Leon said on 14/Sep/07
With his slim frame, the young (semi-black) Michael always seemed 5'10" to me. No shorter.
glenn said on 5/Sep/07
true james.i hear that anthony.
Anthony said on 31/Aug/07
It was around 1984 when Frank did an album with Quincy Jones. Jackson visited the studio. I saw it in a book. I suppose it's not out of the question Frank has lifts, but Frank surely wasn't more than 5'9 in them, and for Jacko to look shorter is something.
glenn said on 29/Aug/07
interesting pic.i dont think i ever saw it.
Anthony said on 28/Aug/07
Here's the pic:
Click HereA bit hard to gauge with Michaels' hair. Frank's eyes and shoulders are over Michael's.
glenn said on 28/Aug/07
thats the most bizzare one yet.
Anthony said on 27/Aug/07
I saw a pic where Sinatra, aged 69 and probably below his 5'7 peak, looked taller than Jackson.
glenn said on 27/Aug/07
now thats interesting pete.cause murphy can look 5-9 to 5-10.tops.
Pete said on 27/Aug/07
in the whatzupwithyou video with eddie murphy, eddie appears taller than jackson
glenn said on 25/Aug/07
i also remember reading 5-9 years ago and thought,wow he really is 5-9 when i saw him.
glenn said on 25/Aug/07
yeah,it was very relaxed.so maybe i was fooled.but he does have a habit of looking 5-9 at times.
ACG said on 24/Aug/07
did you notice his posture when he was in front of you?
glenn said on 23/Aug/07
its possible he is 5-11.plenty of 5-11 people i know can look 5-9 due to posture.but michael has looked 5-9 even in the thriller days sometimes.and 5-9 in front of me.
Jackson Girl said on 22/Aug/07
I am almost certain that Michael is 5'11 for serveral reasonss. Now due to age, stress and his health, he may not be exactly 5'11 anymore but at his prime he was 5'11. His sister Latoya stated that and if you look at Mike in pics with his Nephews 3T he is the smae height as Taryll who is also 5'11. Plus Michael is the third tallest brother out of the Jacksons. Jackie and Jermaine are obviously over 6ft tall maybe being at 6'1-6'2 Marlon, Tito and Randy are all probably in the 5'8-5'9 range and Michael towers the three of them so there is no way Michael is 5'9 unless his body has deteriorated.
sam said on 15/Aug/07
peak height for mike 5'11, now maybe 5'10.5
Sarah said on 18/Jul/07
I think he's got to be at least 5'10, because here he is with Elizabeth Taylor and Nelson Mandela, and Mandela is 6'4!
Click Here
kramer said on 13/Jun/07
Click Herelooks the same height as Mike Tyson in this picture, who is listed here as about 5 ft 9 also
glenn said on 11/Jun/07
thanks guys.ill check that as soon as i get in front of a computer.usher might be 5-8.5 tops.5-8 minimum.
ACG said on 11/Jun/07
yes, markymark is completely right!! check this link:
Click Heretowards the end of the song Usher comes on and there are some very good comparison shots; if anything Usher is taller than Michael....very strange.
And isn't Usher something like 5'8 at the very maximum?
Lifts perhaps? But would they be even possible with all those intricate dance moves he's pulling off?
MarkyMark said on 10/Jun/07
Take a look at this
Click Here Michael singing U rock my world at MSG 2001, at the end of the song Usher join Michael and they dance together , Michael seems not taller then Usher !
glenn said on 9/Jun/07
MarkyMark said on 9/Jun/07
5'11" is absolutly impossible. Have you seen the madison square garden live in 2001 ? At the end , Usher and Michael sing together you rock my world and Michael is not taller then Usher !
Pete said on 1/Jun/07
met him hes 5-10 with shoes one.
ijb7 said on 30/May/07
judging by that pic with Oprah, i give him 5'11"
MarkyMark said on 30/May/07
Michael and Naomi appear the same height in the video "in the closet" but Michael wears small heels and Naomi doesn't have shoes !! I think he's 172 cm and I wouldn't be surprised if he was 170 cm ...
sweetcharity said on 5/May/07
He is 5'10" and like 120 lbs maybe less now--he slouches a lot and it makes him seem shorter 5'10" because Oprah is only 5'6'' and Naomi Campbell is 5'9.5" actually they appear the same height because he is slouching...he was perhaps 5'9" back in the 70s
Brad said on 1/May/07
5' 9" or 5' 10" depends on his posture. He can stand lean & mean and get the height or just drop his body down a bit. Hard to tell.
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/07
He's 5'8 look at the link where the person, taking the picture with him, claims to be 5'8 and she is actually a bit taller than he is.
trueheight said on 8/Apr/07
he's as average as one can get - maybe 5'10 in his 20s (all that dancing is stressful on the spine). Anyway in 2001 in his tribute concert and danced w/ Usher, they looked exactly same in height maybe a little more for MJ
Sumz said on 27/Mar/07
Michael Jackson is 5 ft 11 inches no more no less. He had his loafers on that day no heels no nothing so his shoes may of had half an inch heel on them but he is measured at 5 ft 11 he is no shorter than 5 ft 10.
glenn said on 18/Mar/07
it can work both ways.usually,stocky guys look shorter.skinny guys look short due to slouches.heavier guys have their weight way them down.
Vixan said on 17/Mar/07
Being freakishly skinny,makes you look short I thought being skinny made you look tall being fat made you look short.
glenn said on 19/Feb/07
exactly leonari.i know for a fact they guesstimate too.
leonari said on 18/Feb/07
Joe: police records are taken with shoes on! he had big heeled shoes that day...whats so hard to understand?he is 5'9
Joe said on 18/Feb/07
MJ is 5'10 and a half at least. 5'11 is credible enough. How can you question a police recorded height?
Glenn said on 7/Feb/07
He could be those 5-11 guys that look 5-9 due to posture ala DMX.but I think he is 5-9ish.
Al capone said on 6/Feb/07
jermaine looks around 3-4in taller then 5ft8 shilpa shetty.
Viper said on 6/Feb/07
5-7 is hard to beleive. hes at least 5-9
hb45 said on 6/Feb/07
I just can't believe he's only 5'7". I personnally think he's 5'10" though I consider it possible he's a bit shorter nowadays, but surely not under 5'9". He has often bad postures, possibly due to health problems at his back, making him look a bit shorter than he really is...
tubbs said on 21/Jan/07
Anybody have any idea what height Jermaine is, thought he may be touching 6ft, but haven't had any good comparisons on Big Brother to judge his height.
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/07
i agree with the 5'7. i saw him outside the courthouse where he was tried and my friends and i were all shocked at how tiny he looked........i'm just surprised that the article was from the 80s, i thought he slumped down a little since then and was taller back in the day. he does sometimes wear ridiculously high heels which probably contributes to his "tall" reputation.
hb45 said on 17/Jan/07
Yes MarkyMark, that's true: Michael and Usher seem to be the same height on this photo. But once again, the posture of Michael doesn't seem very good, he's slouching a bit, his head downward. If he stood straight, Michael could be a bit taller.
Glenn said on 14/Jan/07
He was around 5-9 when I saw him.
Megan said on 13/Jan/07
If you want to hear something funny, The Book of People in 1981, lists him as 6'2" and 140 lbs! I doubt he weighted that much even back then. I think he is around 5'9" because sometimes he really does not look like he could be close to 5'10" or 5'11".
MarkyMark said on 13/Jan/07
Hi, Naomi Campbell's height is 5 ft 9.5. In the video clip "in the closet", Michael wears small heels and Naomi doesn"t have shoes and it seems they have the same height (but there's never a perfect view to compare). I think he's shorter thant 5ft9, it would be more realistic to say 5ft8 or 5ft7.5. Moreover Michael seems to be a little bit shorter than Usher Raymond who is 5ft 8 !
hb45 said on 12/Jan/07
The fact that he claimed to be 5'10" (178cm) in his autobiography, plus the fact that the police report put him at 5'11" (180cm) maybe with high heeled shoes are enough to convince me, definitely, that Michael is really 5'10" (178cm) when he stands straight. No way he's only 5'9" (175cm). Some people may have this impression, but it's because sometimes he's slouching.
Jenna said on 10/Jan/07
Michael had boots with *huge* heels at the WMA (as seen in the link below posted by Editor Rob). He was insanely thin at the event. I think he suffers from anorexia or the like. A pity really, if he were not quite so thin, he would probably look quite beautiful.
tubbs said on 10/Jan/07
Seems like Jacko has indeed developed a height complex....when he performed at the World Music Awards in London a few weeks ago, it had in the Daily Mirror a photo of a marker on a wall backstage stating that no one above the height of the marker o be on stage with Michael Jackson....He has seemed a lot taller recently, I think he must be in a lot better shape than when he had his court case, he seemed to look around 5'9 then, looking around 5'11 at the world music awards.
Jenna said on 9/Jan/07
He claimed to be 5'10" in his autobiography, so I think that was correct at that time. I don't think he used to have any problem whatsoever with his height, he was usually in completely flat shoes, and still he towered over lots of people. I can't imagine why he'd bother lying about it. It seems to be a recent change with him, that he tries to be taller, maybe because he lost height. It could also be because the next generation is taller. I was a 6' girl at 15 myself, I towered over every other girl I knew, except one. Nowadays, 15 years later, I frequently run into women who are taller than me. Now with Michael at almost 50.. There is bound to be a difference in the expected height of a man?
hb45 said on 9/Jan/07
Michael Jackson really looks tall, but that's true that he is very thin, making him taller than he really is. But for me, he's taller than 1m75. 1m78 seems a good estimation to me. The height (1m80) from the police report is a good proof that he's surely a little bit over 1m75. So I'm OK for 1m78!
Glenn said on 29/Dec/06
Jackson can look tall.maybe he is a sloucher,looking 5-9,when 5-11.DMX style.Jackson appeared an inch bigger than me.
Jenna said on 14/Dec/06
What's with Michael's recent choices of footwear? If you see him in this clip on yourtube walking on a treadmill his height is enhanced by at least 4".
Click Here But I do not think that is the main point of the shoes, do they indicate a foot problem? They look like they are sculpted specifically to help with problematic feet of sorts? He also had similar shoes in the infamous Bashir documentary, it was very visible compared to the reporters normal footwear. Michael's looked as though they had lifts or something, but that is odd considering he was teaching the reporter to moonwalk in them. :)
Brad said on 19/Nov/06
Stevie's latest was dead out of gate. Radio avoided it cause it meandered aimlessly in a style that was stuck in a ditch in 1989. He needs a Prince to punch his sound up. Put on "Innervisions" and you'll see cutting edge.
Glenn said on 16/Nov/06
I love Stevies 80s output.
J. said on 15/Nov/06
I agree Viper652. "Bad" was pretty much a spotty re-do of "Thriller". He actually though that "Bad" would outsell "Thriller", hence why he reused the formula of that album. That was sign that he was becoming delusional, because NOBODY has a phenomeon of that nature happen to them multiple times. Nobody. The last Stevie album, Time 2 Love, was merely decent (by Stevie standards). But then again, if any younger R&B artist were to release that album, it would be considered the album of their career! I personally think that 1985's In Square Circle, is a classic although most persume his '80s work to be much lesser than that of his '70s wonder years. Lionel's album was weak because he used a bunch of of-the-moment producers. The album was an attempt by Lionel's record company in the US to get him back into the good graces of the US mainstream R&B/pop market.
Anthony said on 15/Nov/06
I haven't gotten the new Stevie cd yet, or Lionel's. I've heard clips from Stevie's new album, doesn't sound too bad, but not as good as what he used to be. I mean, every single 1970s' album from him is a masterpiece. I think when you're an artist of Stevie's prestige, almost anything from him that isn't incredibly groundbreaking the way "Innervisions" and "Songs In The Key Of Life" were, naturally it won't be seen as very good. Just my opinion.
I don't like Lionel's new work at all.
Viper652 said on 15/Nov/06
I thought his "Dangerous" album was better than the "Bad" album overall.
Glenn said on 15/Nov/06
How about the last Stevie Wonder cd? I thought it was awful.new Lionel Richie I didnt like either.liked the 2001 and 2004 cds.
Anthony said on 14/Nov/06
I love "Bad", but everything after that was quite spotty.
5'9 seems right.
J. said on 14/Nov/06
Michael's like Stevie Wonder in that nothing he has released is awful but much of it does miss the mark. Also like Stevie, he has a penchant for mush. The first half of his Dangerous album is pretty much his strongest work since Thriller.
Glenn said on 14/Nov/06
Never cared for this guy.Jackson 5 up until Off The Wall for me.after that it was suger candy for the masses.given,Thriller doesnt suck,but everything after did.sorry.
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/06
Thriller is a sweet album.
admjg8 said on 13/Nov/06
just saw the special on michael jackson collaberating with will.i.am from the black eyed peas. will.i.am is said to be under 5'9 himself and michael looked shorter.....up until about the mid 1990s jacko looked very tall, but now he not only looks like a completely different person(of course) but appears to be much smaller-is this really the same man who brought us thiller?!?!
Stef said on 7/Nov/06
McCartney was 5'10.5 in the 80s, that puts jackson at 5'9" max (maybe 5'8.5)
Annet said on 8/Sep/06
Another thing, if you know the video with naomi campbell, I believe she's taller than michael! Then what is it... Naomi over 6 feet or michael jackson short? Tell me cause I don't know!
Glenn said on 7/Sep/06
Heard she was 5-8.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
Yeah, he's taller there, but he's wearing a hat too! I'm confused right now! He doesn't seem to be much taller I think...
Danny said on 6/Sep/06
Click HereThat is an interesting picture of Jackson and Oprah, who's standing on a box for a photoshoot, and he's still taller than her, is she wearing high heels too? How tall is Oprah anyway? Some say he is 5 ft 2 some say 5 ft 7.
Annet said on 6/Sep/06
I've just seen the old oprah winfrey show with michael at neverland and she's about the same length. But I don't no what her height is!
Brad said on 3/Sep/06
I remember him being very thin close up. He wasn't tall or short, just lean.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
I couldve sworn I was looking down on him.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
If Joe is 5-6,5-7 there is no way in hell he was anywhere close to 6-0.
dumbdude said on 25/Aug/06
can someone please tell me then why the hell the police have him listed as 5 11. Do you really think they would try to protect the secret of Mike's height, if they're trying to book him as a child molestor?
Brad said on 25/Aug/06
5' 9" on the nose. Magic is 6' 7".
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
Michael is 5-9.his father shrunk to 5-7 or 5-6.though some say Joe was 6ft.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
And you are a fool for thinking Magic is 6-9. Hes always been 6-7 tops.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
The 6-0-6-1 claims for Mike are pretty out there. Hes officially listed at 5-10. He looks close to this height or shorter in most pics. Id say 5-9 Max.
tenaciousC said on 16/Aug/06
dumbdude, da 3 beatles minus ringo hovered around 5-10... paul wuz tallest id give him 5-10.5 at best.. makes jacko around 5-9, 5-9.5 at best....
Anonymous said on 16/Aug/06
no offense dumbdude, but your name really suits you.....Jacko is 5'8=FIVE FOOT EIGHT-not at tad more.
Glenn has stated it and also remarked how his father is only 5'6"-now look at photos from the trial of the two walking together, in many instances Michael looks barely taller.
And about Michael being "close to" Howard Stern's height(6'5")-good one I needed a good laugh!
Michael never was and will never be anywheres near 6 foot.
Annet said on 16/Aug/06
leonardi: I don't mean that he would look great with that weight... no please! Just the lengthe would be nice, but I don't think he's over 6 ft I can't believe that.
dumbdude said on 16/Aug/06
If you look at that pic with Jacko and Paul, you see that once again, Mike is slouched, and Mcartney is at a higher incline, yet Micheal still looks about an inch taller!! I may have overestimated Paul Mcartney's height. Paul is probably between 5 10 and 5 11ish. This would still put Jacko at at least 6 ft.
dumbdude said on 16/Aug/06
Yep its true. I'd say he's wearing flats in this pick. And his bodyguard looks to be at least 6 3, 6 4 ish. I'd put Mike at a strong 6 1 in his prime, he's probably shrunk a bit due to poor nutrition and bad posture, but as you can see from the pick below, he's at least 6 feet.
Mike with tall bodyguards.
Click HereStanding next to paul mcartney, who is a strong 6 feet. He actually looks about an inch taller than paul in this picture.
Click Here
leonari said on 16/Aug/06
Annet: thats ridiculous! Jacko is soooo thin. He would look really tall at 6 feet or OVER?? what a joke! Read "Moonwalk" his official autobiography....They state his height there.
Annet said on 16/Aug/06
Wow I never expect he would be that tall! And how cool some of y'all really met him (I'm so jealous!) In his video's he seems very short too. But I think it's nice that his not that short..
dumbdude said on 15/Aug/06
Michael is about 6 feet tall. Maybe a bit over. I remember an episode of Howard Stern where Howard had stated that he met Michael and couldn't believe how tall he was. He said something about Michael being close to his height. I also saw another picture of him back when he was married to Lisa Marie, and he towered over her, even while being slumped over. Mike's always had that Peter Pan complex. So he tries to make himself look smaller and more boyish. Every pictures he's in he's always slumping down, and he surrounds himself by big huge over 6 foot 6 bodyguards to make himself look smaller. So anyway, Jacko definitely a tall guy, he's got the inverse height complex thing going. But what else could you expect from Jacko..
Jenna said on 9/Aug/06
And those are VERY FLAT dance shoes Michael is wearing next to Reagan who's obviously wearing normal dress shoes.
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
Was 1 foot from him at a trial in Denver. 5' 10" is correct.
Mort said on 2/Aug/06
I think he is at least 5 '10, and i have some concrete proof
Click Herethis shows michael jackson with ronald reagan, and reagan has been confirmed as 6'1. Reagan looks to be just a little bigger than Michael
Glenn said on 24/Jul/06
No way was he 6ft when I saw him.5-6 to 5-8 if he had a serious slouch.maybe he was 5-10 in his prime which is close to Michael,and gave me a strange appearence of smaller than 5-8.well Clint Eastwood did some serious 3 to 4 inch shrinking,so anything is possible.
J. said on 24/Jul/06
Joe Jackson used to be around 6 feet so if he's around 5'6" now, he must have done some serious shrinking!
trueheight said on 24/Jul/06
The infamously domineering Joe Jackson 5'6? wow, never imagined
Glenn said on 23/Jul/06
I talked to his father a couple of times.he appeared 5-6.and yes,they have lifts in sandles and Im wont doubt slippers.
leonari said on 23/Jul/06
micahels ather is almost 80 years old now. He lost some height probably.
Darren said on 22/Jul/06
Jackson's height is a tricky one. Could it be possible that he grew in his early twenties? I have seen some old pictures of adult Michael with his father and his father was taller, then about a year ago during his court appearance where Michael came straight from the hospital and he was wearing hospital pants and sandals, and he was taller than his father. You can't have lifts in sandals. so I don't know. I try to find some pictures.
Clive said on 10/Jul/06
Great! You finally downlisted him at his real actual height but you could add,like for M.Douglas or R.Redford,his old height which was probably 5'10...
Clive said on 16/Jun/06
Take a look at this reliable photo with Jackson and Uri Geller listed here as 6'. If he's not 5'9 I won't understand anything...
Click Here
Editor Rob
just note - that senator picture wasn't a real one
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/06
My friend has absolutely no idea. He decided not to question it. Can you blame him? Also, as a recruit, you don't want to make waves.
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
Frank, how did the army mess up by 2 whole inches?
Glenn said on 12/Jun/06
Amen Frank.almost exact situation with my friend.his licence says 5-9.he is 5-7 or a hair under.guess Im 5-10.
Glenn said on 11/Jun/06
Ive been arrested before and they had me at 5-10.ok.they add the boots sometimes.sometimes they ask you.and you fib a bit. or some people believe it or not dont know their own height.Depp told me("I dont know,I forgot"). its not accurate.he is 5-9.we stared at each other face to face.tell em Frank.
Nolifts81 said on 11/Jun/06
I think that Micheal Jackson is 5'9". Years ago he was in Italy at "Gran Premio internazionale della TV" and he was 4.5 inches shorter than 6'1.5 Italian singer Claudio Baglioni(very famous in Italy).
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/06
5'8" for MJ is complete BS. Why he the heck would he be listed as 5'11" on an arrest sheet if he were 3 whole inches shorter? Plus, there would be press referring to him as 'slight' and 'small'. I can see someone downgrading him to 5'9" for bad posture but 5'8" is a little low. He's clearly 5'10". Whether you like him or not. Case closed.
J.J. said on 11/Jun/06
I just saw a clip of Michael Jackson's bad tour where he's performing with his then back-up singer Sheryl Crow, and he's taller than her, anh she's in high heels, plus her hair was like 6 inches thick back then ;)
Jackson seems like a 5 ft 9 guy, he was just on some Japanese tv show which was hosted by some Japanese boy band called smap, and Jackson was a bit taller then all of them, but he was wearing boots I think, so he's probably same height as them, any japanese people around here? Does anyone know how tall the members of smap are? ;) Jackson was also towering over some of the japanese people in the studio, it seemed a bit weird 'cos he's usually not towering anyone but children.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/06
Click HereOn Michael's "life size" statue---"It's 6-foot-4 and he's 5-foot-7."
Glenn said on 10/Jun/06
Frank is right.he isnt bigger than 5-9,thats for sure.
Frank2. said on 10/Jun/06
Try a different computer.
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/06
I'm sorry Frank but MJ as short as 5'8" doesn't compute. It just doesn't.
Frank2 said on 9/Jun/06
Raj, trust me. Jackson is not 5'10". I stood right next to him and he was no more than about 5'8". I was at least three inches taller. And I wasn't alone either. Two other people were with me, one being my former assistant who claims to be 5'10". Rob has seen a photo of him with me as well as others I worked with and my former assistant is more likely around 5'9". He was taller than Jackson by at least an inch.
Clive said on 9/Jun/06
Yes he was but look at the photos I posted with Murphy and Quincy Jones he's currently no more 5'9, I guess he's in the same case that Michael Douglas if you see what I mean...
raj said on 5/Jun/06
seen, sly wears the biggest lifts in the world. hes a short guy no matter if 5-8 or 5-7 and he can reach 6 feet with special huge sole huge heel boots + lifts inside. MJ is 5-10.
Luciano said on 3/Jun/06
I Saw michael at a Viedo music Awards of 1995 , and he looks the same height of Slash(5,9.5) , who is on his left side in a part of the show... mj is a strong 177 cm
5-10chick said on 3/Jun/06
i have met michael jackson before, and he has a soft speaking voice and I shook his hand and he seemed tall to me like 5'9 and I was a bit shorter
lizzie said on 19/May/06
i thought he would be about 170cm or something like that, he looks much shorter in his music videos than what he really is:) but i like him just the same:D:D:D
Seen said on 16/May/06
If Stallone is 5'9 Jackson CAN'T be over 5'8 !!! take a look at this website where Michael is clearly 1inch under Sly, no doubt he has to be underlisted :
Click Here
Editor Rob
yes, this is true, but then you never know what's in sly's shoes, sometimes he can look 6ft in pictures
Styxfan said on 13/May/06
He's a walking skeleton and suprissly it doesn't give him a taller illusion. Why does being slim on other people give them a taller illusion.
Clive said on 9/May/06
yes of course now you can change or not but if Murphy and Douglas have been underlisted, I think Jackson must be downgrade too !
Clive said on 7/May/06
You will find me insistent but I found another photo with Jackson and Quincy Jones only listed as 5'5 and Michael doesn't look very taller than him...
Click Here
Editor Rob
ah, that is a case of underlisting this guy...Glenn had mentioned he appears nearer 5ft 7, and I wouldn't argue that much...
Angel said on 6/May/06
hes about 5'10. I saw him about 12 hours ago.

Editor Rob
I thought you were
Vin Diesel's sister...you mean, Jacko was paying a visit to Diesel to buy Bubbles back from him?
Clive said on 4/May/06
Ok so now look at this photo with Bill Clinton currently listed as 186cm and tell me if he looks more than 175cm ;)
Click HereI really think you should do with Jackson like you did with Douglas, 5'10 when he was younger and 5'9 up to now !
Clive said on 2/May/06
When you look at Frank2's photo with Sinatra (5'8.5)you don't manage to imagine that Michael could be 5'9.5... When he sang "Rock with you" he looked 177cm but up to now he can't be over 175cm but that's only my opinion !
Jared said on 20/Apr/06
He's not broke anymore, he negotiated some new deals regarding the atv-catalog with sony. He's very soft spoken and friendly, he acts a bit weird with people, it's no wonder, considering the life he has lived. When I met him he was a little taller then I would have expected, I'm 5 ft 11 and he was shorter than me, not much though, I'm terrible at guessing height so I would say 5 ft 9 - 5 ft 10, and as far as I could see he was wearing his trademark "dancing shoes" so there were no lifts or heels. He sometimes wears boots, and heeled shoes, but I don't think he does it because he wants to be taller, to me it seems he has no problem with his height.
Frank2 said on 16/Apr/06
Jackson's chief driver/body guard is one of Marlon Brando's sons. Jackson is nearly broke. I know since we have our cars serviced by the same shop and he couldn't pay his bill so they kept his limo until he could come up with the money. It sat there for weeks. While it was there I got into the backseat and couldn't believe how garish it was. Talk about bad taste!
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
When I met Jackson just outside the Fox scoring stage, he shook my hand in the weakest manner imaginable and this little girl voice emerged saying "Hi. Nice to meet you."
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
He is very sweet.his security will try to tear your head off before you can get near him.no photo with.I was threatened if I asked him Id be thrown in jail for harrassment.people have photos with him.not many.one friend of mine has one with him inside his limo!

Editor Rob
I guess when you get to the level of fame that Jackson had, the security becomes 'trigger happy' so to speak...
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
Some people have viciously argued with me that he is 5-11.I stood shoulder to shoulder with him.he is 5-9.unless he has cobain syndrome.

Editor Rob
did you ever shake his hand, what's he like with fans/auto guys actually?
Clive said on 25/Mar/06
Therefore, in the final analysis, Michael Jackson is 5'9 without any doubt!
You know I'm currently 5'9 and I can make the difference between a 5'9 man and a 5'9.5 man, of course with my shoes I'm as well 5'9.5 and I'm sure it's the same thing for M. Jackson up to now !
Clive said on 25/Mar/06
Rob you have exactly found the photo I wanted to show on my previous link between Murphy and Jackson among all the photos there are on your link !!!
I copied the link of this photo and hope it will appear this time :
Click Here
pena said on 24/Mar/06
I put the picture with Jay Z here:
Click HereI agree, he looks like a solid 5 ft 9 in some pictures, but then again, when his with Sammy Davis jr. Oprah Winfrey, Tina Turner, Usher or Yoko Ono he can easily look 5 ft 10. I don't know what to think about it, I can't sleep until I know the truth :|
Our only hope is to get Glenn to meet with Michael and tell him to stand straight while taking a picture ;)
Joe said on 23/Mar/06
Click HereHere's Michael Jackson and Slash I believe. Slash isn't standing straight, but he's also wearing boots and that hat and fluffy hair, and Jackson has his almost flat dancing shoes. For a while I thought Jackson could be shorter than reported, But now I gotta say that he really doesn't look under 5 ft 10 there :|
qwerty said on 22/Mar/06
Here's Michael With his nephew T.J. Jackson, who's reportedly 6 feet tall. Allthough Jackson is wearing boots, he's still taller, either T.J. is shorter then reported, or Michael's taller. If Michael wasn't wearing those shoes, he might be as tall as T.J. in that picture, and if T.J. added 2 inches to his height, then Michael's really close to 5 ft 10
Click Here
Clive said on 21/Mar/06
Rob I really don't understand how M.Jackson can be listed as 5'11 on his mugshot whereas he's not ? The police station has certainly forgotten to measure him or it's impossible...
Click Here
Editor Rob
I mentioned this before, but there is no 'set way' the booking will lay down a height. It could be by asking the man, checking his driver license or having him stand beside the wall height chart and using that...8 and a half stone for Jacko is very light even at 5ft 9
Clive said on 15/Mar/06
Oups my photo doesn't appear on the link and I really don't understand why I don't manage anymore to connect myself on the site where I found this photo...
This photo showed Michael receiving award from Eddie Murphy for his album "Bad" in 1990 for ones who know what I'm talking about.
Clive said on 14/Mar/06
Rob if you've listed Murphy as 178cm you CAN'T list Michael as 177cm after the photo I found where Murphy has more 1cm than Michael...
M.Jackson is definitively no more than 175cm !
Click Here
A-Bomb said on 14/Mar/06
I've always pictured Eddie Murphy as around 5'9". But, I have to agree with J for a second. In that doco Jackson did actually look suprisingly tall and did seemingly wear low heeled shoes. Maybe though Bashir is infact only 5'4". But, the photo of him next to Nancy and Murphy I have to say makes him look 5'8ish.
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
jackson had the ID plate around his neck in every newspaper in the world.it said 5-11.I agree,no way.both murphy and jackson are 5-8.
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
I seriously doubt they placed Jackson against a height chart. Anyone ever see a mug shot showing that chart behind him? I doubt we ever will. He's a big celeb and celebs always get special treatment. I'm sure all the officers were busy getting his autograph while he was being booked. And Eddie Murphy is 5'9". I seen him up close. Jackson is no more than 5'8". I stood and spoke with Michael and he was a lot shorter than me. And Murphy says he's 5'10" which means he's shorter. If he was actually 5'10" then he'd claim he was 5'11". That's the game. As far as the postage stamp goes, who knows what either of them were wearing, standing on or for that matter if they're were digitally placed together at that height just to make the stamp look better. I stuck it there just for laughs. Anyone know what country that stamp belongs to?

Editor Rob
Mongolia, or the republic of Tuva, somewhere over there
J. said on 13/Mar/06
Michael's 5'10"!!!! He's no shorter. The picture with Eddie Murphy is not a good one to deduct his height listing by as Jackson is clearly slouching. If you watch the Martin Bashir special that ran a few years ago, Michael is a good 4 inches taller than him and throughout the special, Mike only wears low heeled loafers. There's no way, Jackson is shorter than 5'10". Don't let his frail frame and piss poor posture fool you.
leonari said on 13/Mar/06
Mike ain't taller than 5'9"...Never was , never will be. He his so extremely thin but has good body proportions that he comes along tall on screen. When Michael is not dancing and out in public he often wears stylish boots with heels. They look ugly but if thw police measured him with these kind of shoes it explains the 5'11. He is 5'9".
qwerty said on 13/Mar/06
In that picture with Eddie Murphy, it looks like Jakcson isn't standing quite straight, Judging from his feet, and looks like he's slouching a bit, I think if Jackson had stood straight he would've been Murphy's height. I've noticed from some pictures, that Jackson doesn't allways have the best posture, he's slouching alot.
He also seemed to be shorter when he was younger, allthough he wears some boots and high heeled shoes from time to time, but when he's wearing normal shoes he still seems to be taller than before, could it be possible that he grew? Didn't puberty hit Michael later than usual?
Does anyone have pictures of him when they arrested him and handcuffed, the police measured him to be 5 ft 11 with shoes on of course and flat hair.

Editor Rob
it is unclear how they 'arrived at' the 5ft 11, be it from asking him directly, checking his driving license or having a guy look at him beside the wall-chart and saying 'yep, 5ft 11'
A-Bomb said on 13/Mar/06
Yeah I've seeing photos of Jackson next to Reagan, Bush 1 and Clinton and Carter - next to them all he looked maximum 5'9" (he looked the same height as Carter). Actually I think some of those photo's are in the History album booklet if anyone has it (which also has him looking only just a bit taller than Steven Spielberg as well in one instance if memory serves correct).
Clive said on 13/Mar/06
Rob you could even have changed Michael's height to 5'9 your photo with Murphy proves he's no more 175cm without his shoes of course...
Clive said on 13/Mar/06
By the way Frank2 you didn't put Michael's photo with his Reagans in your last comment...

Editor Rob
Clive said on 13/Mar/06
Rob, Frank2 is right, if Frank Sinatra is listed as 5'8 how can you list michael as 5'10 with the photo shown by Frank2 ???
Frank2 said on 12/Mar/06
Are you kidding? The man is Sinatra and he was about 5'7", wore huge lifts that made him about 5'9". Here's Michael with the Reagans:
Click HereIf Michale was 5'10" I'll eat his glove!
Clive said on 12/Mar/06
Frank2 : HOW TALL is the man on Michael's left ???
Frank2 said on 11/Mar/06
Better change your stated height for Michael. Here he is with "ol' Blue Eyes" himself in a shot used for a postage stamp:
Click HereMichael is no more than 5'8".
Clive said on 9/Mar/06
Glenn I know it's hard to meet Michael Jackson in person but if you can, could try to take a foto with him like you did with the others ones thanks!

Editor Rob
isn't Jacko living somewhere abroad these days...
Clive said on 7/Mar/06
I agree with Anonymous, people tend to add 1 or 2 inches on their real height!
So 176-177cm could be a good approximation...
Frank2 said on 2/Mar/06
Michael is no more than five eight and a half. I've met him. I got a very timid handshake from him. He's even weirder in person! And Francis Coppola is not six feet tall. No way! More like five ten.
joe said on 1/Mar/06
Whoops, apparently I forgot to post the picture :)
leonari said on 28/Feb/06
joe:here is a picture.WHERE is it??
Johny said on 24/Feb/06
Why don't you guys just read moon walker, Michael is 5'10" not on the nose but he's not 5'11" he says so in his book.
Lorelle said on 7/Feb/06
Okay i talked to this woman in new york and she worked with michael And said that he was 5'11.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/06
I worked around michael in the early 90's when he saw a play in manhattan, I'm 5'11", he was around 2 inches shorter than me and about 145lbs. Working as a peace officer,being able to estimate these things is part of my job.
tgri said on 3/Feb/06
i say jacko is 5'10 on the (plastic) nose. will he ever serve 5 to 10? lol lol.
Height Detective said on 20/Jan/06
LJP said on 6/Jan/06
Im 5'10 and he's a tiny bit taller than me.
Gotxo said on 2/Jan/06
I saw a picture of his driving license and it stated 5'11", can anyone how do they get that height in america? It is asked to the owner of the license or is he measured in any way (in europe there's no such thing on those cards)
Joseph said on 1/Jan/06
I think Michael jackson is 5ft9" (175cm). and between 5ft10" (178cm) - 5ft11" (180cm)when wearing shoes. has he ever stated his own height ?
Glenn said on 1/Jan/06
I forgot,when I was a kid,I read he was 5-9.
Glenn said on 1/Jan/06
ive seen him look 5-9.not sure of this 5-11.possible.but fishy.ive seen him in the flesh.
Viper652 said on 11/Dec/05
Yeah, the 5-11 on his mugshot pretty much confirmed that his real height in barefeet is 5-10, so his 5-10 listing is correct.
Creep said on 12/Nov/05
I don't remember where, but I have seen a picture with Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey standing side-by-side, and Mariah was taller by couple inches. But maybe it's the posture.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/05
Lorelle, thats crazy. MJ is 5-10
Lorelle said on 9/Nov/05
Michael Is 5'11 but when he stands straght he's 6'0, with no shoes on. His shoe size is 10 12 and he did way 100 but now he ways around 115 and up.....yeah he gaind weight!!!
MD said on 26/Oct/05
Jackson was easily this height as a younger man, but he hasn't taken good care of himself, and is always in bad health. He's also permantly stooped, now. And, I'd seriously doubt he's this tall anymore. The only thing making him looking taller these days is his almost ghoulish figure (125 pounds and under when he's not taking care of himself).
Beat it!! said on 25/Oct/05
I have no clue how tall Jacko is but his shoe size is 8 1/2 and I'm 5'5" and my size is 9 1/2 (though I'll probably grow more without my feet getting bigger). Also one of the jurors in his recent case described him as "a very small man with lots of energy." The juror was a 50 year old female horse trainer, so she was most likely not a giant herself.
leonari said on 25/Oct/05
Well VIC I actually have seen him in 1993 at Eurodisneyland he seemed no thaller than 175 cm! With shoes on (often higher heeler boots these days) he is indeed 180 cm. But not without shoes. Come on!
Vic said on 25/Oct/05
Have you met him leonari?
It`s always difficult to say how tall somebody is if you don`t stand right in front of him or her... it`s always speculation.
I saw him briefly in London and I`d say his height is about 5`11``/ 180cm.
leonari said on 24/Oct/05
Never 5'11 Vic,Never!! He is 5'9" and he looks it.
Vic said on 23/Oct/05
MJ is really 5`11`` but like Leonari alreday wrote, HE HAS A TERRIBLE POSTURE RIGHT NOW. Another reason why he doesn`t look like 5`11`` is his weight. He`s much too thin!!!
He looked very tall during the HIStory World Tour.
TheMan said on 27/Aug/05
He actually could well be 5,11 but he has terrible posture and only stands near 5,9 when walking. Being quite frail he loses centimetres when walking around. If he was healthier i think he would actually be nearer to 6 foot.
leonari said on 11/Jul/05
He is often also wearing some kind of boots when in public. On stage always the same thin soled dancing shoes but in public sometimes boots with 2 inch heels. Jacko is 5'9" on the mark!!
Gotxo said on 11/Jul/05
Yeah Raj, that makes a lot of sense. When you get your driving license done you're
a normal citizen geting one of his rights, not a dangerous criminal who's asked to get barefoot and treated in a rude manner. Or has someone asked to remove his shoes for such a thing?
Gotxo said on 10/Jul/05
I saw once michael's driver license pic and it stated 5'11" i remeber it because i thought he was a tad smaller. Was this measure taken with soes on? Humm.
Eggplant said on 9/Jul/05
Michael Jackson is no 5'10. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I saw his wax statue at Madame Tussaud's and he was 2-3 inches shorter than myself at 5'10. I'd say 5'7-5'8.
J.J said on 15/Jun/05
He was acquitted because Sneddon and co. made a balls up of the prosecution case.
I think Jacko is more like 5'9"
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/05
It seems as though money can buy anything these days. It can buy a not guilty verdict. If Jackson was a clean man with no crimes, he shouldn't of even been involved or in a court room. There must be some truth to the allegations of child molestation. And even if its the most miniscule of truths, it is of paramount concern for these poor children. My heart goes out to them. People should stop feeding Jacko's and other similar people's ego. He is shameless and dishonest. Just because he is a singer people think he is innocent. He is wrapped in his own needs and emotions that he only feeds his undying lust from external support. Someone should really test his innocence when his guard is down. Why couldn't someone video tape the proof. Why oh why. Jacko you are one of the many self centered, egotistical and shameless people this nation has to accept. I don't know what he stands for and If he had children would he like it if someone molested them. Or is he the type to molest his own children. Jacko is not a man, his height has nothing to do with what he stands for, whether he's 5' or 7'. F U jacko.
maddy said on 7/Jun/05
to Lawrence : it's not because you're obcessed with Star's height that they are too.
His height has never been a problem for him. He's always with his dance shoes (mocassins) which are less than 1/2 inch tall.
EJ said on 9/Mar/05
His mugshot says he's 5'11". But then again, that could be with shoes on.