Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 9/Mar/22
This geezer is tall. Around 1.86 m, I suspect.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/21
I bet Rafe's Dad, Timothy, is proud that his son followed him into the acting business, and with great success, too.
In all honesty, I think it will have been harder for Tim to break into the film world than his conventionally handsome son. Tim started out in comedy, broadening out to star with the cream of Hollywood. I've just flicked through some of his credits, and boy, was I STUNNED!
My respect and awe lies with Timothy.
Rafe gets 6ft1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jul/20
Can look a strong 6ft1
Jam Cherry said on 24/May/20
He’s tall though he’s 5 cm shorter to 190.5 cm
Chris Hemsworth so 185.5 cm fits Rafe right at strong 6’1”
Linke said on 28/Dec/19
It is very common here in India to completely tower over the parents. (especially the current generation)
My Dad is 166 cms and My mom is 154 cms (maybe 155 cms peak). None of my Grandfathers were over 5'4". Paternal Grandmother was 4'9" peak and Maternal Grandmother is 4'10-4'11 these days (maybe 5'0" peak).
I ended up being 5'10 (which is not tall but above average height for an urban Indian) I'll largely attribute it to better nutrition.
Nik said on 15/Aug/18
@ Sandy Cowell - That's so interesting to read that Rafe Spall is 6 inches taller than his Dad!
berta said on 13/Aug/18
i saw the new jurassic park movie yesterday and thought. this guy is somwhere beetween 185-186.5
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jun/18
@ Rob - So I see now! Rafe's Mum might well have had a very tall Dad as well, in order for her to have reached that height herself, and that's how Rafe grew to over 6ft!
Rafe gets 6ft1 today!
Davey said on 10/Jun/18
I think he's a good 1.86 m guy
Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/18
So amazing to see a son 6 inches taller than his Dad! I'd LOVE to know how tall his Mum is!
6ft1 for Rafe today!

Editor Rob
Here is an older photo
CLick Here - I think she probably was at least Timothy's height, so the potential for a 6ft plus son was possible with a taller Mother.
sulu2018 said on 12/Mar/18
My father's peak height was 5ft 7 1/2 (currently 5ft 7 flat) and I am 6ft 0.75. I think the main thing that made me this tall was that my maternal grandfather's peak height was 6ft 0. Rafe probably had a tall grandfather too.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 8/Dec/17
Click Here
In this interview, says he's 6ft3. There's no way, lol. At best a strong 6ft1.

Editor Rob
yeah the interviewer is calling him 6ft 3, maybe as they said, taken aback that he was taller thane expected.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jun/17
How amazing is this? Timothy Spall's son is 6ft1! His Mum must be tall, I guess!
I bet he was brought up with a good deal of humour! Whenever I see his Dad in even an 18-rated film, I still can't get his comedy roles out of my head! I'm currently watching Dad in 'The Street', as a bland old cab driver, but I still think he's funny! There's just something about him which his son most definitely doesn't share!
6ft1 from me.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
You'd suspect he was adopted but I think you can see a little bit around the eyes that it is actually his son.
Sam said on 9/Dec/14
Here with his father, I guess a six inch difference is believable.
Click Here
Sam said on 19/Aug/14
Yeah, I do wonder where his genes came from...hadn't seen his mom before and, not to be rude, but Timothy did not marry a beauty queen exactly. Of course, fairly fat back in Shaun of the Dead, obviously works to keep himself slim.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jul/14
Good grief he's Timothy Spall's son????? Jeez. I didn't realize! He got extremely lucky in both the height and looks department!! Look at that jawline and his proportions, he sure as hell didn't get them from his father who is 5'7" tops and a short fat fella (terrific actor though).
Click Here and it's not as if his mother is attractive either! He does battle with his weight though. Amazes me at times how two ugly parents can produce a son who looks like this!
Sam said on 7/Jul/14
Looks about this mark in most of what I've seen from him...he got lucky considering his dad's homely, short genes, although he shed quite a few pounds to look like above.