Jackiman said on 25/Apr/24
"The tallest matchup in NBA history wasn't several weeks ago when 7-foot-6 Shawn Bradley lined up with former Miami center Manute Bol, who is also 7-6. It was last week, when the Sixers met the Bullets. That meant Bradley was going against 7-7 Gheorge Muresan.
It seems there's some debate as to who is the second-biggest player in the NBA, anyway. 'I'm taller than Manute,' Bradley said last week. 'I don't know if he's shrunk, or I've grown or whatnot, but we measured up side to side, and I'm taller. I don't think Manute's 7-7. I don't think he's barely 7-6. As someone who is there said, `Manute, you're not the king no more.'..." (Deseret News, Feb 9, 1994 )
Canson said on 27/Nov/23
7’5.5 combine. Maybe this is his lunchtime since he can lose more than avg?
Vioxns said on 30/May/23
Vnso said on 27/Apr/23
7'6 wheelchair man
Bcms said on 24/Feb/23
measured 7'5.5(227.3)
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 4/Feb/23
@Rob If i remember correctly, Shawn Bradley was measured at 7'5.75". Do you know something about it?

Editor Rob
There was a video once I remember and a guy standing on a chair.
Joanis said on 1/Jan/23
This man I would say is 229-230cm. I hope he’s doing well
Lanky said on 19/Sep/22
He’s doing amazingly well with his recovery and now has movement and dexterity in his hands again, which is great. Interestingly he has said his height has been a big road block to his early recovery, as there’s no medical precedent for quadriplegia for people of his size.
Daniel Lee said on 18/Jul/22
7'5.25" at low
7'5.75" at noon
Daniel Lee said on 18/Jul/22
Shawn wins the lottery in CH, because he is listed 7'5.5" and 7'5.75" in basketball sources
Canson said on 9/Jul/22
@Shane: I wonder if Bradley grew? But he did measure 7’5.5 so
Maybe Yao is 7’4.5 or 7’4.75”. Tacko Fall is listed 7’6 now so not sure what they did. Fall likely fell under 7’5 if 7’5.25 was his combine especially that tall of a person
Shane Gray@ said on 7/Jul/22
@Canson I see no way that Bradley is not easily over an inch taller than Yao
Shane Gray@ said on 7/Jul/22
@Canson Bradley basically called Yao 7'4" when saying if Yao is 7'6" them I'm 7'8". I see Yao is 7'4 1/2" max afternoon.
Daniel Lee said on 29/May/22
do you know about Chuck Nevitt? a natural dinosaur guy. is he taller than 7'5 Tacko Fall? Similar to 7'5.25" Yao?
Canson said on 28/May/22
@Daniel Lee: I have Tacko and Yao about the same. Both 7’5 flat at their lows. But Yao could be a hair taller than him
FriedChicken said on 27/May/22
He gained a lot of weight after being paralyzed. Hopefully he'll be healthy again soon.
Daniel Lee said on 25/May/22
A 7'5/7'6 guy could loss 1/2 inch from 5 hours out of bed to his* low height. I would to say Bradley is/was more like 7'5.25 at low and a weak 7'7 out of bed, i dont think he was measured at low.
Bol was 7'6" or 7'6.25" (DaftExpress)
Bradley (being a fraction under 7'6) is very similar to Bol's height and even Muresan who is 7'6.5".
However Ming and Tacko not. Ming is probably a hair taller than Tacko.
Canson said on 24/May/22
@Daniel Lee: I would also lean toward the sub 7’6 measurement being more accurate for him. Rob probably estimated what he is around lunch here. He’s probably something like 7’5.5 at his afternoon/evening like he measured. As for Yao that’s probably also around what he could potentially measure at lunchtime. Guys their size may lose another half inch between lunchtime and afternoon/evening or near that. I personally agree with you and would list them 7’5.75 and 7’5.25 on balance and their lows are probably 7’5,5 and 7’5” flat respectively. I believe Gheorge Muresan is 7’6.5 since that’s what he measured and he’s got Bradley by about an inch. I’ve seen Muresan up close twice I believe. Once I was right in front of him walking right past him and the other time I was a few hundred feet away. I cannot estimate his height as even at a hair 6’4” he still has a good 14+ inches on me even if he’s only 7’6.5. That would be about 14.25” if that’s Muresan’s afternoon/evening
Canson said on 24/May/22
@Daniel Lee: I would also lean toward the sub 7’6 measurement being more accurate for him. Rob probably estimated what he is around lunch here. He’s probably something like 7’5.5 at his afternoon/evening like he measured. As for Yao that’s probably also around what he could potentially measure at lunchtime. Guys there size may lose another half inch between lunchtime and afternoon/evening or near that. I personally agree with you and would list them 7’5.75 and 7’5.25 on balance and their lows are probably 7’5,5 and 7’5” flat respectively
Daniel Lee said on 23/May/22
he has been measured 7'5.5" and 7'5.75". i would to say he is at most 7'6 flat at noon, but i can see 1/2 inch between him and Ming. after his measurements i would go with 7'5.75" and 7'5.25" (noon height) for Bradley and Ming
Canson said on 23/May/22
@Daniel Lee: I’m not sure what he really measured. I’ve seen 7’5.5 and 7’6.25” on 60 minutes. He could’ve measured that being he can lose maybe close to 2” in a day. It wouldn’t surprise me if he woke up to 7’7 or over and got down to 7’5 1/2” or so
Daniel Lee said on 22/May/22
Bradley was never measured 7'6.25, that clip shows a measurement with a bad angle of camera
Caleb ~179cm said on 15/Apr/22
Click Here
How tall are these guys with Shawn Bradley and Mark Cuban? :o None of them have combine/draft barefoot measurements listed on the net.
Daniel Lee said on 4/Feb/22
Is he 7'5 nowadays? 7'4?
Duhon said on 20/Jan/22
Eerie coincidence he and fellow retired NBA giant Mark Eaton both in tragic accidents while riding bikes. Mark killed, Shawn a quadriplegic.
Canson said on 11/Jan/22
@Editor Rob: Bradley also has a 7’5.75 on file. I bet Yao is 7’5.25 like he originally measured
Canson said on 11/Jan/22
@Chaos: that may have been when he wasn’t finished growing though since it was 1989
mordor said on 15/Nov/21
I think 229CM is fair for him.
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 19/Jul/21
Depending on what kind of mood I'm in, I'm 7-4 or 7-5
Chris Junior Hernandez said on 12/Jun/21
He wouldn't have a chance to walk again but a push for standing up however he can still be over 7'5.
Jam said on 17/Mar/21
Just found out he's paralysed after being hit from behind by a car. Massive condolences to big Shawn
Rapha said on 3/Feb/21
Hi Rob
I wonder how much do people who are as tall as Shawn Bradley (225-230 cm) shrink when they reach their 70s or 80s ?
Do they shrink more than the average sized people ?

Editor Rob
If you look at someone like Kareem abdul, he's done well into early 70's, not losing too much really.
Remlinger said on 21/Nov/20
I doubt he is really a full 7'6 or 228.6 cm at his low. Sports measurements are usually done in the morning, and since he is extremely extremely tall, he might loose like 3 cm from waking up to evening. So my guess would be 227-228 cm afternoon height.
J2Frenzy said on 31/Oct/20
I think he was trying to expose Yao Mings over inflation
Vincent Caleb said on 30/Oct/20
Shawn bradley’s height perception must be off, since he was barely taller than Yao. No way there is 2 inches.
Canson said on 29/Oct/20
Then why does Rob still have Bradley listed taller than Yao? At some point you would think a “brain” would kick in
Canson said on 27/Oct/20
@Junior: His posture probably isn’t great but must be really bad if that’s the case. I posted a pic of Young and John Wall once. People who’ve met Wall who live in the area claim he’s “max 6’2”. One of which said he looked 6’1.5-6’2 range just like a former poster SJH described him when he met him. He looks Noticeably smaller than Beal too. But here is Young with Michael Kidd-Gilchrist. I almost don’t think the pic is real being MkG measured 6’5.75”. Young can pass for 6’4” or less at times but I think he’d be at least my height. He also physically doesn’t look 6’5” imho. He doesn’t give off the same vibe as someone like Draymond Green or even Kobe. I need to search for the pic with Wall. Viper commented on it too but I don’t remember who’s page it was on now
Click Here
Canson said on 26/Oct/20
The picture with Bradley was taken after “said” 7’5.75 measurement. Clearly it was a morning height where Bradley’s 7’5.5 is for sure a low. I could argue 7’6” for him but not Yao
Canson said on 24/Oct/20
@Editor Rob: lol I wonder who that may be. Both on this page and Yao’s
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Oct/20
@Canson Nick Young isn't really shorter than Kobe. Nick posture isn't at his best most of time. I have see picture of Nick with 6'3 1/2 Joel McHale and there is 1.5" between them. At worst they're both 1/4 lower.
RJT said on 16/Oct/20
Bradley is taller than Yao, I give him that but not by 2" or even 1", Rob list them just right at 1/2" difference.
Click Here
I'm sure y'all already saw this pic, in that pic Yao was relaxing while Shawn staunching and had his head tilted upward, also consider Yao's bigger head, that could give impression Shawn was 1" taller but if you look at the top head, Shawn was barely taller there,
Even with 7'7 Mureshan, Shawn looked taller
Click Here
No need to explain honestly, Shaw was staunching as hard as he could with head tilted upward to the max while Mureshan slightly hunched with head tilted downward, that's easily 1" height exchange.
6'3 Julian said on 14/Oct/20
What about the abundance of photos where he looks under 7’8?
6'3 Julian said on 10/Oct/20
It’s cherry picked because it’s the only one you take into account.
Nik Ashton said on 14/Sep/20
I love being 5’7.25”!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 5/Sep/20
@Van Halen
Canson said on 4/Sep/20
Muresan actually was
Alienx1995 said on 20/Jul/20
@Daycringeothon, Actually, Bradley has a younger brother named Justin who's 6'10" and a younger sister who's 6 feet tall.
Daycringeothon said on 18/Jul/20
Fact or not Bradley has an older brother 6'7''-6'8'' he mentioned once.
p.s. the average basketball players' height is very likely rounded up to 6'7'' in the NBA. For them to say their players' "average height " is 6'7'' just sounds more appealing than 6'5''-6'6''.
Alienx1995 said on 28/Jun/20
Check out this interesting article about Bradley. He seems to have won the genetic lottery.
Click Here
Andy5'91/2 said on 4/Jun/20
Looks slightly taller than george to me i give him a fraction a solid 7’6 3/4
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/May/20
If Yao got a 1/2" upgrade, so should Bradley. (although I'd prefer Yao being brought back to 7'5", and Bradley kept at 7'6")
Alienx1995 said on 4/May/20
@Dream, in that picture muresan is closer to the camera
Canson said on 4/May/20
Yao is not taller than Bradley. It’s the other way around
Dream said on 3/May/20
He looks shorter than Gheorghe Muresan.
Click Here
Alienx1995 said on 29/Apr/20
@Editor Rob, at the 3:25 mark of this video Bradley looks legit 7'6". m.youtube.com/watch?v=-addBVHvMok
Canson said on 8/Apr/20
Hanov said on 7/Apr/20
Rob, so 7'6 1/8 is believe for him, what about a 7'6 1/4 list?
Editor Rob
It depends on what time you measure him...he's surely over 7ft 6 9-10am range.
If he measured 7’6.25 and 7’5.5 it’s a question mark. Maybe he grew or maybe the 7’6.25 was early morning. People that size shrink a great deal but Yao was not as tall as him. Maybe not 2” but Bradley was around an inch taller

Editor Rob
Some of these extremely tall men could have a shrinkage between 1.75-2 inches during the day.
Basketball fan said on 2/Jan/20
He always seemed full of him self and wanting to be the tallest
Basketball fan said on 2/Jan/20
7’6” seems good for Shawn
Alex Katch said on 26/Dec/19
- Tallest Germans -
8' 0⅞" Julius Koch
8' 0" Anton De Franchepoinct
7' 9" Walter Straub
7' 8½" Thomas Hasler
7' 8" Maximillian Christopher Miller
7' 6" Shawn Bradley
7' 5¾" Georges Jean Kieffer
7' 5" Stefan Prietz
7' 3¾" Konstantin Gerhard Klein
7' 3½" Jakob Nacken
7' 3½" Rolf Mayr
7' 3½" Oliver Narr-Bolduan
7' 3" Gunther Behnke
7' 2" Marianne Wehde
7' 2" Sophie Kaltwasser
7' 2" Tibor Pleiss
7' 1¾" Kurt Zehe
7' 1" Kaatje van Dyk - Annie Haase
7' 0½" Robert Maras
7' 0½" Patrick Femerling
7' 0" Dirk Nowitzki
6' 11½" Joseph Schippers
6' 11½" Robert Kromm
6' 11" Ernst Otto Paul Herold
6' 10" Elfriede Fischer
6' 9" Caroline Welz
6' 8" Katja Bavendam
6' 7" Dora Helms
6' 6½" Amalie Schulte
Alienx1995 said on 15/Dec/19
@Cedric 172 cm NO, Bod is naturally tall. His dad is 6'8" and his mom is 6'3". I've chatted with him over the internet. However, I don't believe he's 7'8.5" barefoot. This is a trailer for a reality TV he's trying to launch. Notice at the 39 second mark, he's measured with his boots on.
Click Here
Alienx1995 said on 14/Nov/19
Hey Mr.Rob, have you heard of Bob Wegner. Apparently He's the tallest person in the US. He claims he's 7'8".5, but in this video he gets measured in his Boots on. Notice the thickness of his boots.
Click Here

Editor Rob
At 1 minute mark, in that photo with the other tall guys, he could look 7ft 8ish
MihaiG said on 20/Oct/19
@Height and @Canson, my guess it’s both the angle and Muresan not having a good posture makes Shawn appear taller in that pic, here Muresan looks taller
Click Here
even though its the same picture as this one that @Height posted, readding here for ease of use
Click Here also the angle where Shawn seemes taller. Just shows how the angle amd other factors come into play. Perhaps a little shoe advantage as well.
FMExTREME said on 15/Oct/19
Looks max 1 inch on Yao Ming and a few here claim Yao might be 7’3 3/4 does that mean at a low Shawn Bradley is in the 7’4 range then?
I would guess 7’6 in the morning and a solid 7’5 1/2 afternoon height.
Canson said on 28/Sep/19
7’6.25 is something he would measure at some point in the day. However he also measured 7’5.5” at some point in his career
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Aug/19
Yao Ming is max 7'4.5", maybe as low as 7'4"... 100% not 7'5".
Nik Ashton said on 7/Aug/19
It’s great that he is honest!
Nik said on 9/Jun/19
Actually the world is built for people who are my height and Rob's height! The 🌏 should be built for all heights though, because human height is so diverse and all heights are special!
Erik C. said on 15/Mar/19
I'd say legit solid 7'6" for Shawn.
Especially when you see him next to 7'4" Yao Ming.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 7/Dec/18
Shawn was definitely 7'6", he was taller than Yao Ming and barely shorter than Bol and Muresan. He was the third tallest player in NBA history and unlike most extremely tall people, he is a healthy and normal guy who is just naturally very tall. What is his shoulder height?
Canson said on 7/Jul/18
@Shane: Very well said! I loved the entire post because you hit all points here! I agree that he could be that out of bed. I’m curious as to when his measurement took place or if maybe he grew a touch after entering the NBA. I remember you said on Kevin Love that some players may not be true afternoon heights even if measured later in the day on the years the combines have been held later in the day. Now with Bradley though, I can’t see him doing that. I would see a better possibility of growth or of him having measured truly earlier in the day if he’s 7’5” range. But that’s my entire argument on Yao Ming as well! He could have lost a heck of a lot at his size and after a game even, only be 7’4” ish
Shane said on 7/Jul/18
@Canson was that 7'6 1/4" a barefoot measurement? Secondly, I love how Bradley loves his height. But that brings me to another point: most guys I know who love their height or care about their height tend to round up, not down. Obviously there are exceptions. That said, if he was ever measured 7'7" out of bed I cant imagine him not wanting to be listed 7'7" or 7'8". We know the vast majority of basketball heights are shoe heights but if he measured 7'6 1/4 barefoot then obviously his isnt. Another thing to consider: perhaps his 7'6 1/4" (if barefoot) measurement was basically early morning or out or bed. He had a long torso. Being so so tall with a pretty long long torso he might possibly dip from that to 7'4" flat range by night after a game (extreme low) and use a shoe listing. It would be complicated to try to list these guys who are around 7'6" due to what is likely to be a huge height range from out of bed to night. For example, let's say his 7'6 1/4 was barefoot and early morning but he could measure 7'6 1/2" out of bed. If so it would be pretty standard to list him 7'8" in shoes. But let's say he could dip to 7'6 1/3" barefoot. One could round that down and list him 7'4" (which I seriously doubt he dipped that low but let's say 7'5". So that would be a 4 inch range of possible listings from 7'5" to 7'8:. Crazy!!
Canson said on 27/Apr/18
@Height: that’s odd. He does in fact look taller in that pic. Chris Webber described Muresan 7’6” before too
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Apr/18
7 foot 6 sounds freaking tall like a goliath.
baseballfan said on 11/Apr/18
I would guess 7'6" seeing him next to others in the 7'3" to 7'6" range, pictures I mean, not in person.
Height said on 29/Mar/18
Looks apparently taller than Muresan:
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Dec/17
Guys Bradley measured 7’5.5 and 7’6.25 so that could either be that one was a morning height and one later in the day or could be that he grew. He isn’t 7’6.75 if he measured those measurements in his 20s
Logan said on 18/Dec/17
Shawn is in the middle of Manute Bol and Yao Ming, To be precise he is about 7'6.4
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/17
Bradly is 7,6.75
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/17
Click Here How tall is Henrik Dettman in the middle ?
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/17
Click Here
Is Thurl Bailey a legit 7ft (211) ? Seems too much
Junior said on 24/Oct/17
When he quoted "I'm 7-4 or 7-5" in 1989 he was only barely 17 years old or under. Bradley born in 1972 and must be around 7'4.5" at the time he quoted and grow about 1.5" when reached full adulthood.
Canson said on 22/Oct/17
@Christian: you’re prob right he could be 7’7 out of bed and 7’5.5 at his lowest
Bennett said on 21/Oct/17
Bradley is 7ft5.5 not more
Height Sky said on 25/Sep/17
@Christian 6'5 3/8
He claimed that at 17, he looks like a legit 7'6 guy and is possible he grows 1.5 inch at 17. I can look one inch taller than Yao Ming.
dat_boi said on 21/Sep/17
that's a natural 7' footer right there no health issues just pure genetics
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 15/Sep/17
Strong 5ft9 is right. Bradley was measured 7'5.5", so that means he can't be anything over 7'5.5" at his lowest. He even claimed to be 7'4" or 7'5". I'm not buying 7'6" for him.
Canson said on 21/Jul/17
@Even: yes
even said on 20/Jul/17
he is the legitimate 7 foot 6 man
Strong 5ft9 said on 10/Dec/16
Hey Rob, you do remember that he did got listed at 7'5.5" in his socks at one point, right?
Click Here

Editor Rob
guys that height could probably vary half inch over a few hour span.
MoHaa said on 26/Sep/16
Hi rob,please add margo dydek,she is the only female who was above 7ft,she was 7ft2 to be more specific.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Sep/16
Catering for the giant enthusasists I see, it's a sort of type of brand of celeb heights isn't it with many websites dedicated to it, they're probably stealing a lot of your customers Rob! Can't say they fascinate much, I'd be more fascinated by a Nathan Jones or Kevin Nash type in person I'm sure, over 7 ft guys just tend to look ungainly or ill. I doubt even the "6'5 is short" type mentality posters here would really want to be as tall as this!
Good for him for outwardly embracing his height, but I think no doubt inside at times it must bother him, seriously, I can't even begin to image how difficult it would be to do a lot of things at this height. Getting everything to adjust in your own home is OK, but anywhere in public and it would be a nightmare wouldn't it? The every day little things, like pushing your son on the swing or sitting down to play guitar etc. It would be a really tough life I think. I suppose if he doesn't have serious health issues or acomegaly then it might be a bit sweeter though, but he surely can't love being 7'6 all the time.

Editor Rob
There were a few notable giants, people like Bradley and Bol still without a page, so they deserve to have one of their own really.
Maybe for him, the benefits/attention of being that height can outway the problems of everyday life such a height brings.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/16
So wait, if he claimed to be 7'4" or 7'5" in that 1989 article you have up top, then why don't you have him listed at that height Rob? Maybe he's legit 7'4"-7'5" and 7'6" in basketball shoes?

Editor Rob
he was about 17 then, so I think topped out at around 7ft 6, you can see old 90's clip with
Andy Rooney.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/16
Another 7ft6er…
slothee said on 23/Sep/16
Spot on listing! Saw him at Orlando International Airport a few years ago and he had to duck under the gate sign above the main walkway. One guy commented as he walked by "He must be 8 feet or something!". He did look very tall, but not quite 8 feet... I'd peg him at around 7'6" as well.
S.J.H said on 22/Sep/16
Honestly he only look 7'6 with shoe the more i see him. He only look at best 3cm taller than Yao and the 2" illusion is due to face level because Yao facing down and Bradley face a little up on the back to back picture