Canson said on 30/Dec/22
@Rampage: he needs a peak and current. I wonder if he may be 6’5.5-6’6 range now? Weak 6’6?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Dec/22
Rob, maybe 6ft6 flat today?
6ft6½ peak is believable though looking at him in the 90’s.

Editor Rob
Now at an age in which that is looking more and more likely.
Andrey200 said on 20/Jul/22
Peak and current maybe, Rob? 6’6 ½ for the former, 6’6 ⅛ for the latter is what I’d say.
Caleb ~179cm said on 21/Jun/22
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if George Bell is the same height as Tacko Fall now...
Caleb ~179cm said on 16/Jun/22
How much height do you think is there between Krista Kay and Giant George Bell based on that pic? 12 inches?

Editor Rob
He does have a long head, so maybe 13 inches...also George likely shrunk a bit now.
Caleb ~179cm said on 12/Jun/22
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
The woman in the photos above has claimed to be 6'5 and 6'6, but she looks 6'4 at most in them tbh. The other woman in the 3rd link said she's 6'0 and 6'3ish with heels in the comments. What do you think guys?

Editor Rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Nov/21
6ft6 flat today
recapa said on 13/Sep/21
198 peak,197 today.
Canson said on 3/May/21
Agree with Mickie. He was shorter than Dennis Rodman on Celebrity Apprentice
Nik Ashton said on 2/May/21
It is believed that Penn is about a foot taller than his wife Emily and it is interesting that his daughter is called Moxie CrimeFighter Gillette! 👌
Mickie said on 30/Apr/21
I think 6'6" peak and 6'5.5" current would be totally fair. I really don't think he's under 6'5.5" even today.
recapa said on 17/Nov/20
maybe a peak listing and a current one.i have him at 6ft6 flat peak and 6ft5.5 at best now.
vastlybetter566 said on 17/Nov/20
Hi rob, what weight range seems likely for Penn in 2020 and where would you put his head size?
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
looked solid inch shorter than glen jacobs aka kane in 2015/16
recapa said on 19/Oct/20
6,6 flat peak a little overlisted
Mickie said on 15/Aug/20
Maybe a peak height of 6'6" flat.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Jul/20
Click Here He probably weigh less than 220 now. Good job for Penn and he look healthier.
Canson said on 19/Jun/20
TheR said on 17/Jun/20
I met him in Vegas and was very close to him. I’m 6’3 and he looked about 2-2.5 inches taller than me. I’d give him 6’5.5.
Two other posters here said the same that he was nowhere near 6’7”. They said 6’5/6’6. Maybe at his peak 6’6
TheR said on 17/Jun/20
I met him in Vegas and was very close to him. I’m 6’3 and he looked about 2-2.5 inches taller than me. I’d give him 6’5.5.
OriginalAnon said on 29/May/20
I could buy 199cm prime. He looks a bit shorter these days.
Soren said on 20/Mar/20
quite a big fella..
Nik Ashton said on 29/Nov/19
It’s interesting that he rounds up!
Mickie said on 29/Jul/19
I'd say 6'6" max for his peak. Could be closer to 6'5" today.
Greatman said on 10/Oct/18
Would you say his head is on the smaller size for his height, Rob? In comparison with other men his head often looks smaller than the other guy he's taking the picture?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not too small.
Halloween said on 3/Oct/18
Rob, do you still see him at that height or did he lose some height over the years?

Editor Rob
Penn might be at an age which has resulted in half inch loss.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Aug/18
I remember Penn use to be listed 6'5 on many sites. Could he be 6'6 1/2? I think nope. Look about 6'6.
Fffg said on 22/Jul/18
For such a big guy, his head doesn't seem too big now that he lost weight. What do you estimate his head length to be?
Canson said on 9/May/18
I think peak height is 6’6”-6’6.5. Today 6’5.5 or so
Micky said on 8/May/18
6'6" peak height. And probably dipping under it today.
Mark D. said on 6/May/18
Penn is definitely 6'6" to 6'7" and Conan is 6'4.5" and the 2 inch difference is clear in the video posted. The one saying he's 6'3", lol. He was almost the same height as 6'5" Howard Stern when standing next to him on his show.
Ian C. said on 14/Apr/18
Really tall seems to cause an illusion of even more height than is there. I got asked today if I was six-seven, which is two inches taller than the best measurement.
Canson said on 11/Apr/18
@Celebheights 6’1.5: that seems right tho from the other two who met him. Robert Broome and another poster that said he stood on tippytoes with him. 6’5” is what’s robert Broome said he was (Broome is also 6’5).
Ian C. said on 9/Apr/18
A lot of very tall people are taller than they think. The reason is, they reach their full heights later in life, and so may still be growing after they make the last, definitive measurement. Then they accept the premature adult height as accurate without re-measuring themselves at age 20. That happened to me. I accepted my adult height as six foot four when I was eighteen, and only found out when I was well over sixty that I was really six foot five. I may have been six five and a half when I was in my twenties, so no wonder I got so many comments about my height.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 9/Apr/18
I recently met him and Teller after attending his show at the Rio, and I’m still confused as to how tall Penn really is. I thought that he was near 6’6” at first, up until I realized that I was in my Loafers that only add 1/2” of an inch in height (with him wearing huge dress shoes that add at least one inch more. However, he towers over Donald Trump by 5”-6” inches in the photos of the two together, and he’s only 4 CM shorter than a Brad Garrett who is 6’8 1/4”-6’8 1/2”. Teller was about 5’7 1/2” (he probably shrunk from 5’8”). 6’4 3/4” seems a bit low for him, even if he just had barely over 3” inches on me.
matt b. said on 8/Mar/18
I stood right next to him for his autograph in 1988. I placed him at 6'7".
Yas said on 4/Feb/18
Looked noticeably taller than Clarkson on The Grand Tour. I could believe 6'7.
Junior said on 25/Dec/17
Strongly feel that putting both Penn Jillette and Daniel Cudmore standing back to back barefoot will see an inch between them. Penn is 62 should have loss some height from now. 6'6.5" belongs to Cudmore not Penn.
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
I’m not seeing how he is “over” 6’6”. Maybe that is his peak. Dennis Rodman btw is 6’6.5 not 6’7” like someone below posted. After Robert Broome met him and posted below I’d have to say the guy is prob not more than 6’5.5 today as did another poster below who called him out on his 6’7” claim
Kane said on 19/Sep/17
S3 E1 of fear factor celebrity edition he says he's over 6'6
Dingus said on 2/Aug/17
A little over 6'06". He said he was 340 lbs at his heaviest in a Big Think interview. He went down to about 230 lbs.
Matthew Robinson said on 14/Jul/17
Looks much more of a 6'6" guy than 6'7" imo.
Canson said on 21/Jun/17
@SJH: the more pics I see I agree with you about Ewing. I am from The DC area born and raised in VA and know people who have met Ewing and said he's really 6'10" not 7'0". One of which went to Gtown when he was there and that looks a roundup to me when you see him by John Starks who admitted he's only 6'2. Starks makes him look what you and Broome said 6'9" and change. Prob weak 6'10.
BillisaLefty said on 15/Jun/17
Rounding is necessary. I tell folks I'm 5'11''. In reality, I'm 183.4 in the morning, and about 181.7 at the end of the day. Technically, I just lied about my height, too. In the evening, I'm actually 181.734, etc. We all round our height, generally to the nearest full inch (5'7'', 6'1''.) However, few people are 6'1 or 5'7'' even. When it's a half, most people round up. And technically, that is mathematically proper. So, I Mr. Jillette, who is obviously at least 6'6'', saying he is 6'7'', is not out of the realm of possibility. Most pictures of him on the Internet are probably taken in the evening, he will likely look a little shorter in his pictures. If he got measured in the morning, let's say he was 199.5 cm. Rounding to 6'7'' is logical. I think his height at noon would be 78.25 inches.
Canson said on 14/Jun/17
@Slim: I agree wholeheartedly with you on that the bigger the guy. But this is likely an exception as Robert Broome also said below that he's similar in height. One thing for the exception is the "bigger" the guy not necessarily taller the guy. Heavier guys typically are off on their height regularly they get measured AM maybe at 6'3.5 and call themselves 6'4. It's almost a regular thing with heavier guys that they do it to offset weight. I have a relative now that is like that, military so measured an hour after waking and convinced that that he's the full 6'4 that he inflates everyone else to compensate (even after he was measured at 6'3.25 I believe and hat was like early afternoon). To put it in perspective he's just as tall as guys that claim 6'3
Slim said on 2/Jun/17
That's a big cop out. The bigger the guy, the less they lie. It's always been that way. Not saying it doesn't happen..
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
@Slim: so what about the other guy below that said he challenged him about his height and he stood on his tip toes. It can go both ways he may be lying or maybe he just claimed his shoes. I view shoes as lying but others don't. A guy who may have been 6'5.5 or 6'6" peak would easily be 6'7" in shoes and a guy 300lbs will likely claim that to make himself sound not as heavy
Slim said on 30/May/17
Soo let's not ignore all the other evidence that proves he's at least 6'6. Him with trace adkins and a legit 6'7 Dennis Rodman! One pic of him with a guy who claims 6'5 at a very bad photo angle with penn way back in the pic and claiming he had on thick soles while in a dress shoe type apparel? No. Means nothing.
S.J.H said on 6/Apr/17
Click Here I found this video penn and teller on conan show. When standing straight he look about 2.5' taller than 6'3 conan. Like i say penn peak could be 6'5.5 and 6'5 now
Canson said on 7/Mar/17
There's no way this guy is even taller than Carmelo Anthony is if even that tall. The more I see of posts like Broome and others he doesn't look more than a full 6'5". I notice more and more that heavier guys tend to claim their shoes and measure and weigh themselves in the morning to get a lower BMI
Canson said on 7/Mar/17
@S.J.H: it's not really modesty. I fall to 193.9 at my lowest (6'4.33) and have seen 193.1-.2 after being on my feet. Now that I know how it varies I don't see any reason claiming 6'5 when I'm not. Plus I know from taller friends where it stands being taller and am not going to put someone else in a position to have to lie by me being greedy. Not to mention 6'4" is tall enough. Plenty tall. Personally for me being mid 30s I know that I am not going to get any taller only shorter so I may as well start now
James B said on 6/Mar/17
Yeah defo more than half inch between pen and 6'7 kane
day day said on 6/Mar/17
200cm is on the button just under 6'7
S.J.H said on 30/Jan/17
Rob, i'm just curious lets say if a visitor like big 6'5 Robert Broome can prove a picture he measure at 6'5 and show a full picture with footwear of penn jillette height comparison with him and would you consider downgrade Penn Jillette at 6'5 for a current height?
In one fact Penn is 61years old and could be possible to have loss 0.5" and the 6'6 old claim might just be a morning measurement and he was always 6'5.5 before losing any height but a 6'7 claim on his twitter page is just way exaggerated

Editor Rob
SJH, it certainly adds to the available evidence.
S.J.H said on 24/Jan/17
You're right and your modesty at 6'4.5 stay true but most people just round up their height or exaggerated. For example a very tallish like kyle secor he claim his only 6'4 not 6'5 although listed him 6'4.5 but he could have measure 6'4 with his doctor in the morning and just go with his claim and was a solid 192cm guy and probably if he standing next to 195/194cm kobe bryant he would just look weak 6'4. I've stop growing at 200cm at my lowest just few mm shine of 6'7 and i get measure by doctor in morning usually pass over 6'7 or 6'7.25 and i just don't like be this tall ever since i pass over the 2nd tallest in my whole family while i have a 6'8 cousin. I downplay saying 6'5 everywhere i go when get ask which i'm uncomfortable with my frame and i always choose flat sneakers to wear and it's irritating whenever i had attend some occasion when i had to fit in dress shoes (1.1-1.2") and people will stare at me and there is always someone look up close to me to compete how tall am i. I don't understand why some 6'5/6'6 actors claim up over an inch and since they were so tall must well rounded up a half inch with a comfort claim. I even met few 6'2-6'3.5 guys claim height with 2/3cm more just to make themself more tallish impression given by others. I felt sorry for them being dishonest.
Canson said on 23/Jan/17
S.J.H couldn't have said it any better! He also confirmed what other friends who are that height have said that it's hell. And truthfully, Don't get why if Penn is really is only 6'5" that he claims 6'7 or even 6'6". At a proper 194cm I can say that that is more than enough height for a common person and don't see what people like Ice mean when they say their height of 6'2.5 at their lowest is short. Even some of the most proper 6'3s Are 6'2.5ish and they aren't shoe counting they're rounding up not 6'1 counting shoes. I mean whatever floats your boat but why would someone who is already very tall as is but at the cusp of comfortable/uncomfortable "wish" himself to be taller by exaggerating. 6'5.5-6'6 barefoot at the lowest (afternoon) is where problems enhance with beds vehicles airplanes doorways lol. Especially when in shoes you're as high as 6'7" or even 6'8" in some and won't clear doorways without ducking your head. I guess these 6'3" guys out here claiming 6'5" or 6'2 guys claiming 6'4" and so on don't realize that once people reach a point they don't lie and some even will sandbag down. I don't know any non pro athlete legit 6'5 guy in their right mind that would ever truly want to be 6'7" in bare feet so don't know why you would claim a height you don't want to be. Only exceptions may be 300+ pound guys who claim the height (not really wanting to be it) because they are too heavy for being their true height
S.J.H said on 15/Jan/17
I read up that Tyler Hansbrough draft height 6'8.25 w/o shoes was atually measure with shoes. I saw on a site that posted a 6'4 barefoot claimed fan had a close up full picture with Tyler Hansbrough with same posture similar Nike footwear and i can't believe he doesn't look over 3" taller than a real 6'4 guy. 6'7 is absolutely believable and he is 6'8.25 with shoes. Robert Broome is telling the truth and patrick ewing is at most 6'9.5 max if ewing is 6'10 then Robert Broome would have say so. I did believe Penn Jillette true height is 6'5 when standing well. I have heard Hakeem Olajuwon was not 6'10 as he claim but a weak 6'9 like 205cm like that and Hakeen did look about an inch shorter than patrick ewing.
Lastly Canson you're right about guys reach up 6'5 or more Most don't want to be any taller than they are. For the past few years or longer i have been lying and claiming i'm only 6'4-6'5 plus i have to admit i lied all the time because i'm way taller and i'm always over 6'6.5 ever since i was 20 and i hate my height so much i get ask my height everywhere i go or work. I'm coming 29 this year and now i started to accept my height as a gift i felt normal now standing with my 4 brothers raning from 6'1 to 6'4. I'm feeling good and much confident now.
APL said on 8/Jan/17
Saw their show in Vegas Teller is around 5-7 5-8 tops, Penn is huge. Easily taller than my 6ft 4 friend. Great show nice guys.
shiva 181 cms said on 4/Dec/16
@rob its saying American musician isn't he supposed to be magician

Editor Rob
oh, thanks I will correct his profession.
Canson said on 22/Nov/16
@Robert Broome: not sure if my last post made it through but I can see Penn as a solid 6'5 like you are. Doubt any less though. Possible the footwear wasn't as much difference or he wasn't standing straight. I can def see him as a legit 6'6 (198+) prime but very possible with age he's lost. I do agree like I said in the previous post about Hansbrough and Ewing however. I think Hansbrough's draft said he was 6'7 or 6'7.5. The latter could be just a measurement a bit earlier if that was the case and he maybe 6'7.25 at his lowest. Ewing never looked anywhere near 7'. I would've said he was 6'10 prime but 6'9.5-6'10 is of course possible, it'd just mean the others weren't as tall as they claimed. I have heard someone I met recently tell me Charles Oakley is "maybe 6'7". So that adds up and I saw an article that put Alonzo mourning 6'8.5 not 6'9.5. Same with Olajuwon where his former teammate Mario Elie says he's 6'9.
Canson said on 22/Nov/16
@Robert Broome: you're right on the money with both Ewing and Hansbrough. Hansbrough's draft was 6'7+ and I never believed Ewing to be anything close to 7'0. I know someone recently who has met Charles Oakley and he's shorter than I thought. I once saw an article that listed him in his draft at 6'6.25. But the person who knows him from VAUnion and still knows him said he's only "about 6'7" or around 6'6-6'7 and that he is only as tall as Ben Wallace were his words. So maybe max 6'10 for Ewing may be correct or 6'9.75. I also agree many people lie about their height. I'm only a tiny bit shorter than you at 194cm flat (I call myself 6'4 1/2) and often get guys an inch or so shorter swearing that they are 6'5. But I actually differ in that I never see 6'5 legit guys lying and saying they are 6'6 or 6'7. Most don't want to be any taller than they are
Robert Broome said on 20/Nov/16
It's an odd angle. I was thinking that we were about the same height. I'm certainly not taller than 6'5" shoeless. I think most people exaggerate their height by quite a bit. Especially very tall people. My neighbor is Patrick Ewing and he swears that he's 7'1". Another neighbor that is Tyler Hansbro. Next to me Patrick seems more 6'9" and some change and Tyler in the 6'7" territory.
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
@Robert Broome said on 24/Oct/16
I'm not sure about the picture but you look 6'8 if he was 6'6.5 and i'm just curious you're 6'5 by 195.5cm or 6'5.25 196cm? Because i have long guessing Jillette was at least 6'5 in person although like you say he have thick shoes, so i'm assuming you're like 6'5.25 and you're closer to the camera and it's a odd angle. So could he be 6'5 or just 6'4 in person?
josh jeffords said on 25/Oct/16
Very funny guy and very big not sure he was ever 6 6 he actually appeared 6 3 ish most times.
His heavy build and likely not great posture could cost him a couple inches if not posing.
He would weigh an easy 300 lbs with his build and being anything over 6 4, he is not or ever been 6 8.
Yup I got a friend who is a legit 330 6 8 and he towers everything so big he doesnt even fit in normal vehicles.
Weak 6 5 peak my guess wouldnt doubt the claims he is less but without a photo just libel.
Robert Broome said on 24/Oct/16
This is the link I mentioned. I'm 6'5" and he had on thick soles and I was wearing flat bottoms.
Click Here
Robert Broome said on 26/Sep/16
I actually posted a very recent pic of me with Penn after a show in Vegas this month. Not sure why it didn't get approved. I'm 6'5" and he was no taller than me and he had a big footwear advantage.

Editor Rob
try posting a link again.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Sep/16
Does look similar to Kane. Might still be a strong 6ft6
Canson said on 10/Sep/16
He looks a legit 198 maybe 199 prime
Dan said on 2/Sep/16
I'd put Penn at 6'5.5". He looks an inch and a half taller than John Cleese and David Hasselhoff (both listed at 6'4"), and he's at least seven inches shorter than Shaq. I was surprised how small he looked next to Shaq.
John said on 2/Aug/16
hes 6ft 6 next to kleese
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 24/Jul/16
With 6'7" Kane:
Click Here
Rick said on 22/Jul/16
Hey Rob,
I found recent video footage of Penn and Teller with Jesse Eisenberg. It starts near the end of this video:
Click Here
How tall would you say Teller is in comparison to Jesse? You can see both of their footwear but I'm not really a good judge of that, so I can't say much in that regard. Without footwear considerations, Teller seems 1-1.5 inches taller. That would put him in the 5'8"-5'8.5" range.
What do you say?

Editor Rob
Teller claims 5ft 8 for his height, he has a page
Rollo Tomasi said on 25/May/16
No way near 6'7. He looked slightly taller than John Cleese when he was on the show. So maybe 6'5.25 is right
Johno said on 29/Mar/16
I find it though that he presented a show such as B*lls**t and than comes out states his height at 6'7, he does not clear Jonathan Ross by more than 4-4.5 inches.
James B said on 19/Mar/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jan/16
James B said on 26/Oct/15
He looks a bit like ralf moller
James B said on 26/Oct/15
He looks a bit like ralf moller
LOL how?
I meant to say that on the tommy cooper page
Halb said on 8/Mar/16
On the latest episode of The US Celebrity Apprentice, he states he is 6'7. He towers over Lou Feriggno.
6ft5Vinnie said on 30/Jan/16
Rob my suggestion is to put "Penn Jillette's Height is 6ft 6in (198 cm)"
"Peak Height was 6ft 6.5in (199 cm)"
I personally think he had lost half an inch by now, with him being 60 years of age, plus his longer than average spine (the longer your vertabrae is, the more it compresses.)
Johno said on 29/Jan/16
He isn't this tall, he is under 6'6. I remember seeing a decent height chart from somewhere and he cleared it with some massive shoes on. Without the shoes he would be under 6'6.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jan/16
James B said on 26/Oct/15
He looks a bit like ralf moller
James B said on 26/Oct/15
He looks a bit like ralf moller
LOL how?
James B said on 26/Oct/15
He looks a bit like ralf moller
ZOOT FINLEY said on 6/Oct/15
James B said on 18/Aug/15
Stool 6'6.5 rob?

Editor Rob
he might be in an age where losing a fraction is quite likely, but generally still looks 6ft 6-6.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Aug/15
Rob, have you seen the amount of weight this guy has lost?
He lost over 100lbs!

Editor Rob
yes Rampage, he has shed a good amount
Red said on 22/Jul/15
Next to john cleese he looked about 6'6, had a clear inch on him
VC said on 14/Jul/15
I think Penn on a good day is 6'6" but most days, he is somewhat 6'5" or so.
joe 193cm night said on 15/May/15
Rodman 6´6.5(199)
Penn Jillette 6´6(198)
The rooster said on 9/Feb/15
Penn is 6 foot 6 and 1/2 because that is how tall I am...I met him after a show and we were the exact same height
i turn lesbians bi said on 10/Jan/15
metalfan619 says on 29/May/13
next to 6'7.5 KANE
Click Here
if kane is 6'7.5, penn is at least 6'5.5 - 6'6
Terence said on 7/Jan/15
filmfan says Penn's shoulders are four foot wide. I don't think any human on planet Earth has shoulders THAT wide..?!
tony t. said on 24/Sep/14
I'd like to see him and Tony Robbins take a pic together.
Richard said on 5/Aug/14
what I meant to say is pictures my bad.
Richard said on 3/Aug/14
Penn Jillette is one of those guys who wear shoes with hidden insoles to appear taller. I once met him back in 2005 unfortunately I don't have any pictues.
Im 6'3''. When I stood next to him I said how tall are you. He said 6'7''. I said no way you are barely taller than me. He then stood on his tipsy toes and said I am now and started laughing.
derpette said on 1/Aug/14
Penn is tall. teLLer is short. Screw America, Centimetres are better. it looks about 15cm height difference. look at this pic.
Click Here
JD183 said on 28/Jul/14
I got to stand face to face with Teller and he's a solid 5'10. I thought He'd be shorter but he isn't; He's not even that thin or small in build. He just looks small next to Penn.
avi said on 22/Mar/14
@TwistedHelix says on 23/Sep/13
5'9 for teller is more like it no more
@Aaron says on 9/May/13
no he looks 6'5 in the pic with you
Vegas said on 21/Mar/14
Charles Flint69 says on 9/Jun/13
Teller is more of a solid 5'10"(1.78m) guy
i met them both in person a number of years ago. no way teller is 5'10, didn't look taller than 5'8 in person.
TwistedHelix said on 23/Sep/13
Teller is more than 5'10". The penn and teller fool us show he was around 2" shorter than jonathon ross, who is practically 6'2" almost. Penn is easily 6'7", but 6'6.5" isn't massively under-rating him.
Charles Flint69 said on 9/Jun/13
Teller is more of a solid 5'10"(1.78m) guy. He always looks 21 cm under Penn,though,of course,Penn is gigantic,big framed and massive in the shoulders,where as Teller is leaner,has better posture/slimmer in size,etc.... Teller is 5'10" and Penn is more 6'6".
Brad said on 19/May/13
The listing is correct. If he has 2 inches on Trace Adkins on all star celeb apprentice, who is listed at 6'6", then I would say he is at least 6'6.5". Something to note about the pictures with wrestler Kane: You cannot see the footwear and Kane is closer to the camera in photos. A friend of mine is 6'7", same build as Penn and they look the exact same size in stadard door frames and next to people with clearly established heights. Penn is 6'6.5"-6'7" as he has stated. No need to lie about your height at that size.
Aaron said on 9/May/13
Met Penn at Starbucks, 6'7" is about right. I'm 6' flat and gain maybe 3/4" in my sneakers. I'm on the right.
Click Here
NJP said on 7/May/13
Kane is a flat/weak 6'7". The height for Penn is spot on @ 6"6.5"
Wanderer said on 29/Apr/13
I have met Penn in person, and know several people who are 6'4, and he is noticably taller than all of them, I would say 6'7 is about right, though admittedly he may have gained an inch from dress shoes and and inch from out of control hair.
DaMan said on 11/Apr/13
Not really, since Kane is obviously taller than Jillette.
Click Here
Penn's listed height is fine.
jimmy said on 7/Apr/13
Johno says on 12/Mar/13
About 6'5.5
Which makes Kane 6'5.5" too.
Johno said on 12/Mar/13
About 6'5.5
Nerfherder said on 1/Mar/13
Definitely the height he claims. There's a video on youtube from his old pen & teller show guest starring john cleese, who was likely over 6'5 in his prime. penn never looked more than 1.5" taller than cleese, and that's just when he's standing straight and cleese is slouching slightly.
Sackman Cometh said on 7/Feb/13
I'm 6'9.5". You cant judge the true height of people by comparison in pictures.I first met Penn in the late 80's in Vegas. I notice tall people more than most folks and at that time, Penn appeared to be slightly in excess of 6'6".
RP said on 24/Dec/12
Keep in mind Chenowith is very tiny!!! Like 5'0" & 95 lbs. I've even heard she was only 4'11" barefoot .
Trent said on 22/Dec/12
I know this isn't really to do with height, but look at this pic Penn just Tweeted:
Click Here
His fingers must be on a par with Andre the Giant's!
Trent said on 20/Dec/12
There is this YouTube celebrity TJ Kincaid and he has claimed 6'6.5. Anyway, on a BlogTV q&a type thing he said he met Penn in Vegas and Penn was "at least one inch" shorter than himself. Then he showed his photo of them together to the camera and you could see that he was telling the truth.
I'd guess Penn at 6'5.25 based on that picture. TJ said they met like 7 years ago, so Penn was already 50 and could have dropped a bit, especially considering he's so heavy.
Nowadays I would guess he dropped even more. In the early 90's only looked about an inch above John Cleese, who has claimed 6'4.75.
So I say
Peak is 6'5.75
Today he might be 6'5 or so.
WalkingTall 6ft 3.25in said on 19/Nov/12
I'm not sure that Penn measures 199cm,i always thought 197cm is bang on for him,big man indeed!
Shaun said on 5/Sep/12
James says on 25/Jun/11
Yeah 6'7 is a giant. I think 6'4 (1.93m) is the start of WOW tall. It is very rare to see a 6'7 guy yes but not impossible. In my opinion it is virtually impossible if you live in a small sized town to spot someone that is 6'8 or over generally over 6'7. heck where i am from even 6'4 or 6'5 is rare..... that said last night when i was in a car park in small town i saw an old guy that i think was around 6'4 or 6'4 1/2? In my opinon 'standard' normal tall is 6'1 since you do see quite a few 6'1ers in bars. you see do see maybe a handful 6'2 and 6'3 guys but they are genrally outnumberd by the amount of 6ft and 6'1 guys you see. might see 1 or 2 6'4 men in a crowded bar. Overall though i think 6'0 or 6'1 do not look that impressive unless your bulky and muscular at these heights.
Yeah, seeing somebody over 6'7" is extremely rare for sure. I'd agree that anything over a legit 6'4" will start to stand out as a very tall man in public and likely the start of where people might often mention your height. The thing is half the population are women anyway, so if you're that tall you should generally feel huge in public as you're a foot + taller than the average woman. Jillette's size and appearance though to me is far from desirable. Impressively big yes, but not attractive.
When I went on holiday to Sardinia once there was two 6'6" range guys on my bus to my hotel out of only about 10 people which struck me as quite odd. One was a kid about 16 or 17 and the other a guy in his 60s and built like Jeff Capes. There weren't related, in fact the boy's father was only about 5'7" but his mother was tall, around 6' I think. I know the kid was 6'6" as his mother said so and he certainly looked 6'6"-6'7". But I remember walking past the old 6'6" range guy in my flip flops down the stairwell one time on the way to the pool and I'm not exactly the smallest of guys in height and build and compared to him I felt petite! Built like a fridge freezer!
Shaun said on 5/Sep/12
Click Here
Teller is listed as 5'9" I think. He looks to have no less than 10 inches on him here. His feet make him look giant like.
Shaun said on 5/Sep/12
Click Here
Look at the size of his feet and torso!! If I wear 17-17.5 collar shirts his must be like 22!! XXXXXXXXL
Shaun said on 5/Sep/12
He most certainly doesn't look under 6'6". 6'6.5" is quite believable.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/12
Yeah he probably measures 6'6.5 sometime in the day (btw, big guys like him loose at least an inch from morning to night), but 6'6 is probably closer to his real height! He looked about this next to Johnatan Ross!
Hob said on 31/Jul/12
i always feel this guy was 6'5 and pushing 6'5.5 i believe he hover 196.5cm
Tommy said on 9/Feb/12
Andrea, he did himself say something like he was "more 6'7 than 6'6," or "closer to 6'7 than 6'6," and he's outright said 6'7 a few times. He said he got measured when he took his child to the doctor for a checkup, I think, so it could well have been in the morning. Maybe he had shoes. Maybe they measured him wrong. At any rate, tall as he looks, he really doesn't look like he's pushing 6'7.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 9/Feb/12
Rob, why did you listed him at 6'6.5, if he said 6'6? He actually looks 6'6 tops, even less to be honest...
Shaun said on 7/Feb/12
Yeah an inch taller than Cleese, 6'6" ish, not sure where the half inch extra came from though!
Tommy said on 2/Feb/12
6'6.5 is too much. He was an inch taller than 6'4.75 Cleese when they appeared together, footwear the same. I know of a guy who's 6'6 who said he taller than Jillette when they stood together. So I'd say pushing 6'6 at his peak, and around 6'5 flat today.
avi said on 6/Nov/11
i think Penn is 6'6 flat but could be 6'5.75. Never over 6'6. Dont knwo why Rob gave him 6'6.5 thats generous. i wish people would plop an extra .5-.75 inch to my height...
leo said on 5/Nov/11
LAN Jiao, your height is very inconsistent. First you claim 6'4.75" barefoot now 6'5.3". Are you talking thin shoes?
leo said on 5/Nov/11
Truthman, what do you mean barely taller than Conan? I see 2-2.5 inches easy between them.
Clint said on 5/Nov/11
LAN Jiao, lol are you asian? Cause I am half asian and am 6'6" during the day.
Vegas said on 2/Nov/11
LAN Jiao says on 1/Nov/11
i agree with you this Penn Jillette guy look around my height 6'5 could be shorter than me thought by 0.3 im min 6'5.3
you are as tall as penn jillette!! your username alone suggests you are 11 or 12 years old
LAN Jiao said on 1/Nov/11
viper you are very tall. yes at 6'3 a real one is rare shorter than a person walks out on street. im 6'5.3 almost tower everyone i met daily, even in a mall i don often met a guy over 6'3 tall . i know people who claim 6'3 yet they was't that tall and i could spot people really 6'3 top over them.
i agree with you this Penn Jillette guy look around my height 6'5 could be shorter than me thought by 0.3 im min 6'5.3
RICHARD said on 18/Aug/11
I think 5'10-6'1 is a good,tall height for a guy,and then anything over 6'1 is pushing like WOW tall,esp.6'7 for a 16 y/o,and I've seen many tall guys like Penn at the mall,grocery stores,etc...hell,even girls who are like 5'11-6'0 amaze me with how tall they are,and I've seen girls like 6'3...girls are definately getting taller and taller as time goes on,sadly I'm an average height guy who gets dwarfed by anyone over 6',even some;(
James said on 25/Jun/11
Yeah 6'7 is a giant. I think 6'4 (1.93m) is the start of WOW tall. It is very rare to see a 6'7 guy yes but not impossible. In my opinion it is virtually impossible if you live in a small sized town to spot someone that is 6'8 or over generally over 6'7. heck where i am from even 6'4 or 6'5 is rare..... that said last night when i was in a car park in small town i saw an old guy that i think was around 6'4 or 6'4 1/2? In my opinon 'standard' normal tall is 6'1 since you do see quite a few 6'1ers in bars. you see do see maybe a handful 6'2 and 6'3 guys but they are genrally outnumberd by the amount of 6ft and 6'1 guys you see. might see 1 or 2 6'4 men in a crowded bar. Overall though i think 6'0 or 6'1 do not look that impressive unless your bulky and muscular at these heights.
As for Penn Jillete...
Today 6'5.25
Peak 6'6 (198cm)
Still not convinced about 6'6 1/2.
here with 195cm John Cleese looks no more than 3cm taller. Cleese was 196cm at his peak but he looks a bit older here so i am guessing he was 195cm when this was recorded.
Click Here
Viper said on 20/Jun/11
The Viper guy who said he was 6-1 must have been a different person.
Lillo thomas said on 20/Jun/11
6-7 guys are huge even in my view . Is very rare to see one in person.
J-Dog said on 19/Jun/11
Viper you are 6'3"?????
I find this very odd as I have been on this site for years and I have seen you post on numerous occasions that you were 6'1" continuously in the past. As that was the height or below you would also downgrade celebs IE: like saying Keanu Reeves never looked 6'1" (I think Keanu Reeves looks 6'1" I just gave this as an example you would often say)
PatB said on 16/Jun/11
"I don't see people taller than 6' 4'' at the mall often."
I'm 6'4" or a bit more in street shoes. I also used to teach statistics. The mean height for men is about 5'9" and the standard deviation is 2.5" or thereabouts. The math works out such that being 6'4" puts you in the 99th percentile. That means at the mall about one man in a hundred will be 6'4" or taller. I figure you meet maybe 200 men in the mall in an afternoon so you should see two (one to three) tall guys. I have tested this reasoning on the streets of San Franciso at lunch hour when its very crowded. I started counting men as I passed by them. Sure enough I usually got up to 100 before I passed a guy taller than me.
Penn Jillette looks to me to be an honest 6'6". He's bigger than I am. At that size it's better to be rich so you can afford to fly first class. Trust me on that one. I used to fly all over the country for a consulting firm that would only pay for coach. Just remembering that experience is painful to this day.
Since big men often gain and lose and inch or more from day to day or even within a single day I think all these confident assertions about half inch differences is pretty silly.
James said on 10/Jun/11
I agree 6'5
Conan is 6'3.5 i think
James said on 10/Jun/11
i agree 6'5
Dave said on 9/Jun/11
it's really bad when you're 199 cm, because you are just 1 cm under 2 m :)
Blaine said on 4/Jun/11
He not 6'6 on the show with john cleese, who is 6'5 was not 1 and half inches taller no more than 6'5.5
ANDREA[ITA] said on 1/Jun/11
If Jon Ross really is 185, he's gotta be solid 6ft7!
Truthman said on 26/May/11
Barely taller than Conan
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/May/11
198cm(6"6)...out of bed he's probably 199cm
James said on 23/Feb/11
you seriously do not get legit 6'4ers around.
Joe said on 29/Jan/11
I'd definitely believe 6'6". I am 5'9" and he was crouching a bit in people's pictures, when some one who was probably around 6'4" came for a picture he stood straighter and appeared to be the same height as a roommate I used to have (also 6'6"). When it was my turn he went down a few inches again to appear more like my dad's height of 6'3". He even commented how when the tall guy had his picture taken it was nice to stretch for a bit.
Matt said on 26/Jan/11
@Viper I don't see people taller than 6' 4'' at the mall often.
Halb said on 8/Jan/11
Yeh Penn is big, he has the height plus the mass, like a mini-Andre.
Viper said on 7/Jan/11
I sure dont see people taller than 6-6 at a mall often
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/11
Ahhh, Vegas, I didn't notice Cleese had big heels on too. Still, that certainly wouldn't make Penn 6'6.5 Probably more just shy of 6-6. And 6'6 is very tall, but at least in the places where I go, it isn't super-rare or anything.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/11
Seriously Rob, you need to downgrade him. Based on the video of him and Cleese, he just can't be 6'6.5 There is not a 1.75" difference, even with Penn's footwear advantage.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/11
Duhon, 6'6 is really tall, but it isn't anything extraordinary. If you just go to a mall or any high school, you will likely see a few people taller than that. And Scandinave, I dunno about 6ft4, but he certainly isn't 6'6.5. Check out the video of him and John Cleese (6'4.75), and you will see there is only an inch or so between them-- and Penn has cowboy boots, meaning it's probably more like only a half inch difference.
Conclusion: Penn is probably a strong 6-5
Scandinave said on 2/Jan/11
Meet this guy when i was in las vegas. i am at his stated height (6ft6.5/199cm. i stood next to him for about 5 minutes,aand i easily noticed that he was 2-3 inches shorter than me. i Even think he had a slight fotwear advantage. 6ft6.5 isnt right. More like 6ft4.
d wade said on 24/Dec/10
you are sightless mandilo shaq has easy 7 inches in the video on penn jillette
Duhon said on 10/Dec/10
At 6'6" you can probably go your whole life with seeing maybe only a handful of people who are your height or taller so it's something he's surely not used to.
James said on 5/Dec/10
Penn looks miffed that Shaq is so much taller.
matt said on 4/Jul/09
Something odd.......I never knew Penn was this tall, i simply celebheight searched him because I had seen on here that Benicio Del Torro was 6'2, though had claimed 6'4
In Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, there is a scene with Penn Jillette, and he looks a very similar height to Del Torro - maybe an inch taller or two
Should Del Torro not be upgraded to 6'4?.....Personally I think penn looks 6'6
Big King said on 1/Jul/09
Rob, if he already stated his height as 6'6", how can he be 6'6.5"??? He just towered roughly an inch over John Cleese who is a weak 6'5" in one of his shows.
Mychel said on 29/May/09
He's such a giant. I saw him on Red Eye and he made Greg Gutfeld look like a dwarf by comparison.
Mark D. said on 26/May/09
In the Ed Begley pic, Ed's closer to camera. Penn is bending forward at the waist. His belt line is 2 inches higher than Ed's. Shoe thickness, we don't know. A friend of mine who's a few inches under my chin in height met Penn a few days ago took a picture of it. I'm almost 6'5". I saw the picture. He stood behind her and she was only up to his mid chest. It looked like she was sitting down! Almost 6'7" seems right.
James said on 16/May/09
He dosen't always carry himself well. Suprised he's over 6'6, sometimes he can look no more than 6'5 or even give illusions of looking 6'4.
Cameron said on 30/Apr/09
Alex, in that video he says hes taller than NFL player Jason Taylor. Taylor is a measured 6-5 1/2.
yoyo said on 30/Apr/09
he could be 200cm tall when he was young. 199cm now sounds accurate. thats no way to argue his noticeable big frame.. a 300pounds giant as well..
JuhaP said on 6/Apr/09
Here's Penn with 6ft 4in Ed Begley jr. They look like to be the same height.
Click Here
Alex said on 9/Mar/09
Sorry, I meant to say he's closer *to* 6'7".
Alex said on 7/Mar/09
In this video he describes that he was lying about being 6'6" and that he's actually closer than 6'7" and that he was actually taller than a 6'6" person.
Click Here
LOL said on 21/Feb/09
yeah... he is definitly 6'6"
Raul Duke said on 4/Feb/09
Del Torro and Jillette appear around the same height in Fear and Lothing, as Del Torro walks right in front of him.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/09
I've met Penn; most of the people here probably haven't. He is an ENORMOUS person. To say that he is less than 6
George said on 1/Jan/09
He was .75 - 1 inch taller than John Cleese who is either a strong 6'4 or 6'5.
So I would say strong 6'5, possible 6'6. Definitely not 6'7 though.
dicksock said on 25/Oct/08
Penn is 6'6.5".
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/08
I have met Penn. I believe he is legitimately 6'7".
Big King said on 20/Sep/08
6'7" with shoes maybe.
Clay said on 9/Sep/08
Last night on Carson Daly he said he was 6'7''.
Big King said on 8/Sep/08
I don't think that Penn's height has something to do with 6'6". He didn't look much taller than almost 6'5" John Cleese. Penn could be 6'5 1/2" and Cleese 6'4 3/4".
Ruja said on 20/Mar/08
The opinion that Penn is an inch taller than Gleese is nonsense. Maybe he is a half inch taller than Gleese but that's all. I always thought that Glenn is 6'5" but after this video with John Cleese, Penn looks 6'5 1/2" and John Cleese 6'5" or maybe 6'4 3/4".
Gonzalo said on 15/Oct/07
Where did his pic with Vegas go? It was an excellent pic
Alex V. said on 21/Sep/07
Penn is taller than Cleese, maybe 2cm (0.5"- 1")
Vegas said on 17/Sep/07
to me it looks like they both have the exact same footwear only in different colours. You can see Cleese's heels at 8 min 8 seconds, 8 min 15 seconds and 8 min 32 seconds.
i agree though 6'5 for Cleese and 6'6 for Jillette, two funny guys
Ron from Tampa said on 16/Sep/07
It appears to me that in the video, Penn is wearing red shoes (possibly cowboy boots) with very high heels, and John Cleese is wearing normal dress shoes. At times in the video when they were standing close and both standing straight up, Penn seems to be 1.5" to 2" taller than Cleese. However, I think Penn's shoe heels were about an inch higher than John's. If this is correct, it seems to me that John Cleese is just 1 inch shorter than Penn (if both were barefoot). So, from everything I've seen of John and Penn, 6'5" for Cleese and 6'6" for Penn seems realistic. As mentioned on this site, differing heel heights can be very misleading in height comparisons. I'm a big fan of each of these guys, and the video was very entertaining.
BigT said on 15/Aug/07
great call on the height because check this next to 6'5" John Cleese
Click Here its very clear penn is an inch above cleese
lillo thomas said on 14/Aug/07
i think penn could be a legit 6-6
stewy said on 13/Aug/07
On the SHOtime comedy series "Penn And Teller: Bulls---!", he said he was
6 feet, 6 inches and 310 pounds
RICHARD said on 19/May/07
He is definetly taller than Teller,obvious. He is a solid 6'6.
Vegas said on 31/Mar/07
I thought Teller looked about 5'8 to me in person. I have 3" on him. Penn looked a legit 6'6 alrite, no lower than 6'5 for definite though.
Samantha said on 28/Mar/07
He is most likely 6'6" because Teller is 5'9" as stated in one of their shows and Penn is much taller than him and looks huge wherever he goes.
Vegas said on 8/Mar/07
Jillette is bending how does the photo give him an advantage??
Parker is looking at least 6'1 in that photo with 5'8-5'9 Teller; Viper; he has at least 2" more height on Teller than I had; well at least thats what i think anyway??
Click Here I have seen Parker look taller than 6'2 listed Zidane and Maria Sharapova in photos too, so these guys will have to come down to 6'0 or below if Parker is just 6ft.
I love how in soccer and the NBA the smaller guys get downgraded to much less than they actually are listed, who knows why this happens but it happens all the time.
Gonzalo said on 8/Mar/07
Jillette further from the camera, Vegas? I just don`t see that. That photo advantages Jillette. Anyway, as I said it was a quick shot on TV so probably th difference is more what you say. I will have to do more research
Viper said on 2/Mar/07
Parker is closer to 6-0.
Vegas said on 1/Mar/07
visibily leaning; further from the camera and still a good 4" taller than 6'2 NBA listed Tony Parker in this photo
Click Here
Gonzalo said on 21/Feb/07
I saw him in the NBA All Star weekend next to Tony Parker. It was a quick shot but he didn`t look four inches taller than Tony, just a couple.
Vegas said on 1/Feb/07
Taller than 6'4 anyway as people here are saying. I was standing at my tallest and he was slouching a little and still had me by a good 6". I think 6'6 is very possible for this guy, but as Viper says he is 6'5 minimum
Viper said on 30/Jan/07
He does look 6-5 minimum.
J-Dog said on 29/Jan/07
I think he is 6'5".
cantstop25 said on 15/Oct/06
max 6'5" he is the only celebrity I have ever met in person
larry said on 1/Apr/06
He was on SNL when Randy Quaid was a regular & looked 2 cms to 1 inch taller. Since Randy is usually listed as 6'4", that would make Penn 6'5".
J. said on 29/Mar/06
In this photo essay that Penn penned (no pun intended- lol), he states that he's 6'6" and 278 lbs (wow):
Click Here
Horatio said on 28/Mar/06
He said 6'5" at the show that I went to. Has he grown an inch in his old age?
For us average height folks it's difficult to tell the height of folks who are in the extremes. But during the intermission, Penn met with the audience and he towered over virtually everyone so he is definitely around 6 and a half feet.
I met Teller on stage, he is 5'8" tops.

Editor Rob
probably a bit like the guy on Whose line is it anyway...depending on the day might say 6ft 5 or 6ft 6...
iris said on 28/Mar/06
yep... this guy seems huge, moreover standing all the time next to Teller
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Really? seemed more 6-4. Rob- are you still putting up more pics? or certain ones you arnt using? thanks!

Editor Rob
I've put up most that you've sent, maybe 3 or 4 ones I haven't, like that gza guy and couple could be possible you had sent a batch once and it never went through...
J. said on 28/Mar/06
Teller, is supposedly, 5'9".