Abdul-177DK said on 23/Sep/22
183.3 peak
Today 177.7
5'10 Dude said on 2/Sep/21
Seeing Bernie Sanders next to other people like Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and AOC I see him being at least 5'10 currently. Bernie Sanders had a public access television show some time in the 1980s and in it he looks above average height when compared to the citizens he would talk to and walk by. Around 6'0 seems accurate. His son is likely correct about his peak height. Bernie is a very honest man so I find it unlikely that he would straight up lie about his height.
Benny said on 13/May/21
Click Here
In this photo, how tall do you reckon Bernie is? Keep in mind Jamaal is listed as 6’2.5” (189 cm).

Editor Rob
I am not familiar with Jamaal...but if he really were 6ft 2 then Bernie is looking within 5ft 11 range easily enough.
Benny said on 11/May/21
Click Here
On Bernie’s selective system service card from 1959, when he was 18, he listed his height as 6’0” (183 cm) and his weight as 153 kg (69.3 kg). Do you think this is pretty accurate for 18-year-old Bernie

Editor Rob
Bernie's definitely shrunk more than Biden, you can see with his overall physique, that 6ft range peak is very likely.
Canson said on 7/Feb/21
Was about 5’10 with Cuomo. That’s prob fair but a 2” loss. Wow guess we know what to look forward to
vastlybetter566 said on 21/Jan/21
In a family picture, his son Levi towers over Bernie and the rest of the family. Clearly a tall guy.
slim 6'1 said on 15/Jan/21
Interesting one here
vastlybetter566 said on 5/Oct/20
Hey Rob, how long do you think Bernie's head could be? Doesn't look too long for 6ft.

Editor Rob
might be 9.5 inch range
Alir?za said on 16/Aug/20
I really surprised.. I have always thought he is short guy.. I was thinking he is 5'5-5'7. 6 ft is quite tall height for men
Hulk23 said on 25/Jul/20
Actually I think he never been a 6’ guy. Today he looks 2” shorter than an honest 182cm John Biden so this make him a 5’9.75/177cm guy. I see a strong 5’11 guy at peak
AndrewV said on 19/Mar/20
Bernie today looks pretty average based on group photos, I'd be surprised if he was anything over 5'10". I'm not sure about his peak height though, but he does seem taller than average in most of his younger pictures.
@David duFresne
You're basically correct, the average height for US White men in their 20s and 30s has stagnated at 5'10" since the 1970s, a flat six footer would be 75th percentile. Tallish for sure, but not particularly tall. Older White men are really only shorter due to height loss with age.
David duFresne said on 14/Mar/20
He's still a solid 5'10 maybe even 5'10 1/2 if he could stand up straight. Haven't seen enough of him in his youth to be certain, but since he's old and isn't that far from 6' even now, I think he was likely his claim.
Hate to disagree with Rob, but 6' was not an especially tall height in the 60s in the US. In the UK and some other countries it may have been. A lot of the boomers you see today have lost height and its not at all unusual to see a boomer and his son and a boomer is considerably taller. The US isn't east Asia where it is quite unusual for the son to be shorter. In the youngest generation there are less guys in the 5'4-5'7 range than their used to be mainly due to the use of human growth hormone by doctors, but the average white American height is still only 5'10 1/2. In the 60s the average young man was 5'10.
Alex noah said on 3/Mar/20
@Bob da cob. It’s his son’s height not him
viper said on 2/Mar/20
I really doubt he was that tall.
Maybe a flat 6-0
Peter175 said on 24/Feb/20
He looks to have lost arnold schwarzenegger levels of height given his posture. But he still holds up to a decent 178
He was probably a pretty tall guy when he was young, around 184
viper said on 24/Feb/20
I take that back. Bernie looks 5-10 standing right next to Cuomo with the best posture.
viper said on 24/Feb/20
He does only look 5-9 with maybe 6-2 Chris Cuomo right now.
Bob da cob. said on 21/Feb/20
6-2.5????? Hahahaha he’s certainly entertaining.
Bradley said on 18/Feb/20
Just under 6 feet.
viper said on 13/Feb/20
I think he's 5-10 standing straight.
5-9 is too low IMO
Linke said on 12/Feb/20
5'9" tops today. Maybe 180 cms peak.
How tall is Tulsi Gabbard? She looks nowhere near 5'8" she gets listed at.
MBR said on 4/Feb/20
I do know he towered over Bill Clinton in one compilation video.
Ndomingu said on 2/Feb/20
One of my favorite senators of all time! Actually, I’ve found from looking at photos of Sanders he tends to look shorter than he probably really is. He probably isn’t standing up straight in some photos he takes, but on the debate stage he looks pretty average. In one photo that a friend of mine took of with Sanders he looks to be slouching to around his height which is probably around 5’8” if I had to guess (basing it on the fact that I’m like a weak 5’9” flat and I don’t know if my friend was standing on a ground elevation advantage), but I feel if Sanders was standing up straight he probably would measure around 5’10”. Next to 5’4” AOC Sanders certainly looks 5’10” range. When I saw him in DC last July for a public address on healthcare he did look like a very average height bloke guy on the stage. I didn’t really get either a tall or short impression of Sanders that day, honestly. In his prime years, I think he was probably at least 5’11 1/2” or 6 ft tops.
Fdg said on 22/Dec/19
Rob take a look at this. Here is bernie sanders with 5’9 listed ufc fighter kevin lee:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Can look shorter there, but I'm sure attempting to stand tall he won't be as low as 5ft 8 today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Dec/19
His son appears to be at least 6ft2
Wei4Green said on 21/Nov/19
According to this image,
Click Here, Bernie Sanders seems about 3cm taller than Pete Buttigieg (173–178cm according to various websites), but about 10cm shorter than Beto O'Rourke (193cm according to Bing). It is pretty hard to guess his height in my opinion.
@Editor Rob, are you also going to add Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard to the website? Could I edit or add another comment if I have a better answer?
cmillz said on 16/Nov/19
Yeah I’m surprised tbh. Would have never thought he was tall, even when he was young.
viper said on 13/Nov/19
He really does give a 6-0 impression.
That is wild
Jtm said on 12/Nov/19
I could easily buy 6'0 or 5'11.5 min peak after watching that 1988 video especially considering his terrible posture.
viper said on 10/Nov/19
Bernie really does look tallish in that 30 year old video.
viper said on 10/Nov/19
Come on Rampage.
6-2.5 is ridiculous for Trump.
Better chance he was 6-1.5 and his license says 6-2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/19
Trump in his prime I don’t think was too far from 6ft3, there’s a case for 6ft2½
Jtm said on 9/Nov/19
BTW jack lemmon is 5'9 here despite his son claimed he was really 5'8.
Jtm said on 9/Nov/19
Donald Trump was "measured 6'3" by his doctor last year. As for his son, maybe his son isn't really 6'2.5 and that's just his height With shoes on or he could have measured his height With boots on for all we know. Maybe bernie was really 6'0 peak but I don't think his son's word or office is good enough for me to believe it.

Editor Rob
Look at Bernie's posture in this video
Here and the people he's interviewing...he's already probably lost some height by then, yet still looks a decent height, even with the poor posture.
Spencer Dobkin said on 8/Nov/19
177 cm today. 182 cm peak.
Canson said on 8/Nov/19
@Viper: today he’s prob only able to get 5’10 range standing straight
Jtm said on 7/Nov/19
Where is this evidence he was 6'0 peak?

Editor Rob
His own office and his son seem to claim that figure.
ANd Bernie wouldn't lie would he?
viper said on 4/Nov/19
So he's 6-0 If he stood up straight
Mickie said on 2/Nov/19
I don't know what his peak height was, but he looks like a guy who can't stand as tall as his younger years. I would've imagined he was 5'9" range today but I can accept 5'10". I really doubt he will ever be president, after the heart attack. Political opinions aside hopefully he stays healthy.
slothee said on 1/Nov/19
His posture is pretty bad. Two inches lost seems believable. 6’ish peak, 5’9.75”-10” today
BigS said on 1/Nov/19
Cardi B said he was 6’1” recently, I can see him still hitting 6 foot but with poor posture
Duhon said on 1/Nov/19
Look at his posture/hunch if he could stand up straight he looks like he'd gain 2" but he actually can't this is his natural posture now
Click Here
Like Heinz said on 31/Oct/19
Crazy, always though of Bernie as a 5’7-8 guy, I would never guess him as 5’11-6’
TheBat said on 31/Oct/19
Dang I didn't know he was once 6'0". I can definitely see 5'10" for him currently. Maybe 5'9.75" at the absolute lowest.
viper said on 31/Oct/19
I know a few older than him who havnt shrunk.
My 81 year old Uncle hasnt shrunk.
I figured no more than an inch, not 2
AndrewV said on 31/Oct/19
Looks at least a solid 3 inches shorter than Obama and decidedly average looking in all group pictures I've seen him in. A weak 5'10"/177cm seems likely, the 6' listing on google is definitely from his younger years.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Oct/19
Viper he’s 78
Animus said on 30/Oct/19
Are there any material of him as a young man standing next to someone of known height?
viper said on 29/Oct/19
6-0 peak? 2 inch height loss?
Matt Marsden said on 29/Oct/19
Holy , Rob, I actually guessed this correctly! Bravo! Thanks for finally submittin this.

Editor Rob
Well better late than never, and you never know, his description in the future could well change...
Duhon said on 29/Oct/19
He's really hunched over now. Could have been 6' in his younger days.
TwoWords555 said on 29/Oct/19
Rob, was 6ft seen as really tall in Bernie's young days?

Editor Rob
It would be a quite tall height in the 60's
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Oct/19
I thought he was like 5ft8 tops!!