venus said on 10/Jun/07
In every tabloid paper I own she is 5'8, she has said she stands 5'8.
Alex said on 10/Jun/07
Dmeyer, too bad you didn't get a picture with her because you have some people still saying 5'4-5'5 claims, even 5'6 is a bit short. This girl is truly 5'7.
dmeyer said on 6/Jun/07
she walked be me she had 4 in heels she is fure sure no less than the height above
Lmeister said on 6/Jun/07
Height in the booking sheet is probably shoes on height.
she's 5'8" said on 5/Jun/07
she's definitly 5 8 she went to jail 2 days ago and this is wat is listed on LASD website
Click Here
Alex said on 5/Jun/07
She would only be 5'5-5'6 if she wore 3-4 inch heels to jail where they took her height which I highly doubt. 5'7 barefoot plus sneakers 5'8.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/07
On her booking card they also said she has green eyes but isn't it pretty well known that Paris' real eyes are brown and they appear blue cos she wears blue contacts all the time, i think she mentioned that in her biography too.
Mimi Ka. said on 4/Jun/07
WOW? Really? I always thought she was like, 5'5... to 5'6
Alex said on 4/Jun/07
5'8 115lbs is probably in shoes dressed so 5'7 110lbs is more accurate but close enough though.
wow said on 4/Jun/07
Click Here ... that is paris hilton's booking sheet. It lists her as 5'8 115lbs
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/07
She is 5'7 1/2, they already said that in an insider story.. doesn't anyone watch t.v?
Anonymous said on 31/May/07
she is the same height as british model caprice and she is 5'7, check the pic on wireimage.
ddub said on 29/May/07
she is 5'8!!!!!!!!!!!
she said it herself in an interview
Alex said on 29/May/07
Luciana, Thats a horrible picture. Nicole is much in front of Paris. Can't tell with nothing there but Paris has about 6 inches on Nicole when both are next to each other. Paris 5'7 or 5'6 and change at the very least and Nicole 5'1.
olerika said on 27/May/07
sorry to disappoint you Luciana, but the ground goes downwards so if paris comes up to nicole she is going to be taller -that has something to do with physics
Luciana said on 24/May/07
ok, look at this pic and THEN tell me how tall she is.. there's no way she's 5.7... probably 5.3, standing next to nicole who's 5.1, they're almost the same height, (the heels and the ground level, etc)
Click Here
~Nate~ said on 16/May/07
SO I talked to my friend who has met her a bunch of time at Club Hyde he claims they are the same height and my friend is 5'8 1/2 he said he's seen her barefoot and heels and shes about 5'8ish no way could she be 5'5! ridiculous
cat said on 14/May/07
Click Here
yep shes not even 5'6"
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
how tall is angelina jolie and jennifer aniston
pcpie said on 9/May/07
ok,Ive done some research, and on the Simple life with Nicole Riche, She stands about 5 to 6 inches taller than Nicole. If you watch the show, Nicole is about 1/2 head shorter than Paris. Nicole has stated that she is 5'1, so that means paris is like 5'7. Im 5'1 and my sister is 5'8, I come right under my sisters nose when we stand next to each other barefoot, SO THERE IS NO WAY PARIS CAN BE TALLER THAN 5'8. Also, Carmen Electra is 5'1 or 5'2 and standing in picturs next to Paris, and is also about 1/2 head shorter than Paris ( Go to carmen electra and paris pictures, and it will pull up the pics im talking about.) Its only obvious !!
Stephanie said on 17/Apr/07
Paris is around 5' 7". She wears a size 11 shoe (relatively large feet, I am 5' 8" and size 8 shoe; Amanda Bynes is also in the 5' 7"-5' 8" range and wears a size 9 shoe). The large shoe sizes make it easy to hide heels. Most of the time you can guess heel height based on the angle of the shoe, but in bigger shoes, in order to achieve the same angle you need a larger heel. For example, a 3" heel on a small shoe could be 4"+ on a larger shoe. :)
Based on this, Paris may APPEAR to be 5' 11" with her big heels, but when you take off the heel height she's just over 5' 7". ;)
talker said on 10/Apr/07
here Paris looks very tall next to kim Kardashian.How tall is Kardashian?
Click Here
Alex said on 9/Apr/07
Glenn, like Rob said her posture can make you think she is a little shorter at times. I personally think she's 5'7 or a tad more. Those 5'4-5'5 don't make sense.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
i always thought 5-6.5 then upgraded her to 5-7,5-8.
Vegas said on 30/Mar/07
sorry forgot link
Click Here
Vegas said on 30/Mar/07
even with 4" heels she is still roughly 4" shorter than former WWE star Stacy Keibler who is 5'11 legit. Hilton is between 5'6 and 5'7 barefoot imo, nowhere near 5'9
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
id be surprised if she was that tall.possible.but most likey 5-8.i see her all the time.i have 2 more pics i never posted.
grace said on 30/Mar/07
for someone who was formally a model ,she is rather short most models are a least 5'8, i think she is definatly taller than 5'7.25 probably around 5'9
pris said on 29/Mar/07
paris hilton is almost 5'9 didnt anyone see her lisence when they opend parisexposed??
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/07
That's because Paris is wearing heels while Elisha is wearing flat shoes. Also the camera angle favors Paris who is taller.
Alex said on 21/Mar/07
Viper, it doesn't. The girl is clearly much taller than that. And someone once said she could be 5'3 and 115lbs. No way. She is a skinny girl. I'd guess her at 5'7 110lbs. That sounds right for the most part.
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
she could be 5-8.i originally,erroneously thought 5-6.5.i think she is more 5-7,5-7ish.
ToTo kung said on 15/Mar/07
Police report said lie, she can't be 5'3''. It's very unbelievable, I think Paris Hilton is 5'8''.
Viper said on 13/Mar/07
I wonder why that police report said she was only 5-3? Doesnt make any sense.
Jack said on 12/Mar/07
Check out this link. Paris looks like an Amazon!, like she's 5'9"-5'11". She towers over Elisha Cuthbert, who is 5'2". And check out those size 11 feet!
Click Here
antonio said on 8/Mar/07
how could you know how tall she is, she's always wearing high heels, which is why i thought she was much taller than 5'7
Hard to believe that she is as tall as Mariah Carey, i thought Mariah was a lot shorter
balita said on 25/Feb/07
Jewel - what about her sister lying ?
I'd say she's between 5'7 and 5'8 (über-tops), then add 4" heels to her slender frame and you've got a tall looking woman
Jewel said on 18/Feb/07
her sister claims to be 5 7'' and paris is deffinitly taller than her sister by atleast an inch
Alex said on 14/Feb/07
Her aunt could say anything, it doesn't prove she's 5'8 but I don't think she's far off 5'8. 5'7 looks the most accurate to me.
pimpin princess said on 13/Feb/07
shes 5'8, her aunt said so on e! true hollywood story
Alex said on 7/Feb/07
Glenn, any news on those few actresses coming to NY that I'd like to meet. Talking about Alyssa, Jessica Alba and Biel. Funny now since Biel and Alyssa are both friendly with Justin Timberlake and may be with him around the same places.
Joey said on 24/Jan/07
I saw Paris at Marquee in NYC, as she was wearing a funky sparkly hat!
Click Here
she has to be about 5'9, because im 5'10 and she was an inch shorter then me!
Curious said on 18/Jan/07
And how tall is Stavros Niarchos? I know that it´s not a lot to do... but I´m curious
Ann said on 16/Jan/07
Guys..calm down..I saw her at the Casino Royal premiere in London, and passed behind her a few times. she's definitely 5.7, she had high heels and even with heels she wasn't to tall...she was with three men(bodyguards or friends dunno), all taller and more handsome than her :)
Alex said on 12/Jan/07
I think Paris is 5'8 or a bit more in sneakers putting her at 5'7 barefoot.
Tania said on 8/Jan/07
I think she is taller than this. I heard that she is 5'9'' without heels.
Glenn said on 7/Jan/07
Thanks Rob!
Glenn said on 7/Jan/07
Strange.comment space would come it wont let me leave my words yet.Biel was in Miami.I havnt helped as much as I would like too.but I did.of course with girlfriends and exgirls keep in touch.

Editor Rob
hmm, easy enough for me to put your name in if you can't
Alex said on 6/Jan/07
So Glenn, any news on when Milano, Biel or Alba are coming back to NY area? Mainly Milano. Just reminding you once a month but I'll start e mailing you every couple weeks from now on though. I find it great that I finally have a chance in meeting stars that I thought would be very hard to meet. Glenn, you've helped people in the past meet celebs right?
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
Exactly Alex.both sister are dolls.
Alex said on 5/Jan/07
People get the impression that she's a snotty, mean brat while yes she is spoiled but down to earth and nice in person some say who have met her.
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
She IS very sweet and down to ever meet her? and she is at least 5-7.
james said on 4/Jan/07
I don't think that she's 5'8. That's how tall Cameron Diaz and Lisa Kudrow are, which are quite tall women! They are way taller.
ilovesanfrancisco said on 31/Dec/06
please do not say she is down to earth, are you sure you are talking about paris hilton?! anyone is down to earth but not Paris, and about her height, i saw her in munich at Oktoberfest and she defenitly was 5´7´´
anon said on 31/Dec/06
I had the good fortune to see her walking in the street.
I'm about 5'9-5'10 with shoes on. She was about the same height maybe slightly taller. Didn't see what shoes she was wearing, so my guess is 5'8-5'9
anonymous said on 27/Dec/06
she's very sweet and down to earth im person! met her a few times. also, she is truly about 5'8-although i've seen her listed anywhere from 5'7-5'9-i believe she's closer to the 5'7.5-5'8 mark-i'm 5'7 and she was only a tad taller. very pretty, thin, and all around attractive girl.
Glenn said on 21/Dec/06
She was very,since she was mugged in I think Italy 8 months ago,she has a wall of security and its hard to get her attention.
Alex said on 20/Dec/06
Glenn, was Paris cool a nice in person? Too many people dislike her but they judge her because she is rich and from a rich family while I've heard she's pretty down to earth in person.
Glenn said on 19/Dec/06
I took that with my hand too!
tallish said on 19/Dec/06
nice pic Glenn,are we trying to judge bust size?:p
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/06
Alex said on 16/Dec/06
Glenn, you have an e mail on your page where I could contact you about reminding you about those few celebs if they come to the NYC area? that or I could sometimes just remind you here but just keep me in mind with those few.
Alex said on 16/Dec/06
Paris sometimes doesn't have the best posture. I compare her to 5'1 Nicole Richie a lot and sometimes she does only look to appear 5 inches taller making her 5'6 but its much more likely she's 5'7.
Alexa said on 16/Dec/06
We met Paris in Vegas in 04 and we wasn't nearly as skinny as we thought, but roughly the same height as my boyfriend of the time who was 5'10. She was wearing very small heels. I say she's closer to 5'8, not taller than 5'9 though.
Glenn said on 14/Dec/06
I think you mightve mentioned that Alex.that sounds familiar about New Rochelle.
Alex said on 14/Dec/06
Ok, I see what you mean. But its nice that Glenn tries to help fans in meeting some celebs they would like to meet.
Glenn, I live in New Rochelle, NY.
Kim said on 14/Dec/06
I think Paris is 5'7" if she's lucky. She was wearing flats when I met her, and I am only 5'3"...she was barely above my eye level.
Alex said on 13/Dec/06
Rob, I know about that but what about it though?

Editor Rob
I was hinting that maybe a slim chance in the future you could 'spend a day' hanging with someone like glenn around the time of say an awards night or something, but as glenn says helping fans seems hard, I dunno...
Glenn said on 13/Dec/06
Thats the same amount of time for me to get into city too.where do you live again? I live in the Bronx.I like that Rob.
Alex said on 13/Dec/06
Far as distance goes I can get to NYC by train and be in grand central in 30-35 minutes.

Editor Rob
you know how they have 'bring a kid to work day'...
Glenn said on 12/Dec/06
Sometimes I helped.not as much as I like too,due to schedules,and distance of some fans.its hard for me to make plans.
Alex said on 11/Dec/06
Glenn, thanx, I was just wondering because I never met one on the street. Met some at autographs sessions where an autograph costs $10-25 while a picture costs anywhere from $20-40. I'll keep you in touch though for the few I would like to meet most. As you said Alyssa Milano and Rose McGowan will be coming sooner or later again and Jessica Biel back by the spring you may expect and Alba is hard to catch you said.
Have you helped others in meeting celebs they wanna meet?
Glenn said on 11/Dec/06
Exactly Nate.I have this killer head to toe photo of a 5-9 ex girlfriend in heels and Im in low cut,small soled casuals,and I STILL look the same height.another girl,5-8.5,I was a hair taller in thicker shoes,and her in heels. Alex-depends on the have know the right locations.celebs dont charge for autographs in the street.very rarely,youll get a 60s or 70s rocker that will charge.or actually,one would bribe them with money to sign alot.
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
Like I could just get an autograph and picture if I went up to one of them most likely then? And if I do I'd like to know a price before hand too.
~Nate~ said on 10/Dec/06
LOL True Thank You Glenn! My sister is 5'8 and when she wears her sky high stiletto heels she appears taller sometimes, like if were standing in line and Im not standing up all the way or if shes standing straight up and Im bent because were standing in line at a club etc...etc.. However, when I stand straight its easy to see Im still taller.
Glenn said on 10/Dec/06
I dont do autograph sessions.I get them in the street or,events,premieres etc.price depends on the celeb.
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
Paris is 5'6 at bare minimum though. She can appear that height with 5'1 Nicole Richie sometimes though but most of the time she appears like a 5'7 girl and in heels 5'9.
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
Glenn, for a fan to get a picture or autograph with these celebrities, what does it cost? If its an autugraph session I know it costs a bit at least but if you see them around without it being an actually autograph session not sure
taller than paris said on 9/Dec/06
I am slightly taller than 5'7" and when I saw Paris up close I was SHOCKED to learn how short she was! She is barely 5'6 at the MOST!! I would say closer to 5'5 1/2"
That is a SURE bet!!
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
She could be 5-8.possible.
Joe said on 8/Dec/06
I've met her 5 times and would say she is 5'7"-5'8"
Glenn said on 8/Dec/06
She was 5-10ish alot in heels.last year,it seemed your right Nate.I had a 5-8.5 girlfriend that wore heels and sometimes due her posture and mine,I was the same height!
~Nate~ said on 7/Dec/06
OMG Kiki as well as others need to realize one of these days that if a girl wears a 5inch stiletto heel it does not give her 5 inches of height unless the platform on the front is 5 inches as well. I swear I've said this a million times, if a girl wears a 5 inch heel she might get 2.5-3.0 inches max maybe 3 inches max not nearly 5 inches. So if Paris is 5'10 in a five inch stiletto that puts her at 5'7-5'8 not 5'5 and under come on kids.
TJ said on 7/Dec/06
Certainly not the first to examine her closely in the flesh Glenn ;-)
Glenn said on 7/Dec/06
I thought 5-6,5-6.5.upon closer examination of her in the flesh,she is indeed 5-7,5-7.25.

Editor Rob
5ft 7 on the nose might be the most sensible, although I do like a sprinkling of the 1/4 inches here and there.
carrie said on 6/Dec/06
wow thats pretty tall almost as tall as me everyone seems to be so short these days. this is the randomest thing ever . . .
Glenn said on 6/Dec/06
She is 5-7.
Kiki said on 5/Dec/06
She is not 5'8. I'm 5'8 and I look 6 ft. in heels and feel very tall. Nicole should look like a dwarf next to Paris. Lisa Kudrow is 5'8 and she is way taller. Plus Paris's DUI report says that she is 5'3. With 5 inch heels she can appear to be 5'8.
Alex said on 3/Dec/06
I think Paris looks hot even thought she is skinny. She's not sickly skinny though, shes naturally like that. Brit hasn't looked as great lately and its understandable because of the baby.
Glenn said on 1/Dec/06
Correct Rob.I have 2 more Alex.but I think we are both leaning into each other.
Alex said on 30/Nov/06
Glenn, its too bad you didn't get a picture with paris standing.

Editor Rob
is it not just glenn taking a one-handed picture at an angle?
Alex said on 30/Nov/06
Lila, the picture with 5'4 Britney makes Paris look more 5'6 but no way is she under that and more likely around 5'7. The best are barefoot pictures which we don't see often at all.
Glenn said on 30/Nov/06
My pleasure.
Alex said on 29/Nov/06
Glenn, I will remind me and just tell me when she comes to NYC. Thanx a lot for trying to help.
Glenn said on 24/Nov/06
Alex-just please remind me once a month.Biel is what we call common trash.not that she is trash.its just an expression that she is always here.yeah,I agree with Anonymous that Paris could be 5-6.5.
Anonymous said on 23/Nov/06
I just saw a recent pic of Nicolr Richie in a pose and angle that suitied Paris Hilton and there was like 4 inches between them. Seriously in equal footing Paris NEVER looks more than 5 inches taller and usually looks 4. YOu should put Nicole at 5'1.5" and Paris at 5'6.5" if you want to make sense.
Alex said on 23/Nov/06
Well if Alyssa comes here with Rose just tell me and I'll remind sometimes about it before hand. Also goes for Jessica Alba and Biel but Alyssa the most. Rose for my friend.
Glenn said on 22/Nov/06
I cant imagine Alyssa still coming here every 5 years.she would be too old by then.Rose was here 18 months ago.actually,I think they were both here yeah,thats possible.
Alex said on 22/Nov/06
Glenn, those 3 are the main 3 I'd like to meet but Alyssa the most of the 3 right now. I'll remind you. Rose for my friend and oh Milla Jovovich he loves too so her too I'll remind you about. Cool that Biel is always here though and yea hopefully Alyssa and Rose come by in 07. Do you think they show up together?
I think thats great to help fans with meeting celebrities they like. Its tough to find out when they come around here though. Thanx.
Glenn said on 21/Nov/06
Ive never seen Alba,she runs hot and cold,I heard. and is here often.Rose,I saw with Manson 6 years ago.ignored her which was a big mistake to askManson who was notorious for not posing with fans.he shot me down.she wouldve made him do it.anyway,Manson is easy now,and Rose is rarely here.but I sense Rose and Alyssa to be here in 2007.Biel is always her last month.she will be back by spring.remind me Alex,and Ill help you with all those names.I like to help fans of celebs if I can.
Alex said on 21/Nov/06
Glenn, Alyssa is def one of the top actresses I'd like to meet. Her, Jessica Alba, and Jessica Biel but Alyssa the most as it stands right now. But if you could help me meet Alyssa if she comes around the NYC area I'd appreciate it a lot. Also my friend would like to meet Rose McGowan too so maybe keep me in mind about her too if you could.
Glenn said on 21/Nov/06
Thank you Alex.I try my best and Im pretty accurate.I mean well on names like Sly and Colin.I can only tell you what they look like on the street.who do you really want to meet the most? Alyssa? Ill help you.
Alex said on 20/Nov/06
I believe Glenn on a lot of his estimates on celebrity heights since he sees them much more than we do and in person. We really can only judge their height by pictures or on TV.
lindsay lookalike said on 1/Nov/06
hey guys can you pls stop that i saw her in vegas she is about 5'7 barefoot she was about 5'10 when is saw her im 180cm and wearing a 1 inch converse and she was smaller than me i think bout 2 inch or 1/2 with a heels
Nate said on 21/Oct/06
This is so annoying! How are ya'll gonna argue with someone who meets paris on a daily or weekly basis for real if glenn says she's 5'7 having met her on a couple occasions, then I think we should believe him
Alex said on 18/Oct/06
Even a 5'7 girl with a size 11 shoe is very big.
Come on said on 13/Oct/06
When paris was out shopping for shoes on tv, she asked the girl to get her size 11 shoes! SIZE 11 U.S.! Thats the avg. shoe size of a female between 5'9 - 6'0. If she truely is as short as you think she is, she is a freak of nature!
Hi said on 25/Sep/06
does anyone have any really hot pics of paris by any chance that shows her height?

Editor Rob
I've got a night vis...
no wait, Glen took
this pic of her up close
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
Ive read 5-6 to 5-10 for Durst.he is between 5-8 and 5-8.5.
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/06 has a picture of her and Fred Durst taken by the website's owner. Glenn himself has put Durst at 5'8", but let's say he's 5'10" (and there's no way in hell!), even then Paris would be 5'6" tops. I always thought she was a true 5'7", but 5'5" looks much more like it.
kobby said on 19/Sep/06
she looks 170ish.. don think shes taller than..
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
5-7 115 looks about right I think.
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
I bump into Paris what lately seems to be she did the runway at this fashion event.
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/06
she's 5'7 flat without heels. she obviously doesn't have a models height.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Read past that date.looking 5-9,5-10 in heels lately.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Nobody sane would agree with you.5-7.possibly,but unlikely 5-6.
Brad said on 12/Sep/06
5' 7" in Vegas last Spring. She wears serious heels so she appears tall.
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/06
Glenn has been so off lately. I'm 5'8" and saw her really closely and she's more like 5'4"-5'5". Seriously. When you're really 5'8", you tower in heels and your 5' friends look much smaller than Richie does against Paris.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
Viper, very correct if she was 5'3 she would be more like 95lbs I'd say. She is nothing under 5'6 and she does look 5'7 to me when she has the right posture. Her weight I'd say she is 110, possibly 115lbs. 5'7 115lbs is pretty thin but Paris does look good thought as she is naturally skinny and not anoerexic skinny.
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/06
Glenn says on 10/Mar/06
Your right.she looked 5-8 in heels.
I am 5'8" in real life and in heels I am 5'10-11". I look rediculously tall.
Paris LOOKS 5'8" in heels but barefoot she's 5'6" MAX.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
She doesnt look 5-3 and she would weigh a lot less than 115 at that height. More like 100 pounds. Shes really skinny. I beleive the 115 weight but the supposed 5-3 is laughably bogus. At the very least she is 5-6.
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
Compared to the Carmen Electra in that pic, Paris definitely looks in the 5-7 range. Tall and skinny for a girl. Compared to the 5-8 Eminem for his video, she definitely looked only an inch shorter.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Again.I see her almost fact after that arrest,she flew back here already,the next day.she is 5-7.
kiki said on 10/Sep/06
The form from her arrest says she's 5'3. I think that we got another Ann Nicole Smith case here. Where are the missing inches. Ann claims to be 5'11, but in here mug shot she barely reaches the 5'7 line. Paris is definitely lying about her height. She does not look 5'8. That's how tall I am and I tower over people especially with heels. Nicole Richie is 5'0 and I just don't see an 8 inch difference between them.
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/06
5'9" 110lbs would put you in the hospital with serious illnesses. 5'3" 115 looks exactly right.
paleface said on 8/Sep/06
I've worked for both the local D.A. and the State's Attorney's Office. Police reports are not always the best judge of height. I think a lot of times it's the officer's estimation, so I wouldn't give the 5'3 a lot of credence. I'd say she's about 5'6. She and her sister are pretty much the same height.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
I admit, there is no way in hell shes 5-3. Also, she cant be 115 pounds If shes 5-3 as well. Maybe she thinks she is shorter and said 5-3 to them.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
5-3? 5-9? I see her like whats seems to be everyday,to the point where Im surprised shes not here.5-7 is the true height.
ForensicNYC said on 8/Sep/06
"You shee offisher, I hem nut really dhrunk...HIC...Aye ham jest thalking on phone...I ham 5'5" but witsh 5" heels, I ham 6'3"...HIC..."
Click Here
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
The report on the LAPD website states her height at 503
Amanda said on 7/Sep/06
The report from her DUI says she is 5' 9" and weighs 110 lbs. I find 5' 9" a little hard to believe, though. She seems about 5' 7".
Click Here
Maria said on 5/Sep/06
you can't base a person's height off their shoe size....just because she wears size 11 dosen't mean she has to be over 5'5 I have a female friend who's 5'3 and wears size 10 I have a female cousin who's six foot and wears a size 2. Also I'm 5'2 and people from 4'11-5'1 seem to be about my height to me but if I put on 3 inch heels they drastically shink so if your 6' and looking down someone who's 5'7 could seem to be much shorter. plus nicole is 5'2 add a 5" difference and you get 5'7" which seems to be the common height difference stated on here.
pst said on 3/Sep/06
yeah 5'6-5'7 sounds right. i used to work at a beverly hills market and helped her few times. im 5'10 and paris was in tennis shoes few times and i had a gf about her height . 5'7 max for sure.
Naomi24 said on 25/Aug/06
Paris Hilton doesn't have to be tall ( 5'8) to model! I don't know how tall she is, but she comes from a rich money, and money buys you everything. If your parents were multimillionaires and you were average height, I'm sure the companies would hire you.
Anonymous said on 25/Jul/06
She is really 5'6" max. She wears some serious heels (especially with platform soles so in style).
Alex said on 25/Jul/06
Certain models have to be 5'9 and over then some can be 5'7 and over. Then those fitness models height doesn't really matter, just your muscle tone matters the most.
Glenn, where did you see Paris this time? Yea if shes 5'9-5'10 in heels then shes def a solid 5'7 girl. She can look as low as 5'6 though.
Glenn said on 23/Jul/06
Thats not true whateves.why does everyone fall for that? Kate Moss is 5-4.look,latest update. I saw Paris last week and she was actually 5-9 to 5-10 in heels.she really is 5-7.I change my mind.
whateves said on 22/Jul/06
Paris Hilton is a model and to be a model you must be tall 5'9" at least and sometimes not even that. She must be 5'9" or taller naturally.
Anonymous said on 22/Jul/06
I would go with Glenn on this. If she is 5-8 5-9 in heels, then she is 5-6 only. And considering the platform heels she wears, I bet she is 5-5.
Alex said on 21/Jul/06
Paris is no medium frame. Eva and Paris have the same frame, just Paris is much taller. Medium frame is more like how Britney spears was before pregnancy.
starr said on 20/Jul/06
i don't think she has a "tiny frame" i think she is medium frame
small frame is like eva longoria just cause someone is skinny doesn't mean
they are "tiny" or "small" framed and she must have big feet because
i'm 5'5" and im size eight and shes size 11 for petes sake, so she can't be 5'5"! i believe shes between 5'6" and 5'8"
sianna said on 15/Jul/06
how can GEORGE say she is 5'10 with heels and then ANONYMOUS say 5'7 with heels...or 5'5 wihtout?? i dont think people know how to predict height very well...oh btw how tall is nicky hilton?
Alex said on 7/Jul/06
Paris is skinny but not anoerexic skinny though. She just stays skinny and eats what she wants whenever she wants. 5'5 seems a bit too short even though she did appear 5'5 once on the Simple Life, but she appears 5'6-5'7 almost all the time.
Petter, she is a size 11 in womens.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/06
My sighting in LA was the same as Mr. R's
Mr. R says on 18/Apr/06
I stood next to her last Sunday. She is 5-7 with heels. Probably 5-5 without.
Mine was:
Anonymous says on 9/Mar/06
I saw her leaving the Restaurant Il Sole in West Hollywood yesterday. She is way way under 5'7". I would say she is just at 5'5" but that still seems slightly generous. Oh, and she is so skinny it is crazy but it kind of looks natural, like she could eat what she wants and still be tiny. However, that tiny frame is also much shorter than 5'7"
I think she's definitely 5'5"
George said on 7/Jul/06
I was next to me at ufc 60 she is at least 5'6.5 in high heels she was the same heigh as me I'm 5'10
Alex said on 2/Jul/06
I was watching some of the Simple Life first 3 seasons and Paris looks 5'6-5'7 most of the time but a few times she has looked as low as 5'5 though but I coulndn't see footwear though and may have not been on level ground and plus she was slouching a bit too so thats why. She really never looks under 5'6 to me and 5'7 most of the time she looks. You can throw 5'8 out of the window now.
Petter said on 28/Jun/06
Ok, I heard something interesting on the radio today. They said that Paris has size 44 EUR shoes! Anyone else heard something about this? If it is true, geez, she really has quite big feet! :P
Alex said on 26/Jun/06
I know thats the exact height but its just better to say 5'4 for females and 5'9 for males as less than 1/4 an inch is going to make a difference really.
seenit said on 26/Jun/06
I saw a picture of paris and nikki in a old glamour march 2005 magazine and paris and nikki are both wearing flats and look exactly the same height?
Anna said on 26/Jun/06
Oh my you americans are short :O in Sweden the mean height for females is 168 cms...
I'm 172
D. Ray Morton said on 25/Jun/06
Larry, 5'9.1" *is* a pretty mean height, now that you mention it.
It'd be a lot nicer if they lowered it to 5'7". ;-)
Larry said on 24/Jun/06
Alex - Mean height for (adult) American females is 162 cms or about 5'3.8". Mean height for (adult) American males is 175.5 cms or about 5'9.1". This is based on measured heights. Of course, there is an average range.
Dave said on 22/Jun/06
Let's get this straight...for Paris and all celebs on this board. Accurate height cannot be assessed from looking at pictures. Everyone on this board thinks this is possible, it is not. The only people that should comment are those who hve met these celebs personally. Nuff Said
Alex said on 22/Jun/06
I've read 5'3.8 is techically the average for women but basically its 5'4. whats .2 of an inch going to matter? lol I do agree that she should be bought down to 5'7 flat.
ds said on 20/Jun/06
5'3.8" is technically average height, so 5'5" would be a bit above average. therefor if paris Hilton is 5'7", she will look tall. I agree with the listed height, but I think if it could only be brought down to 170cm flat.
Alex said on 18/Jun/06
She looked 5'6-5'6.5 in some shots on the simple life tonight, but never has looked under 5'6.
Alex said on 18/Jun/06
Are you the Frank who posted the picture with UT and Vince or is this a different Frank? Anyway, Paris only 5'5-5'6 is hard to believe from most pictures I've seen of her and on TV. Rob's listing is pretty accurate but I think he should bring her down to 5'7 flat.
Anonymous said on 16/Jun/06
ok lets face it the girl is 5'7 to 5'8 mark look at pics with her and 5'6 pamela anderson, paris clearly towers over her
Frank said on 13/Jun/06
No way she is even 5'7". She was on "Regis and Kelly" this morning and she was not even as tall as Regis even with her heels on and regis is only 5'6" 1/2-5'7". She is only 5'5" or 5'6".
Stephanie said on 13/Jun/06
5' 5" is average height and Paris is clearly above average height. She is also not 5' 8" like most sites have been listing her at. I think 5' 6" or 5' 7" seems about right.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/06
She is only 5'5". That is not short, either. She is not 5'7".
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/06
thanks for the reply rob...I understand that paris is lookin down, but both of their postures are equally bad otherwise...stam is indeed standing a bit closer but I'm just amazed how small Paris looks...
Anonymous said on 1/Jun/06
Click Here
I think you have to sign up for the website to see this picture...but if someone is willing to do that and take a look, could you please tell me how this is possible? Paris is next to model Jessica Stam who is 5'10" and I know they're not standing right next to each other upright, but Stam is wearing flats and Paris is in 4" heels...and Stam dwarfs her. I'm bewildered...if Paris is 5'7" she'd be Stam's height in those heels. she just looks sooooo much smaller, does anyone have a good explanation?

Editor Rob
stam is closer, and paris is looking down at the ground more, the pic is too hard to say anything about that honestly
anonymous said on 1/Jun/06
paris hilton is no taller than 5'6.
Click Here
Alex said on 28/May/06
Pretty decent picture there with Nicole Richie. Shows paris isn't anything under 5'6. They both have like the same size heels on.
ForensicNYC said on 26/May/06
Paris Hilton and 6'4" Snoop Dogg...
Click HereWith Nicole...
Click HereAnother with Nicole, both in KILLER STILLETOS...
Click HereWith Carmen...
Click HereParis Hilton with Paris Hilton...what the?..Duh..were's THE REAL ONE?
Click Here
Glenn said on 24/May/06
Hit the clubs in the 20s,west side.
Alex said on 23/May/06
Glenn, thats cool. I'd hope to meet her someday, plus I live just a bit away from NYC so maybe I'll bump into her or something with an autograph session or something.
princess danie said on 23/May/06
ive always been the girl who everyone thot wud be really tall.. cos when i was younger i was the tallest one in class... n im asian.. now im 15 and im 165.6.. which is bascially 5"5.. do u think i can grow taller ? i wanna be 5"7 the least.. or 5"8.. the school nurse sed i shud aim for 5"7. but my sister is 5"8 n everyone sed id prolly be taller than her..
the thing is.. i sleep late.. dont exercise.. and eat lots.. but still look healthy for my height.. high metabolism i guess.. anyway answer this pls.. thanks.. :P
oh and paris is 5"7.5.. and mischa barton btw is 5"9 - tall gawjus laydee!
Anonymous said on 22/May/06
I think the general opinion is 5'6"-5'7". Anything under that is probably b/c of her reputation. before I knew paris's height. I always thought she looked REALLY tall, like 5'10" or 5'11".
Glenn said on 22/May/06
At clubs Alex,NYC.
Alex said on 22/May/06
Glenn, figured she was sweet and cool in person. Some just think shes snotty/stuck up because shes famous and has money and because of her last name, but I've heard she was nice too. I'd like to meet her one day. Glenn did you meet her in the NYC area??
Glenn said on 21/May/06
For her stature,the sweetest ever.all alone a dark street,one time,no security.
Nate said on 20/May/06
Althought I've never met paris I have friends that have and judging her height with Mariah at her halloween party mariah appeared maybe an inch or two taller then paris and I've met mariah and know that she's 5'9 so I feel that paris can be 5'8 easily.
Alex said on 20/May/06
Glenn, when you met Paris was she cool, nice in person? Some may think she is stuck up and snotty without even meeting her but I've heard she is nice in person.
Alex said on 19/May/06
Kats, when I see Paris and Nicole on the simple life its a bare minimum of 5 inches apart between the 2. Nicole is up to the middle of Paris' nose or even a bit shorter at times putting paris no way under 5'6, and 5'7 is still pretty possible going by pictures.
Amanda said on 14/May/06
She is probably just over 5' 7".. I think the height on here now is correct.
Brittany said on 14/May/06
i always thought paris was tall...i would give her 5'7 or an half inch more.
Alex said on 14/May/06
Was watching some of the Simple Life that was on TV most of the day yesterday and I saw a shot where Paris looked an easy 6 inches taller than Nicole who is 5'1. Sometimes Paris can look a bit under 5'7 but most of the time she does look 5'7 so not a lot of much evidence shows shes much shorter than 5'7.
HMM said on 11/May/06
I would put her at 5'6" and leave it at that. There is plenty of evidence that she is below 5'7".
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Correct Alex.
Alex said on 10/May/06
If a girl has on say 3 inch heels, how tall does this make her? 2-2.5 inches taller right?
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Yes,Evan your right about pictures.but through my observations she seemed 5-6.5 tops.maybe smaller,maybe taller.its hard for to judge a girl in heels,as sometimes,depending on stance and posture,girls heels can give less height than you think.for example,I had 5-8 girlfriends that appeared as low as an inch or 2 taller in Paris appeared 5-9 to me in heels.
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Makes sense.she appears 5-8,5-9 in heels.
Italian23F said on 9/May/06
I work at a hot club in South Beach preffered by many celebrities, including Paris. She walked into the club one night and, me being 5'5" barefoot, I was wearing heels and I was taller than she was. Unless she was wearing flats, then I guess she could be 5'7" but I honestly believe she is 5'4" or 5'6" tops.
evan said on 9/May/06
i have seen paris hilton at the grove. she was wearing flat converse shoes and seemed even taller than 5'8". i know anyone who has actually met her would agree! trying to find peoples heights from pictures is stupid.
Alex said on 9/May/06
She's only been downgraded 1/4 inch, barely anything that is. I think she should be down to 5'7 flat. I have a hard time believing these 5'4-5'5 sightings. I do believe she is 5'7 though. At the lowest 5'6.5 maybe.

Editor Rob
give it another 6 months for the second 1/4 inch to go!
ForensicNYC said on 8/May/06
Paris has a unique leg posture that REDUCES her height...not bowleged but a little bit like BENT and wavey...SHE MUST HAVE BEEN WALKATHON ATHLETE BEFORE...Sarah Jessica Parker imitates this kind of posture from PARIS...
ds said on 7/May/06
169 cm I think. But I'm glad she's been moved down to 5'7.25". I could live with that.
Vice said on 7/May/06
My best friend saw Paris, he said she looked like 165-168. Definitely not taller than me, I'm 173.
Alex said on 5/May/06
How many inches does Paris have on Nicole though? At least 5 inches and 6 is possible too.
ODMELITE said on 19/Apr/06
A NYC Doorman stood right next to her without her wearing heels and said she is much much shorter than most people think. I'm guessing 5'5" 5'6" No way she's near 5'9"
Alex said on 19/Apr/06
Nicole is 5'1 I am pretty sure of and Paris is always like 5-6 inches taller than her unless Nicole is wearing bigger shoes.
Alex said on 19/Apr/06
Mr. R you should have flirted with her! haha
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/06
I stood next to her last Sunday. She is 5-7 with heels. Probably 5-5 without.
Azhan said on 18/Apr/06
Yo i've met her before she's at least 5'8.5 no doubt
Kats said on 15/Apr/06
LOL, that's awesome YoBro.
Kats said on 15/Apr/06
Anonymous (the most recent one), I disagree with skinnier girls tend to look shorter and wider girls (as long as they are not too wide) look taller. You're close to correct when you discuss the small waist... often a skinny girl with a small... well as in small, I mostly mean SHORT waist/torso does appear shorter. At least that's what I've found. Certainly it's not simply about being skinny, you're correct there. It's about how one's built. Wider shoulders, longer torsos, thin long looking necks, long looking arms, oval faces--I've found those matter when creating an illusion of more height.
Personally just looking at Paris, who has some of the qualities I've listed, I'd think "she does seem 5'8 or more." It took comparing her to others (mostly Nicole) that made her more like 5'6.5.
Kats said on 15/Apr/06
Well, I see in the summer I guessed 5'6.5. Glad to see with all my incosistency lately, I actually agree on an old comment. She definitely doesn't seem more than 5'7 to me, and that is a stretch. But she doesn't look less than 5'6. This 5'6-5'7 guess goes along with Nicole being 5'1-5'2. For now I feel the shorter of the two heights for both girls are the most accurate.
ds said on 14/Apr/06
I agree Alex, I hate when people are like 'omg Paris is 5'3" I met her at the store yesterday', crap like that. But from pics, I can tell Paris isn't 172. I think she looks tall, but not 5'7.5". Honestly, I think she's 169cm.
Haylie said on 13/Apr/06
I do think Paris looks tall but I just can't see 7 inches of difference between her and Nicole Richie I only see 5 and I've watched the simple life quite a lot. There are some good scenes where they are in flats to judge. I actually think Nicole might be 5'2 not 5'1 she doesn't loook THAT short
ITS ME!!!!!! said on 11/Apr/06
Alex said on 5/Apr/06
DS, we know celebrities do have their height boosted up a bit most of the time, but some people just love downgrading them more than they should be to feel better or something.
Shae said on 5/Apr/06
nicole richie looks taller than 5'1". She just does not look that stubby as opposed to someone like Shakira who really does look very short. Also Nicole was not that much shorter than the other people on the Simple Life.
ds said on 5/Apr/06
I agree with Alex. And Anonymous I SAID Pairs was about 168-170. I don't think she's under that. But NOT over 5'7". Nicole is 5'1" so there should be more of a difference.
Liz said on 4/Apr/06
...or maybe ppl just don't know what 5'4" and 5'7.5" really look like...
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
Also, I DO NOT agree with people who are skinnier look taller. At least not for girls. Maybe guys. But I am 5'4" and about 100lbs and EVERYbody thinks I'm 5'2" or shorter. Because I have a small waist and am skinny apparently that makes me look shorter. And my friend who is also about my weight but 5'7.5", no one believes her to be 5'7.5". They think she's like 5'4". Bigger people look bigger overall. Unless they're REALLY wide.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
I'm sick of people saying all these celebrities are like 3 inches shorter than they really are. Paris Hilton is at least 5'6.5. At the LEAST. I feel this height is right, but I don't think she is taller than 5'9. 5'8 sounds good. And she is WAY taller than Nicole Richie. People should stop trying to make themselves feel better by shortening celebrities because clearly Paris Hilton CANNOT be 5'4". I am 5'4" and no way is she 5'4".
Here's a link of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton walking on stage. You can't see their shoes completely, but both are in heels. And Paris Hilton can't be in THAT much of bigger heels. She's just naturally like 5 inches taller than Nicole Richie.
Click Here
Marie said on 1/Apr/06
about the height and foot thing.. Paris DOES complain about the size of her feet, she says that's why she wears high-heels instead of flats... so it is a possibility for her to be 5"6' with size 11 feet... still sounds weird thought :S
Frank2 said on 31/Mar/06
YoBro said on 31/Mar/06
Here we go with another bimbo, looks like she came out of limbo.
Who cares how tall this here chick, ain't seen her in any good flick.
All she has is a load of cash, that aint nuff to buy her "class".
She could be 5'4" that's my guess, 5'7" in a high heel dress.
Just her face could make you sick, like being buried in a ton of bricks.
The IRS should check her tax, she'll melt quickly like a house of wax.
She got Glenn with her a lil' hypno, being sweet but we all know,
You aint got no where to go, she got to do it for the show.
Boom-she-bop-bop boom!
Boom-she-bop-bop boom!
What's that on your pocket man?
It's as hard as a tin can!
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Whats funny about people like Michelle is that they take the time to look and go comment in depth,and we have no does that make her look? worse.
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
She is unbelievably sweet to me everytime I see her.even flirts.I have to give her credit for not being a snob.
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
Who cares how tall this ditzy blonde heiress happens to be? We already know she's missing the required number of brain cells to qualify her as an ignoramus and that for me is enough. All else is just superfluous nonsense. The fact that she's received the notoriety she's attained is symptomatic of a society in serious cultural decline.
Alex said on 28/Mar/06
DS, yea Paris isn't 5'7.5 I don't think either. Shes at the lowest 5'6, nothing under that. This talk of 5'4-5'5 is crap, she isn't that short. She could be 5'7 even though which is possible.
ds said on 27/Mar/06
I ask myself the same question.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Paris is 5-7.Mischa is 5-8.
LEE said on 22/Mar/06
I actually believe Paris is 5'9 inches she is the same as Misha Barton who's close to 5'10 Paris looks at least 7 inches taller then Elisha Cuthbert in House of wax and both wore flat shoes. End of
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/06
Tune into the new Simple Life and it becomes very very very evident that she isn't over 5'4". I never have to check back here again because it's so obvious on that show that she and Nicloe (both in uggs) are very close in height. There is NO 6 inch difference there; not even a 4 inch difference. Tune in and find out for yourself!
Marco said on 13/Mar/06
Dunno why but I thought she was taller. I´m amazed by Glenn´s Pic Collection. Awesome contribution to this website ^__^.
Alex said on 11/Mar/06
I was watching some of the Simple Life on TV before. Paris I could see as low as 5'6 but nothing under that though. Anything under 5'6 is crazy. Glenn what did you estimate her barefoot when you saw her?
Glenn said on 10/Mar/06
Your right.she looked 5-8 in heels.
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/06
I saw her leaving the Restaurant Il Sole in West Hollywood yesterday. She is way way under 5'7". I would say she is just at 5'5" but that still seems slightly generous. Oh, and she is so skinny it is crazy but it kind of looks natural, like she could eat what she wants and still be tiny. However, that tiny frame is also much shorter than 5'7".
anonymous said on 9/Mar/06
paris hilton can not be the assumed 172cm height. i have witnessed too many pictures of her and nicole richie looking the similar height. you can see them everywhere
CHLOEE said on 5/Mar/06
Liz said on 25/Feb/06
Nicky IS taller, seen too many pics to deny
ds said on 25/Feb/06
Ok so if Nicky is supposedly 5'6", please explain how Paris is 4 cm taller? Because it doesn't make sense. Nicky usually looks taller, and their heels can't be that different.
kim said on 22/Feb/06
im confused, i went on a website - - and there it says that 171cm is equal to 5'6", so can someone please explain to me how she is being listed at 5'7.5"?

Editor Rob
it said 5.6, i.e. .6 of a foot equates to a little over 7 inches
Roppal said on 22/Feb/06
I assume they're both wearing heels. Paris only looks a bit taller than 5ft1 Nicole.... strange if Paris meant to be really tall
ds said on 15/Feb/06
Um she has short legs, and a long waist. I've always seen her legs as really, short, but a really long does noone see this? Well I guess 5'7" is possible. But I thinksomewhere in the 5'6"-5'7" range, maybe not quite 5'7". Because I tower over my 5'1" friends...and supposedly she's about my height...
Alex said on 15/Feb/06
DS, Paris can be tricky. She has long legs, skinny build where she is going to look taller, plus she has heels on. We need to see a picture of Paris barefoot or with sandals on. I'd say shes 5'7 barefoot for now. She just never looks under that.
ds said on 12/Feb/06
Ok here are pics with Nicole and Mischa, the pose is weird but still..Mischa is what? 5'8"ish...
compare that to the pics of Paris and Nicole...
ds said on 11/Feb/06
Okay did anyone see the pics of Heidi and Nicole? Heidi who is 174 or 175cm? Heidi towers over Nicole in a way that Paris does not. there is supposedly only 2 or 3cm between the two. So why is the difference between Paris so much smaller than between Heidi. I don't see how you can list Nicole at 5'1", and Paris at almost 5'8", it's ridiculous. No way is there almost 7 inches between the 2. There's barely 5 if that...
ds said on 11/Feb/06
I mean maybe 170 cm...not like the height will be changed...
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/06
I think she is around 5'6" but LOOK 5'8" due to her being really skinny and her build. You'll be suprised how much height the right build can give you. My mum is three inches taller than me, but I'm skinnier and better proportioned. People think I'm taller, go figure.
ds said on 8/Feb/06
Okay I take back what I said. I think she's somewhere like 168-169 cm...maybe 172...grrr...I need to meet her...I'm 172 cm...and my mom is 163 cm and my dad is 6' and I'm like 4 and a half inches taller than her...and thats the same difference I see between Paris and Nicole looking more closely...and I'm closer to my dad than she is to 4.5 inches between them...I don't know how that makes her 5'6"-5'7" but I don't think she's under 5'6". A lot of people say Paris's long legs make her look tall. But look at Paris's legs...they're actually really short!!! She just wears heels. My legs are a lot longer than that...and my waist isn't short's long aswell...Her waist is just REALLY long so is Nicky's...long torsos make you look taller than long legs...And she doesn't sluch THAT much...I slouch more than her...but still I tower over my 5'1" is Nicole is 5'1" Paris can't be 172cm or 171cm...ok lets be realistic here and PLEASE change her. I'm a full head taller than my 5'1" friends...she's def not 171 or 172 that would make her almost 7 inches taller than Nicole Richie...(who I actually think is 5'2" not 5'1") I'm pretty realistic when it coms to height, and I don't like to underestimate...but really? Where do you get 171cm?
ds said on 8/Feb/06
Just one come you said she was 172...then said she was 171?
Stephenie said on 8/Feb/06
She's not that much taller than Lindsay Lohan, maybe 5' 6.5"- 5' 8"...
It's hard to tell because she slouches so much. Also, she's not much taller than Nicole who is 5' 2"...
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/06
Maybe her legs are tall thats why she looks taller?I haven't met her personally but i think she is no shorter than 5'7. I also cant understand the different comments of all people,who have seen her.some people say that she is at least 5'7 or 8'.some claim that she is most probably 5'5 or6.

Editor Rob
she, more so than most other celebrities can look shorter in photos due to her back-arching poses
Alex said on 7/Feb/06
She isn't 5'8 but I'd think 5'7 but no way am I believing she is under 5'6 though.
Alex said on 6/Feb/06
Paris can appear 5'8 with her skinny build also she wears heels sometimes which will boost her up 3 inches. I'd think she is a solid 5'7 barefoot but I don't see her under that.
CHLOEE said on 1/Feb/06
why is she stilll listed as 5'7.5 when she is clearly not!? I personly think Paris is about 5'5 maby 5'5.5 .But not taller!
Liz said on 22/Jan/06
dude, she is also *much closer* to the camera than everyone's called perspective.
nicole said on 21/Jan/06
if she if 5'6, that would make everyone in this picture look 4'11. guys she is a strong 5'8.
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/06
i saw her she looks 172 173 range
Liz said on 16/Jan/06
Seems like everyone here as reached a pretty much unanimous (is that how you spell it??) that she's around 5'6"
Mika said on 15/Jan/06
I agree about Paris being 5' 6". In heels, this woman looks like she is taller but she isn't. I once saw her in L.A. and I am 5' 9" and I was a lot taller than she was, not just one inch like I thought I would be. Also, in the Simple Life, she's not that much taller (4" maybe) than Nicole Richie-- and Nicole is 5' 2".
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/06
There is a new pic all over the place of Nicky and her beau in bare feet, walking on the beach. They are the same heights EXACTLY. That leaves Nicky at 5'5" tops (since Kevin is arguably smaller than 5'5"). And Paris is therefore not even 5'7". She needs a certain downgrade to 5'6.5" (which is still too high, but whatever).
Marc said on 10/Jan/06
Lemme clear myself up. Ok, I was wearing flat skate boarding shoes. What i should have typed was that in the heels she was about an inche shorter than me, but when I minused 3 inches, she would be around 5'6". I'm sorry I should have been more specific.
Liz said on 9/Jan/06
I was wondering if any of you own/watch the simple life. Well if you watch The Simple Life 2, and go to the SECOND side of the disc and view the first chapter of that side. There is a part where Paris and Nicole are working in the chicken farm and they are BOTH in flip flops. There is a clear shot of them from behind (standing reasonably straight) when they're dragging the chicken food to the barn. There cannot be more than a 4 or 5 (generous) difference between them. Watch the rest of the scene for more evidence of this. I think this is the best e.g. I've seen yet.