Abdul-DK said on 11/Dec/22
ChaosControl1 said on 28/Jan/22
Interestingly he’s 182cm on Google, Rob do you think Google underlisted him?

Editor Rob
Not looked at him for a long while, but I can see how he seemed close to 6ft inhis prime, he could be a weak 6ft and today with posture, sometimes seems 5ft 11 actually.
Former model said on 18/Feb/19
David’s biggest illusion is tricking the world bout his height. We me in the 90’s and back then I was modeling. At 5’3” you can guess I didn’t get too far. I went further with beauty pageants and so on because of my height and talents. I met David downtown Baltimore or Washington after a show (sorry but we were all over doing things. People would bring me places and I would have to ask where I was at times but I remember details like people and so on.) still who would forget meeting people like Brett Michaels, Gregory Hines or David copperfield?
Brett and I had a long talk and we were born on the exact same day. He is a tall guy but he was very thin. I had a tiny waist and I remember his wasn’t much bigger. He wasn’t scrawny or fat but very fit. He wanted chicken soup and had people looking for it. Lol
David was downtown when I met him. We saw the crowd leaving and when we asked what was up they said David Copperfield was there. No sooner did they mention it and I felt somebody touch my waist and say excuse me. I turned and it was him. I don’t remember being in the way or if he grabbed me because he stumbled but he wasn’t rude. At first I didn’t think it was him because on tv he looked so tall. He was actually shorter than I was. He had just finished a show or had a signing because all these people had brochures for him to autograph.
Then he did the oddest thing! Instead of walking to the front of the table with the pens and papers. He got on the table from behind. They had something he climbed to get on the table and sit on the table with a chair. In case I confused anyone the table was on a normal height table. It reminded me or the cafeteria tables from school. So as he signed autographs and talked to him people he was looking down at them from his “perch”.
I was there with other girls doing a beauty pageant and they all noticed it and were whispering about his height but nobody said it loudly. Idk if it’s stayed secret because he’s such a good illusionist or that well liked. Honestly he was a very nice person! Everyone seemed to love him. I really didn’t get to have any big meeting or talks because it was really late and we had to get to our cars.
People said he’s 6’ or around but he’s not. I noticed when he looks as tall as others on stages that he has some serious shoes on. If you google the dancers or his assistants that have been on stage then check their height. Check pics of performances with him and see if they were in flats.
I find it all very sad. I mean he must be bothered by his height but why? He’s proven he’s a giant among men! As I said I’m short and all these years later my children are all taller than I am! Personally I love being shorter! I get into places others can’t and I didn’t have to duck for branches like my family. Plus I did gymnastics and being short helps there because you have more room to move. In a pageant one girl did gymnastics for a talent and didn’t account for how tall she was or difference in rooms. She was practically hitting the ceiling.
David Jones if the Monkees was notoriously short. He wanted to be a jockey because he was so short! All below height did was get him noticed. He was the famous monkee they all knew lol on the Brady bunch etc. Like Davey Jones, David Copperfield is short and well loved. One day I hope he discloses his height so he can laugh at us like he did when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear! He’s a great Gu! hope if hiding his height is because of a personal worry then he sees we love him anyway! He’s proven a giant among us all by his great illusions!
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jan/16
Not sure on his height, but he always looks ridiculously good to the point I wonder if that's also an illusion to trick us into thinking he's that handsome LOL. I see he's full blooded Jewish which explains it I guess, definitely looks like he has Israeli or Iranian heritage.
penguinboy25 said on 17/May/13
Me and my friend both met him in Las Vegas and are both 5'11.5. He was Just about the same as us in this photo and he was even slouching a tad. I'd say 183 is a very good estimate.
spiveylawfirm said on 29/Nov/12
I met David Copperfield on November 22, 2012 in Las Vegas and took a picture standing next to him. I am exactly 6 feet tall and was exactly 2 inches taller than him. Therefore he is only 5'10" tall.
art said on 1/Dec/11
post the pictures he looks taller very thin. prepicked seems staged
Mike said on 7/Jul/11
You are all wrong. My wife was pre-picked to be one of the people involved in his act in Reading Pa. The requirement was she had to be under 5 ft. 4 inches, wear sneakers and under 104 lbs. for a levitation. At the end of the act they stood on the stage and bowed to the audience. I was clicking away with a camera (still have the pictures). Got them developed and as I was looking at them, realized they were the same height! I don't know how he has done it but my wife and David are the same height. Have the pictures to proof it.
Rachael said on 26/May/09
He is 6ft tall. I was standing right next to him two days ago.
Hugh said on 11/Dec/08
James, I thought you said you've only met James Nesbitt.
Katie said on 2/Mar/08
The husband did a duck skit w/ DC in Vegas few days ago. Was not a plant, was chose from audience, hubby is 5'10 1/2 and DC was taller than him by a bit. Attribute to shoes but still was taller....both are same build (slim, fit).
Billy Exray said on 25/Dec/07
I have met DC several times and I am 5'11 He was a tad bit shorter then me I have taken several pics with him and no to the person saying the girl is a plant. She is not I am a magician and I do the same trick and it is not a plant with the finger rings.
Bob said on 4/Sep/06
I worked on the local crew for several Copperfield tours when they came to my town in the 80's. I am 5'-8" and he was shorter than I. Very skinny and well proportioned. I believe he does select the people out of the audience very carefully as well as the people he works with to give the ilusion that he is tall. Works well. And though I know how many of his illusions work, they still amaze me. Fine performer. Fairly nice guy too.
Rico said on 22/May/06
Saw him at the indoor arena birmingham, he was no taller than me when he stood next to me, im 5`9"
Frank2 said on 9/May/06
I was at one of his shows in Vegas and he came right to the table where I was seated at and at one point I had to stand up to allow him to get by me. I was taller. He then selected one of the women seated at the next table and made her wedding and engagement rings connect as if he could open up the band of one ring and allow the other to be inside. It dawned on me that she was a plant. When I saw her leave early I knew I was correct. He uses several in his audience as do many magicians working in Vegas. He did produced a terrific show.