Jazzy3000 said on 12/Apr/23
Not over 6’2”.
berta said on 11/Jan/23
it will be interesting to se him beside nicolas cage in their new movie. cage is almost 60 years so he probably look 1/4 shorter than peak these days ( i dont think he have really lost height, more than 1-3 mm but the posture is a little worse). This guy have looked 189-190 always. I think 189,5 is about right.
Danimal said on 11/Jan/23
I just saw "The Menu" and I give him a full 6'3". He clearly grew from the time he was 16 and claimed he was 6'2".
Andrey200 said on 29/Nov/22
190 could be a good listing. Same impression as James D’Arcy.
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 25/Nov/22
He looked 4 inches taller than Fiennes in 'The Menu'. Honestly, 6ft 2¾ for Hoult and 5ft 10¾ for Ralph would not surprise.
Andrey200 said on 21/Nov/22
Among the most solid 189.2/6’2 ½ on this site
Julian Stone said on 5/Sep/22
I would say Hoult is 6'2, but can appear 6'2.5 due to his lanky stature
Yanis said on 10/May/22
I think there is a strong change, he could measure 190cm
James B 171.5cm said on 28/Apr/22
rob hardy has thicker shoes and is stand with better posture than Hoult.

Editor Rob
It can account for some of the 'missing' difference.
Msmith said on 15/Apr/22
Rob, I agree Nicholas is not under 6' 2" but I am just asking why is it when he is next to Tom Hardy he struggles to look over 6ft 1.5in?

Editor Rob
Hardy himself is what I'd call a solid 5ft 9, but yeah I can see how Nicholas struggles to look over 6ft 2 beside him.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 15/Apr/22
Hugh Jackman is shorter:
Click Here
Msmith said on 13/Apr/22
Hey ROb I was wondering
Tom Hardy is 5'9 and pics with him and Hoult. Hoult only looks 6'1". Both have good posture
And there was this pic with 5'11 Jimmy Kimmel and Hoult and Him were standing next to each this was 2015, and Hoult looked at best 6'0.5. Is there a reason for this?

Editor Rob
From all I've seen of Nicholas, I couldn't imagine him under 6ft 2.
Chaoscontrol. said on 23/Oct/21
189.5 isn’t impossible for him
OriginalAnon said on 8/Sep/21
189cm seems fair. Not sure why he said getting things to fit is a bit tricky. He is not a big guy at all and 189cm is not that tall.
6ft6 said on 23/Apr/21
6'2 1/4 no more
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 30/Jan/21
Same range as me, but lighter
johnnysidgursson said on 28/Jan/21
6'2.5, he appears taller because he is quite skinny, in movies like "x-men" and "sand castle" may cause the impression of the full 6'3
James B 172cm said on 16/Jan/21
A female friend of mine told me back in 2007 that she met Nicholas at a party and she described him as "really tall" and "really ugly".
RJT said on 1/Dec/20
@6'2 5/8ths
No chance of taller than 6'2.5 if this is how he looks next to strong 6'3 Michael Shannon
Click Here
Click Here
Easily inch shorter there
If Shannon is what he's listed at (6'3.25") that makes Hoult barely 6'2.25".
He's slim that's why he look tall.
6'2 5/8ths said on 29/Nov/20
This guy often seems taller than 189.2cm. I'm 189.6cm and I'm pretty sure he looks a little taller...However he does have a small head compared to my abnormally large one, and he's very lanky, so that could be why. It's very hard to tell from photos! I'll just guess 6'2 and a half.
Nik Ashton said on 3/Oct/20
Maybe he is entitled to an upgrade!
Nathan Hatton said on 29/Sep/20
Rob who would you give the edge in height too out of Hoult or Ashton Kutcher?
Hoult can look a weak 6'3" imo

Editor Rob
Feel Hoult might have greater chance of a tiny bit taller
Mimi said on 25/Sep/20
Rob how tall do you think Eleanor is beside Nicholas in the photo above? 5ft11 range?

Editor Rob
She doesn't look far off that mark.
Ian555 said on 21/Aug/20
Rob have you always listed Hoult at this tall because I feel 6' 2 3/4" or 6' 2 5/8" would be a better fit for him overall, even the average guess has him at 6' 2 7/8" range?

Editor Rob
at the moment I still think around 2.5 is fair, but of course that could change, a case for 2.75 isn't ruled out.
Dream said on 17/Jul/20
curiosity sake, who do you think would have an edge, based on the information: Nicholas Hoult or a peak Charles Martinet?

Editor Rob
Charles could have a good shout 25 years ago of measuring 6ft 3 range if he still looks near it in recent years.
Ian555 said on 7/Jul/20
Rob I’m curious but if Hoult stood up as straight and tall as he possibly could on a stadiometer, would you not be surprised if he measured 6’ 2 5/8” since you said he could measure taller than Idris Elba and even Routh/Welling?

Editor Rob
Wouldn't be that much of a surprise if he got it.
Ian555 said on 15/Jun/20
Rob I’m curious but how would you rank these guys from tallest to shortest: Nicholas Hoult, Idris Elba, Liev Schreiber, David Thewlis, John Krasinski, Tom Welling and Brandon Routh.

Editor Rob
I think out of them all, Hoult and Krasinski at times seem the stronger of the 6ft 2.5 ranges. It's hard to pick apart routh/welling in person, Schreiber at times looks shorter than his listing, but then his posture can vary a lot.
Jam Cherry said on 13/Jun/20
It’s tough to say his height spot on but he’s somewhere between 188.5-189 cm best guess
Mike O said on 10/Jun/20
I'm guessing a tall 6'2", probably 6'2.5" in socks, 6'3.5" in shoes. Kind of a long, slender, angular looking dude.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jun/20
I’d have said Idris would measure taller than Nic
Ian555 said on 5/Jun/20
Rob who do you think could measure taller, Nicholas Hoult or Idris Elba? Personally, I think they would be hard to tell both of them apart and could both pass for 6’ 2 5/8”?

Editor Rob
Hoult may have a greater chance of measuring slightly taller.
TheBat said on 24/Feb/20
Somwhere in the 6'2.5"-6'2.75" range
LatinMix said on 17/Jan/20
Hi Rob!
How tall you think are the supermodels David Gandy and Jon Kortajarena standing in the same place taking as reference the point of the letter "i" that stood out at the edge of their heads. IMO if Nicholas Hoult is 6'2.5, Gandy is a solid 6'2 and Kortajarena 6'1 (especially if you compare it with Gandy in the last attached photos that have another angle). However must take into account what Kortajarena Shoes are a bit smaller than Gandy and Hoult shoes.
-Nicholas Hoult standing next to the "i" point:
Click Here Click Here (In this picture Hoult looks much lower)
-David Gandy standing next to the "i" point:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
-Jon kortajarena standing nex to the "i" point:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Here I attach the moments on video:
-Gandy (0:30) and Hoult (1:10) walk .-
Click Here
-Kortajarena (0:40) walk .-
Click Here
I hope that with these images you can add on the site the super model Jon Kortajarena, since his stature has always been a mystery (maybe because of how big his head is and his moderately athletic body), Google says 1.88 I have even reached find him listed as 1.89 and 1.90, but in this interview
Click Here he appears with 1.87, in addition to his main page on models.com and in some modeling agencies where he works he is also listed as 1.87 m
Click Here Click Here .
in the case of Gandy at age 23 (two years after starting in the modeling world) he was listed as 6'2 in his maternal agency
Click Here
In addition to that evidence, just as Kortajarena has agencies that list it as 6.2 today
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
And all this added to the interview where he said it was 6'2 and the photos next to Hugh Jackman where he looks almost an inch taller, a solid 6'2 would be very reasonable for Gandy.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/19
Charlize Theron's description of Nicholas is, "He looks like a serial killer, which probably means he isn't one."
This film, 'Dark Places', has just had Charlize's Libby meet up with Nicholas - in a launderette in the middle of the night. He is interested in her tragic story and Libby is in need of money, so she asks him how much and she replies, "Done!"
He is noticeably taller than Charlize, so it comes as no surprise to find he is all of 6ft2.5. That's what he can have from me! I see from the picture above that he's normally a handsome chap, but this film isn't one of those glamorous Hollywood movies. 😑
al001 said on 24/Sep/19
A 5 cm difference doesn't mean someone "towers" over another person. It's less than 2 inches, that's not even noticeable at a distance.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Nov/18
I"ll rule out 189.5cm like Geoff Stults.
MAD SAM said on 14/Jun/18
He is a clean 2 cm taller to 187 cm Tom hiddleston, 189 cm surely maybe weak 190 cm though
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/May/18
@Vremo Michael Shannon is not even full inch taller. There is a picture Nicholas Hoult had lower footwear converse sneakers and Shannon had 5/8 inch more shoes make you think close to 2" but not even over 1.25".
Click Here: This is the picture. I did say Shannon is only 6'3 if to put them both barefoot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Mar/18
189cm is probably the lowest I'd argue and 190cm still a possibility...
Vremo said on 7/Mar/18
Nicholas hoult is 186 cm. Michael shannon towers him with at least 5 cm. Or Michael shannon is a true 6'4 man. What do you think?
MD said on 7/Feb/18
Wait, when did he get downgraded? I'm not sure he's this short.
Jake said on 11/Jan/18
Rob, why the downgrade?

Editor Rob
That was the figure I thought he looked overall.
yupyup said on 5/Dec/17
Oh man, google "mad max fury road" carpet event at Cannes, look at him with hardy and theron. His shoes are nuts. HUGE heels on them, holy moly. Wears shoes with large heels in most pictures. 187-188 is my guess, hard to tell accurately.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 20/Nov/17
Well, he’s playing ‘JRR Tolkien’ in a film.
S.J.H said on 8/Apr/17
I notice every actors look 2-2.5' inch shorter from PR Photo even charles barkley and kobe bryant look 6'4. Weir..
Stalin said on 1/Apr/17
Rob, what make you downgrade Nicholas Hoult to 189. He always pass for 6'3 like Brock Lesnar.
Legion said on 12/Feb/17
Finding stuff to fit at 6'3 is not difficult at all.... I don't think you'd have any difficulty until over 6'6
Mark(5'9.25") said on 6/Feb/17
He could be a 6'3", but I wouldn't put him over it. He looks an inch shorter than Michael Shannon.
Click Here
anon said on 18/Jan/17
looks 6'3" in the listed pic. them legs.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 12/Jan/17
Listing is legit, but he looks an inch shorter than Michael Shannon.
Click Here
Chris said on 9/Jan/17
Near abouts 6"2 in first series or skins when he was nearly seventeen then in series two was 6"3 . The difference between him and did looked to be a lot larger series two even partly maybe due to camera angles.
189Night said on 28/Dec/16
Rob, I'm currently watching the first series of Skins, How tall would you say he would of been during the filming of skins

Editor Rob
I can't remember much, I only watched a few episodes early on.
Aza said on 26/Oct/16
He looks a solid 6'2.5.
travis said on 24/Oct/16
idk why people saying he 6'1.5 it say it on here he 6'2 he could he 6'3
juggy said on 16/Oct/16
rob, do you think brandon routh is shorter than hoult?

Editor Rob
if they met, you may well find it hard to tell them apart.
James B said on 31/Jul/16
Rob how tall do you think he was back in 2006? I know he had a massive growth spurt after about a boy.
I remember back in 06 hearing how Nick was saying that some of his friends were catching up to him in height.
Borats Chicken said on 25/Jul/16
Rob, would be taller Hoult or Max Irons?

Editor Rob
both could look a similar 189-90 zone, so it may be hard to tell!
jajamen said on 26/Jun/16
rob, how long would his legs be ?

Editor Rob
not sure on his inseam, could be 35 inch
jajamen said on 18/May/16
Click Here
Rob, how tall you'd think his parents are? 5'7.5-8.5?

Editor Rob
5ft 8 at most I'd think.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/May/16
190cm is perfect and can pull off looking the full 6ft3 a lot. 6ft1-2 is a joke
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Mar/16
Ayush said on 19/Mar/16
Hugh jackman is 6'1 maximum.....ryan reynolds is clerly 6'1.5 ......and nicholas haolt is 6'1.5 too
Ayush said on 19/Mar/16
Hugh jackman is 6'1 maximum.....ryan reynolds is clerly 6'1.5 ......and nicholas haolt is 6'1.5 too
Johno said on 14/Mar/16
He looks about 1-1.25 inches taller then Hugh Jackman. If you still believe Hugh is close to 6'2 then you might be a little delusional since Ryan Reynolds stated his between 6'1-6'2 and he is about 1 inch taller then Hugh.
Also, are you denying that he did not look around 5 inches taller then Tom Hardy?
Another comparison you make is between him and 5'8 Noel Clarke who Rob has been pictured with and who is of similar height to Rob. He looked 5 inches taller then Noel to, you could even push to 6 inches and he still would not reach close to 6'3. Don't be in denial Alex.
AlexMahone said on 11/Mar/16
No Johno. A little bit taller than Hugjh Jackam. I think Jackman is still close to 6'2"" (188cm), so the listing is fine. Hoult is about 6.275" (190cm).
Johno said on 7/Mar/16
Looks around 4.5 inches or no more then 5 inches taller then Tom Hardy, his 6'3 claim looks seriously far-fetched.
oliver said on 19/Dec/15
Rob, my guess is 189cm. By the way do u think he really weighs 185 lbs. I think 165-170 is more reasonable.
MD said on 10/Dec/15
That's only true when it can really be argued the guy can look shorter than listed. You have to almost have to TRY and trick with cameras to make this guy look shorter. If anything, he's slightly underlisted, and I say this as one of those 90% of comments made you talk about.
Grant said on 9/Dec/15
How would you rank these people shortest to tallest
Nicholas Hoult
Tom welling
Chris hemsworth
John Schneider
Liam hemsworth

Editor Rob
tough to say because many of them could fall into the just under 6ft 3 zone, I used to think Chris looked a solid 6ft 3, but his brother is probably a tiny bit taller. Schneider at least used to look 6ft 3, in his 50's he might be a little under.
ShortRussianDude said on 8/Dec/15
most comments on this site are downgrades of 1 - 2 inches so if that is a
troll comment then 90% are Lol Now if he was saying this guy was 5 ft 5 or something like that then it would qualify as a
troll comment.
MD said on 7/Dec/15
How is that still not a
troll comment? A regular person would look at more than just one photo, or if they did only see one photo would qualify their response with that. Only some over-aggressive know-it-all barges into a conversation having seen only one photo and calls it definitive evidence.
Crane said on 7/Dec/15
Hello Rob! I think 6'2 1/2 for Hoult is better since we can't really tell the difference between 6'2 1/2 and 6'2 3/4. Also many sites had him at 6'2.5".
casio said on 4/Dec/15
this guy needs a downgrade big time. He's a solid 6' or 6'1'' on a good day.. just check him out next to 5'9'' Tom Hardy. He is barely 4" taller.
Allie said on 16/Nov/15
Nicholas Hoult look's around this mark with Jennifer Lawrence. And looks taller than a lot of male leads in films so this seems accurate.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/15
"Nicholas Hoult's height is 6ft 3in (191cm)"
Not a fan of him either but he's a tall kid. He can look 2in taller than 6ft1 guys.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/15
"Nicholas Hoult's height is 6ft 3in (191cm)"
Not a fan of him either but he's a tall kid. He can 2in taller than 6ft1 guys.
James B said on 28/Oct/15
Actually he doesn't seem that different these days in interviews compared to how he did nearly a decade ago.
I dunno maybe he's one of those two faced actors who seems nice and humble in front of the camera but turns into a jerk in real life.

Editor Rob
being an actor is a choice, and most people should realise the downsides, but we are all human and sometimes being very famous changes people...for the worse, but maybe also some become better for it!
jonas said on 10/Oct/15
At least 1 inch shorter than Michael Shannon who is listed here at 6'3.5, so somewhere in the range from 6'2 to 6'2.75 seems right for him
Allie said on 4/Oct/15
Seems spot on. He looked almost 3.5 inches taller than Charlize in dress shoes while Charlize wore heels that made her almost 3 inches taller than Tom.
Grant said on 29/Sep/15
How do u fare he would look beside Tom welling
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 8/Sep/15
He's clearly taller than Tom Hiddleston (and Hoult isn't even standing up as straight as Hiddleston):
Moke said on 2/Sep/15
@ my mum once was 5'5 and my dad 5'11.5. I'm 6'2 and my brothers both measure 6'3. My girlfriend for example only measures 5'6.5 with a dad of 6'4.5 and a mum being 5'5. I think one's parents heights are always an indication but never tell the whole truth.
A6'2Guy said on 2/Jul/15
@Judd My mother in her prime was (probably) about 5'5 (maybe more 5'4) and father about 6'2, going by this I could be 6'3 when done growing. Now I have a friend who has a mother that is about 5'8 - 5'9 (Equivalent of 6'2 - 6'3 for a male) with a father who is about average (Like my mother) and we pretty much meet eye to eye, that makes sense to me, what you are saying COULD be just a myth.
joe 193cm night said on 13/Jun/15
Rob, 189cm to possible low night of it?

Editor Rob
it's possible, somewhere in 189-90 range most of the day though
Andrew M said on 19/May/15
In the early adverts for "Skins", I thought he had a look of a young Tom Cruise about him, so I wasn't surprised he's had a bit of success as an actor. But it appears he's taller than Tom!
Andrew M said on 19/May/15
I always thought this guy was only ~5'8", but then I've never really watched any of the shows he was in. He just got mentioned a lot on Channel 4, during their "T4" phase.
As for theories here about parents' height, in my experience tall guys usually have taller mothers, e.g. most 6 footers I know have mothers around 5'6", but my friend is ~5'2"+, and she has a 6ft+ son; so there's more to it than simple arithmetic, I reckon.
Judd said on 13/May/15
[Editor Rob: his Mum maybe could be close to 5ft 8]
Yeah i agree i think both her mum and dad are more 5'8" than 5'9"...
Judd said on 9/May/15
rob from that picture, you think 5'9" for his mum is accurate?
Click Here
IMO she does look almost 20 cms shorter than him, so in the 5'7" but actually i haven't already understood what kind of shoes does she wear there (with or without heels)...
also for his dad, 5'9" seems a bit overestimated if he's 189-190 cms...

Editor Rob
his Mum maybe could be close to 5ft 8
MD said on 8/May/15
It's weird, I do believe this listing, but he's been looking shorter, lately.
With 5'11"(ish) Jimmy Kimmel:
Click Here
With 5'9" Tom Hardy:
Click Here
Obviously, we can't see their shoes. And, it's completely possible, both Kimmel and Hardy either have a footwear advantage or something in their shoes. But, it's just a bit weird.
james said on 14/Apr/15
6'3 is spot on for Nick ..in x men days of future past. he is an inch taller than 6'2 Jackman standing side by side..you need to up him to 6'3
James B said on 8/Apr/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 21/Mar/15
I can't believe this guy went out with Jennifer Lawrence...
I think he may be the full 6ft3...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Mar/15
I can't believe this guy went out with Jennifer Lawrence...
I think he may be the full 6ft3...
joe 193cm night said on 27/Feb/15
6 pés 2.75in (190 cm)
trav said on 10/Jan/15
190 cm that's about 6'3
MD said on 29/Nov/14
With 6'0.75" Kodi Smit McPhee on the far right:
Click Here
Maybe Kodi's grown.
BGee said on 27/Nov/14
If JLaw is 5'7.5 then this is an accurate listing, he's got a solid 7 inches on her.
Realist said on 3/Nov/14
His father looks more 5'5 than 5'9:
Click Here
Realist said on 2/Nov/14
Rob i think you can have him at a full 6'3, he is almost a head more than 5'7.25 McAvoy. Whats the talk about parents height here ?

Editor Rob
I think his almost 6ft 3 claim is ok, I believe he's probably measured at just under it
Judd said on 9/Oct/14
well, i read an article which mentioned that, with more chance, a guy takes by his mum while a lady by his dad...eye and hair colour, kind of skin, and sometimes also the character...height is one of those things.
but i repeat personally i'm a bit skeptical regarding those theories...
Judd said on 8/Oct/14
rob, there are urban legends that say that the height of a boy is more influenced by the height of his mother and the height of a girl most the height of his father.
in other words , a boy born to parents both tall 5'9 is more likely to be taller than another boy born to a 6'3 father and a 5'3 mother. for girls would be the opposite .
you believe is right, statistically?

Editor Rob
if research studies show it, then it might be a good indicator but I've not read enough any papers talking about it.
Judd said on 7/Oct/14
rob i read the article who published pedro. you think he might be frequent that from a couple where both are 5'9" tall born a guy tall almost 6'3"?
From my experience, i met people who were very tall, like 6'1 or more, and their parents weren't much tall, and others who were shorter than their parents...is frequent that a guy or lady gets over his dad or her mum?

Editor Rob
you are going to have genetic combinations which mean some children get more of the 'tall' aspects of the genes from both parents and maybe some random element which can result in a taller than expected son/daughter.
Judd said on 7/Oct/14
However 6'2.75" is fair. He had about 2,5" on Bill Nighy and Nighy is not below 6'0.5" today...
Judd said on 2/Oct/14
He was 6'2.5" before?

Editor Rob
a while back, but after saying he was almost 6ft 3, the old 2.75 listing sounded good :)
Pedro said on 27/Aug/14
Here is an interesting article which talks a little about his growth spurt after shooting "About a Boy":
Click Here
Mango said on 24/Aug/14
Take a look at this pic he, doesn't look +190cm. He's slouching a bit though.
Click Here
James B said on 2/Aug/14
He grew up in Wokingham which is only 11 miles from where I live.
Heard mostly bad things about him from people who met him but maybe he's grown up now?
Reznik said on 17/Jun/14
Chris says on 22/Jan/14
Michael Strahan is 194 AT MOST, comparing with Alexander skarsgard.
Nicholas with Michael. I'd say no more than 6'2.
Click Here
Exactly. Michael Strahan has the same height as Alexander Skarsgard.
6'2 tops for Nicholas and no more than that
mike said on 7/Jun/14
in X-Men - Days of Future Past: Hoult: 189-190 cm Jackman: 187-188 cm.
Astaroth said on 1/Jun/14
Banshee says on 24/Mar/14
Looks 2 cm taller than Jackman in the new trailer of "X-Men: Days of Future Past", where they stand should-to-should next to each other.
Exactly. When they stand side by side Hoult does look taller than Jackman. Plus, Jackman/Wolverine is always seen wearing boots, while Hoult/Beast is either wearing Adidas-like sneakers or barefoot - at least that's what the audience sees. My guess is a weak 6'3 for Hoult and 6'1.5 max for Jackman...
Realist said on 1/May/14
Rob, how tall is Lucas Till ? He claimes 5'10 but didnt look much taller than
James McAvoy, i would put him on 5'8.5 or McAvoy is 5'7.5". As for this guy he is as tall as Liam Hemsworth for sure.

Editor Rob
lucas can look close to 5ft 9 I think, McAvoy at times can look a bit above 5ft 7, but he also can wear boots and it wouldn't surprise me at times if he has worn a small lift.
Banshee said on 24/Mar/14
Looks 2 cm taller than Jackman in the new trailer of "X-Men: Days of Future Past", where they stand should-to-should next to each other.
MD said on 27/Jan/14
Maybe, it's the footwear. I don't know. From the pics I'm looking at, Hoult seems to have on some very thinly-heeled boots, but I can't rally tell if Shannon has on boots, too. Either way, in the pics I'm looking at, there is not much of a difference. He may really be a full 6'3".
Pedro said on 24/Jan/14
@MD I think that in some pictures the difference is more a matter of posture and camera angle. Per example, in this pictures Michael looks slightly taller than Nicholas:
Click Here

Editor Rob
good chance nicholas has more footwear, no idea on the ground though.
Mr. R said on 24/Jan/14
The Exorcist says on 14/Sep/13
Here is Nicolas looking A LOT taller than 6'1.5 listed Colin Firth.
Click Here
This pis with Colin Firth confirms that Nick is a full 6-3 if not a little over. He has more than two inches on Firth in every pic of them together.
MD said on 24/Jan/14
Something is wrong here. There are pictures of him at the Sundance Film Festival, this week, with him looking as tall (if not a quarter-inch or so taller) than 6'3.5" Michael Shannon.
Chris said on 22/Jan/14
Michael Strahan is 194 AT MOST, comparing with Alexander skarsgard.
Nicholas with Michael. I'd say no more than 6'2.
Click Here
Stalker said on 31/Dec/13
191-192 cm range
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Dec/13
More 185-186cm for Firth. He can look 184cm at times but it might be posture. But this kid is definitely about 6ft3. It's quite scary how he sprouted up so fast. I still remember seeing him About A Boy.
Hypado said on 12/Nov/13
190/191 cm
The Exorcist said on 19/Sep/13
@MD: What do you think? A possible 6'0.5 for Firth?
The Exorcist said on 14/Sep/13
Here is Nicolas looking A LOT taller than 6'1.5 listed Colin Firth.
Click Here
Pedro said on 11/Sep/13
@MD Yes, here they look very close in height. But Nicholas is slightly taller:
Click Here
Tim said on 3/Sep/13
His growth is kind of like mine I predict, so I think I will be 6 ft 2.5
Pierre said on 20/Aug/13
I saw him on the tube in London, I'm 6 ft 4.5 and he wasn't far off, he's a solid 6ft3 I think, he's a good fella.
Emily said on 9/Aug/13
How tall does Eleanor look next to him in the above picture?

Editor Rob
like a 5ft 11 person if they had exact same footwear, of course how much heels she has I'm not sure on.
Rocket said on 16/May/13
They are both taller than me. My dad is 6'2" and my mum is 5'7" so I am somewhere in between at 5'10".
Byron T. said on 23/Feb/13
I just watched Warm Bodies and he looked about 4 inches taller than a 5'11'' listed Rob Corddry. This listing seems fair.
me said on 25/Jan/13
He looked 3" shorter than 6'4" Michael Strahan on Kelly and Michael.
truth said on 12/Jan/13
He towers over other guys in "Skins". 6ft3 at minimum.
dntwrry said on 30/Nov/12
i saw him on the underground once and he ws th tallest person in th carrage, i wudda fought he w at least 6,4
Gigi said on 28/Nov/12
Nicholas is really tall And so cute. I love tall guys!!!!
James said on 19/Nov/12
Looks 6'1.75 in the photo but in person probably would appear 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/12
Looks 4cm taller than Colin Firth. So Rob, maybe a downgrade to 186cm for Firth?
Maximus Meridius said on 29/Aug/12
Rob is a 6ft 3in flat possible for him he must have grown after the age of 20 which is very rare only a small minority grow at 20 and after 20.

Editor Rob
I think the almost 6ft 3 is the range he has looked for a few years now.
Shaun said on 2/Aug/12
I think he's exactly what he claims and what Rob now lists him at, weak 6'3".
Editor Rob said on 30/Jul/12
Found him giving a quote in 2009 when he was 19 saying he was nudging 6ft 3.
maio said on 12/Feb/12
i think he's a real and strong 6 ft 2.5 in/189 cm, maybe 190 cm.
He's a good 2 in/5 cm taller than Colin Firth, who's not over 6 ft 0.75 in/185 cm.
However i'm not sure he was 6 ft 2 in when was 16, probably he was in the 6 ft 0 in/183 cm range...
short man syndrome said on 4/Jan/12
Torn between 188cm or 189cm. Very tall guy either way.
Chris said on 6/Dec/11
In X Men First Class, he looks four inches taller than Fassbender, and in the scene where he runs with the professor X, he looks eight inches taller than McAvoy. Fassbender is listed here 5'11 and McAvoy 5'7 so Hoult should be 6'3. 6'2.5 it's fair too. Very tall guy, great job Rob.
Isabella said on 26/Nov/11
I don't think anybody commenting here understands the concept of posture. This height is accurate. He's 6'2" at least, 6'3" at most. I'd say between 6'2.5" - 6'3".
LAN Jiao said on 16/Nov/11
He can be 6'2 but others may need a downgrade like colin firth 6'0.5 and michael fassbender 5'9.75
Jonas said on 14/Nov/11
Jed that's what i think too. Even today he is 6'2 and hasn't grown to 6'3 or 6'4 as some say
LAN Jiao said on 28/Oct/11
jonas, chace is nearer the camera and look how much Nicholas Hoult shoulder had top chace. we cant trust half pics because we cant even see their ground standing,feet and shoe. this boy is right at 6'2.5 if you watch him in x-man as beast. he tower everyone.
Jonas said on 24/Oct/11
Even standing straight, he is no way 4 inches taller than Chace Crawford that is listed here at 5'10.5
Picture from this year:
Click Here
Jonas said on 24/Oct/11
same height as Matthew Goode who is 6'2
Click HereColin Firth i think he is more 6'1-ish tops
James said on 18/Aug/11
yeah i think he could be 6'3
hs2011 said on 7/Aug/11
He's now describing himself as a "gangly" 6'3" in interviews, which he looks IMO.
pinpan said on 5/Aug/11
men dont stop growing untill they are about 24.
I think he is about 6'4 as well. His legs are so long!
James said on 17/Jul/11
I don't understand how he can pull of looking so much taller than Colin Firth who is probably between 6'1-6'2 in some pics.
He can't be under 6'3 (191cm).
Nicholas Hoult 6'3 (191cm)
Colin Firth 6'1.25 (186cm)
Moke said on 2/Jul/11
that pictures aren't suitable. He's 6'2.5, but looks 6'3 next to other actors
Click Here Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jun/11
Looks 6ft1 tops with Nick Moran
voiceless dental fricative said on 13/Jun/11
These aren't the greatest photos in the world, but Hoult definitely doesn't look 6'2.5 with 5'10 Nick Moran
Click Here
Click Here
SAK said on 11/Jun/11
After seeing xmen 1st class he looks 190cm/6ft3
James said on 10/Jun/11
I think 6'2
supes78 said on 5/Jun/11
I just saw him in the X-Men: First Class movie. He looked like he was 6'4" in the film. He absolutely towered above everyone else. I think this kid has grown since his height of 6'2" at age 16.
Jay said on 1/Jun/11
Beginning to think he's easily 190 - his build does make him look taller, but either the people around him are unusually diminuitive, or he is genuinely tall, about 6'3"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/11
The most I could buy is 190cm...but 189cm is a safer bet
Moke said on 24/May/11
He was barely 5'5 at the premiere of About a boy
Click Here
Now should be 6'2.75-6'3. That's 25cm or 10 inches (!)
Aqualung said on 5/Apr/11
man, this guy grew a lot since About a Boy, he actually grew 8 inches from 5'6 to 6'2 in 4 years!! is that possible Rob?

Editor Rob
yeah he did grow a large amount in a few years.
Menace 195cm said on 25/Mar/11
Met him in Sydney, merely 188cm rather than 189cm, build makes him look taller.
I have similar build and people cite me as an easy 197~8cm from photos!!
MD said on 25/Feb/11
How tall does he look here with 6'0"ish Mads Mikkeleson:
Click Here
Click Here
I don't know whether it's just because he's thin, or because of posture, but he's really been looking a full 6'3" for a few years now, if you ask me. He just looks tall in every picture he's in.

Editor Rob
it is possible he is 6ft 3 now, his build certainly can help with making him look taller.
big said on 24/Feb/11
litle more 6`3
James said on 14/Feb/11
I think its more of a case of Firth being 185cm and Hoult being 189cm. If Firth really is 187cm then Nicholas Hoult does look 191cm.
Moke said on 9/Feb/11
His height should be changed into 6'3.
magnolia fan said on 31/Jan/11
Click Here look this guy is 6.4 !!!
pinkcolors said on 10/Jan/11
he is sooo cute.And his height is perfect.I love tall guys.I think he is 6,2
James said on 11/Dec/10
6'3.5 in dress shoes.
J.J. said on 3/Dec/10
He looks 6'2.25" to me but hey no big deal... Sean Kingston is another one to consider a 6'2.5" listing Rob!
Moke said on 12/Nov/10
James: He has been 6'2 at age of 16. Growth after 20 for him is very, very improbable to be realistic.
James said on 6/Nov/10
Rob do you think by the time Nicholas Hoult is 25 he might be a full 6'3? Remember he is still 20 so half an inch more growth is not impossible.

Editor Rob
there's a chance he is close to it now
maximus meridius said on 30/Oct/10
he is probably 6ft 6in by now he could very well still be growing
Anonymous said on 27/Oct/10
i see more than an inch with leterrier, more like 2. Look at the shoulder height and also the rest of the photos on that sight. Looks closer to
mads mickelsens height if anything.
Hugh 191cm said on 8/Jul/09
Dev patel 6ft2 and hoult 6ft2.5.
James said on 28/May/09
No way 6'4. Not in a million years
ZAQ said on 26/May/09
He grew like this i have his records
12 5'3
13 5'9
14 5'10 1/2
15 6'0 1/2
16 6'2
20 6'2
Del Mar said on 25/May/09
there's rumours that he has now reached 6-4 as i also seen been mentioned before. although this could be a little high, i think i wouldn't doubt 6-3
James said on 18/May/09
Or Nicholas could be 6'2.5?
J.J. said on 12/May/09
I am the only who is still sticking by my 6'1" for Dev Patel and 6'2" for Nicholas.
'Anon' your pictures prove that dev is definately one inch shorter than Nicholas. I knew it because I've met him before.
'Rob' Are You there could you please downgrade Dev Patel to 6'1"
Lionel said on 13/Mar/09
Dev Patel is 6'1. and Nicholas Hoult is 6'2
Anon said on 9/Mar/09
He and Dev Patel, co-star from Skins, are definitely both 6' 3". Rob Pattinson who is listed at 6' on this very website looks about 3" shorter than Dev in these photos.
Click Here Dev and Nicholas look about the same height in these photos.
Click Here
Jasper said on 9/Mar/09
this guy has definitely grown since 2005 i think hes closer to 6'3 now. in this interview
Click Here , it states that hes 6'3.
ZAQ said on 7/Mar/09
does anyone know how he grew like i know for a fact he was 5'4 at 13
but did he have like a really big 6 inch spurt or something later on?
Zach #2 said on 22/Feb/09
i was standing right next to him, he seems like a very tall lad.
Zach #2 said on 15/Feb/09
i saw this guy in a BOOTS store in London's Covent Garden area, shopping on Bafta night 8/feb/09. my friend who is a solid 6ft 3 was sorta the same height as Nicholas Hoult, This guy is in the Ashton Kutcher, Josh Hartnett range, 6ft 2.5" atleast.
Nate said on 9/Feb/09
That's crazy that he's 6'2+. Most of the child stars like Haley Joel Osment, Maculay Culkin, and the little kid from Jerry McGuire turned out short. This is the only guy I can think of that became very tall. Oh yeah and Anthony Michael Hall is like 6'1+
Jen said on 31/Jan/09
well, he is still growing up. and now, he is 193cm.
Bruce said on 26/Sep/08
i will give him 6'2.5"
Tom said on 13/Sep/08
Last night Ross claimed he was 6'2"... I think people in general say there taller then they actually are, you would be suprised.
Tom said on 9/Sep/08
Saw him not long back. I'm 6'5" and I did make him look small from where I was standing. I'd say 6'1".
Hugh said on 28/Aug/08
This kid has grown a lot over the last while. He wasn't much shorter than me. He's 6ft2.25.
Anon987 said on 26/Jul/08
Saw him last night at my local bar (lives around my area). No way he is 6'1, looked 6 foot MAX. Though I had a fair bit to drink so maybe I was underestimating him. I'm 5'7
Anonymous said on 1/Jun/08
He is between 6'1.5 and 6'2
Frizky said on 5/Mar/08
pete doherty came on the jonathan ross show and was wearing heeled shoes and seemed to be abit taller, i would say 6ft 2in. Hoult also came on and seemed much taller than ross, he was also wearing flat trainers, i would say 6ft 3-4. So if doherty is 6ft 2in then hoult is 6ft 3in minimum.
Markus said on 20/Feb/08
He was just a shade taller than Jonathan Ross, so i reckon he is 6ft 2in, probably 6ft 3 in shoes like me
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/08
He looked nearly, if not already, 6'3 next to 6'1 Jonathan Ross.
JK said on 29/Aug/07
Yeah he looks 6'2''
alex said on 29/Aug/07
anyone know anything else about the other characters in skins?
statto said on 2/Mar/07
Yes he looks easily 6'2" in skins.
Editor Rob said on 7/Sep/06
Quoted in June 2006:
"Yes, I'm 6ft 2in," says the handsome 16-year-old actor. "I put on a bit of a spurt after About A Boy, but I think I've stopped growing now. People are always saying, 'Haven't you grown!'"
John said on 27/Apr/06
Ive met this kid in person and he towers over me. Im 5'7 and he was at least 8 inches taller.
AA said on 5/Jan/06
This guy was too short in About A Boy that I couldn't believe he's 6'2... I thought he was like... 5' 10 or something...
me said on 14/Aug/05
There was an article a few months back saying that he is now 6 foot 3. His latest photo was not there though.