Brandon Churchill said on 1/Apr/23
He peak was 5'8". Larry king's peak was 5'10" but by the time he died he was 5'7".
IceCold said on 31/Mar/22
Does Connery lost height in the pic? Mini Mike Gets 5'4
Basil said on 29/Sep/21
No way he's more than 5'5"
Eric Tam said on 31/Jan/21
So he's 5'7 on Google now. Ok fair. This ought to be the most honest he gets.
mark thompson said on 20/Dec/20
alex jones isnt wrong, he is obviously at least 4’9, i couldn’t imagine him any smaller. 5’6 1/4 peak maximum, 4’9 minimum.
vastlybetter566 said on 21/Oct/20
Alex Jones must have had a stopped clock moment, when he said that quote. He's right. However, I don't think the president should make negative remarks about the size of someone. Even if the person is as repulsive as Bloomberg.
Standing next to Bill De Blasio might not be a good idea for him.
Sam Ballinger said on 19/Apr/20
Why is Google saying he is 5’11?? LOL
Richard Griesel said on 19/Mar/20
@Bob da cob. Trump is a little man himself. He claims 6'3 but is no more than 5'11. Definitely short man syndrome. The projections onto other candidates/politicians like Rubio, Schiff and now Bloomberg only proves it
FiveEightJake said on 18/Mar/20
He’s now listed at 1.8m on google for some reason lol, and just did a google search of Mike Bloomberg height and I didn’t find celebheights until page 5! It’s normally top 3 on page 1, is someone trying to hide his real height Rob or is it just because his height was a popular topic?
Shame it didn’t work out for Mike, he didn’t seem to have the appeal or charisma needed to really challenge Trump.

Editor Rob
Of course the workings of Google are mysterious at times, but Mike's height over a month long period was a big topic covered by many news organisations.
Bob da cob. said on 25/Feb/20
Trumps better in ever way. Mini mike 5-5 max
Nik Ashton said on 22/Feb/20
@ uda thach - 5’7.25” is only a tad under average!
Nik Ashton said on 22/Feb/20
Maybe Trump should claim 5’11”!
leon j said on 22/Feb/20
He was visibly shorter than Liz warren who is listed at 5'8. Id say trumps claim of 5'4 is prolly accurate. My id used to say i was 6'3... granted still dont know that much about inches and centimeters... might be closer to 6'1
Jug said on 22/Feb/20
Possibly 5'5 at peak. About 5'4 now. Elizabeth Warren towered over him in the recent debate.
uda thach said on 21/Feb/20
CRAZY, the GUY calls himself 5"10, he looks like a midget....... 5"7, i'd give him 5"7 1/4 to be genorous.
Eric W Tam said on 21/Feb/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell a quick Google search says 5'8.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Feb/20
@ Mane - How tall do you think Trump is? 🦁⚽️
viper said on 20/Feb/20
This is interesting
Click Here
tallChrist said on 19/Feb/20
How tall will He be with the Box Tonight ( at debate)?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Feb/20
@ Eric - Who the feck said he was five eight? What a joker! 😂😂😂
Paul Wood said on 19/Feb/20
I saw a photo of him recently and knew just by looking at the length of his legs and arms that he's not close to 5ft 8in.
Bradley said on 18/Feb/20
He claims 5' 7"? File under his tax plans.
Eric W. Tam said on 17/Feb/20
HAHAHAHAHAHAH five fecking eight. I guess I should have just kept my 6'2 on my footy recruiter page.
bernie2020 said on 17/Feb/20
peak near 5'7" isnt too bad for an avg person, but if your a 6'2" beampole to begin with even a 2 inch loss youre still near 6ft.
Mane said on 17/Feb/20
5’4 seems correct.
Yung bruh said on 16/Feb/20
This mans claim of 5'8 makes it seem small.
Nik said on 16/Feb/20
It's interesting that Trump thinks a 7 inch difference is really an eleven inch difference!
Bob da cob. said on 16/Feb/20
Trump nailed it hahaha. Mini mike is a sub 5-6
viper said on 15/Feb/20
Jesus, somebody needs to take the phone away from Trump
viper said on 15/Feb/20
I would have guessed him at 5-4 myself.
He was 5-6.5 peak?
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
Wow I never realized that he was only 5’5 or 5’6
FiveEightJake said on 15/Feb/20
I thought 5’8 looked too high, nice addition Rob.
I hate how anyone 5’5+ is basically 5’8 this dishonesty doesn’t do anyone any favours.
Andrea said on 15/Feb/20
Funny that Trump calls him 5'4, when he wants to make people believe he's 6'3 himself! I mean, is this supposed to be a 11 inches difference in his mind?
Click Here 😅
Duhon said on 14/Feb/20
Wow, he still get's listed often at 5'8". This is maybe one Trump exaggeration where he's somewhat close to the truth.
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 14/Feb/20
Maybe Trump would've liked it if Mini Mike claimed to be 6'3" :p
Peter175 said on 14/Feb/20
5'6" peak, 5'4.75 now.
Given that he was born in a different time, 5'6" "mini" mike wasn't quite so miny back when he was growing up in the 50s-60s the average was 5'8.5
1993 said on 14/Feb/20
wow that was fast rob. did anyone ask about this btw?

Editor Rob
A couple of folk mentioned him and I think he has lost height in last decade.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Feb/20
Mike looks very small - 5ft5! 😁👍
Peak - 5ft6.25.