Orlando said on 19/May/23
1) "Oscar Wilde" by Richard Ellman states twice that Oscar was 6'3" and his older brother Willie was 6'4". Frank Harris wrote that Wilde was over 6'. But, yes, it's true Wilde wrote he was 6 feet...
2) What's the point of this Tunman/Miss Sandy Cowell very long correspondence on this page?! What does that have to do with Oscar Wilde's height?!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/May/23
"The press discovered plenty to report: a large (6ft 3in), broad-shouldered subject who parried their questions adroitly" - A Celebrant of Mixed Motives: Oscar Wilde (1988) by Richard Ellmann
Another interesting description alluding to Wilde's imposing stature
Tunman said on 10/Mar/21
Well,Sandy,I'm sure that your government promises a lot and does only a little in comparison,so that's why many are dissatisfied,of course your societies reached such a level of sophistication that wanting more holidays could be a source of protest,here hundreds of thousands rather wish to get an employment to begin with....I'm sure any party even in your country paints an idealistic view of society to the electors,the task isn't necessarily to achieve such idealistic goals but at least get as close as possible to them,in 2011 we were promised the end of corruption,fair justice,more individual freedom and rights,I hardly can express the kind of euphoria that seized the country at that time,for several months and despite some excesses which we put on the atmosphere of "revolution"(like looting,burning,agressions...),literally everyone was hoping for a better future,I can describe 5 phases of the post revolutionary times
-The 2011-12 period where everybody was observing what's going to happen,I can say that at that time nobody dared to speak of the former regime except in bad terms
-The 2013-14 where we had the largest unrest and protests ever,peaking in July-September 2013 where scores of people took up the street to express their dissatisfaction towards the new authorities,at that time it was still uncommon to speak of the former regime in good terms although a small minority started to do so but most were still hostile to such speech,in fact after 2 years people weren't missing the former dictator,not yet at least,most put the errors on the fact that we were a newborn democracy
-The 2015-2018 period despite some improvements at the political and social levels,there was still a big dissatisfaction because the most important things weren't achieved that is improving the economy and fighting corruption,also there were very important security concerns,at that point I noticed how openly people started to speak about the former regime and saying how the times were better although at that point the question still divided a lot.
-The 2019 period where the economy was improving slowly but people lost any trust in all parties,with youngsters putting everyone on the same bag as corrupt,it was a particularly calm period at the security level,and with the elections which got a very low turnout by the way,some hoped for a last chance for the country,useless to say the former regime was seen on an even more favorable light with just a minority opposing such speech,in fact the question was still seen as taboo only in the political sphere,you probably guessed why
And finally since 2020,with endless covid restrictions,economic collapse,and the best part the return of dictatorship(believe me currently it's a dictatorship in all except name).One got his genitals burned by police for protesting despite curfew(actually there were thousands protesting),1920 arrests in a single month with many getting sentenced to 1 year of jail,some youngsters getting 30 years yes 30!!!! years jail for smoking marijuana,another arrested protester dying because he was refused insuline,and my favorite one:refusing to allow the 8 years commemoration of a murdered opposition leader(on the 6th of February) despite a huge crowd coming to the main street,while opening that same street 3 weeks later for a pro-regime rally.I'm voiceless,and keep in mind that it's only a small part of the abuses taking place since mid January.
I'll keep you informed because in ten days (March the 20th)we will celebrate the 65 years of independance,I can already tell you the tensions are as extreme as you can get,should the protesters be refused access to the city center,I fear it will be an extremely dangerous situation,with an evergrowing number of people calling for government resignation,shouting rightfully down with police,and an important part of the population having nothing left to lose,most people are boiling inside and wait for the sparkle that would ignite a new revolution.In view of all this,we can't blame the people bringing "counterrevolutionary" slogans as they realized how stable the situation was in 2010,currently the most popular opposition leader,a woman has federated an impressive number of citizens around her despite everything,she presents herself as the hair of the 2 prerevolutionary leaders although she criticized many aspects of that period,I genuinely admire her and I hope that there will be snap elections as soon as possible,stability be it political,economic,social or else is the key word if one wishes to see investors coming.
As always have a nice day and stay safe,Sandy
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Mar/21
@ Tunman - I'm so saddened to hear what is going on in your country. I feel the people who live in countries such as I do tend to be spoilt. How can people moan because they can't go on holiday due to the Covid virus when we have brothers and sisters in other parts of our world suffering the way yours are? We have it relatively easy in our countries, with plenty to do at home. I so hope things improve for you in your country.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Mar/21
@ Tunman - I'm sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I have a lot going on at the moment, and to answer to a comment as sad as yours - which really shook me - takes a lot of forethought.
So I see that the cuts that your government are making are extending to your hospitals. To read that only one lift is working in a hospital, the first thing one thinks is how dangerous that could be for the running of the hospital, but to hear that a TWENTY-SIX- YEAR-OLD DOCTOR lost his life through this, falling to his death while trying to help someone, is too sad for words. I've never heard anything incurred by needless cuts that compares to this. It's horrifying, and I don't feel that if someone told his loved ones "May he rest in peace," would be adequate or appropriate because he was so young and had such a promising future ahead of him. When a death like that happens, there are few words of comfort that can help those who are left behind. I do hope he can rest in peace though and I will pray for him.
The outrageous practice of buying votes, once it's as well-known as the façade being run by the President of Parliament, will hopefully cease through public outcry. I do hope so. Something has to be done to get your country running properly. It's a shame that money holds so much power. The fact that so many Tunisians were saddened and angered by the loss of that brilliant young doctor is evidence enough that there are good, thoughtful people in your country, and it's these citizens who should be running the place, not the evil, corrupt, thieving, smuggling bunch that hold all the power.
I wish you well, Tunman, and realize how my 'problems' pale into insignificance when compared to yours and those of your fellow people.
Stay safe and look after yourself and your loved ones,
All the very best,
Sandy XXX ππ
Oscar gets 6ft0.75. βοΈπ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Mar/21
@ Tunman - What use is 4,000 injection phials? That won't even cover the elderly and the vulnerable. I am truly disgusted and had to express my feelings of outrage before my trip to the chemist to get my painkillers. Your politicians are selfish, evil and unspeakably callous.
It was my Dad's funeral on Monday and as my other half's car was sounding too iffy to make such a long journey, I travelled by trains. I'm so pleased that I made it, albeit 20 minutes late. The service was put on hold for me, for which I'm grateful in the extreme.
I'll continue our chat when I come home, Tunman. See you later..... ππ
Tunman said on 26/Feb/21
We got 4,000 vaccines from the WHO,it shows how careless our politicians are about their citizens,we have a population of 12 million,in order to protect the most vulnerable(elderly,chronically ill,nurses...)it would require 5 or 6 million doses(assuming that 2 injections are needed).So useless to say that it's the politicians who will get that,their lives and their friends lives are too important to be lost.
As I said previously it would take pages to describe all that's going wrong but here's one story that shook the country some time ago.On December 3rd,a 26 years old doctor died in a hospital in the north western part of the country,he died so young...after falling from the 5th floor because,he called the elevator,the door opened,he rushed into it as there was an emergency,he was running to save someone else's life and never noticed the elevator's door opened without it coming,that's how a brilliant life comes to an end in my country.The hospital was in THE REGIONAL CENTER,the wealthiest place of the region,it had 6 elevators,5 of which were already out of order and that last one followed without anyone being ever informed about it.
But we certainly aren't expecting anything from a country run by a bunch of thieves smugglers terrorists and so on.If only you knew our deputies...Now the President of the Parliament who is the most unpopular person in the country is threatened of being destituted,being very rich he's now actively buying the votes of the "independant"members of parliament so that he keeps his position,the next few days will be interesting...
I don't know much about your politicians but even the most unpopular wouldn't manage to stay in place even by doing only 1% of our politicians abuses.Sometimes I often wondered why western countries were always protesting against their rulers,but the answer is clear for me today:it's like a warning,like you won't let them do whatever they want,atually I realize how necessary it is to fight for your rights,being passive and remaining silent will sound like you're approving them and they'll allow themselves more abuses.I hope the British will make it in their battle against Covid,I'm glad that soon you'll resume your life as it was before.
Meanwhile take care of your family and(we will never say it enough)stay safe!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 24/Feb/21
@ Tunman - Thank you so much for your kind words regarding the passing of my father and losing people in general, especially those we love the most. My Dad had five children; we have three half-brothers as well, two of whom live in America. His youngest son is married and has two little sons, and his wife is such a lovely woman that I think it's fair to say that my Dad had six children. She's the mother of his grandsons, after all, and she had all the time in the world for Dad.
For the past two days, I've been preparing a speech for my Dad's funeral on Monday. The thing I found ultra difficult was condensing everything I had to say down to a five minute speech. There was simply so much. I wanted to write about everyone he loved and my childhood, and talk about my fondest memories of him, his late wife and all my brothers.
Ironically, my boyfriend and I were talking over the weekend about the Covid virus and how people who live in overly cosseted countries, where everything is spick and span, the infection rates are higher because the immunity rates go down. Working with the homeless, he has first-hand experience with how much hardier rough sleepers tend to be. It's something I'm aware of but haven't looked at the situation in terms of this virus. He added that the huge death toll in the UK has a lot to with it, and then there is this new strain.
I feel that people who walk about with total disregard to the advice handed out by the government are selfish in the extreme. Yes, often youngsters are the worst offenders because they feel infallible, but you're right in saying that they can pass it on to the older, frailer members of their families if they walk around unmasked.
I'm having my first injection tomorrow. I haven't found it overly hard staying in at all, but it'll be nice to feel that I can go out when I've had my second jab and feel protected. I'm not one of those who sits brooding about her own personal safety, but I'd probably feel differently if I was a youngster. At 19 and 20, for a little while, I felt really paranoid about cancer, but how is all that wasted time going to change my likelihood of catching it? It won't have helped that I worked in the offices of the Cancer Research Campaign, I guess, and that the disease runs rife on both sides of my family, but HALF of the population experience cancer at some stage. Thank goodness that the treatment success rates are so much better nowadays.
I find it maddening to read how callous and uncaring your politicians are, and not just with regard to the Covid. To live the lives of egotistical creeps is NOT what politics is all about. I hope you don't mind my asking you this, but will the politicians of your country be making sure that they are immunised and to blazes with everyone else? If this is so, then I'm disgusted and don't know what to say.
I send you and your loved ones all my very best. Keep safe, Tunman, and look after yourself.
Sandy XXX πππ±ππΊ
Tunman said on 17/Feb/21
@Chaos Control
If the vaccines are efficient against the new forms then you'll be fine by the time your vaccination campaign is complete,we don't even have one and ironically it seems the number slightly decreased the last 2 days (with only 82 dead).Having a much younger population here than in most European countries is the true explanation of the small number of deaths although thinking that we had only 51 dead by mid August and now...just over 7650 (150 times more),so sad when we know it could have been easily avoided,much like New Zealand.
BUT the question is:did this crisis discourage the new candidates for illegal migration towards Europe?Nah,youngsters are tired of the whole situation of the country and as I said Covid has now become a minor issue,some say it may disappear by itself by summer time but nothing is less sure
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 15/Feb/21
Tunman said on 13/Feb/21
I feel sad when I think that Britain has now almost 120,000 dead,and I'm pretty sure they're much more disciplined than us
Yeah weβre the epicentre for that mutie strain so our numbers are higher than they should be
Tunman said on 13/Feb/21
Quite sad to hear that your father lost his final battle,I hope his last moments were less painful thanks to you.I guess it's not something you wish to speak about but the most important is that he leaves behind him a family full of love.I'm sure your brother is probably the same nice person as you,and certainly he cared about his father as much as he could.
The terrible reality of death reminds us that no matter how much we express our love to our beloved ones,we'll only have regrets not to have shared more good times with them when we had the chance.
Now this virus not only causes death,the worst is that one finds himself completely alone facing it with not a single familiar face,no comforting presence except (perhaps)nurses.
I feel sad when I think that Britain has now almost 120,000 dead,and I'm pretty sure they're much more disciplined than us.What's unbelievable here is how people turned completely egoistic in this crisis,coming to the shop without masks,pretending to have forgotten them,even if it's the fifth time and they're fully aware about the importance of that measure,I mean did it come to their mind that their fathers/mothers/brothers/sisters could be next in line?
But you wanna hear the best part?Here's the last statement of our health minister:"we've managed to get the collective immunity".Meanwhile in the most perfect country in the world we had 247 dead the last 5 days.These words just imply that we won't get any vaccines because the government no longer cares (and neither the citizens unfortunately)those who live shall live and those who die shall die that's it,they got tired of all the story and it seems it fell into oblivion,we're now back to the usual talk about our useless politicians...
I sincerly hope everything will be alright for you and your family,and of course stay safe
vg said on 13/Feb/21
Dear Rob,
It has been mentioned of Lord Alfred Douglas' stature in this quote as follows:
'Lord Alfred Douglas is well above the middle height: he holds himself badly but is fully five feet nine inches in height.'
The quote can be googled and it would lead to the sources wherefrom it originates.
There are pictures on the Internet depicting both the Lord and Oscar and it seems to me that had Lord Alfred Douglas really been five feet nine, Wilde should have most definitely measured closer to six feet three than only six feet in height. Here's a link to one of the pictures with them both standing -
Click Here .
I would be glad if you could tell me what you think, Rob, and what your opinion is regarding the 5' 9" claim for the Lord and the comparison between his and Wilde's heights. And, if you think that Lord Alfred Douglas is not 5' 9" it would be good if you could tell me a more appropriate estimate of his height. Thank you!

Editor Rob
It is possible there is more than 4, maybe in 4-5 range between them
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Feb/21
@ Tunman - Hi Tunman,
Again, apologies for the delay in answering. My Dad didn't make it, alas, and died suddenly in late January. I'd spoken to him just the day before, and he seemed fine and reasonably upbeat, but having seen him precisely two weeks before he passed on, I could see how ill he was. He was so thin that he couldn't get comfortable, and he had a broken leg and needed a full hip replacement, having had a partial one two years ago. He'd experienced a nasty fall shortly after the hip operation. I know how painful they are, having had one myself, but mine was a full one and I was lucky as it was two years before the Covid outbreak. His three stays in hospital last year can't have been a picnic. Visitors were all but
Banned and the staff will have lacked the personal touch through necessity.
I, too, hope that your country doesn't get effected by the new strain of Covid. There was the odd rebellious outbreak last year after lockdown, which is so unnecessary. I don't think it's asking too much to stay at home and follow the rules when we have to go out. People here are being fined heavily for flouting the rules.
Personally, I wouldn't like to be a politician, but the ones in the UK, Europe and the US seem far more people minded than the ones in your country, who seem too self-centred to do any long term good. I don't know fully how your system works in Tunisia, but from what you've told me, it seems a very uncaring one. Civilisation is meant to make conditions better for people, not harder, and this should be the case in every continent. So should food supplies be more evenly spread, seeming as there IS enough food to feed the entire world. Full marks to Sir Bob Geldof who, in July 1985, arranged a massive 'Live Aid' rock and pop concert to draw our attention to the plight, raising millions. He's a celebrity who put his fame to the best use imaginable.
Yes, my cats are continuing to afford company and comfort. Animals love their owners regardless, bless them! I wonder if Oscar Wilde had any animals?
Anyway, it's time to vote for him again, so he gets 6ft0.5. I send you my very best wishes, Tunman, and here's hoping for a rapid end to this horrible pandemic. I hope your country's vaccination programme is fully underway now, as is ours.
Sandy XXX ππ πππ
Tunman said on 26/Jan/21
Sorry to hear such news about your father,I really hope he will get better,I know it's difficult when someone that close has health problems,my grandmother died in 2011 from cancer and we all knew it was coming but chimiotherapy was useless because the disease already spreaded too much,it was a terrible time and I can perfectly understand you don't have much time to answer,clearly there are much more important things to do in such situations.
Anyways,as many expected the 4 days of lockdown did exactly the opposite of what politicians expected,especially that pupils were given a further week of holidays WITHOUT lockdown,and not only the lockdown was largely ignored but every day since the 14th of Januray (10 years of the Revolution)the 8pm curfew was violated by youngsters mostly between 15 and 25 years old who got tired of anything:all the promises the politicians never kept,poverty,corruption,unemployment for many of them and of course now endless sanitary restrictions.Unfortunately there were shops looted,cars burned,several wounded,many arrested,including underage guys
The worst is that the government which is very very unpopular is still kept in place because leaders in some parties don't wish to see the parliament dissolved,as currently the most popular opposition party (it gets 41 approval in the last poll)calls for the return of the pre revolutionary situation at least in terms of security,economy and responsible leadership.It's sad but perfectly understandable that people are now openly admitting that democracy has failed in our country.What's happening in the parliament is like a sort of pervert game:every time a party gets some popularity,some will take every opportunity to crush it in the most vicious ways by imagining links to corruption scandals,pre revolutionary political repression and so on.I don't know much about the politics in your country but I guess the interest of citizens is placed above personal interest and surely your politicians are more conscious that it's necessary for them to leave if they failed in their tasks
I hope this new variant of Covid won't be seen here,as I said we probably won't get any vaccine before May and the sanitary situation is on the brink of collapse,something positive is that now some people are more conscious of the seriousness of the situation,if people start to act more responsibly things can only get better for sure.
Have a nice day,Sandy and of course enjoy as much time as you can with those you love be they humans or animals and of course stay safe!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jan/21
Hi Tunman!
Sorry for the delay in replying. Since I last wrote to you, I've been to see my Dad, who is very ill. He's been in hospital 4 times in less than 2 years, and he looks worn out. I wish he would eat more.
I don't usually watch the News on TV because it's so depressing, but I feel I have to now to keep up-to-date with the Covid virus. There's a new strain of the illness spreading like wildfire, and it's more dangerous to youngsters than the original one from last year. Yes, I do live in Great Britain, Tunman, in the outskirts of London to be exact. Many areas are now in what is known as 'Area 4', which is extremely dangerous, and everybody is advised to stay at home. I personally don't mind overly much as I have so much to do. I have DVDs to watch, the TV, puzzles, my cats to look after and friends and family to speak to over the phone. I also have an exercise machine to help keep fit. Then, of course, we have Celebheights to comment on, wherever we are in the world.
Usually, having a holiday from work must be nice for you, and something you look forward to, Tunman, but when it's forced upon you for reasons as sad and worrying as the coronavirus, it's not enjoyable at all. I get the distinct impression that you like working in a book store. My brother would too, as he's got a huge and ever-growing book collection and he'd have first pick if he worked in a store like yours!
I remember the days when the only solution to finding out knowledge about a subject close to your heart would be to invest in books or to read up from books in the local libraries. Then it would be pot luck as to whether or not you'd find the exact answer to what you were looking for. I'd get sidetracked very easily, but now with the internet, all we have to do is ask a robotic device and we get an answer! We'd read about things like that at school and it seemed incredible, but it's a major blessing in the field of learning.
It's saddening to hear how this horrid illness spread in your country. It only takes a few selfish people to ignore the advice and that's how more and more victims fall prey to Covid 19. I'm sorry that your Mum suffers from asthma. That should push her ahead of the queue when the innocculations become available in your country, but to have 3 and-a-half to 4 months to wait is terribly worrying. Our programme to immunise people is fully underway, as is the case in the majority of countries. You, your Mum and your loved ones would be best advised to stay indoors and try to keep positive and eat healthily. Can you get your shopping delivered where you are? I do hope so. We are lucky like that and I SO hope you are too.
Yes, cats are marvellous company and are very tranquilizing creatures - real stress busters! The virus is affecting people in more than just the obvious way. Depression and anxiety has shot up because of Covid, and I've heard people are boozing more, and many sick people have had their treatment put on hold, including cancer sufferers. I know one such sufferer, whose radiotherapy was working well and now the good work has been undone because it came to a halt.
I watched the speech made by the new American President, Joe Biden, yesterday, and found it uplifting and hopeful.
We're told that things will get worse before they get better, and the fatalities have been going up here most days. We'll have to wait patiently until we're all innoculated, which should be by the end of the year. I hope the same is so for you in Tunisia.
Take care and stay safe, Tunman,
All the very best!
Sandy XXX ππ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jan/21
@ Tunman - Another very interesting Comment from you, Tunman, offering a great deal of insight and making me see that I am lucky to live in this country and to be so content with just enough food, clothes and adequate shelter. I've never craved riches, and silly little things in life bring me a lot of joy. Okay, so we are in lockdown once again, and all too many people are hacked off at not being able to go out as they're used to and even feel hard done by that they can't go on holiday. By having so many cats, I'd miss them far too much to leave them for any more than for a minimal time, a decision I came to when I first acquired them, and I'm fine with that. They give me pleasure and fulfilment each and every day, and I find this infinitely more satisfying than flying off to sunnier climes for two or three weeks a year. Rarely do I go to sleep without one in my arms, and it's usually my white one, Erramius, or Airmiles for short. Ever since I was a small child, I wanted a white cat of my own and now I have one. She knows she's the apple of my eye!
So you speak three languages, Tunman? That's excellent going and you have every reason to be proud of yourself. Understanding people who are speaking in their mother tongues extremely quickly only comes with practice, ideally in the country where the language is spoken. As you doubtless know, my Mum was German and my Dad is English. When I was a kid, I used to think my Mum spoke German incredibly quickly over the phone, but with the passing of the years, it didn't seem so fast because I'd learnt more. Like your parents, she was a language teacher, (German) but she taught in a girls' senior (or Secondary) school, a private one. I was only a nipper of seven at the time. Had she taught at a University, she'd have had to make far more of a commitment, and as we weren't very old, the working school hours were ideal for her as they fitted in with our school routine. I imagine she was a very strict teacher, favouring the girls with a flair for her mother tongue. She was a strict parent! When I started my Secondary school, I could stand only one term of her checking my homework and getting told off, and then, after our first term's exams, which gave me a chance to prove myself, I went up into the top class (there were only two), and decided that I'd do my homework on my own. Furthermore, I discovered how to use a dictionary, my Mum always having a go at me for my spelling. I had one term of mediocre marks, though still above average, and by Summer term, I was excelling - all on my own! π My brother wasn't as bold though and put up with being told off. Today it would be considered child abuse, but never once have I held anything like that against her. She came to England after a hard time in the War, where she was forced to work for the SS. She hated it, stood up for what she believed in, saying bad things about Hitler and Himmler, and was punished, having to work nearly every hour God sent. Had it not been for the fact that her boss fancied her and admired her pluckiness, she'd have gone to a concentration camp. When she was badly wounded while at work, the grinding down of her stopped.
I could listen to my Mum's Wartime stories over and over again, and I still enjoy listening to my Dad's. He is very ill and we are visiting him this week, driven there by our lovely sister-in-law. Before she became a Mum, she used to work on TV and I still enjoy seeing her name coming up after the showing of the repeats. It's there that she met my youngest brother.
Sometimes on the news, there are reports of coachloads of people arriving in the UK having perished on the way here. For you to have to live with the knowledge that innocent people, and such young ones at that, are drowning while trying to swim to safer countries, must be unbearable. Hearing from you that this is occurring so often that it doesn't even make the news any more left me in a cold sweat, and very, very angry and sad. The first thing that came to mind is how lucky I am to be living in a tolerant country. One programme I used to like watching was a fact-based American series called 'The Little House on the Prairie'. It was about a family who lived in North America after the American Civil War. It brought home to me and many others what life was like for people then, and the subject of the ostracizatiin of black people, and of Native Americans is covered therein. One black actor I was particularly fond of was the late Moses Gunn. Although life wasn't fair to him and other black folk, he was always happy and laughing. He never felt hard done by and he had a beautiful singing voice. He felt privileged when he was accepted into the Church, which only had white people. Although this programme was already on in the 70s, when I was growing up, I didn't understand it as well as when it was repeated in my adulthood. I didn't even realize that it was based in the 19th Century, in Victorian times. The citizens of the tiny town were grateful just to make a living and scrape enough money together to feed and clothe their families. There was one well-off family, the mother of whom was stuck up and snotty and the daughter followed suit, until she met a thoroughly nice, (and shorter!) man, married and had twins. Lovely stuff, and so uplifting!
Well, I'm going to draw this to a close now, Tunman, and wish you a great 2021.
With very best wishes,
Sandy. XXX π
Tunman said on 31/Dec/20
Both my parents are Tunisian but both are teaching french at university.I'm among the rare people who actually have the chance to speak french at the same level they speak in arabic,but my mother tongue is still arabic,actually short arabic or what we call here Derija.I speak both french and Derija fluently and interchangeably. Literary arabic isn't for everyday conversations,mainly used in Newspapers,books,and TV news I won't have a problem in understanding what's said although I'll very rarely use it personally,well except when it's required(with teachers).In all modesty I might have a good level when writing in English but if speaking I'm certainly not as fluent as I would have liked,to be fair when I was in NY I had some difficulties to understand what some people were saying without asking them to speak slowly,same goes for films and I would often end up looking for subtitles.Again only a small minority would manage a complicated conversation with a native speaker but this time I'm not part of that minority,though I wish I will some day,well I already do for an average conversation and thanks to that I had no problems in communicating with non native english speakers in Italy Netherlands and so on...
The idea that there's no future is becoming the most common one.You probably met a lot of migrants in Uk,right?Maybe not Tunisians because their 2 main destination for illegal migration are Italy(because it's very close)and France.Do you realize that they consciously take the risk of ending drowned in the Mediterranean sea in the hope of a better life?20 corpses were recovered near our southern shores this week(they're probably more).We became so used to this that it wasn't even brought on TV news.So sad that most are youngsters,sometimes as young as 17-18 years old,that's how things are,these are perceived as a time bomb because staying unemployed they'll soon take the street and cause trouble(which would be justified)so the best way the government saw to deal with them was to let them "escape"their miserable conditions abroad...
As long as there won't be reforms to fight efficiently corruption and hatred speeches,nothing will change,It's so sad,but who knows?as long as there's a will,everything is possible,let me end this year on a positive note,3 associations(one defending gay rights,another defending women's right to equal inheritance and a third defending the rights of color minorities)have seen the day recently,mainly led by young people who are proud to build their country,so the battle for justice isn't lost,it only begins,it will be a long,very long one but I'm going to say we'll end up winning that one.
Of course I wish you and everyone here A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Dec/20
@ Tunman - You poor man, having to live like that. I read your comment and had tears in my eyes. I also showed it to my brother. About an hour later, he came back in to see me and asked me to find your comment/essay on his own phone so that he could study it at his leisure. I'm sure my boyfriend would be outraged at how people in the 21st century have to live, but then I think he has a far better idea than I have.
I don't know your age, Tunman, but whatever it is, if only your 'leaders' - and I say that in the loosest possible terms because they sound like selfish bullies - well, if they had their people's needs as well thought out as you have, your country would be able to work towards a better future. No, I'll rephrase that: your country would HAVE a future, because a country run by a leadership consisting of individuals with only themselves at the forefront of their minds is no future at all. To turn people against each other and thrive on observing them at loggerheads with each other suits them fine. That way, far fewer people will question the way they conduct themselves, being far too busy worrying about their own conflicts, be they caused by religious turmoil, sexual intolerance, or which nationality they are, as if that should make any difference whatsoever.
I'm interested in languages and was wondering, is your mother tongue is French, Tunman? I used to think you were American, so fluent is your English. Anyway, I understand how people can feel agnostic, religion having been the root cause of fighting and killing for centuries. I think I'd be of the same opinion if I'd seen what you have. My boyfriend has studied many religions and read their 'bibles'. He's also been all over the World and is very interesting to talk to. He's of the opinion that religion has been the cause of wars, hatred and torture. My late boyfriend, who was eight years my senior, felt the same way. I was raised a Christian by my Mum, who brought us up virtually single handedly.
Christ himself hardly gave up his own life, suffering a long and terrible death, so that people would persecute each other in the name of religion. Christians were fed to hungry lions by the Romans, for instance, and many centuries later in England, people (Puritans) burnt Catholics because they didn't conform to the new Protestantism, a faith started by an English King, Henry VIII, (who reigned from 1509 to 1547) because he wanted to marry another woman, under the pretext that his wife hadn't borne him a son and heir. Actually, the Spanish wife, Catherine of Aragon, bore 6 children, 3 of each, but only one of them, a girl, who was to become 'Bloody Mary' or Mary the First, (on the English throne from 1553 to 1558) survived. She remained a staunch Catholic, like her mother, and had Protestants persecuted, sending untold amounts of people to their deaths. After Mary came Elizabeth I, (1558 to 1603) and although she was herself a Protestant, she stopped the killing of Catholics, though it still went on under the Puritans. Elizabeth I is my favourite historical monarch. She was brave and gave her people the first taste of religious freedom. She never married, saying she was 'married to her country'. I don't think the idea held much appeal for her, her mother, Anne Boleyn, having lost her head because her husband, Henry VIII, also her father, wanted to marry another woman, Jane Seymour, who bore him a son, albeit a frail one.
That's just a bit of English history. My German mother was a Lutheran, and proud to be so. The foundations of Martin Luther's Church were a whole lot more savoury than those of the Church of England.
How on Earth do you cope, Tunman, without freedom of speech? It's something we in England take for granted. When I read about how your people live, I was shocked and saddened. I did have some idea, yes, but hearing it from someone I regard as a friend drives it home harder than ever. Only a few years ago in this country, it was on the News that a woman had been murdered with the full blessing of her father, because she didn't want to marry the man her family had lined up for her. I can't remember which religion she was but her cruel and needless slaughter shook the UK to the core. The subject of arranged marriage has been approached and dealt with in certain popular British detective dramas. The viewers are left in shock, and programmes such as this have at least brought to our attention the feeling of helplessness felt by the poor reluctant victims.
So we have another year about to start. I hope it's a safer and happier one than the one just ending, I really do, but when people feel put upon when they have to stay in because of a Covid induced lockdown, when we close our doors and turn on our tellies, or play our video games or get cracking on our puzzles, perhaps we should spare a thought for people not that far away, who are so impoverished that their votes can be bought for the likes of a sandwich.
With all good wishes, Tunman, and here's wishing you a Happy New Year,
Take care,
Sandy XXX ππ
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 29/Dec/20
I misunderstood the weight claim. I assumed his normal weight was 181lbs, he claimed it once and it got accidentally written as 118
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 28/Dec/20
@Editor Rob the guy who you said was described as 118lbs, maybe he was 181lbs and it was a clerical error

Editor Rob
'at one point' meant that it wasn't his normal weight, maybe illness.
vastlybetter566 said on 25/Dec/20
Hey Rob, I hope you have a nice christmas.
I wonder, do you have any informations about the height of writer Franz Kafka?
He is often described as either 6ft or close to it, 182cm.
The german writer Max Brod claimed in an interview that Kafka was about 1 1/2 heads taller than himself.

Editor Rob
I hope you had a Merry Christmas too. I see a few authors mention near six foot...and one said at a point he weighed 118 lbs!
Tunman said on 21/Dec/20
Thanks for the nice words,it's always a pleasure.Actually that woman who fled to Germany was from Afghanistan where arranged marriages are definitely the rule and refusing can indeed lead to the woman being murdered.In Tunisia,things won't reach that level of violence,scarves aren't compulsory neither although both things are unfortunately becoming more and more common.
To be fair,Sandy,I love democracy but I have to say that the 2011 "Revolution" which allegedly brought democracy in fact brought only more intolerance.Today one can't speak freely about religion for sure,but unfortunately about many other important subjects as well such as minorities,gender equality and so on...
What we have to understand is that those extremists who are politically motivated,although uncultivated are all but stupid,in other words they know how to attract the poorest people to them with these voting against their own interests.A good example would be buying electors votes for a sandwich,for 10 dinars (around 3 dollars),buying sheeps for some influent people in villages...Unfortunately,these poor people,because of their terrible living conditions are unable to see the benefits or disadvantages on the long term,so instead of supporting someone who promises to build schools,roads,hospitals,to create libraries,scientific and intellectual centers to shape the future elite that in turn will create an economic dynamic and thus wealth and prosperity,they're simply happy with what they can get on the very short term(today).Such things and many others are among the strategies that help these people get to their powerful positions.I'm a real fan of Lula (former brazilian president)for he was the one who managed to get millions out of poverty...to end up jailed for an alleged corruption story,sadly peoples are easily manipulated and like I said end up choosing rulers that care only for their own persons.The worst is that once in power their strategy consists of playing different society components against each other(seculars vs religious,poor suburbs vs wealthy ones,those defending gays vs homophobics,francophiles vs arabophiles,tribe vs tribe,region vs region...)as long as society stays divided they're able not only to rule but also to show themselves as referees marginalizing some and favouring others as the "natural"ones.It would take pages to speak of all sorts of terrible incidents,that occured the last 10 years due to that irresponsible,even criminal dividing behaviour of our leaders
Your brother seems an interesting person to speak with,I definitely admire people who love reading books as much as I fear the people of only one book(be it religious,political or else,after all we all know what Mein Kampf leads to...)
And although I'm agnostic,have a merry christmas Sandy!You're always welcome
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Dec/20
@ Tunman - What an interesting comment! You've done incredibly well to contribute a feeling of freedom to these young women, in that they feel they can go into your shop and not feel obliged to wear these otherwise compulsory scarves.
I'm of the opinion that every single one of us should be able to worship freely, and the wearing of anything to indicate your faith is unnecessary and up to the individual. The whole point of believing in a higher power is so that it guides us into becoming better people, feeling free to love and show affection and tolerance to all of our brothers and sisters. I don't find dictatorships acceptable, and to be cajoled into the wearing of particular items so that bigoted idiots can sum you up sounds primitive and akin to the puritanism that was practiced in England as a result of Queen Elizabeth I giving human beings the choice to worship whichever faith they chose, the Reformation having begun as an uprising in the second decade of the 16th century by German priest, theologist and author, Martin Luther, who didn't agree with the Pope's way of worship. In England, Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church for altogether more selfish reasons, forming the Protestant Church of England. Whereas Henry VIII's first born daughter, Mary Tudor, who reigned from 1553-1558, burnt and executed Protestants, turning the country back to Catholicism, her half sister, Elizabeth, believed that far too much blood had been spilt and that we should be free to worship however we wished. Puritans were an extreme form of English Protestants and they burnt Catholics.
Tunman - I don't feel that any genuine and good faith believes in dictatorship. Jesus told his disciples at the Last Supper to 'Love one another as I have loved you', and St Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "...and now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of them is love."
From what you tell me, this lack of tolerance in your land is making for great unhappiness. That poor woman having to run away from an arranged marriage is so sad. I know that arranged marriages are still going on in the UK and elsewhere among certain faiths, and I've read about the fates that have befallen some women who've opposed the wishes of their families, including that these young girls have been murdered, with their family's 'blessing'. I'm assuming that you are surrounded by these restrictive practices, and it can't be pleasant for you. You are an example of a young man who knows his own mind, and whoever you are married to, or marry one day, will be a lucky girl. You've been writing on Celebheights ever since I can remember. I came here in 2016. You are educated well enough to know about Oscar Wilde and the controversy that surrounded gay people in the 19th Century. You form your own opinions about the stars on this website, so you possess a knowledge that many people would envy, which is great! I'm sure my brother would be interested to know that you work in a book store. He's a real bookworm and has hundreds upon hundreds of them. I partake in the reading of the historical ones! I'll point your comment out to him and tell you what he has to say. I know he'll be interested.
Thank you for writing to me Tunman. I'll be happy to share my views on any subject of your choosing.
Greetings to you and your loved ones,
All the very best!
Sandy XXX πππππΆ
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Dec/20
Tunman, all of those things really...
Tunman said on 13/Dec/20
Well to be fair,things could have been much worse.While there are subjects that are definitely not allowed in public,things are way better than many countries like Pakistan,Afghanistan,Somalia and so on.My mother met an afghani refugee women when she travelled in Germany in 2014,she told her she fled after she was threatened for having refused to get married to a man she didn't love...
As for my country I would say it's possible to speak freely on some delicate subjects but more when you're with people you can trust.Social pressure(which I would actually call social dictatorship),however is too strong,in fact it could seem ironic but I would say that taken individually people could be divided between 50% tolerant and 50% bigots,but put them in groups definitely the dark(bigot) side will generally prevail.I would like to give an example which could summarize the whole thing: the chemistry in my street has 5 employees (although at least 11 persons in total worked there since 2008),all of them women wearing scarfs(religious sign);whenever 2 or more of them came to my shop together the tone would always be serious and they were quite distant as if they felt obliged not to look excessively friendly although a joke could be thrown sometimes,but if one of them came alone,things are way different and believe me with 2 of them the subjects we sometimes bring are surprising for women allegedly wanting to show they're religious:marriage,children,beauty,personal problems...they would even ask me to help them and make some little requests to me in particular as they know I'm the cool one here,they even allowed themselves to come behind my counter,something that would very rarely happen in a small bookshop but again they know I'm open and would never object about it,lol.Both of them stopped working in the chemistry but kept visiting me and finally got rid of the scarf.I felt it was more the pressure of the other girls that kept them wearing it as long as they worked;another girl who worked there for only 2 months in 2015 gave up as she categorically refused to wear it even for a second...so what's your opinion?
On the other side,what happened between 2011 and 2014 the "revolutionary"period in which I would say everything, literally everything,especially the worse was possible,due to the subsequent political chaos I saw sometimes things that could seem unbelievable for the 21st Century,too numerous(and too horrible) to be discussed here...
We never give up hoping though,some people are slowly opening their eyes...
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Dec/20
@ Tunman - Oh I see - you're from Tunisia! My Mum and brother went on holiday to North Africa, firstly in Morocco and the following year, they went to Tunisia. Neither visit was for long enough to be able to report back what the tolerance levels were like. They went to Tunisia in '82, and brought me back pictures of ferrel cats, because they knew I'd like them, many of whom were merrily mating away in public! The cats weren't starved though. They'd gather round the hotels and even had bed and board there. Hearing that and seeing the pictures made me want to go there, but I've lived in areas in England where there have been strays, and I fed them myself, as did a lot of other people.
There was a boy in my class who had a crush on a female history teacher, and there was a bit of reciprocation going on there. It was easy to see by the way they looked at each other, but at my school, we were too mannerly to act on that sort of thing. Not so at college though! A young man in my class aged 17, but looking far older, had a fling with one of our lecturers! No one can help who they fall for, and when you're very young, it happens particularly often.
I feel for you living in an intolerant land. Things weren't at all tolerant in the 60s, despite the sexual revolution, which I was far too young to understand. In the 70s, thanks to the Glam Rock movement, long hair and high shoes became the norm for young men. You'd get the older people moaning that they couldn't tell the difference between the sexes, but I loved it, and quickly developed a taste for long-haired guys, which has never completely gone away. My Mum visited her brother in 1998 in Cologne, and told me that same sex couples were showing open displays of affection. It wasn't quite that bold in England then, but now they have same sex couples on dating shows, as indeed they should do! Why should people be persecuted for their sexuality, their religion, ANYTHING? It's so wrong, and even height and shape get descriminated against, which is madness.
Here's to tolerance all over the world one day: π₯. We should all love and be loved, and make friends with whomever we want to.
Wishing you a fantastic December, Tunman!
Love and best wishes,
Sandy XXX πππ
Animus said on 12/Dec/20
Rob, I think he is standing slightly bent over in the photo I posted in my last comment (notice he has his one hand on his hip). So maybe he was in actual fact slightly taller than 7 heads and consequently his face length would have been a more reasonable 10-incher or perhaps a fraction less.
I would say near 6'1 range is not impossible, but I think 183-184cm is more likely.

Editor Rob
his head size itself is very likely no less than 10 inches.
Tunman said on 11/Dec/20
Indeed,and yes it would have been interesting to see what some writers and philosophers would have thought of WW2 and its consequence like say Freud and others
And what if Voltaire managed to live until the french revolution,although dying at 83 in the 18th century was exceptional.I bet that someone who was jailed by the fallen regime and whose ideology and thoughts inspired the revolution itself would have been a charismatic figure in the subsequent events,and surely he would have had a significant influence on them.
Out of curiosity,since you're irish,how is Oscar Wilde perceived in your country?Is he a national hero?A martyr?A simple playwright studied in literature themes?Perhaps an icon for gay rights?Or maybe all of this together?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Dec/20
Tunman, true but my point is Wilde wouldβve probably lived through that period had things been different. He was only 40 something when he died. WW1 and Ireland becoming a nation were well within his reach, heβd have lived to see that...WW2 maybe a bit of a stretch, that would place him well into his 80βs , which was like 100 back then and a rare life expectancy...
Tunman said on 9/Dec/20
I'm from Tunisia,in north Africa(hence the Tun part of my pseudo).
Both my parents being former university teachers,I had the chance of being open minded very early in life.
As for tolerance towards sexual minorities,well the first girl I ever fell in love with when I was only 14 was...my french teacher.How can I describe her?Physically I vaguely remember that she was rather tall(although back then I wasn't interested in that subject),always well dressed,polite,and most importantly extremely dedicated to her job,feeling a true responsibility to raise an educated generation,although most students didn't give a care.She appreciated me in particular as I was probably one of the very rare who were always listening.Useless to say that I never had a chance(and actually never even thought trying to speak to her of my feelings) since not only was she in her early 40's but also married and of course I was still under 18 and her student.Being in that extreme minority (who love a person they know is out of reach for them)and being always harrassed and kicked as I was a quite frail boy,I learned very early in life what it means to be marginalized.Ultimately those who endure that either end up hating anything outside what they consider the"norm"or develop a genuine empathy for those who suffer for whatever reason.
Unfortunately Tunisian society is intolerant and violent in its nature,working in a shop and meeting all society layers I can certify there's just too much violence and bigotry in general and the 2011 "Revolution" only brought more hate on the form of religious extremists,so sad...
Skin color,sexual orientation,disability,disease...all these aren't exactly a choice,hate or tolerance however are a choice.I can only wish the country as a whole will end up questioning itself on its values,especially that since 2011 the word democracy is ceaselessly brought on,mostly for the bad reasons alas...Seeing how the germans were in the 30's or 40's and how open they're today,there are reasons to hope
Thank you Sandy,it's always a pleasure to speak to you.
Animus said on 9/Dec/20
It's a good point that "six feet" can be used as a generalized descriptor for people who are 6'0 and above. I initially thought Oscar Wilde was an example of this and that he was really well above six feet, but after having looked into it, I think he was close to that mark.
Check this photo out:
Click Here
I don't see the proportions of a 6'2-6'3 man in that photo. Overall, looking at his legs, arms and frame, I think around 6'0 seems likely, especially in conjunction with his own claim. Anywhere in the 182-184cm range is possible based on that photo, I'd say. 183cm is right in the sweet spot and has my vote.

Editor Rob
It is tricky with photos and perspective...although that photo doesn't look like it has much distortion.
In any case his body looks very close to exactly 7 heads tall in the photo.
If 6ft then his head about 10.25 there...if 6ft 3 his head about 10.75 inch there...but perspective and lens distortion can mess around with this.
I did a short
video showing how an object of fixed height and trying to calculate height from an object might not be so exact.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/20
@ Tunman - Excellent comment! (Re: 8/12/20).
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/20
@ Tunman - I was brought up from an early age that we are all equal. Sometimes - well often really - I count myself lucky to have been born a female. Had I not been, I'm sure I'd have battled against being my height and hated myself all the more. I'm 5ft1 in the morning, only once having measured myself at night, and I was the same height then. That was before my problems started with my hip replacement, which saw me down to 4ft11.
I have had many friends who were gay, and used to speak to them at great length, Tunman. One of them, who was around 5ft9, used to cry his heart out on my shoulder and tell me all sorts of things about how he felt. When he told me that I HAD to get into the film 'The Green Mile', I was able to tell him that I'd seen it, and that I thought it was beautiful too. If this is a judgement on his personality, that says it all. He had bleached blond hair and a very agreeable face, and he would come round at all times of the day and night, just to the have a chat, and was always welcome. He cried many times, and I understood where he was coming from.
I don't know where you live, Tunman, but I feel great sympathy for you. My Mum brought me up to be tolerant of all sexual persuasions, which was, I feel, a good thing.
When I was little, we had a lodger, a good Christian ex-monk. He'd fallen in love with a man and used to talk to me about him when I was just 8. It didn't worry me at all. He introduced me to the group 'The Mamas and the Papaa', and I was playing their music just last night. They sing about love and tolerance and I didn't fully understand where their heads were at until I grew up.
I'm always here if you want a chat, Tunman. Before I go, I'd like to tell you about another friend of mine. His name was Peter, he had a Siamese cat (who died, alas), and he was a very talented TV producer. He directed Elton John's 'Im Still Standing' video, and was great friends with many celebrities. I couldn't have known a nicer fellow. He cooked me a beautiful vegetarian meal, and that was when I met his cat.
Did you know, Tunman, that people with homosexual tenancies are far more artistically inclined than those who are heterosexual. This is something to be proud of, but it did its trick with Oscar Wilde. I don't know how it works with womankind, but I'd be most interested in anyone's views.
All the very best, Tunman. Ooh.... my phone knows your name!
Sandy XX ππ
Tunman said on 8/Dec/20
Every great mind that is lost is actually a great loss for humanity.Sometimes I wonder what it would have been if Socratees,Plato,Descartes,Hobbes,Locke,Voltaire but also some other great minds like Da Vinci,Al Khawarizmi,Newton and so on have lived in the 20th or 21st century.I mean how their genius would have handled all the contemporary challenges?In the most brilliant way,no doubt.Imagine that Beethoven or Mozart lived today when not only you have a larger artistic freedom but almost illimited means.I dare to say the great ones like Louis Armstrong,Michael Jackson,Bob Dylan would have been honored to meet them...and also much more humble
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/20
He looked quite leggy in photos and few would bat an eyelid at 6ft3. He was much heavier at the end though and those last photos arenβt much to go by. A photo of him with a group of others would be telling. At 6ft heβd stand out reasonably enough but at 6ft3 heβd look bloody massive...many donβt realise that 6ft3 was the 6ft6 of the day. But reports consistently make reference to his imposing stature. He looked like a guy that could hold his own in a scrap as well...Broad shouldered, large hands. Fascinating character through and through...and taken too early...probably would have lived much longer if heβd kept better company and for his own sake and his familyβs, kept his internal struggles well concealed, as hard as it would have been...heβd have surely had another wave of literary brilliance in the 20th century...his thoughts on Titanic, WW1 and of course Irish independence...heβd have a field day with that! I dare say he couldβve even hung on till WW2 and given his two cents on that...and had some choice words for the Fuhrer.
Tunman said on 7/Dec/20
Unfortunately it's so hard to change mentalities.What happened to him is still the reality for gays in my country,not only that,but these people are forced to undergo a test in the case they're suspected of same-sex intercourse,not to speak about people denouncing this community to the police
No wonder that with a homophobic president who dares to claim these people are sick and should be treated,this will encourage bigotry towards that group.It's just pathetic to see how so many politicians are capitalizing on the hate towards a community when the genuine(rare)ones speak of tolerance,integation,leaving nobody marginalized...
As for Oscar,yeah I read 6'3 for him but since he claimed 6'that's of course ruled out.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Dec/20
I find him a very attractive man. I've known some high-brow gays and can talk to them for hours without fear of the inevitable come-on!
Even that happened once though.... π
Possibly just over 6ft.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/20
Who knows really how tall he was...heβs in the same category as George Washington (also listed 6ft but was commonly described as big as 6ft4) We just donβt know...there arenβt any concrete photographic references to go by. 6ft would definitely in the late 1800βs be branded as stand out tall though...he would have been equivalent to what 6ft3 is today

Editor Rob
it is one of the more unknowns and whilst I went with the quote/prison figure, there has been a lot of talk in the past about him a tall guy, 6ft 3, which many would go with.
Mickie said on 6/Dec/20
6'0" 195 lbs, as it sounds like he was documented to be, was legitimately a big guy in his time. It was probably more like a guy these days being at least something like 6'2" 230. So don't be surprised by the accounts of his size.
Nik J Ashton said on 5/Dec/20
R.I.P Oscar Wilde.
Great add Rob.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Dec/20
So I guess the 6'3" rumors weren't true after all.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Dec/20
6ft in those days was on the cusp of very tall...thereβs a general mystique with guys like Oscar Wilde where we may not really know his exact height. But Iβve said before βsix feetβ can be a generalised description that can apply to men as tall as 6ft3
Johnny 181-182 cm said on 5/Dec/20
I think each and every person who graduated school all around the world who studied English as their primary language has read at least one of Oscar Wilde's stories. The Selfish Giant always brought tears to my eyes every time I read it. Anyways @Rob can you make a page for JRR Tolkien? He claimed to be 5ft 8.5 in a letter.
Michael187BarefootInTheMornimg said on 4/Dec/20
Huh...I remember reading somewhere many years ago that claimed him as high as 6β3.β Kind of a shock seeing him this low.
Blanc (1.69 m) said on 4/Dec/20
Google has him at 191 cm lol
Animus said on 4/Dec/20
Thatβs interesting. Iβve seen him described as 6β3 and generally as a βhugeβ guy (remember he lived in the late 1800s), but it seems he self-admittedly was 6β0 and weight-wise around 196lbs. I never would have thought I was the same size as Oscar Wilde.
vastlybetter566 said on 4/Dec/20
One of these historical figures listed as much taller than they were on Google.
He was and still is listed at 6ft3 on Google and I always imagined him to be a very tall guy for his time. He probably was rather tall, but not quite 6ft3.
vastlybetter566 said on 4/Dec/20
One of these historical figures listed as much taller than they were on Google.
He was and still is listed as 6ft3 on Google and I always imagined him to be a very tall guy for his time. He probably was rather tall, but not quite 6ft3.
ChaosControl (Formerly Known As J2Frenzy said on 4/Dec/20
Thought he was supposed to be 6β3. Iβll guess 6β2 cause it wonβt go any higher

Editor Rob
he's writing a letter about clothes he needs after leaving prison and wants night shirts. If he were 6ft 3 it would be wise to mention it to the person entrusted in ordering them, since he wants the shirts long. However he mentions he's six feet.
then we have another book in which the author mentions the prison records have Wilde at under 14st and six feet.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/20
Worth adding a prominent figure like him, to dispell the height myth if nothing else, I read 6 ft 3 for him but seemed high!! A similar kind of look and demeanor to Stephen Fry. Unbelievable how much the world has changed in 150 years!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Dec/20
I always read 6ft3!
Rory said on 4/Dec/20
Rob, would 6ft for a young man in the 1800s be like 6ft4 for a youngster today?

Editor Rob
In the 1880's to 90's it would be like 6ft 2-3
Johnny 181-182 cm said on 4/Dec/20
Oscar Wilde, Rob. Wow! I did read a few of his stories in school. Top quality writer.

Editor Rob
his name has been mentioned a few times on here and had a look to see if he ever mentioned a height...
Mickie said on 4/Dec/20
Almost 14 stone is heavier than I would've pictured.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Dec/20
What a wonderful sight - we have OSCAR WILDE! ππ Hooray! ππ
The playwrite, who lived for only 46 years, yet achieved so much, simply HAD to be a tall guy because:
a) He was known for it and
b) Stephen Fry played him!
The poor man lived in a time when gays weren't just persecuted but went to prison, and that was the fate that befell Oscar. I'd have loved to crack open a bottle of wine with this great man! πΎπ₯π· You can tell from his plays that he was a very interesting fellow and would have been fantastic company.
6ft. πππππππ Outstandingly tall for the 19th Century.
RIP Oscar Wilde π―οΈ - Forever young and gorgeous. XXX
16/10/1854 30/11/1900