Vick Jane Moretti said on 30/Aug/22
Dear Rob, i wanna see the full pucture.Here Michelle Forbes seems 2 be 2 inches shorter than Sir Patrick Stewart (
Click Here ).Your last estimate for Professor X was 5'8"(despite most of the sites say he is 5'9").
So,wasn't she wearing an elevatorinside her shoes?For me she's 5'6" & 1/2 tops.

Editor Rob
He could have bigger footwear there and ground favour. I think on the Enterprise set he did look taller than her a bit.
6'4" Leprechaun said on 12/Jun/22
Kalifornia is one of my favorite movies and she was tall in it and not shorter than Brad Pitt though she seems 5'7.75" here? I do know Pitt is 5'8" and Duchovny is 5'11".
Philip Z said on 29/Jul/21
5ft 9 listed Patrick Stewart looked significantly taller than her in TNG. Even when accounting for Stewart's 'big boots', I don't see her in the 5ft 9 range, 5ft 8 and change seems more likely.
Click Here
Click Here
cupcake said on 17/May/21
shes 5'8 1/2 maximum
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/21
I've just turned my copy of Kalifornia on after beginning to watch it the other day, but I couldn't resist taking the DVD back to a particular scene in which Michelle, David Duchovny, Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt are eating in a café and Brad takes his shoe off, revealing the most unattractive sock you ever did see! Then he picks at his toes, which Michelle assures David's Brian stink to high Heaven! 🧦😷
Brian says, "The guy can't help the way he was raised!"
Little do the couple know what atrocities they're going to witness. It's Michelle who susses Brad's Early Grace out first, David being somewhat fond and fascinated by the guy with the stinking socks!
One excellent film, and a fantastic character study, in all four cases.
Michelle gets 5ft8.75. 😀💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jan/21
💐🎂🎈 Happy Birthday Michelle! 🎈🎂💐
Many Happy Returns of the Day to Michelle Forbes, who celebrates her 56th Birthday today.
I've seen her film 'Kalifornia' more times than I can count and showed it to my Dad, who thought it was GREAT, so much so that when it was on TV, I phoned him up and told him, and he stayed up late to watch it. As well as Michelle, it stars David Duchovny as her boyfriend, and Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis as the couple they team up with, seeing more than they ever bargained for.....😟
5ft8.75. 😁👍 XX
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Oct/20
Rob, when was the second picture taken?
Prefer her look here

Editor Rob
The other day of the con, but I'm not sure which footwear she had on that day.
khaled taban said on 24/May/19
She needs a Downgrade!
Again, she is 174cm.
Mimi said on 10/Apr/19
A downgrade is quite necessary for this one
Mimi said on 20/Nov/18
She cant be 5ft9 really Rob. Looks similar to Alaina Huffman in the 5ft8 range
MrFish said on 6/Aug/18
Rob, could she have been closer to 174 when you met her? She definitely looked shorter than Patrick Stewart on TNG.

Editor Rob
174 is possible for her.
khaled taban said on 26/Jun/18
5'8.5" maximum
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jun/18
Actually Nik, it doesn't! She is flipping tall in 'Kalifornia', and goes out with David Duchovny in it, and, although he MUST exceed 6ft at the time the film was made, their height difference doesn't present many problems for them when they, eh, kiss etc etc!
I will have to agree with that height for that time in her life! Come to think, Michelle looks 5ft9 in the picture up top, or at the MOST, a quarter-inch less, because of the stated footwear advantage!
Nik said on 3/Jun/18
This listing seems too high to be honest!
Mimi said on 22/Apr/18
Rob I bet she's the same height as Alaina Huffman
Tamberlain said on 15/Nov/17
Given the footwear edge, really doesn't look any taller than 5'8.25" in the pics.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/17
5'9" is too generous, she looks 5'8.25" range.
S.J.H said on 29/Jun/17
I did go with 5'8.25 to 5'8.5
Peter 179cm said on 6/Aug/16
I agree with Andrea's comment,she looks 176-177 range with 4cm more footwear(also accounting for her lean) so at most 173cm or flat 5'8.
Tom said on 16/Dec/15
Huge head for a woman!
Andrea said on 30/Apr/15
Well, when i say noway i mean not even close to that... She looks 5'9.5-5'9.75 (at her best really) and she's got 1.5-1.75 inches footwear more than you! She looks 5'8 at best! Same thing with Alaina or other "5'9'" women... I wonder if you gonna get some 5'9 girls who actually look 5'9 with you!
Andrea said on 29/Apr/15
She looks maybe 3 cms taller than you but she's got almost 2 inches more footwear than you!!! She doesn't even look 5'8, considering the shoe difference! Rob, are there some 5'9 woman on here who actually can look 5'9 with you? Same deal with Alaina who looks nowhere near 5'9 with you... You give one inch benefit to cute actresses? :)

Editor Rob
she was pretty close to Edward Olmos when on a Galactica, and he is a guy not really 5ft 9 anymore at least, I believe he lost a bit of height by 60.
5ft 8.5 is quite possible for both of them.
Tan le said on 22/Dec/14
5'7.5 to 5''8
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/14
174cm could be closer.
J.Lee said on 1/Jun/14
ROB she doesn't look 2.5 inches taller than you in heels
Lorne said on 27/Feb/14
Shorter than Patrick Stewart, 174-175, Stewart 176...
truth said on 25/Dec/13
Definately a good inch shorter than 5ft10.5 Brad Pitt.
Emily said on 20/Dec/13
24 cm being the absolute maximum for a 19 cm face? I think my hairline is pretty average, 6 cm from hairline to middle of eyebrows, although i think it looks more on the lower side. But looking at my head in a profile shot, there isn't much distance from my hairline to the top of my head.
Emily said on 19/Dec/13
If my face length (bottom of chin to hairline) is 19 cm, how long would my head be?

Editor Rob
anywhere from 22-24cm, it can depend if you had a high hairline or lower hairline.
Emily said on 12/Dec/13
Are there fan photos of women on this site with a head longer than 9,25? That seems to be the upper end of head length of all women, in real life too.

Editor Rob
Emily said on 10/Dec/13
I just measured my head most correctly (i think), and it's 23,5cm (9,25 inches)
long. Is that above average for near 6ft height for a girl?

Editor Rob
it's not too long, maybe a little above average if you are 182cm
Emily said on 4/Dec/13
Rob, is her head 9,25 inches at the minimum, or could it be a tiny bit below that? (9,2 inches) Cause you said it was in that range.

Editor Rob
roughly around that mark. Like with height, a guess kind of covers a range
Sam said on 27/Sep/13
Funny, her's and Jen Halley's pictures showed up next to each other and they could be sisters.
Lorne said on 22/Sep/13
I think 5ft8.75in would be better, shorter than Stewart, and did not look 2 inches taller than Mr. Lavorge, who was max 5ft7...
Emily said on 20/Sep/13
I think what makes her head look big is that she has a very wide face. In the photo with Rob you could easily think that her head was bigger than his, but it's actually a tiny bit shorter. She should not wear her hair like in the pictures above, she should wear it like in this photo:
Click Here
Tall women with bigger heads should wear a short hairstyle like Charlize Theron currently does. Although Charlizes' head isn't big and she can wear her hair long too.

Editor Rob
remember sometimes in photos it can be hard to know if someone's head really is closer...a longer head can appear closer than smaller ones and a smaller head can be nearer the camera but people can't spot it as easily...
Emily said on 15/Sep/13
How long is her head exactly? Around 9,25 inches? And is that already big for her height or just above average?

Editor Rob
in that range yeah, it would be a bit above average for near 5ft 9.
Silent d said on 10/Feb/13
5 foot 8. Super hot in kalifornia. It was the short hair and her role in the movie.
richkid123 said on 19/Dec/12
like Turtle said, "The bigger the head, the bigger the star."
matt789 said on 26/Jul/12
i would say about 5 foot 8 1/2
J.lee said on 9/Feb/12
head size has a lot do due with the final say in your height. She could be almost 3 inches taller than rob in her heels but doesn't look it. It's the head size that gives her the added height.
KN 173cm said on 6/Feb/12
Brad Pitt's page brought me here. Rob i too think given her shoe advantage she is too 5ft8 and a fraction over.
Silent d said on 5/Feb/12
I remember she was taller. I remember she was hotter but still hot now. In that photo she looks 5 foot 8 considering her shoe advantage.
ChiasmataX said on 3/Jan/12
She's your height Rob, 173.3-173.7cm depending on the time of the day. Don't be fooled by her hair.
Maximus said on 20/Nov/11
Wow...she had a big head.
Physics Enemy said on 7/Nov/11
She's getting destroyed by Mamun here. How is she 5' 9"? Doesn't look even close to 5' 9" next to Rob either. Bad listing.
mcfan said on 13/Sep/11
Not sure about her height, but can you hook me up?
Dean said on 28/Jan/11
So shes wearing 4cm more shoe and is down as a solid 5'9 not even 5'8.75? If shes a solid 175.5cm then this pic should show a 6.5cm difference? Come on rob its 4cm at most shes at least 2cm shorter maybe 3. 172-173cm
Legend said on 5/Jan/11
She's 5'8.
TNTinCA said on 6/Jul/09
I am SO glad she has become a regular on True Blood. She plays her character very well.
kali from me said on 13/Jun/09
to be honest i think she's 5'8 she actually only look 1.5 inch taller than rob on this pictures clearly not more
Maribel said on 27/Feb/09
Looks more like 1m74 or 1m75(5-8.75), since Rob is slouchin a little and Forbes has a little more footwear on. Could be her hair givin her 2 cms more.
David said on 24/Oct/08
She's perfect for me! I'm 5 feet, 8 1/2 inches tall. Also, I have dark brown hair, blue eyes, and I'm an Aries!
the doctor said on 23/Oct/08
and was she a fan of the hoops?
Yaspaa said on 17/May/08
This picture is weird,it doesn't look like her,it's like her sister or something.
ed said on 6/May/08
nice photo....i thought she was taller, Pitt was the same height in the hotel scenes in Kalifornia...
Charliemoto said on 2/May/08
that's true JIM she doesn't seem to smile a lot..look at ROB grinning haha an honest grin compared to her slightly unnatural smile (since she's more of a serious looking woman), but i must say she should smile more it looks good. ;)
TNTinCA said on 1/May/08
I actually thought she was 5'10". The height difference between her and Olmos on BSG seemed to be at least an inch. Must have been the boots.
Jim said on 1/May/08
Wow. Never saw her smile before ... where is your hand?
Such a serious actor that no role really fit he in comedy

Editor Rob
between her hair there
Anonymous said on 1/May/08
Rob, why do you deface pictures of you with the celebs? are you really that ugly?

Editor Rob
I'm so ugly I've put the boogie man out of business.
Charliemoto said on 1/May/08
she looked a strong 5'9 almost everywhere in KALIFORNIA for example looked a weak 5'10 barefoot
im surprised at how big her head compared to Robs, she probably was supposed to be 5'10+ but she stayed 5'9 with a body of a 5'10+.
176/177cm is correct though.
Georgy said on 28/Apr/08
Wow, she is hot.
And i just realized she was also Ensign Ro from star trek. She still looks so young...
TNTinCA said on 25/Apr/08
No picture Rob? I thought you had met her.
And for the record, Admiral Cain rocks!! :-)

Editor Rob
I did, for you I will put her pic up next Thursday....this year I'm trying to meet as many bsg cast as it's up there with heroes in my top 5 shows.
Editor Rob said on 24/Sep/06
Back in 1990 Wichita Eagle mentioned "She's 5 feet, 9 inches"