firecracker said on 7/Nov/16
rob, i just saw the pic between you and jack coleman, 6'2.5" (189cm) . Coleman looks clearly taller than ferrigno. I can't understand how you can say ferrigno is 6'3" (191cm), taller than coleman. the comparison is more than clear, ferrigno is now max 6'1"-6'1.25" (185-186cm). In fact watching the pic between you and lou with your "stadiometer" under the image the 6'3" level is on ferrigno hair up. But the top of his head is on 6'1"-6'1.5" line, nothing more. height is measured on the head line, not on the hair up line, otherwise don king (billed 6'2" (188cm) could claim 6'7" (200cm)!!!

Editor Rob
Ferrigno didn't look shorter than Jack in person, I think he still is closer to 6ft 3 than 2.
S.J.H said on 6/Nov/16
@firecracker said on 4/Nov/16
Christian may not be over 5'8 but lou have slouch with him couple inch lower. He can be 6'2 standing up well and at least 6'3 with a
New Balance sneakers
RP said on 5/Nov/16
Firecracker!!! LOL!!! Kurt Rambis was 6'8" in sneakers & 6'7" barefoot !!!! Michael Cooper was 6'5.5" barefoot !!!
firecracker said on 4/Nov/16
here with Actor, singer, song-writer, stuntman Christian Kane. kane is 5'8.5" (174cm). photo with rob.
Another proof ferrigno billed height 6'4"(193cm) was a pure fake. Ferrigno peak was in the 6'2" range, the rest is just fantasy.
Click Here
S.J.H said on 4/Nov/16
LOL 6'4.. He can only top 6'2 nowadays for sure and if he was 6'4 then ali baba would be 6'7.5
Dan said on 1/Nov/16
i can tell you straight up i've met him and he looked a legit 6'4" to me
firecracker said on 1/Nov/16
time runs but lies resist on this website. Lou ferrigno WAS NOT 6'4"(193cm) at his peak!!! he was in the 6'2"(188cm) range barefeet. Anything over 6'2.5"(189cm) is a pure fake. Stop with those lies about lou and mr schawarzen. The comparison alí¬ baba-ferrigno was very clear.
Here the video posted many times with A YOUNG lou ferrigno with 2 basketball players:
Click Here
the white guy Kurt Rambis was a legit 6'5" (195cm), Lou looks 3 inches shorter!!!
Stop with this comedy ferrigno-schwarzenegger overestimated heights. Stop. Rob, i expect serious changes on your website. (Let's go rangers! let's go rangers!)
Danimal said on 26/Oct/16
Lou was easily 6'4" in his prime. Here he is (PRE-hip replacement) with 6'2.25"-6'2.5" Eric Bana:
Click Here
Click Here
Lou would probably be the same height as Eric today due to height loss.
Ren said on 22/Oct/16
Rob Who Is taller at one of those now at 6'3 Lou Ferrigno or Hulk Hogan? I bet one of them are end up Eric Bana range at 6'2.5

Editor Rob
I think Hogan still holds 6ft 3...Lou may be creeping just under it now.
NY Gemini said on 21/Oct/16
@S.J.H, what about that famous photo of him with Manny Perry and Frank Orsatti? Look at him there. You call that 6'2 or 6'2.5? He sure didn't look anywhere near those levels there. Plus, you have to remember that throughout the series they were doing tricks to make him look taller. Like placing enhanced camera lenses above, behind or in front of him. And in the scenes where only his upper body was shown, they had him stand on a platform and had anyone in front of him crouch down lower, making him appear to be towering over them. And I don't know if anyone else has already mentioned this, but in Cage he was also clearly shorter next to 6 foot 2 Michael Dante. Not exactly sure how much, but believe me, he was. If that doesn't spell suspicion, I don't know what will.
S.J.H said on 19/Oct/16
@NY Gemini said on 4/Oct/16
Maybe he was always 6'2 or 6'2.25 during his prime filming hulk. Because he really didn't look under 6'2 with a legit 197cm guy
Tiago said on 12/Oct/16
He have 1,94 CM !!!
NY Gemini said on 4/Oct/16
@RP, Really? "Horrible height comparison "? Gimme a break. Even if everything you pointed out is true, none of it changes the fact that Lou's whole body still looks like it has much further to go to be anywhere near 6'4 or 5. Even if he wasn't barefoot or standing on a downward slope or even slouching, do you honestly believe that Bix would be facing his chest? I don't think so. And I happen to be a huge Hulk fan myself, which means I've done my research and therefore have seen quite enough evidence to realize that Louie's claimed heights have been overexaggerated from day. But if that pic is not enough to convince you, then how about this?
Click Here
RP said on 3/Oct/16
NY Gemini...that's a horrible height comparison pic of Lou & Bill ! LOL!
1) Lou is on a noticeable declining slope
2) Lou is barefoot
3) Bill is in his dress boots/cowboy boots that he often wore during the series. Huge Incedible Hulk fan! Have the series on DVD, Bill wore a western style dress boot with a 1.75" heel in the majority of the episodes & wore 2" cowboy boots some too, many times on display when he'd change into the Hulk & they'd show close ups of the giant green foot busting through the boots. Bill had a 1.75" footwear advantage & Lou is losing what appears to be about 3" on the declining slope of the ground.
NY Gemini said on 30/Sep/16
First off, Pierre, let me just say that I appreciate your humble observation on the photo I pointed out. And yes Lou was indeed barefoot in that pic, but as for him slouching, I really don't know about that. His body looked pretty straight to me. And I really don't think the ground had anything to do with it. However, you are correct about Bix. The heels of whatever shoes he might be wearing are hidden by his big bell bottom pants. So he could be slightly taller than usual. But no matter how much taller the heels made him, it would still be impossible for the top of the head (not counting the hair) of a 5 foot 9 guy to come that close to the eyebrow or forehead level of a guy who supposedly stands 6'3 or 6'4 1/2. The whole thing just seems really strange.
Pierre said on 28/Sep/16
@ NY Gemini =I think it's difficult to estimate the height of Lou in this picture:
The floor seem inclined
Lou has no shoes and we cannot see the heels of Bill Bixby's shoes
We doesn't know the exact height of Bill
Lou is slouching and Bill has a relaxed posture( Lou is slouching a lot because he's on a inclined floor imo ).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Sep/16
Rob, could Lou have hit 6ft5 out of bed?
NY Gemini said on 27/Sep/16
@S.J.H, I'd hate to break this to you, but I'm afraid there isn't any underestimation in this case. I can assure you that even in Lou's prime he has definitely been a lot shorter than so many have claimed. If you or anyone else is absolutely sure that he's ever been close to so much as even 6 feet 2 inches, then how do you explain this?
Click Here
S.J.H said on 24/Sep/16
@NY Gemini said on 15/Sep/16
No offense but i'm sure you have underestimate lou height. He look a good 6'2 with a legitmate 197cm 6'5.75 commentor here named Alibaba. A peak height of 6'2.75 at least with a dress shoe at 6'4 and under 6'2 now is impossible let alone 6'1
NY Gemini said on 15/Sep/16
I'm sorry, but all these claims of 6'3, 6'4, 6'5 are outrageous. In all honesty, even during the Hulk era, Lou never looked even remotely close to any of those heights. In fact, from what I've seen, he didn't look any taller than 6'1. But before anyone has a heart attack about that theory, let me just make it clear that I'm not saying that's how tall he really was in his prime. I honestly don't know exactly how tall he really is or had been. I'm just saying that 6'1 looks much more believable for him than his other claimed heights. For example, in the King of the Beach Hulk episode like most people have mentioned, he really wasn't that much taller next to 5'9 Bill Bixby. He didn't even look half a foot taller than him. Only about a few inches. Also as other people here have mentioned, he was clearly shorter next to 6'3 Reb Brown in Cage (1989). And has anybody ever seen him in the Hulk reunion movies? He looked mad short in those. Especially in the on-set photos. Look, I'm not trying to take anything away from Louie. I love the guy. Always have. But we need to face reality here. And the reality in this case is that he's just not, nor has he ever been the giant we would all like to believe he was.
Panther said on 11/Sep/16
Back in 1977 when Pumping Iron was playing in New York City at The Palladium I believe , his father would speak after every showing and Lou would mingle with fans in the lobby . I am 6'3 1/4 " 230 lbs . I asked a friend how I looked when standing next to Lou and he said he appeared to be an inch taller but I totally disappeared when walking around him . So height wise he is about 6'4 1/2" . I doubt he is now shorter than I . I'm still the same height .
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/16
More arguable than under 6ft4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/16
Rob, could a fraction over 6ft4 peak fit?

Editor Rob
definitely arguable for him.
berta said on 22/Aug/16
peak seither a Little shorter than 6'4 ore littel taller. now he look like a very stropng 6'2 guy. like 189 could if he measured still stretch up to Close 6'3
Lynx said on 17/Aug/16
Isn't he a little lower than 6'3? Jace Hall is 6'6 and he looks more than 3 inches taller
Click Here
Lynx said on 17/Aug/16
Isn't he a little lower than 6'3? Jace Hall is 6'6 and he looks more than 3 inches taller
Johno said on 2/Aug/16
6'2.5 looks fine for him.
Dan said on 18/Jul/16
I've met him and he definitely looked a legit 6'5" to me
Ejel Khan said on 15/Jul/16
Still a strong 6'3" when I met him a few years ago. Lovely guy!
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
Danimal is correct in his statement. I don't know what he was peak but I trust Ali Baba's estimate that he's prob not even 6'3 at this point
Ren said on 4/Jul/16
Rob show the scale in this picture please
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 2/Jul/16
Life said on 1/Jul/16
He looks huge, looks more 192 cm tall in those pictures. How tall does anyone think he was in 2002-03?
He was still close to that 6'4" mark in 2002/2003 (PRE-hip replacement). Today he's lucky if he can squeeze out a flat 6'3" and is probably under that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jun/16
@Luigi: I think Paul Dillet was somewhere between 6ft1-2 range, similar to Arnold. He was listed as both and could look either. But very tall for a professional bodybuilder nonetheless.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jun/16
I'm spotting comments below by people who think this guy was 6'2 range PEAK. Astonishingly ignorant!!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jun/16
Rob , are you sure on 6'4 flat peak? I saw him in Pumping Iron in 1977 and really thought he had a solid 3 inches on Arnie and looked every bit of 6'4.5. If that's 6'4 flat Arnie looks sub 6'1 there!
Click Here I can't see what brought on the downgrade but ongoing pressure from people claiming he was shorter!

Editor Rob
6ft 4 or 4.5 has always seemed arguable, either figure I think you could make a case for.
Luigi said on 1/Jun/16
at the age of 16 I met bodybuilder Paul Dillet who was billed as 6'2'', and I do believe he was a legit 6'2'' dude, I mean the dude was larger than life. I never met Lou Ferrigno but judging by that pic that someone posted of Lou Ferrigno with Paul Dillet, I can see he was about 6'4'' then, in the early 90s, maybe Lou is shorter now due to age (6'3'') but he was a legit 6'4'' bodybuilder, I mean he towered over Arnold, who was at least 6'1'' in 1975, Lou looked at least 3'' taller
ps. if you look at pics of Paul Dillet competing with other bodybuilders of his time, you can see how Paul Dillet totally towers over everyone, he was a legit 6'2'' bodybuilder. Bodybuilder Kevin Levrone stated that Lou Ferrigno was 6'6'' but I highly doubt that
berta said on 1/Jun/16
did ferrigno look 191 in 2013 ore are the chanses of 189 bigger? Think he is same height as the rock these Days.

Editor Rob
I think if you measured him he'd have been closer to 190cm range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/May/16
186-186.5cm was Arnold's low
berta said on 10/May/16
Dmeyer im with you on that. The chanses of Arnold being 186 after training session is very strong. Then again the Days he didnt train wich is like 1 day out of 20 :P he was probably a weak 187. Arnold feels lika a guy who can get 1 extra cm when he is measured. Ferrigno i guess could look 192,5 -194. These Days, maybe 189-190 ?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/May/16
I don/t think he dropped below 186.5cm in prime.
Dmeyer said on 4/May/16
Rob is 185,5cm solid 6ft 1 dinner time for Arnold peak possible waking at 6ft 2 , 6ft 1,5 10am 6ft 1,25 noon And 6ft 1 after weight lifting or by tea time a 189/186,5cm b 188,5/186cm c 188/185,5cm , à guy like arnie over 6ft And weight training defenetly droped 2,5cm during the day

Editor Rob
186cm teatime is very possible for him in the 70's.
pedro builder said on 26/Apr/16
I saw Lou in '76 at a Bodybuilding seminar in NJ. It was just before he did the Hulk. he was in my estimate 6'4 1/2" and about 300# as he was not competing. Oh I met Arnold his peak height was 6'1" nothing more that was '79. I was 5'11" at the time he was 2" taller then me.
Lenny said on 21/Apr/16
6 3 on the nose looks about right next to weak 6 4 Jason Segel in 2009
Click Here . At 64 it's entirely plausible he's lost an inch or so since his peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/16
Rob, how likely is 194cm peak?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/16
If Paul Dillet was indeed 6ft1-2 (believable since he was listed at both and was almost always the tallest on stage), Ferrigno looks a strong 6ft3/weak 6ft4 there. I heard Dorian Yates was measured 5ft9½. Gunter is a 6ft1 range guy also. Ferrigno doesn't look under 6ft3 in any of those photos Danimal posted.
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 12/Apr/16
I met Lou in the mid 80's and 6'4 was right on for back then.
I'm 6'2 and my brother figured he had a couple of inches on me.
Anybody claiming lower either never met him back then or just pushing their own snake oil😉
Danimal176 said on 12/Apr/16
To all those claiming that Lou was only 6'2" at his peak, here's some pics of him in his 40's:
Next to 6'1" Gunter Schlierkamp in the late 90's:
Click Here
Next to 6'1"-6'2" Paul Dillet in 1992:
Click Here
Next to 5'10"-5'11" Dorian Yates in 1993:
Click Here
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 11/Apr/16
6'4" peak is fine to me I guess, but he's not a legit 6'3" today.
richie said on 5/Apr/16
Ferrigno was 6'3.5" peak, check out The Cage where he starred alongside Reb Brown who was a legit 6'4" and Brown was slightly taller than Ferrigno in all scenes...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
Today he probably clears 6ft2 but might be fraction shy of 6ft3. Peak not under 6ft4, sorry
NBAer said on 19/Mar/16
He's leaning on both pics with Rob,so it's hard to tell...I'd say eye-level and top-of-head wise looks 186,MAYBE 187 range,but up straight i can imagine him nearer 188,with a possibility of measuring 189 under the stadiometer...As for peak, i can't say for sure as i was unborn then and haven't really been a fan of him ever,but near 6'4 like 191-192 range back in 70's is a very likely estimate IMO.
Ethan said on 9/Mar/16
I met Lou Ferrigno in person back in 2013 and he was a big man at about 6'5". He's probably 6'4" barefoot and 6'5" with shoes. I'm 5'9" barefoot and 5'10" in my shoes so that makes him about 7 inches taller than me.
Harpy said on 14/Feb/16
Since he was 3 to 3.5 inches taller than Arnold who was 5' 11.5'' in his peak, I believe Lou was 6' 2.5''- 6' 3'' in his peak. He could be down to 6' 1''-6' 2'' these days. But at the same time his spiky hair on the forehead are no less than 2'' tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Feb/16
Lou was 6ft4 minimum in the 70's-80's and could pass for 6ft5 at times.
Rob, did he ever claim 6ft5?
Harold said on 9/Feb/16
Lou, peak: six foot two and change.
Given he's always had three or four inches on Arnie:
Arnie: five foot ten and change.
Johno said on 9/Feb/16
Could be 6'2 even to.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Feb/16
peak 6´3"
today 6´2.25"
kurtz said on 8/Feb/16
6' 1.5"
max out 6' 2" his peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Feb/16
Today: 6ft2½-3
Peak: 6ft4-4½
berta said on 7/Jan/16
is he really 191 still?. probably more 189
Mickey said on 30/Dec/15
I met Lou at a Japanese restaurant in 1979. We had to take off our shoes to eat there. I was 6-4 & he was exactly my height. I've lost 1 inch over time & I would assume Lou has as well. He was built like a monster which made him look a few inches bigger.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/15
189-190cm today could be it but no less. Up straight he can still top Schwarzenegger by about 3in. I doubt Arnold is just 5ft11 at least not yet.
Rob, do you think Mike O'Hearn is a true 6ft3 guy or a bit less?

Editor Rob
he can look near his claim
bobby3342 said on 28/Oct/15
somethings wrong here rob? Maybe my face is different but 5 feet 8 inches hits 1 inch under my lip, and my low is 6'4(even hit 6"3 7/8 once) I would guess him at 6 '2 barefoot im sorry but I don't think he is 6 '3 today maybe in shoes?

Editor Rob
he could be 189cm today
Charlie said on 16/Oct/15
6'3 peak?! So Arnold, would be 5'10-5'11, oboy are u stupid or what...
ManKo said on 14/Oct/15
Ferringo with 6´2.5 Mike O'Hearn:
Click Here
Jay said on 11/Oct/15
6'3 max peak. Some like to claim 6'5 for him so Arnold looks taller. Ferrigno was 4-5 inches taller than Arnold.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Sep/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/15
He was a strong 6ft4 guy that got rounded up to 6ft5
Yeah of course always some people there denying clear evidence
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Apr/15
Peak Lou with 6´2" stuntdouble Manny Perry... Anything over 6´3"-6´3.5" peak is just impossible.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/15
He was a strong 6ft4 guy that got rounded up to 6ft5
Jordan said on 6/Aug/15
In The new Picture, Lue is leaning and if you go by Eye level he has Rob By a Minimum of 7".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/15
Woke up at least 6ft5
RYAN11 said on 3/Aug/15
The guy is 7 feet barefoot and Lou comes up to his mouth, he has Lou by no more than 9 inches then max, that means Lou is 6'3" in that picture. He was 6'5" or.just under, he had his hips replaced and they removed bone to insert the new hips which made him over an inch shorter. Come in folks, this stuff is really simple, a 4 year old could out it together.
Rosiane Alves said on 12/Jul/15
Hulk with Lou Ferrigno interpret,better large,big man Hulk Real time all.
I love hulk the Lou Ferrigno, is my better hulk best.No have outhers hulk in the world how this Hulk
my Hulk live in core my.Lou Ferrigno I like you and my all family love you hulk.
joe 193cm night said on 29/Jun/15
Matthew,you did not understand I said 190 cm for him these days is practically impossible
Matthew said on 28/Jun/15
joe 193cm night says on 3/Jun/15
Over 190 with ali baba
No way, no how.
Modeus said on 21/Jun/15
he looks no more than 6 ft 2 next to ali baba
joe 193cm night said on 3/Jun/15
6'2.5 (189cm) with ali baba
joe 193cm night said on 3/Jun/15
Over 190 with ali baba
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/15
194cm peak
190cm today
JT said on 18/May/15
RoelC says on 16/May/15
....Robin Lopez is listed at 7ft. He has a twin brother named Brook Lopez, who also plays in the NBA. Brook Lopez was measured at 6'11.25" barefoot during the 2008 NBA pre-draft camp. My guess is, Robin Lopez is the exact same height.
They do look the same height. Brook was measured at ~ age 20 so they may have grown a bit. Brook looks taller than Kevin Garnett, who usually looks a strong 6'11" in most pics
Click Here With the small camera tilt corrected, I could see Lopez having a good 9 inches on Lou.
Click Here
RoelC said on 16/May/15
JT says on 12/May/15
Click Here This guy is supposedly 7’2” and looks it in most pics but not with Big Show Click Here At first I thought Ferrigo was sitting on a stool.
Nice find. Here's a pic of Lou next to NBA-player Robin Lopez.
Click Here
Robin Lopez is listed at 7ft. He has a twin brother named Brook Lopez, who also plays in the NBA. Brook Lopez was measured at 6'11.25" barefoot during the 2008 NBA pre-draft camp. My guess is, Robin Lopez is the exact same height.
Oliver Richters comes out the same height as Robin Lopez, but he's leaning quite a bit.
Click Here
JT said on 12/May/15
Click Here This guy is supposedly 7’2” and looks it in most pics but not with Big Show
Click Here At first I thought Ferrigo was sitting on a stool.
1.89m said on 6/May/15
6-3" peak,6-4" never looked that ever.
Darth Nihilus said on 2/May/15
I really don't know how they came to a 6'5" claiming for his height. Lou is long not that tall.
James B said on 1/May/15
6'2.75 now
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Apr/15
Click Here
Peak Lou with 6´2" stuntdouble Manny Perry... Anything over 6´3"-6´3.5" peak is just impossible.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Apr/15
Dmeyer says on 26/Apr/15
Décent 6'3 with hogan
And barely 6´2.5" if that with AliBaba and we know Alis height better than Hogans.
Dmeyer said on 26/Apr/15
Décent 6'3 with hogan and about 6'3-3.5 with bana as he was a bit younger
richie said on 24/Apr/15
Solid 6'3", he was an inch shorter than Reb Brown in "The Cage" and Brown is 6'4", so Ferrigno was certainly never 6'5"
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Apr/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 18/Apr/15
"Peak height was 6ft 4¼in (194cm)"
Absolutely no less than that and quite possibly the full 6ft4½. He for sure woke up in the 6ft5 range.
Dream on, clearly shorter than 6´4" John Larroquette, towered by 6´5" Michael Cooper and 6´5.5" Ralf Möller.
Barely taller than his 6´2" stuntdouble Manny Perry...
6´3" or a tad over peak and 6´2"-6´2.5" today...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/15
"Peak height was 6ft 4¼in (194cm)"
Absolutely no less than that and quite possibly the full 6ft4½. He for sure woke up in the 6ft5 range.
184.3cm said on 17/Apr/15
He does look taller in older pics i could buy him at 6'3.5-6'4. Nowadays he looks 6'2.5 max really.
joe 193cm night said on 16/Apr/15
he looked 6'2 (188) or 6'2.25 (188,7) with Ali baba
Ali Baba said on 15/Apr/15
Charlie says on 22/Mar/15
U got to e a wacko if you only look at this pic with Rob and then judge. You know **** about how he stand, its very rare people stand straight up like for measureing, especially when u stand to someone smaller, then u usually lean in and like hes does on this pic, hunching with his head.
So what's the excuse for when he's with people taller than he is?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Apr/15
He probably thinks he's 6ft4 now.
He has also claimed 6ft5
Darth Nihilus said on 2/Apr/15
Great! Ferrigno looks 6'2" beside Rob. What a ridiculous, lying height claiming as 6'5" for Lou's height??? I guess Ferrigno belongs to the celebrities who exaggerate their heights.
Charlie said on 22/Mar/15
U got to e a wacko if you only look at this pic with Rob and then judge. You know **** about how he stand, its very rare people stand straight up like for measureing, especially when u stand to someone smaller, then u usually lean in and like hes does on this pic, hunching with his head.
Rey said on 22/Mar/15
Lou was never 6'5" nor 6'4" 1/2 not even 6'4". he was 6'3'1/4 at his peak. Lou is about 6'1"3/4 today.
bobm said on 9/Mar/15
lou wason celebrity apprentice 3 yrs ago and stood next to penn jillette who is about 6 ft 7 and had a couple inches on him so he might have shrunk with both knee replacements and hip as well.
bobm said on 9/Mar/15
lou is about 6' 4 ish today when he played the hulk they shot him up close to make like he was really really big which he was from certain angles so he looks humoungous and everyone else a little smaller it happens a lot in movies and tv Richard kiel was cast as the hulk at 7 ft 2 0r 3 but he wasn't muscular enogh so they needed a sizable person for the role lou was perfect he had the bulk but not the height even though he was tall for a bodybuilder he wasn t what u would call hulk height like the comicbook but the manage to pull it off back then when there was no cgi and special effects like today. still in great shape he is in at 60 plus
Icehole73 said on 9/Feb/15
Just to tip my hat off to Lou. He looked better painted green than Bautista did in Guardians of the Galaxy. Thats almost 40 years earlier and Lou still looks better. This is not to knock Bautista but to remember the days when they actually used these people and giants to act instead of this CGI crap! I have yet to see a scarier BigFoot than Andre the Giant!
Darth Nihilus said on 24/Jan/15
I read his height at 6'5" in most of his websites and all I can say is that it is really ridiculous. A guy with a legit 6'5" appears almost gigantic and Ferrigno didn't look very tall at all also in his younger days. Let alone his funny 6'4" claiming on Twitter. Lou might be on the tall side but he is still above average but not really tall. So when Lou is standing next to Rob on this pic, it gives a 6'2" impression for Lou. He might be almost 6'3" in his younger days.
Luigi said on 23/Jan/15
I believe what Mathew said, Lou was a legit 6'4'' dude in his prime
Mathew said on 15/Jan/15
Don says on 26/Dec/14
I'm 6'3" 1/4 and have been since 1975 when the movie Pumping Iron came out . I stood next to Lou getting his autograph at The Paladium Theater in New York . He was at least an inch taller than I. So I know for sure he was not 6'2 or 6'3 at his peak . No way he is any less than 6'4"
Peak 6'4" sounds right. I think he's not over 6'2.5" now.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Dec/14
Click Here
Lou age 40 with 5´10"- 5´11" Bobby Heenan, Lou looks 6´2" - 6´3"max and shouldn´t have lost anything...
Modeus said on 29/Dec/14
I am the only one to see about 5 inches between baba and lou? I mean he is looking at his chin and without his hair the top of his head would be below ali eyelevel.Ok lou has a worse posture than baba but i still can't see him taller than 6 ft 2 today next to ali
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Dec/14
At least a strong 6ft4 peak
Don said on 26/Dec/14
I'm 6'3" 1/4 and have been since 1975 when the movie Pumping Iron came out . I stood next to Lou getting his autograph at The Paladium Theater in New York . He was at least an inch taller than I. So I know for sure he was not 6'2 or 6'3 at his peak . No way he is any less than 6'4"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/14
Still convinced 6ft4½(194cm) was his official peak.
Nowadays he's looking 6ft2½-6ft3 a lot.
Bud said on 10/Dec/14
Click Here with 6'2.5 goldgberg
Jim said on 5/Dec/14
When Lou Ferrigno arrived on the bodybuilding scene and progressed up the bodybuilding ladder in the 1970's, Joe Weider, the head of Ferrigno's bodybuilding federation had a problem: Weider had been selling Schwarzenegger as a six foot two guy. Schwarzenegger had been only too happy to smile and accept this as 'fact.' Yet, when Schwarzenegger stood next to Ferrigno, who actually was six two or three, he was dwarfed and visibly not what he pretended the was. So Weider concocted the six foot five billed height lie for Ferrigno in order to perpetuate the six foot two lie for Schwarzenegger. Follow the money.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Dec/14
6´4" is out of question if you watch Lou next to 6´8" Richard Moll, 6´5" Michael Cooper, 6´8" Kurt Rambis, 6´5.5" Ralf Möller, 6´2" Stuntdouble, 6´4" John Larroquette ...
To MUCH ecidence sorry.
Lou was 6´3" prime, maybe a shade taller that´s it.
Today next to Rob and AliBaba he looks solid 6´2" maybe 6´2.5".
Danimal said on 30/Nov/14
Lcabrera says on 17/Nov/14
The other tall guy is Roland Kickinger, an austrian bodybuilder turned actor. Among other works he doubled for Arnold`s body in Terminator Salvation.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Nov/14
Gunter Schlierkamp was listed 6ft1 and 6ft2 (I think I also read 6ft1½ somewhere). Looking at contest pics, I'd have guessed he was either one of those since he was usually the tallest guy on stage. At point he was even compared to Arnold because of his height!
Ferrgino was no less than a strong 6ft4 in his bodybuilding days. He cleared Arnold by a solid 3in...and don't start with the "Arnold wasn't even 6ft peak" crap again!
Michael said on 29/Nov/14
Lou is obviously not 6-3, 6-2 max near 6-6 Ali Baba.
Lcabrera said on 17/Nov/14
The other tall guy is Roland Kickinger, an austrian bodybuilder turned actor. Among other works he doubled for Arnold`s body in Terminator Salvation.
Danimal said on 13/Nov/14
The guy right next to Louie is 6'1" Gunter Schlierkamp. This pic was taken late 90's/early 00's. Louie was still close to his 6'4" peak height there (this is pre-hip surgery) and btw, the other tall dude at the other end is 6'5" (his name escapes me at the moment):
Click Here
rockfellas said on 13/Nov/14
rn says on 4/Nov/14
I've watched & own every episode of The Incredible Hulk tv series. It is very clear from these episodes that at most Lou's peak height was no more than 6'3".
Keep in mind that because of Lou's character, he was always barefoot or wearing green sandals, which gave the appearance of being barefoot. There's an episode where Lou plays a bodybuilder, it's called King Of The Beach. In this episode there's many shots of Ferrigno & Bixby standing next to each other and clearly Lou isn't 6'4". Remember this is Lou in his prime and if you look carefully he even appears to be wearing boots----
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 11/Oct/14
Peak 6´3"
Today 6´2.5"
jc610 says on 28/Sep/14
Why are people so blinded by billed heights? Louie has clearly never been anywhere near 6'4 or 6'5! There's so much proof of this-----------
totally agree with you rn, with you HeightcrazyRed6ft, with you jc610.
I always said lou peak barefoot was max 6'2.50"-6'2.75"(189-190cm). Anyway anything over 6'3" was a pure fake. But fanboys don't accept it. Rob should update lou and arnold page, but.....................................
KROC said on 11/Nov/14
I don't doubt that Lou was a legit 6'4 in his prime. I talked to a powerlifter/bodybuilder who worked out with many notables such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Reg Park, Lou Ferrigno, and even Ralf Moeller. This guy is tall mind you, at least 6'3, so he has a good perspective. According to him Arnie was a legit 6'1. Reg Park was close but slightly shorter, maybe 6'05? Lou was his exact words "Definitely 6'4, maybe even a little bit over" Ralf Moeller was at least an inch taller then Lou, so 196/197 sounds good for him. You can take it with a grain of salt though, I'm sure most you will.
RoelC said on 9/Nov/14
Lou turned 63 today. That's the same number as his height: 6'3".
rn said on 4/Nov/14
I've watched & own every episode of The Incredible Hulk tv series. It is very clear from these episodes that at most Lou's peak height was no more than 6'3".
Keep in mind that because of Lou's character, he was always barefoot or wearing green sandals, which gave the appearance of being barefoot. There's an episode where Lou plays a bodybuilder, it's called King Of The Beach. In this episode there's many shots of Ferrigno & Bixby standing next to each other and clearly Lou isn't 6'4". Remember this is Lou in his prime and if you look carefully he even appears to be wearing boots.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Oct/14
Peak 6´3"
Today 6´2.5"
jc610 said on 28/Sep/14
Why are people so blinded by billed heights? Louie has clearly never been anywhere near 6'4 or 6'5! There's so much proof of this, I'm really surprised that no one has noticed. But before I get into this, I'd first like to say that not too long ago I was reading a very old article about the Hulk series, like from when the show was first on the air. And this article said that Lou was 6 feet 2 inches tall. That was actually close to my guess about his height. I've always believed him to be either 6'2 o 3. Therefore, my guess is that he's always been at least 6'2 1/2". And the reason I believe this is because I have seen some very
heavy evidence. For instance, in the season 2 Hulk episode "Escape From Los Santos", the actor who played the sheriff in that episode was 6 feet tall, and the scene where he stood in front of the Hulk, Lou was clearly only about 2 or 3 inches taller. Also in 1989, Lou did a movie with Reb Brown called Cage. Several scenes in the film when he stood next to Reb clearly showed that Reb was slightly taller than Lou, and Reb is 6'3! If Louie really is or had ever been 6'4 or 5, then he should have been taller than Reb, but he wasn't! This clearly proves that Louie has never been any bigger than at least 6'2.5.
Chris said on 16/Sep/14
It's very true that people shrink and lose their posture gradually over time like Lou did, my bad was 6'2 ft (188) in his prime but he's 6 ft and half.
Kostas said on 25/Aug/14
Maybe Rob is right about Lars's photo. But Rob look at this one
Click Here
This guy is supposed to be 0.5' shorter than Lou but he looks a bit taller.
Jack Coleman: 6'2.5" - 6'3"
Lou : 6'2" - 6'2.5".
He looks shorter than that next to Ali but he has worse posture.

Editor Rob
Lou is deceptive in that he can walk about smaller...I can believe some will see him 6ft 2, but ask him to stand at his tallest and he may still measure near enough 6ft 3.
Emil182.5 said on 19/Aug/14
Maybe Lars LOOKS 195 cm next to Rob, but he's not a hair taller than his 192 cm listing..
Icehole73 said on 13/Aug/14
I believe that Lou is 6' 3" now which makes that guy at least 6'6". He's towering neck and shoulders over Rob with his head tilted down. Rob comes up to about half way up Lou's nose. Unless your blind, either the guy is standing on something or Rob is crouching down which I doubt.

Editor Rob
there really isn't much between them in person...
The photos are taken with different lenses and the Lars one maximises his height.
It's like the photo I posted of Lars with his 195cm acting friend
Here...the angle might add a bit of height, they should be 1.5 inches apart yet there are at least 3 inches...
My Lars photo is also taken quite close and with a wide angle, the effect is similar to
This photo. I am standing the same as I did with Lars, but the perspective is knocking height from me and add it to Jenny (who is standing 192cm the same as Lars).
Kostas said on 13/Aug/14
Rob how tall is the big guy? He looks 1.88-1.89. He looks a bit taller than Lars but a bit shorter than Gwendoline. Posture and camera issues?

Editor Rob
he looks around 6ft 2.
rockfellas said on 10/Aug/14
Please rob, look at this,
rob with Lars Mikkelsen:
Click Here
rob, mikkelsen is a legit 6'3.5"(192cm). he looks at least 2 inches taller than ferrigno!!!once again we have the proof, lou was 6'2.5"-6'2.75"(189-190cm) at his peak. Not surprised if he was max 6'2" barefoot! Nowdays he struggles with 6'1.25"-6'1.5"(186-187cm). The comparison mikkelsen-ferrigno is incredible! (also mikkelsen is quite old). Rob, how can you say ferrigno was taller than mikkelsen??!!! Rob, this 6'4" peak for ferrigno is a terrible lie. You should update lou's profile.

Editor Rob
they are actually very close in height in person...
But remember Lou's is a landscape photo with no distortion.
The other (Lars) has a photographer with a wide angle and close up shot that is slightly distorting his head size and can add some height - I asked for that pose to maximise the difference.
Take a look at this chap with Lars
Here. You can also see thumbs with Gwendoline Christine (I watched him greet her for that pic), Nicholas Rowe (he was right beside me in queue for that one) and Sonita Henry (again beside me in queue).
Danimal said on 9/Aug/14
Here's Lou with 6'1" Gunter Schlierkamp and arguably past Lou's peak:
Click Here
Kostas said on 29/Jul/14
Lol!!! Only 0.5" shorter than this guy? No way.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he's really not much smaller than Lars in person.
Eric said on 27/Jul/14
He was shorter than 6'4 Jason seagal and is also shorter than hulk hogan. Seems 6'3
Click Here
horon said on 17/Jul/14
if ferrigno is 6'3, the bill Goldberg is the listed 6'2.75
Vegas said on 26/Jun/14
2005 with 6'2 listed bruce jenner. bruce is a little closer to the camera but wearing what looks like loafers so any slight camera advantage would be evened out
Click Here
The Exorcist said on 17/Jun/14
What you have to take into consideration with Lou, is that he always has a relaxed posture in most of his photos. He does look 6'2" - 6'2.5" range in the top photo with Rob and Jenny, but that's because he isn't standing straight.
Could he stretch up to 6'3" on a stadiometer? I believe he could. But I do think he would be more likely to measure under it (6'3") than over it. He's either 6'3" or 6'2.75".
avi said on 15/Jun/14
Looks 6'2.5-6'3 now barely 6'2
rockfellas said on 15/Jun/14
mr olympia 1993. lou is with paul dillet, green slip on the right, who claimed 6'1"(185cm):
Click Here -
Click Here
they look very similar, lou is just a little bit taller than 6'1" paul dillet. Furthermore you have to consider that Dillet has very short hair, almost bald, while lou has his hair up. Lou looks 6'2" or a shadow taller.
i repeat once again: lou ferrigno peak was 6'2.5"-6'2.75" (189-190cm).
6'4"-6'5" totally overestimated, out of real, fantasy.
Brad said on 15/Jun/14
6' 3" 1 foot from me today.
Concerned 181 cm said on 12/Jun/14
I don't think he's 6'3 today. He looks, at the very most, 6'2 with Rob, and looks shorter than 6'2.5 Bill Goldberg. You can see that picture on his page.
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Jun/14
Minimum 6'4 during his peak. I wouldn't be surprised if he was 6'4.5 and the 6'5 was just rounded up. Today looks 6'3 but with Rob looks between 6'2 and 6'3
Vladimir said on 25/May/14
Thor vs. Hulk
Click Here
rockfellas said on 12/May/14
lou here with 5'8" jay cutler:
Click Here
lou was still in great shape, he was about 50. He looks in the 6'2" range.
Vegas said on 6/May/14
rob on another page said his friend is 6'2

Editor Rob
sorry I can't link to those pics anymore, I had an issue with another friend related to it!
Ali Baba said on 5/May/14
So you add height for her heels but don't take into account my 1.25" or so addition for shoes? Makes sense. Yes, in shoes I am around 6'7" depending in the shoes. As I've said before, anyone in Texas is welcome to meet with me if they are doubtful of my height (and no I won't travel across the entire country to meet with someone. I only have so much time and money to spend on trivial things). I don't have a stadiometer. Nor do most people. Rob is a bit unusual in that regard. I know how tall I am. I was in the military for 10 1/2 years. I was measured every six months or so before PT tests and weigh ins.
The Exorcist said on 3/May/14
"Exorcist i would be interested how tall you think the chap on the left is"
It's hard to say. His posture is a lot better than Lou's and he's closer to the camera. As a guess I would say he's pretty similar to Lou? 6'3" range, perhaps? Not really an ideal pic for judging height.
The next part of your post is even more you've got the two photos side-by-side. The problem with this is that Velvet Sky on the right is standing at the same height as herself on the left...even though she is wearing bigger heels. So that's not how Ali Baba would like stood next to the two guys on the left picture.
The best clue we have to determine Ali's height from this photograph is Velvet Sky herself. She seems to be listed most frequently at 5'5". So lets just say, as she hasn't be reliably measured by stadiometer for us all to see, that her 5'5" listing is legit. So lets guess how big her heels are in the picture with Ali Baba, shall we? How about 4"? That puts her at 5'9". How about 5"? That puts her at 5'10". Ali looks to be standing, roughly, about 10" taller than her. That would make him 6'7" if her heels are 4", or 6'8" if her heels are 5". But then again, she may not be her listed height of 5'5". She may be 5'4"...and with the 4" heel she would be 5'8"...making Ali Baba 6'6" as he is 10" taller than her. But what if she's 5'4" and her heels are 5"? That would put her back up to 5'9" again making Ali Baba 6'7". But what if her real height is even lower than 5'4", like 5'3", or 5'3.5". See what I mean? So that's how complex it is! Both Ali and Velvet remain unmeasured to us users here. Add an unknown length of heels to the equation and it becomes a farce.
Vegas said on 2/May/14
Exorcist i would be interested how tall you think the chap on the left is
Click Here
like i said previously i think ali is telling the truth regarding his height. i met the guy in the white t-shirt on flat ground during mania 28 weekend and he looks and claims 6'3, his friend claims 6'5. velvet sky has more heel with ali and terry obviously but enough that ali comes out 2+ inches taller than the 6'5 guy??
Click Here
The Exorcist said on 1/May/14
Ali Baba looks 4" taller than 6'3" Lou Ferrigno.
Click Here
And he also looks 1" shorter than 6'8" Tyler Mane.
Click Here
He looks 6'7" range in both pictures.
@Ali Baba: The only way you're going to truly convince everyone that you are 6'6", is by proving it on a stadiometer.
Ali Baba said on 29/Apr/14
Lou is still no shorter than 6'2" and could still be as tall as 6'2.5". And yes he was still barely under 60 years old, but only by a few days. I met him at the end of October 2012 and he turned 60 on November 9th of that year. Either way that doesn't really matter. I doubt he would be any shorter now than then.
rockfellas said on 28/Apr/14
Vegas says on 21/Apr/14 to be fair ali met lou when he was over 60 so nobody is talking about peak lou with ali. lou doesn't look 6'3 in either of those photos.
no vegas, lou was 59 when he met alì baba. And yes i repeat he struggles with 6'2" with alì baba, also with rob he is clearly under 6'3". Just watch rob comparison pics with full 6'3" kevin sorbo or
Gwendoline Christie. Ferrigno looks clearly shorter than both, sorbo and Christie. So i think lou is 6'1.5" nowdays or a very very weak 6'2". It means peak max was 6'3". Also rob has just an inch difference between peak and current height for is all clear
Penton said on 28/Apr/14
Lou with fellow bodybuilder Gunter Schlierkamp (6ft 1):
Click Here
Lou Looks 188cm here. He has not lost any height I suspect at this point as he looks relatively young and healthy.
Vegas said on 21/Apr/14
The Exorcist says on 20/Apr/14
Yes, the main reason why I doubt Ali's 6'6" claim is because he looks taller (than 6'6") with Lou Ferrigno. And because there's no evidence that Ali has been reliably measured (like a self-measurement video)...we have to take his word for it. There is, however, lots of reliable evidence that Rob is 5'8". He has met Lou Ferrigno in person...TWICE! Rob is a good judge of height and I consider his 6'3" listing to be trustworthy.
to be fair ali met lou when he was over 60 so nobody is talking about peak lou with ali. lou looked the same height on celebrity apprentice with penn jillette who i met in person and penn isn't over 6'6 in person.
lou doesn't look 6'3 in either of those photos with rob but like with ali he isn't standing fully straight (ali thought 6'2.5 in person remember).
rockfellas said on 21/Apr/14
why alì baba should claim a shorter height for himself? do you realize it is totally out of sense? in general people claim overestimated heights not underestimated heights!!! you say he looks taller than 6'6" in the pic with ferrigno because you do not accept the 4 full inches difference beetwen the two!!! so you hope alì is at least 6'7" so ferrigno can look taller!! ahahh this is funny and sad at the same time. Accept the reality: lou struggles with 6'2" nowdays, it means he was max 6'3" at his peak. Later, hope alì can add or show further infos.
The Exorcist said on 20/Apr/14
Yes, the main reason why I doubt Ali's 6'6" claim is because he looks taller (than 6'6") with Lou Ferrigno. And because there's no evidence that Ali has been reliably measured (like a self-measurement video)...we have to take his word for it. There is, however, lots of reliable evidence that Rob is 5'8". He has met Lou Ferrigno in person...TWICE! Rob is a good judge of height and I consider his 6'3" listing to be trustworthy.
Also, another reliably measured person (by his mother on TV), is Jean-Claude Van Damme. In this video, (the 176/177 cm) Van Damme gets dwarfed by Ferrigno. This video makes the 6'4" peak very believable.
Click Here
Now if Ali Baba could prove he's 6'6" by standing on a stadiometer...then I would consider that to be "THE MASTER EVIDENCE" (LOL @ rockfellas). Otherwise, I ain't buying it.
Vegas said on 16/Apr/14
The Exorcist says on 16/Apr/14
That's the picture I'm talking about. It would be nice if Ali Baba could do measurement video for us. If he is 6'6", like he claims he is, it shouldn't be a problem.
do you doubt his 6'6 claim?
alis shot with john cena does put him in the 6'6 range especially when you consider dennis rodman and max starks (who was measured just a hair over 6'7 barefoot) look about an inch taller next to cena than ali.
ali also has a full length shot with velvet sky and two guys on another forum i frequent have a full length shot with her. i actually met one of those in person and he claims (and looks 6'3) and his friend claims 6'5, comparing photos ali again comes out about 6'6
The Exorcist said on 16/Apr/14
That's the picture I'm talking about. It would be nice if Ali Baba could do measurement video for us. If he is 6'6", like he claims he is, it shouldn't be a problem.
Tommo said on 15/Apr/14
I'd say Ali Baba looks over 4 inches taller than Lou, I'd say he really struggles with 6'2 in that shot.
rockfellas said on 15/Apr/14
ronster, exorcist, alì said many times he is 6'6", he is shorter than 6'7". time for lies is over.
the epic pic, THE MASTER EVIDENCE:
Click Here
the legit 6'6"(198cm) alì baba, with lou ferrigno.
Lou struggles with 6'2", alì towers over him, he is clearly 4 full inches taller than lou. Lou Ferrigno was 59 at the time. still in good shape. the pic shows how a legit 6'6" looks like. It is proven from this pic that lou ferrigno was max 6'3"(190cm) at his peak.
Ronster said on 23/Mar/14
Ferrigno was at least an inch taller than the 6'2.5" Eric Bana, nothing can change that. So Lou is still at least 6'3.5" and was 6'4.5" before height loss from hip replacements etc.
The Exorcist said on 19/Mar/14
Ali Baba looks 6'7" range in his picture with Ferrigno.
viapto said on 15/Mar/14
taller than eric bana 6' 2.5'' .
Click Here
rockfellas said on 13/Mar/14
already posted:
Click Here
a young lou with 5'7"-5'8"(170-172cm) chuck norris. I do not accept any measurement over 5'8" for norris because it should be a fake. So as you can see ferrigno looks max max max 6'2.75"(190cm) with chuck norris.
Lillo Thomas said on 2/Mar/14
Lou ferrigno is 62 years old right now. So he is at most 1 inch shorter than his peak. The evidence with Ali baba shows Lou to be between 6'2 to 6'2.5max . So his peak is between 6'3 and 6'3.5 max.
fred perry said on 8/Feb/14
A young lou ferrigno with an american actor, McLean Stevenson:
Click Here
This picture was taken "from the hulk period", so ferrigno was about 27-32 y.o. Peak height. Stevenson is listed here at 6ft 3in, but many said he was a little bit shorter. furthermore, Stevenson was already "an old man" in this picture. ferrigno is not taller than stevenson. So once again we can say that lou ferrigno peak height was 6'2.75"-6'3" (190cm). It is clear that anything over 6'3" is out of real for lou.
avi said on 5/Feb/14
@Ali Baba says on 21/Jan/14
Ronster, I don't think Mayhew is actually leaning in that picture. I think the picture is tilted in Sambridge's favor (judging from the vertical items behind them). It does look like Mayhew has maybe an inch on him. I think this is more accurate. Click Here
thats Ross guy thought he was 7'4 or something! did you see that documentary?
anyway Mayhew is probably a strong 6'11 weak 7'0
no its not a full 2 inches more like 1.4-1.6 area
Ronster said on 26/Jan/14
Ali; It looks a lot more like two inches between Mayhew and Smabridge in that picture. What can decieve to make it look a bit less is the camera angle coming from a much lower height. If you look at the top of Mayhew's head and draw a line, he has more than an inch easily. I would say he is at least still 7' in that picture easily.
Ali Baba said on 23/Jan/14
If you compare Mayhew's posture in the picture with Ferrigno to the one with Sambridge you can see he's standing taller with Sambridge. It's very obvious he's straightened his neck out with Sambridge and has gained probably around 2".
Vegas said on 21/Jan/14
Ronster says on 20/Jan/14
Vegas, Ross Sambridge is 6'11" and while leaning a bit to his side Mayhew still has him by over an inch. Mayhew here is still between 7'-7'1" at least.
sambridge was measured 6'10. mayhew isn't 7'1 these days because here he looks noticeably shorter than ian whyte who was listed 7'1 in pro basketball (and rob has met whyte)
Click Here
if you think ali looks 6'9 with lou then what height do you think the chap on the left looks with lou given lous posture is similar to his shot with ali
Click Here
JT said on 21/Jan/14
Click Here A solid four inch difference. Mayhew's standing behind Ferrigno as well so add another inch to Mayhew and voila, he comes out to around 6'11" where he belongs at that age.
Ali Baba said on 21/Jan/14
Of course Vegas even said with Ross being 6'10" (documented on video measurement height) that would make Mayhew about 6'11", so he figured in that inch difference.
Ali Baba said on 21/Jan/14
Ronster, I don't think Mayhew is actually leaning in that picture. I think the picture is tilted in Sambridge's favor (judging from the vertical items behind them). It does look like Mayhew has maybe an inch on him. I think this is more accurate.
Click Here
Ronster said on 20/Jan/14
Vegas says;
mayhew with ross sambridge who himself was measured 6'10 barefoot for a uk documentary. Click Here that puts mayhew at about 6'11.
Vegas, Ross Sambridge is 6'11" and while leaning a bit to his side Mayhew still has him by over an inch. Mayhew here is still between 7'-7'1" at least. There was no more than 4 inches difference between where Lou came up to Ali and Mayhew, so that still makes Ali min 6'8-9" with Lou. I am seeing the usual, people suddenly trying to lower Mayhew's or others heights, so transparent LOL.
Ali Baba said on 18/Jan/14
AVI, I think people believe my head is tilted back when it actually isn't due to the type of nose I have. With many people their nostrils are more shrouded than mine are. So unless they tilt their head back you cannot see their nostrils. With my nose my nostrils are visible even with my head tilted forward (as in my pic with Rob Terry). Not an attractive nose, but it's what I was stuck with. As far as my being tilted more toward the camera with Ferrigno I think his body actually has more of an angle than mine. My foot is forward, but my body is not quite as angled as Lou's. In any case I think that our heads are pretty even to the camera and this issue pretty much becomes moot.
Vegas, I remember seeing that documentary. Sambridge actually thought he was quite a bit taller and was shocked and a little disappointed when he was measured. I've seen him claim as tall as 7'4".
avi said on 18/Jan/14
What are you talking??
Ali baba looks about same as Rodman. Rodman is a 6'6 guy
Also the picture was favoring Ali more than Lou as Ali had his head tilt up and was angled closer to camera. Either way I can't see Ali having less than a weak 4 inches on Lou...
Vegas said on 17/Jan/14
Ronster says on 16/Jan/14
Here is Lou with the verified 7'2" Peter Mayhew
mayhew with ross sambridge who himself was measured 6'10 barefoot for a uk documentary.
Click Here that puts mayhew at about 6'11
JT said on 16/Jan/14
Ali’s picture with Ferrigno actually has a tilt favoring Ferrigno, which is corrected here.
Click Here Straighten Lou up a bit and the difference still looks like an easy 4 inches.
Here, Ali comes out roughly 6 inches shorter than 7’1” tops Khali, who is standing behind Cena.
Click Here Move Khali forward and the height difference probably ends up around 7 inches.
Here, Ali comes out a little shorter than ~6’7” Dennis Rodman
Click Here and 6’7-6-8” Max Starks.
Click Here
Ali’s height is legit; the height claims of most wrestlers and other celebrities are not.
Itchy Knee said on 16/Jan/14
I recently watched an episode of Night Court from 1984, Lou would of been 32, and Lou was obviously shorter then 6'4 John Laroquette, by may'be an inch and significantly shorter then 6'7 Richard Moll (who actually picks Lou up as if he were a child.) I'd say 6'3-6'3 1/2 tops peak height.
Ronster said on 16/Jan/14
Here is Lou with the verified 7'2" Peter Mayhew. Lou is at least 6'4" here as he comes up to Peters mouth so there is no more than 8-9 inches between them. Also, take a comparison with this one to the infamous Ali Baba picture with Lou, Ali looks close to the same height as Peter does next to Lou, maybe 4" difference. In that picture Lou comes up to Ali's nose, that means there is only 4 inches max diffrence on where Lou came up to the 7'2" Peter Mayhew, how can that possibly be if Ali is 6'6"?? That makes Ali at least 6'9-10" in his picture with Lou. There is proof of what i have said all along, you tell us how Ali but you are a lot taller than 6'6" in that picture as this comparison shows. Also, let's keep it civil - i am just proving my point.
Click Here
avi said on 15/Jan/14
@Wrstlfan1 says on 12/Jan/14
Enough Ali Baba, back to posting my thoughts and a picture to help you ponder. Hogan was just under 6'5" at this time if that, and Lou is within an inch, maybe a tad more. That would make Lou 6'3.5" at 50 then correct? Same footwear.
Click Here
that could be 2 inches there and lets say Hogan was 6'5ish there then 6'2.5-6'3 would be likely. Lou is probably a strong 6'2 now and peak about 6'3
Ali Baba said on 14/Jan/14
Evidentially your memory is as bad as your knowledge about shoes. You seem to forget that you started making personal attacks on people on here (one of them being me) without provocation. Only then did I say anything to you. I have never bragged about my size. I only offer it for a comparison. You in the other hand think that people care about your claimed awesomeness.
By the way the difinition of smug is Entry Word: smug
Function: adjective
Meaning: 1 having too high an opinion of oneself
One example of that would be: "I'm built like a brick house"
The fact that you seem to think that I am taller than I am, wear lifts or strangely thick shoes only solidifies the evidence that Ferrigno is not as tall as you think he is. I'm sorry that either your friend is not as tall as you think or he is a bad judge of height.
Vegas said on 12/Jan/14
for those saying 6'3+ and 6'4 g**gle image lou and larry fitzgerald. fitzgerald was measured 6'2 7/8ths barefoot at the nfl combine
Ali Baba said on 11/Jan/14
Ronster/Wrstlfan1 says on 10/Jan/14
How does anyone here know that that is even you in that picture, let alone that you are the height you say you are?
I've posted an open invitation several times to meet anyone who may be down this way to show that I am the height I claim. And I think I've posted enough pics (and even a short video) to prove that I am indeed the person in the pictures. But since you seem to be too thick headed to get that, this is just for you:
Click Here
Ali Baba said on 11/Jan/14
AVI, I've said before that a 6'2.5" listing could be fair for Ferrigno just to be safe. I always say he's about 6'2" and not an absolute 6'2" flat.
Wrstlfan1, I had suspected for some time that you wet in fact Ronster. Thanks for retro long that same story again to show me that you are in fact Ronster. Go ahead and change your name again if you want. It doesn't make you any more correct.
avi said on 9/Jan/14
No he can't be 6'3. 6'2 is what he looks next to Ali baba and with Rob he looks a strong 6'2 maybe 6'2.5 but maybe he could stand super straight and measure 6'3 flat
@Ali baba
Yeah its crazy. 4-5 inch advantage!! But Lou is not standing straight in the picture so I really think I f he does he hits 6'2.5 . In the picture it really seems 4 inches. He must be standing at 6'1.5 and can regain an inch. Either way he'd struggle going above your eyebrows . Also consider how his legs are apart more. If the angle was better and you stood side by side with him I think he really can get to a strong 6'2.5. I was under impression that he was 6'3-6'3.25 between 20-50 then within last few years he "lost" .75 inch or so. So not aure why people think hes over 6'4 or something. I see guys his size (6'2-6'3) all the time
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/14
Not accepting anything less than 193-194cm absolute minimum for Ferrigno's peak.
Easily would've hit 6ft5 in the morning.
The guy was huge. Definitely pushing 300lbs in the off-season and it actually looked good on him. We need more 6ft+ competitors in the Mr. O. Today's bodybuilders totally suck.
calvinator said on 6/Jan/14
lou was barefoot in the night court episode, I watched it when it originally aired, 6'4.5" peak, now 6'3.5"
Ali Baba said on 6/Jan/14
Wrstlfan1 says on 5/Jan/14
Hey all, i want to point out something that is clearly obvious in the infamous Ali Baba picture with Lou. I do now believe Ali that he is around 6'6" barefoot, he is however also CLEARLY WEARING SKETCHER TYPE HEIGHT BOOSTING SHOES. They add around 4-5 inches. Thanks for the attempt Ali lol.
And now you have proven your ignorance. Thank you for your support.
MetalKid182cm said on 6/Jan/14
@mId Yeah, I understand what you mean. Arnold was never a full 6'2", but was probably close to it. Lou was never 6'5", even though he was/is a very tall man - I believe he was about 6'3.5" or 6'4" peak. I'm a huge Arnie fan, and wouldn't be bothered if his peak height was 5'11"-6'. That's still tall in my eyes.
Lillo thomas said on 5/Jan/14
Ali Baba is a legit 6'6 . He has proven his height with many pics . Stop the bs. Lou ferrigno look 6'2 next to Ali Baba.
Ali Baba said on 5/Jan/14
Once again,Wrstlsfan, I have no need to lie about my height. If I was truly taller I would claim that height. I don't like people lying about their height. Plain and simple. It is an annoyance to me. Probably because of people constantly asking me how tall I am. My shoes were not Sketchers nor do they have an extra thick sole. In fact the much maligned Sketchers don't even have an extra thick sole. For a short time there was a fitness fad in which several shoe makers made shoes with an oddly contoured sole claiming they helped shape women's butts. It was proven to be false advertising and no manufacturer makes shoes of those type any longer. There was never a men's shoe offered with that type of sole. Sketchers make shoes of all types with normally thick soles. I have measured the shoes I wore in the picture with Lou and they were well worn and only add an inch to my barefoot height. I'm sure Lou's shoes add more than that but I haven't ever tried to adjust for his shoe advantage. If I was really worried about trying to make him shorter I would factor that in. His height does not affect what I think of him as a person or in his chosen profession. I am willing to meet anyone on here if they ever come down this way to prove that I am not over my claimed height, and have said so before. Oddly I think I'm the only on here who has posted pictures and been told I'm taller than what I claim.
mId said on 30/Dec/13
And I agree Red183.. The pic with his stuntdouble(I've seen him listed as 6'2 on his personal website).. and the 6'5 Michael Cooper video.. etc etc, are very telling. It's hard to dispute them if their listed heigts in fact are their true heights. The other pics are good too, but people can say they don't see ground/footwear in those. But yeah, the other pic/video are hard to dismiss.. and it would be fun if we can get Lou's real peak height.. Because then we pretty much get Arnolds true peak height too.
mId said on 30/Dec/13
Metalkid: I'm 6-6'1 so you would lose money on that bet :) And it's not about bringing anybody down, but to get the true height of a person.. If I've seen enough evidence that makes me Think someone is underlisted here, then I say that. And the same goes for when I Think someone is overlisted. I could go your route and say that people who try to keep Lou at a 6'5 or Arnold as 6'2 peak don't want to see their 'heroes' as shorter than what they claim.. It's the same thing and doesn't get us closer to finding out his true height(which is the point of this site right?). I just want the true height.. 6'5 or 6'3. What's your explanation as to why Lou is that much shorter than a guy(Michael Cooper) listed 6'5, if you see Lou as close to that height himself?.. Because surely you too must see how much shorter he is in that video of them together.. Making it hard for Lou being 6'4 or 6'5 if Cooper really is 6'5 as listed everywhere I've looked so far. Lou looks 6'3 tops in comparison to Michael there.. And if this is true.. Is in turn making Arnold a 6'0.5-6'1 guy in his peak.. At least by my estimation. I used to belive their listed heights, But after looking into it & Seeing some pics/videos.. I REALLY wonder now. It wouldn't make me like his movies any less though.
Mathew said on 28/Dec/13
I disagree with a 6'3" flat peak Lou. My current working theory is that I think he might have been a guy who would wake at 6'4.5" and at his worst measure 6'3.5". So likely just under 6'4" mid day, but close enough to claim it.
Today he's about 6'2". Maybe 6'2.5" to give him the benefit of the doubt.
MetalKid said on 25/Dec/13
I bet all of the people trying to lower Arnold and Lou's height are insecure, 5'4" men.
mId said on 22/Dec/13
Ernie: I have an IQ of 140+ and I still don't understand how Lou at 6ft 4+ can look that much shorter than listed 6'5 Michael Cooper.. So please explain.. Is Cooper taller than his listed height.. could be, but it's rare they underlist. If you think this is the case then please post some evidence to support this. Because the way it looks now to me, based on that exercise-video(I'm guessing they are both in trainers) and michael coopers 6'5 listings.. Lou was max 6'3 peak. And merry Xmas to you too :)
Ernie said on 21/Dec/13
There are a lot of men with small man syndrome on this site who are desperate to lower the heights to make themselves feel better.
Lou was clearly 6ft 4+ in his prime and Arnold was clearly close to his claimed 6ft2. Given the amount of fame these guys have had, if they were noticeably shorter than this it would have been well documented by now. Yes they are an inch or two shorter these days but that is normal...especially for most tall men. Photos and film are not suitable for determining TRUE heights due to camera angles, foot wear and even lighting. Unfortunately the average IQ seems to be incapable of comprehending this information and hence we have this pointless but very amusing discussion of their heights based on unknown camera angles of photos and video with them wearing shoes???
Vibram's own estimations have no consistency with a different height listed for Arnold's height in each post and this in itself is the ultimate proof that you don't really have a clue what you are talking about.
Merry Xmas.
Vibram said on 18/Dec/13
Looks 189cm (6ft2.25) compared to Rob. 15cm difference. Rob, if he was max weak 6ft3 peak (191cm) that would put Arnold at about 6ft1 peak because there always looked a little over 2' inch difference between them during their fierce bodybuilding days?
Click Here
I think he needs a downgrade. He wasn't 6ft4 in his prime or even a high 6ft3 and his claims of 6ft5 as Hulk are ludicrous. Yeah Lou, maybe in thick army boots w/lifts.
dmeyer said on 18/Dec/13
Ferigno 6'4 flat makes Arnie 6'1 flat peak
Mathew said on 17/Dec/13
Today Lou is about 6'2". He's not a legit 6'3". Look at the Ali Baba photo, for one. I think 6'2.5" would be a generous enough listing, figuring maybe he could straighten up a lot for a measurement.
calvinator said on 17/Dec/13
Lou prime 6'4.5" now 6'3" if standing with good posture, looks good for his age too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Dec/13
Looks 6ft2-6ft3
Edlt2882 said on 4/Dec/13
I saw Lou at a Health & Fitness Expo in L.A. He looked about 6'2", and wearing shoes that gave him about a 1-inch lift. So I would say he's between 6'1" to 6'2" now.
dick dastardly said on 30/Nov/13
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 27/Nov/13
This guy is hard to pin down.
it is hard simply because rob seems to have a special attention for ferrigno and schwarzenegger. I do not why. We posted here many evidences,
this one is INCREDIBLE:
Click Here
the video shows lou in his 30ies, with legit 6'5" michael cooper, the black guy. Stop the video at 01:17, you can see Ferrigno is clearly 2 FULL INCHES SHORTER than cooper. Also ferrigno has "big hair", cooper has very short hair. They wear same shoes, no excuses. So again: lou ferrigno peak was 6'2.75"-6'3"(190-191cm). Anything over 6'3" for lou is out of real. Today he is 6'1.5"-6'2" (187-188cm) This means that arnold schwarzenegger, clearly 2,5-3 inches shorter than lou, was about 6ft(182-183cm), nothing more. This is the reality, the rest is fantasy, overestimated sizes for the fans. For both of them and for many other bodybuilders, wrestlers, movie stars.....
Fans, do not forget it, lou with alì baba:
Click Here
this is a recent pic, lou is still in good health. Alì baba is 6'6".
Probably, there are more than 4 inches between the two...
lou ferrigno peak was 6'2.75"-6'3"(190-191cm). Please, accept it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Nov/13
This guy is hard to pin down. He really did look 194-195cm in his prime. Definitely no less than 6ft4. At times, he does struggle to looking over 6ft2 now.
Maybe 189-190cm today Rob?
calvinator said on 26/Nov/13
Easily 6'4"+ in his prime, now at least 6'3"+, dose not always stand up straight. needs to get Brad Pitt training. :)
Ali Baba said on 25/Nov/13
Rob, Prowse has had health issue that account for his height loss. He's also lost a lot of weight and is quite a bit older than Ferrigno. Ferrigno seems to be in very good shape though, and moves like a very healthy man. I don't think he would have lost the 2 or so inches required for him to be his current height. While I agree it is possible it doesn't seem likely to me.
dick dastardly said on 25/Nov/13
rob, here a clear pic with holyfield and lewis for their 1999 fight:
Click Here
I underline lewis is a legit 6'4.25"- 6'4.5". Holyfield is clearly 3-4 full inches shorter than lewis. Holyfield is 6ft-6'1". Now, you have seen both holyfield and ferrigno. Now watching the pic holyfield-lewis, do you really believe that ferrigno was JUST HALF INCH shorter than lewis at his peak(6'4")? I simply think this is NOT realistic. I repeat, i do NOT see lou ferrigno over 6'3" at his peak.

Editor Rob
I've seen Dave Prowse lose inches in height, it is very possible Lou has lost at least an inch in his 50's
dick dastardly said on 23/Nov/13
JT says on 14/Nov/13
Click Here
thanks jt, very interesting.
hey rob, did you see the comparison pic posted by jt?
We can clearly see ferrigno is just a little bit taller than holyfield. Holyfield is listed here at 6'1.25"(even if i am pretty sure he is NOT over 6'1"), so it means that ferrigno is max 6'2" today, like alì baba said many times. Now Rob please you can watch everywhere the fight between holyfield and THE LEGIT 6'4.5" Lennox Lewis held in 1999. You can see that holyfield is clearly 3-4 inches shorter than lewis. So how ferrigno could be just half inch shorter than Lewis?? if so it means he shrunk 3-4 inches, this is IMPOSSIBLE. I am sorry rob, but this is another evidence that ferrigno peak was max max 6'3". Realistic estimation for ferrigno is a peak of 6'3". Today he is 6'1.5"-6'2".

Editor Rob
ferrigno can look 6ft 2 for sure, but could still measure above it. He definitely looked at least an inch taller in person than evander.
Mathew said on 15/Nov/13
He also looked shorter than legit 6'3" Sheamus. I see 6'2" range for Lou today. Maybe he could measure 6'2.5".
dmeyer said on 10/Nov/13
Rob did He look like a Guy like routh 189cm range

Editor Rob
he can look 6ft 2-2.5 but could measure taller.
Blaze said on 26/Oct/13
He is nothing above 6'2.5 now, You reach the middle of his nose, his head is pretty much the same as mine, I'm 6'5 and people who are 5'11 reach the middle of my nose.
Lorne said on 25/Oct/13
Seriously? 6ft3.5 morning height(at peak), with 6ft2.75in peak evening? You understand a guy his size will always lose a full inch morning to night, Right? If he was 6ft2.75 evening, he would be close to 6ft4 outta bed. But he wasn't. I can definently see him 192cm peak, but less than 6'3 is a joke. Even today, he would measure more than 6'2 flat in military posture.
Mathew said on 19/Oct/13
Ali Baba says on 14/Oct/13
Prime Lou, I could't tell you because I didn't meet him until last year. Now he's about 6'2".
Agreed with about 6'2" today. Here's some more anecdotal evidence this is such "I remember the first time I saw Lou Ferrigno at Gold's Gym in Venice, CA. I am 6'2"-6'3" and he was shorter than me! I couldn't believe that I was taller than the two most famous bodybuilders of my childhood. Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou's height have been greatly exaggerated although they are plenty tall. People do slowly shrink as they age but, at this time, Lou is barely 6'1" or 6'2" and Arnold perhaps 5'11"-6'0"."
Click Here
Ali Baba said on 14/Oct/13
Prime Lou, I could't tell you because I didn't meet him until last year. Now he's about 6'2".
pjk said on 14/Oct/13
Er, just to point out the obvious but - have you not see Lou standing next to Eric Bana who is apparently 6'2 ? He is HUGE compared to him and certainly a good few inches taller.
I know photos can be deceiving but come on. If Lou is only 6'2" how tall does that make Eric...and before you answer that , check out Eric standing next to Jeremy Clarkson.
I think 6'2" is well off for a prime Lou. I would go with 6'4"
Ali Baba said on 13/Oct/13
Post the picture, Ethan. All other evidence points to about 6'2".
Ethanator said on 10/Oct/13
I was pictured at the Santa Rosa Toycon with Lou and I'm 5'9 so that would make Lou about 6'4.
Emil said on 3/Oct/13
Looks 6'2 range today but 6'3 is not out of question
Blaze said on 1/Oct/13
he looks 6'2... I think in his youth he was max a solid 6'4
CLEMENT said on 1/Oct/13
Mr.Louie Ferrigno is 6'2"
Lorne said on 30/Sep/13
Yeah, Ferrigno can look 6'2 range for sure, but I think he's a guy who could measure a bit taller than he looks, maybe 189-190cm. Note above, that Rob says he's a "weak" 6'3, but could still measure close, I know Rob said in person he walks about shorter than he is.

Editor Rob
he does...I'm sure he can look not over 6ft 2 to many guys who have better posture than him.
vegas said on 22/Sep/13
with sheamus whom i thought looked no more than 6'3 in person
Click Here
TRINACRIA said on 19/Sep/13
I agree with Berto. I saw Lou Ferrigno 3 days ago at the Montreal Comic Con and he looks like 186,5 cms. Nothing more. Less than 6'2'' barefoot for sure.
Ali Baba said on 16/Sep/13
There seems to be plenty of evidence showing Ferrigno is about 6'2". I would think he could be listed at 6'2.5" just to be safe.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Sep/13
Newer pic looks 6ft3 range for sure.
Lower pic looks 6ft1.5-2
talltalez said on 10/Sep/13
Video of Lou Ferrigno with 1.98m (6' 6") Jace Hall. Don't know what footwear they are both wearing, but Jace appears 3"-4" taller.
Click Here
Berto said on 1/Sep/13
He came to my gym for its opening about six years ago, I'm 6'0 and was wearing flat shoes, and even with good footwear he had only 2.5" on me - 6'2 max, I'd say more around 6'1.75.
Rey said on 30/Aug/13
Compare photo of Rob and John Schneider and then Ferrigno. Lou is fighting for 6'2.25" in these photos.
ongoingp said on 20/Aug/13
lou ferrigno was 6'2" at best.. i saw him at chicago comic con and he was not near 6'4".. i'm 6'0" and not that much shorter than him
Rey said on 9/Aug/13
I agree with Rob, a weak 6'3" are a generous man!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Aug/13
Rob, how about 6ft4.25/194cm peak?

Editor Rob
I think from early stuff 6ft 4 and a weak 6ft 3 today is fair...
alan b. said on 28/Jul/13
another evidence:
Click Here
A young Lou with 5'7"-5'8" Chuck norris.
I do not see Ferrigno at 6'4" at all.
He looks 6'1" - 6'2" comparising with norris. So max max max 6'3" at his peak.
I repeat, anything over 6'3" for ferrigno is a fake.
Rey said on 24/Jul/13
Meltdown your #'s are way off. 6'4".5 really???and then lose 1.5 " at the end of the day? True comedian.
Meltdown said on 24/Jul/13
Peak morning height 6'4.5, peak mid-day height 6'4. Now mid-day height 6'3.
Rey said on 21/Jul/13
Wait a minute! How can Louie be taller if Brandon Routh appears taller with Rob, but is listed shorter????Rob's head is just right under Brandon nose line. Bottom photo -no way Louie is 6'3"--compare to Kevin Sorbo!! I see a downgrade.
Ud191cm said on 20/Jul/13
Hey Rob,
Is he still a very muscular guy or he has become like arnie?

Editor Rob
for his age he's still keeping himself fit and muscular
Rey said on 20/Jul/13
Met him at a gym opening with my younger brother. My brother was about 15 yoa and was 6'2" 3/4 and it was about dead even --I could give Louie another 1/8 but that is a lot. My brother is now 6'5" and there was no comparison when they met in 2013. Lou was struggling for a weak 6'2".
Larc 74in said on 10/Jul/13
The 6'3 peak was only to support your stupid theory about Arnold.
Maybe he wasn't as tall as 6'4.5, but a full 6'4 is more than possible.
otep90 said on 3/Jul/13
he looks 6ft (1.83m) or 6'1'' (1.85m)
because i'm 5'8½'' (1.74m) i have a friend his 6'3'' from lower jaw
Arch Stanton said on 28/Jun/13
Rob how tall do you think Lou's father looks at 5:28-5:43?
alan brisco said on 27/Jun/13
thanks baba, but the result is always the same. There are 3 full inches, also we can say 4 inches between you and ferrigno. Ferrigno looks in the 6'2" range with you. He looks in good shape, no hump and no serious back problems. So we want add 1 inch for his peak? ok, it means he was in the 6'3" range, i can deal with max 6'3.5", no more. 6'4"-6'4.5"-6'5" are clearly overestimated heights for ferrigno. i hope rob downgrade him at 6'3.5" (peak) for a realistic estimation.
Ali Baba said on 26/Jun/13
Alan, just to correct you I am 6'6". At least for now. Getting old sucks.
alan brisco said on 25/Jun/13
hope links work better
1)lou peak with 6'2" manny perry: he is as tall as manny perry, or just an inch taller:
Click Here
2)lou with legit 6'5"-6'6" Ralf Moeller
Moeller towered over ferrigno:
Click Here
3)Lou with alì baba, a legit 6´5". Alì looks 3 full inches taller than ferrigno:
Click Here
So rob, it is more than clear that lou peak was in the 6'3" range. 6'4.5" - 6'5" is clearly overestimated. You should downgrade him at 6'3" (peak). Today he is in the 6'2" range.
Johno said on 24/Jun/13
With ejel, he looks very similar in height to how he compared to 6'6 ali baba.
I believe in the top picture with rob, he looks taller because he has angled his body and is leaning on his back foot.
6'2 could be a good estimate for him and i agree with some of the commentators below - lou was probably in 6'3 range when younger although i don't see how he could of lost that much height since he is still in good shape.
alan brisco said on 24/Jun/13
hey rob, i think you should make a point here. Pics are more than clear.
1)lou peak with 6'2" manny perry: he is as tall as manny perry, or just an inch taller:
2)lou with legit 6'5"-6'6" Ralf Moeller
Moeller towered over ferrigno:
3)Lou with alì baba, a legit 6´5". Alì looks 3 full inches taller than ferrigno:
So rob, it is more than clear that lou peak was in the 6'3" range. 6'4.5" - 6'5" is clearly overestimated. You should downgrade him at 6'3" (peak). Today he is in the 6'2" range.
Kyuss said on 22/Jun/13
I cant see Lou being 6-4.5 prime height,perhaps 6.3" range looks more realistic. Now 6-2" id say,loss of about an inch with him because hes still in great shape.
Brad said on 20/Jun/13
I think in the recent picture he looks 6'2". Any word on foot wear Rob?

Editor Rob
Ejel Khan said on 18/Jun/13
@red183 ... course you can't tell 1/4"! Only pulling your leg!
Ejel Khan said on 11/Jun/13
I saw Lou walk off to greet someone when I got his autograph. While walking he appeared 6'2.75", but up against him he looked 6'3". He did have puffy hair mind you!
alan brisco said on 10/Jun/13
Johno says on 2/Jun/13
Good pictures. With ejel, he looks a bit shorter then he does with rob.
Rob looks like he has leaned out in weight.
With ejel, lou looks 6'1.7
With rob, lou looks 6'2
Lou 6'2 today---
totally agree with you. It means lou peak was in the 6'3" range. Anything over 6'3" is pure fake and clear overestimated.