becomes 6'5" almost
Dream(5'9.5") said on 24/Mar/18
6'4" 1/8ths would be better for Randy Orton.

I can never see him under 6'4".
Crane said on 21/Mar/18
Orton is really what a TRUE 6 foot 4 inches looks like.
tree said on 13/Mar/18
I wonder how much height he will lose later,his finishing move is not good for the back
Zack88 said on 12/Mar/18
I have yet to see him look sub 6ft4 with anyone, but he can sometimes give a 6ft5 impression.
6ft4.5 is my guess.
Canson said on 10/Mar/18
6’4.25-.5 out of bed
6’3.5-.75 at his lowest weak 6’4
James B 170.8cm said on 7/Mar/18
Rob you think if orton had spikey hair he would look as tall as Swagger?
berta said on 7/Mar/18
orton is somwhere beetween 193 and 194
Tyler7 said on 27/Feb/18
Rob upgrade orton to 6 ft 4.25
James B 170.8cm said on 26/Feb/18
Rob 6ft4 1/8 today and 6ft4 1/4 in 2005?
abdun noor said on 20/Feb/18
Mr. Big Rob Paul - 1) do you think he lost some height, 2) is 6'5 immediately out of bed possible for Randy Orton
Editor Rob
While it's not that apparent he has lost height (I think he looks roughly the same over a 10 year period), that doesn't mean when he gets to his 50's he won't start losing some as wrestlers put their bodies through a lot of impacts and that takes it's toll on joints.
Moheez Iqbal said on 18/Feb/18
Rob, do you think Randy Orton height is 6"4.5/6"5?
Editor Rob
The most I'd ever try to argue would be 6ft 4.5, but I think 6ft 4-4.25 is probably a reasonable range to say he might measure.
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Christian: Could look 6’3.5 but doubt lower than that. I can see something like 6’3.75 prob. But to me looks between 6’3.5-6’4
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 11/Feb/18

I’ve barely seen much pics of him looking as low as 6’3” though.
James B 170.8cm said on 10/Feb/18
My overall impression of Orton in PG era wwe is 6ft3.

In 2005 he did look 6ft4 however.
Fredrick said on 29/Jan/18
Rob. He's 37 now, turning 38. Is 194cm impossible for Randy when he was young? Young Randy Orton could look 194 sometimes
Redwing said on 28/Jan/18
Hey rob, how many cm was that pic with joeyb33 and orton?
Editor Rob
Maybe 1.5 inch plus any footwear/position difference and it's unlikely Orton is anything but a solid 6ft 4.
Edwin said on 22/Jan/18
Rob. Is 196 cm tall out of bed for Orton possible? 193 cm low
Editor Rob
I doubt he drops under 6ft 4
Six One said on 17/Jan/18
How tall is Matt Hardy?
Canson said on 11/Jan/18
@Mike: you’re saying he’s under 6’2? He looks easily 6’3-6’4 range min in pics. 192/193 cm
the rock said on 10/Jan/18
looks like 6ft 4in
Mike said on 8/Jan/18
I have meet RO and have photo of him next to me, I am slightly taller and I'm just over 6' 2, noway is he 6'4
Canson said on 7/Jan/18
Ricky that’s a really good estimate for him
Ricky said on 7/Jan/18
Morning out of bed:- 6'4½"
Night:- 6'3¾"
Looks 6'5" with Wrestling boots.

This guy has got long legs and he gives tall impression all around.

He wears 15 size shoe.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/18
This guy never looks 6’6” with anyone. Max 6’4 more weak 6’4 to be honest
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 3/Jan/18
Bruh... 189 cm is beyond bulls@#!

I would guess him at 6’4.25” at times. Some times, he can stretch up to 6’4.5”.
JJStyles said on 2/Jan/18
Nah he look about 6'6ish
Canson said on 2/Jan/18
Naw Orton is 194-195 in shoes in the evening. Could prob still be 6’5” in a thick pair of sneaks even if he dips to 6’3.5-.75. Hes over 6’5 in sneaks in the morning
Canson said on 1/Jan/18
@Andre: I think that’s his barefoot height in the morning. He looks maybe 6’4” afternoon still but that’s max I’d give him but could also argue 6’3.5-6’4 range (192 range) in the afternoon. He’s prob close to 6’5” in sneakers in the evening
Darius said on 31/Dec/17
No room for doubt here. The Viper's a legit 6'4".
andre said on 30/Dec/17
orton is 194cm with shoes in the morning
Canson said on 27/Dec/17
We all guess to the CM if possible
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 25/Dec/17

192.5 is virtually 6'3.75" which is 192.4 and Rob lists celebs as 6'3.75" so it's no different.
Redwing said on 20/Dec/17
Hey rob, was wondering how many cm was that in the pic between joeyb33 and randy orton?
Vegas said on 18/Dec/17
Seriously guys I don't care how many photos/videos you look at there is no way you can estimate a person down to half a cm unless you physically measure them. So saying stuff like 'I have Orton at 192.5 to be precise' is a bit futile.

I met Orton a number of times at different times of the day, saw him standing with my brother, my friends, saw him in flip-flops even and there is no way I would estimate him that precisely and I was extremely close in my estimations of many of robs friends on the height challenge
Canson said on 14/Dec/17
189 is severely too low. Christian is right nothing less than 192 range up to 193.
Jerrin said on 14/Dec/17
A solid 6'4". Definitely an inch taller than the rock who is 6'3".
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Dec/17

1.89 is too low, I have Orton at 192.5 to be precise.
WWEFan123 said on 8/Dec/17
he look's the same but i'd say between 6'4 and 6'6"
Calculation said on 4/Dec/17
Looks 1.89cm to me
Logan said on 2/Dec/17
It's hard to judge Orton's height. Sometimes he looks 6'6" sometimes 6'4" even 6'3". Next to Bray Wyatt who is 6'2" Randy looks 2 inches taller and next to Edge in 2016-2017 wich is 6'3" Randy looks 1 inch taller. Next to the 6'8" Kane Randy only looks 2 inches shorter. But there is no way Randy is 6'6". I would say about 6'4".
Canson said on 29/Nov/17
@Dreampuffe: agreed rock is not 6’1” for sure. Orton is prob a legit 6’4”. No worse than 6’3.75 at his lowest. Looks 6’4 tho tbh. Rock is prob 6’2” range looking at how he looked next to my buddy who is 6’3” as well as Vernon Davis who is 6’3”.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 27/Nov/17
The rock was never 6’5”, but he isn’t as low as 6’1”.

I remember seeing Randy Orton with a solid 6’7” Strowman. Orton looked an inch shorter (even when he had more footwear).
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 22/Nov/17

That's definitely not true. MMA exaggerates height just like wrestling, although often to a bit lesser degree.
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
Batista is not 6’4”. Rob’s listing of 6’2.75 fits him very well
MMAguy said on 19/Nov/17
let's look at Batista MMA record, Batista is 6'4 and MMA doesn't fake anything, randy is taller than Batista, so Randy is 6'5
Stuart said on 17/Nov/17
You make some very valid pinpoints. Agreed!
Canson said on 16/Nov/17
If this guy is below 6’4 it’s not very much maybe 6’3.75 is really as low as he could potentially be on probably an absolute low. He’s one of the more legit 6’4”s here on this site.
Keith said on 16/Nov/17
Randy is one of the rare legit 6'4 guys. In my opinion, his height is undersold. When he wrestles at his best, he really can deliver in the ring and is agile for his size. But, again in my opinion, he should bulk up 30 to 40lbs again because he is too slim these days and it just doesn't look right.
Ricky said on 13/Nov/17
Maybe he could be 6'4" on a good day because I heard from a guy who met Randy Orton in a mall,that guy is 6'4" and he said he stood eye to eye with Randy Orton.

But I still doubt him to be 6'4" barefeet although in wrestling boots he stands around 6'5".

It's very surprising that he never claimed anything about his height.
joe### said on 8/Nov/17
currently the rock is looking 6'2.5 this down maybe 6´2.25 nowadays.
Canson said on 8/Nov/17
@Joe: the difference with he and rock may not be a full 2”
If that’s the case. I doubt Rock is under 6’2 at least a friend of mine who met him and he’s solid 6’3 at night said Rock was “about” an inch shorter than him that’s all
Bego said on 6/Nov/17
Doesnt look much taller than John Cena
joe### said on 6/Nov/17
I think it drops to 192 cm a night
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@Joe: I’ve always wondered about him how tall he actually is but you’re right he’s got 2” on the rock. Worst case if something is off he may dip a hair under 6’4” no less
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@ricky: you may be right too he may only be 6’3.5 evening. I will say tho he at least on this page is perceived 6’4 legitimately by the posters here
joe### said on 4/Nov/17
both are with similar posture, orton is clearly 6'4.
Ricky said on 4/Nov/17

The Rock messes up with his postures,his onscreen character doesn't lets him stand straight even for a while!!

But I accept that Randy could have resulted taller if measured.
But not upto an inch!!!
Ricky said on 4/Nov/17

The Rock messes up with his postures,his onscreen character doesn't lets him stand straight even for a while!!

But I accept that Randy could have resulted taller if measured.
Ricky said on 4/Nov/17
Goldust is a complete 6'4" guy and Orton looks half inch shorter than him.

But I am convinced by you that Orton can be 6'3.75" on a good day.
joe### said on 2/Nov/17
Orton is solid 6´4 look here 5:49 Click Here
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Ricky: Orton has more than half inch on the rock. He could be closer to 6’4”. I’d say at worst it’s a full inch and he’s 6’3.75 and Rock 6’2.75 peak
Ricky said on 21/Oct/17
He is more like 6'3.5".
If The Rock was 6'3" at peak,he can't be more than 6'3.5"

In 2004,both had a segment on Raw where Randy looked a bit taller than Rock but not about an inch.His taller appearance may be due to The Rock's bad posture but Randy might be taller than The Rock if measured.

I will go with 6'3.5"
Jinx said on 20/Oct/17
Ok Canson,Dwayne is 5'9".

Canson said on 19/Oct/17
@Christian: yes. I’m seeing that too and it’s sorry and pathetic having to make up a height or make taller a perfect stranger esp when you do it using lies. I saw where his broken back caused him to be shorter when that is speculation. I guess we should ask Oakland and Jack Del Rio to measure Derek carr to see if it did anything to him. Bet it didn’t. And as far as Lesnar I believe he may have shrunk but likely just 6’2” if that to 6’1.75 or below lol.

But it’s common here more than I thought. Johnson has done it too and It’s the same thing that Keis and Chris did as well. Make up **** to make people taller. I remember Keis once told me that Durant was 6’9.75 barefoot at his pre draft and that Embiid grew to 7’2” because the Sixers list him that way. Of course your team can up your height in shoes once you become pro but a 6’11 guy isn’t growing 3” at 18 or 19. He’s likely at most 7’0” now.
Canson said on 19/Oct/17
@Christian: yes. I’m seeing that too and it’s sorry and pathetic having to make up a height or make taller a perfect stranger esp when you do it using lies. But it’s common here more than I thought. Johnson has done it too and It’s the same thing that Keis and Chris did as well. Make up **** to make people taller. I remember Keis once told me that Durant was 6’9.75 barefoot at his pre draft and that Embiid grew to 7’2” because the Sixers list him that way. Of course your team can up your height in shoes once you become pro but a 6’11 guy isn’t growing 3” at 18 or 19. He’s likely at most 7’0” now.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 19/Oct/17

Jinx is also the same guy who said that Kevin Love grew to 6'8.5" since his 6'7.75" measurement, on the Undertaker page. It's similar to the Lesnar argument, he claims that Lesnar grew since his 6'2.25" measurement, then later shrunk because he "broke his back twice". Also claiming that Roman Reigns wears lifts. Jinx has no evidence to back any of those up. He wants to make celebs taller so bad that he resorts to making up BS lies.
Canson said on 19/Oct/17
@Jinx: read your statement below that you said to Christian “this website has people shorter than they are. I don’t know why the world is jealous of shorter people”. That makes no sense. Why would Rob purposely downgrade celebs? Most of these are based on claims of their own in the event rob hasn’t met them or predraft listings in many cases. I mean I shouldn’t call anyone names but come on Jinx that is just common sense
Jinx said on 18/Oct/17

As much as I observed:-

Michael Strahan is 6'4½" and Charles Barkley is 6'5".

The Rock is shorter than both of 'em but what you're talking doesn't belongs to Dwayne's early years.

If you want me to believe then prove your point.
And better come with stuff of late 90s or early 2000s not with that of 2013,14,15,16 or 17.


I know you have seen Dwayne and Barkley's picture of some recent years that's why you are saying things like that.
And I never said that The Rock's present height is 6'4",I said his peak height was 6'4".
Canson said on 18/Oct/17
@Jinx: there is no feasible way that the Rock was ever 6’4” barefoot. Michael Strahan is 6’4 and edged him by a comfortable 2”. Strahan was measured 6’4.25 at the combine meaning he easily could dip to 6’4” flat. Charles Barkley is 2.5” taller than rock as well and he’s 6’4 5/8. I’d you are going to argue that someone is taller than their listing that Rob has, then do using facts.
Jinx said on 17/Oct/17

But I can't figure out how HHH went shorter by 2 cms.He's completely 6'2" but okay I don't want to negotiate about it anymore but I just want to let you know that I'm a wrestling fan since the days I was a kid and hence I have seen wrestler standing face to face making eye contact many times but those moments are not captured in the camera everytime and even they are harder to get in videotaping.
I saw Randy Orton and Cesaro standing eye-to-eye many times and even their boots have same lift but that's okay,you asked me to show you and since I'm unable show you I gotta agree with you to stop this negotiation once and for all.
Jinx said on 16/Oct/17

Ok I'm totally convinced by you as I said sometimes I can be wrong.

Cesaro is not 1.93 m he's about 1.91 m,maybe that means Sheamus is about 1.89 m not 1.90 m.

And I'm also convinced that Jack Swagger is not 6'6" or 6'5.5",he's 6'4.5".

Thank You.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 16/Oct/17
I don't know why you think I'm giving you "verbal stabs" or anything, I didn't call you any particular names or insult you or anything. But if you feel insulted by my last comment, then I apologize.

Anyways, Cesaro's not more than about 6'3.25", look at him next to 6'1.25" Triple H, he looks 2 inches taller at best, plus possible footwear advantage for Cesaro because Triple H was in dress shoes, and most wrestling boots are a bit thicker than dress shoes Click Here So 6'3" flat for him isn't out of the question either, but I'll have him at 6'3.25" for the benefit of the doubt.

Now basing on him being about 6'3.25", compare him with Jack Swagger, he only looks about 1.25" shorter than him Click Here Click Here Click Here and the next pic looks less than 1.25" but Swagger didn't stand at his tallest Click Here So I can see Swagger at about 6'4.5" or maybe even 6'4.25" if Cesaro's flat 6'3", which is why Swagger's 6'4" claim made sense since he rounded down.

So Swagger at 6'6" is virtually impossible. If you think Swagger's really 6'6", then Cesaro will have to be 6'4.75", and we know darn well he isn't that tall. If you wanna keep believing that Swagger's 6'6", then that's your own opinion, and I'll respect it despite I strongly disagree.
andre said on 15/Oct/17
randy orton in 193cm with shoes not barefoot
Jinx said on 15/Oct/17

If you can give me verbal stabs then you can also try to search what I'm saying.
You can see plenty of videos on youtube and figure out what I'm saying but I know that you won't do it.

I can be either right or wrong but atleast try to consider my opinion.

Cesaro and Randy are equal,Randy looks hair-taller because Cesaro is bald headed.

Jack Swagger looks taller than both Randy and Cesaro in every segment and every match.

It's so disgusting that this comment section belongs to Randy Orton and we are fighting on Jack Swagger's height.

And why you're taking Jack's claim of 6'4" so seriously??
If you can consider his 6'4" claim to be true then you can also consider his 6'6" claim to be true because neither you stood with him nor Rob stood with him and I'm saying only what I observed.

Be good with me as I'm being good with you.
I don't want to fight.
I respect Rob and I respect your opinions.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 15/Oct/17

Sorry, but your estimates are full of errors. Swagger claimed 6'4" once, even though he was probably rounding down a fraction of an inch. So you're calling Swagger a liar? And him claiming 6'6" doesn't mean anything, he was just exaggerating his height just like the vast majority of wrestlers do. And please show me one clip or pic where Swagger looks 2 inches taller than Orton, and anything taller than Barrett. I wanna see.

And if you do your conversion correctly, I'm actually taller than just 1.96m, I'm around 196.5cm afternoon/evening and sometimes at night, but also sometimes go down to 196.2cm depending on my physical activity. And I don't know why you gotta say "He's taller than you Christian" when I have absolutely nothing to do with how tall they are, I've never met them or took a pic with them. Either way, no one you mentioned is taller than me, not even Barrett.

And the fact that you said "This website lists everyone shorter than their actuall height" makes me laugh. Bottom line is, you just want wrestlers/celebs to be taller, without using logic.
Jinx said on 15/Oct/17

Sheamus is 1.90 m tall(billed- 1.93 m)
His tag team partner Cesaro is 1.93 m tall(billed- 1.96 m)

Cesaro was once the tag team partner of Jack Swagger where Jack Swagger towered him upto 1.5-2 inches.
How you can say that he is 1.93 m tall??

Ok,if Jack is not 6'6",he's no short of 6'5.5" either.

Got it??
Jinx said on 14/Oct/17
This website lists everyone shorter than their actuall height.
I don't know why the world is so jelous of taller people.
Both Edge and Rock had the peak height of 6'4".
But I know that nobody wants to believe that and I also know that after 10 years this website will list Orton's peak height as 6'3" or 6'3.5".

I tell you,Wade Barrett is 6'5" and taller than Randy,Jack Swagger is an inch taller than Wade Barrett.Means Jack is taller than Randy.

Didn't you ever see Jack and Randy in the ring?
Jack towers Randy but god knows why he claimed himself 6'4",if he's 6'4" then Randy should be 6'2"!!!

Jack's Real Height: 1.98 m

He is taller than you Christian.
You're 1.96 m aren't you??
Anonymous said on 13/Oct/17
peak- 6,3.75

Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Oct/17

The Rock and Edge in their peak are both listed 6'3" on this site. And Swagger's listed 6'4" here and even claimed 6'4" once, so why do you believe they're legit 6'4" and 6'6"?
Jinx said on 10/Oct/17
He's the only wrestler who is still of the same height since his prime.

But trust me when he will enter in his late 40s like Batista and Rock,he will also lose his height upto 1 inch or more.

I want to mention one thing very clear:-

Randy Orton,The Rock,Billy Gunn,Edge,Batista,Diamond Dallas Page were all 6'4" in their prime.

And Jack Swagger is not 6'4",he's completely 6'6" and 2 inches taller than Randy Orton.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 5/Oct/17

You think Edge, Rock and Batista were 6'5"? Lol, don't believe in wrestling stats. 99% of wrestlers have their height inflated.
Markus said on 30/Sep/17
With equal footware there is max. 5 cm (2") between the two: Click Here
Orton 1,92/93 (6-3,75)
Triple H 1,87/88 (6-1,75).
Lesnar 1,88 (6-2)
Cena 1,84/85 (6-0,75)
Hogan with big soles here 1,91 (6-3,25)
Bryan 1,72/73 (5-7,75)
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Sep/17
Looks 7cm taller than 186cm Triple H, but with a bit more footwear, maybe 6.5cm Click Here I believe Orton's about 192.5cm, and ma is probably right about Orton being 6ft3.75-6ft4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Sep/17
Rob, what are the chances of you meeting Orton?
Editor Rob
I really don't know.
ma said on 12/Sep/17
From Joeyb33 pic, I absolutely rule out over 6 ft 4 for Orton.
Plus, he always looked close to an 1 inc shorter than legit 6 ft 5 Harper, having footwear advantage
Orton is in the 6 ft 3.75-4 zone and Cena in the 6 ft 0.25-0.5.
On Joeyb pics:
Daniel Bryan: 5ft 7.25-5
Roman Reigns: 6 ft 2-2.25
Seth Rollins: 6 ft 0.75-1
joe### said on 4/Sep/17
rob,look Orton with Joeyb33, he looks like 6´4 and cena 6´0.25
Joeyb33 said on 3/Sep/17
Click Here

I'm 6 foot 2.25 with maybe a half inch footwear advantage
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/17

Swagger's a bit taller than Orton everytime they stood beside each other, and it's not because of hair. If Orton's 193cm then Swagger's 194cm easily.
Anon2 said on 1/Sep/17
I think Swagger looks a tad shorter than Randy. Maybe it's Swaggers hair giving the illusion that he's taller.
joe### said on 30/Aug/17
swagger 6´4.25
Orton 6´4
Joker said on 27/Aug/17
Orton: 6'4 240lbs
Cena:6'0.5 250-255lbs
Rusev:6' 280-285lbs
Bray wyatt:6'1 290lbs
Owens:5'10.25 255lbs
Finn Balor:5'9.25 180lbs
Ambrose:6'0.75 210-215lbs
Rollins:6'1 210-215lbs
Reigns:6'2.25 255lbs
AJ Styles:5'8.5 205-210lbs
Samoa joe:5'10.75 280lbs
Jeff Hardy:6'0.25 215lbs
Matt Hardy:6'0.25 225lbs
Jericho:5'9.5 215-220lbs
Sami Zayn:5'11.75 200lbs
Baron Corbin: 6'6 265lbs
The Miz:6'1 215lbs
Mark(5'9.5") said on 21/Aug/17
Rob, you did mentioned once that Randy Orion could stretch up to 6'4.5" if he busted a guy? Do you still believe that in his good days?
TheGrump said on 15/Aug/17
No way that he is taller than 6ft 4in
Umair said on 15/Aug/17
Randy orton looks way taller than 1.93m in real life hes at least 1.96m just after bed in morningi
Edwin said on 10/Aug/17
Cody said on 29/Jul/17
Randy Orton always looked very tall. He towered over many wrestlers. 6'4 minimum, 6'4.5 is possible. He looks the tallest 6'4 listed man.

I agree. He looks 6'4-6'5. Don't know how tall he is, but no less than 6'4".
Canson said on 9/Aug/17
@Christian: or he could've even been 6'4.5 and rounded down too!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/17

Or Swagger could be your height 6'4 3/8" low and just rounded down and claimed 6'4" like you often do. I doubt Orton's only 6'3.5" because he often looks the full 6'4".
Anon2 said on 6/Aug/17
I never in my life seen Orton look anywhere near low as the 6'3'' range. He's always looked 6'4''-6'5''. He was clearly taller than the Rock, Batista, Edge in their peaks. and they were all solid 6'3''-6'3.5'' range guys. Orton was also taller than Snoop Dogg standing next to him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/17
I could see him hitting 6ft5 out of bed?
DaveMills said on 5/Aug/17
Pretty certain that he wakes up at 6'4.75(195 cm) and Goes to Bed at around 192.3-193.4.
Canson said on 4/Aug/17
@Christian: Orton could be 6'3.75 at his low if that's the case. It's strange at times he looks an honest 6'4 or maybe a smidgeon over while at others times can look 6'3.5. I highly doubt he is 6'4.5 or 6'5" like everyone else is saying here
James B said on 1/Aug/17
Yes I agree no denying swagger looks taller
Voices said on 1/Aug/17
I must agree with the others if swagger is actually 6'4 which is true , Randy is 6'3 1/2 which makes a lot more sense. He probably lost an inch or so he's getting old.
Ustaad988 said on 31/Jul/17
If swagger is just 6'4" than Randy would be 6'3.25" which will mess up alot of heights and Cena wouldn't even be 6ft now swagger has always looked a spot on 6'5" like McIntyre and Barret would be about 6'5.5" at the very least swagger is 6'4.75" and Randy is the most legit 6'4" on this planet breathing right now
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Jul/17

Actually Jack Swagger looks even a bigger 6'4" than Orton ever does, Swagger looks a genuine strong 6'4" who I think should be upgraded to a 6'4.25" listing. He has always edged Orton out.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 29/Jul/17
I feel like Randy Orton could be pushing 6'4.5" and edging out Alexander Skarsgard and Tom Brady.

Sorry, meant to vote 6'4.5", not 3.5"
Cody said on 29/Jul/17
Randy Orton always looked very tall. He towered over many wrestlers. 6'4 minimum, 6'4.5 is possible. He looks the tallest 6'4 listed man.
Anon2 said on 27/Jul/17
easy 6'4'' guy barefoot, have you seen him next to braun strowman? he could look taller than 6'4''
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
195.7cm out of bed
BlueHead said on 25/Jul/17
Yeah , I think 6'4 is fair , he could be 6'5 with boots , he always looked taller than Batista(listed as 6'6 but 6'3 in real life)
Tyler19 (6'4.25 said on 24/Jul/17

WWE lists Orton as 6'5".
joe### said on 17/Jul/17
Swagger looks taller
Thekingsofkings124 said on 17/Jul/17
I think there is no way that Orton is more than 6ft 4 wwe listed him at 6ft 4 how can he be taller than 6ft 4 if orton was taller they would not say 6ft 4 in the first place and he has the thickest boots ı've ever seen so ı think he is around 6ft3.5
andre said on 12/Jul/17
randy orton is about 192cm with shoes no more no less and triple h is about 187cm with shoes , when i saw triple h here in portugal in 2008 he was the same height as my karate teacher and he is only 185cm with shoes so the game cannot be any taller then that

Ustaad988 said on 12/Jul/17
I'm positive that he's a solid 6'4" guy he might be .25" taller than his listing here
ma said on 12/Jul/17
Heels of wwe wresler when step foot in the ring:

Mark Henry : 2.75 in
Randy Orton: 2.25-2.5 in
Sheamus :2-2.25 in
Lesnar: 0.75-1 in
Cena: 0.75-1 in
Reigns: 1.75 in
Rollins: 1.5 in
Ambrose: 1.5 in
AJ Styles: 1.75 in
Mark(5'9.5") said on 11/Jul/17
193 cm flat is lowbailing Randy Orton let alone 192 cm IMO.

194 cm would suit so much better. He's similar to my classmate in government class in high school.
ma said on 10/Jul/17
If Swagger is 6 ft 4 than Orton is 6 ft 3.25-3.5
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Jul/17
Randy 6´3.5"
Swagger 6´4.25"
Reigns 6´1.75"
Triple H 6´1.5"
Lesnar 6´2"
Cena 6´0.5"
Strowman 6´7"
Big Show 6´10.5"
Big Cass 6´7.75"
Tyler19 (6'4.25 said on 9/Jul/17
Don't know about footwear but I've seen one of the segments where they stood staring at each other and mahal without slouching looked like 2cm shorter than Orton.
I've seen Orton in person few years ago and he seemed like ATLEAST 6'3.75" to me if not a full 6'4"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jul/17
Swagger at 6ft4 flat is too low...he needs an upgrade
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jul/17
He could pass for a 6ft4-5 guy. I don't rule out 194cm.
Dat Boi said on 8/Jul/17
I think now he is like 6ft3.5
miko said on 8/Jul/17
Orton is 6'4/6'4.25 range and Swagger 6'4.5/6'4.75 range.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 8/Jul/17

6'3" is a bit low for Orton, although he's not much over 6'4" either, and for certain not 6'5"
Eagles said on 7/Jul/17
He never looked like a 6'4"-6'5" guy to me like everyones saying. He's only a hair taller than the other big names who are like 6'2". I'd give orton 6'2.75"- 6'3" honestly...
even said on 7/Jul/17
exactly 6'4"
James B said on 6/Jul/17
Rob could randy edge out jack swagger?
Editor Rob
probably not when you look at them.
Mj said on 6/Jul/17
@tyler19 Mahal is taller than Orton..jinders posture( he slouches his head ) is not good and also Orton footwear is thicker than guess Mahal 193- 194 cms..Orton 192 cms
Tyler19 (6'4.25" ,194cm) said on 6/Jul/17
Pretty sure Orton's a legit 6'4 and Mahal might be 6'3.5 or a bit shorter.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 5/Jul/17
I do think that 6'4.25" 1/4 is a goer for Randy Orton.

He's probably the tallest 6'4"er for right now.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 4/Jul/17

Sheamus looks 6'1.5" tops when not wearing his wrestling boots.
Ron said on 4/Jul/17
6'4.25 is possible, 6'4.5 is too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/17
Rob, how likely is 6ft4¼ for Orton?
Editor Rob
well I wouldn't go less than 6ft 4, so 6ft 4 1/4 is an arguable figure for him.
184guy said on 3/Jul/17
Recently when Orton confronts Braun , he looked only a bit shorter , but he Was using thicker boots than normal
ma said on 3/Jul/17
@184guy I think that he looks taller due to his lanky body ( compared to other wrestler). He has the biggest and bulkiest boots in the business with Sheamus.
I give Randy a 6 ft 4 listing and Sheamus a 6 ft 2.5 in (really tricky guy because he has always big boots)
184guy said on 1/Jul/17
The argument of 6'4.25 is very storng , butwe need to see how thick are his boots thought .
Mark(5'9.25") said on 30/Jun/17
Basically that would make Randy Orton a 6'4.25" guy which I did and still believe from the start!
Mark(5'9.25 said on 29/Jun/17
Rob, out of curiosity, how would Randy Orton compare to Alexander Skarsgard and Tom Brady?
Editor Rob
Mark, they'd probably all look similar in a photo, to the point you'd be hard pressed to tell who was tallest.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/17
He has looked a bit over 6ft4 in the past. I think he's claimed 6ft5
randyorton said on 25/Jun/17
6'4" barefeet back then 230lbs
6'3.75" barefeet today 245lbs.
James B said on 22/Jun/17
Well I think he looked a bit taller in 2005 compared to now.

He was more bulky back then too
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
Could be an honest 6'4" guy
miko said on 19/Jun/17
Orton hasn't lost any height, all he's ever really had are shoulder injuries.

He's always looked in the 6'4/6'4.25 range in good posture.
James B said on 18/Jun/17
Rob 6'4 (193cm) current and 6'4.25 (194cm) in 2005 possible?
juggernaut said on 18/Jun/17
He is easily 6'4' but not more than that..Dont think he lost any height,jinder looks an inch shorter perhaps he is 6'3'..
David Allen Patrick Maddox III said on 13/Jun/17
He could be probaly 6'3.625 you usually shrink a half of a inch when you're 40. So his height would be around 6'3.7
David Allen Patrick Maddox III said on 13/Jun/17
He could be probaly 6'3.675 you usually shrink a half of a inch when you're 40. So his height would be around 6'3.7
176cm guy said on 20/May/17
@Martin Yeah he was listed at 6'4" for most of his time in the WWE, until they decide to give him the 6'5" listing sometime in 2014. He's a legit tall guy.
Martin 6'2 said on 18/May/17
I have heard many times, that Randy Orton, is one of the few wrestlers who's height has not been exaggerated, it would seem that Randy is a legit 6'4"
berta said on 18/May/17
he deserves the 1/4 on his listing
Wrs567 said on 12/May/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8): Randy may not be 6'5'' barefoot. I'm not saying he is.

But he did look the same height as Wade Barrett back in 2011

He sometimes could look a tad taller than Wade

All I know is a little over 6'4'' isn't impossible.
ma said on 12/May/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8)

Yeah, I agree with your statement. Orton looks a very solid 6 ft 4 just for his boots; but generally I think he can be a genuine 6 ft 4 but no more;
Wrs567 thinks that everybody needs an upgrade ( the Rock 6 ft 3today, Orton close to 6 ft 5, Cena 6 ft 1); Probably he is shorter than what he claims and he thinks that other people need a good extra cm of advantage to make his claim more belivable; but people don't trust his fake claim
Canson said on 11/May/17
@Mark: I respect your opinion but that is unfair to say someone isn't 6'3" just because you don't agree Orton isn't 6'4". He may not be. He could be a guy who measures 6'4 out of bed and 6'3.5 at a morning physical and round up but only be 6'3.25 at his afternoon/ evening. At that point FLU in all respect couldn't tell the difference because it's 1/4". And they'd look the same height. The thing is people loosely take someone's claim and assume it's their true height number 1 and their afternoon number 2 when it may not be either. Me personally I don't know how tall he is by looking because he wears some high footwear at times and no object to reliably compare him to.

but to say FLU isn't really 6'3" tho is subjective he should know how tall he is. it's always this way in this site too if he were saying he were 6'5 and Orton were the same height pictures wouldn't even be asked for or his height even questioned. Itd be attributed to well he's at least 6'4" then or maybe he really is 6'5"
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 11/May/17

If you believe that Randy's actually 6'5", go ahead, but don't put Cena at only 6'0.75" then. There's only a 3.5" difference between the two (of course it'll look like a 4" difference since Randy wears thick boots while Cena wears running shoes)
If Randy's 6'5" like you said, that'll put Cena at 6'1.5" If you put Cena at 6'0.75", then you must put Randy at 6'4.25"
Mark(5'9.25 said on 11/May/17
I doubt your even 6'3". I would like to see a picture of you and Randy Orton, @FLU.
Wrs567 said on 10/May/17
Rob, how tall can Randy look to you next to The Big Show here?

Click Here

Click Here
FLU said on 8/May/17
When I'm barefoot I'm exactly 6'3". When I met Randy he was wearing regular shoes -- as was I -- and we were exactly the same height. With his boots on I could see him 6'5", and yes, the soles of his boots are very thick.
Johan said on 8/May/17
Shame that Robbie's pic is gone from the page because of traffic.

User Robbie has stated many times that he is 5'9.5" and has posted alot of pics with wrestlers through the years, Orton only looked 6'3.5" with him so he is 6'4" -193 cm tops.
berta said on 7/May/17
i really think he is closer to 194
Bazza said on 6/May/17
I would say Orton is maybe a touch over 6'4 but 6'4 all day long none the less.a good example of solid 193cm.
Canson said on 6/May/17
Well if FLU stood next to him and said he's the same height that must mean Orton isn't 6'4". Sure the same height is loose term but he may be 1/2" taller or less than FLU meaning strong 6'3 or weak 6'4" but think he's able to tell the difference
Wrs567 said on 5/May/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8): I don't think Randy has ever worn lifts

He always looks the same height. Near enough 6'5''

I don't agree with you just like I don't agree with you that The Rock was only 190cm peak

But cool man, it's your opinion end of the day.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 5/May/17

Orton was wearing lifts during the Strowman staredown. Look at the shape of his boots. It looked bulkier and clunkier than usual.
Wrs567 said on 4/May/17
You're just making excuses now because I proved you wrong lol

Randys boots were the same normal wrestling shoes that he wears, so you're lying

Everybody knows Randy is a strong 6'4'' guy with a chance of being over it

Even Rob has said it before

Just look at him next to a 6'7'' Braun Strowman
Markus said on 3/May/17
In the segment with Strowman Randy is looking up and wearing thicker boots than Braun!
There is no single pic or video where Orton is more than 3" taller than Cena (who has the smaller boots!)
what he has to be for being over 6-4, what he is NOT!
Wrs567 said on 3/May/17
Cena was clearly tip-toeing there. I watched that Segment.

Randy also drops height with fans just like Hugh Jackman is dropping height here with Cena

Click Here

Do you really think Cena is taller than a 6'1.5'' Jackman?

Now look at Randy with a 6'7'' Braun Strowman

Click Here

Tell me how on earth is Randy under 6'4''?

He is actually over 6'4''
Markus said on 2/May/17
With 6-0,5/6-0,75 Cena: Orton is under 6-4 and wearing thicker boots than Cena - Click Here
Click Here Orton and the 5-9,5 "urgemonster": Click Here
Now: 6-3,5 to 6-3,75. Peak height: 6-4 to 6-4,25
FLU said on 1/May/17
I am 6'3" -- stood next to Orton at a photo op and we were the exact same height.
zaq said on 30/Apr/17
Click Here

im 5'8
Mike said on 26/Apr/17
A Episode of Smackdown of April 25th, 2002 at around 36:25 minutes in, Michael Cole calls Randy at 6ft 3-6ft 4.
Canson said on 25/Apr/17
Agree with bobby maybe solid 6'4
ma said on 17/Apr/17
Dean looks taller than Cena. Don't know how much his footwear influence that
Christian-196.9cm(6ft5.5)Noon said on 15/Apr/17
Dean looks no taller than 6ft0.5 Cena, yet he looks the same as 6ft1 Rollins.
ma said on 13/Apr/17
Post a link where it is possible to see Dean footwear please.
I never noticed he used to wear thick footwear
Wrs567 said on 13/Apr/17
@ma: John is CLEARLY taller than Dean. So is the Miz.

I understand what you mean, but it has nothing to do with John's build

Dean wore those thick soled black shoes. John wore his ''never give up'' k-mart shoes

I discussed this with Rob before, Cena's shoes only give about 0.75 in height

Deans shoe gave near enough 1.5 in height and Cena still edged him out with no cap on

Miz was also taller than Ambrose with less footwear. I can't see Dean over 183 - 184cm max really

All of his height comes from his footwear.
ma said on 12/Apr/17
Cena and Ambrose are very similar. Probably both very close to 6 ft 0.75
But John could look taller thanks to his impressive bulk
ma said on 6/Apr/17
@Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25)
I agree. Mojo always looks at least 6 ft 3...His billed height at 6 ft 4 is quite honest in the wrestling business
Wrs567 said on 6/Apr/17
Yeah, Mojo looked too tall be low as 6'2''

I never knew he was actually measured

I always guessed him around 6'3'' anyway

Dean Ambrose is not 6'1'' by the way.

Cena was taller than Ambrose with less footwear.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 5/Apr/17
QLD said on 4/Apr/17
6'1 guys: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Jeff Hardy, Zack Ryder
6'2 guys: HHH, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Mojo Rawley


Mojo Rawley is not 6ft2. He was measured 6032 (6'3 1/4") during his football days, Click Here so he can't be under 6ft3. Plus, he only looked 3 inches shorter than Gronkowski at Wrestlemania.
John said on 4/Apr/17
Peak: 6'5.25
Now: 6'4.75
QLD said on 4/Apr/17
6'1 guys: Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Jeff Hardy, Zack Ryder
6'2 guys: HHH, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Mojo Rawley
randy orton said on 2/Apr/17
defianantly 6'6 - 6'7 and 280 - 300 lb
James B said on 26/Mar/17
Unknown-I'd say Harper is 6'5
Unknown said on 24/Mar/17
How about adding Luke Harper Rob? He seems to edge out Orton even with poorer posture and stood better with guys like Strowman and Kane than Orton has.

Go to the 10 minute mark of this and you see Harper tower over Bray Wyatt (At 10:30 they have a staredown)

Click Here
frvbgf said on 18/Mar/17
Looks to be about 6'4.25" and 240 pounds (billed at 6'5", 250 pounds). He isn't as lean as he once was and has gained more muscle mass in the last few years. What would you estimate his weight at, Rob and have you considered giving him an upgrade?
Wrs567 said on 15/Mar/17
A flat 6'4'' does seem a bit low to be honest

Look at him next to a strong 6'1'' Bray Wyatt

Click Here

And Yes Bray is a strong 6'1'', look at him with Triple H

Click Here
Alex Marlin said on 12/Mar/17
Met Randy in person and looks extremely close to 6'5", so he might be a 6'4.5"
James B said on 10/Mar/17
Orton might be in wrestling in that clip with Batista

Batista I think was 6'3 back then
joe### said on 10/Mar/17
Orton upgrade next with batista
Click Here
Wrs567 said on 8/Mar/17
Steve, if you read my comment again

I already said Triple H's posture isn't the best there
Steve W said on 8/Mar/17
@Wrs567 You really can't judge much from that pick because hhh is leaning down.
Mike said on 4/Mar/17
Can look anywhere from 192 to 194 cm, so between those marks is a good listing.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 1/Mar/17
@Rob He could actually be 194 cm.
Rob said on 28/Feb/17
Can't be taller than 6,4
dunkrules86 said on 24/Feb/17
What do you'll think of Luke Harper? He looks close to an inch taller than Orton even with poorer posture and lesser footwear.
He also almost looked very near identical in height to Kane during the Survior Series segments where they were both part of team Authority. I'd say a weak 6'5 for Harper.
What do you say Rob?
Mark(5'9.25") said on 19/Feb/17
Probably the tallest 6'4" listed man here right now.
Wrs567 said on 18/Feb/17
''One of the tallest 6'4 men I seen''

I couldn't agree more.

I know Triple Hs posture isn't too good here, but look how tall Randy looks

Click Here
Moreno said on 17/Feb/17
Orton wears boots that give him the advantage, just look at the video where he RKO'd Kane. In that video he looked surprisingly smaller than both Kane and Harper since he wasn't in his wrestling gear.
Wrs567 said on 14/Feb/17
Randy looks taller than Luke Harper

Randy Orton looks every bit of 6'5'' here

Click Here
GarethS88889 said on 11/Feb/17
Randy Orton is definitely, at least 6'4" flat. I'm bang on 189cm and at a live show, Randy was in normal shoes (no lifts) and my eyes were in line with the middle of his nose, maybe slightly below. (I was wearing boots at the time, too)
Freak said on 11/Feb/17
Orton is 6'4' or maybe 6'4'25 at most,looks almost an inch shorter than 6'5' Luke Harper..Orton's body type and posture makes him look very tall...I don't think he shrunk..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Feb/17
Rob, who do you think would measure taller at peak Orton or Neeson?
James B said on 9/Feb/17
I think he looked taller in 2005 for sure
Mark(5'9.25 said on 3/Feb/17
The only listed 6'4" flat person who managed to look 6'6" with Braun. That's rather difficult to pull off.

Edit* An upgrade to 6'4.25" or close to 6'4.5" is better for Orton.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 3/Feb/17
The only listed 6'4" flat person who managed to look 6'6" with Braun. That's rather difficult to pull off.

An upgrade to 6'4'24" or close to 6'4.5" is better for Orton.
berta said on 31/Jan/17
randy ortogn john cena and brock lesnar all need 1/4 upgrade. while others lika roman reigns nedd downgrade 1/4
Mark(5'9.25 said on 30/Jan/17
6'4.25"-6'4.5" for Orton. The chances of a minimum 6'4" is rather low as he was never that short. I can see why they bill Randy Orton at 6'5" and he can look near that mark.
berta said on 25/Jan/17
i think randy orton and dolph lundgren should get the others listing. dolph 193 max peak and randy pusching 194
joe### said on 20/Jan/17
With the edge probably a bit more of advantage footwear for orton Click Here
joe### said on 18/Jan/17
He looks 6'4.25 on the days evolution
Mark(5'9.25") said on 17/Jan/17
I still think 6'4.25" would be better for Randy Orton as I have suspected after seeing him with Braun Strowman.
joe### said on 16/Jan/17
drew mcintyre is real 194 Click Here
mrtguy said on 14/Jan/17
Rob, COME ON Big Show looks at least 7'1'' next to Orton just look at the top of their heads Click Here
MDV said on 13/Jan/17
Are you a google height employee ? If so, you will need to list Orton at 201 cm because he is taller than 3 cm by 198 google listed Batista :D
Foxh said on 12/Jan/17
Looks like he's about the same height as The Rock, who is 196, so maybe 198??
Foxh said on 12/Jan/17
He can't only be 193 ( cm ) Dean ambose is 193 and he is tallet than him. I would guess like 196 or something...
Mark(5'9.25 said on 12/Jan/17
194 cm isn't impossible.
joe### said on 11/Jan/17
he never looks 194
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jan/17
Can look 194cm at times…
James B said on 6/Jan/17
Rob could he have even been as high as 6'4.5 in 2005?
Editor Rob
James, he could have pulled off looking near it at times.
joe### said on 5/Jan/17
He has towers in the Cena in this segment.Click Here
Mark(5'9.25 said on 3/Jan/17
Rob, how likely is 6'4.25" or an upgrade to it?
Editor Rob
Mark, there's certainly a chance he falls into solid 6ft 4 range.
Dee-6'1 said on 1/Jan/17
Strong 6foot 5
Joey said on 29/Dec/16
Looks about 8 inches taller than the 5'9 Ryan Phillipe in a photo tooken last week Click Here
andre said on 29/Dec/16
There is no way randy orton is 193cm barefoot perhaps 190cm barefoot
joe### said on 24/Dec/16
Click Here
joe### said on 21/Dec/16
Orton is good 6´4 Click Here Click Here
Mark(5'9.25 said on 20/Dec/16
Randy Orton is usually billed at 6'5" which is not too bad considering he is taller than Jason Momoa and does look two inches shorter than Strowman.

I wouldn't doubt a bit over 6'4" for Randy here.
Wrs567 said on 19/Dec/16
Randy Orton is a good 6'4'', chances are he is over that too

Just get over it, and move on
joe### said on 19/Dec/16
6'3.5 It does not seem to look like this with nfl measurement 6'7.5
6'4 is what he looks like
James B said on 18/Dec/16
If orton is 6'3.5 like Vegas saw him at then that would make Braun Strowman 6'6
Vegas said on 18/Dec/16
Mark(5'9.25") said on 13/Dec/16
The fact he's only two inches shorter than Braun Strowman would make me think that an upgrade to 6'4.25"-6'4.5".
6'4.5... so that would leave kane at 6'8 at least in this clip at 3mins 38 seconds, yeah not buying it Click Here

Met Orton out of gear more than once and he ain't 6'4.5
James B said on 17/Dec/16
Rob I don't mean to be annoying how much does there look between Orton and strowman in Wrs567 photos? 2.5 inches maybe?
MDV said on 17/Dec/16
Sometimes he can ever look close to 6 ft 5 like some years ago with Big Show

Click Here
Mark(5'9.25") said on 16/Dec/16
I do not know how Randy Orton manages to look 6'6", but the fact he looked that with Strowman, I think an upgrade to 6'4.25" would be much better.
Wrs567 said on 16/Dec/16
Here is Braun Strowman with 6'7'' Kane

Click Here

Now here is Randy with Braun Strowman

Click Here

You are out of your mind if you think Randy Orton is below a minimum of 6ft 4
joe### said on 15/Dec/16
big cass not looks 6´8.5
maybe 6´7.5-6´8

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.