supes78 said on 20/Mar/06
Yeah, this dude is still an incredible specimen in person. Hands down the most buffed guy I've ever met. Although he wasn't as tall as I'd assumed, he was still very imposing and a hell of nice guy. He was the only celeb that was willing to get of their chairs from behind the tables and come pose with fans standing up, shaking hands or embracing. I have some video I shot of that day where I was talking to him for 15 minutes about the show and his thoughts on the 2002 Hulk film. He said is was good but it lacked the heart of the 70's TV series. I couldn't have said it better myself.
bobm said on 16/Mar/06
he's not as big as he used to be during his hulk days and pumping iron and stand tall of course he's around 54 or 55 but is a great specimen in his own way and i would like to see a hulk movie sequel with him having a more onscreen cameo it would be real neat.
bobm said on 16/Mar/06
lou is on the king of queens once in a while playing himself i saw him on an episode oh bout a month ago and is still looking good these days probably shrunk over the years, any way victor willams who plays deacon is tall himself bout 6-5 6-6 at the most and has an inch or 2 over lou in an earlier episode about a couple years ago e although i never saw them stand together so i can't get a read that may give us an idea because they are both tall men.
J-Dog. said on 16/Mar/06
Lou only 6'2" - look how much taller he is than Eric Bana, and you guys can't just say "I chalk it up to lifts" where is the proof within that?
supes78 said on 15/Mar/06
Our sandals were pretty flat (less than 1/2 inch thick) and his tennis shoes had bigger soles so he had a 1-inch advantage for sure. Our sandals were very similar to these, just a different brand;
Click HereI will say putting him at 6'3.5" is certainly closer to his real height than his inflated height listings at all other sites so I guess listing him any shorter without somebody actually busting out a tape measurer is out of the question.
elio said on 15/Mar/06
I certainly agree with you that Ferringo was not 6'5" in his prime, and I appreciate that you've seen this guy in person... but judging from your pics (and others like it) Ferrigno looks at least 6'3". The fact is that Tennis shoes really don't give much height advantage. Many sandals will actually give more height than your average tennis shoe. So I think the editor has this one pretty accurate at 6' 3.5".
supes78 said on 14/Mar/06
True, Lou was leaning into us in the pics but my brother and I were wearing sandals while he was sporting tennis shoes so I'd say that evens things out. I've got video of him too and it's clear that he was not towering above anybody as you'd expect someone in the 6'5" range to be. I don't doubt that in his prime that he might have been close to 6'4" but these days, definitely 6'2" tall.
elio said on 14/Mar/06
If Lou's neck was straight in the 2nd pic, supes78 wouldn't even come up to Ferrigno's eye-line. It has to be a 6-7 inch gap.... making Ferrigno 6'3" - 6'4"
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/06
I agree 100% with Danimal. I`ve always thought about this when supes78 showed his photos, Lou isn`t standing straight in any of these. I`m a little bit shorter than 5'10" myself and have my best friend to be 6'4". When we stand straight side by side the difference between us is about the same as shown in these supes78 pics.
To me these pics only showed more evidence that Lou was close to 6'5" in his younger years.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/06
Are you kidding me? Lou is totally leaning into you and your friend and is still about 5-6" taller. If he were to stand straight, I believe that he would be at least 7" taller than you guys. 6'4" isn't out of the question, but probably 6'3" and change these days.
Frank P said on 12/Mar/06
supes78 "Ferrigno was broad as hell but not at all close to 6'5" in height...
Schwarzenegger can't be taller than 6 foot since Ferrigno always had a couple of inches on him."
I agree on both counts. Lou and Arnold.
supes78 said on 11/Mar/06
I'm 5'9", and I'm the guy on the right. My brother's about 5'9.5" and he's on the left. Ferrigno was broad as hell but not at all close to 6'5" in height. Meeting Ferrigno leaves no doubt in my mind that Schwarzenegger can't be taller than 6 foot since Ferrigno always had a couple of inches on him.
Frank P said on 10/Mar/06
DDann "...and there is no way in hell that he is an iota taller than 6' 2"!"
Thank you, thank your breath of fresh air! I say the same thing. I spent an entire afternoon with him and I'm saying he was 6"2 that was around 1985! People, I swear to heaven he had STANDARD 2" COWBOY BOOTS ON! With that he was 6"4. There's no-way he's as tall as listed. I don't know why this is such a hard pill to swallow for some. Last time I me anyways, 6"2 is still tall. You want to say 6"2.05? Fine. For a half inch who cares?? As far as the attempt to measure him next to Bill Bixby. I hate to say this but Bill Bixby always looked pretty small to me guys. I doubt he was 5"10. Many times on the Hulk show, he's within an inch of the same height as the leading lady in the episodes. I understand the whole high-heel thing, but he still looked punitive to me. Look at the old episodes of My Favorite Martian and Courtship of Eddies Father.
DDann said on 8/Mar/06
I stood beside him at the latest (2006) Arnold Classic and he was at least an inch shorter than me and, more likely, 1 1/2 to 2 inches, shorter. I am exactly 6'3" in bare feet (used to be 6' 4" but age...) and there is no way in hell that he is an iota taller than 6' 2"! Unless he's had spinal discs removed (just joking of course) it's impossible that he was ever close to 6'5". His ol' buddy Arnold is closer to 5' 10". I have a good friend who stood beside him at an autographing session in Washington D.C. The friend is an honest 6'0" and he said that Guv. Arnold was about 2 inches shorter than himself.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
Ive Seen Him Sitting.but I always thought he was 6-5.
supes78 said on 5/Mar/06
I met Ferrigno recently (see my my pics with him way down below) and I put him at around 6'2" today. But back in the day, I could see him being 6'3.5" tall. 6'2.5" in his prime is a little hard to accept just based on all the footage I've seen of him from the 70's.

Editor Rob
I'd forgotten to put that pic near the top. Which guy are you again? left/right?
Alex said on 2/Mar/06
I find 6'2.5 for his prime very hard to believe. The man was an easy 6'4 at least in his prime. Now 6'2.5 I could agree with for his height today.
Frank P said on 23/Feb/06
Arnold is no more than 6"0 tall. I've always felt that way. Some accounts on other celeb height sites DO say 5"11. Dave Dupre' was 6"0 who I've met personally. He was in Pumping Iron. In a group picture he had shown me of all of them together(barefoot)Arnold DID look a smidge shorter than Dave. I'd say maybe a half inch. Which would put him under 6"0. But for a half inch, who cares.
Bob said on 14/Feb/06
I think Arnold and Lou had an agreement: Arnold 6'2" and Lou 6'5".That's our story and we're sticking to it!
phil said on 12/Feb/06
If Ferrigno is only 6'3", then Arnold is less than 6' tall. Lou is much taller than Arnold in Pumping Iron and you can see it in several scenes. Lou may have shrunk as many do as they get older.
Jason said on 11/Feb/06
Yeah, I agree with 6'2 1/2'' in his prime.
Viper652 said on 10/Feb/06
Jason, he might have just been 6-2.5 in his prime.
Jason said on 10/Feb/06
Yeah, reckon he's 6'2''. Don't think he was ever much taller. I'd put the pic where he's taller than Eric Bana down to lifts.
Alex said on 8/Feb/06
6'4 in his prime and now more 6'3 I'd say.
Frank P said on 3/Feb/06
You know what? For an inch who cares. Lou's hair-style gives him another inch really. Think about it, Jason2 is 6"3 and they were eye level right? At 6"2 he could still be eye level. I have friends thT re 5"9 and we look exact eye level. At the same time friends that are 5"11 and I look eye level. Either way Lou isn't 6"4.
Danimal said on 3/Feb/06
Apparently he was just over 6'4" in 1994. That's the last I heard his height being listed. During his Hulk days, he was listed at 6'5". I give him about 6'3" today.
jason2 said on 1/Feb/06
I shared a gym machine with lou in 1993 (we alternated sets of standing calf raises-why he was doing thoses after having calf implants don't ask me...).
We were both wearing very similar style running shoes and we were eye to eye exactly.
I'm 6 feet 3 inches barefoot and have been since age 15.
Danimal said on 30/Jan/06
I give Big Louie 6'3" today, or maybe just shy of 6'3".
Frank P said on 30/Jan/06
Nothing "absurd" about it. I spent an afternoon with him, you didn't. I've never measured more than 5"10. I was being hypothetical with adding a .05 inch. As far as his boots? I repeat it was the standard 2 inch heel that you see in every shoe store cowboy boot of that nature. NOT up for interpretation, all you have to do is look down at his feet and I did.
Dave Dupre, bodybuilder who often trained with him is a level-headed guy. He had photos in his house of him and Lou. Insisted that Lou was only 6"2 as well. So believe what you want.
elio said on 30/Jan/06
Celeb heights lists him at 6'0", but suggests he could be a full 6'1".
Ferrigno looks only to have an inch on him there... so unless the floor is in favour of Nolte and/or he's wearing some big shoes, Ferrigno could be under 6'3.5".
I'd suggest trying to find some longer shots of these two together... or perhaps trying to find out Nolte's true height (he hasn't been 'evaluated' on here that much).
Personally I always thought Nolte was well over 6ft.. he seemed to tower over Eddie Murphy in 48 hours.
Danimal said on 29/Jan/06
How tall is Nick Nolte again?:
Danimal said on 29/Jan/06
I agree with you Elio. All that throws me off today is Hogan who is struggling with 6'4" today appeared to be 1.5-2" taller than Louie in pics of them together from last year. Hogan in his prime was definitely taller Lou Ferrigno. Hogan was a 6'5"-6'6" man and Lou was 6'4.5" MAX. Today Lou looks MAX 6'3" next to Hogan and looks much closer to Arnold Schwarzenneger's height then ever before. I provided a pic of them from 1974, whereby Lou was at least 3-4" taller than Arnold, but today, that no longer is the case. Maybe Lou has shrunk over the years. He is in his mid fifties after all.
elio said on 28/Jan/06
6'2" is absurd.
If you were 5'10.5" (as you claim) wearing 1 inch shoe then you would be 5'11.5".
If Lou Ferrigno was 6 inches taller than you that would make him stand at 6'5.5" . Deduct 2 inches for his shoes and that makes him 6'3.5"
In addition, your evidence is based on the assumption that:
a) Lou's shoes definately gave him 2 inches of height ,
b) your doctor accurately measured you,
c) that he was only 5-6 inches taller than you.
d) that your shoes only gave you 1 inch
Too many variables for this to be an accurate estimate.
Rick said on 27/Jan/06
The answer to Lou's height is the Hulk tv show! I began questioning Ferrigno's height as I became older and watched videos of the Hulk Tv show. During those years Lou is at the prime of his height. Moreover, he was barefoot or wore green slippers in all episodes. Clearly, standing next to other actors Lou isn't near 6'5". A point no one has made is that a person as wide as him will appear shorter, but I'd give him 6'3" at best. There's episodes and old tv footage of Lou standing next to Bill Bixby and he only appears about 3-4 inches taller. Bixby was 5'10" to 5'11" tops.
Frank P said on 27/Jan/06
Joe, "I think Arnold wanted his height inflated and therefore Lou's was inflated." I agree Joe, and that makes a lot of sense to me.
Joe said on 22/Jan/06
In pumping iron Ferrigno looks 6'2 to me. He's definitely tall but to me he doesn't look 6'5. I think Arnold wanted his height inflated and therefore Lou's was inflated.
Frank P said on 22/Jan/06
Guys I have an interesting input to this topic. This may probably rock a lot of perceptions of Lou's height. Those of you saying 6"2 are correct and here's why I am saying this. I met Lou in person and spent an afternoon with him in 1985. I worked at a healthclub that was having a grand opening and he was there to sign autographs and sell autographed posters of himself. Now we shook hands and were introduced. Staff photos were taken and in one, I was standing next to him. Now, he was in fact (and believe me I looked)wearing tan cowboy style boots with standard 2 inch heel. I just had my physical at the doctors last month and I am 5"10 barefoot. I am here to tell you that, oh yeah, he was 6"4 that day...WITH THOSE BOOTS ON! The height when I was facing him was that of someone who was 6"4 next to me. The photos further evidenced what I thought. Now consider, I had Nikes on so add an inch for me. This was 1985, so I may have been like .05 of an inch taller right? Bottom line, going by me talking to him, and the photo he was about 5-6 inches taller than me. No more than that, period. Again, this is with those boots on. So take them off and Walah! He's 6"2. I also met Dave Dupre' in 1980, a former Mr. Universe contender. He was a friend of an Uncle who I was visiting at the time. We talked a bit, and he used to work out with Lou on occasion. He is 6"0 even and insisted that Lou was no more than 6"2. Now after I met him I totally agree.
Danimal said on 18/Jan/06
1974 Mr. Olympia with Lou Ferrigno and Arnold:
Gramps said on 15/Jan/06
While I agree that advancing age does not, by itself, cause significant height loss (at least through a man's 50s), I do believe Ferrigno is at least one inch shorter than he was in his early twenties. I have reported elsewhere that my own height has diminished less than 1/4" into my late 50s, despite a lower back injury at age 19.
TheMan said on 14/Jan/06
I don't know if people really do lose that much height my grandad has alwasy been and still is 6,1 at 64. Im 5,10 3/4 5,11 at times and he's still 3 to 2.5 inches over me. And he had a hard job and even suffers with back pain. But he's height hasnt really decreased.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
Ferrigno is still 6'3" and change today. There's no way he is less than that. He has not undergone any surgeries that I am aware of. Well, he did have those calf implants in 1992 ;)
elio said on 11/Jan/06
There's a lot of casual evidence to suggest that 'heavy' squats (those around double a person's bodyweight) can compress discs and reduce height. However, like most people with long legs, Ferrigno found squats trickier than shorter bodybuilders and generally prefered to use other exercises for his legs.
If Ferrigno is 6'2", then Eric Bana is 6'0 1/2" . Unlikely.
Gramps said on 11/Jan/06
Elio: so how long would it take two trains leaving the station four hours apart...
Jason said on 10/Jan/06
285lbs today?? Guess you haven't seen recent pics of him lol.
Danimal said on 9/Jan/06
Elio, you convinced me. BTW Elio, not to argue your points, but just to add my two cents, Lou's lowest bodyweight in his adult life has been 220 pounds and the man was still quite muscular even at that weight. His heaviest weight was 325 pounds, which was RIGHT after his 1993 Mr. Olympia competition, where he weighed an impressive 318 pounds and the following year at the Masters he was 298 pounds and was listed as being slightly over 6'4" at that point and that was 11-12 years ago. The man is 6'3" and change today and from what I last heard, he maintains a heavier bodyweight now, then he did in the eighties. I last read that he was 285 pounds. In the eighties he was between 250-275 pounds on average.
Jason said on 9/Jan/06
Well, it's only common sense, elio. The more weight you're carrying, the more pressure will be exerted on your bones over your life time. I think you realize that lugging around 300lbs of bodyweight - be it fat or muscle - probably isn't good for you. If you're a fan of pro bodybuilding then you know the kinds of health problems the pro's have.
elio said on 9/Jan/06
Here we go again, more completely unproven claims that being heavy can squash your skeleton right into the gound. Perhaps if all 300lbs was completely on his skull this could happen, but surely not when it's evenly distributed along your entire frame? If anything, wouldn't the muscle around his spine would slow down compression through age. Of course there is no evidence either way.
I've noticed that non-bodybuilders on these boards seem to make lots of narrow-minded random claims about how damaging bodybuilding and having muscle is. Similar to how people that don't watch R rated movies or play videogames often have a very negative opinion about those mediums.
If you have NO EVIDENCE about something, then please don't state it as a fact. Instead, write it as your opinion. Saying that you 'may have seen a study a while ago' is not proof.
Gramps said on 23/Dec/05
After lugging around 300 pounds for 30 + years, I'd say losing two inches is reasonable. Keep in mind the tens (or hundreds) of thousands of pound he has lifted, all compressing joints against one another.
Danimal said on 21/Dec/05
He is not 6'2" today. There is just no way he has lost that much height, unless he has had some serious back surgery. He was always listed at 6'5". Heb claimed he was 6'4 1/2" and I have a 1994 issue of Muscle and Fitness where it states that he is just over 6'4"..Has the man lost 2 inches in 11 years. I highly doubt it. He is probably 6'3" and change today. No less...
Gramps said on 21/Dec/05
I think you're right, TNT. About 6'4" in his prime but down to about 6'2" today.
TNTinCA said on 19/Dec/05
I saw an episode of Nightcourt recently and it had Lou in it. He was standing next to John Larroquette who I believe has been listed at 6'5". I would say there was a good inch to inch and a half of difference between them. Footwear was not visible; however, based on their attire, I would guess that John was wearing dress shoes while I believe Lou was in wrestling shoes. (He was portraying a wrestler in that episode) That being said, flatfooted, I think Lou never quite reached 6'5" as they claim. Probably reasonable that he maxed at 6'4".
LiL D' said on 18/Dec/05
I was watching My Wife & Kids recently and Lou Ferigno was in a jail scene with Damon Wayans. Lou was about the same height as Wayans who is supposedly 6'3.
Jason said on 29/Nov/05
That's correct of course, as well, Gramps. There's nothing healthy about lugging around 300lbs of steroid-induced muscle.
Gramps said on 28/Nov/05
If you're carrying around 300 pounds on your skeleton, it doesn't matter if it's all muscle, all fat, or all feathers, it's still 300 pounds being pulled earthward by gravity, with your skeleton holding it up!
Jason said on 28/Nov/05
Yes, A-Bomb is right. I remember seeing a study that looked at the bone health of competitive powerlifters, and it found a staggering 50% of those tested in the study had the early stages of osteoporosis. Given this many actually had the beginnings of the disease at a young age, you could conclude the percentage will go far higher as they age. Some weight lifting exercise is beneficial to the bones, but taken to the extreme (i.e powerlifting and bodybuilding style lifting) it's actually detrimental.
A-Bomb said on 28/Nov/05
Though doing weights can help your posture, in the longrun, however, all the heavy lifting body builders do can have an affect on their back and in turn their height. Weight exercises help develop the muscle in the back, but they don't help the cartelige in our spines. When we get older and lose height it isn't the lack of muscle in our backs that makes us shorter, but the amount of wear and tear are cartelige has suffered over the years. So Lou probably still has better posture than most, but it's still possible that due to the pressure placed on his back over the years he has lost more height than people in other professions would have. Though you know it's not a golden rule and there may be other reasons
Danimal said on 27/Nov/05
His bodyweight hasn't pulled him down gramps. IT was always lean muscle and bodybuilding actually improves the posture quite a bit...I don't know what we can account Lou's height loss too. UNLESS, he has gone through some major back surgeries as Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant did...
Gramps said on 27/Nov/05
Some guys don't shrink much, others do (especially the bodybuilders!) Look at Gene Hackman as an example of a guy still near his peak height. I, myself, am the same age as Arnie, and at 6'0" barefooted, have lost only about 1/4" from my early twenties height. Lou is shockingly shorter now compared to what he was in the '70s. As I said, I think carrying around 300+ pounds of muscle for 35 years has pulled him down. IMHO.
bobm said on 26/Nov/05
i agree lou has probably shrunk over the years i guess we all do when we get older but he still is very big and is still way taller than arnold i think you have to meet someone in person to get a real view of somebody lou was chosen for the hulk because of his tremendous physique and for his height at 6'4 or 5 he was big enough at the time, 7'2 richard kiel was supposed to play the hulk but he didn't have the muscles that lou had so he was chosen over.
Danimal said on 26/Nov/05
Hey Gramps, I did read in the Guiness Book of World's Records back in the early 80's, where Arnold S. was listed as having the most symmetrical body, at a height of just over 6'1" and 235 pounds in competition form, with 22" + arms and a 57 inch chest, 29 inch thighs, 20 inch calves, etc....So, he was listed at that height 20-25 years ago and surely he has lost height since then...My Dad who was once just shy of 6'2", is barely taller than my 5'11 3/4" brother...Almost 2 full inches and he is slightly younger than arnold by about 4 years...It's quite possible that Arnold is struggling with 6'0" today, however he was the exact same height as Clint Eastwood a few years back at an awards ceremony. That's another man who has lost at least 3 inches over the years...
Gramps said on 26/Nov/05
I agree that Lou has shrunk over the years (from carrying around 300 pounds and lifting heavy weights for 30 years???) I believe he was near 6'4" in his prime (despite his 6'5" listing - - keep in mind Arnold was listed as 6'2" then, too!) Today, I'm thinking Lou is 6'3" or maybe even just 6'2.5". The picture of Lou with Arnie makes me laugh, and is proof positive that Arnold wears lifts. When this picture was taken, there is no way Arnold was really that close to Lou in stature - - NO WAY! It's already been established that Arnold today is somewhere between 5'10.5" and 6'0", so his being within one inch of Big Lou is ridiculous.
Danimal said on 25/Nov/05
I'm AMAZED at how much height Lou has lost over the years. I am an ex-bodybuilder and I used to worship Lou for his Pec and Bicep development. He was always listed at 6'5" in his prime and his weight fluctuated constantly. He started lifting weights at age 14. He was 5'9" and 120 pounds at that time and his biceps were 13 inches. By 19 he was 6'5" and weighed 315 pounds and a year later at 20, he was down to 220 pounds. From that point on, his competition weight was around 250-275 pounds, with a 58 inch chest, 21"-23 1/2" arms, and was consistently listed at 6'5", UNTIL his comeback in 1992, where he placed very low, but was 300 pounds. The following year he was up to 325 pounds and then in 1994 in his last competition he was down to 298 pounds was listed at just over 6'4". I have yet to see his new listed height anywhere but he does maintain a bodyweight of 285 pounds at 54 years of age. SO, according to all of this, he was NEVER listed at less than 6'4", BUT seeing him stand next to the NOW 6'4" inch Hogan (who was supposedly 6'7" in his prime, before all of his operations), Lou looks up to 2 inches shorter than Hogan. Does this mean that look as well has lost 2-3 inches in height???
supes78 said on 25/Nov/05
Check out this recent pic of Ferrigno with 6 foot tall Schwarzenegger:
There's probably a difference of 1.5 inches max. I doubt Schwarzenegger was wearing boots that allowed him to get that close in height to suppposedly 6'4" or 6'5" Ferrigno. I placed Ferrigno's height as 6'2" after meeting him and even supplied the pics to prove it.
bobm said on 23/Nov/05
lou could still play the hulk today, he is still in tremendous shape for his age.
Ed said on 22/Nov/05
I met him at a convention over the summer, and this guy is definitely a monstrous man! I'm just a hair over 6ft with my shoes on, and he is easily 6ft4 when he stands up perfectly straight. He has a gigantic head, which only adds to the effect. You can tell how giant Lou is from like 50ft away. Even at that distance he is a beast.
bobm said on 13/Nov/05
lou is bout 6'5 he played the hulk who was mentioned as 7ft in the show in the comics and movie he was about 9 ft tall, dick durock played the evil hulk a 2 part episode of the incredible hulk and played swamp thing dick is about 6-7.
Gramps said on 13/Nov/05
No way is Ferrigno 6'5" today! He MAY have been a bit over 6'4" 30 years ago, but I think he's no better than 6'3" today, if that.
bobm said on 12/Nov/05
i think he is still 6'5" he tends to hunch a little bit.
bobm said on 12/Nov/05
i think lou is 6'5 remember he never stands up straight in anything i've seen him in just hinches a little
supes78 said on 3/Nov/05
He's not 6'5", that's for sure. I met him and put his height at 6'2" personally. But I can see how people can easily perceive him as 6'3" or better because he's got really excellent posture. Even when he was sitting down, he was sitting as straight as a board.
jim said on 3/Nov/05
Cobra, Lou is standing straight in the picture, not Bana.
lcabrera said on 30/Oct/05
Judging by the pics from the link, they look exactly the same height for me.
I think that Lou is 6'4 nowadays.
Cobra said on 29/Oct/05
Still think that lou is 6ft3,5.
supes78 said on 14/Oct/05
I met the dude and I can honestly say that although he was closer to the 6'2" to 6'3" mark, he was still a very imposing guy. He was as broad as a refrigerator but guite nice to his fans. He even posed for a photo with me pretending to armwrestle him!
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/05
Ferrigno looks 6-2.5 at best there.
Viper652 said on 29/Jun/05
I have read many sightings that say hes 6-2. He may have shrunk I dont know. I do know is that Ive seen a recent pic of him with Arnold, and Arnold didnt look as short as I would think he would. So If Arnold is 5-10, then that would confirm Lou is 6-2 today.
Lucian said on 18/Jun/05
I think people at Guiness are misinformed. Lou never won a Mr. Olympia title. He was Mr. America and twice Mr. Universe.
In response to the trueheight post, in Pumping Iron they informed that Lou was six foot five and two hundred seventy five pounds.
Tom said on 15/Jun/05
The Guinness World Records have put him at 1.95 m (6'5 in). He is Tallest Mr. OLYMPIA.
trueheight said on 13/Jun/05
I remember them saying he was six foot seven in Pumping Iron. Maybe they did that to play up the good/guy bad guy theme. It was not a true documentary. the director's wanted the david/goliath part. For instance they played up Ferrigno's father's role in the film, who wasn't actually Lou's trainer. Seeing as how Arnold can't be more than six 1 or 2, ferigno is prob spot on at six 4
Mighty said on 14/May/05
I think they were probably really 6'2 and 6'5 when they were young but they shrunk while aging and due to their mass ...
Look @ Running man for example , Arnold doesnt seems to be 4 inches shorter than Ventura ...
Now the must be around 6'0.5 and 6'3.5 respectively ..
adam sandler said on 11/May/05
he isnt 6 foot five he is about six foot three, i know i shook his hand
cantstop25 said on 29/Apr/05
I met this man and 6'4.5-6'5" seems about right. However that was over 20 years ago. Bodybuilders tend to shrink because of there massive upperbody. He may have shrunk over the years.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/05
He's 6'3 1/2'' max.
enforcer said on 9/Mar/05
He can't be that tall if Arnold is only around 6'. In 'Pumping Iron' they're both standing next to each other bare foot on the posing stage. There's even a scene where they pass each other & Lou only looks around 3" taller.
canstop25 said on 11/Feb/05
yep I ran into this guy once and he is a man mountain.