Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 1/Apr/22
He looks no more than 5’8” next to Joe Manganiello:
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MaskDeMasque said on 8/Jun/21
He looks a solid 5'9 in pee wee big adventure. Would have said 5'9.5 easily. But he is very skinny. He looked no more than 5'9 in mystery men.
jerry rehard said on 6/Jun/20
The actress who plays Simone in Pee wee's Big Adventure looks a good two inches taller than him, and she appears to wearing flat shoes. Her bio list her at 5'10 so I cant see him as any taller than 5'8 and a half. I think his thin build and short torso to leg ratio makes him appear taller at a glance.
lee168cm said on 17/May/18
5ft 9? Really? shouldn't Jennifer Coolidge look taller next to him in those heels if she's already near 5ft 10?
Ron said on 12/Apr/16
Hes a solid 5 10 for sure
the shredder said on 24/Feb/15
Rob , do you think he claims 5'11? If so that is a big lie

Editor Rob
not sure if it's an actual 'what's your height/weight' asked by police or if it was the policeman writing it down and guessing.
Might be his own claim actually!
the shredder said on 21/Mar/14
5'8.5 peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/14
5ft9 range is what I would've guessed.
Phil Hartman was always at least 1in taller than him on 'Pee Wee's Playhouse'.
jake said on 27/Aug/11
Looks more 1.76 m than a full 5ft10in.
the shredder said on 11/Aug/11
Rob , I was watching Buffy and He is shorter then Luke Perry buy an inch .
Kent said on 17/Jun/11
Reubens appeared alongside Ray Romano in an episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond." Romano is an established 6'2 so Reubens appeared to be a couple inches shorter by comparison. They were almost eye to eye in a couple shots when Romano leaned a bit. I'd have guessed 6'0 - but 5'11 is reasonable.
5\'11 barefoot said on 6/Apr/11
he was as tall as johnny depp in blow...
Legend said on 16/Jan/11
He's 5'8.75 now
Linda T said on 20/Nov/10
I agree with Bouncer, Glenn, and Frank2.
He was VERY thin/borderline skeleton back during the late 1980s and early 90s for example in: Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Big Top Pee-wee and Pee-wee's Playhouse show, he looked around 115-120 pounds weight MAXIMUM in all these.
And as we all know that when someone is VERY thin it DOES give the illusion of them looking/being 1-2 or 3 inches taller than what they really exactly are b/c their bones show more or from the side they look longer etc..
So even though he was very skinny in 1985 Pee-wee's Big Adventure he doesn't look a SOLID 5-10 to me.
I say a SOLID 5-9 or maybe 5-9.5 and a weak 5-10 (in the A.M.)for our Pee-wee :)
GF said on 4/Jul/09
He's listed elsewhere as 5-10. Also, I highly doubt at that height he weighs 145. That's extremely skinny. Maybe 160.
Bouncer said on 2/Jan/09
This guy looks WAY shorter than 5'10, illusion or not, but he DOES.
Elio said on 28/Apr/06
Yeah... i wonder what would happen is Sly got arrested whilst wearing his 3-4" mega-shoes? :)
Glenn said on 12/Mar/06
Never saw him.looks closer to 5-9.but can sometimes look 5-10.Im glad someone agrees jackson is 5-9.now him I saw.
joe said on 11/Mar/06
Doesn't the police measure people with their shoes on? One would think that the police would be accurate when it comes to heights, since they need to know them if someones on the loose or something. I'd say that Paul Reubens and Michael Jackson are both 5 ft 10 , since they were measured 5 ft 11 (with shoes on?)
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Peewee does look shorter in person. I'd say he's no more than 5'9" max. But I saw him with his overcoat on! (Just kidding!) Actor/comedian Paul Reubens couldn't weigh any more than 125 lbs which makes him look taller on camera. And never trust what the police claim regarding heights of celebs. They reported Michael Jackson as being 5'11" which is a joke. Michael is 5'9".
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Peewee does look shorter in person. I'd say he's no more than 5'9" max. But I saw him with his overcoat on! (Just kidding!) Actor/comedian Paul Reubens couln't weigh any more than 125 lbs which makes him look taller on camera. And never trust what the police claim regarding heights of celebs. They reported Michael Jackson as being 5'11" which is a joke. Michael is 5'9".