Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/23
Perry’s Billy also gave an emotional performance in today’s double Christmas EastEnders.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jan/23
Perry was in the Inspector Morse ‘Last Bus to Woodstock’, which is on TV now.
He’s being taken for an idiot, so no change there then! 🤤
He looks nearer 5ft7.5 in this.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/23
Don’t say, “Phil to the rescue!” about the guy paying for your granddaughter’s wedding, Billy-boy! (It could be his great granddaughter’s actually!)
Say “Thank you Phil!”
I think it’s very nice of him and Billy should be happy and grateful.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/22
Billy was hauled up before the Social Security inspectors in an edition of Classic EastEnders. He was accused of signing on while working at a local nightclub.
Billy blamed it on ANOTHER Billy Mitchell, but the inspectors had pictorial evidence. 😂😂😂
What a silly Billy! 🐐 He’s about as good a liar as he is at anything else!
Sandy C said on 9/Aug/22
What a louse bully Billy played.
In today’s Classic EastEnders, Billy tried to beat the teenage Jamie, played by Jack Ryder, but Jamie retaliated and hit him back. High time too, Jamie! Blokes such as him are cowards.
Sandy C said on 5/Aug/22
On hearing that Phil’s in hospital having been shot, Billy replies, “Nothing trivial I suppose….?”
The Police in charge of the questioning are rapidly finding out that it could be absolutely anybody, as he’s upset virtually everyone; I don’t envy them their job!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jun/22
Then he was a deserving case! 😄
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jun/22
@ Rob - I don’t know whether he was much smaller before, but if I paid good money for something, I’d expect better results than his!

Editor Rob
Yes, Perry claimed he was 4ft 9 at age 15, which is why he was given Growth Hormone treatment and it seemed to work as he ended up at least 5ft 7.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jun/22
I’ve just seen Perry getting duffed up by Bob Hoskins in the 1986 film ‘Mona Lisa’!
What a claim to fame, to have starred with the late, great Bob Hoskins, and also Robbie Coltrane, Michael Caine and Cathy Tyson! 👌🏼😋

Editor Rob
I found a quote the other day from Perry, and interesting he was given HGH injections to help him grow.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jan/22
What a wimpy, drunken little 💩 Billy Mitchell played when he made his EastEnders debut. He picked on his young nephew, teenager Jamie, but when faced with his cousins, Phil and Grant, he tried to run off, but he didn't get that far in today's episode!
He shoplifted half a bottle of spirits and started bullying Jamie again. 😤
Ironically, he DID change for the better. 😸👌
Nik Ashton said on 16/Jul/21
@ MaskDeMasque - You can feel average a lot of the time too and in any case height differences of 1.5” are not considered very big differences by some people. Many people may not consider themselves short unless they are several inches below average.
MaskDeMasque said on 31/Mar/21
Interesting how a 5'7.5 dude claims he never feels short. I mean at that height you should feel shortish most of the time.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Sep/20
@ FiveEightJake - It would be great to see them either side of my good self!
FiveEightJake said on 6/Sep/20
watched him in The Chase last night, looked closer to 2 inch difference than 1 inch next to Bradders.
5’7 flat is the tallest he can be nowadays.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/May/20
I'm watching the episode of Inspector Morse in which Perry has a part. He just walked into a waiting room where Morse and Lewis are waiting, and he doesn't half look young and boyish! He speaks with a Cockney accent, which seems rather out of place in comparison to how so many people round there speak with educated accents. Ah, nice - he's playing snooker now and Morse (John Thaw) has turned up to speak to him, as he knew the murdered girl. There is a noticeable height difference, emphasizing that John really was 5ft9.
The episode is called Last Bus To Woodstock.
Perry can have 5ft7.25. 😉👍
Nik said on 24/Apr/19
It's interesting and believable that he never feels small!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/19
⭐️ I didn't really blame Honey for throwing up! Billy started out a nasty piece of work....
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Apr/19
It's high time Perry gets a comment, so after more than a year, here goes:
Perry, the hard-working Soap Star, who even appeared with the legendary John Thaw in 'Inspector Morse', looks 5ft7.5. Has anyone worked out that in 'EastEnders', he is a great grandfather in his bloody fifties? Huh! It makes me feel old! 😜
We have over 10 years before 'Classic EastEnders' sees the arrival of Perry's character Billy Mitchell. He first appeared at the end of 1998. I had just bought my 4-month-old kitten Honey. Nobody wanted her because she threw up a lot - but not for long. I remember she puked in one of the first episodes Perry was in!
Nik said on 18/Mar/18
This listing seems accurate when you compare him to other members of the cast, therefore I have no problem in offering Perry 5'7.5"!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Mar/18
5'7.5 is still short but "almost 5'9" in shoes sounds more like lower end of average. I often thought Perry was 5 ft 6 flat!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Mar/18
I would be surprised if he measured near 5 ft 9 in shoes! In Eastenders I always thought he looked a 5 ft 6 range chap and short but might be wrong!.
MSJC said on 15/Mar/18
I remember years ago, must have been 2001/02, where the official Eastenders cast height had Billy (Perry) at 5'10!!
James B 170.8cm said on 13/Mar/18
This seems right
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Mar/18
Ah, great, Perry has a page and not before time! I have looked for him before, not expecting to see too great a height.
I remember how he started off in 'EastEnders' - as the bully of a young boy, (Jamie), played by Jack Ryder, who was later killed off. I think the fact that he was introduced as such had an effect on what I thought of him originally, but change he did, meeting and marrying 5ft9 (I think!) Honey, and having two children with her, thereby changing him into a decent, respectable sort.
Now having taken over a funeral business, he is ambling along, and apart from the odd disparaging remark about 'stiffs', tends not to shock too much any more!
So is my introduction to Perry as an EastEnd weasel going to colour the height I give him? Well, it might have done save for the fact that I found his height today when I googled him. He was written up as 5ft8, but approaching as he is 56, he's only getting 5ft7.5,not than I reckon he was ever a strong 5ft8 in the first place!