American Basketball player, who played for Utah Jazz. He once said "You want an exact it's about 7-3 and 3/4's...[Ralph Sampson] is in the neighborhood of 7-1"
7ft said on 4/Jun/22
Ohzks said on 5/Apr/22
Tall man..
So sad
I say 7'4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Sep/21
Yeah Canson, off-court it’s probably no picnic...especially on public transport, driving, finding clothes, beds, furniture...basic living arrangements...Wadlow-esque up to a point...
King Spattan said on 11/Sep/21
How long do you think his head was?

Editor Rob
could be a good 11 inches range
177cm said on 22/Jul/21
RIP to the great Mark Eaton. Near 7’4” at his peak
Canson said on 14/Jul/21
@Chaos and Rampage: maybe I’d try for a day or two but that’s about all lol. Thank God I wouldn’t have to stay at that permanently
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 13/Jul/21
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/21
7ft3¾....God, I'd love to test-drive that baby for the day
Yeah I can imagine being 220cm+ would be pretty fun. I’d try it for a week over a day though, it would let you get a bit more used to moving around and living at that size (surely if you’re that tall you’ve gotta weigh at least 280 pounds right)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/21
7ft3¾....God, I'd love to test-drive that baby for the day
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 25/Jun/21
Arch why don’t you prove Neil had longer legs than Mark then?
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jun/21
If Fingleton only had a 42 inseam do you still think Eaton was 44-45? I would have guessed 44-45 for Fingleton and around 42 for Mark.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jun/21
Actually Neil Fingleton's inseam was "only" 42, and he was 7'7 range!
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jun/21
It is true Viper, but then two of them were both 93. Nobody under 80 died. I don't think it helped, put it that way... Didn't Neil Fingleton say he had a 44 inch inseam? At 7 ft 7 and half? That's what I was thinking of in relation to.
viper said on 20/Jun/21
Yeah I would guess 44 or so
viper said on 20/Jun/21
"three older people in my distant family have died weeks/months after having it now..."
Point still stands. If that were true they would be airing the sirens big time
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 20/Jun/21
I wonder what inseam Mark wore, at least 40 I'd have thought.
Oh it would be way more ham that. This site’s very own Rampage is nearly a foot shorter than Mark Eaton and has a 39 I think. Mark’s was easily 45”
Arch Stanton said on 18/Jun/21
Not necessarily, a small minority of people have had blood clots on the heart and brain to the point they stopped administering the AZ one in most European counties. Obviously it's only a small percentage affected though as it's 1 billion odd people vaccinated now.
I wonder what inseam Mark wore, at least 40 I'd have thought.
viper said on 17/Jun/21
LOL, there would be a national emergency If what Arch said was true.
Chaos 6'2 1/2 said on 15/Jun/21
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jun/21
Very sad indeed to hear that he died. He was one of the most normal looking out of the legit giants, looked a nice guy too. As normal as you could possibly get for near 7 ft 4!! NBA site says "apparent" accident, don't seem convinced. No vehicle involved in the incident, it was on a bicycle not a motorbike.. You don't die from falling off a bicycle unless you're going 50 mph downhill!! Hope it wasn't a heart attack/related to the vaccine, three older people in my distant family have died weeks/months after having it now...
Don’t bring vaccine stuff into this, it’s not proven to cause any ill effects
viper said on 14/Jun/21
Uhhh Arch, they didn't die from the vaccine lol
Arch Stanton said on 9/Jun/21
Very sad indeed to hear that he died. He was one of the most normal looking out of the legit giants, looked a nice guy too. As normal as you could possibly get for near 7 ft 4!! NBA site says "apparent" accident, don't seem convinced. No vehicle involved in the incident, it was on a bicycle not a motorbike.. You don't die from falling off a bicycle unless you're going 50 mph downhill!! Hope it wasn't a heart attack/related to the vaccine, three older people in my distant family have died weeks/months after having it now...
Canson said on 2/Jun/21
@Viper: good observation
Canson said on 2/Jun/21
@Viper: he lived to be 64 and died and a motorcycle accident. It wasn’t something like a heart attack or stroke
viper said on 1/Jun/21
No, it sounds like he may have had a heart attack and fell off the bike
He was found unconscious
mark thompson said on 1/Jun/21
@viper he died in a bike crash, life expectancy at his size had nothing to do with how he died with all due respect.
viper said on 31/May/21
Sadly, life expectancy isn't going to be long at his size
ChaosControl 6'2.5/189.2cm said on 30/May/21
He died? RIP big man. 7’3.75
recapa said on 30/May/21
7ft3 peak RIP.
Antonio55 said on 29/May/21
SeanR said on 29/May/21
Hi Rob,
Heard Mark died yesterday or today. RIP
7’3 3/4”

Editor Rob
Sad to hear of his passing.
Jam said on 29/May/21
Rip big Mark.
Mr.Saucer said on 29/May/21
recapa said on 15/May/21
i think that the 7ft3 3/4 figure that he measured in his peak was a morning figure .here is an old shrunken mark eaton with a 7 foot rudy gobert
Click Here looks max 2 inches taller making him around 7ft2 at best today.and i doubt that he shrunk as much as 2 inches already. 7ft3 peak, 7ft2 today.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/20
Click Here
The guy on the left is 6 ft 4!!!!
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/20
Now this is what you call a legit (natural) super giant. Doesn't look freakish in proportions or ill. I see Rob has 210cm as the cut off point for the Tallest Men category which I agree with.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Apr/20
Will Foster is listed 7'5 and described it every place but had a feeling he doesn't look much taller than a peak 7'3 3/4 Mark Eaton.
emre celep said on 21/Dec/19
today 221 cm
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Jun/19
Rule him out to be 7'3.25" now.
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Feb/19
Now 7'3", w/ 7'6.75" Manute Bol...
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Nov/18
Not anything above 222cm now.
Mickie said on 29/Jul/18
7-3.75 in his playing days. Could be 7-3 flat today.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/Jul/18
He still claiming 7'4 on IG. i bet he already came down 7'3 3/8.
VicLions said on 21/Jun/18
Hey Rob, will Bill Russell get his own page, he was sometimes under billed at 6ft9 but he appears the exact same height as Tim Duncan. I feel he might be 6ft9.75.
Bobby G said on 9/Jun/18
Looks to be about 3 inches shorter than 7-6ish Bradley here
Click Here although Bradley may have the advantage with camera positioning. I would say he is closer to 7-3 these days (he is 61) could have definitely been closer to 7-4 in his playing days though, definitely a massive individual.
VicLions said on 6/May/18
I do think he is the legit 7ft3 3/4 he claims to be.
Kevin C said on 13/Apr/18
Yes he is close to 7-4. Big man and he looks proportional.
Canson said on 15/Mar/18
Strong 7’3
Guanzo said on 29/Nov/17
ncaa said on 23/Nov/17
You can see another picture with Thurl Bailey,
Click Here
ncaa said on 23/Nov/17
That's NOT possible
Click Here Thurl Bailey in the middle is 208 cm
Click Here Rudy Gobert is 213 cm
he is not 10 cm taller than him.
He just can't be that tall.
VicLions said on 19/Nov/17
Yup Eaton is honest about his 7ft3.75 height. Look at how he towers over Karl Malone, and Hakeem Olajuwon.
Canson said on 25/Oct/17
@Junior: don’t forget Gheorge Muresan and Sun Both
Junior said on 24/Oct/17
Mark Eaton must be on the list of one out of 100 tallest american men out there beside Shawn Bradley.
Oanh said on 22/Sep/17
Still looks nearly 7'4" to this day.
Guanzo said on 20/Sep/17
Mark Eaton with 7'1'' Rudy Gobert
Click Here
Guanzo said on 20/Sep/17
Mark Eaton with 5'4'' girl
Click Here
feez said on 17/Sep/17
He met 216 cm french basketball player Rudy Gobert. Nothing more than this listening
Bobby said on 17/Sep/17
Wouldn't wanna be that tall personally.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 16/Sep/17
That is some giant...
G 5'11 said on 15/Sep/17
Honest near 7'4 guy.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Sep/17
Exactly a foot taller than peak Clint Eastwood and John Wayne LOL!!! It's really a crazy barefoot height!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Sep/17
Nice one. Him and Shawn seem quite angry with Yao and Ralph being listed at their heights. This looks legit with Bill Walton. Extremely rare for a man to naturally be this tall and healthy with a strong build. He looks the most normal guy of this size I've ever seen.