the shredder said on 9/Nov/14
Rob is 5'8.75 possible

Editor Rob
5ft 8.5 or 8.75, either is possible for him. 5ft 8 flat or 5ft 9 flat I'd not go with either of them though!
the shredder said on 27/Sep/14
Rob , what height do you think he looked around that time? Here are some pics. I think 5'6.5 range or so.
Click Here
looks short there and in The Outsiders

Editor Rob
he could look 5ft 7ish back in first movie
the shredder said on 26/Sep/14
Rob , did this guy grow after the first karate kid evenat 21 , 22? He was not more than 3 or 4 inches over Pat and Elizabeth shue.

Editor Rob
he may have had a late bit of growth, but when I'm not sure.
the shredder said on 25/Sep/14
rob how tall is william Zabak from The Karate Kid?

Editor Rob
over 5ft 11
Danielsan said on 21/Sep/14
If Elizabeth She is 5'2" and looks barely 2"-4" shorter than Ralph in 1984 when they were both in their 20s how the heck is he 5'10" or even 5'9" now?
Danimal said on 3/Sep/14
I'd give him close to a full 5'9". Was barely shorter than 5'10" George Lopez and Ralph is in his 50's, where most men will have dropped a little height by then.

Editor Rob
maybe Big Khalid will show his picture sometime in the future
Khalid said on 30/Aug/14
To be honest I met him today and he did actually look around 5'8

Editor Rob
seems a guy who can look anywhere 5ft 8 up to 9 at times
Jasmine said on 12/May/14
He looked taller when he was younger because of the thick hair and the high waist pants. But right now, he looks smaller. 5'8" looks legit. Celebs look taller in TV.
Americop said on 4/May/14
In the Karate Kid Daniel Larusso is 5,6, that was when he was younger.
I am 5,9 1/2 or 5,10, 6 Ft. with height tricks like shoes and thick hair, and standing up straight.
Brad said on 12/Jan/14
5' 8" last week. Looks 33 years old!
Yaspaa said on 4/Aug/13
He was well into his 20s in Karate Kid, his growing days were well over.
Marc said on 20/Feb/13
he was a very late bloomer but i think 5ft8 is reasonable
Scott 5'11 said on 3/Feb/13
I thought he looked 5'9 in the karate kid. Surely he's grown a bit more now considering he's a late bloomer ?
mike 181cm said on 15/Jan/13
Yea Rob there is controversy about his height looks 5"10 range for sure. That's lately though
Danimal said on 17/Aug/12
This height is too low for him. Bare minimum 5'9". EVERYONE on here sees him as 5'9"-5'9". Why so low Rob?

Editor Rob
i've not looked at him for an age, I was hoping a uk organiser would get him over here to a con
Matt said on 26/Jul/12
Why the downgrade? I use to think he was shorter in the 80's but recently looks close to 5'9.5-5'10. Must have great proportions if he's 5'8" ish.
Mike O said on 16/Nov/11
He's definitely a little taller than you would think. Passed him in LA a few years ago (looks a little older and closer to his age up close than on TV) and he was around 5'9". I figured he was 5'6" or so at best like he looked like in "Karate Kid" so I was surprised. He's not big but he doesn't stand out as short at all either. Given how young he looked for so long I would guess he physically developed very slowly and was still growing a little bit through his mid-twenties. I knew a guy I went to high school with who was a very slow and late bloomer as well and he was 3 or 4 inches taller at our high school reunion than he was in high school (and also looked very young for his age). This guy, like Macchio, was also a smaller guy who ultimately grew to normal sized stature. Especially if there are hormonal imbalances it can take some men a surprisingly long time to reach their full height and I suspect Ralph had the same issue.
Danimal said on 23/Jun/11
Saw him on George Lopez. They stood next to each other for quite a while and George Lopez is marginally taller than Ralph Macchio. Around 5'9" for Ralph at 50 years old.
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DJ said on 6/May/11
Ralph, as an adult, is closer to 5' 10" and is taller than Tom Bergeron.
ka said on 5/Apr/11
just watch Dancing With the Star, Ralph looks to be the same height w/ listed 5'9 Tom Bergeron, who is the host of the show. Ralph easily looks 175-176 range, IMO
Jay said on 29/Mar/11
Ralph grew since then, unlike Tom.I say he's 5'9.5.
Faramir said on 28/Mar/11
I guess 5'8" - 5'8.5" is just accurate for Ralph Macchio.
In 1983 he didn't look much taller than Tom Cruise. They both were 21-22 years old by then, so their heights were probably those of now.
Tom Cruise is listed as 5'7.75"
Click Here
LG69 said on 22/Mar/11
Ralph looks to be a solid 5'9". He doesn't look short
Legend said on 29/Dec/10
He's a phenomenon in terms of height growth it would seem. I go by what I see, and that means he's 5'9.5 as it stands today.
duncan said on 14/Dec/10
Yeah I saw that Psych as well and he was easily taller than Dule Hill (5'10), and James Roday (5'9)....odd.
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/10
he was just in the new academy episode of pysch and he looked taller than both roday and hill who are listed at 5'10 confused
Danimal said on 17/Nov/10
Listed at 5'10" after Karate Kid III came out (1987-1988)... I give him at least 5'9".. Looked to have gotten significantly larger between 1983 and 1987....
Bon said on 13/Nov/10
He probably stopped his inch-relevant growth somewhere around 30. Very interesting.
I'd guess him at 178 today
HeyThere said on 13/Jun/09
I'm gonna second that Brad Garret isn't Italian, but Matt, Jewish is not a nationality. Saying 'he's not Italian, he's Jewish,' is like saying, "This car isn't slow, it's blue."
Matt said on 4/Apr/09
Um, Brad Garrett is not really Italian. He is Jewish. Robert Barone was a character he played who was Italian. The man himself is not.
dani said on 8/Mar/09
Curtis Do you know who Brad Garret? He's an italian american actor who's the tallest actor i've ever seen. Go check him out. He's around 6"9(206cm). Ralph might be average but there are some italian american actors who're really tall including Romano from everybody loves raymond who's 6"2,etc.
Curtis C. said on 19/Feb/09
I would say that Ralph is 5'9" which is a little tall for an Italian-American actor. That's cool. It makes me feel that I should be at least about that height.
Deano said on 15/Jan/09
man seriously though, he looked quite tall next to the guy who played the guy who rapph fights at the end of movie karate kid the first one.because that guy is put down as 6 ft 1/2.
Jay said on 5/Dec/08
The comments imply that he's taller, but I'm not so sure. He looks tall because of his slender build, but he's also somewhat petite. The listed height is correct, but let's give him the 5'9" when he's wearing certain shoes.
- J
ed said on 22/Nov/08
my cousin vinny is on right now and he stands up for the lineup and is clearly at the 6 foot mark...maybe they fudged it for the movie
deano said on 14/Nov/08
now somrthing really wierd about ralph maccio is that he actually looks the height hes put down as which I belived was 5 ft 9, thats funny to other celebs heights as some look nothing like their heights.I belive that dis guy actually looks 5 ft 9 and you could be right him being as short as 5 ft 8.dis guy genuinly looks tall hes got long legs, biologically he looks 5 ft 8 or 9.But again I wouldnt be surprised if he was 2 - 4 inches smaller than his given height,lets just take it as celeb height because im pretty sure most people will be shorter than the height given.Its definatly CELEB height.
Torvald said on 31/Jul/08
Bones can grow thicker, though, and non-long bones can grow in all directions; that's why people with acromegaly (excess growth hormone) end up with these weird Neanderthal features. I also read an article about a study which found that facial bones grow into adulthood, specifically the forehead and jaw, whose prominence makes a person look older.
Lego said on 22/Jul/08
i'd say 174-175cm no less.
Daniel said on 16/Jul/08
The bones given external stimulus or physiological need can grow till 40 year old so it's definitely possible to grow at 26. This though doesn't mean late puberty. If by puberty we mean the development of secondary sexual characteristics it is supposed to occur at 12-13 and the rare cases in which it hasn't occurred yet at 15-16 are considered medical problems that affect the organs before affecting the growth. So just because a person keeps growing or keeps looking very young it doesn't mean that puberty was delayed. A puberty delay that would cause it to occurr at 25 is unheard of and would be a medical weirdness. Actually most of those who keep growing well beyond their 20 or that keep looking 15 at 30 were early bloomers getting the first puberty signs around 10.
sam said on 10/Jul/08
i don't know...In my causin vinney he was bending way down to hug/talk to joe pesci who's around 5'5. Might have to disagree with you there rob. I say he's around 5'10
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/08
He looked kind of lanky on that episode of Entourage he was in. I would have guessed 5'10 minimum.
5ft 9in GUY said on 9/Jun/08
i think 5ft 8in is right coz, Mr Myagi(Japanese dude in karate kid) is 5ft 3in, and he looked about 5in taller, and sometimes he looked even shorter
glenn said on 6/Jun/08
rob-you sure he is this low? i hear 5-10.sometimes 5-9.i also thought 5-8.i never saw him.did a play here too.
Davey said on 5/Jun/08
I thought this guy would have atleast hit 5`10.
angie said on 3/May/08
how tall is c. thomas howell? i tried to find him here but I just can't.
Anonymous said on 15/Dec/07
In the movie My Cousin Vinny, Macchio is much taller than 5'4.5" Joe Pesci. I'd say anywhere from 5'9" to 5'10".
Nik said on 20/Sep/07
I think he's 5-7. I don't think he can even be that tall. He looks like a small guy from what I've seen of him.
Franco said on 30/Aug/07
yeah 5'10 in his dreams.
174cm pushing it, not even 175cm. nothing. nada.
HeyNow said on 26/Aug/07
In Beer League there's a scene in jail with artie lange and macchio standing next to each other, and a full frame shot (including their feet) is shown and they appear to be the same height. Even though he claims to be 6'0" in the movie, Artie has said on the howard stern show that he is 5'10".
mama said on 6/Jul/07
i happen to know him and hes a great guy.. so he looks young and hes only 5 10 he still looks the same and hes still really funny..
KingNick said on 11/May/07
I don't think its so much that he grew taller by the time he made My Cousin Vinny it's just that he finally filled out. He was skin and bones in the first Karate Kid but if you watch each sequel if he filled out a little more and a little more. By the time he hit My Cousin Vinny I think the guy finally lost that great metabolism.
Chip said on 10/Apr/07
Even if Ralph hasn't grown since the Karate Kid, he definitely hit puberty late. He looked and sounded about 13 or 14 in the Karate Kid, and he was really about 23 or 24.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/07
It's funny. Ralph looked like he had a growth spurt. He looked much older and his voice change especially from Karate Kid and My Cousin Vinny. And this was from the age of 20-30.
Franco said on 16/Jan/07
TJ says on 24/Oct/06
Like a monster? lol. Geez, the guys just not in his early 20s anymore. Who looks the same in their 40s as they did in their 20s?
Snakeman said on 2/Nov/06
I think he looks same as in KK in Vinny
Danimal said on 30/Oct/06
Robert Deniro is also said to have been 5'10" as well (not anylonger obviously). The thing with Ralph, is that he REALLY didn't look like he hit his maturity until well into his late 20's, or I could be wrong about that. He DID appear taller in Karate Kid III than he did in part I and that's comparing a 23 year old to a 27 year old and then look at him in 1992 at 31 in My Cousin Vinny.
sam said on 29/Oct/06
bob deniro's 5'9 so this guy must have grown. But he's twenty four there. What?!!
Danimal said on 27/Oct/06
Ronnie James Dio is in his mid 60's and looks great. As for Ralph's height, I give him 5'9"-5'10". That was what he was always listed at in the late 80's (definitely after he stopped growing).
Jason said on 27/Oct/06
I met Bret Hart when he was 44 and he more or less looked the same as ever.
Viper652 said on 27/Oct/06
The reason why Larry can look older is because when he gets real skinny his face looks gaunt. I just saw recent pics of him at a book signing and he looks extremely young there.
Jason said on 26/Oct/06
Larry Mullen can look very young for 44, but you can still tell he's an older guy.
Glenn said on 25/Oct/06
Johnny Depp and hopefully me!
Viper652 said on 25/Oct/06
U2's Larry Mullen Junior is 44 and looks 18. He looks a good deal younger now then he did at some points in the 80s. Hopefully Im going down that path. I just turned 26 and I look 16-17 still. I wish I looked older though most of the time
Jason said on 25/Oct/06
They're the exceptions and you can imagine all the work they've had done. The vast majority of people don't. Ralph Macchio must be almost 45 now.
leonari said on 24/Oct/06
Tom Cruise looks almost the same as in his 20 ies...plenty of guys do. Ralph Macchio was a good looking adolescant but once he matured became quite an ugly guy...
D. Ray Morton said on 24/Oct/06
" Who looks the same in their 40s as they did in their 20s?"
Brad Pitt? Dick Clark? Gary Coleman?
TJ said on 24/Oct/06
Like a monster? lol. Geez, the guys just not in his early 20s anymore. Who looks the same in their 40s as they did in their 20s?
Franco said on 24/Oct/06
completely different face and weird expressions. the 80's guy looks like a monster now.
i guess he is 1.73cm.
HelloKitty said on 10/Aug/06
Wow, what happened to this 80's hottie? I don't even recognize him. He looks 5'9 to me.
Click HereClick Here
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
sorry, the movie Macchio is in is My Uncle Vinny. He looks like the exact height of Kevin Spacey, who is apparently 5 ft 9.5 in.
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Anonymous said on 5/Aug/06
I kind of agree with Azarea because I watched My Cousin Vinny and Macchio clearly looks taller and older.
Terrence said on 13/Apr/06
In that picture he looks 5'6
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
Never met Macchio,and he did a play here 3 years hear 5-8,5-9.
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
i think Burt just gets listed as short cuz he shares the same body type w/ shortish types like danny devito and bob hoskins. Macchio certainly is young looking. He did appear quite on the shortish side when next to Kevin Dillon on one of the episodes of Entourage
trueheight said on 27/Jan/06
i can't believe he is shorter than burt young in that pic. This kid towered over mr. miyagi, but he was very very slight
Sal said on 12/Nov/05
either dinero is taller than 5'8.5" or Macchio is shorter than 5'8.5"... only other thing that could cause that kind of height discrepency would be shoe's...
Wake up said on 19/Jun/05
He's certainly 5'7''. look at his movies and at age 24 you can't grow up an inch anymore