Krista said on 8/Jan/06
She is like 5' 6" or 5' 5". Her big feet make it easier to hide heels. She can wear 5" heels and people think she's in normal sized heels (2"-3") and that's why they think she's 5' 8". Plus, she's thin and often appears taller than she really is.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/06
saw her in hawaii, she is almost 5'8, no shoes walking around hotel.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/06
Watched Project Runway last night and Nicky Hilton was about 4 inches shorter than Heidi Klum, who is about 5'8" in real life. Paris is 5'5.
mmm said on 5/Jan/06
Paris is under 5'6". I've stood about 5 feet from her. I'm 5'6" but the heels I wore that night make me 5'8" - 5'9" - I towered over her.
jule said on 4/Jan/06
yes. paris is definetly 5'6 or maybe even 5'7. But her shoe is huge! thats okay though. When i was 12 years old i had a shoe size of 12 and heels of 12! yeah thats pretty big. that was when i was 5'6. i am now 5'11.
175cm16andgrowing said on 4/Jan/06
I don't know why my last comment's not in here but I'll write it again. She did a commercial for McDonald's or something like that last year and "Neue Revue", a german magazine, described Paris as "1.73cm und 52/3kg". I'm not sure if they said she's 52 or 53kg but they definately said she's 5'8''. She can look smaller, though, 5'7'' but nothing under that mark.
Liz said on 3/Jan/06
You're right. A friend of Paris; Kimberly Stewart is listed as 5'8", and she is definitely taller, though hard to tell how much taller.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/06
Nicky is 5'5" Paris is same to 5'6". This is silly. Look at them with their small friends. 5'8". is much taller than the Hilton ladies. No need to inflate again.
Liz said on 30/Dec/05
No way, Nicky always looked taller to me. Do you have any pics where it's the other way around?
~Nate~ said on 28/Dec/05
I saw Life and Style with Nicky Hilton and she was with this one news anchor chick who said once that shes 5'8, Nicky was wearing bigger heels then the news anchor and was about the same height. I say Paris is about 5'8, when Nicky and Paris are in sandals Paris is always taller when shes standing straight up. I give Paris a good two inches on Nicky.
Cassie said on 28/Dec/05
Lindsay Lohan is an even 5' 5" and Paris was not very much taller than she is. The 5' 8" thing is way off. I'd say that Paris is about 5' 6" or 5' 7"... definitely not 5' 8" like most sites say.
Anonymous said on 27/Dec/05
Nicky Hilton is 5'5 or 5'6". Check her out with her tiny beau. Paris is most certainly 5'5".
LAAnonyme said on 22/Dec/05
Paris Hilton is definitely not tall - she is just slightly above average. 5'6.5" is probably the most accurate estimate. She has often stated that she wears a size 11 shoe, which is a more common size for women over 5'10". She is also extremely thin and gaunt, which makes a person appear taller in photos.
Amanda said on 16/Dec/05
Paris is a lot shorter that I thought! People kept saying how "tall" she was and I thought she was 5' 11" or 6'. I never would have guessed she was only 5' 6.5"! And from pics of her w/ 5' 7" Nicky Hilton, that seems right.
Liz said on 9/Dec/05
Also, can anyone explain how someone can look MUCH taller on tv then they do in real life? Like is there a technical explanation for this? Contrast this with Mariah, who says that people prior to meeting her thought she was short.
Britpop said on 8/Dec/05
And survey says: Nicky and Paris are both around 5'4" or 5'5".
Britpop said on 8/Dec/05
Well, here is Nicky and Kevin. Do you honestly think Nicky could be over 5'5"?? And Paris is shorter.
jon said on 6/Dec/05
Paris is definately not that tall. i was talking to her at the teen vogue party in her 3" heels and i was looking down at her. so i would say she's about 5'6" or 5'7" since i'm 6'.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/05
I was in flats, she was standing right next to me in 4inch heels and was not even my height. i'm 5'10 1/2
BritPop said on 5/Dec/05
Nicky is the same height as Kevin Connelly (sans her heels). She must be 5'5" maximum and Paris too.

Editor Rob
just type nicky hilton kevin to see the pics. There's a few there -
like this
Liz said on 2/Dec/05
Hmm..I dunno about you, but I saw at least a three inch difference there. You know how if you're further away from the camera you look shorter? Well I already saw that the other model (who you say is 5'9.5") is noticeably taller when she was further away (could be she had on higher heels), but I also know that models fudge their height just as much as the rest of hollywood, so those numbers aren't reliable either. Who cares. I say Paris looks good, and that's all that matters (to me anyway).
zephyr said on 1/Dec/05
Here is a video of Paris Hilton on the runway for Heatherette: . I honestly think she is 5'8" or pretty close to it. You can forward to the 2:45 11:58 20:47 marks where she walks. Unfortunately she had to walk right before a model who looks extremely tall, I'd say over 6' tall. But as she walks back the first time she doesn't look too much shorter than model Omahyra Mota who is 5'9.5". despite walking with her classic pose with her back arched.
Liz said on 30/Nov/05
Marc, how tall were your shoes though? I mean, even 'flats' have a bit of height right?
BritPop said on 29/Nov/05
Thanks, Marc. But that still makes her under 5'6". If you're not 5'10" in heels, you're not 5'7".
Marc said on 27/Nov/05
While in on vacation the week November 25, I met Hilton. I am 5'10". WHilton was wearing about 3 inch heels, and she came up just above my eyebrows (trust me, I was close enough to tell, haha), making her around 5'6 or 5'7". Please take into account that she models, although she resembles a bird.
bling said on 22/Nov/05
hey guys, why stress about the details? Ppl who've seen her said she LOOKED tall, that's all that matters right? i certainly agree that body shape/size could make you look inches taller/shorter...I mean, i'd much rather LOOK 5'8", then BE 5'8" (but not look it!)...of course all this is just my opinion, feel free to respond :P
ii said on 16/Nov/05
I am 5'8" and the way Hilton looks with richie is close to how I look against my 5'4" friend in pics. It shows a 4" difference. People are forgetting HOW short Richie is and HOW MUCH taller Paris would look if she were 5'7". I think it is clear as day that she is 5'5" TOPS. Plus, anyone who sees her says she is surprisingly short. That is not a reaction to a 5'7" girl.
Madeline said on 16/Nov/05
Looks about 5'5".
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/05
She is shorter than Puff Daddy when she's in 3 inch heels. Puff if famously 5'8" (some say shorter). How does anyone here really believe she is over 5'5"??
ii said on 15/Nov/05
With Jessica Simpson:
ii said on 15/Nov/05
Paris is actually not quite 5'6". Sorry. i know a lot of people who have met her, and judging by pics with Richie, she is probably 5'5". NO WAY 5'7"!!! Ya'll are crazy. She's on the shorter side.
Chloee said on 12/Nov/05
Chloee said on 12/Nov/05
Anonymous said on 11/Nov/05
I've seen Paris in person,and while she seems tall from far way,she was barely even my height when I stood next to her.Me and her were both wearing flip-flops when I saw her shopping in L.A. Im 5'7 and 3/4,so I'd give her 5'7 to 5'7 1/2...definitely not 5'8
~Nate~ said on 11/Nov/05
Thank you DS! Paris Hilton is clearly a bare minimum 5'7 you can just tell by looking at the chick!...How tall is Nick Lachey here is a pic of them appearing around the same height and she's in heels.....
ds said on 11/Nov/05
I know a lot of celebs lie about their height...but 4 inches? Paris Hilton is clearly 5'7" or over. 5'4" is ridiculous!!! She's taller than 5'6" Ashlee Simpson and 5'5" Lindsay Lohan. And is in no way only 3 inches taller than Nicole Richie!!!
ds said on 11/Nov/05
5'7" is pretty tall!!! Especially when you wear heels. I'm 5'7" to 5'8" and I'm usually taller than almost everyone in sneakers. I'd say Paris is pretty tall...5'7" to 5'8". No way is she 5'5", she's atleast 5 inches taller than Nicole Richie, putting her at 5'6" ATLEAST. But, 5'7"-5'* and most realistic.
What said on 2/Nov/05
Celebrity model. Doesn't matter what your height is when you are a wealthy celebrity who sells products well. This is not about the greater concept of modeling but rather the proof in the pudding. She cannot be 6 inches taller that Nicole Richie. It's just the laws of the universe. You would never think she was 5'7" if you didn't have a strong attachment to your preconceptions. Look at photos. She is not over 5'6" (5'5").
no-name said on 2/Nov/05
its impossible that Paris is 5'5''...excuse me but a she's a model, and models are supposed to be at least 5'7''. And she looks at least 5 inches more than Nicole whi is 5'2''. So 5'7'' is my guess.
What said on 1/Nov/05
This is a pretty clear shot of Paris at just 5'4" or 5'5".
What said on 1/Nov/05
This is the same exact posture in the same height heels. Paris appears exactly 5'5". 5'7" is a little rediculous, though.
Anonymous said on 1/Nov/05
No, if she is 5'5", Lohan is 5'3" and Richie is 5'1" . It all still makes sense.
Anonymous said on 27/Oct/05
I really think people are overlooking the pictures of she and richie in flats. You can't hunch 4 inches off. Especially when Richie is hunching too. 5'5" is pretty generous.
Kizzie said on 26/Oct/05
I have to agree that Paris is TALL not as tall as she says perhaps but certainly nothing less than 5"5!!
Anonymous said on 25/Oct/05
What about 5'8" anna nicole looking so much taller than Carmen and Paris looking not so much taller?
5'5" is as generous as anyone can be.
Chloee said on 24/Oct/05
Well what height is Nicky then ? She must be about 5'2 or 3 if Paris is this tiny 5'4! I still dont belive it. Yeah the pictures show her looking small but i know from my own experiance as my friend being small and me 5'7/8 there achilly isnt that much of a difference.. people expect a huggge difference but it doesnt work like that . i now think Paris is about 5'6/7 and says 5'8! :)
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
This IS 5'4" No way around it.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
Check out Hilton and 5'3" Fergie. Both are wearing same heels.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
5'8" Anna Nicole with Carmen Electra
Paris with Carmen Electra
~Nate~ said on 24/Oct/05
Actually these days Mariahs is wearing about 3-4inch heels and RARELY ever her 6 inch heels that Beyonce and CO wear...and Paris wears just as big of heels as Mariah if not bigger, here is the pic of Paris and Mariahs heels, Mariahs are about 3-4 inch, same as Paris......
Heres Mariahs heels....
And here is a Picture of Paris Hilton standing straight next to Mariah, while Mariah appears to be not standing very straight...I'll say Paris and Mariah are both between 5'8-5'9.......... another angle.....where Mariah isnt standing as straight...
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
Looking at the pictures of Richie and Hilton, I think most rational minds would say 5'5" TOPS. Pictures can't make you look 4" shorter. Even if she stood straight as a board Paris would still only be 3" or 4" taller. 5'7" is just unreasonable .
Chloee said on 23/Oct/05
No Paris will be in heels as she only wears flats mostly wen shes out shopping or somthing. Mariah is about 5'8/9. Shes soo obvz tall !!
TheMan said on 22/Oct/05
I never take careys height in pictures as she always wears massive heals. IMO Paris is probably wearing flats could be wrong but in anycase carey would be wearing bigger heals. Careys at tops 5,7 IMO.
Chloee said on 22/Oct/05
And again sorry :P lol .. This Picture is of Paris & 5'8/9 Mariah C. There is only a inch of a differnce and u can tell Paris is slowching. Also Nicole is on a table thats why she seems so big :P "
Chloee said on 22/Oct/05
Yeah ok Paris might not be the tall 5'8 she says but she is at-least as u say (kizzie) 5'5.5 / 6. Defo not all this madness 5'3/4 !! I still think she could be maby 5'7 now though ?
kizzie said on 21/Oct/05
My friend met Paris in Las Vegas last year and she said though Paris is tall she is not THAT tall, she looked about the same height as my friend who is 5'5.5. So this clears it up Paris is near enough 5"6!!!!
CHLOEE said on 21/Oct/05
well home come 5'5 Tara Reid in 4' heels would be 5'9, when Paris is still taller than her in too 4' heels!Paris has got to be atleast 5'7!!
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/05
Sorry. Still not a 7 inch difference. And Andy Dick is short too.
Isn't Brittany Murphy 5'2"?
More shots looking 5'4"
Paris Latsis is a recorded 5'7"
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/05
yeah, 5'4" or 5'5". You can't find two pics where both are slouching and discount the evidence. It's just too strong. She is a short girl but skinny and lanky.
- said on 19/Oct/05
I am 5'8 and my friend is 5'1, Wen i slowtch and at the right angle there doesnt look much of a differnce .. i refuce to believe from these pictures Paris is any were near as small as 5'6 nvr mind this crazzzzzy 5'4 .. Haha
Anonymous said on 19/Oct/05
Not so, Suzy Stretch. Sites listed online are usually 2-3" exaggerated. That is what public relations and marketing is all about. Do you think that a McDonald's hamburger is really as shiny and pretty as it is in an ad? People on this site, who aren't just gossiping/obsessed and delusional about somebody are like little ad-busters. The gross lies of the celebrity world are simply in question when what you see and what you read seem to clash so drastically. Paris' PR says she's some great model-like 5'8" but I look at a picture of her and see that she is clearly 5'4" and make a point of not being manipulated into believing that any of that marketing is true. Quite literlly, "I don't buy it". Just like I don't buy that the only way to be beautiful is to be 5'8" and 112 lbs. Clearly, even Paris is 5'4" and 115lbs and still beautiful. I am just fine at 5'8" and 135 lbs. A woman who is 6'1" and 190 lbs is beautiful. These garbage height/weight postings are detrimental. I only hope one day that enough people can make it to celebheights and realize that they are being lied to; that they are just like celebrities: too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, but just right; that they can be better than celebrities and just be honest, knowing that those glossy cover people can learn a lesson or two about presenting themselves at their best, and honestly. Don't you think it's sad that Hilton's people make her think that she is inadequate because she is not really 5'7". She has to go to bed at night in 4" heels just to feel like the girl the world wants her to be. Besides, there is nothing more fun and gratifying than uncovering the truth about the world around you. And for those of us who love celebs and fashion and beauty, it is like that time in the mid '90s when celebs began to reveal that it took loads or lighting and makeup and airbrushing to look the way they do. The next step is for them so say. "yeah, I'm a size 0 but I'm not the 5'6" they list me at. I'm more like 5'3". And people around the world can exhale.
SuzyStretch said on 18/Oct/05
ok, first, 5'7 is not TALL!!! "you can just tell by looking at that she's a tall girl"??? WHAT??!! that is not tall, 6'1 is tall! and second, if there is a website other than a gossip one like this that says how tall someone is, chances are, its right
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/05
You guys are cute. Paris is only 5'4".
Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton:
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/05
Scroll to the bottom. The answer is there. Paris Hilton is 5'4" max.
This is not what 5'7' looks like. Paris is PR savvy enough to fudge her height by 4 inches. The girl is only 5'4".
Chloee said on 18/Oct/05
Paris is 5'8 FACT ! no smaller and probaly no taller !
Soph said on 18/Oct/05
She looks at least 5'7" to me, she's one of those you can just tell by looking is tall.
TheMan said on 17/Oct/05
Yeah hilton actually is and looks like a tall girl. I said somewhere else that mariah carey is about 5,6 not 5,9 which i belive. But you can just tell Paris is tall.
- said on 17/Oct/05
I defintly think Paris is 5'8. If she always slowtes why would she still admit she was a tall 5'8. u can see by looking at her shes tall.Nicole is 5'1,5'5 in heels.Paris is about 5'10 by the time she stoutches in heels. 5'5 max and even '6 is ALL rubbish !!!
Kisha said on 16/Oct/05
Nicole is 5'.... I don't see an 8 inch heights difference between the two. I think she is about 5"5 max.
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/05
paris hilton looks 5ft8 not 5ft9 not 5ft7
Anonymous said on 11/Oct/05
Paris and Nicole. Nicole is 5'. Why on earth would anyone believe that she is 5'7". She is 5'4".
You're outta yo mind if you think she could be even 5'6". She is two or three inches taller than 5' Nicole.
Look at Richie and Hilton on the baseball field. They are both in runners and Hilton couldn't in her dreams top 5'5".
Catherine said on 8/Oct/05
No less than 5'7 for sure.5'8 seems right.She looks like the same height as Mischa Barton who cannot be as tall as 5'9 or 5'10.Both of them i say are 5'8(which is still consider to be in the tall range).
Kisha said on 12/Sep/05
I'm 5"8, there is no way that Paris is my height. When I wear heels as high as she does I look pretty tall. Do the math. If I wear four inch heels I should look about 6" tall. Paris never appeared that tall to me. I'd say she's about 5"5 maby a little less.
Emma said on 7/Aug/05
Paris hilton WAS a model You have to be 5,8 to be on the runway. On the simple life niceole is ALWAYS wearing high shoes. paris is wearing flat ones most of the time. On the fabulous life of paris hilton it showed her saying her feet were size 12 usa size
Z2 said on 1/Aug/05
"SH", Paris Hilton being 5'3" to me isn't a "statement", as you put it. It's MY opinion. You can believe Paris is around the 5'6"-5'8" mark because that's YOUR opinion. However, I believe Nicole Richie is somewhere between 4'11"-5'0", putting Paris at 5'3". I have seen photo's of Nicole & Paris together and Paris didn't look that far off from Nicole. I've also seen a couple photo's where Nicky Hilton is in flat flip-flops and is still taller than Paris who was wearing about 1.5" heels. So, nothing about my opinion is ludicrous. It's simply that, an opinion--MY opinion.
SH said on 20/Jul/05
Paris Hilton 5'3'', that is the most ridiculous statement i ever read (it is not that crazy, but it is still pretty bad). I know some celebs round their heights up, but some of them are actually tall ( I know this is an upsetting fact for those of you who want to prove every woman in Hollywood is below 5'3'' and every man below 5'8''). Paris must be around the 5'6'' - 5'8'' mark. If she was 5'3'' that would make Nicole Richie about 4'8'', that would just be plain ludicrous.
Z2 said on 19/Jul/05
Mr. Awesome, sorry bro. I myself am a 5'6"(that's NOT rounded) male, and I always thought Edward looked to be around my height(that's where my opinion stemmed from). You're entitled to your opinion.
Mr. Awesome said on 18/Jul/05
You most certainly are entitled to your opinion, Z2. After all, that is indeed the purpose of commenting on this site. I respect your opinion, and if I offended you, I did not intend to do so. In fact, I do half-agree with you that Paris Hilton is not, has never been, and will never be 5'8''; even if she's just rolled out of bed in the morning and is standing with her legs together with soldier-straight posture. We just differ in the fact that I think she's closer to 5'6'' rather than 5'3''.
Z2 said on 17/Jul/05
I am entitled to my opinion Mr. Awesome. Let's assume Edward is 5'7"(which he doesn't look), then how do you explain Paris only being a hair taller than him in heel? Paris has fame and fortune. She's not going to get everything, like height!
Mr. Awesome said on 17/Jul/05
While I beleive that Paris is no way 5'8'', I also doubt that she's 5'3''. I'd like to say that Rob, I'm glad that you have finally downgraded her...I'd like to congratulate you because you seem to be the first guy to actually be a man about it and do what no other site is willing to do, so I really give you props for that one, dude. Your stock really went up in my book for that! Anyway. Z2, I'm not so sure that Ed Furlong is as short as 5'6''. In American History X, he certainly does not look 6+ inches shorter thant Ed Norton. Other tall actors in the film don't exactly dwarf him either. I think he's at least a definite 5'7''. He looks closer to 5'8'' than Paris does! BTW Rob, I think he'd be a good height to add to this site. My final verdict on Paris is 5'6''-5'6.5''.
Kats said on 8/Jul/05
I'm confused by Paris. Nicole Richie is 5'1, but Paris doesn't seem SEVEN inches taller. I think her thinness makes her seem 5'8, but I bet she is shorter. 5'6 1/2 maybe?
hi said on 14/Jun/05
Paris and NickyIn the above picture you can observe that Nicky towers over Paris. The reason for this is "paris pose".
Here you can see Paris towering Nicky when she stand straight.
I guess both are of same height.
awa said on 9/Jun/05
I don't think Paris is that tall!! Sure she's ALWAYS wearing heals but compared to Nicole Richie,Paris looks around 1.70.Nicole is 1.55 cm... Nicky was listed 1.68 cm and that may be correct.
Z. said on 29/May/05
I think Paris and Nicky are roughly the same height-5'6. Although, Nicky seems closer to 5'5.5 and Paris to 5'6.5
thery said on 19/May/05
i think paris is 173..but i also think that nicky is much taller than some pics nicky is taller! i can´t imagine nicky is 167..i´m 168 and i think i´m very short! nicky is very tall i think! but they are also wearing high heels all the time ..
Anonymous said on 17/May/05
yeah your right.. and they both have the same posture
@#$%^ said on 16/May/05
I thought that was common knowledge that Nicky was taller than Paris. In these pictures they are both in flats. Nicky is a little close to the camera but is still obviously taller than her sister.
absent said on 15/May/05
She does look the same height as her ex-boyfriend Edward Furlong, who`s listed as 5'7'' (170 cm)
JosephWilson said on 8/May/05
I think she is shorter than anyone has her listed as. I think she is just very very thin. I say 5'7-5'8 range. I'd say on her good day she might be able to hit 5 ft 8, like if she is wearing shoes.
J. said on 8/May/05
Um, Smoke, Adam Brody is 5'9". He listed himself as this height in a 2004 issue of People magazine in which he was voted one of the 'sexiest bachelors'.
Elisabeth Grace said on 22/Apr/05
I'm not convinced that she is 5'8" either. I read in a magazine that her sister Nicky is 5'6" and in recent picture Paris is shorter than Nicky!
lulu said on 19/Apr/05
yes jimbo, but the famous "paris pose" involves swinging her hip out really far with her hand on it. this could easily knock her down 2 inches. look at her in pictures. copy her pose, you'll see how much shorter you are.
jimbo said on 25/Feb/05
I dont think she is 5'8 her pal nicole ritchie is 5'2 and paris is only about 4 inches taller than her . I would say she is about 5'6 .