How tall is Morgan Freeman - Page 3

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Average Guess (201 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 2.27in (188.6cm)
Current: 6ft 1.4in (186.4cm)
Hugh said on 30/Dec/08
I can't see Bale being under 6ft.
cb said on 22/Dec/08
STOP with all these 6"3' estimates. Morgan Freeman is a tall dude, but that's not the question. He's 187cm tops. Take a look at him with Tim Robbins, towering him by at least 10cm or Michael Jordan also by 10cm. Now even if Jordan is 6"5', that makes Morgan no taller than 6"2'.
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6"2' is the best I give him.
brotha said on 19/Dec/08
He's 6'3" still, no doubt maybe a tad taller. I have a couple of 6'5" friends, he hardly appeared much shorter, when I saw him in person.
Arikado said on 11/Dec/08
must have been 6"3 in his younger years .. possibly stands 6 "2.75
cb said on 10/Dec/08
6'2" MAX. 10cm more than Brad Pitt in Seven, sorry for all the women who love Brad Pitt, but he's a weak 5'10". 5'11" is his dream height. Compare him with Eduard Norton for more proof.
Morgan Freeman compared to Christian Bale is 6-7cm taller. Bale is a weak 6 footer, more a strong 5'11".
Hugh said on 2/Dec/08
He was about 2 inches taller than Brown. Clancy was probably 6ft3 at that time. So he could be 6ft5 for all we know.
Hugh said on 25/Nov/08
I think 6ft3 when younger is a very strong possibility.
Lenad said on 19/Nov/08
Also James in certain camera angles it could look like there was a lot of height Robbins had over Freeman and Brown but up close, Robbins had a similar amount of height over the 2 guys. So Clancy Brown and Morgan Freeman seem pretty much even in height.
anonymous said on 13/Nov/08
My mistake he's 71. I still think he's between 6 foot 2 and 3.
anonymous said on 10/Nov/08
anonymous, he is only 71 years old. But to his height, he usually looks 6`2-6`2.5 to me. 6`3 though would not shock me
anonymous said on 8/Nov/08
6 foot 3 is just a little exaggerated. He is not that tall and jim carrey is a tall man. He looks built for a 77 year old man and was maybe 10-13cm taller than jack nicholson. I would say he's 6 foot 2 max. I just cant see him taller.
Lenad said on 5/Nov/08
Clancy and Morgan looked similar height to me. Maybe I was half blind
Hugh said on 4/Nov/08
Actually Clancy was about half an inch taller than Freeman. However Freeman probably lost a bit of height by that time. I'd say Freeman was 6ft3 at his peak and now a solid 189cm. Still legitimitely tall.
ed said on 31/Oct/08
just saw Shawshank again... in the prison cell after Andy has broken out, he is clearly 1 inch taller than Clancy Brown who is listed at 6.3. They are standing side by side on even ground in the cell.
Brotha said on 30/Oct/08
Bob H, I saw Morgan last year in La Jolla CA, he's still easily 6'3", no doubt.
Bob H. said on 29/Oct/08
The first time I recall seeing Freeman is in Robert Redford's 1980 "Brubaker". He looked easily 6'3" and very very tough!! After 28 years and being 70+ years in age, I'd expect him to now be 6' 1 1/2" or so. I am 66 and have lost 1 inch in height from my prime.
Big King said on 27/Oct/08
Freeman was three inches shorter than Tim Robbins in the Shawshank Redemption.
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/08
Carrey is 6'1.25 to me and Morgan Freeman 6'1.75 or 6'2 now he looks at least 3 inches shorter than Robbins.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
I watched shawshank redemption and he was shorter than tim robbins by about 12 cm. In the bucket list he was taller than jack nicholson who is 173cm. In Bruce almighty he was shorter than jim carrey. I would say he's 6 foot. That's a good height for a 77 year old man. He is a respected actor. He's a good actor.
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/08
Murray is well under 6'1 now.
Lenad said on 20/Oct/08
Adam these are my estimates:
Freeman 6'2.5-6'3
Brown 6'2.5-6'3
Robbins 6'5-6'5.5
Ange said on 13/Oct/08
I like Freeman for 6'2.5. Personally, I think Caine or Robbins is a better measuring stick than Bale. Bale seems height shifty to me. Also, isn't Bill Murray tall? I always thought of him as 6'1 or in that neighborhood.
adam said on 12/Oct/08
I think his peak was at least 6-3. In Shawshank Redemption he was towered by Tim Robbins who is a real mountain. At least 6-5. His 6-4
Anonymous said on 10/Oct/08
Forest Whitaker is really under 6'1.75 now.
Lenad said on 10/Oct/08
In Shawshank Redemption he was taller than everyone except Tim Robbins and Clancy Brown. Clancy Brown was the same and Tim Robbins was a couple of inches taller. 6'2.5 quite possible.
Anonymous said on 8/Oct/08
I saw it and he's got 4 inches shorter than him cromwell is now 6'6 in a bad posture and freeman was at least 6'2. he was also slightly shorter to ben affleck
JC said on 5/Oct/08
Just rewatched Sum of All Fears where he's walking with James Cromwell. Cromwell is 6'7" and Morgan is only a few inches shorter...
Hugh said on 4/Oct/08
Forest Whitaker is 6ft2ish. 6ft1.75.
Hugh said on 4/Oct/08
He still looks this height. Incredible at his age. Never met him or saw him but looking at recent photos next to Jim Carrey he's still looking 6ft2.5.
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/08
he looks in the range 6'1 and 6'2 now in good posture
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/08
Exactly Lenad and James,Forest Whitaker seems to be well under 6'2 now depending his bad posture beside Freeman
Lenad said on 16/Sep/08
Looks at least a weak 6'2 (187cm) so 6'3 peak possible for me.
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/08
he has never been 6'4 I saw Chain reaction a couples of days ago and he was only a good inch taller than Keanu Reeves so 6'2 is reasonable nowdays not over,whatever James he's quite tall.
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/08
looks 6'1.5 next to Bale and Nolan
adam said on 4/Sep/08
Maybe today Freeman is 6-2
Lenad said on 26/Aug/08
Hes no less than 6'2.5 thats for sure.
filip said on 13/Aug/08
I stood next to his wax figurine in madam tussaudss museum and he is little under 6
zahid said on 25/Jul/08
he looks 6'2.5" to me
nick said on 22/Jul/08
I met Morgan Freeman recently, and hes definetly around 6ft3. Im 5ft11 and standing next to him, hes still pretty taller then men.
dits said on 22/Jul/08
in unforgiven,with clint eastwood,he looked to be the exact same height as him.i think clint and morgan are of almost same height,although i haven't seen clint recently to be able to comment how they stand today.

i believe morgan is in the 6'2-6'3 range,because thats where clint was back in 1990-1992.
thekiddd said on 11/Jul/08
He could have been 6'3" when he was younger. I always thought 6'2" or 6'3" for him.
Yaspaa said on 15/Apr/08
With 6'4 Liam Neeson in the background,Morgan does look 6'2.5
Jake Is Back said on 23/Mar/08
6'4" peak height for Freeman is absurd.
dmeyer said on 10/Mar/08
over all freeman looks 189 190 cm in all the work he has done ,also robins is more 6 ft 5
Anonymous king said on 10/Mar/08
freeman looks 8cm shorter than 194cm tim robbins in Shawshank Redemption. his mostly like 6ft1, 6ft2.5 with shoes.
Clark said on 5/Mar/08
Any photos of Christopher Reeve and Morgan freeman form "Streetsmart."
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 1/Mar/08
Nowday look at least 6'1.5 he had approx 10 cms difference 5'9 Nicholson.
Danny Glover was also 1.5 inch taller than him.
George H. said on 25/Feb/08
Courtesy of Jackie who used to post here. Freeman with 6'2" Beatty a few years ago. Click Here
Danimal said on 24/Feb/08
I think he could have been as tall as 6'3.5" at his peak. Still looks a solid 6'2"-6'2.5" today at 70 years old. Appeared to be taller than David Letterman only this month on his show. Tim Robbins did have 3-4" on Morgan in Shawshank Redemption (1994), but then again, I believe that Tim is NO less than 6'6".
dmeyer said on 29/Jan/08
i a walking scene freeman looked 3 to 3.5 in taller than bale ,i dont see eye to eye i see eye to neck
Brotha said on 28/Jan/08
Just saw Batman Begins. There's some interesting scenes with Freeman and Bale where they are looking eye to eye. Definitely, the camera angles and tall footware Bale probably wore were at work in these scenes. Another movie that makes Freeman look shorter is Lean On Me, where there's a scene with some of the school staff in an office where several of the men are taller than Freeman. These must have been some really tall extras. Freeman is an easy 6'3" as I've seen him on a flat surface and face to face at the Hilton Torrey Pines.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/08
Morgan posing with Derek Jeter, who is listed at 6'3" by Major League Baseball (possibly inflated by an inch or so).

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dmeyer said on 11/Jan/08
morgan peak was 6'3
Gago said on 28/Dec/07
I met Mr. Freeman in Marriott Hotel in hollywood, very friendly, looked close to 190, listing seems about right.
Daniel said on 15/Nov/07
I agree with Joshua. Freeman could have been 6-4 when younger
sam said on 8/Nov/07
Are there any quotes from Freeman on his own height, Rob? I've often wondered if he had a peak height of 6'3".
Joshua said on 6/Nov/07
He has imo always looked very tall. Only 6-2
Daniel said on 16/Oct/07
Maybe Freeman's health is better than Travolta's, Willis' and Eastwood's, even at his age. And, in what respects to ethnic origins, Freeman is -according to his own words as I read on an interview- mixed black, french and indian. Obviously mostly black, of course. BTW, a very good presence and acting!
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/07
i geuss black men loose less height since freeman lost nothing at 70 and willis travolta at early 50 lost noticable height
ras said on 23/Aug/07
Man! In those pics with Forest Whitaker he looks about 2 inches taller than Forest, and I even think Whitaker is 6 ft 2.5. so Morgan could be 6 ft 4 really, or he likes using boots a lot. It also is weird to see he hasn't shrunk at all.
Ball-a-Hallic said on 7/Aug/07
how tall is tom robbins from shawshank he was alot taller than freeman who seems 6'2... then robbins looked 6'5 but idk is freeman 6'2 or 6'3
fushizzledizzle said on 21/Jul/07
When I saw 'Bruce Almighty' I thought Carey was 6-2 and Freeman 6-3. But whatever they are, I saw about an inch difference
dmeyer said on 16/Jul/07
rob how do you explain that he lost no height at 70 years old when some people like willis and travolta already lost 1 to 2 cm in early 50s

Editor Rob
he'll have lost a few mm, but it appears he is at the lower end of the loss scale, whereas Clint is at the severe end with kyphosis and who knows what else with his discs.
Stefanie said on 10/Jul/07
He looked really tall in Shawshank Redemption, I think this guy is even taller than 6 ft 2.5in
dmeyer said on 1/Jul/07
he is shokingly taller than withaker so he claimed a lidl under 6 ft 3 he might be 6'2.75 190 cm and lost nothing
dmeyer said on 1/Jul/07
if carell is 175 cm he steel looked 189 cm to me
brotha said on 1/Jul/07
I'll say it again, this man is NO shorter than 6'3". I saw him in slippers as he was having breakfast at the hotel I work at.
dmeyer said on 22/Jun/07
in some of all fears looked a 6'2.5 guy at 66 years old maybe black people dont loose height like poitier looked strong 6'2.5 at cannes last year
James said on 19/Jun/07
He always looked 6ft3 to me
Tim said on 26/May/07
Jet Li is reported at 5'8''and in unleashed Morgan seems at last a good 5-6 inches taller than Li.
lillo thomas said on 24/May/07
wow if forrest whitaker is really 6'2 morgan freeman looks in that pics
6'3.5-6'4 but of course he must be wearing lifts in that occations.
TheJerk said on 23/May/07
Wow. He does look very tall next to Whitaker. He grew taller in old age? Maybe he'll share his secrets, but I think he'd rather keep them for himself.
Ben said on 30/Apr/07
how can he and forest whitaker share the same height...thats sick man...look at these pictures...I believe he's 6'3,5

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brotha said on 21/Apr/07
I just saw morgan today, he's staying at the hotel I work at. He came down for breakfast in regular tennis shoes, sweatshirt and pants. I stood right next too him. He's certainly 6'3", very tall and thin.
dmeyer said on 22/Mar/07
i believe freeman was a solid 6'3 at peak he is getting close to 6'2 maybe but he steel loooked as tall as afleck 189 could even have been 6'3.5 at peak people loose more than 0.5 in at 70
bam said on 16/Mar/07
freeman looks at least an inch shorter than 6'2 Benjamin Bratt. Don't be fooled by his hair.
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bam said on 16/Mar/07
the angle's less than perfect, but is Freeman realy 3 inches taller than this guy who claims 5'11.5
examine their shoulder levels
three inches is a very huge difference when it comes to height i only see a 1.5 inch difference Click Here
Viper said on 6/Mar/07
Brad looked 5-10 in that movie.
Gonzalo said on 5/Mar/07
Here are some pics of Seven in which Morgan towers over Brad Lift.
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anonymous said on 7/Feb/07
You're right Gonzalo. He was about 4 inches taller than Pitt. If Freeman's 6'2.5", than Pitt is 5'11, maybe a hair less.
The Horse of FUNK said on 2/Feb/07
Yeah he does have a good 3 - 3.5 inches on Pitt in Se7en. This is the reason why I think Pitt is 5'11.5, or, in other words, a solid 182cm guy. Basically, Pitt being close to 6'.
Glenn said on 1/Feb/07
Really? wow.I havent seen that movie in 10 years.
Gonzalo said on 31/Jan/07
"A bit taller than Brad Pitt". A very big bit, I would say. Almost four inches. Brad forgot his lifts on that movie
S.J said on 28/Jan/07
Well he could be like 6,1 now and that 6,2 1/2 was his Peak Height he looks a bit taller than Brad pitt in Se7en
Viper said on 2/Jan/07
I wouldnt go by a wax museum statue as your evidence.
J-Dog said on 1/Jan/07
He doesn't look that much shorter than Michael Jordan. The point is Morgan Freeman is a tall guy, period.
Pam said on 27/Oct/06
this guy is very tall. and amazingly friendly when i saw him greeting some people in the street.
Viper652 said on 27/Sep/06
He only looks 6-1 next to 6-4 1/2 Michael Jordan.
Gonzalo said on 27/Sep/06
I think Freeman is 6`2 nowadyas and probably a tad taller in his heyday. He is normally one of the tallest guys in his movies. And he is one of the best actors of today`s movies
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/06
he had like 0.75 advatage on hartnet so 189 pushing 190 cm and like 191 at pic

Editor Rob
there wasn't that much between them in their scene, with freeman having around 2cm footwear advantage
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
No way is this man 6-2 when he looks shorter next to MJ. Click Here

Id say 6-1 going by that picture.
Mario said on 24/Sep/06
Freeman was easy 191cm at his peak. Watch Eyewitness (1981) and see him next to Woods. He's easy 11-12 cm taller than Mr Woods.
Zach said on 23/Sep/06
Freeman had a good 2-3inches on Keanu Reeves in Chain Reaction.
manson.p said on 23/Sep/06
i watch the Shawshank Redemption twice and notice 196tall tim robbins tower morgan by 3inches(8cm)..Morgan Freeman's is 188 not 189.. yah in SEVEN he taller than 180brad pitt 8cm abouts.. 188is right..
jesse said on 17/Sep/06
hes noticibly taller than pitt in se7en and i guessed 6'1 or 6'2 right off the start and then in the unforgiven he is only slightly shorter than clint eastwood 6'4 i say he could be a little more than 6'2 even
Derek said on 16/Sep/06
I saw Lean on Me yesterday and Morgan towered over everyone, including 5'8" or 9" Robert Guillaume. May have been 6'3" at his peak, 6'2 1/2" on that movie in 1989 and 6'2" today.
Viper652 said on 28/Aug/06
I remember him on the Electric Company when I was a toddler. He really worked his way up the ladder.
TyreeG said on 26/Aug/06
He looked taller than that on The Electric Company.
Val said on 24/Aug/06
what kind of slippers give you 2cm...some slippers ay mate. ???

Editor Rob
his slippers could be 1cm, 1.5 or even 2, watch slevin and take a guess. One thing, Freeman has an advantage in footwear for certain
Rocky said on 3/Aug/06
He could be 6' 3". He looks too tall for 6' 2".
trueheight said on 19/Jun/06
well in MDB he actually appeared to be 1-2in taller than Clint; its noticeable in almost every shot
dmeyer said on 16/May/06
hey rob i think he is steel close to 191 cm maybe 6'2.75" he did look 1 inch or more taller than clint
Jason said on 6/May/06
He looked slightly under 6'2'' opposite Christian Bale in Batman Begins.
Viper652 said on 4/May/06
I dont think Freeman is 6-1. Still looks 6-2 to me.
Quad-4 said on 4/May/06
Maybe even 6ft and .5 inches. Affleck should be 6'2.
Quad-4 said on 3/May/06
I would of guessed 6'1". His height was 6'2 in his youth.
dmeyer said on 26/Apr/06
thank you rob because freeman seem very in some movies
Ed said on 23/Apr/06
Just watched Street Smart(1983) with Morgan Freeman and Christopher Reeve, and Freeman was at most an inch shorter than the 6ft4 Reeve. Granted Reeve's slouches and hunches his shoulders a lot in movies, but when he stood up straight they were very close in height. In Million Dollar Baby he was about a 1/2 inch taller than Eastwood, making him in the 6ft2 range now, which would make sense, the guy is in his mid 6o's. Rob's estimates are spot on!
sing said on 18/Apr/06
no, i met morgan freeman in person when he and jet li were in new york to plug their new movie, unleashed, morgan was no taller than 6-1. If jordan is 6-4ish, then morgan is no taller than 6-1, possibly less. 6-3 is preposterous...
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/06
in batman he looks a solid 6'3"
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/06
Morgan Freeman is 6'2" solid.
cantstop25 said on 14/Feb/06
Thomas- what other celebs have you met?
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
hey rob freeman is around 189 190 cm at 69 years old how tall was he in his 20's

Editor Rob
earliest film I can remember him in is brubaker, but in his 20's possibly 191cm, who knows really?
dmeyer said on 14/Jan/06
after watching getty images i think freeman is in the 190 191 cm range
Thomas said on 24/Dec/05
Yup, yup. I work at the front of a 5 star hotel in Los Angeles. We get every, and I mean every celebrity you could imagine there. As a result, you'll see my postings all over this site, either verifying or rebuffing celebs' heights. One thing's for sure, Morgan Freeman looks at least twenty years younger than he really is. He has fantastic posture and quite a charm to him. In person, one can plainly see why this guy made it big in the industry.

I'm 6'1 7/8" tall. Morgan Freeman had me by about a half inch. The both of us were standing straight up (I made sure I was), on even ground and with similarly thick shoes. He is a legitimate 6'2 1/2". Sweetest fella, as well.
DocAtl said on 29/Nov/05
He walked right pass in Santa Monica at the outside mall last fall, he was a good 6 2.5 plus good estimate Rob
Gramps said on 28/Nov/05
Anonymous: I'm glad you cleared that up!
Jason said on 27/Nov/05
He sure didn't look 6'2 1/2'' in Batman Begins.
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/05
i think he is around 191 cm
tony said on 4/Aug/05
i met him in marriott hotel in the elevator between 190-192
Anonymous said on 17/Jun/05
how could you distinguish 0.5-1 in of difference just by looking at somebody? you can tell if a person's EYES are higher in the air than your EYES, but that doesn't mean that he/she is taller
sam said on 24/May/05
Well, JJ, I was standing on a sloping sidewalk on which he was standing on the taller part, but I still maintain at least 6'2". If celebheights says 6'2.25" I'd buy that.
JJ said on 21/May/05
Well Sam I am telling you he's not 6'2". I am a legit 6'1.5" and when I saw him he looked as tall as or slightly shorter than me. He was only a few feet from where I was standing.
sam said on 20/May/05
JJ, I was measured a little bit over 6'4" in a physical, without shoes on. And I'm telling you, Morgan Freeman is not under 6'2", and is if anything a little over that. Of course, I didn't stop him to measure the amount that his shoes added, but if they were platform shoes, I think I would have noticed.
JJ said on 16/May/05
With shoes on he might be close to 6'2", I am talking about real height here. You even said you are ABOUT 6' 4.5", and I presume with shoes on. Without shoes you are about 6'3, depending on the type of shoes you are wearing? So Morgan is right around 6'1" WITHOUT SHOES if you think he's 2" shorter than you.

I thought he looked shorter than 6'2" even with shoes on though.
sam said on 16/May/05
I saw him in person in New York and he looked very tall to me. The sidewalks slope somewhat and he was standing on the upper part and it helped that his posture was impeccable, but he definitely looked over 6'2", closer to 6'3". I myself am about 6'4 1/2" and I would have ventured to guess that he was approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches shorter. No way is he 6'1".
JJ said on 16/May/05
If you measure the top of his hair maybe. I saw Morgan recently at a charity event, and he looks no taller than 6'1" with shoes on.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.