How tall is Nicolas Cage - Page 5

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Average Guess (225 Votes)
5ft 11.94in (182.7cm)
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/07
rob by saying maximum 183 you mean 182 he did look 182 in many scene in weather man and lord of war

Editor Rob
he's shrinking! con air you could see with nick chinlund and other guys max 183
Viper said on 24/Feb/07
Cage usually looks 6-0 to me, but Im opened to the possbility that he could be a little shorter. Hes looking 5-11 there with Connery to me.
Gonzalo said on 23/Feb/07
I don´t know which movie you saw, Mike. Here are some shots of The Rock I saw years ago; Connery was clearly taller. Very bad movie, by the way.
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To me, Cage looks 6 feet
Mike said on 22/Feb/07
In the Rock standing next to 6'2" Sean Connery he looks about the same, he is probably 6'1" tall.
glenn said on 17/Feb/07
finally got cage.i was surprised he looked 5-11.probably his posture.
mcfan said on 16/Feb/07
Is that all Cage is? I thought he was a bit taller than that...maybe 6'0.5 - 6'1.
Del Mar said on 15/Feb/07
True, when the president was close to 6-2, Cage and Elvis like 181, and Hanks 178-180, probably wax museum is not that accurate
Robert said on 14/Feb/07
Never trust the wax museum regarding to height.
I discovered that they made Arnold taller than he really is.
Robert said on 13/Feb/07
Cage does look taller than he is.
In FAce/Off, I saw that he was not taller than John Travolta, when they were standing next to each other, but when I see them appart, it always seems that Cage is taller.
I would say that he is under 6'.
mr.olympia said on 1/Feb/07
have you ever been to the wax museum? they use pin point accurasy on the height and cage was about 3-4 cm taller than me, and im 176
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/07
he could be 6'0.25 guy and the 6'1 claim for years could be morning height i use to claim 5'11.75 now i claim 5'11 but tecnicaly could be 5'11.25 sice most people get mesured before 2 pm
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/07
feore was 1 nch shorter than cage and travolta but i aint sure colm is over 5'11 since he looked 4 in shorter than ben affleck
Coffin_fodder said on 12/Jan/07
Yea...he's about 6' 0.5(184 cm)...looks taller tho
beaner said on 3/Jan/07
I've never thought of him being particularly tall after seeing him in multiple films. He just doesn't fill out 6' to me. I'd say 5'10.5" - 5'11" tops. Also, alot of his co-stars are taller than him.
George H said on 3/Jan/07
Like I said before, during a promo interview for the movie about the twin towers and 9-11 he had on 3 inch heeled boots. I couldn't believe my eyes!
dmeyer said on 1/Jan/07
i cant see cage under 183 cm possibly 184 185 in his 20s
dmeyer said on 1/Jan/07
in the height shart he is barefeet
Del Mar said on 27/Dec/06
Can actually look 181-182 too, has so several times, and the doll of his is probably this height
Jay said on 8/Dec/06
In that pic where he is slouched infront of a height chart, is he barefoot? Looks like if he stood straight up he wouldnt be much over the 6ft mark with shoes or boots on.
Brad said on 4/Dec/06
Hey Frank2 we need you now more than ever. Turn off the Diedre Hall CD and smoke the wrong heights. 6' for NC. 007 beat him by 1.5" in The Rock though 007 wore thick boots since it was a dangerous stage to film.
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/06
hey frank2 when you met cage did he have boots on i think cage is 6' to 6'1 he dosnt have great posture

Editor Rob
frank2 doesn't post here anymore. He might still read on occasion but contribute, nah.
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/06
i think cage dosnt wear lifts since he wear boot wish give hin 0.75 to 1 in extra height if he was a lift wearer he would have wear smaller outside heels like tom cruise
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
Thank you Ed.more people backing my Owen claim.
Anon said on 11/Sep/06
He must have lost some height because he looks shorter in movies these days.
david said on 3/Sep/06
cage is 183 cm and is 188 cm in boots so look 185
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/06
he looked at best 184 in conair and lately in most movies he looks no more than 6 foot but people that met him told me he was 6 1 or 6 2
dmeyer said on 1/Sep/06
even taugh i think nick is between 183 to 185 cm he does look 182 in lord of war since he look 3 cm on 179 hawk and and 2 to 3 inches taller than 177 leto he rarely stands tall he possibly hits the 184 range with good posture
Dr. Tall said on 1/Sep/06
He looks 6'1 in a lot of his movies but he's really no taller than 5'11". He just looks 6' or taller because he starred with a lot of short or average height actors and was the tallest person in the film when it comes to main characters. Unlike other 5'11" guys like Sean William Scott people normally think he looks shorter because he starred with a lot of taller actors.
Jonny 1Time said on 28/Aug/06
I stood next to him in a book store in Montreal. I am a six foot tall man and I was looking down on his bald head. He's 5'10" max.
Anthony said on 28/Aug/06
I personally think Cage is 6' even. If you watch "Face / Off", him and Travolta are pretty much the same height, with if anything Travolta having an advantage. And Travolta isn't the 6'2 he's often given.
ForensicNYC said on 13/Aug/06
Came across Nic's uncle in the 70's in the deep jungles of the Philippines. Boy, talk about disasters, 3 typhoons in 4 months, the whole crew down with tropical flu, lost 4 helicopters, and Martin Sheen suffering a heart attack!
Glenn said on 13/Aug/06
I know about Scorsese.
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/06
in movies like weather men looks 183 cm
Larry said on 12/Aug/06
Hint: Nicolas's uncle is most famous for a movie about gangsters. :-)
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/06
Nick's Uncle eats lots of pasta and drinks wine from grapes grown in his own vineyard. He's directed what some would consider to be classic films as well. But most of the movies he's done in the last ten to fifteen years have been pretty much stinkos.
dmeyer said on 11/Aug/06
thanks frank i do think he is a tall men about 184 185 cm
Glenn said on 11/Aug/06
Never over estimates ,but under estimates.but yeah,Cage CAN look arguments on that one.
Larry said on 11/Aug/06
I've seen most of Mr. Cage's movies. Frank2 can tell you WHO Nicolas' uncles is, I bet. Cage has always looked about 6'1" to me.
Gramps said on 10/Aug/06
Cage with Jim Carrey:
Click Here
With Willem Dafoe:
Click Here
With Christian Slater:
Click Here
Leung said on 10/Aug/06
I have always thought that Cage was a 6 footer, wouldn’t be surprised if he was near 6’1”. Cage has got 4” over Jared Leto.
Frank2 said on 10/Aug/06
The thing that gets me is when I defend a celeb's height, I get almost as much s*** for it as when I claim they're shorter than advertised. Cage is a tall man. Taller than me. And he doesn't wear height-enhancing shoes either.
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
he is barefoot in that height chart i saw the movie
dmeyer said on 10/Aug/06
i agree with frank 2 he never over estimate people height i think cage is aleast 6 ft 0.5 in possibly 6 feet 1 and looks aleast 6 feet 2 in bootsi mean anybody that met him told me over 6 feet
ForensicNYC said on 6/Aug/06
The movie trailer with Nic Cage...
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 6/Aug/06
This movie of Nic Cage and Maria Bello still stirs up emotions inside...I guess I will watch it someday when I am ready...
Click Here
Harry said on 11/Jul/06
In response to the picture Frank2 posted with Nicolas Cage in front of the height chart, he must be wearing shoes in that shot so i think he is probably 5'11.5" if you take away the slump
anonymous said on 13/Jun/06
in face/off his height is listed as 6'1"
Gonzalo said on 12/Jun/06
If Cage is 6`1.5" Connery was 6`3 at his peak. It
Viper652 said on 9/Jun/06
Yeah ,there is no way Cage is 6-1 1/2. He might be 6-0.
Frank2 said on 9/Jun/06
How long ago was The Rock made? How about ten years ago! Did you ever see The Cotton Club? In it Cage was at least two inches taller than 5'10" Richard Gere. I'm sure Gere wore lifts since he was around several taller actors in that film.
Gonzalo said on 9/Jun/06
Frank, you surprise me. You say Sean Connery isn´t taller than six feet nowadays and you say that Cage is 6`1.5! Connery was clearly taller than Cage in The Rock, nearly two inches. Maybe Connery has shrunk since The Rock but he doesn`t like he has. I don´t think Cage is over six feet
Frank2 said on 7/Jun/06
Slumped he's still 6' tall: Click Here
Frank2 said on 7/Jun/06
Nick is definitely a six footer. If anything he might be 6'1.5".
7 said on 7/Jun/06
In the movie face off cage's profile said 175cm which is about 5ft9in tall
J-Dog said on 6/Jun/06
Yeah but guys like Billy Zane admit they do and usually wear it for roles.
dmeyer said on 6/Jun/06
hey rob i think you are right since he looks 6'1" only when he is wearing 2" cowboy boots like in gone in 60 but in the wethear men he apears 1.25" shorter than caine who is 186 nowadays as you say 183 is a good guess nothing less nic cage is 6'1" only if caine is steel 6'2"
The Truth said on 1/Jun/06
He's 5'11" max end of story! He just looks tall because he starred with a lot of people which I don't call short because their normal height and don't care how short they are compare to the main character. He's definitely above average man's height which is 5'9.5" and not 6'.
Styx2 said on 23/May/06
He was standing at six feet tall in his mugshot in Raising Arizona and was wear shoes and shoes put an inch. on you. He's 5'11" at the most. He may just look tall because he was the tallest guy in National Treasure.
Height Detective said on 1/May/06
Nicolas Cage looking 511 1/2 - 6ft with James Franco Click Here
people who says he is 6.1 need glasses.
dmeyer said on 28/Apr/06
lets say you dont look at the footwear he alwais look a solid 6'1"
dmeyer said on 26/Apr/06
6'1" at pick maybe

Editor Rob
I doubt he's shrunk...I'm sure this guy's footwear is suspicious. For sure, he can look 6ft 1 in pics
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/06
He looks no taller than Ethan Hawke in "Lords of War". They stand right next to each other. I think cage is under 6` barefoot.

Editor Rob
when bridget whatsherface was in heels, there was one scene she looked taller than him, but he was shorter than the guy who played the president of some country I forget, and that guy is 6ft 1
Leung said on 4/Apr/06
Frank2, Jude Law wearing a hairpiece? Is he balding? It might explain why he fashion for beanies and caps a lot in recent times, I had assumed that it was the cold London weather.
Frank2 said on 30/Mar/06
Cage is slightly over 6'. A skinny 6+'. And he wears a hairpiece. So does John Travolta, Kevin Spacey, Jude Law, Billy Zane and Steven Seagall, to name, but a few of many.
Gonzalo said on 30/Mar/06
In Moonstruck he doesn`t look tall. He is much shorter Danny Aiello, who must be 6`2 or 6`3. In Birdy he was 7 or 8 cms shorter than Mathew Modine.
I think he is 6 feet, no more no less.
Leo said on 6/Mar/06
Well in that movie "Face Off" His Profile said he was 6'.
Frank2 said on 3/Mar/06
I've met Nick and he's an even six feet. He wears a rug.
rae said on 23/Feb/06
In The Weather Man, Nicolas Cage appears to be an inch shorter than Michael Caine. So if Michael is 6'1, which is plausible, then it's fair to say Nicolas is 6'0.
Shane said on 25/Jan/06
In Raising Arizona standing next to the chart he is at no more than 6'1" flat with shoes on, so I'd say he's 5'11.5 inches tall.
dmeyer said on 21/Jan/06
when i watch lord of war for the second time cage got 2 inches on hanwke so cage might steel be 184 m since he is not wearing boots in that movie
dmeyer said on 20/Jan/06
whi did you downgrade him you had him at 184 cm for a while

Editor Rob
seeing con air and kiss of death again made me question this guy again...184 might still be possible, I might be wrong
Gramps said on 18/Jan/06
I always figured Nicolas Cage to be a solid 6'2" sort of guy - - maybe because of his lean physique and long narrow face. After checking out these photos, though, I think Rob has him right at 6'0". If you Google him, you'll always find him accompanied by girls who are 6" to 12" shorter than he is!

Nick looking at least 6'1" with the 5'11" Jay Leno:

But dwarfed at the same event by 6'1.5" Jim Carrey (the guy's gotta be wearing stilts!):

Here with the 5'9.25" Jared Leto:

And with the 5'8.5" Jackie Chan:

With another 5'8.5" guy, Robert Duvall:

Looking a little short next to the 5'8.25" Don Cheadle:

Editor Rob
I just don't think this guy's footwear is always 'standard dress' shoes if you get the drift...
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
never seen him.keep just missing him.
6 foot 1, 16, still growing said on 17/Jan/06
When I say "small", I'm not talking about short. I mean he is definitely shorter than what he is portrayed to be in the movies. But he's also quite skinny when you see him in person, making him "small" in my opinion.

someone could be 6 foot 3, but weigh like 120 pounds, and I'd call him "small"
TJ said on 17/Jan/06
Well '6 foot 1, 16, still growing', you may have just won the award for the most bizarre entry on this messageboard. You say that lisa marie and nicolas cage are both small people! lol. Yes she is small at 5'2 - her self proclaimed height. But looking at these pics, would you put them both in the 'small person' category?

Under no stretch of the imagination is Nic Cage a small person.

Picture said on 17/Jan/06
I also think that he is 6 foot, his posture isn't always great but on compare him to Connery I think that he is 1.5 inch shorter (watch the scene in the park)
6 foot 1, 16, still growing said on 16/Jan/06
Nicolas cage is in now way near 6 foot and a half. I'm 6 1 and I was clearly about 2 inches almost taller than him when me and mom saw him at a sushi restaurant in Beverly Hills. He looks a lot taller in the movies, but I have to admit he is in now way above 6 foot. He is probably about 178 centimeters. I also had the fortune of seeing him with lisa presley, who he was dating at the time. she was so small, around 5 three or four or so. they're both small people.
Chris said on 16/Jan/06
Hey rob, he probably is only 6'0", I've heard that height banded around for him many actime. And btw, what kind of shoes was he wearing in Con Air?

Editor Rob
I'm sure they looked normalish...maybe he had the same shoes on in the film with David Caruso. But Cage is a kind of guy who wears large heels and easily looks 6ft 1 range on many occasions
ralph said on 16/Jan/06
i would put him at 6'1,the guy really looks about that heigh,sometimes like rob said he looks bigger cuz' of his big boots,but he aint look shorter than 6'1.

Editor Rob
the funny Con Air he only looked 6ft...
Mario said on 5/Jan/06
I have not seen the movie that he has with Michael Caine, but in the pictures he looks 1/2 to 1 inch shorter.
dmeyer said on 5/Jan/06
i have to say that cage in all the movies he did he looked in the 184 185 cm range but in lord of war he apears no mush taller than jared 176 leto and about the same height as brigete moynahan when she had hells on and also 3 cm at best on ethan hawk so in that movie he looks 6' atbest but in the all movie he had bad posture so 184 cm is possible but actualy in lord of war he looks in the 182 183 cm range
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/05
Saw Nic Cage At the OCC Shop in Montgomery NY he is bigger then the Tuetels from American Chopper, and they are 5'11 6'0.. I say Nic is 6'1-6'1.5

Editor Rob
he can easily look that height...but sometimes the footwear he has on has larger-than average heels
Munnos said on 21/Oct/05
He's a solid 6fter.
jon voight looks... said on 30/Apr/05
2-3 inches taller then cage in national treasure...I thought he was 5'10 maybe 5'11...surprised to see 6'0 1/2...

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.