Bravo1 said on 7/Sep/22
As listed I’d say.
David Tang said on 23/Sep/21
looks tall. 5'8 is fair.

Editor Rob
I found a quote from
Olivia Williams the other day in which she called the cast of Friends 'Tiny'.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Jun/21
She could look taller at times, like 5 ft 9 but 5 ft 8 seems about right. Now the best looking out of the Friends cast in my opinion. Beautiful smile!
Luci paura said on 18/Jan/21
She looks like a strong 5'8 woman. I think 5'8⅜ is most accurate for her.
Jam Cherry said on 4/Jun/20
173 cm fits her right
Fezz123 said on 27/May/20
Agree with the listing, she’s 5’8” flat.
The hamburger said on 29/Mar/20
She looks like strong 5'7 woman. 172 cm for her.
Kalind said on 15/Mar/20
Kudrow might be 5’7 now since she was slightly shorter than 5’8 Will Harper during her appearance on the penultimate episode of The Good Place
Click Here
Nik said on 24/Jul/19
The average vote is 5'8.13" (30 votes!)!
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
Lisa getting to look like 5'7.5" in Table 19. 5'8 peak and 5'7.5" now.
Phil said on 9/Nov/17
Bang on. She's filming in Montreal right now (Flarsky) and the casting agent is looking for a 5'8" double
MTT said on 17/Oct/17
No way, she is 5'8.5 at least. On friend she almost tower Matt LeBlanc.
anonheight said on 13/Sep/17
A weak 5'9, I'd even say a 5'7 in some shots of friends. Strong 5'7
DaveMills said on 5/Aug/17
Often looked a weak 5'9 alongside LeBlanc,but could be Camera angle or footwear but still a flat 5'8 at worst.
even said on 18/Jul/17
5 foot 8 but looks at least 150 pounds
A.B. Baker said on 22/Apr/17
Sandy Cowell - 3 inches isn't a lot! As for bothering her, it's something she'd be used to day to day surely. Height ain't an important enough issue that 3 inches would bother her in my opinion.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/17
I wonder if Lisa liked being a whole 3" taller than the other 2 girls in friends? That's really quite a lot!
She turns up in a few films as well and 5ft8 seems accurate enough in her stockinged feet! (She's in comedies 'Analyse This' and 'Analyse That' with Robert de Niro.)
S.J.H said on 25/Oct/16
I start to think lisa kudrow might be 5'7 and mira sorvino is only 5'7.75
Alex 164cm 5'4 feet said on 18/Jul/16
I think she's 5'7 Because because in an episode of Friends Charlie Sheen appeared to be 2 inches taller than Lisa and you stated that Charlie was 5'9.
What do you think about this Rob?
MrAverage said on 23/Mar/16
5'9 she and she does walk extremely straight and sit straight as hell appearing to be taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Mar/16
Might be a fraction over 5ft8, Rob?
Tall woman
dmeyer said on 8/Nov/15
Fulled me for near 5'9 in person
nickkname said on 2/Sep/15
Taylor in my opinion isn't anything more than 5'7 to 5'8 at most , but has the build to give off an taller impression so she wears heels all the time to make that illusion stronger and more belivieable , lisa as you can see is wearing an casual outfit with normal shoes and taylors is in heels as always
heelshealheight said on 30/Aug/15
Nickname, I was just about to post a similar comment to yours. Kudrow is wearing normal heels and by looking at the photos, she's also standing further away from the microphone which is giving her less of a height (illusion) advantage than Swift. But Kudrow is also more graceful and far classier than Swift. It's a pity Swift has become so trashy.
nickkname said on 27/Aug/15
here's tay swift with lisa kudrow aka pheobe buffay from FRIENDS
Click Here
Click Here
and taylor is wearing some seriously high heels while lisa appears to have regular shoes on
Jane said on 28/Jun/15
yeah 5-8 or even a little more... they rarely let her wear heels on the show, otherwise she would have been taller than all the men except maybe Schwimmer... even in a lot of scenes with Joey, I believe they use camera angles to exaggerate the height differential, which is in reality likely an inch...
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jan/14
Definite 5'8" I'd say, can look a bit taller at times, lovely to see her pop up in Easy A and still have some of her Phoebeisms. Made me realize how much I miss Friends!
any said on 24/Dec/13
I don't think she is any more than 5'7. In the scene in Friends where she kisses Joey she looks about 3 inches shorter than him and he is 5'10.
ggg said on 5/Aug/13
Well this confirms that Paul Rudd is 5 foot 9 or even 9.5 if she's 5 foot 8
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jul/13
Always looked tall in Friends for a woman, 5'8", can look 5'9".
SAK said on 13/Jan/13
No lower then 5f8, could be pushing 5f8.5.
Chris said on 15/Dec/11
She looks taller than 5'8. In Friends looked only half inch shorther than LeBlanc(5'9.25) and almost same height as Paul Rudd (5'9). I'd add here half inch more. 5'8.5 sounds perfect for her.
Dmeyer said on 4/Dec/11
She looked ní´ less than 173cm could íˆven be 5'8.25
Silent d said on 2/Dec/11
She always looked 5 foot 8. I remember the close up with joey and she is only 3cm shorter.
hfhdf said on 17/Jul/11
if she says she's 5'8 i guess it's the truth. she looks pretty tall i would have believed if she was listed 5'9 - 5'9.5
Dom said on 1/Apr/09
Cat, Brooke shields is 5'11,5" and has slightly bigger heels, so that would make Kudrow 5'8"
Dom said on 1/Apr/09
Brooke Shields is 5'11,5" and her heels are slightly bigger so that makes Kudrow 5'8"
Cat said on 29/Mar/09
Given the shot of Lisa with Brooke Shields below (and the actress from Gilmore Girls, don't know her name sorry), Lisa can't be more than 5'5"? Making Jen and Courtney about 5'2-3". Brooke is about 5'9" (according to evidence on her profile here) plus the 2" heels she's wearing makes her 5'11". She has about 4" on Lisa making Lisa about 5'7", take away her 2" heels gives her 5'5". Even if you want to say they're both wearing 3" heels the math still gives the same result. They're definitely wearing a similar size heel and there's definitely no more than 4 inches between them.
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/09
clearly she knows her own height ... quit arguing .. .5'8 seems reasonabl ... probably pushinig 5'9 or 10 in friends as she wears heels
Red mans girl said on 19/Jan/09
I think Kudrow is about 5'7... I have always thought she looked this height which is fairly tall for a woman.. But she has never really appeared taller than that to me -- and definitely not 5'9... I definitely don't think she is shorter than 5'7 though and those saying 5'5 -- no way ...
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
She's 5 foot 8 max. In lucky numbers she was shorter than john travolta by a few inches.
Dom said on 10/Nov/08
Mmh no, I saw that episode and Lisa looks the same height as Courtney and a little taller than Jen. Jen and Courtney are both wearing pretty big heels and Lisa is in superhero boots that are that are like 0,25 inch high max. That would make her about 5'8".
J.Lee said on 4/Nov/08
In the video below that I pointed out, Jennifer and courtney are taller than her. Even if they have small heels, it still shows
anonymous said on 22/Oct/08
I thought she was tall until i saw ellen. She was about a few inches taller than ellen but she was wearing platforms. In friends she was same height as paul rudd. I would say she's 5 foot 8 no taller.
USCasiancollegeboy said on 3/Oct/08
well, IN REALITY, watch this episode,..
Click Hereif Courtney is 5 ft 5, that means Lisa is five feet 8- 5ft 9 inch, and her heels are 3 inches, in which most girls wear high heels, like my g/f wears 4 inch heels, so.. 5ft 8 plus 3, is 5ft 11, and david is not even standing up straight... so david is 6ft 3 inch, matthew is six feet 1 and half, joey, wears high platforms, but is actually 5 ft 11, that is why, in some episodes..
Click Here
Jlee said on 22/Sep/08
Yes, in friends she is not much shorter than jennifer aniston or cox. I agree with clay. Watch this video. They are standing next to each other and cox is not much taller than lisa kudrow.
Click Here
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
5'7'' is too short for Lisa because she clearly had 3 inches on the other girls when they were barefoot/in sandals in the beach-house episode.
George said on 24/Aug/08
Courtney has said that she's 5'5" many times, and jen has said a few times that she's 5'4" & 3/4" so they are both roughly 5'5". When they stand next to Lisa, she seems to have about 5 inches on them but like she said, she nearly almost has heels on.
I worked out that Matt (Joey) is 5'9" if you'd read my post in the Matt Le Blanc section. She seems to have about 1 inch on him in Friends but as I said, she almost always has heels on. One time she was flat shoed and Joey was in the Room and she seemed about 2 inches smaller than him. Making her 5'7". And since heels tend to add 3" that would seem correct.
Plus, she has stated that the other two female actors on friends are small compared to her a few times in interviews.
So she's 5'7".
To the person below me that said that without heels on, Lisa looks shorter than Cox and Aniston. Well they both had heels on in that scene, where as Lisa didn't.
So there you have it.
J.Lee said on 28/May/08
go on type in superhero meets catwomen. you shall see that lisa is shorter than cox and aniston when they wear small heels, so she can't be way taller than them.
J.Lee said on 25/May/08
at first i thought lisa was a six footer, but if you really watch that friends episode where they are dressed in contstumes, courtney cox is 2 inches taller than phoebe. And Jennifer also looks a little taller than her. i would say she is five seven
J.Lee said on 25/May/08
it is true! type in halloween party on you tube. monica is taller than lisa kudrow in those heels
Clay said on 21/May/08
Le blanc - 5'9.5
Perry - 6'0''
Schwimmer - 6'1.25
Vampiric said on 25/Apr/08
I think she's about 5'7 actually..
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/08
yea might be rounding down an inch
Ras said on 3/Mar/08
Rob would you consider she may be rounding down half an inch?
nat said on 15/Jan/08
she looks very tall.. 5'8 for me
Editor Rob said on 23/Dec/07
Saw her quote in You, talking about friends girls:
"I'm 5ft 8in and they are about 5ft 4in but the directors always put me in heels"
radio_man said on 15/Oct/07
well..she is 5'7 no more than taht..aniston and cox are shorties..and leblanc itsa legist 5'9..perry a 5'11 huy and shwimmer 6'0.5
lol said on 28/Sep/07
matt le blanc wears 3inch lifts to make him 6ft 1, same height as matthew and david-(chandler & ross) so yes she would look shorter if she's only wearing sandals, she definitely 5ft 9+ easy. not 5ft-7 no way, you're having a laugh mate
chris nemeth said on 25/Sep/07
Well I think that she is 5'9" because i met her and i asked her and she said she was 5'9". I belived it because I am 5'10" and she was almost my height.
Rider said on 27/Aug/07
brooke shields is listed as 5'11 so kudrow must be around 5'7" just check vic's photo, similar footwear BIG difference in height ! thats a good 2 in taller then cox and aniston, which works for me.
Rey said on 6/Aug/07
I read that the taller female friend is Courteney Cox. I was trying to detect that asseveration, and I only could prove that Lisa is smaller she looks, but not smaller than Courteney nor Jennifer. She used a lot of high heel shoes, In few occasions, she uses sandals and looks pretty smaller than Le Blanc.
anonymous said on 27/Jun/07
is that brooke shields? she has lisa kudrow by about 4-5 inches.
david/ no1 friends fan said on 29/May/07
lisa kudrow is the taller than 5'10 matt leblanc,, but she in probably 1 inch taller making her about 5'11. she is a tall women. joey also wears 3 inch trianers making him around 6'1 to be as tall as matthew perry, & david schwimmer who are 6'1 and 6'2. people on here sayoing she is 5'6 are you blind. jesus crist get a eye test.
mina said on 3/Mar/07
To Anonymous - thats an exaggeration that you've never seen a shot with Phoebe being shorter than Paul Rudd, when I have seen several shots. Rob, you are spot on with this height listing.
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
you are good rob i met her 174 could be it
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/06
she looked 174 175 range when i met her we had similar snikers
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/06
She's 5'9. Look at the very last episode of Friends when 'Mike' tells 'Phoebe' he wants to have children. Lisa doesn't wear heels (you can see their shoes) and they're the same height. She might even be slightly taller than him. 5'6 or 5'7 is too short. And I watched a lot of Friends, but I have never seen a shot of Lisa being smaller than Paul Rudd.
Brad said on 9/Aug/06
5' 9" is about right. She has a horrific scar running across her chin. It drives me crazy seeing it even when makeup is applied.
Stevie G said on 1/Aug/06
She looked a couple of cm shorter than Charlie Sheen on Friends. 173 - 174 cm is probably a good guess.
dmeyer said on 21/Feb/06
i think she is 5'8.75"
jimbo said on 16/Feb/06
saw the filn analyse this featuring her and 5'7 billy crsytal, in heels kudrow was still shorter than crystal she is 5'5 at the most .
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/06
If Lisa's 5'9", then Mira Sorvino is 5'10".
dmeyer said on 12/Feb/06
in person she look 5'9"
Kelsey said on 25/Jan/06
People, there are such things called camera tricks! And this woman is 5 foot 9! i have the official friends book thing and it states she is 5 foot 9.
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/05
I'd say she's shorter than 5ft8.5 for sure...
Look carefully at the pic on the cover of Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
Whoever posted the picture above put a line to show how the heels of thier shoes are the same height, but look at their toes!
Lisa's mules have more of a platform and her toes are at least one inch higher than Mira's! That does make a difference.
Anonymous said on 1/Nov/05
She is shorter than 5'8" Paul Rudd. Sorry. 5'7" max.
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/05
Was she wearing heels or flats when you met her ? . How tall are you ? .
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/05
i met lisa she is minimum 174 more like 175 cm
smokeblower said on 17/Oct/05
Matthew Perry is not 6 feet. In trainers he is shorter than Andre Agassi, who is listed at 5'11"
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/05
She looks anout 5 inches shorter than 6 foot mathew perry so that would make her 5'7 .
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
From a 1997 IPC Magazine, "The 5ft 8in actress says she feels under pressure to keep looking good next to Friends co-stars Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox. 'They're petite and so small-framed,' says Lisa. 'And I'm kind of tall but normal."
cece said on 20/Aug/05
i think this height is quite accurate what u have to remember is that even some flat shoes can make u an inch sneakers are average nike ones and they bring my height up to about an inch higher, even mens shoes can make someone an inch higher
dmeyer said on 29/Jul/05
i worked on the come back she was 5'9'' she was wearing sneakers she looked 3'' inches taller than a friend of mine who is 5'6''
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/05
if you watch the friends episode where kudrow kisses le blanc and is wearing flat shoes she is about 4 inches shorter than le blanc so that makes kudrow 5'6 .
McFan said on 12/Jul/05
I think she's 5'9. Aniston and Cox wear 4-inch heels making her look smaller than she is. LeBlanc looks slightly over 5'10 to me and I didn't see much variation in their heights if you pay attention closely.
jimbo said on 25/Jun/05
If you watch the friends halloween episode where monica 5'5 is dressed as catwoman and phoebe who is dressed as supergirl . Monica who is in 3 inch boots is about 2 inches taller than phoebe also in the episode where 5'10 matt le blanc kisses 5'9 lisa kudrow, blanc is at least 4 inches taller than kudrow . Kudrow is 5'6 at the most .
Pheebz said on 20/Jun/05
She was always a teeny bit smaller than Mat Le Blanc...and the same height, if not taller, as Paul Rudd. I'd say she's about 5'9"
js77 said on 19/Jun/05
Whatcing most of the episodes of freinds.
I would say that Lisa has the same height as Matt Le Blanc.
Which is around 5'9".
jimbo said on 20/Mar/05
Lisa Kudrow dose look over 5'8 if you believe her friends co star courteney cox is really 5'5 although I dont think so,I think cox is only 5'4 . When kudrow and cox are both wearing flat shoes in friends , kudrow looks at least 3 inches or more taller than cox . But as I said before I believe cox is only 5'4 and kudrow about 5'7 or 5'7 and a half .
Slim said on 5/Mar/05
She looks about 2 inches shorter than the 5'9" Mira Sorvino. 5'7" is still pretty good height for a woman though.
jimbo said on 16/Feb/05
No way is lisa kudrow 5'9 her on screen boyfriend mike(paul rudd) is 5'9 and he is nearly 2 inches taller than kudrow when kudrow is wearing flat shoes, I would say lisa kudrow is about 5'7 .