plus said on 6/Jun/16
@Angela 69 inches is 5'9
Angela said on 6/Jun/16
Michael Jackson's autopsy report states he was 69 inches tall--that's 5 foot 7 1/2 inches tall. And he weighed 136 lbs at death.
Phil said on 22/May/16
5 foot 10 or 5 foot 9.5
Micho said on 12/May/16
In this pic Mike was behind Eddie + his awful posture made him inch or two smaller than him
Click Here
5'11 Guy said on 11/May/16
Well,he gets 5'9 with Stevie Wonder for sure.
Mateus capivara said on 10/May/16
I Think in yearly times he can look 178 cm tall with his dancer shoes
5'11 Guy said on 10/May/16
Click Here note that MJ gets 5'11 in heels!
5'11 Guy said on 10/May/16
Click Here MJ and 5'11 to 6' Brooke Shields,he looks about 5'10 or 9 and no less than 5'9 for MJ!!
Warren said on 9/May/16
5'8 for michael? It's impossible, just go check to his car licence of thriller era, he has definitly 5'9.
Alxr37 said on 20/Apr/16
There is no way mj was 5'8
David said on 19/Apr/16
Michael Jackson was 5 ft 8,No he never lost height,not even a quarter of an inch.Janet Jackson is 5ft 2 and never was over.Whitney Houston was definetley 5ft 8.Elvis was an inch taller than 5ft 10er Lee Majors.Bruno Mars don't buy he was anything above 5ft 4.Rob where are you getting thse factual heights from.They are not accurate i just know.Lionel Richie is 3 inches taller than Jacko just look at the pictures of them together,google it.A guy i met back in 1998 and 1999 and in the noughties was really short called Chris how unfortuante that was to have met.
Jhj said on 16/Apr/16
Have you ever thought about doing a peak height for MJ, Rob? He clearly looked shorter in his later years and started wearing heeled boots, and as his autopsy stated that he had spine degeneration and osteoarthritis its very possible that he lost some height, maybe half an inch or so.
Tom said on 13/Apr/16
I doubt he was ever any taller than 5-9. Very thin guy which made him appear taller.
I hope he's resting in peace. What a tortured life he led.
MJKoP said on 12/Apr/16
A lot of reputable celebrities who have met him peg him at over six feet tall. With a proper stance, he could've been very close to six feet tall in his flat(1 inch) penny loafers.
5'11 Guy said on 11/Mar/16
MJ looks here as same as Eddie
Click Here
5'11 Guy said on 8/Mar/16
How tall MJ looks with Coorey Feldman,Rob??
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe a bit over 5ft 8 without knowing either of their shoes.
Peter said on 7/Mar/16
Click Here
At the end video, Michael and Diane Sawyer listed as 5'9" walk side by side and it is clear that Michael is taller.
5'11 Guy said on 22/Feb/16
You can easily determine someone's height simply with their eye level. A 6'1" person would have an eye level of 5'8". A 6'2" person would have an eye level of 5'9". A 6'3" person would have an eye level of 5'10" and so on.Bill clinton(6"2) has an eye level on Michael Jackson...
Johno said on 4/Feb/16
Upto 5'9 --- yeh.
5'11 Guy said on 24/Jan/16
I met his coreographer and dancer LaVelle Smith Junior...Guy seems to be strong 5"9 and he was as same height as MJ...(sorry if my english is bad)
Celeste said on 17/Jan/16
I visited Madame Tussaud's and stood next to Michaels statue, I was taken by surprise how much taller he was than I thought, I am close to 5'8" and even with slightly heeled shoes on it felt like he still was taller than me by a few more inches, odd. I still don't think he was over 5'10" though, a strong 5'9" would have been his tallest I think.
Micho said on 10/Jan/16
Rolling Stone magazine:"Jackson was painfully thin – although pushing six feet, he weighed only 127 pounds – and he'd suffered several injuries over the years".
RacingJamie said on 4/Jan/16
Rob, what would you do if you were to meet Michael...and he was 5ft 4!

Editor Rob
I'd say: Stop Slouching and Stand Taller.
Micho said on 3/Jan/16
He is an inch taller than 5"10.5 Luciano Pavaroti.How is that possible????
Randy said on 28/Dec/15
"He was a surprisingly tall man - over six feet in fact. To think that such a tall man could be felled by something like this is really quite something." - Paul Gambaccini on BBC News in June, 2009 after Michael's death
Sorry about my last comment, this is what he actually said in full. Over, not under. Where got these figures...I don't quite know...
Randy said on 28/Dec/15
"Michael was much taller than people realise. He was almost 6 foot."
— Paul Gambaccini on BBC News in June, 2009 after Michael passed away.
RacingJamie said on 28/Dec/15
he's been described as everything from 5'4 to 6'2
One girl described meeting Michael and said he was slightly shorter than her and that she's only 5'5, she estimated him as between 5'4 and 5'4.5
On the other hand, Howard Stern described meeting Michael and said he looked 6'2 to him
I'd say both of those estimations are WAAAY off, and that he was around 5'9, more or less around that.
morrisons said on 25/Dec/15
yeah guys i don't think he could stand up straight even when young
i found this photo on google,
Click Here
lulu bangugu said on 25/Dec/15
hi Rob,what happened to my links?

Editor Rob
I fixed them, with links they need a space before and after for them to get converted properly.
Anthem said on 24/Dec/15
According to Madame Tussauds, they accurately measure each part of the body, here's an example
Click Here
He was reportedly measured by them in November, 1984, so his height would have been taken during his peak of age 26. He definitely wasn't 5'11, he looked exactly 5'9, not under or over. Exactly an inch taller than me at 5'8.
lulu bangugu said on 24/Dec/15
Michael was a hunchback of the worst kind
Click Here Click Here
in these picture taken at the same event he looks shorter than 5'10 rob lowe when standing hunchbacked
Click Here then looks taller when standing straight
Click Here
this explains why so many people that met him said he was taller than they expected
coatguy said on 22/Dec/15
Rob, I know he's dead, but if you were to meet Michael, how much do you really think he'd edge you by?

Editor Rob
I think he'd still look near 5ft 9 if in early 40's...I do wonder if by his final couple of years he could have lost a little bit with general wear and tear.
warren said on 22/Dec/15
he was 5'9. but he looks so tall because he has long legs and long arms and small head.
his head is smaller than women.
Anthem said on 21/Dec/15
I've just been to Madame Tussauds a few days ago, he looked around 5'9, maybe slightly over. I'm 5'8 and he owned me by at least an inch. His head looked quite big, 9 inches ish. He's as average as average can get really.
RisingForce said on 20/Dec/15
Didn't he claim 5'10" in his autobiography from the 80's? In any case, I think he's 5'8" or 5'8.5" max, since that looks more believable in comparisons. I agree his build can give him a 5'10" impression, but he can look just 5'7" in comparisons due to his posture. Remember, he was shorter in cowboy boots in full body pics and a video than a 5'9" range Eddie Murphy was in flatter looking shoes.
Cantchooseaname said on 5/Dec/15
This guy had serious back problems, no wonder he always slumped over and had a low posture
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Some say he was a 6 footer that wanted to look smaller, others say he had serious spine problems.
I mean...the guy had been standing like that since his late teens....
Click Here
Cantchooseaname said on 29/Nov/15
Only slightly shorter than John Landis (listed 5'10.5" here), he could look around 5'9.5" with him
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (Landis is leaning in this one)
Rob, do you mind doing a comparison with the photo i just posted and your photo with Landis to compare?
Cantchooseaname said on 25/Nov/15
Michael Jackson was stated to have rigor mortis all over his body in his autopsy. Rigor Mortis would shorten height with tightening of muscles, and he was measured at 5ft 9, meaning its very likely he was taller than this.
Not to forget, he was stated to also have degenerative osteoarthritis in his spine. Again, that would shorten height.
plus said on 8/Oct/15
He was 5,9. Driver's license stated that in the 80's. There's no fractions so he can be from 174,5 to 176 more ore less
Click Here
175 cm sounds right and accurate
Bambiohe said on 7/Oct/15
Michael was at least 5'9" never did he look short. Which is always the case when youre 5'9" or raller. He even looked 6'0" when he was on stage.if he was 5'8" or shorter he eouldnt have looked nearly as tall as he did. Even with "elevator boots" or whutever.
coatguy said on 6/Oct/15
Rob, the photo of Michael with Lisa Presley - Lisa is CLEARLY nearer the camera, there's even other better photos showing Jackson to be a lot taller than her
Have a look at it again, Jackson's a strong 5ft 9er
plus said on 5/Oct/15
Michael was 5,9, at least in his last years, he could have been 5,9.25 younger. But just look at the pics with NSYNC. He is no taller than Chris (174-175) and Lance (175 cm)
Noni said on 3/Oct/15
It seems like every once in a while someone on this page will post pics where he clearly could've been under this listing. They also seem to go completely unnoticed or commented on. Rob, feel free to comment on any of the following.
MJ with:
5'4 Diana Ross:
Click Here
5'3 Martin Scorsese:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
5'3 (maximum) Janet Jackson:
Click Here
5'2 Lisa Marie Presley (MJ is also in boots with 2-3 inches):
Click Here
And then a couple of obvious ones with Reagan and Bush, 6'1 and 6'2 respectively:
Click Here Click Here

Editor Rob
I wouldn't say he looked far off 5ft 9 in those images, a couple he might be a bit further away and look an inch smaller though, with reagan/bush especially, but with Scorcese, I think close to 5ft 9 looks possible.
I forgot though, sometimes (as with Lisa), you can see he wore heeled boots...
Randy said on 28/Sep/15
A recent news article features statements from Michael's Irish plastic surgeon. The surgeon says
"Michael was slightly taller than I had expected"
Here's the article
Click Here
Heylo said on 26/Sep/15
You should add a better photo of him. Michael next to Eddie Murphy in 1989 is a good suggestion.
clarkson said on 24/Sep/15
i was just watching his videos on DVD, he gives me the impression as being lanky and tall, i'm shocked to find out he's only average height.
Pea Sea said on 18/Sep/15
5' 9" is correct. He was the same height as Jon Bon Jovi.
sparkly said on 16/Sep/15
What's your favourite MJ track Rob

Editor Rob
too many great songs stretching back to all the Jackson 5 hits, I don't think I'd have a favourite.
Jim said on 13/Sep/15
Rob, what height do you personally believe Michael was?

Editor Rob
I think in his 30's he was an honest 5ft 9, at times looking taller or shorter, moreso in his last couple of years.
Matthew Halliday said on 7/Sep/15
Hi Everyone the reason Michael Jackson was different heights at different times is because he could have being impersonated by different people black adult Michael was a smaller person than white Michael.
Heylo said on 29/Aug/15
I think he could have been 176cm judging by the photos with Eddie Murphy.
Before I read about his height I thought he was 6ft or something, To me, he looked tall but now when you look back at photos you can see that he looked very average. It was just his slim figure and build. He had long legs, big hands and wide shoulders which is all stereotype characteristic of a tall man.
coatguy said on 29/Aug/15
Wow, nice quote from Garrett, where did you hear/find it, Rob?

Editor Rob
it's on her twitter feed
Tim said on 25/Aug/15
Always looked like a strong 5'9, are you going to add a peak height for MJ, Rob? As listed below his medical issues surely caused him to lose some height, so possibly 5'9.5 when he was younger.
coatguy said on 24/Aug/15
Steve, actually there is a photo of Michael and Dick Clark in 1988. Michael looked almost 2 inches taller than him! And they both were in line!
So either Michael shrunk a whole lot by 2002 or it was camera angles.
I would post the photo but I'm not exactly sure how to shorten links.
Steve said on 22/Aug/15
He never appeared to be tall, not at least to me.
Here is is not looking any taller, perhaps even shorter than 5'8" Dick Clark
Click Here
coatguy said on 21/Aug/15
Rob you might want to read this. Here's all info gathered on his height
• He was measured 5'9 on his autopsy but the report also states he had spine degeneration and osteoarthritis which shortens height and causes it lose its water
• Staff said his dancers had to range from 5'9 to 5'11, which she said is around his barefoot height
• He claimed he had a massive growth spurt as a teenager and went from 5ft to 5ft 10 and felt uncomfortable with the sudden change, he said this in his book, Moonwalk. His sister Latoya confirmed this.
• He was billed at 5'11 on his mugshot, but likely wore shoes with a heel
• Howard Stern described Michael as 6'2, others such as Bo Jackson, Adam Curry, Raymone Bayne, Carson Daly, Mary Hart, Bruce Springsteen and David Gest have also described Michael as being 6'+
Michael was a solid 5'9, but I wouldn't rule out 5'9.5 for him. He looks slightly above average height.
weirdo said on 17/Aug/15
In autopsy he was listed at 5" autopsies lie?
Rez said on 16/Aug/15
Oprah and Michael 12:03
Click Here
DogMan173cm said on 15/Aug/15
Rob, would you say he's a weak 5'9 or strong 5'9

Editor Rob
I think that can be hard to say, at times he really could be a strong 5ft 9er.
Alex said on 15/Aug/15
In videos he always looks at least 5'10
an anonymous peach said on 15/Aug/15
175-176cm was most likely. He was extremely skinny and had long legs which seemed to fool people into thinking he was taller.
DogMan173cm said on 13/Aug/15
I think the reason he looked so tall was because of his thin, lanky build and long legs.
I've seen him, 5'9.25"-5'9.5" is what he could have peaked at. I'm 5'8", he looked over an inch taller than me.
man170cm said on 12/Aug/15
Rob, do you think Jackson could have been as tall as 5ft 9.5 in his peak, maybe 5ft 9.25? He definitely looked taller than just a flat 5ft 9.

Editor Rob
at times Jackson could give a bit over 5ft 9 appearance.
Cycle said on 9/Aug/15
Have you ever been a fan of MJ, Rob?

Editor Rob
Cycle, I appreciate he made great music.
Steve said on 5/Aug/15
He never looked 5'11" to me. Max look was 5'9".
184.3cm (Night) said on 5/Aug/15
Its possible he scraped 5'11 with those 2 inch boots hes wearing with Eddie Murphy. Eddie would be 5'10 in a dress shoe he looks slightly taller. I think 174 cm is also possible but Rob's listing seems fine.
Smart said on 5/Aug/15
Rob, have you seen This is It? If you have, how tall do you think he looked in it?

Editor Rob
Smart, I have never watched This is It.
weirdo said on 3/Aug/15
In music video with 5"9 eddie murphy he looked
as same as 5"9 or aproximately 5"10...
Marshall said on 3/Aug/15
Michael's height sure is confusing, he can look anywhere from 5'8.5" to 5'11"
jtm said on 2/Aug/15
he wan't even 5'9. look at the pictures with eddie murphy.
Royce said on 2/Aug/15
I'm a lifelong fan of MJ but I'm going to post the following pics just to show how he could have easily been under 5'9. I've been to this site frequently in the past so I understand some people won't even look at these and just continue to say "he was 5'10". One thing that posters below have been saying is how tall he looked. Long arms, long torso, huge hands and a perfectly proportioned (although incredibly skinny) body gave him that imposing figure when standing by himself.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Pay attention to the last two. It's generally accepted Eddie Murphy is around 5'9, MJ is in heavy boots with nearly 3 inches of extra height. He's eye level with Murphy, maybe a smudge taller than him. Murphy is obviously in regular dress shoes.
Click Here
Click Here
C'mon people!
Crypto139 said on 30/Jul/15
After watching some videos of him I am shocked that he is this low. He looks tall honestly. I will say there is no way he is Rob's height or under that. A few guys always seem to look taller than their listing though. MJ, Andrew Garfield, Peyton Manning, Charles Barkley, and I guess James May from Top Gear. Though for MJ and Garfield it is their slim build I guess. Not sure about the others they just look taller than they are.
Jack said on 29/Jul/15
Rob, do you reckon at peak he could have been a bit taller than 5ft 9?

Editor Rob
sometimes he could pull off looking over 5ft 9
MJjjj said on 25/Jul/15
he is 178cm
thedude said on 23/Jul/15
michael jackson's costume designer Michael Bush stated that Michael was 5'10, WHO COULD KNOW BETTER about michael's height than the guy that made his costumes for 25 years?
Micho said on 19/Jul/15
He look like almost tallest of his brothers,except randy...I think peak for him is 5'10!
Micho said on 15/Jul/15
MJ looked very tall besause of his very slim figure!
About 5 10 said on 11/Jul/15
Michael Jackson looked 5' 9" with Jon Bon Jovi.
Micho said on 11/Jul/15
Someone said he was 5"7?If he was 5"7 Martin Bashir is 5"3...LOL
Bill said on 11/Jul/15
I've seen footage of Michael Jackson on the day he was taken to court and got his mugshot taken. He was wearing flat loafers, no more than an inch. He was measured 5'11 with them on, that would make him 5'10 or near it minimum barefoot. He even claimed 5'10. His autopsy had him at 5ft 9, but also stated spine degeneration and arthritis which would have impacted on his height. Rob, what do you think?
Unknown said on 11/Jul/15
He looked about 5 ft 10 in during his prime. Might have gone down to 5 ft 9 in in his last years due to the numerous health problems he had during his life. The 5 ft 11 in listing by the SBSO in 2003 was obviously his height in shoes.
Micho said on 6/Jul/15
5"9-5"10 never looked shorter than this
Alex said on 4/Jul/15
He had big heels so to me he's about 5' 9
Micho said on 2/Jul/15
in Bosnia Michael wore very big heels(around 1-2 inches) looked taller than 5'10 me, so possible height for him is 5'10-9
Ana said on 30/Jun/15
IF YOU'RE DOUBTING Michael Jackson's height as between 5'11-6' shows how brain-WASHED and ignorant you are who ever you are out there!...Read HIS license and when he was at the police station and see just how ignorantly wrong you are!!
Micho said on 27/Jun/15
I saw Michael when he was in bosnia...I'm 5'10 MJ looked 5'11 with heels,so 5'10 maximum for this guy!
Dmeyer said on 2/Sep/12
Rob if people undereat alot CAN they shrink quicker

Editor Rob
Lack of a decent diet could over time cause you bone loss, also make it more likely to damage your bones and lose height in that manner.
Sjrc said on 1/Sep/12
He had a sole of 1 and 1/2 inch + 1 inch elevators inside his shoes ....tht would push him till 6'
yeo said on 30/Aug/12
Click Here here at 1.56 and right at the end you can see he is taller than 5'9 diane sawyer so I'd say he is 5'9.5 or 5'10 Rob
yeo said on 30/Aug/12
Click Here in that video with diane sawyer he is taller than her, she is 5'9 so doesnt that make him 5'9.5 Rob?
Trini said on 29/Aug/12
I want to weigh in on this cause MJ was clearly shorter as a younger man (when I say younger he was 29 so no more growth for his body), at least 2" check out these 2 links...
Click Here Click Herecheck out his shoes, no way he can have such a difference in height from those
Kerian said on 28/Aug/12
Rob do you not think Michael lost height? In his older years he tended to wear 1 inch heeled boots so I have a feeling he may have been wearing them to make up a half inch/inch loss in height. To me he always looked like a weak 5'10, I'm surprised he is listed as 5'9 to be honest.

Editor Rob
even though he was a slim man, I am still not convinced he's have lost an inch by his age.
edry said on 27/Aug/12
Ya'll need to get over the fact MJ ws 5'10 lol. Rob in his mug shot it says 5'11, mug shots are taken bare footed right? And even if somehow he was wearing shoes, he would have tohave been wearing 2 inch heel
runt said on 25/Aug/12
The Wiz was released in 1978 when MJ was 20. Here is a photo that includes he and Nipsy Russell, of game show fame, who played the Tin Man. Russell, who is also deceased, is listed some places at 5'9"!! In this photo he is on the left and is clearly taller than MJ who can't beat Diana Ross (who played Dorothy) in heels.
Click Here
Alaya said on 21/Aug/12
I think he did Rob, the autopsy confirmed he had arthritus as well which contributes to height loss doesn't it? In his thriller video he looks 5'9.5+
Alaya said on 19/Aug/12
He was 5'10/5'10.5 in the 80's, he should have a prime height like other celebrities shouldn't he Rob?

Editor Rob
did he really lose any significant height? I don't know if he did though...
Me said on 12/Aug/12
Okay Ya know what he is 5'11. My Feance is a few inches away from 5'11 and hes Met Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was 5'11 pushin 6 ft. Even Go on an ask the 3 life size cut outs I have
steve said on 2/Aug/12
Rob he was 5'10. Just look at his body type, lanky with long arms and legs which gave the inpression of 5'11 although he was only that tall in shoes
5ft8 :) said on 1/Aug/12
michael has always seemed have an appearance of a man with 5ft11
but that because he had a body very complete physical and big legs
but his height has always been 5ft8(173cm)
he always knew it he was shorter than the princess diana she is 5ft9/5ft10
When michael die he was 5ft7(171cm) 5ft11 was in bad era with high hells :D
but michaels was always magic so he can grew height :)
Michael Jackson legit 5ft8 :D
jordanm said on 29/Jul/12
Rob I think you should upgrade his prime height to 5'10
Brad said on 27/Jul/12
5' 10", he lost nothing.
rawr said on 25/Jul/12
He was 5"11.
daniella said on 25/Jul/12
I think Slash is probably 5'9 and Michael 5'10 Rob, just because the autopsy said he was 5'9 doesnt mean he has always been that height lol
daniella said on 24/Jul/12
But Rob, how can you list Slash as being 5'10 when Michael was visibly taller than him?
Click Here In this picture he is about 2 inches taller..

Editor Rob
michael looks a bit closer, maybe slash is in converse or he's not quite his claim?
daniella said on 23/Jul/12
Rob why doesn't MJ have a prime height? He had obviously lost at least inch due to aging and spinal arthritis. In the 80's/90's he looked to be about 5'10.5

Editor Rob
not sure about him losing that amount
jordanm said on 15/Jun/12
He has always looked 5'10, 5'11 with shoes with a one inch heel. I also fail to see why Slash is listed as being taller than him when he obviously wasn't. And for the people saying he only looked 5'11 in heels and was secretely 5'8, do you not think the media would have noticed and ridiculed him even more for it?
Ava said on 15/Jun/12
Rob he seems to have lost about an inch in height due to age, can you put his prime height as being 5'10? In his videos he doesnt look any shorter than that, he might have even been 5'10.25
IronFist said on 29/Jan/12
The autopsy showed he had arthritis in his knee. That might have had something to do with losing a bit of height.
Anon said on 22/Jan/12
I believe he was a solid 5'10 in his prime and probably lost an inch due to aging, what do you think rob?
Silent d said on 10/Jan/12
Who is the kid in the photo above? Alan's son? In that photo he looks close to alan light's height. In the photo above he is 177cm easy. I thought he was 5 foot 8. 5 foot 9 is about right.
Anon said on 31/Dec/11
@italian dude have you saw his kids lately? There half cast! Look at his daughter, but anyway I think MJ was about 5'10 he looked tallish in his videos
ACG said on 27/Dec/11
He would hunch over a lot to try and go unnoticed in public settings- you would too if you were Michael frikkin' Jackson!!
italiandude said on 24/Dec/11
response to ACG
Michael did a lot of things to he's body (he even admited to having a dimple created in his chin) but as a huge fan that has watched nearly every picture or video of him i can assure you that he had no more than 2 or 3 nose jobs.i agree with you though that it's hard to believe that they wheren't for cosmetic reasons.
To me the real "weird" thing about MJ are he's kids wich are by no means halfcasts
Regarding he's height i saw him from about a 4 meters distance and i think he was around 1'77 cm,i didnt look at he's footwear tough
ACG said on 17/Dec/11
And for the record, I'm a huge fan of his, but I DO see things realistically. He was an incredible human being of immense talent and virtue, but was by no means without flaws. His extreme naivety, foolishness, and fundamentally warped concept of reality ultimately contributed greatly to his own downfall.
Of course there were other parties and factors to blame, but it's quite apparent that he himself had at least some part in just about every incident where he found himself a "victim".
I don't believe he committed any of the crimes he was accused of, but I also think he acted in such an irresponsible manner, leaving himself vulnerable to false allegations.
Of course that doesn't give anybody the right to try and take advantage of his ignorance and innocence by concocting made-up charges against him, but you'd have to be brain-dead to believe that Michael didn't have the means necessary to have prevented such a scenario from arising(at least for the 2nd time, in '03).
Not a criminal, but just lacking some serious common sense.
And the bit about only having two surgeries on his nose(AND for non-cosmetic purposes, to boot) was probably the biggest crock of BS I've ever heard. I felt almost insulted that he'd expect anyone to believe that...
So when I say he was 5'11", don't think I'm some deluded fan who thinks he was perfect and had zero faults.
ACG said on 17/Dec/11
Collins- That is impossible. Nobody would call a below-average-heighted man "surprisingly tall" upon meeting him, which is exactly what I hear from every other encounter where his vertical stature is mentioned.
He was a proper 5'11" man who could give off a 5'9" impression when stooped over, whether it be in pictures or in person.
You might even be taller than 6'3" and be underestimating your own height or possibly have been standing on a higher surface. Perhaps you even had a footwear advantage, because MJ almost always wore flat loafers in public.
Any way you look at it, Jackson was easily over 5'9".
Dina said on 17/Dec/11
@Collins Maybe he looked smaller to you because your so tall? He's a solid 5'10 people, get over it. R.I.P
seriously?? said on 16/Dec/11
@seriously: are you really bothered about whether people discuss his height? What does it matter whether they do or not?
Seriously said on 14/Dec/11
Are you guys sittine here talking about his height? Wow what does is matter he was a legend and one of the greatest of all time! Get over it people if he was 5'11 or 5'0 it should not matter!!!!!!!!!!!! RIP MJ
Collins said on 9/Dec/11
I saw Michael in Nov/Dec of 83 when I was a teenager working at Disney in the underground tunnels, I got a chance to stand directly next to him. My striking memories were; How small he was, How huge his hands where & How soft and quiet he spoke/seemed. I am 6'3" there is NO WAY he was over 5'8 - 5'9" I have a picture from that moment with him (a cherished possesion) and I am chin & head above him. Also, I remember thinking then, the comments I had later heard him say: "He was thought of as an animal in a cage" cause I along with everyone else was looking at him as though he was some type of alien, and making comments about him as though he was not there. That would have to have been a sad life on God's earth! RIP Michael...
lauraa said on 1/Dec/11
I think he's about 5'10. In his book Moonwalker he says something about him being a teenager and being nearly 5'10 so I think he was at least that. Just look on the HIStory tour, his shoes probably give him like an inch but he looks about 5'11.
CLC said on 24/Nov/11
A friend of mines seen Michael in 89." She was sitting with his family in the front row seats & he was a few feet away from her on stage. She stated to me that she was shocked at how tall he was in person. He did have 1 in boots on that day So my guess would be 5'10 barefoot at age 30. With the boots on he was probably 5'11". Michael was very thin so when others that have met him say he was small they mean in weight not height. Before his death at 50 years old he was probably 5'9" since men loose about an inch after 50. No way in hell was he below 5'9." In the way you make me feel video model 5'7" Tatiana is wearing 2-3" heels & Michael wearing loafers were about the same height, He had half an inch over her.
Marc said on 20/Nov/11
i thin hes taller than 5ft9
LAN JIAO said on 18/Nov/11
MJ is 5'9 , NBA legend MJ is 6'4.75 they had a full 8" apart. end of tale.
rauls said on 15/Nov/11
Click Here michael the guy on the right is 5'2, so that makes Mj 5'8, Rest my case
paul86 said on 6/Nov/11
He's closer to 5'10', 5'11' w/ shoes. God Bless MJ...
james24 said on 6/Nov/11
According to Michael Jackson's autopsy report he was 69 inches. That meant he was 5' 9" and this was his correct height.
Danimal said on 25/Oct/11
ikuu says on 22/Oct/11
5 ft 9.5 or 176cm to 177cm. Once he said that he messured himself when he was very young nearly 5 ft 10, but he was not a clear 5 ft 10. His driving licence from the mid 80s says 5 ft 9. ( just something over 5 ft 9 )5 ft 9.5 when he was 30, 5 ft 9 when he died at age of 50. Police had him at 5 ft 11. The Day the Police had him he wore 1,5 inch boots gives him a 5 ft 11 with his shoes in 2003. so just a 5.9.5 or 176cm to 177cm barefeet, 175cm when he died
He was being given 5'11" in the 80's already. Not just in 2003. You don't know he had on 1.5" shoes when he was arrested. Everything you are saying is speculation and you are stating it as facts, when it isn't.
eurolaura said on 24/Oct/11
I met Michael 3 times in 2 days during his second visit in Bucharest back in 1996 and the first time he was standing right in front of me, in the hotel hall, at 50 cm, for about 2 minutes. I am 174 cm and that day I didn't wear high heels (no more than 1 cm heels) so let's say I was 175. He was like 2-3 cm taller than me with no more than 1 cm heels too. I couldn't believe he was so tall. And so thin. And so white. And so childlike looking and acting. The second time he was in a theater (inside the famous, huge, ugly, grotesque Ceausescu's People's House) sitting at 2 rows distance in front of me and the last time I saw him it was the next day. He was sitting in his car while I was the last person allowed to enter and sit with him to talk for a while, right before he left to airport. I don't have any pics because at that time a camera wasn't something one can afford in our country. I hope it helps. I apologize for not knowing the measures in ft.
ikuu said on 22/Oct/11
5 ft 9.5 or 176cm to 177cm. Once he said that he messured himself when he was very young nearly 5 ft 10, but he was not a clear 5 ft 10. His driving licence from the mid 80s says 5 ft 9. ( just something over 5 ft 9 )5 ft 9.5 when he was 30, 5 ft 9 when he died at age of 50. Police had him at 5 ft 11. The Day the Police had him he wore 1,5 inch boots gives him a 5 ft 11 with his shoes in 2003. so just a 5.9.5 or 176cm to 177cm barefeet, 175cm when he died
mikelektt said on 22/Oct/11
it's incredible how tall he looks in this the end of the vid a lot of people get on the stage with him and he looks reall tall
Click Here
Bordersbroad said on 11/Oct/11
The autopsy concluded (and I watched the video) that Jackson was 5ft.9 inches.
nunya said on 1/Oct/11
no way mj is 6 ft he skinny
Aguz said on 1/Oct/11
MJ was incredibly skinny and proportioned, that's why he could looked 178/180. 175 is the correct height for him.
Chloe said on 30/Sep/11
Michael Jackson was 5 ft 10.
Mr. Kaplan said on 25/Sep/11
There is plenty of evidence showing Jackson NOT being 5'10" or over.
Phil said on 20/Sep/11
MJ's height range : 5 foot 8.5 - 5 foot 10.
178 said on 19/Sep/11
Rob, what do you think is the absolute minimum you can concoct an argument for with Michael's height?
I mean 5' 9" does appear to be a 'realistic median'. But I swear I have seen him appear as low as 5' 7" in various photos!

Editor Rob
maybe with humble posture he could appear shorter than 5ft 9, but I'm not sure he was
Mr. Kaplan said on 13/Sep/11
85-year old Fred Astaire with Michael, circa 1984:
Click Here
doobie said on 2/Sep/11
I don't think he was 5'11'... probably between the 5'9 to the 5'10 range because he look short than Paul McCartney in the say say say video who is 5'11. but maybe there is lifts in the vid who knows...
Mr. R said on 30/Aug/11
He is closer to 5-9. I actually went to his grave Sunday at Forest Lawn in Glendale, CA. His bday was yesterday. What a loss.
jake said on 29/Aug/11
5ft9.75 maybe, could look 5ft10-11 due to build. His health did seem to deteriorate however in his latter years and seemed to stoop, appearing nearer 5ft9in flat.
Kaj said on 28/Aug/11
He is somewhere between 5'9.5 and 5'10.
connor said on 27/Aug/11
he is 5 foot 10 tall
happy said on 3/Aug/11
the guy most of the time wore loafers and had a bad posture which doesnt give him much height advantage when you are standing to holluwood lift-shoe height maniacs.
He is anywhere between 5'9 - 5'11 , but deffinetely not bellow 5'9
ACG said on 3/Aug/11
5'11 it is.
Paul said on 1/Aug/11
For Michael Jackson 5'11" Sounds Absolutely Perfect
I Mean MJ Was A Tall Guy He Always Looked Tall
Especially In That HIStory Concert ; He looked Quite Big Too
5'11" Perfect 4 MJ
Mr. Tempus said on 24/Jul/11
he was an strong 5'8, 5'9 in his autopsy is because his body stretched,remember he was dead and he didnt walk anymore(indeed)and corpes tend to get bloated and all those kind of things.
mcfan said on 22/Jul/11
Michael Jackson was only 5'8:
Click Here
May W Weather said on 11/Jul/11
I Gotta Agree With What " Slim Shady " Said
I Mean Michael Wasn't A Short man , he Always looked Like A Good 5'11"
Even his mugshot(Can't believe he has one) Stated That Mj Was 5 Feet 11 Inches
And Couple Of months Ago I Read A Book About Michael's legacy , Even The Book Stated 5'11"
Next To His Brother Jermaine Who Is About 6 Feet , Michael Always Looked An Inch Shorter
And That Pic With 6'2" Jay Z proves That Michael Was Quite Tall
Danimal said on 11/Jul/11
Jess says on 16/Apr/11
If Michael was 5'7, how come he looked 5'9/5'10 next to 6'0 Brooke Shields in the Off The Wall Era, when he wore LOAFERS? I'll compromise and say he was 5'8 at the shortest, barefoot and up to 5'11 with "heels".
Click Here
Seeing Brooke was measured at 5'10" at the age of 14 and if this picture of the two of them is from the Off The Wall era (circa 1979), then Brooke was MAX 5'10" at that time and looks to be a good 2-3" on MJ.
marko said on 10/Jul/11
5 ft 10 or 5 10.5 sounds right
Slim Shady said on 7/Jul/11
C'mon Let's get it Right Michael Jackson Was 5'11" At His Best
There's no Biography of Him That States he Was 5'9" or 5'8"
it's Either 5'10" or 5'11"
But I'll Say MJ Was A Good 5'11"
Even When He Stood With Oprah , Who is 5'6.5" But her Big hair Gives Her An Inch More
So She Gets a 5'7.5" With the hair
Still Mj Looks 4 inch Taller
And No Michael Wasn't Wearing Any Lifts In The Interview Or The photo shoot That they did for the Documentary
Like This One
Click Hereand look at this pic , Michael is so taller than her that she has to use a thick wood to stand on next to mike
Click Hereand this too mike is towering
Click Hereand here mike is with jay z , jay is a good 6'1" or 6'2" EVEN
Michael is not looking like a 5'9" man , he looks more like 5'11"
Click Hereand here mike is with Paul McCartney who is listed 5'11" same as mj
they both look the exact same height
Click HereClick HereClick HereWhat do you say about that rob , it will be appropriate if u change the 5'9 to 5'11
Alissa Paul said on 4/Jul/11
Michael never had the best posture, but I disagree with a lot of the comments below. Michael was not 5' 9". He must be 5' 10". However, perhaps he is a little shorter considering that his shoes were usually elevated. I am a thirteen year old female and stand at 5 11.5 currently. I am still growing. I would think to be only an inch taller than Michael. Opinions?
ACG said on 4/Jul/11
hex says on 2/Jul/11
I know that he's a lot shorter than Oprah because I saw the 1993 special and thought, Oprah's TOWERING over MJ she must be well over six feet. Then I read Oprah is 5'7" so MJ was five feet at the most. Oprah had a good half foot on him
Could someone pass me the
troll spray?
hex said on 2/Jul/11
I know that he's a lot shorter than Oprah because I saw the 1993 special and thought, Oprah's TOWERING over MJ she must be well over six feet. Then I read Oprah is 5'7" so MJ was five feet at the most. Oprah had a good half foot on him
Hannah said on 2/Jul/11
In a book about MJ it says that in teenage he was around 5'11..
Jessica said on 30/Jun/11
He looked 5'9 to me.
Unknown said on 26/Jun/11
5'11" Looks Good On Michael Jackson
I Think This Is The Perfect Height For MJ
He Was Kinda Tall
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 24/Jun/11
Michael was 5'8" at the most, and perhaps had a footware disadvantage in this photo, because Alan Light, as I've made a good case about on Dolph Lundgren's page and all over the site, is 5'8.5", being generous.
chris said on 24/Jun/11
there's a better picture of these two standing together and michael was a whole lot taller look up "In The Closet"
Viper said on 21/Jun/11
He was never 5-9 in his life
SweetChari said on 20/Jun/11
I always thought he was 5'10" but the truth is folks he was 5'9.5"/136 pounds according to medical record--not the 5'11"/110-120 pounds claimed. That's probably why he claimed 5'10" b/c he WAS 5'10" in loafers! He had poor posture so this is why he looks shorter. The 5'11" height on his mugshot can easily be his height in heeled boots. He mostly wore loafers and he definitely towered Oprah during her special folks maybe she'd taken off her heels. He was barely taller (in boots) than barefoot Naomi Campbell in his music video In The Closet. She is 5'9.5" (same hgt as him). Also, he doesn't look that much shorter than 6ft Brooke except for when she has on heels. He didn't always wear heels either, loafers don't give much height and aren't lifts.
Mr. Kaplan said on 17/Jun/11
A 5'11"/99lbs Jackson would be in the hospital. Accept that he was never over 5'9", and most likely 5'8".
ACG said on 16/Jun/11
Men says on 13/Jun/11
I saw him talking to oprah and she towered over him by several inches. Oprah's around 5'7". So MJ is about 5'2"
What on earth are you talking about? Michael was much taller than Oprah even when Oprah wore heels....find their interview on youtube.
Men said on 13/Jun/11
I saw him talking to oprah and she towered over him by several inches. Oprah's around 5'7". So MJ is about 5'2"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jun/11
His autopsy report had him 5ft11 which he could look close to he was slim and had long legs. 5ft10 isn't impossible
mike said on 1/Jun/11
How do you know your dad is really 5.9.5? I'm 5.11 and I'm often a couple inches taller than others claiming that height.
sarah said on 30/May/11
My dad met michael once during a press confrence and My dad said that as far as he knows they are approximatly the same height my dads 5 ft 9.5 - 5ft 10
Marie said on 29/May/11
I have a strong belief that Michael was probably 5'8" without shoes (and probably in the morning). My exact educated guess is that Michael is/was 5'7.5", but most of us like to round up, don't we ;). I'm a costume designer and have a good eye for measuring people and clothing just by sight. I've been doing it for years, so I think my estimates from the pictures could be fairly accurate.
At the 1984 Grammys, it appears that Michael is wearing shoes that can't have less than a 1/2inch heel on them but even considering the angle of the camera don't look to be more than 1"; it doesn't appear that he wore insoles because the sides of his shoes appear very shallow and I think his heels would've continuously slipped out if his feet were propped up inside (impo).
In this photo of him and Brooke Shields at the event, she looks about 3.5 inches taller than him. Brooke appears to be in flats, however I can't find any photos of the back of her shoes, so I'm just going to assume she's in flats. (For the record, Brooke is 18 or 19 and Michael is 25 or 26, and by that age people are usually done growing.. upwards anyway).
Brooke has widely been publicized at 6', which I don't think any woman would say they were 6' unless they really were (most women would never want to be that tall). At age 14 she was measured at 5'10". I'm going to go with the shortest she's been reported to be, so we're going to say that she is 5'10".
Click HereSo now let's break down this photo. This is how I set my minimum height for him.
Even if Brooke was in flats, she would be at least 5'10. They are both standing at the same mark on the sidewalk and the camera is about eye level with Brooke; she is standing straight and Michael is standing slightly bent to hold Emanuel. Michael, in no more than a 1" heel, looks to be about 3.5" shorter than her. So doing the math (3.5" difference + 1" of shoe = 4.5" shorter than 5'10" flat-shoed Brooke), he can't be shorter than 5'6.5", and with his child-carrying posture, I'm going to grant him a half an inch, so I have him at 5'7" (and I'm not even taking into consideration that she might actually be 6' or wearing heels).
To get his maximum height, I used another photo from the same event, where he stands side by side with Quincy Jones who is reported to be 5'6"-5'6.5". I'm going to use the maximum height reported on Quincy to find my estimated maximum height for Michael.
Click HereNow I've scoured the internet and cannot find a full-length photo of Quincy from that night, but I'm going to assume that he was wearing shoes no more than 1" tall, because I haven't seen him wear heels any higher in any other full-lenth photos from red-carpet events. I believe they are standing almost exactly in line with each other, by comparing the size of the two Grammys they are holding and the position of their shoulders. So, with Quincy's estimated maximum height being 5'7.5" with heels, Michael stands about 1/2" taller than him, side by side. The camera is at eye level with both of them. Michael is tilting his head down to the side slightly, so I give him another 1/2" since Quincy appears to be standing straight. (Why is Michael's posture so slouchy for a professional dancer... anyway back to where I was.) So I'm going with the 1" taller for Michael. So with my estimate of Quincy's height being 5'7.5" maximum on that night with shoes, and Michael standing 1" taller maximum (and we established already that Michael was wearing a maximum of 1" heels), we do the math. (1" difference - 1" of shoe = 0" taller than the 5'7.5" heeled Quincy, making my estimated maximum height for him 5'7.5"
So with all that said, I reaffirm my belief that Michael was not 5'11" or even 5'9", but actually 5'7.5" (maybe 5'8" on a good day). That's my professional opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Mr. Kaplan said on 21/May/11
Again, all words, no evidence. Each time he "looks" 5'11", we don't see his footwear. On the other hand, there are many pics of him and his shoes, being dwarfed by some celebrity.
Justin said on 21/May/11
Fariya says on 19/May/11
That's pretty impressive.he was much taller then i thought.i just love him always. I love his manhood. I'm fond of tall boys. His wives must have in problem while kissing. But that's very naughty to kiss a tall man. I have heared that this tall man had something else which was too tall and large that was his, hot ,sexy panis.he has got everything long.
Be quiet you ugly creep unless you got doubble D's and jennifer lopez ass im not even gonna LOOK at you
Fariya said on 19/May/11
That's pretty impressive.he was much taller then i thought.i just love him always. I love his manhood. I'm fond of tall boys. His wives must have in problem while kissing. But that's very naughty to kiss a tall man. I have heared that this tall man had something else which was too tall and large that was his, hot ,sexy panis.he has got everything long.
Zach H said on 18/May/11
five foot nine is good for Michael he is a slankey guy so this fits him
Kiran Bieber said on 17/May/11
I think he's about 5'10" I don't think he is short he is pretty tall1!!!
Daniel said on 16/May/11
Irma, please read well and know about this site before making foolish comments. Here, when somebody writes "weak" + any height, this person means that the real height of the subject tends to be less than that estimated figure. On the other side, "strong" + any height means that the real height of the subject tends to be more than that estimated. It doesn't have anything to do with a person being strong or weak for being any given height.
Irma said on 15/May/11
I don't see why people call 5'8 "weak" I've seen many stupid,hateful comments on this site,not to mention the absurd obsession with tallness or rejection towards shorter heights...are people who say 5'7 and 5'8 is weak are 6'3 or something are you? Ridiculous stop arguing about how tall MJ was he was a great artist and the idol of our era so please leave the man alone,I've been his fan for a long time also and I couldn't give a witches tit about his height.
178 said on 12/May/11
Michael Jackson is 5' 8" (173 cm). That's what he looked next to verified 5' 10" Mike Tyson.
He could appear as high as 5' 10" (lifts) or as low as 5' 7" (slouching).
90sss said on 10/May/11
um... mj i think is 5'11" he wasn't short , 5'11" is a good height for michael jackson
d wade said on 9/May/11
lol 5,11 i say he is 5,7 was much shorter than 5,10 mike tyson so he is 5,8 max.
john said on 8/May/11
Is there possible to gain 2 inches in loafers then 1 inch in insoles?
LikeMike said on 5/May/11
I Agree With Dr.dre & Shaun
5'11" Is Possible
But 5'7 is Ridiculous it's just absurd
if mj was 5'7 then it means oprah is 5'3 - 5'2 which she is not
Anthony said on 5/May/11 says that Michael Jackson was 5'10", which is believable.
ACG said on 3/May/11
5'11" minimum.
Shaun said on 2/May/11
5'8" would be closer to the truth, 5'6" is ridiculous. He could look 5'10" at times.
Dr.dre said on 29/Apr/11
@ Mike,Mr.Kalpan & Asera
First Of All I Would like to ask you
Are you guys OK or what , i mean seriously Mj's Shortest Height As An
Adult was like 5'8.5 - 5'9
I'm not saying MJ was very tall but he was a Good 5'11"
Even His Mugshot Says It
Click HereThere is not any kind of biography of MJ's Height Being Under 5'9
175 cm was his shortest height as an adult
And Look At This Photo Of Mj And Magic Johnson
Magic is 6'9"
And Mj Near Magic Doesn't Look short , Mj looks like a 5'10 - 5'11 man (average American Height)
Click HereHere With 5'6.5 Oprah , Michael is wearing loafers if you don't believe me just watch his interview with Oprah on youtube
here's the proof that he's wearing loafers Pause At 0:29 & when he does the moonwalk
Click Herethis is the photo Oprah is wearing the same jacket LOOK & Mj still towers her like 4 inches
Click HereClick Here
Sdot said on 28/Apr/11
But when you look at mj he has a hunch back so with a straight back he is 1 inch taller than alan
Mr. Kaplan said on 28/Apr/11
Fact is, most people DO NOT pay attention to one's footwear. Unless they are interested in other people's heights. Most aren't.
Jaqueline said on 26/Apr/11
hey guys, I think I have the answer about his height here,
there is a picture he is with a famous woman from Brazil named Xuxa
Xuxa told herself she´s 5´10´´(1.77)
MJ is wearing his tour clothes
who is taller? MJ or that famous woman???
and in his mugshot says he´s 5´11´´
I have being searching for his height for a long time and I´m also curious,please, help me
I don´t know how to put that picture here but while I find out how you can type Xuxa e Michael Jackson at google
I come back with that picture here
I just need to find out how to put it here
Jaqueline said on 26/Apr/11
okay guys, please, help me here
This famous woman named Xuxa from Brazil she said herself she´s 5´10´´(1.77)
She´s with MJ in this picture he´s wearing his concert clouthes (Dangerous Tour)
What is his height,please?
I have searched about his height and I found less than 5´10, 5´10 and 5´11
Official and more right it´s this picture because of the woman´s height and his mugshot (his mugshot says 5´11)
Please, please, help me to discover about his real height,please
According to this picture with this famous woman from Brazil, who is taller? MJ or that woman,please.
Thank you all for your attention and help
well, I don´t know how to put that picture for you here,
but while I find out how you can see by google only type "Xuxa e Michael Jackson "
ace 6'2" said on 22/Apr/11
mj was the height metioned im confused,cuz bo jackson wrote in his biography that mj was as tall as him when they met,bo is listed 6'1" ,6'0" max.i think mj wore insoles.
Asera said on 20/Apr/11
Very We Are The World.
Click Here Click HereHe's about the same height as Diana Ross. So about 5'6 like I've said before
Click Here
178 said on 20/Apr/11
Michael Jackson was definitely 5' 7".
Here with 5' 10" Paul McCartney, Jackson without lifts is 3 inches shorter:
Click HereHere with lifts, Jackson looks just 1 inch shorter than McCartney:
Click HereJackson appeared 5' 9" with lifts. This explains the 5' 9" listing!
178 said on 20/Apr/11
Hi Rob. Just out of curiosity, what was the maximum height Michael Jackson gave the impression of being (when wearing heels or elevator shoes for example)?
Just wondered if a celebrity as big as him was made to look a certain height by his PR etc...

Editor Rob
I think he could appear like a 5ft 10 man at times
178 said on 20/Apr/11
I know I sound like a killjoy but this listing is incorrect. Baring in mind Michael Jackson's the biggest celebrity on here (if not, in the entire world), I find it illogical that a website attempting to pinpoint accurate height listings for celebrities should make such a basic error.
His maximum height was 5' 8". He was possibly as low as 5' 7".
Here's a photo of him with David Bowie, who was 5' 10" peak and you can see 2 inches difference between them:
Click HereThe question is whether Bowie was still at peak height when this was taken.
Compare Jackson to many true 5' 9"-5' 10" guys such as; Paul McCartney, Freddie Mercury, Prince Charles, Eddie Murphy etc... and you see that Jackson clearly falls short of 5' 9" and can appear as low as 5' 7". It really couldn't be more obvious!
Kurt Cobain's another one who's listed incorrectly (at 5' 9" funnily enough). He only ever claimed to be 5' 7" and looks it next to true 5' 9" guys.
I'm not knocking the editor by the way. He's constructed a great website with his passion, knowledge and welcoming tone. Nor am I a Jackson worshiper, nor am I trying to belittle him. I'm just a guy who's interested in accurate facts regarding my favourite celebrities. Now... time to move on to another celebrity, lol!
As Rob says, "Don't take height too seriously!"
Love and peace ;-)
Jess said on 19/Apr/11
Asera, I will believe you if you can explain to me how 6'0 Brooke Shields didn't "tower over" Michael in the Off The Wall era. (He wore loafers back then).
Click Here
ACG said on 18/Apr/11
Viper says on 10/Apr/11
MJ is not even 5-11 in boots with lifts. Who are these dumb
MJ at 5'6 is possible I guess. But Id go with 5-7 to be on the safer side.
Wow, it's pretty sad when even VIPER thinks you're going too low. Asera, GTFO.
Jess said on 16/Apr/11
If Michael was 5'7, how come he looked 5'9/5'10 next to 6'0 Brooke Shields in the Off The Wall Era, when he wore LOAFERS? I'll compromise and say he was 5'8 at the shortest, barefoot and up to 5'11 with "heels".
Click Here
Mr. Kaplan said on 15/Apr/11
I feel like I'm arguing with preteens. On each and every pic where he looks "tall", we don't see his footwear.
rey said on 14/Apr/11
This is Wat Stupid People Say:He Was 172 Cm
This Is What People Who Know The Truth Say: He's 5'11"
Just Look The Photo With Opera
Opera Is 5'6.5
And Mj towers Her Like Over 4 inches
Robert said on 13/Apr/11
Asera - I'm willing to admit he was closer to 5'7 than 5'9. Although I'm starting to think you have some kind of messed up hero worship with Jackson to the point you have convince yourself he was the same height as you..
By the way, I think it's kind of ignorant to assume a whole family is short by judging solely on the women and one male. Jermaine is an obvious 5'10 at the very least. Not very short, is he? Janet is about 5'3-5'4 which is pretty average. Joe Jackson looks like he could of peaked at about 5'10 as well. You take this height thing too serious. I mean I'm interested in celebrity heights, because a lot of them lie about it, and it's interesting. But come on dude.
Mr. Kaplan said on 12/Apr/11
hill, are you blind?
Can't you see he's wearing cowboy boots?
Viper said on 11/Apr/11
There is nothing worse than people who still think hes 5-9 going by that stupid autopsy report. I guess Tupac is 6-0 then as well.
Viper said on 10/Apr/11
MJ is not even 5-11 in boots with lifts. Who are these dumb
MJ at 5'6 is possible I guess. But Id go with 5-7 to be on the safer side.
mike said on 10/Apr/11
If MJ was 5'11", why did 6 ft nothing Reagan tower over him? He might be 5'7".
Dr.dre said on 10/Apr/11
MJ Was 5'11"
There Is No Way That He Was Shorter Than 5'9
Seriously you guys are crazy
Asera said on 9/Apr/11
Yes, DEFINITELY more closer to 5'6 :
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here And next to Eddie Murphy he sure doesn't look even 5'7 :
Click HereHe needed those boots to look like he's over 5'7 next to a 5'9 guy!
There is no way he was 5'7. It's just not possible.The height exaggeration gets more and more ridiculous all the time. I mean he even obviously had the physical proportions of someone around 5'5 - 5'6. His body proportions are too similar to Diana Ross.
Click HereIt's no wonder because his mother is only about 4'11-5'0. She's REALLY tiny.
Michael and his sisters are ALL smaller than average height because height is hereditary and in the genes
Click HereThe Jackson's are a "short" family and that's it!
Asera said on 9/Apr/11
I've been thinking he was maybe more closer to 5'6 than 5'7. He was just too close to Diana Ross in height to be any taller.
Click HereI think maybe 5'6 and half at his tallest without any shoes on. I just love how much they lied about his height that autopsy thing! It's just so hilariously innacurate and untrue when you think that in reality even in his 20's he even barely reached 5'7! Anyone can easily see he was clearly always much shorter than 5'9 if they only bother to look for the truth. It's just SO obvious it's ridiculous.I don't know...maybe they measured him wearing his 3 inch heeled boots or something! Or maybe they're just lying for some other reason. It's all very strange.
Rob said on 7/Apr/11
Why is it so hard for the guy to be 5'8?
Mathew said on 7/Apr/11
He was never more than a weak 5'8" barefoot.
Guidette617 said on 7/Apr/11
I know a few people that met Michael back in the 80s and they said they were very shocked at how tall he looked in person. After men hit 45ish they start getting a little shorter then when they were 25.
ACG said on 5/Apr/11
Viper says on 4/Apr/11
They didnt measure him at his autopsy you nimrod. Tupac was 6-0 at his autopsy. You believe that too? LMAO
And John Lennon was supposedly measured at 5'6" for his autopsy. Do you buy into that, Viper?
...whoops, never mind, I forgot who I was talking to.
Viper said on 4/Apr/11
They didnt measure him at his autopsy you nimrod. Tupac was 6-0 at his autopsy. You believe that too? LMAO
Mr. Kaplan said on 4/Apr/11
So Tupac grew three inches after his death? Amazing!
tell-em said on 4/Apr/11
tupac's autopsy had him at 5'11", no way was he close to that height.
Rob said on 1/Apr/11
Viper - I don't really have to prove it.
Look at his autopsy.
The real answer said on 1/Apr/11
You can check the AR on "The smoking gun site". Case report say he was 69 inches tall. If I'm not wrong that's 5' 9". You can read it again on page 7.
Click HereI also hear you loose some height after death (about 1 inch, not more), so 5' 9" - 5' 10" is about right (whichever fits your needs), he wasn't under it, because you do not grow after death, sorry.
Danimal said on 1/Apr/11
Robert says on 31/Mar/11
Asera - He was 136 pounds when he died. This was confirmed by his autopsy that isn't to hard to find on the internet. He was also measured at about 5'8.
136 pounds?? You gotta be kidding me! Michael was MAYBE that weight in the late 70's.. Towards the end of his life he was a frail man (less than 110 pounds)...
Viper said on 31/Mar/11
Where was he measured at 5-8? Stop throwing out all this measurement crap If you cant prove it.
Xerxes said on 31/Mar/11
Slash is NOT 5'10.5!! Hahahahahahaha!
I'm 5'7, hung out with Slash last January at a restaurant in LA. We were the same height. Both of us in flat shoes.
Robert said on 31/Mar/11
Asera - He was 136 pounds when he died. This was confirmed by his autopsy that isn't to hard to find on the internet. He was also measured at about 5'8.
Asera said on 30/Mar/11
Michael has ONLY ever looked "tall" with people who are under 5'3
Like with Sheryl Crow who is only about 5'1 or 155-156 cm :
Click HereElizabeth Taylor who was 5'2 max when she was YOUNGER! And here they're even BOTH wearing high heeled shoes :
Click HereWith Janet who is also about 5'1 :
Click HereUnlike with these much shorter women, Michael was VERY close in height to 5'4-5'5 Diana Ross in We Are The World :
Click HereAnd everywhere else too :
Click HereClick HereClick Hereand of course most importantly, he was 2 inches or about 5-6 cm smaller than the REAL 5'9 Eddie Murphy :
Click HereHe was much closer in height to 5'6 - 167 cm George Lucas than 5'9 Eddie Murphy :
Click HereMichael was just about barely 5'7. This is a fact. He was near to 5'9 ONLY in high heeled boots. And no "offence" but it's SO obvious too. I really wonder about some peoples intelligence sometimes. It's time for everyone to wake up finally! 5'7 and only about 100 lbs...Just think about that for a second. This poor man had some serious eating disorders from a very young age. It's amazing he had so much energy for all that rehearsing, dancing and running around on stage!
Where the hell did he get all that energy from if he didn't eat or sleep much at all. Was it pure overpowering willpower or what.
Viper said on 30/Mar/11
Eddie Murphy is 5-9 and maybe some change max. Just like Rob has him on this site. Somebody explain how MJ is looking close to 2 inches shorter with MJ having a footwear advtange and Murphy wearing flat shoes.
ACG said on 29/Mar/11
alex: How tall are you?
And MJ did NOT have an eating disorder....he was naturally a lean, albeit healthy dancer who practiced and worked his ass off to perfect his remarkable moves.
And way to buy into that asinine tabloid "MJ anorexia" garbage, Danimal. I wish I could say I was surprised, but coming from you, I'm really not.
As a matter of fact, for someone who thinks Cruise is 5'6.75 because it was written in some random article, I really wouldn't expect anything less....
Danimal said on 28/Mar/11
alex says on 22/Mar/11
ASERA: Once again you manage to prove that you're a delusional kid with no proof to sustain what you say.
Just because Michael was skinny does not necesarly mean that he was anorexic. Some cases are different.
For instance I have 49 kg (108 pounds) and I eat like a ****ing cow 5 times/day and I'm still skinny without having a eating disorder. I eat but I just don't gain weight.So when you make such accusations you beter have evidence to sustain your words cause a skinny body does not necesarly mean in all situations an eating disorder.
So you can be at least wrong with the anorexic thing in Michael's case.
It's been widely documented that MJ had an eating disorder. He was scared to get fat. He thought he was ugly in the late 70's, so he decided to diet and it became an obsession of his throughout his adult life..
BTW, if you're only 108 pounds, you really NEED to go to a gym and take some serious weight gain powder...
Danimal said on 28/Mar/11
Viper says on 22/Mar/11
Eddie isnt 5-10 Danimal.
Yeah, he could be shorter Viper...
M&M said on 28/Mar/11
Come on man
mj is maybe wearing heels with Janet
but with Paul of course not
that was the THRILLER era he didn't wore any lifts in those era's
the one with slash is the dangerous tour , and he didn't wore any lifts when he's on tour , just the normal black shoes that students wear in schools
mj starting wearing lifts in the bad era , mostly in the invincible era
Rob2 said on 27/Mar/11
@MMM- Michael wore lifts. I'm a fan of his as well.. But I'm a realist. Michael was about 5'8.
Mr. Kaplan said on 27/Mar/11
Funny that we don't see footwear in ALL BUT ONE picture. And on this picture, 5'10.5" McCartney has clearly two inches on him. Jackson is a famous heel wearer.
Mr. Kaplan said on 23/Mar/11
Or better, look at the pic with 5'9" Eddie Murphy where we see their footwear, no tricks. Murphy is wearing flats.
Viper said on 23/Mar/11
LOL, hes not even 5-11 in boots plus lifts!!
He looks 5-7 with Ronald Reagan, 5-9 Eddie Murphy, 5-10.5 Alan Light in the above pic
MJ was 5-7 MAX
Viper said on 23/Mar/11
We know Sly is wearing lifts there since hes 5-7
MOON said on 23/Mar/11
Asera Please Have A look at the photo of mj and 5'6.5 oprah winfrey
then tell me how tall is mike
HE IS 5'11
Click Here
d wade said on 22/Mar/11
good 2 inches shorter than sylvester stallone here daminal
Click Here
Viper said on 22/Mar/11
Eddie isnt 5-10 Danimal.
alex said on 22/Mar/11
ASERA: Once again you manage to prove that you're a delusional kid with no proof to sustain what you say.
Just because Michael was skinny does not necesarly mean that he was anorexic. Some cases are different.
For instance I have 49 kg (108 pounds) and I eat like a ****ing cow 5 times/day and I'm still skinny without having a eating disorder. I eat but I just don't gain weight.So when you make such accusations you beter have evidence to sustain your words cause a skinny body does not necesarly mean in all situations an eating disorder.
So you can be at least wrong with the anorexic thing in Michael's case.
Danimal said on 21/Mar/11
Wow, I thought MJ was 5'10"-5'11" growing up. Next to MAX 5'10" Eddie Murphy, MJ is looking 5'8"-5'9" MAX if he stood fully straight....
Mr. Kaplan said on 20/Mar/11
The shot with Murphy is killer. He's basically wearing flats.
Paddington said on 20/Mar/11
Asera those are some really interesting pictures. Particularly him with Reagan. That was in the 1980's when he was at his peak height, and when Reagan was a good bit shorter than 6'2 Vice-President Bush, making him no more than 6'. In those MJ does look 5'7". He also looks no taller than an age Frank Sinatra who was 5'7.5" peak.
Asera said on 19/Mar/11
Michael often LOOKED like he was closer to 5'9 simply because he very often wore shoes with 2-3 inch heels on them if you haven't noticed! Now that will easily make a 5'6-5'7 guy look like he's closer to average height or about 5'9. Barefoot he was only 169-170 cm at his tallest.
For dancers too much height can be a disadvantage. So Michael's height was ideal for a male dancer. The weight was apparently only about 99 lbs during early to mid 80's. So he was definitely,in my opinion at least, anorexic. I wouldn't call that a healthy weight for 5'7 in no way. He just wouldn't eat much at all and would rehearse and dance until he fell down from pure exhaustion!
Basically he was always naturally very small, slender and slight physically,but the obvious eating disorder made him look even thinner.
Asera said on 19/Mar/11
Just look at this :
Click HereEddie Murphy actually really IS 5'9...and Michael is clearly much shorter even though he has on shoes that give him a lot more height advantage over Eddie's much flatter shoes! Michael was at least 5-6 cm shorter than Eddie Murphy who actually really IS 5'9, or 175 cm!
Michael was only about 5'7 or 169-170 cm MAX in his 20's and that's IT! That's also exactly the way he looked with George Lucas too. NOT 5'9, not 5'8...but just about 5'7. Barely an inch taller than a well known 167 cm guy!
And if people STILL refuse to understand this very simple and obvious fact then there's nothing I can do about it. You just go ahead and believe in lies but I'd much rather stick to the TRUTH.
Mr. Kaplan said on 19/Mar/11
Lol. Eddie Murphy has 2 inches on him. Here's to the "5'11"" man.
rey said on 17/Mar/11
i too think that michael jackson was about 5'10 - 5'11
people who met him said he was pretty tall
i think i the history era he was in his best shape
he weight was alot in the history era like 75 - 78 kg
and even his height like 5'11
when he died he still was approximately 5'11"
songoku211 said on 17/Mar/11
Probably 5"9 before his death because he slouches a lot, I think he was a full 5"11 at his peak as he got older he shrunk an inch 'til he became 5"9 in his final years. He's a smooth dancin' brother if you ask me :D
Brad said on 14/Mar/11
As listed a few feet from me. In decent posture and his Bad Boots he can, er could have been rockin' 6 feet easy. Anybody who thinks he was under 5' 9" is being fooled.