Wehrmacht180 said on 7/Mar/22
157 cm min
160 cm max
berta said on 22/Nov/21
She cant be taller than this. My brother saw ola rapace the other day. And he looked at most 175 cm. That means she can be u ser thus.
Gladstone Screwer said on 23/Mar/20
If her agency lists her at 5'3, she's almost certainly shorter than that. In Prometheus, I'm actually watching it now on Film 4, she doesn't reach Idris Elba's shoulder, so under 5'2" I'd say. Very pretty so she is, but not the listed height.
Nik said on 21/Sep/18
I like her name! The average vote is too low!
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Sep/18
In a film I saw the other night, called 'Rupture' ... the lady was asked her height and current weight. She replied "5ft5 and 115lbs".
Let's just say this film was shown on 'The Horror Channel', so there are a fair amount of suspenseful moments to be endured as well as the final twist - which is good and unexpected. It'll show again, so if you live in the UK and watch 'The Horror Channel', keep a look out for it!
I doubted the 5ft5, but I also disagree with the average of just over 5ft3, so I am voting for Rob's 5ft4. 😃
Mercury said on 5/May/18
@Erik Ola’s posture seems a little laid back in that picture plus the camera angle makes him look smaller, but still, I doubt he would measure over 5’9” let alone 5’11”. Rob needs to add him asap
Erik said on 1/May/18
Here's a better angle:
Click Here
I'd say Ola is even struggling with 5'9. DC easily edges him out and as you say that's some serious heels Ola's wearing.
I think my guess would be 5ft8.75.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Mar/18
@ Ben - You lucky, lucky unbelievably fortunate human being you!
I have never been left with my head in a spin over seeing such a massive star going about her daily grind, merely 'c' listers who might be on at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley, and even that left me buzzing to the core!
I will give the beautiful, talented Noomi, who I saw in the first half of 'Carol' very recently (too tired to see the second half), a fair and square 5ft3.5!
Ben said on 6/Mar/18
Rob, I just saw her at my gym. Legit, I'm serious. The only reason I didn't stop her for a picture was bcuz I was afraid that it maybe it was a slight possibility that it just someone who looked exactly like her. I walked past her in the hallway, she noticed me and looked up at me, yaah.
However, she looked more 5'3" than 5'4". My eyelevel was a good 2.5"-3" above her head and she was wearing sneakers while I was in socks.
Mercury said on 26/Feb/18
Click Here Click Here Rob, what’s your take on her ex husband and actor Ola Rapace? He’s listed as 180 cm, but I’m not buying that.
Click Here As you can tell even Daniel Craig is taller (bear in mind the ground is slightly tilted which gives Craig the edge but still...) Both Ola and Noomi seem to prefer thick heeled footwear, which is a problem since I’m not an expert in assessing heel-advantage.

Editor Rob
180cm for Ola is on the optimistic side, he might be nearer 175 than 180!
Morris said on 19/Jul/17
152-155cm max barefoot. She is good so.
sebhul said on 14/May/17
I would put her at no more than 5'2 ''. 5'4 ''(?!?), definitely needs reassessment.
LM10-196 cm(6'5'') said on 16/Jan/17
She looks more like 5'1''.Hard to believe that she's 5'4''.She has a really tiny frame.
SaveUsY2J said on 10/Jul/14
@Len @Sean73- Proof?
Sean73 said on 12/Jun/14
5'2' at the most.Her height was one of the reasons she was picked for the Dragon tattoo movies.
Hypado said on 18/Feb/14
162/163 cm
Sam said on 19/Sep/13
I think she's a solid inch shorter than her listing based upon photos around the time of Prometheus, a head shorter than medium-sized guys and Charlize Theron.
Len said on 29/May/13
She looked VERY petite in Prometheus. 5'4" is a joke.
Rapace is probably more like 5'2" at most. Rob, you're getting bamboozled here.
Logan Hedlund said on 4/Mar/13
Miss Rapace could stand ~ 5ft 3 (more like 1.6 m frame).
Cliff said on 26/Aug/12
Hey Rob,
I really think you should revisit her. There's ample evidence that she's well below this listed height. Perhaps she's calling it in heels? Meyer's photo is pretty string evidence that she's only around 5ft1 or 5ft2 at best.
Isabella said on 28/Dec/11
@Jen: I don't know, I'm 5'1" and I know I'm short. I'm 3-4 inches below average, therefore I'm short. And that's okay. I don't care about my height personally. 5'5" is considered short for a model, so I guess that's why those girls are complaining. They just want to be tall.
Also: Noomi doesn't look 5'4". Maybe 5'3" or 5'2". She looked pretty small in GWDT.
Jen said on 13/Dec/11
I don't really think she looked that tiny in the Millenium films. Noomi may say that she is a real short person in Sweden and she wears heels to be a more "normal" height, but what is she really comparing it to. I work in an alterations store and we are constantly hemming peoples pants. I can't tell you how many times I get women of average height 5'5" saying they are short. I personally am 5'1" and I really don't feel that I am that short. I don't feel the need to wear heels all the time, even though I am at least 3" shorter than the average woman in Australia. I honestly feel women believe the average height for a woman is like 5'8" these days because that's how tall you have to be to fit into a pair of pants off the rack.
I think Noomi is around the 5'3" to 5'4" mark. It would be nice if she was more accepting of her height, it would be a boring world if we were all just average now wouldn't it.
francesco said on 2/Dec/11
The character of Lisbeth Salander described by Stieg Larsson was 150cm tall.
I saw Noomi in Rome and considering the 12cm heels I don't think She is much taller. Then I agree with your lower estimates: 5'2 (158cm) max (but also less).
Balthier said on 20/Oct/11
Average height is 166-167 cm.
Liesbling said on 28/Sep/11
Btw, what's the average female height in Sweden? I think 5'3 or below is spot on for Noomi.
Martin said on 2/Sep/11
I think she is shorter than this but I have no proof for my claim..
Kostas said on 25/Aug/11
I have to agree with Ted, she looks very small in all three stieg larsson movies.
Must be her spanish blood...
Ted said on 12/Jun/11
In the Stieg Larsson movie, she appeared really small, maybe about 5ft2? I also heard in an interview with Absoluteradio that she is tiny for a Swedish person and therefore always wears huge platforms.
Click Here
Tobias said on 4/Mar/11
I'm not so sure about that. I think 5'2 (158 cm) is the most accurate. I'm swedish, and I saw her once in Stockholm - she has wearing heels, and I was still several of inches taller (I'm 5'7,75) when I walked passed. However she was taller than I expected.