How tall is Grace Park

Grace Park's Height

5ft 9 (175.3 cm)

American born Canadian Actress best known for playing Lt Boomer on Battlestar Galactica and Kono Kalakaua on Hawaii Five-0. She was listed on the books of RyanArtists agency at a height of 5ft 9 and she once told a fan "Katee's a shrimp. I'm 5'9". You don't notice it because Tahmoh is so tall". In this photo she had thin ballerina shoes so I had about 0.8-0.9 inch more sneaker than her.

How tall is Grace Park
5ft 8 Rob and Grace @ Collectormania 2007

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Add a Comment136 comments

Average Guess (92 Votes)
5ft 8.87in (174.9cm)
Nathifa Thompson said on 5/Dec/24
Grace Park is 5'9 175cm Tall American-Canadian Actress best known
Corie Jacobs said on 30/Nov/24
Grace Park is 5'9 175cm Tall
Naeem Thompson said on 19/Nov/24
Grace Park is 5’9 175cm Tall American Born Canadian Actress best known
Jason L said on 28/Feb/23
@Jackie Lee

She's Korean and 5ft 9 is very tall for any woman anywhere not just Asia.
Jesica said on 30/Dec/22
Jackie Lee said on 24/Mar/22
She's definitely very tall for a Chinese woman and in southeast Asia would be a giant among women. I'm 10 cm/4 inches shorter than her and I'm already taller than most Asian women.

She is of Korean descent.
Nik Ashton said on 25/Mar/22
@ Christian 6'5 3/8" - That’s very interesting indeed, thanks for that! I’m sure many people agree with you and you may well be right!
Jackie Lee said on 24/Mar/22
She's definitely very tall for a Chinese woman and in southeast Asia would be a giant among women. I'm 10 cm/4 inches shorter than her and I'm already taller than most Asian women.
Elene said on 7/Aug/21
5’8.5 is best guess for her.
Mimi said on 29/Aug/20
Very tall for a woman of Asian descent. She's around 2-3cm taller than me but I've been called very tall or Amazonian in my country.
Mimi said on 12/Jul/20
↪Editor Rob

Yeah, sometimes people don't like them. As I mentioned on here, Jenny never wears them...the only time she did was when I asked her for some photo/video examples

Meanwhile I am 172cm and likes wearing heels haha. I used to have the mentality of the higher the better, like going 6 inches but now I've toned down a bit and the highest I wear is around 4.5 inches.
Mimi said on 9/Jul/20
From what I've seen of her in photos, it seems like she's not fond of wearing heels.
Editor Rob
Yeah, sometimes people don't like them. As I mentioned on here, Jenny never wears them...the only time she did was when I asked her for some photo/video examples.
Nik said on 25/Jun/20
Katee's hardly a shrimp (nowt wrong with being a short man or woman though and I know Grace agrees!)!
JohnMoore-162cm said on 24/Jun/20
I agree with Christian , Grace looks 5ft8 3/4" more than 5ft9 , that's why I said "a shy of 5ft9"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Apr/20
Probably right at average, since I see her more 5'8.75" than a full 5'9".
Nik said on 29/Apr/20
She is taller than most Canadian men! 😄👌
JohnMoore-162cm said on 28/Apr/20
Just a shy of 5ft9
Fezz123 said on 23/Apr/20
A fraction below 5’9”.
Vexacus said on 8/Apr/20
Legit 5'9 , flat shoes and the same height of big Rob with shoe advantage.
Nik said on 14/Dec/19
I am not convinced!
Mimi said on 17/Aug/19
Could she be the same height as Sophie Turner?
Editor Rob
Both could be arguably 5ft 8.75 to 9
MrFish said on 20/Jul/19
Rob, what would she wake at? A little over 5ft 9.5?
Editor Rob
🧐 5ft 9.5 to 9.75...I do think Grace has a chance of dipping a little under 5ft 9 at night.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/19
That's exactly what I was thinking Nik! It drew me to her page, and now I find that Gracie is 5ft9 as well!

Gorgeous Grace gets 5ft9 from me.
Nik said on 4/Jun/19
What a smashing photograph!
khaled taban said on 24/May/19
I think she is more like 5'8.75"
Mimi said on 11/Mar/19
Rob she's very tall for a Korean woman?
Editor Rob
If she grew up in Korea she'd be in the very tall range. She's already quite tall for a Canadian/American.
MrFish said on 5/Mar/19
Rob, is it possible she falls to 5ft 8.75?
Editor Rob
Yes, but that might be her low.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Nov/18

She looks a tiny bit shorter than Rob in the pic. Plus Rob's not 5'9.25" in his shoes, he's 5'9 1/8". So 5'8.75" for Grace is fine.
Littlelee168cm said on 8/Nov/18
They look roughly the same height here but she's in very flat shoes as she has 0.8 inch less footware than his 1 inch shoes and since he'll be 5'9.25 in 1 inch shoes she can't possibly be less than 5ft 9 barefoot
Zampo said on 8/Nov/18
I see 5'8.5 range based on the photo.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Nov/18
No more than 5'8.75"
easy100 said on 16/Sep/18
Gorgeous Grace Park definitely looks 5’9”. Her proportions are exquisitely proportional...her legs are slim and long with a supermodel frame.
She made the Five-0 reboot better....and a joy to watch.
Karasuk said on 6/Sep/18
It is funny how some people think outside of the 19th-earlt 20th century stereotypes about height in different regions of the world. It depends largely on nutrition. Don't forget that the Dutch were pretty short once.
Visitor said on 15/Aug/18
I have to say, for weight even 125-130 sounds too high. I'd say perhaps 115-125 (have to stress: in that picture and on TV 10+ years ago). A regular young woman over 170 cm would probably be 140+ lbs and still look thin, but Park is an actress.

I have MALE friends, significantly taller (one over 5'11") who weigh 130's (60-63 kg) range. I meant to (something came up) also write this somewhere else, on a male celebrities page, about how people who are very slim can give a taller appearance on screen. As for women... well, one of my ex-gfs was 5'6 and 140 lbs (and 21 y/o if that matters... it's been a long while). She looked a perfect normal weight to me (I don't think she's the slightest bit overweight even now that she's an EX ;) ). A Hollywood producer however, might think otherwise. People who in person look fine, look "fat" on TV apparently.
Sarah said on 11/Aug/18
Nice photo. She looks about 5'8.75".

What would you say her weight is? 130 range?
Editor Rob
Very slim I would say 125-30 range.
Visitor said on 11/Aug/18
@Editor Rob: Yeah, and that's often tricky. There's a picture of me with a friend where I had stubble for hair and he had about 2" of hair gelled up. We asked another friend which one is taller (that was in person, not by a photo) and he said my friend "by a hair". It does look at first glance, even to me, in the photo that he's taller... but. In all actuality, he's not. In fact it's me who's taller by 1-1.5 cm. When I stand next to him I actually have to bend my neck down a little bit to be eye to eye.

These are the kinds of small differences that are hard to spot and generally meaningless, but it's interesting. He's also a great example of a guy who says he's "6 ft" but obviously isn't, as I'm taller than him and the closest I come to 6' is straight out of bed and still it's a little tiny bit less :)
Visitor said on 27/Jul/18
@;) ...some kind of, what? Just going by the picture, Rob is leaning towards her a bit and she has a noticeably smaller head with much more hair on top (it would seem the actual top of her head is roughly at Rob's hairline).

How would she jump from being visibly shorter to being an INCH taller if you gave her the extra .8"-.9" in shoes? What actually makes sense is that they're the same height give or take perhaps one centimetre.

It would be cool if I as well was cheerfully given an bonus INCH by the public, that would make me way over 6' (and a height that I'm nowhere close to, even first thing in the morning) ;) All the best and let's keep it rational!
Editor Rob
I do agree that hairstyles can be make you look taller.
;) said on 14/Jul/18
Visitor said on 13/Jul/18
Same height as 5ft 8 Rob? Sure. Taller?? No.

Ae you some kind of ? He has inch footwear advantage so only make sense that she is 5'9 Lol...
MAD SAM said on 14/Jul/18
5’9” at 175.5 cm ! Nice photo btw Rob
Visitor said on 13/Jul/18
Same height as 5ft 8 Rob? Sure. Taller?? No.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jul/18
Any specific claim from her? 5'8-5'9? She looking 172ish with 0.85" less footwear.
Editor Rob
Not read anything directly from her.
khaled taban said on 26/Jun/18
5'8.5"-5'9" range but 5'8.75" is good also
Mimi said on 8/Jun/18
When you met her Rob did you think you were taller than her disregarding footwear? Or you thought you were the same height?
Editor Rob
She was close in height, though certainly no taller...I mean I've got 0.2 inch of hair, she's got 2cm worth at least.
6ftMedium said on 2/Jun/18
Legit 5'9 if not then 5'8.75" at least.
Nik said on 5/May/18
For me Grace is under 5'9" but over 5'8.5"!
Mimi said on 3/May/18
She's pretty much 5ft9. Almost as tall as Tricia Helfer wearing similar heels
Rick1 said on 2/Apr/18
No way can she be below 5'9 as some of these comments seem to suggest - shes BARE FOOT pretty much and Rob is a strong 5'8 and hes wearing nearly an inch footwear in this and shes still taller than him so reasonably she must be at least 5'9 1/4 or 1/2 which i would say is rather tall for someone of Korean ancestry.
Nik said on 22/Mar/18
Nice photo!
Mimi said on 21/Mar/18
I would say she's 5ft9 on the dot given that she has close to an inch less footwear
Lomax said on 20/Feb/18
Especially since she's basically barefoot lol
Peter175 said on 13/Jan/18
She taller than him with a near inch disadvantage.
She is not below 5'9'
:) said on 11/Nov/17
@morris do you not see the photo right in front of you? are you high?
even said on 25/Jul/17
half an inch taller than rob
Bobby said on 18/May/17
Rob, why is your eye level higher than hers? That can throw people off, make it think that she's 5'8, or that you're 5'9.
LG69 said on 27/Apr/17
5'8.5" tops
Morris said on 29/Jan/17
She is max 168 without shoes See at her near Scott Caan which is less than 165cm in my opinion.
Athena said on 25/Jan/17
Strong 5 9"no one here knows bagoogle.
James said on 23/Nov/16
@Oanh No way, Rob is wearing almost an inch bigger shoes. She looks 5' 8.5" or a weak 5' 9".
Moe said on 23/Nov/16
Like 5'8 and 7/8ths
josh jeffords said on 16/Oct/16
She looks easily 5 9 on h50 that is about all I've seen her in and she is often barefoot in it.
Most of that show are short and a few wear lifts she still looks tall i think tall 5 8 plus what tv adds.
She does look fairly young especially for how thin she is.
James said on 16/Aug/16
She looks so young, and 174-175 cm range.
Oanh said on 25/May/16
Rob, could she be 5'8" even?
Editor Rob
as short as 5ft 8 I don't know, I wouldn't have guessed her that mark.
Kennymi said on 7/May/16
About right, I passed her in a shopping mall she looked about 2 inches shorter than me.
indy said on 4/May/16
Recently saw her. I'd say 5"8.5
Johno said on 18/Feb/16
I wouldn't put her taĺler then Rob

S.J.H said on 10/Feb/16
@6ft5Vinnie said on 30/Jan/16

Rob obviously dropping height here at least half inch you look at rob shoulder obviously a flat 5'8 for her is generous. Added another half inch rob taller than her don't fool by her hair height. Just set example to say a 173cm rob (maybe 173.2cm) had 2.5cm shoe at 175.5cm and full inch taller than grace park who had 5mm flats so given 173cm - 0.5cm = 172.5cm much likely to argue with weak 5'8 or maybe the ballerina shoe could be 2-4mm there she could have a chance being a real 5'8 (172.7cm) on the nose.
6ft5Vinnie said on 30/Jan/16
While I agree that she isn't 5'9", she isn't under 5'8.5" either. If she really was 5'8" like you said, she would be anout an inch shorter than Rob, which is not the case if you see the photo closely.
S.J.H said on 29/Jan/16
I don't buy her 5'9 and not even 5'8.5 look at the slouch rob might trick us. Kind of like rob hit full inch on grace whom in few mm flats. Grace park is 5'7.75-5'8
Kennymi said on 12/Dec/15
Saw her at Kahala Mall here in Honolulu, she looked about that height, I'm 5'11 and she looked about that height, she looks better live than on TV actually.
SK said on 8/Oct/15
She's 5'8"-5'9" (and that's not such an unsual height for Korean women these days), but looks shorter on TV, especially when she's by herself and there's no frame of reference. Like many Korean women, she doesn't have the legs or proportions of a woman who is this tall. She's mostly torso, not legs. I've always thought she looked awkward in a bikini or even in skinny jeans (which she wears all the time on the show) for that reason. Plus, everything about her body is flat. Not just abs, but chest and butt.
AJ said on 5/May/15
If she was barefoot with you she'd be 5'9", but considering the ballerina shoes add .2 inches wouldn't 5'8.75" be nearer.
Editor Rob
she might be around that range 5ft 8.75-9 anywhere in that.
Skye said on 24/Apr/15
You guys look very close, though Park still may be the ever so slightly taller. :p. Either way, given this pic and how you have the footwear advantage, then I'd say that this is correct. Not really surprised though, given how I'd heard that Koreans are typically the tallest asians..
Max said on 15/May/14
rofl, Maybe the ones you date. She was all woman.
rofl said on 14/May/14

Might've been a ladyboy lolol
Max said on 5/May/14
She looks like she's 5'9". There are some very tall Asian Women out there. I dated a Thai Lady once who was 6'0" barefoot. I am 6'5.5" barefoot so clearly this was not a problem. She told me in school the guys, all much shorter, called her Godzilla Girl, and were very mean. This despite the fact she was prettier than Grace Park. Imagine Grace with a better upper body and long hair to her waist.
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 26/Dec/13
Rob, with the footwear advantage would you say you have even 1/2 inch on her? it looks about that. hard to tell
Editor Rob
I think she was close to my height, but sometimes a 5ft 7.5 or 8 could look the of my friends who is 5ft 10 was about 2 inches taller than her, but again he had more footwear, 175 I think is ok, 174 isn't impossible.
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 26/Dec/13
Rob does look 1/4-1/2 inch taller with about an inch footwear advantage. She's 5'8.75-5'9
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 12/Dec/13
Rob, how much height do ballerina shoes give typically?
Editor Rob
some might give 0.2 or 0.3 inch
roy said on 19/Nov/13
unbelieveable that she is almost 40..I had her pegged for late 20s at most...

btt: doesnt look 5'9 on hawaii five though, but judging from robs pic I can live with 5'9 in the morning for her
Silent d said on 6/Nov/13
5 foot 9. Deceptively tall.
Matt 184.7-186.7cm said on 27/Oct/13
very tall for an asian girl, tallest again girl I ever saw in my life was 5ft 11.5-6ft 0
SK said on 27/Aug/13
hullo is right. Asians are not monolithic, and there's a huge difference in height between Northeast Asians (i.e. Koreans and Northern Chinese) and Southeast Asians. It's like the difference between Northern Europeans (i.e. Scandinavians) and Southern Europeans. The average height of men and women in Korea is fairly comparable to that of men and women in the U.S. Westerners who travel to Korea often assume they're going to tower over tiny Asians, but then they end up being surrounded by tall Asians. It's not unusual these days to see women in Korea who are 5'7"-5'9" and men who are 6'1"-6'3".

Having said that, Grace Park is probably 5'8"-5'9", but she just doesn't look it on TV because she doesn't have the legs or proportions of a woman who's 5'9". She has a long torso and disproportionately short legs for her height (if you just saw her legs, you would think she was 5'4"), so she doesn't look like she would be in this height range. It's only when you see her standing next to Alex O'Loughlin on "Hawaii Five-0" that you realize she's tall.
Goerge said on 6/Aug/13
She is never 5'9 ! Look more 173cm-174cm when you say you had 0.9inch thicker and you are 5'8 (173cm) she is never over 5'8 then
hullo said on 4/Aug/13
Pretty hilarious how Asians are lumped into one height bracket; it's a pretty drastic gap between East and S.E. Asians. Koreans are easily the tallest of all East Asians as well. Average height of people in their 20's is currently around 5'8"-5'9" and women are around 5'4". I'm 5'8.5" and I experienced a pretty strange moment in a subway car with around 20 other guys standing up when I realized I was the shortest one.
J.Lee said on 29/Jul/13
Rob you're at least 1 cm taller than her. So with a .8 or .9 inch advantage, she would just be at the most, half an inch taller than you.
truth178cm said on 18/Jul/13
@Byran do not believe it, 5ft10-6ft2 is rare for a girl, regardless what race. Ok maybe not 5ft10-11, but anything 6ft+ is rare,
Serge said on 8/Jul/13
She looks more 5'7 1/2 (1.72m) !! In Hawaii Five she is little bit smaller as Daniel Dae Kim and he's 5'8(1.73m)
thc said on 25/Jun/13
it's tall for an asian, but in my school, some asian males are 6'2-6'3, it's not that rare
J.Lee said on 9/Jun/13
Rob if she's an inch taller than you, she should still be slightly taller than you with your advantage. Was she leaning down?
Editor Rob
she looked very close in height
Coolio said on 19/May/13
Usually Asian girls are never this big!
richkid123 said on 14/Nov/12
@HOB look at her on hawaii five o against scott caan and then watch entourage and see scott caan by jeremy piven she is 5'9"
Mathew said on 10/Nov/12
Could be more 5'8.75" but close enough to the 5'9" claim to leave her as listed. I'd buy anywhere between 5'8.5" - 5'9". remember Rob has a footware advantage here.
LG69 said on 24/Aug/12
Ok, so Rob is 5'8"...close to 5'9" with shoes. Ballerina shoes essentially give no height. She could be 5'8 3/4".
Hob said on 29/Jul/12
if she was 5'9 she would have look same height as rob account on footwear issues. she can't be over 5'8 and 5'7.75 is nearer.
WOW said on 21/Jan/12
i was watching the show for quite some time now,and she has never struck me to be 5'9 but im surprised in a good way, shes really gorgeous... like BEAUTIFUL.
SK said on 18/Nov/11
Letowskie is right. 5'9" is not out of normal range for Korean women these days (even though it may be for most other Asian women). 5'9" for Korean women is much like 5'9" for European women: it's definitely tall, but not unusual. Many of the Asian runway models are Korean because they tend to be taller than most other Asian women. Anyway, it's not that I don't believe that Grace Park is 5'9". It's just that she doesn't have the legs or proportions of a woman who is 5'9" (and Silent d agrees), so she looks shorter. Even when she's wearing heels, she doesn't have the legs of someone who is 5'9". It's very odd. I guess she has short legs.
Physics Enemy said on 12/Nov/11
As listed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Oct/11
174cm-175cm looks spot on...
Silent d said on 24/Oct/11
Rob are you allowed to get that close to celebrities? I was surprised she is 175cm. I thought she was 168cm on five o. I don't think daniel is 5 foot 8. Maybe 5 foot 7.5. She is still taller than him. She looks really good for her age. She really takes care of her skin. I can live with five foot nine. I know a lot of korean girls and they are all short. Just saying! Your right SK. She doesn't have the body or legs of a 175cm girl. I guess she is tall without looking tall.
richinkle said on 17/Oct/11
I love Grace Park, but 5'-9" is a bit high for her. I believe 5'-8" max. I think Rob is giving up a little height i his pose.
letowskie said on 11/Oct/11
Absolutely, there was a study a few years ago, that showed Koreans were the tallest and biggest group of Asians (with exception of some groups in the Russian far east), and is on average taller than a number of European countries. So 5'9", while still pretty tall for a Korean woman, is not out of the normal range like in many other East Asian countries.
SK said on 10/Sep/11
She could very well be 5'9," but she doesn't have the legs of a woman who is 5'9" (or even 5'7"-5'8"), so she appears shorter. She has a long torso and short legs. In "Hawaii 5-0," she's always wearing fitted jeans (which would normally have a leg-lengthening effect on most women), but if you just looked at her legs, you would think she was more like 5'4." I know she's not, but she doesn't have the proportions of someone who is 5'9." You would expect a woman who is 5'9" to be leggier and more statuesque, especially when they're very thin like she is. Also, to the person who said 5'9" is "mega-tall" for an Asian, that may be true in most Asian countries, but not in Korea (Grace Park is Korean). 5'7"-5'8" is common among young women in Korea, and even 5'9" and above is not uncommon these days. There are short people also (just as there are in the U.S.), and you won't see the extremes in height that you see in the U.S., but tall people are common in Korea.
Mr. R said on 12/Jul/11
Ok, I think she is closer to 5-8 from looking at her on H50. But really, how many of us are looking at her height?
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 24/Jun/11
She's perfection. She's nearly 5'9" (mega-tall for an Asian), but at the same time she's VERY petite! :>
® said on 31/May/11
Rob maybe 5'8.75 is closer.
Johntk said on 12/May/11
normally if someone put they hand in my shoulder,I can't straight up :) guess Rob you're right about her height 175cm most people think she is under 173cm cause of this pic
Johntk said on 8/May/11
175cm still considering as 5ft 8.75....with shoe 5ft 9
Rob height 5 ft 8.25+1.1= 5ft 9.35 making rob 176.4cm
why she look 1 inch =2.25cm shorter than rob because rob hand...pushing her down 2-3cm...

Editor Rob
pushing a celebrity down? Must mean every celebrity who touches me makes me lose 2-3cm then :) Don't you need to have your hand on their shoulder, not at nearly 90 degrees in order to push someone down?
JJ said on 1/May/11
Do you guys even read the caption for the pics? "Inch advantage" in the photo. She is easily close to 5'9 if that's true as they are near dead even like this.
Mat said on 20/Apr/11
I think 5'8 is probably closer to the mark. Even taking away your inch advantage Rob, I think you'd be about the same height based on this photo. I think a downgrade on this one.
GH said on 4/Apr/11
I think she needs a downgrade. Taking shoes and bending down into account, I still can't see 5'9"
Lisa said on 9/Mar/11
She's 5'9 for sure, the male cast (Kim and Caan) of Hawaii Five-O probably wear lifts. Most of the time she is wearing flats to events. If I was her, I would be wearing heels everywhere, lol.
sam said on 24/Feb/11
5'7 sounds about right. Even when you watch hawaii five-0 she's maybe an inch shorter than Daniel Dae Kim who's around 5'8~5'9
K4 said on 18/Feb/11
I would say 171-172cm, her hair is giving her height. You'll hardly find girls over 5'7.
Adrian said on 17/Dec/10
She looks about the same height as my girlfriend (she is also Korean), who is around the 5'7, 5'8 mark.
6foot4 said on 28/Oct/10
Robbie is slouching (losing about an inch or an inch and a 1/4) but has sneakers on (gaining an inch)
however she has a little bit of a puffy hair-do (gaining a 1/4-1/2 inch), and she is wearing ballerina slipper type shoes (gaining a 1/4 inch).

taking all of the above in to consideration.....if Rob is 5'8" then Grace must be 5'7" to 5'6.75"
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/09
I'd say 1.73 max. Same height as Rob.
J.J. said on 23/Jun/09
5'9" for her all the way flats give about 1/8th of an inch so if Rob is 5'8.25" then he is a wee bit over 5'9". She is tall. I think nowadays a true 5'9" is when girls feel quite tall. 5'7"-5'8.5" is the start of it.
Nismofreak said on 16/Jun/09
She looks an inch shorter. I'd say 5ft '7.75 inches - 5ft '8.0 inches
Anonymous said on 14/Jun/09
1m73 or 1m72.
Realme2008 said on 3/Jun/09
That would make her 5'9" if she is wearing flats that give her 1/4 inch, and you are 5'8" with a footwear advantage. You are leaning in a bit, but I bet you two would be eye-to-eye. Anyway, she's very beautiful. It's very rare to see a Asian female who is tall, so she probably does feel awkward and will wear flats a lot.
Comets said on 29/May/09
wow a tall likey ^_^
Geoman said on 10/May/09
I'm so glad she is 5-9 'cauze I'm 5'11 and I'm so ready to date her...WOW!!!!!
Maribel said on 25/Apr/09
Not really 5-9. The footwear advantage doesn't help much. I'd say she's 5-8, maybe 5-7.5.
Drenter said on 15/Mar/09
Rob, you're a little taller than her, especially if you see your eye level.
Yaspaa said on 1/Mar/09
I dont think I've seen this girl in heels before,she always seems to wear flatish footwear,she's obviously aware of her tallness.
TNTinCA said on 19/Jan/09
Stupid question but is she in any way related to Linda Park from Enterprise?

Editor Rob
she said no relation.
bikagyura said on 19/Jan/09
she's awesome! a more attractive woman would be hard to come by. Frekkin' cute, and pretty perfect height too (if you ask me). She always seemed 5' 9" to me amazingly enough :) Not a regular attribute to asian women (hardly even the men)
Gorby's said on 16/Oct/08
She's not 5'9. Rob is leaning a bit, and he's still half an inch taller. Take in mind that her hair is pushed up abit. She's pushing 5'8.

Editor Rob
she has about 1/4 inch slip ons, I had 1.1 inch sneakers that day.
Kara Nachiko said on 15/Oct/08
she's pretty cute!
and tall!
J said on 13/Aug/08
She's 5'9. Helo is already 6'2 so she looks to be about 4-5 inches shorter than he is.
Zana said on 23/Jul/08
5'9" seems right. He's leaning in, so he looks about as tall as her.
Marcel said on 6/Jul/08
Difficult to say. 174cm I think.
C. said on 25/Apr/08
She's so adorable. Tall and cute at the same time. She looks really sweet here. :)
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/08
She seems the same height as apollo (5-9 too) on the show.
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/07
The websites that says 5ft6 are talking about a different Grace Park
Cliff said on 12/Jan/07
If you compare her next to Kristin Kreuk when they were on Edgemont, she does look 5ft9. She also appears to be close to Lucy Lawless and Tricia Helfer in height on BSG.
doubt it said on 28/Jul/06
many say 5'6"...

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.