Sharuyan said on 19/Aug/22
I do believe his head could of been 13 inches long it's that huge he does not look like a human next to guys his height or even taller, Maurice Tillet really grew out of control would you presume his head was longer than Great Khali?

Editor Rob
It might be longer than Khali's, or if he lived a few years longer maybe lower skull would have grown another fraction.
Sharuyan said on 7/Aug/22
If you seen a 5'5" woman with a 10" long head wouldn't you assume she has a case of Acromegaly?

Editor Rob
Not necessarily, though it would be quite rare.
Mickie said on 28/Jul/22
Being measured at 174.4 cm, yeah he should be listed in the 5'8.5" - 5'8.75" range.
Sharuyan said on 26/Jul/22
What would is the difference of Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) & Acromegaly Gigantism despite both disorders work the same but function differently??

Editor Rob
I haven't read much really on the topic of Sotos, but it seems quite earlier growth disorder in the life cycle.
RoelC said on 25/Jul/22
Editor Rob
Not sure what the 'head length' or 'head height' measurements comprise of, as it can't be a normal top of head to chin measurement.
No they didn't take a measurement from head to chin. Apparently that's not a standard measurement in anthropology. Head length is the length from the front to the back of the skull and head height is the length from ear to top of the head.
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Editor Rob
The figures make sense based on those anthropology definitions.
RoelC said on 24/Jul/22
Maurice Tillet was examined in early 1940 at Harvard University by a team of scientists led by professor Carleton S. Coon. They took all types of measurements including his height, which was recorded at 1744mm (equal to 5'8 2/3").
Picture of his measurement (Tillet was in his socks):
Click Here
Summary of his measurments:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Appreciate you finding the stats!! His immigration claim was right after all!
Not sure what the 'head length' or 'head height' measurements comprise of, as it can't be a normal top of head to chin measurement.
Leighton Tang said on 23/Jul/22
@Daniel Lee But with a quarter inch higher average guess. (I think what MJKoP means is that Mike Myers voiced Shrek, who was based on The French Angel)
Jesica said on 22/Jul/22
Mickie said on 15/Jul/22
Adult onset acromegaly where head and feet grow giant, but the height stays the same as it was originally.
That's correct. When the growth plates fuse(close), a person is done growing in height, but excess growth hormone secretion after they have fused will cause the bones to become larger/thicker. This is the condition known as acromegaly.
Gigantism occurs before the growth plates have fused, so a person can get very tall. Andre the Giant had gigantism in his youth, and acromegaly in his adulthood. Maurice only had acromegaly, that's why his height was average.
I've seen Maurice's height listed anywhere from 5'6-5'9. I think he looked 5'7.5-5'8.
Daniel Lee said on 19/Jul/22
@MJKoP Ironically he is listed 1 inch shorter than Ed Sheeran
Sonnecker said on 17/Jul/22
I believe more in the estimate of 174 cm than the 5'6" one, considering pictures and videos i watched....
So, before having more informations, I'd go with full 5'8".
Sharuyan said on 17/Jul/22
Would you dare put him in the tallest men category with other tall men and giants of the page despite that Tillet was only 5'6.5-5'7'' tall his physical stature and features were those of an 7 foot+ giant (similar to Paul Wight and Andre The Giant) body wise (long jaw, hands, feet, chest, torso and overall body structure??

Editor Rob
I suppose if you had a category related to the subject of acromegaly directly it would make sense, but it's stature, so it would be illogical to place him in the tallest men.
toddd0461 said on 16/Jul/22
The head of this guy makes it look like he's easily over 6 foot, but he's only in the 5'7" range, which is very interesting.
Mickie said on 15/Jul/22
Adult onset acromegaly where head and feet grow giant, but the height stays the same as it was originally.
Sharuyan said on 15/Jul/22
It's about time you gave Maurice Tillet a page he was a giant of man for such a short stature do you believe his head was 13.5'' compared to normal sized folks around his height??
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Editor Rob
Compared to some people, it didn't seem that big...but then maybe in later life his head had reached a bigger size, and the bust was true to size.
Also head tilt will have bigger effect on how large his head looks in photos. See if somebody can find his measurements.
Daniel Lee said on 15/Jul/22
Editor Rob
Could he have been 5ft 8? I think the average in France in his era was probably about 171-2cm range.
His head was very huge. I would to say he was probably 5'7.25" but not over 5'7.5".
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 15/Jul/22
He has the head of a giant but is just 5ft 7. Apparently a rare case of acromegaly with only some features growing.
Linke said on 15/Jul/22
His acromegaly was detected late, that's one reason why he wasn't too tall. Same case with Lars Sullivan, the former WWE wrestler who looked similar to Maurice and was 6'0-6'1.
Leighton Tang said on 15/Jul/22
Hi Rob, what height would you place him at if he had a normal sized head for his body proportions?

Editor Rob
I'd still have said under 5ft 9 with normal proportions.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 15/Jul/22
Did he have some sort of condition? His head looks huge for a 5'7 fella.

Editor Rob
Acromegaly, leading to an extremely big skull.
Harold the 6'1 Green Man said on 15/Jul/22
His face proportion really makes it look like he is over 2 meters tall but thankfully we get to see his whole body, 5’7 is quite reasonable although I do believe 5’6.5 is a possibility
Daniel Lee said on 15/Jul/22
@Rob Knowing Triple H at 53 has lost 1 inch, could Tillet be over 5'7 in his 30's? Men those days lived less years.

Editor Rob
Could he have been 5ft 8? I think the average in France in his era was probably about 171-2cm range.