Gerald S said on 16/May/23
What prompted the downgrade from 5'2", Rob?

Editor Rob
Seen enough over the years to think 5ft 2 is a tad high.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/May/23
Mickey was a tiny man but a popular and successful actor.
Terry DiPiazza said on 22/Feb/22
In the early 1960’s, Judy Garland had a special on CBS, and Mickey Rooney was a guest. At one point, Judy took off her shoes as they sang, danced, and laughed together, but Judy was barely shorter than Mickey. No more than two inches…
Tall Sam said on 20/Feb/22
Even Mickey Rooney himself would’ve have claimed himself as only an inch under atom Cruise. Old man Rooney was one of the few guys to make Ben Stiller look relatively tall and Cruise had a nice bit of height on Stiller.
Tribadeau Clooney said on 18/Feb/22
Though short by most standards, he’s about an inch shorter than Tom Cruise, which cost him a role in Legend. If we can find the custom ruler Tom uses, Mickey should come in at 5’6”. 🙄
Toby Barrett said on 7/Feb/22
in late pictures he looked below 5 foot
Dimples53 said on 18/Nov/21
Rob toward mickeys 80s and 90s,was he more toward the 5feet range?or could he have been nearer to the 4feet10 range by that time?

Editor Rob
Lost 2-3 inches by last few years.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/21
It's now 101 years since the birth of Mickey Rooney.
I hope he's able to have a nice party where he is now and look back on a long and successful life, throughout which he gave pleasure to millions of film lovers, and continues to do so to this day.
RIP Mickey 🕊️💐🕯️ XXX
Len Blake said on 12/Sep/21
Just saw him with Diane Foster, in The Crooked Road, she towers over him.
Without shoe lifts he is 4ft10in in tall.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/20
Diminutive actor Mickey Rooney was born A HUNDRED YEARS AGO today.
He lived for 93 years and measured in at
RIP Mickey 🕯️
23/9/1920 - 6/4/2014
Eric W. Tam said on 8/Aug/20
Sigh heightism wasn't invented in M.R.'s days I guess, seems like such a good spirited and confident fellow. I wish he is still around to talk to that Bagel Dude.
Michael C. said on 5/Apr/20
I suspect Mickey Rooney was a tad less than 5'2 ??
Mark Harrison said on 5/Aug/18
Rooney wasn't really a child star. He was already about 15 when he became a star in Hollywood.
Ian C. said on 9/Jan/18
It's pretty clear that Rooney had an atrociously bad personality, but he had his reasons. When he was a child and an adolescent, he was one of the most popular movie stars in the United States. Think what it would do to your sense of self if you were a kid and you realized one day that all the adults you knew were making their livings because you had a talent that couldn't be duplicated. And then, when you grew to your full height, you were very, very short, so your career as a movie star was effectively over. And everybody who made money from you when you were young and cute now didn't want to know you. And then you lived until the age of 94, working sporadically and failing at marriage multiple times because you had never learned to get along with other people in your childhood, when other people taught how to make friends and share their toys. You might be at some risk of becoming a frustrated narcissist.
In contrast to Rooney's story, most men who become movie stars in adulthood have had regular lives before the onset of their adult success. Most of the actors I admired in the sixties had served in a war. They had the opportunity to become fully formed human beings before they became movie gods, and so most of them did okay in terms of being able to make friends and hold jobs.
Davey said on 7/Aug/17
Knew him. Was around 5 feet towards the end of his life. Grouchy ... Insane really, like one of those trained attack dogs put out to pasture.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/16
@Modeus, that was reportedly what he said to Ava!
Tunman said on 8/May/16
For sure,this guy had incredible luck.Actually when I think about it, his range,more likely 5'1 at peak is one of the most hateful to be for a guy.Very short,smaller than most girls even at that time.I wonder if being a dwarf doesn't become an advantage at this point.The likes of Verne Troyer or Dinklage are more noticeable but some girls may like to try dwarf experience.Curiously it seems to be as attractive as with giants.However when comparing simple short people to tall ones,it's like the little guys are virtually losing it every time.
Javon said on 24/Dec/15
I was watching the movie Love finds Andy Hardy.. and in nearly every scene he was in with Judy Garland, he appears to be shorter, when they stand eye to eye, Judy's eyes are about a halt in inch higher than his and she's taller by at least an inch.. Judy was 4'11.. Mickey's height is listed as 5'2.. I saw Mickey once ta the Chinese Theater in Hollywood and there's no way he was even 5'0 tall.
Modeus said on 13/May/15
what the hell are you talking about arch?
Arch Stanton said on 28/Feb/15
Click Here
Check out this, What a little s**t LOL!! You've got to hand it to him, he had some of the most beautiful women in the world at a virtual dwarf height!
Parker said on 17/Jan/15
Arch Stanton says on 11/Jan/15
Love the photo, the look on his face and body language says it all!!!
Arch haha....The cat that got the cream? What a stunning looking woman Ava was.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/15
Studios in Hollywood apparently call any actor throwing a tantrum or acting obnoxiously a "pulling a Mickey Rooney". Says it all!
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/15
Love the photo, the look on his face and body language says it all!!!
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jan/15
Actually Sue he looks about the same height as Judy Garland in Love Finds Andy Hardy, although not sure what footwear she was wearing!
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jan/15
Can you add Quicksand (one of his best films), Babes in Arms, The Human Comedy, The Bold and the Brave, The Black Stallion and Breakfast at Tiffany's? Those more so than Night at the Museum anyway.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jan/15
Rob can you add a photo? Didn't like him, although his films are generally good. I think he'd have been impossible in person, really obnoxious, short man syndrome personality, I doubt such a guy could have ever pulled Ava Gardner but for stardom!

Editor Rob
in a world where every inch under average makes success that much harder, a guy like Rooney had unbelievable success and unbelievable wives! Maybe his personality made him hard to get on with.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Jan/15
He can definitely look shorter Sue but in Love Finds Andy Hardy in fairness he doesn't look under this with Ann Rutherford.
littlesue said on 25/Oct/14
Watching him in Thats Entertainment film today and there were a few clips of him in the films he starred in with Garland, they look around the same height when she in smallish heels, she was 4ft 11.5 so I think he no taller than 5ft 1
Orwell's Advocate said on 29/Sep/14
I'm 5'1 1/2, and he looks like he was as tall as me
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jun/14
Looks over a head shorter than William Holden in Bridges at Toko-Ri. Height difference looked similar to Rob and Daniel Cudmore at near 11 inches. He was also shorter than a lot of the small Japanese ladies in the film. I honestly think he looked too short to even be 5'2".
176,2Tunman said on 11/Apr/14
R.I.P,but the good thing as Rob said is that now he's again listed at 5'2.
This is a kind of morbid question but does anyone know if corpses really regain height,I read something like that, but never had a proof about it.
Sam said on 8/Apr/14
R.I.P. even though I've just read in the Hollywood Vanity Fair it's film crew slang for an actor who's mean to crew members is nicknamed "a Mickey Rooney" but the term "Little Creep" is also used. Audrey Hepburn towered over him in his offensive role in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/13
7-8 inches shorter than Spencer Tracy in Boys Town, he was about 17 at the time.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/13
Maybe she was near 6'1" and the 5'11.5" claim was to get work and not seem to freaky. Yeah a 6'1" lady in those days would have been like 6'9" for a male actor!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/13
Dorothy was more like the 5'11.5 she claimed seeing her next to Jimmy Stewart. Yet in the photo she's not far off 6'6". As Little Sue says by no means does that chart have to be accurate. He's more 4 ft 10 today. I still think peak 5'2" is questionable.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/13
He's barely taller than a 12 year old Freddie Bartholomew in Captains Courageous..
bobo said on 10/Dec/13
i saw him last week at event. 4ft 9 190lbs didnt say much sneezed alot
Parker said on 26/Nov/13
She may have said 5'11.5 Rob, but most sites have her at 6'2.
Click Here

Editor Rob
none of them have put her claim up I said in that era saying almost 6ft to get jobs rather than 6ft and whatever probably made sense. But
In a basic heel with Jimmy Stewart she looks smaller.
I'm not as convinced she was quite a big 6ft 2 barefoot.
little sue said on 23/Nov/13
That chart could have been doctored just to exagerate the woman's very tall height

Editor Rob
the tall lady did claim 5ft 11.5 I'm sure, although in those days anything over 6ft for a women actress must have seemed out of the world.
Parker said on 22/Nov/13
@Arch Look at him against the height ruler.
Click Here
ok - He's not got that stick touching his head, but still looks 5'3 in those shoes. Elevators? Don't look it.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Nov/13
I saw Beat the Devil the other day and Peter Lorre in it you could see he had lifts on sitting down and he really looked even shorter than he did in the 40s and looked like 5 ft 3 in lifts. He had an inch or so on Mickey from what I recall. It's really difficult though to buy even 5'2" for Mickey in National Velvet. Perfect casting though as a former jockey, he was the right size!!
Arch Stanton said on 20/Nov/13
Rob are you certain he was really 5 ft 2 peak? He really doesn't quite look it in National Velvet and he was 23 or 24 at the time. I remember Peter Lorre had about an inch on him but who knows what was on their feet. Rooney is stood next to guys in the audience at the National and he really looks at least a foot shorter than some of them.

Editor Rob
I think it was possible he was that mark.
super mario said on 7/Sep/13
He (93)(4'11'') and Christopher Lee (92)(6'4'') are still working today (Lee does have 3 upcoming movies,rooneys last job was last year) They have acted for 7 decades.
Ian C. said on 6/Aug/13
Mickey Rooney is now ninety-three. He has outlived Ava Gardner and all her subsequent husbands,including Frank Sinatra. As for Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Errol Flynn, John Wayne, and any number of tall actors from his time, all are long dead. So the way I see it, this is a man with an enviable body.
Ian C. said on 4/Aug/13
In Canada we have a notoriously cruel newspaper columnist named Jan Wong, who used to beguile celebrities into eating lunch with her. She would pretend to be their friend, get them to say embarrassing things about themselves, and then fink them out. One of her victims was Mickey Rooney and she asked him how tall he was, and he said five foot two. She said, I'm five foot two, and I'm noticeably taller than you. And Rooney was very offended.
Little Eccy said on 29/Jun/13
I am 5'5" Mickey has to be shorter than me for he is always looking up at people and I don't. I put him at 5'2"
Parker said on 22/Jun/13
His first wife has quoted him at 5'2 in a UK paper this morning from an interview she gave before she died (Ava Gardner). Does seem reasonable from the pic Rob posted.....maybe a smidge more?
Click Here
Russ said on 16/Dec/12
5'2 is ridiculous! He isn't even 5 foot. I saw him. I didn't get to speak to him. I'm 5'6, not a tall guy myself, and he looked at least 4'10. May be even shorter than that!
miko said on 19/Nov/12
Would be interesting to see him and DeVito next to each other.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Nov/12
Click Here
Makes Mariah Carey look like a giant, does look 4'11" tops nowadays!!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Nov/12
Watching Quicksand right now and yeah I soon wisened up to the fact he is really short but I came here thinking 5'4" or 5'5" range. Didn't think he was this tiny until I saw him next to Peter Lorre and he looked 1-2 inches shorter still!!. Imagine being his size in Hollywood alongside the likes of Rock Hudson and John Wayne at the time when it was obsessed with big macho guys. Yet he didn't let his size thwart him from becoming a successful actor, got to give him credit for that!
Robby D said on 25/Sep/12
I read Ava Gardener's biography and it quoted Micky Rooney's peak height as 60"
Parker said on 26/Aug/12
If that height chart is correct he looks close to 5'4 in his shoes. Maybe his 5'3 claim is not as exagerrated as people think.
little sue said on 7/Aug/12
I did mean to say he looked 5ft 2 and a half but I lost my two somewhere!!. He always looked a good 2 or 3 inches taller than Judy Garland who was under 5ft
little sue said on 6/Aug/12
Rooney looks about 5ft 1/2. Dorothy used to say 5ft 11.5 or 5ft 12 but I would say she is easily about 6ft 2.

Editor Rob
considering his shoes look standard enough (not obvious elevators) I think the height board looks reasonable aswell, he can't be a 5ft peak.
today he's a few inches shorter for sure though.
avi said on 5/Aug/12
a solid 5'0 never more. a man who is under 6'1 will not shrink. he may have lost .5 inch

Editor Rob
here's the
Classic picture of Rooney beside a height chart of sorts. Dorothy Ford actually claimed in an interview to be 5ft 11.5 although she was commonly described over 6ft in those days.
Garry said on 10/Nov/11
Without shoes, Mickey Rooney was 5' and Judy Garland was 4'11".
P.A. Ambrose said on 6/Nov/11
My grandfather was friends with Mr. Rooney and at well over 6ft, my grandfather towered over Rooney. In pictures Mickey is at least a foot shorter than grandfather. In publications now he is said to have been 5'2 in his hay day. My father said he was 5'1 at most. I stick with his guess because in pictures next to Judy Garland he is usually two inches taller ( though they probably are both wearing heels.)
Carruthers said on 6/Oct/11
One doesn't always shrink with age; I am still 5' 11" and am 74yo (female too!!)
Jon said on 26/Sep/11
@Mike, biblical historians have place King David's height as well over 6', and Jesus is also referred to as being well over average height.
JR said on 23/May/11
He may have been 5'1" in his youth, but your skeletal structure begins shrinking after thirty. My 85 year old mother was exactly 5', but now she's about 4'7". Of course, she might gain a couple of inches if she could still stand straight, but even so.
guyfrommars said on 26/Apr/11
He is 5' on the spot, maybe 5'1", but no taller. In his youth, he was sometimes advertised as 5'3", but that's a very generous exaggeration. In The Twilight Zone he appeared in, his character was described as "standing 5 foot in boots and all". A director, who worked with him, told me he was very short but extremely talented.
Mike said on 17/Apr/11
Mickey Rooney, the greatest actor who ever lived, is shorter than I. I am 5'4 3/4" tall. The greatest human being that have ever lived were and are short. David from the Bible was 5'2"; Jesus, who was from the lineage of David was also 5'2"; Danny Divito; Judy Garland; Shirley Temple and the list goes on and on.
Bill said on 30/Dec/10
I saw Mickey in 2003 in Lafayette,LA. He was about 5 ft. tall & very obese.He also was very disagreeable.
Dan Davis said on 11/Nov/10
Rooney is no more than 5 feet. Judy Garland was taller.
sph said on 17/Mar/09
Mickey Rooney was born in 1920. He is 89 not 92.
gcm said on 12/Jan/09
There are some listings elsewhere of Mickey Rooney at 5'3" but that's way out. I can't see him much over 5 feet tall if anything. What a great body of work he has to show for his showbiz carreer though. There couldn't be too many in the world of any age who haven't been entertained by him. Still going strong at 92 or something? - Great work Mickey.
RayN said on 26/Dec/08
5'1" is short today and was short "back then". Look at all his movies... 30's, 40's, 50's ... and so on. He seldom is eye to eye with his peers of the time. regardless, he's c;ass act, and a fabulous actor. Proof that great things come in small packages... Bless you Mr. Rooney.
glenn said on 20/Dec/08
i have a photo with him.4-11 wouldnt shock me.
T.J. said on 19/Dec/08
Got to be shorter.
5'6 Ben Stiller TOWERS over him in Night At The Museum
MIA said on 19/Sep/08
That's tiny today, but back then he wasn't considered to be THAT short.
john viaggio said on 5/Jul/08
micke has "more orless" retired & now calls Florida his home. He lives in south florida ( way way down . I had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful human being at a grocery store chain shopping with his wife. very "down to earth" & acknowledges all who recognize him. I would say he's around 5'1" tall as I'm 5'7" & he was a good 5 or 6 inches shorter than me.
Anon said on 15/Jun/08
Im 4'11 and met him about 6 months ago. He was a little taller than me with just normal shoes on, no heels. Probs just over 5 foot, he was really cute haha!!
saint said on 10/Jun/08
Must agree with those who say Mickey was shorter than Judy in 2 inch heels. Have seen all of their films and he was always shorter
Gt said on 10/Jun/08
However tall Mickey is or was does not match the great multi-talent (bigger-than-life) he is. 4-11 or 5-1 he is an outstanding personality who is unique in many different ways -- a 0ne of a kind sort of guy, Thank you Mr. Rooney for all your SHOWMANSHIP and entertainment!
Manitobaboy said on 1/Jun/08
Jimi Bob - check out Napoleon's page on this site.
Jimi Bob said on 18/May/08
You look at the full shots of Mickey when he's standing next to Judy Garland, who was 4'11" flatfooted and then with about 2 inch heels which made her 5'1", causing Mickey to be shorter by about a half-inch from Judy when he has his likely 1 inch man heels on and this means he would be about 5' 0.5" so he must have been about 4' 11.5" flatfooted. I would be flabbergasted if he were at least 5 feet tall. Charles Manson and Napoleon were both 5'2".
liberachi23 said on 27/Feb/08
Mickey Rooney is a really small guy. I'd say he was about 4'10 compared to most actors back in the day were short anyway. I have never had the pleasure of meeting him but if hes around that height compared to me ( 5'11) he would appera very small.
glenn said on 10/Feb/08
is it possible he was 5-2 in his youth?
sf said on 9/Feb/08
Just trying to give the Mickey Rooney page some action....!
sf said on 8/Feb/08
How do we have Rooney at 5'2" tall when Glenn, Frank and even an old biography don't put him taller than 5'1" or even 5 feet?
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/08
One of his son's is 6'1" i heard its because it of his tall mother but still 6'1" is pretty tall.
Schnouzer Breath said on 2/Feb/08
Anybody have a heighth for Andy Rooney?? TIA
Jason said on 2/Jul/07
That's only another few years... lol
I remember him in that movie about those kids breaking into the dog pound to rescue their dog.
Glenn said on 6/Jan/07
I agree Paul.I met him.
Paul said on 5/Jan/07
86 year old Rooney in NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM looks like a penguin. He makes Ben Stiller look tall. He can't be more than 5 foot these days.
Taller than Mick said on 2/Aug/06
I was in the service with Mickey and I was 5'4" then. I have a photo of the two of us together and clearly it shows I was about and inch or two taller than he.
the shredder said on 30/Jun/06
if mickey rooney is 4'11-5'0 , then joe pesci is 5'1-5'2 after all.
Glenn said on 28/Jun/06
I wouldnt be surprised if he was his youth he was probably 5-1.
Frank2 said on 27/Jun/06
Thanks Glenn. Parker, chin or no chin, Mick is still under 5'. In the photo I have of him with a barefoot Judy Garland they're the same height. And please don't tell me she was 5'2" 'cause she was under 5' as well. When I get the chance I'll scan it and email it to Rob to post.
Glenn said on 26/Jun/06
I met Rooney many times too Frank.your right.
Parker said on 26/Jun/06
If the top of his head came up to your chin Frank, it would make him 5'2. Average head is approx 9 inches in length.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/06
I've met Mickey several times. He's not quite 5' tall. Now I'll bet everyone is going to jump on me, but it's the truth. The top of his head came up to my chin. I'm 5'11" so what does that tell you? Also I have a shot taken of Mickey when he was already full-grown standing next to a barefoot Judy Garland and guess what? They're the same height! And Mickey is wearing shoes!
J-Dog said on 22/Jun/06
Wow, I am surprised there aren't more comments for Mickey Rooney's height, hey Frank2 can you confirm this buddy?
Editor Rob said on 23/Apr/06
Saw mention in Clarke Gable biography "Rooney grew to his full adult height of 5ft 1".