Meade said on 24/Apr/23
From what I've read ( I know he was joking ) the modeling standard for male models is 5'11-6'2. They rarely accept anything above or below. 5'11 is plenty acceptable. So, I say he was a solid 5'9 , which is dead average height .
Vick Jane Moretti said on 26/May/22
If Genevieve O'Reily is 5'6,5", Matt is 5'8,5" top (
Click Here ) .Which means that the rest of "Friends" cast is 1 or 2 inches smaller.David is just a little bit closer to 6"0.Mattew Perry is 5'11"/5'10,5" top
acheros said on 17/Mar/22
here 174 and 173 are next to two guys matt max. looks 174
Click Here
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 15/Mar/22
@Rob- Are you sure he's 5ft9 1/2"? He looks exactly my height at 175, I could buy 176 at the very most. But almost 177 I am not seeing it!

Editor Rob
At the moment I think it's possible, but 5ft 9.25 is arguable too.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/22
Schwimmer for me is more 6'0.5, Matt 5'9.5 makes sense. I think Matt was a stocky looking guy on friends who with women like Kudrow you could think he was more like 5 ft 8.
Matt N said on 23/Jan/22
Rob, is 5’9” flat possible for LeBlanc, in your opinion? Having watched some Friends, I’ll admit I’m struggling to see him above 5’9” the more I watch, as the scenes where he’s either in regular-thickness footwear or barefoot seem to make him look noticeably shorter; for instance, at Monica & Chandler’s wedding when he’s wearing tennis shoes, I’d say he looked a good 2.5” shorter than Matthew Perry, and I’d say the same about when they’re all at the beach house and barefoot or in minimal footwear in Season 3. He also looked broadly similar to Paul Rudd (listed at 5’9”) and only slightly taller than Gary Oldman (listed at 5’8.5”) when their footwear was level, and even Lisa Kudrow (listed at 5’8”) could look the same height as him in the right footwear (although I do suspect that Lisa could be a touch above 5’8” based on what I’ve seen).
What are your thoughts?

Editor Rob
I can't see him a flat 5ft 9
Ramoray1996 said on 27/Nov/21
Honestly it depends, by age his height might decrease. Based on the comments I’ve seen, the lowest voting is 174 cm (5’ 8.5”) and the highest voting is 179 cm (5’ 10.5”) so I’m guessing he’s around my height, which is also 176.5 (5’ 9.5”), I am certain about myself that I’m at least 175 cm (5’ 9”) but I’m no more than 178 cm (5’ 10”) so I take the average and say that my average height is 176.5 cm (5’ 9.5”). So if I met him, I may look or feel either taller or shorter than him, which means we are around the same height.
5'11 guy said on 14/Jun/21
Rob, watch this video where the friends cast is barefoot back in 1994. Leblanc barely looks 5'8 here next to Matthew
Click Here

Editor Rob
for a moment (with legs a little further apart) yeah he was looking more 5ft 8-8.5 range
CDS said on 13/Mar/21
My guess is 5'8.75" for his height, but any guesses on his weight, having seen the last season of tv's "man with a plan"?
Luci paura said on 18/Jan/21
Not a smidge over 5'9.
Danny batba said on 25/Nov/20
Hey Rob one last time , how tall do you think Matt wakes up out of bed? Your estimate is the best imo.

Editor Rob
Think he holds 5ft 10 range straight out of bed
Jkiller said on 5/Aug/20
He never gave off a taller impression than 5'9.5, so I'd say it's somewhat accurate. 5'9.25 worse case scenario
Nik said on 28/Jun/20
He shouldn't have been considered to be too short for modeling.
Joseph177 said on 24/Jun/20
It's amazing what big footwear can do. He always managed to look within similar range to Matthew Perry on Friends and was not significantly shorter than David. I think he is 5'9.5 but with his thick heel shoes he managed pull off 5'10.5 ish looks on Friends.
Pierre said on 14/May/20
Click Here = here shoes ,Jennifer has big heels ,Matt imo comfortable soles.
Both about same posture =
Click Here
Pierre said on 14/May/20
Click Here = Matt and Jennifer Aniston apparently both with slim heels
Click Here = here in big heels next to 5"9.75' Adam Sandler .By this comparison to me Matt's peak isn't close to 5"9' ,more around 5"7' range .And maybe even a bit less now compared to James Corden .
Cpheonix said on 10/Apr/20
Watching all Friends episodes again. He definitely wears massive boots and he was the same height as Gary Oldman.
I think there are also a few episodes with him wearing trainers and he looks much shorter (e.g. a tennis outfit at Chandler's post-wedding party).
5'8 - 5'9 for sure.
Faustyfix said on 8/Apr/20
Definetly a strong 5"9' guy. Sometimes he might look like 5"11 thanks to his good posture and thick soles.
Ashcroft222 said on 13/Jan/20
only taller than Lisa when he's in his Herman Munster boots.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 30/Dec/19
Ridelret Hes taller than lisa kudrow so cant be an inch shorter than listed he cant be under 5ft 9
ridelret said on 28/Dec/19
I would knock at least an inch off this listing, Matts far shorter than people think.
Fuquin said on 2/Nov/19
Here's a pic of Matt and Gary Oldman using similar footwear. If Oldman were 5.8' at that time then Le Blanc should be no more than 174.
Click Here
5"5 guy said on 16/Aug/19
In the first ep of friends where joey seems to be taller you can clearly see that hes on his tippy toes for most of the scene when the guys are together, he looks wobbly and off balance, and throughout the series, he is wearing thick boots and has perfect posture to compensate for being at least 3 inches shorter than perry and swhimmer
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jul/19
🎁🎂🕯️ Happy Birthday Matt! 🕯️🎂🎁
Wishing Matt Le Blanc a very happy 52nd Birthday! 😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jun/19
I will vote for 5ft9.5 rather than the lower average of 5ft9.16.
I just had a look at which Celebs have birthdays today. One of them was called Piper Le Blanc, who turns five. Before you think that Piper is some cute kid, you're going to have to face facts. Piper is a big, slobbering Boxer dog! Perhaps she's the pet of Matt? I'll have to find out....
c-mo said on 3/Jun/19
my guess for him is that he is 177.5cm or so at night so a standard 5'10 guy
the difference between him and david schwimmer who is 185cm has never been that much ....matt even looked 179cm often tbh
I dont think he dips under 177cm ever at any time of the day and I think the chance of 5'10.25 is higher than 5'9.5
night heights :
matt le blanc : 177.5 - 178
matthew perry : 181 - 181.5
david schwimmer : 185
I am around 178cm in the early morning and around (give or take 1-2mm) 176cm in the evening and I have a friend who is a 183.5 - 184cm guy in the afternoon and the difference between david schwimmer who seems to be a legit 185cm guy and matt is very similar to the difference between my friend and me . so my friend is around 7.7cm taller than me ... which would put matt at around 177.3cm evening ....I think he is a legit 5'10 guy
Ramoray 1996 said on 15/May/19
@Shane minton Me too! I am exactly your height and Matt Le Blanc's height. I am also 176.5 cm (5'9.5")on average, sometimes during medical checkups or fitness, there will be some error while measuring your height. In my case, 178 cm (5'10) is my maximum recorded height and 175 cm (5'9) is my minimum recorded height. so I range between 175~178cm or 5'9 to 5'10, which I believe Matt's height falls in the same range, which makes sense.
Ramoray 1996 said on 15/May/19
@Shane minton, OMG me too! I am also exactly the same height as you and Matt Le Blanc. Sometimes I lie saying that my height is 178cm (5' 10"), but there is no way my height is less than 175cm (5' 9")
Shane minton said on 21/Mar/19
Exactly same height as me met him twice I'm 176.5 but claim 5th 10 😂
SMART BERRY said on 14/Mar/19
176 cm nothing over it
Vibram said on 15/Jan/19
Leblanc: 176cm / 5'9 1/4. He's a heavy well-fed looking guy, possibly 92kg+. May of been 177cm / 5'9 3/4 in his prime (age 27) and lighter built. That puts Chris Harris at about 171cm and Rory Reid about 179cm.
James G. said on 5/Jan/19
Matt’s 5’9.75,” with good posture. You can tell he’s a little under 5’10.”
TheBat said on 20/Nov/18
Yeah Matt is around 5'9". He wore a lot of two inch boots on Friends making him around 5'11" in that footwear.
Terry said on 8/Nov/18
5'8. He was always wearing them big chunky boots in Friends.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Jul/18
I agree with Rourke on Matt's height. I'd say 176 cm since he didn't look over 5'9" to me early in his career on MWC. With 6'1" Ed O'Neill:
Click Here And here's the clip:
Click Here You can compare him to both Ed O'Neill and 5'9" Katey Sagal within the last minute of that clip. Katey in her heels looks at least 2" taller than Leblanc in sneakers:
Click Here I don't think this guy wears lifts or elevators, at least not regularly, but I do think he'd like to be taller and thick boots, good posture and being aware of the camera help him accomplish this.
Rourke said on 10/Jul/18
Pfft, 5’10.5? Nah Matt, 5’9 or just over for you. Always wears the biggest boots I’ve ever seen in almost every episodes of friends, probably to compensate for Matt perry and David being quite tall.
Arthur! said on 28/Mar/18
Rob, I always struggled to see 3 inches difference between Leblanc and Schwimmer in Friends, let alone 3.5. Look at this clip for example. It looks like 2-2.5 inches difference most of the time.
Click Here I know he wore boots in the show all the time, but still, that's like 0.5 inch advantage. Could Leblanc be 5'9 3/4 and Schwimmer 6'0.5? That would explain a lot to me.

Editor Rob
At times it only seems 3 at most, sometimes less...David could be just under 6ft 1, LeBlanc I think was a guy with better overall posture and maybe thicker shoes.
5'10 lad said on 6/Feb/18
Rob can we get Chris Harris and Rory Reid up? I’m gonna say maybe 5’6.5 and 5’10.25 respectively from a quick look
CDS said on 6/Feb/18
Should also point out that the actress, Liza Snyder who plays his wife on TV's "Man with a Plan" is listed at 5'7" (which means could actually be more like 5'6.5" barefoot), and Matt looks barely 2 inches taller.
Bradly said on 5/Feb/18
"I'm like 5' 10" 1/2 maybe". Try 5' 8" tops. Chunky footwear for years.
Guardian said on 4/Feb/18
Matt is only 5ft 8 and that is pushing it.
CDS said on 19/Jan/18
I would've guessed him in the between 5'9"-5'10" area, but seeing 6'5" Kevin Nealon on TV's "Man With A Plan" completely dwarf him, I'm going to actually go with 5'8.75". Several times I've checked this, and Kevin is easily 8 inches taller. And keep in mind a really tall guy like Nealon oftentimes is going to be slouching to bring himself down to his much shorter co-stars.
Anonymous said on 27/Dec/17
About 5’9”.5 maybe 5’10” because he looks 5’10” on freinds
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 23/Dec/17
He doesn't have very long legs does he? I'd guess him at 5'9 and that's probably his morning height.
Nik said on 23/Nov/17
He is 5'9" flat or slightly under this!
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Nov/17
@ Shoe Lift Steve - Like the name! Love the honesty!
Matt can have 5ft9.5.
Shoe Lift Steve said on 20/Nov/17
Judging by what I've seen and everything posted here I think he looks around 5ft 9, taking into account his thick footwear and good posture.
Special order said on 25/Oct/17
Hey guys I can confirm he is approx 5 foot 7 3/4 ish 5 foot 8 3/4 in morning though. I stood beside him in 2011.. I am only 5 foot 10 and he was clearly wearing heighten shoes and me in sandles and was still quite a gap taller.
MTT said on 20/Oct/17
I'm watching Friends right now and he always wear boots. Nothing more than 5'8.
jjj said on 9/Oct/17
Often looked an inch smaller than Chandler, but i'm not sure if he was wearing boots that made him a sold 5'10.
Peter181cm said on 10/Sep/17
Yeah, He was legit 1.75m or 5'9
But now he look 1.73/1.74m
Animus said on 25/Jul/17
He could often look about 5ft10 on Friends, but he was often in big boots.
even said on 18/Jul/17
5 foot 9 flat
Cameron said on 22/Jun/17
Not sure why but me lift detector is on fire with this one.
BlueHead said on 30/Apr/17
178 in the first seasons of Friends , 177 now.
RisingForce said on 29/Mar/17
If the shorter guy in the pic Lmeister posted is a full 5'7" then Matt can look 176-177 cm there, but he also has better posture and you seem to imply the shorter guy would be more 5'6.5" so either way Matt looks more 5'9" flat, which is what he really looked to me pre-Friends. But Joseph Bologna who played Le Blanc's father has both 5'11" and 6'1" listings on the internet:
Click Here As you can see at 0:15 in that video and these stills:
Click Here Click Here
he's quite a bit taller than Le Blanc. Here are stills of Le Blanc and 5'5" Christina Applegate:
Click Here Of course it depends on how big Applegate's heels were and whether Le Blanc wore boots or sneakers (he wore both on MWC at different times)
Arch Stanton said on 28/Mar/17
I don't doubt he got measured at 5'10.5 in shoes, though if you think of him in Friends generally he seemed like a 5 ft 8-9 sort of guy than 5'10, but like
Matt Damon, stocky builds make them look shorter.
Vibram said on 27/Mar/17
I nail Leblanc at 5ft9.3 / 176cm, possibly 177cm out of bed and easily 190lbs+ on Top Gear. He's overweight with a big waistline. This must make co-presenters Rory Reid 5'11 and the often 'height-discriminated' Chris Harris at around 5'7.75. Rob, will you make a page for the latter two?
Lmeister said on 27/Mar/17
This is a good picture to define Matts real height. the shortest guy in the pic Chris Harris is same height as Eddie Jordan(5ft5). Even, if we are generous and list Chris Harris 5ft6-5ft7 Matt doesn't really look taller than 5ft8.5-5ft9.25.
Click Here
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/17
LOL, this guy has the most awkward claims. "I'm 5-11...actually I'm not 5-11" and "I'm like, you know, 5-10.5, maybe" I don't think it's even a shoe measurement. I think he's just guessing or lying. Gives the impression of a stocky 5'10" guy, but doesn't look anything over 5'9" flat in that Friends promo barefoot and he looked a good 4 inches shorter than Ed O'Neill on Married With Children. I'd go with 5'9" but I at least think the 176 cm was closer. Thick boots make him look taller.
Yonkers said on 16/Mar/17
Rob why are you so stubborn to downgrade him?
I encountered him in 2007 and he was barely 5'7 yet alone 5''9 range.

Editor Rob
Yonkers, I've not seen enough to suggest he was anywhere near 5ft 7.
josh jeffords said on 12/Mar/17
He is under this we all assumed his room mate was 6 ft he is nearly an inch less with bad posture.
That puts his height about an inch under that claims 5 10 looks 5 9 in boots, could be as little as 5 7.
I would bet big money I am taller than him actually than he ever was.
JustClueless said on 2/Mar/17
Erm if you look at that
Banned commercial it is quite clear that he is struggling to reach Phoebe's height it seems. They are at opposite ends but you can still judge that he doesn't really look taller than her in any of the shots. What I don't understand is why your listing is above it so much, unless he is always in lifts which most wearers of his height would be, really. At 173 to 174cm (even that looks a stretch in that commercial), he only needs tiny 2cm lifts in average shoes to get to 5'10" which would look quite normal in any shoe.
typing... said on 10/Feb/17
5'10"5 is a joke, he looks 174 175 176 type of guy...
Arthur said on 25/Oct/16
Rob, how tall does Leblanc look here, have you seen it? It's really old.
Click Here He looks kinda shorter than usual here...

Editor Rob
he certainly didn't look a huge amount taller than Jennifer and could look 2 inches shy of Matthew there.
Arthur said on 6/Oct/16
Here, I found an old claim (that had been mentioned here but without the source) of his back from 92:
Click Here ''I'm 5'11 and you have to be 6'1... Actually, I'm not quite 5'11 but you can put that''.
I'll give him the 5'9.75, but I don't think he can be over that.
Click Here He looks about the same as Paolo Costanzo who claimed 5-10 himself. But Leblanc is always in boots, so he has a little advantage, hence the 177 cm. I also struggle to see him under 5'9.5... 5'9.5-5'9.75 that's where he is.
Jb1987 said on 19/Sep/16
There are new pics with him and kevin james. He can not be more than 175 cm! He even has thicker shoes and a better posture!
Rei said on 7/Aug/16
176-177 cm must be his height, how much does he weight nowdays, like maybe 185-190 pounds, definitely less than 180 is a lie? What do you think Rob? Thanks..

Editor Rob
under 180 would be a surprise as he has a bit of more bulk to him than his youthful days.
Mat said on 16/Jul/16
With 5'9.75 listed Tyler Ferguson Le Blanc looks a little taller..
Click Here But here about the same
Click Here
Here with Chris Evans, Rob, how tall does he look? 5'10 flat or a little less?
Click Here Click Here

Editor Rob
with Evans he can look about 5ft 10 generally, although I wouldn't have said he was taller than Ferguson.
Mat said on 12/Jul/16
Rob, look at this clip, Matthew Perry in socks and Le blanc in boots, what do you think of their diffrence?
Click Here

Editor Rob
there didn't look much difference, but they weren't standing perfectly
Questionaire said on 10/Jul/16
My problem with this listing is that on friends Matt looks over 3 inch difference with Perry and that's with ugly construction workers boots on still. has anyone else noticed that When the reunion on talk shows and sitting on a sofa he appears shorter than Lisa.. And another flaw with this is he is known to wear lifts and looks much taller nowadays compared to the 90s... If he was 5'9 tall and wears 3 inch lifts and ontop of high heeled footwear wouldnt he be 6 foot or 6'0 1/4?
My guess for his height is 5"6 1/2 and with footwear and lifts at 5"10 1/2
What are you thoughts on this Rob?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure he really looked 3 inches taller, but then it's 20 years since watching the show!
Gregor said on 29/Jun/16
He's 175cm my friend Harry is 173cn and Leblanc didn't look much different in height.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Jun/16
Yes 5'10.5 is probably a shoe measurement, but still, you'd not think he was 177cm watching Friends!
Arch Stanton said on 28/Jun/16
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jun/16
I mean look here Click Here !!
Editor Rob: while 5ft 10.5 barefoot I'm not sure about, he certainly can look a minimum 5ft 9.5, at times does look 5ft 10
I did watch a bit of it the other night and when Chris is stood his best I did think he looked 4-5 inches taller. Perhaps Chris's posture at times isn't great, but I know Le Blanc has the tendency to where clumpy shoes at times, but looks in sneakers in some of the photos. Strange but if you see him in Friends with Schimmer and Perry I thought at times he could even look 5 ft 8 range. He never looked 5 ft 10 on Friends, I'm sure most people would think he was short!
CS said on 27/Jun/16
Time to upgrade Matthew Perry
AJ said on 26/Jun/16
Ya this listing looks more reasonable.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jun/16
I mean look here
Click Here !!

Editor Rob
while 5ft 10.5 barefoot I'm not sure about, he certainly can look a minimum 5ft 9.5, at times does look 5ft 10
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jun/16
@Rob, have you seen him with Chris Evans on Top Gear? I don't watch it but I caught a clip and strangely he does look "Like 5'10.5" with Chris Evans. No more than a 3 inch difference between them I don't think. It's difficult to see him under 5 ft 10 with him, he really does look noticeably taller than he did in Friends days which is odd.

Editor Rob
unless he wears a lift 5ft 9.5 might be the lowest.
Francis said on 9/Jun/16
5'8, but near 5'9 is acceptable since this guy never gets rid of his lifts
Mat said on 5/Jun/16
admin, maybe you should give him 177 cm then? because of the photo of him and matthew perry..

Editor Rob
5ft 9.5 range for Matt isn't unbelievable, he could pull it off.
Damon said on 31/May/16
Awkward build but 5'9 3/4 makes more sense.
Yankee said on 30/May/16
Is it possible that he is 177cm morning and 175cm at lunch and 174cm late afternoon?
Dame said on 22/May/16
Highly doubt he is anywhere near 5''10 that is the biggest joke.
Height nazi said on 18/May/16
Lift wearer everyone knows this Rob
Mat said on 18/May/16
So Rob, are you confident that he won't be a flat 5'10 man at lunch time?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't rule out completely that chance, but I think overall he looks a bit shy of it.
Bruce said on 18/May/16
My friends seen him on set changing shoes and walking around in sandals he is barely 5ft 6
Dame said on 17/May/16
Leblanc is 5'8
End of story.
Charizard said on 17/May/16
Big down grade time Rob
Mat said on 16/May/16
Rob, what the hell is going on in this picture??
Click Here

Editor Rob
it shows LeBlanc at times can look 5ft 10 range, of course if Perry has dropped 3cm in posture and 1cm in footwear then it makes more sense.
Mat said on 15/May/16
Rob, what's the highest you could argue for him?

Editor Rob
he can look near 5ft 10 at times, with good posture and a thicker boot.
Eric said on 14/May/16
A very weak 5'9 174-175 mark my words
Oregon said on 10/May/16
Just found out about this site for being very accurate with celebrity heights even especially when Google is full of crap but this thread reading below is all over the place. The people below make very good points like Matts walk being odd and at times watching his latest stuff and interviews he does seem to be wearing lifts in my opinion with how all over the place he walks and it just doesn't look right. His build makes him look smaller than he actually is too. I am extremely undecided... Anyone here actually met him in the flesh? My input is 5''8 or very weak 5'9.
Height nazi said on 8/May/16
Rob wouldn't he be 5'8 3/4?

Editor Rob
just not sure he looks that short
Charizard said on 6/May/16
Around 5"6 no more no less.
MD said on 4/May/16
First off, given the angle, I'm not sure you can say he's taller in that shot. And, of course, he has a significant footwear advantage. Let's not be ridiculous and offer photos without any context commentary.
Vaughn said on 25/Apr/16
Hi Admin.. I do not mean to sound like a know it all but it is extremely obvious that he is wearing 3 or yes even 4 inch shoe lifts and before that he had those high heeled working boots he wore during ''Friends'' the way he walks is quite clumpy too.. and if Matthew Perry is 5'11 then why is there such a big height difference showing a huge gap between the the two? My thoughts on his height is 5'6 or 5'7.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/16
I agree w/h Dmeyer. Remember, he's seen a lot of these guys in the flesh. I'd argue 5ft11½-11¾ range for Matthew Perry (edged Willis and Baldwin) and LeBlanc is not under this listing.
musket said on 2/Apr/16
Not even close to 5''9.
Brad said on 30/Mar/16
He's 5 foot 8. Wore block boots on Friends and got owned by everybody male. 5' 10.5" is laughing gas.
MD said on 28/Mar/16
I'd agree with the estimates between 5'8" and 5'9". He is just not a flat 5'9" guy.
Chris said on 25/Mar/16
174cm no more no less.
MrAverage said on 23/Mar/16
I would give him 5'7 to 5'9 due to his build making him look quite shorter.
TommyGunner said on 17/Mar/16
He looks 5'8 to me on friends.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Mar/16
@Simon, nah look at him with Chris Evans, he can look almost 5 ft 10. I think this is accurate, in Friends he could often seem on the short side though.
Simon said on 6/Mar/16
I think in the interview he was just over compensating because he was 5 foot 8 which is still respectful height and lets be honest here he does wear 3 inch lifts or when they weren't available yet thick combat or work boots.
Don Vito said on 5/Mar/16
5''9 claims are far off. 5''8 is more accurate.
Shoelifts said on 4/Mar/16
Only 5 foot 8.
Dmeyer said on 25/Feb/16
5 ft 9,5 in is closer And Perry is more 5ft 11,5
Pitch_Fork said on 24/Feb/16
There was an episode on Friends where he was barefoot and Ross was wearing shoes and Matt definitely looked like 5'8.5'' minimum. So anything under that height is real bs
Arch Stanton said on 22/Feb/16
@Rob, scroll down, see the photo of them sitting down, his shoes look sus don't they?
Click Here

Editor Rob
probably slightly thicker heel than average type of shoe, but certainly not cut high like you'd have with an elevator.
Dame said on 27/Jan/16
Rob downgrade this actor already I am sorry but his lifts and his heigh heel shoes ontop of things are the reason why they consider him 5 foot 9 or 10.
Jetsrule said on 25/Jan/16
There is a lot of episodes where Matt looked tiny like 172-173cm. Many episodes where him and Phoebe sitting next to each other phoebe looking taller sitting down and quite similar height walking next to each other... and that episode where he is wearing sandles at the casino.
Dame said on 1/Jan/16
174.5 cm is the most.
Jen said on 25/Nov/15
He's 5'8.5 max. He needs a downgrade. Barefoot he looked exactly the same as Lisa Kudrow while she was in flats. He always wore big lifts on the show.
Heylo said on 29/Aug/15
If he was 5'10 and a half as he was stating, then he would have a realistic chance of being a model of some sort, he could easily stuck in some small lift and look 5'11-6ft.
Jane said on 28/Jun/15
i'm not really sure about his height.... was always wearing boots on Friends, prob with lifts inside them, and even then matt perry always had 1-2 in on him... i'm thinking that barefoot there's a 3 in difference so either perry needs an upgrade or leblanc needs a downgrade
tilda said on 11/May/15
175-176cm seems right to me.
no more.
Arch Stanton said on 6/May/15
Rob can you add a photo of him? Put it this way, I wouldn't be betting any money that he wouldn't measure a smidge under 5'9" on the stadio barefoot. Generally about 5 ft 9 is OK though.
Gabe said on 4/May/15
Rob, in the Friends TV show there is an epsiode that Matt and Lisa Kudrow are in flat shoes and he is almost at the same eye level she is
Couldnt 5'8.75" be a possibility?

Editor Rob
I can't remember the episode, but I'd be surprised if he was that low.
Thanasis said on 18/Dec/14
Rob, I've seen the interview you mention in the description. After LeBlanc said "5'10.5 maybe. I don't know", the interviewer, jokingly, said "What he really means is 5'8!" and they both laughed. Now, I'm not saying that he is 5'8", but it's worth mentioning that the interviewer might have felt he was exaggerating a bit.
MM said on 6/Dec/14
Rob, is there a chance Le Blanc's low be at 5'9 3/4?

Editor Rob
he can look in the zone close to 5ft 10 yes.
184.3cm said on 5/Oct/14
Yeah i think you are spot on there he can look Shortish at times because of his build. A guy who measured 179cm wouldnt project that. I thought even 175cm..just from watching Friends reruns.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/14
5ft9.5/177cm is fair. I remember when LeBlanc used to get described as 5ft11 and I'd automatically conclude that Perry was 6ft1-6ft2 and Schwimmer was near 6ft3!
Dmeyer said on 5/Aug/14
Is a 5'9.5 listing possible that is Still just 176.5cm

Editor Rob
there is a chance
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
5'10.5 is probably his height in those clumpy shoes he wears.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jun/14
@Height181. Quite tall??? When?? He always looked like the stocky short guy on Friends next to Schwimmer. Matthew Perry could look quite tall, not Matt! He could look hshorter actually, like 5 ft 7 to 8 because of his build but I think about 5 ft 9 is accurate.
turgut178 said on 30/May/14
In the morning straight out of bed, could he be a full 5ft10?

Editor Rob
I think that is pretty safe to assume
dude said on 4/May/14
Could he be 5 ft 9.5 Rob?

Editor Rob
yeah it's possible
Realist said on 27/Apr/14
About 174 cm. He is not short but clearly less than Mathew Perry and David Schwimmer.
Mike T said on 6/Apr/14
I met him once and he was the same height as me. I'm nearly 5'9" (175cm) so I'd say that he's more like 175cm or 5'8.75 like me.
Lorne said on 28/Feb/14
Ed O Neill was more 186 range in MWC, a full inch taller than David Boreanez who had biker boots. I could even buy 6'1.5, considering he looked that height with poor posture. But Rob doesn't believe me:( But anyway, O Neil at say 186, fits with him at/around 176.( I've seen him on that show, he really does look 4 inches under him!!!
Nav said on 27/Feb/14
He was on "Married with Children" 1991, 3 years before "Friends", at least 4 in shorter than Ed O'Neill...5-8 1/2.
Angeles said on 14/Feb/14
Saw him on the late late show live. He looked really short and stocky. Definitely not a 5'10er. Could no way be taller than 5'9
Mike T said on 31/Jan/14
about the same height as me, 5'9". Met him once
MPinTense said on 21/Sep/13
I think Rob is right, in season 6 when Joey dates Elle McPherson (True 6 feet), they are eye to eye everytime they kiss. His boots give him 2 inches top so yeah 5'9.5 would be my guess. No way his boots give him 4 inches, sorry 5'8" believers !
Brad said on 5/Sep/13
Notorious boot wearer. 5' 8" is all you get. He's always looking up at everybody cept Court & Jen.
Cnut the Great said on 4/Sep/13
I love how when people are asked there height they act like they dont really know... everyone knows their height. when he have people who act like they dont know, they are lying
herber 185 said on 25/Aug/13
in a video with finn f1 driver kimi raikkonen (who's generously-174cm max) he looked around 176-177max considering also the shoes advantage - check in utube for yourself
truth178cm said on 24/Jul/13
174cm range
Petrolhead said on 25/Jun/13
He wore horrendously fitted clothes which made him look podgy and short. Rob has this one quite good his shoes were pretty big. BUT what do you think of this Rob
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can pass for 177cm range at times
Balrog said on 4/Feb/13
No he can look 174-175 a lot in first episodes of Friends. Barely taller than Lisa Kudrow, legit 5'8''.
Dom said on 2/Feb/13
The only time LeBlanc wore lifts was on the Elle Macpherson episodes, it was obvious because suddenly he was eye level with David Schwimmer. Elle is supposed to be 6ft. As for the barefoot promo, he is leaning back at times, I still think 176cm is fine, Perry is 182. Def no less than 175cm. 5'7-5'8 range is completely absurd.
Cingetorix said on 23/Jan/13
I'd say 5'6/57 judging by the dressing gown scene and the barefoot promo, as he always wears boots with probable lifts inside it could easily give him a strong 5'9 to a weak 5'10.
I'd put Chandler at 5'11 barefoot and Ross at 6 barefoot do the figures kind of add up.
Josh said on 9/Jan/13
Well looking at that video that Rob G posted he looks about 5'8 , 5'9.25 is his shoe height .
SAK said on 5/Jan/13
After watching the video that Rob G posted, I think LeBlanc is 175cm. LeBlanc is not standing upright like Perry (so the difference looks bogger then it is). But as they are all barefoot, it is obvious that LeBlanc is always in boots/lifts in friends episodes.
Hellere said on 7/Nov/12
Has anyone seen that episode where chandler is towering over Ross for the first and only time. Chandler is standing like 6"3 in this scene
Cingetorix said on 24/Oct/12
Going from the barefoot promo and the scene where joey is in a dressing gown talking to Ross in the hall I have to put him at 5'7.5 or so, he wears boots a lot and I'm certain there will be a lift in there somewhere getting him to about 5'10 or slightly under. His build is quite heavy but it always seemed similar to a smaller guy than a 5'10 guy especially the length of his torso.
Shaun said on 24/Oct/12
5'10.5", yeah in his regular boots. 176cm is too high, 174-5cm looks nearer what he'd be barefoot. About 3 inches shorter than Matthew Perry barefoot, Perry is 182cm range.
RisingForce said on 11/Oct/12
Well, I'll defer to you on this one, Clay. Your estimates are always reasonable(among the best on the site, imo), and I'm guessing you watched the show more than me. But I will say that I'm not sure there was just a 3 inch difference with Ed O'Neill(Al Bundy) back when Matt used to be Married With Children in the early 90's. I'll have to find a clip or look closely for the height difference.
For what it's worth, in that same interview where he claimed 5'10 1/2", he said that Perry and Schwimmer were both "like an inch or two" taller than him.
Clay said on 8/Oct/12
Ross - 6'1
Chandler - 5'11.25
Joey - 5'9.25
Rising, he wore boots a lot of times in Friends. When he didn't, you could see a huge gap in height between him and the pretty tall David Schwimmer.
RisingForce said on 6/Oct/12
Never watched Friends that much, but when I did, he looked like a 5'10" guy to me. Not much shorter than Matthew Perry who is listed at a solid 5'11" here and David Schwimmer who is listed at 6'1" here certainly didn't have more than 3 inches on him. Didn't notice his shoes too much, but is he a guy who just wears boots, or is he a guy whose boots like unusual like potential elevator boots and does his height seem to vary a lot?
If he just wears boots than he's taller than a flat 5'9" and not much below 5'10", if at all. If he wears lifts, well, then I could see him at a flat 5'9".
Tommy, where did you see that 5'11" or "almost" claim? I searched, but couldn't find it, could you post a link? It's very similar to his 5'10 1/2" claim, so I believe you.
Mathew said on 16/Sep/12
176 cm as listed is fine. He's calling his height in a healthy dress shoe.
Guz said on 29/Aug/12
I think 176-177 is allright, no way less than that.
Tommy said on 10/Feb/12
I found another claim of his, just under 5'11 basically: I'm 5-11 . . . Actually, I'm not quite 5-11 . . ."
I think 5'8.5 is right. He was always in boots pushing 2 inches on Friends.
Silent d said on 19/Jan/12
Shorter than 5 foot 9 nancy o'dell in heels. 175cm.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 27/Dec/11
I think he might be slightly less than 5'9 based on that barefoot friends promo
Silent d said on 13/Dec/11
No way he is 5 foot 10 and a half. He is a lift wearer. 5 foot 8 seems low. If perry is 182cm than le blanc is a weak 5 foot 9.
Rob G said on 5/Dec/11
Dmeyer says on 27/Nov/11
This Guy is 176 With a chance of 177
Watch this
Click Here
btw I am curious, why some peoepl just plainly ignotre this vide? It has been posted few times now)
LeBlanc is about 3" shorter than Perry in this clip. All cast memebrs are barefoot. What more do you want?
So he is between 5'8" and 5'9". Period.
SAK said on 28/Nov/11
Yeah thats definately true. McPhereson is never standing upright, and LeBlanc has lift help,
But he alsways has lift help on Friends, as he is usually similar height to Perrey who is around 2" taller.
Dmeyer said on 27/Nov/11
This Guy is 176 With a chance of 177
Silent d said on 9/Nov/11
He always looked short to me until i watched the episodes with 6 foot elle macpherson. I think there is some trickery there and camera angles. They didn't want matt le blanc to be towered by macpherson. They made her look shorter on purpose. 176cm is right.
Mr. Tempus said on 25/Sep/11
5'8, 5'8.5 at much
Rob G said on 12/Sep/11
I think you may be spot on, Plump.
Plump said on 8/Sep/11
5'8.75 is what I'll give him.
Rob G said on 29/Aug/11
Exatly joooohn. BTW this vid has been psoted here a few times now, and it always amazes me how little attention it gets. It's cler that LeBlanc is max 3 inches taller than Aniston and around 3 inches shorter than Perry.
To me he is a weak 5'9"er.
joooohn said on 5/Aug/11
Matt leblanc has around 2-3 inches max on jennifer aniston
in this promo they are all shown barefoot
Click Here
Dominic said on 26/Jul/11
Big T says on 13/Jul/11
If Elle Macpherson is 6 foot then Le Blanc + footwear is easily 6'1" in the scene when he introduces her on Friends. If he's 5'9" or less then what shoes was he wearing??
He wasn't taller than her in those scenes they were about the same height. But Im certain he was wearing huge lifts in those shoes because he looked about 2 inches shorter than Schwimmer than his normal 4. I'd say Mcpherson is more 5'11 range than a legit 6'0. Leblanc got a boost that day but I don't think it was a boost all the way to 6ft.
jake said on 25/Jul/11
He seems to be of absolutely average height
hfhdf said on 19/Jul/11
i'm 172 and he looks bigger than me. he's no less than 174cm and no bigger than 177
dmeyer said on 15/Jul/11
this guy pulls off5 5 ft 10-11 when in biker boots 1.7 in heels nothing less than 176cm
Big T said on 13/Jul/11
If Elle Macpherson is 6 foot then Le Blanc + footwear is easily 6'1" in the scene when he introduces her on Friends. If he's 5'9" or less then what shoes was he wearing??
Legend said on 23/May/11
Correction: I'm 5'10, disregard my last post. And I still think he's 5'9 flat.
edward said on 8/May/11
maybe 5ft9 barefoot in the morning and 5ft8 in the evening
Marcio said on 3/May/11
watch this:
Click Here
Pause the video at 1:53 and you'll see all of them side by side. LeBlanc is the same size as Liza Kudrow, which is said to have 1,73m.
edward..... said on 13/Apr/11
i would say a weak 5 ft 9 .. he wears huuuge boots ...
Legend said on 10/Apr/11
5'9 isn't short, but it's a confusing height because you can at times see a few girls your height in public and it does bring you down a bit. I'm 5'9.5 midday and I know how it feels to be just shy of 5'10. It can get to you sometimes.
Dominic said on 23/Mar/11
Its funny how people bag 5'9ers for being short. Compare Leblanc to someone who is 179, the difference is barely noticeable yet the 5'9er is called short and the 5'10.75 guy is considered tall. 176cm isnt short at all imo, its just not tall, its average.
Clay said on 22/Mar/11
Brad says on 20/Mar/11
Chunkys fer Matt on every episode with the other guys, he's under 5' 9" and hates it.
Id say he is 5'9 and has a complex about being short, like plenty of 5'9ers do.
Brad said on 20/Mar/11
Chunkys fer Matt on every episode with the other guys, he's under 5' 9" and hates it.
DMan said on 19/Mar/11
5'8.5 MAX.
He always wore chunky boots. I've seen many eps where he's wearing those boots, and Perry is wearing flat shoes or socks, and is still slightly shorter.
Rob G said on 20/Feb/11
Well dmeyer, LeBlanc looks that height on the show. When he's standing barefoot next to Perry in that commercial he looks around 3 inches shorter, and Perry is not quite 6ft. Strong 5'9" for LeBlanc? Nah. IMO the guy is 5'8.5"
dmeyer said on 8/Feb/11
on friens e can look 5 ft 9 o 5 ft 11 to me he is aleast strong 5 ft 9
Ali said on 7/Feb/11
I give him 5'8 tops. He wears big shoes to
look taller.
176cm is complete nonsense
dennis said on 3/Feb/11
if he's 5'9" then chandler gotta be like 5'10" tops
AlexH said on 28/Jan/11
I'd say he's 5'9- 5'9 1/2. He isn't short, but not tall either, so that number seems about right. 5'10" is a bit tall, in my opinion, given that he is the shortest of the male "Friends" and Schwimmer, the tallest, is probably no more than 6'1" and he towers over LeBlanc.
Brad said on 13/Jan/11
Wears those chunky Priestley boots everywhere for good reason, he's 5' 8.5".
Rob G said on 13/Jan/11
CLay says on 12/Jan/11
At times you could see about 4 inches between him and the 6'1ish Ross, 5'9'' is correct.
I'd say Schwimmer is just shy of 6'1" and LeBlanc is just shy if 5'9".
leonari said on 12/Jan/11
Guy is 5'9. in the morning.
CLay said on 12/Jan/11
At times you could see about 4 inches between him and the 6'1ish Ross, 5'9'' is correct.
Franco said on 11/Jan/11
After seen that comercial i would say he is 1.73 or 1.72cm and 1.78 with heels
Rob G said on 5/Jan/11
Oh, finally a downgrade for him. Though, I must say he really seems to be no more than 5'9" flat.
Givve said on 31/Dec/10
5'9 at the most, probably more like 5'8.5
Clay said on 26/Dec/10
He has a decent build, but the thing that hid his height on the show was those huge boots he was always wearing.
Legend said on 28/Oct/10
This one is funny, He is at the most 5'9
Rampage(\-_-_-/)Clover said on 27/Oct/10
176cm tops....5"9 flat more likely
Mike said on 7/Jul/09
Yeah I think 5'9.5 is a tad generous, I'd say he's a good 5'8, max 5'8.5
Rob G said on 3/Jul/09
Just watched episode 4 from season 6 Friends, there is a scene on the movie set where Joey is playing a dying man, just before the take LeBlanc is standing just in sox in a full-body shot, to me he looks 5'8" ish or a weak 5'9", and I factor that he is not standing absolutely straight there. Check it out, the scene at about 7:40 to 8:25
Click Herebtw the episode is hillarious
Rob G said on 30/Jun/09
I can buy a weak 5'9" for LeBlanc
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/09
I used to think that le Blanc was 5'8.5", but the more pictures I see of him I'd say 5'9", 5'9.5" is about accurate. His frame looks too big for anything under that.
Doug said on 27/Jun/09
Anything over 5'9" is out of the question. I can just about buy 5'9" for him, more on the 5'8.5" (174cm) though. Perry looks like a good 182cm.
Rob G said on 25/Jun/09
I am wonderig what Editor Rob thinks about this, especially about this barefoot commercial. I mean Perry is listed here at 5'11.25" and LeBlanc at 5'9.5" but there is no way the difference in that commercial is just 1.75" more like at leats 2.5" I'm thinking a slight upgrade for Perry and a slight downgrade for LeBlanc would be perfect. What do you think Rob?
Rob G said on 24/Jun/09
Indeed he is not short because 5'9" is not short just like 5'8.5" is not short either, and to me he looks to be in that range standing bareofoot next to Perry, who himself is tad under 6'0"
Leung said on 23/Jun/09
Come on guys, Le Blanc is not short. This 177cm listing is accurate.
Rob G said on 23/Jun/09
Doug says on 22/Jun/09
Rob G. What woould you say about my suggestion that Le Blanc and Stallone are identical in height? And yes he was definately wearing lifts judging by the shape of his shoes in the Goldblum scenes. Not surprised really, the producers probably gave them to him otherwise he would look ridiculous in comparison.
Doug, I would say that this is exremally possible,
and yeah LeBlanc really does look to be 5'8"ish in that commercial, I mean no way is he over 5'9".
Doug said on 22/Jun/09
Barefoot he looks like a 5'8" guy in that commercial. Notice the big height difference between Blanc and Perry. Face it. If Le Blanc is a legit 5'9.5" then Perry is 6'1". Somehow I think that Blanc is 5'8.5" and Perry very close to 6'.
Doug said on 22/Jun/09
Rob G. What woould you say about my suggestion that Le Blanc and Stallone are identical in height? And yes he was definately wearing lifts judging by the shape of his shoes in the Goldblum scenes. Not surprised really, the producers probably gave them to him otherwise he would look ridiculous in comparison.
Doug said on 22/Jun/09
Now way. Paul Rudd listed at a flat 5'9" on here was taller than Matt Le Blanc by about hlaf an inch. It should be the other way round, Le Blanc 5'9" and Paul Rudd at 5'9". I bet any money though that Le Blanc and Sylvester Stallone are exactly the same height.
Tachna said on 18/Jun/09
At this link Matt & Matthew Perry don't have shoes on..... at the end of the video
Click Here
jack said on 15/Jun/09
What Elle Macpherson taller than him in one of the episodes?
Source said on 15/Jun/09
I'd say 5'9
Rob G said on 9/Jun/09
He certainly look in the 5'8" to 5'9" range here:
Click Here
Clay said on 20/May/09
Leung, I think its possible he's 5'8.5ish, he always wore big boots on the show, and was still noticably shorter than Chandler.
Rob G said on 14/May/09
Hmm..."Goldblum did not dominate" LeBlanc, well I must disagree. There was about 6 inches betwen the two and Goldblum had a relaxed posture, while Matt was most certainly wearing lifts (look at his shoes in this episode). All in all I think LeBlanc is 5'9".
umesh said on 11/May/09
i think Matt is 5ft9.5.
Leung said on 5/May/09
The reason why Goldblum did not dominate him is because Le Blanc is not short. Le Blanc is close to 5
Doug said on 5/May/09
Yes he must have been wearing lifts next to Jeff Goldblum so the height difference wouldn't be too huge. Goldblum had relaxed posture as always giving a 6'3" impression.
Doug said on 5/May/09
I was watching him in Friends earlier and Matt le Blanc didn't look 7-8 inches shorter than 6'4" Jeff Goldblum. 6 inches maybe. LeBlanc must have been wearing lifts in his scnees with Goldblum as I did notice his shoes were pretty clunky. He can give a 5'10" impression in good footwear but he mostly looks short. I thought he was 5'7". Didn't believe the 5'11" though.
Clay said on 20/Apr/09
RisingForce says on 15/Apr/09
The comment about Bruce Willis being between 5'9" and 5'10" almost made me die laughing.
Same here. You're buddies cred goes out the door Fred, unfortunatly.
RisingForce said on 19/Apr/09
5'9.5" is the highest I could see. He's probably no shorter than 5'9" though.
bam said on 18/Apr/09
this guy is a legit 5'9.5 in my book.
mamonazo said on 17/Apr/09
Clay if Matt was a confident guy he wouldnt be wearing lifts all the time. No matter how much cash when u have a complex. Same with guys wearing wigs or having hair implants. They do not have the confidence to be bald and cool as some other bald guys. Le blanc is not a short guy but he seems to have issues with height. that's a fact.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
The comment about Bruce Willis being between 5'9" and 5'10" almost made me die laughing.
Fred said on 14/Apr/09
A very good friend of mine worked on the filming of Friends for many years and saw the "stars" on a very regular basis. I'd always ask him all sorts of questions including those about height and foot wear etc. What he told me:
1. They are all shorter than you'd probably think.
2. At various times they have all worn lifts which even led to disagreements at times.
3. He estimated that LeBlanc was around 5'8, Perry 5'10.5 and Schwimmer 5'11. LeBlanc virtually always wearing lifts and Schwimmer keen on chunky shoes to emphasize his height.
He said Willis was between 5.9 and 5.10 without shoes as was Brad Pitt.
Cue the angry responses from fanboys....
I have no reaon to doubt him as I don't see the motivation to lie. Apparently most people in Hollywood are much shorter than you'd think (they look better on camera??) but they are also very insecure about it. Companies make a fortune providing custom fit lifts for stars.
Clay said on 14/Apr/09
Im sure Matt Le Blanc with his millions of dollars and beautioful women has no problems with confidence guys..
mamonazo said on 10/Apr/09
Leung, a military posture on a confident cool guy means confidence . A military posture on Matt does not equal to confidence at all. Pitt looks great and Matt is just a different type of man.
Rob G said on 8/Apr/09
I would even go so far and say that Stallone is a little taller than LeBlanc
Brad said on 8/Apr/09
Screams insecurity. Stallone knows.
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
The reasons that I can't believe he's 5'10" are that he never really looks much over that despite wearing chunky footwear and if he was 5'10" then why would he sound so unsure claiming 5'10.5"? "I'm like, you know, 5-10 1/2, maybe." He doesn't sound very sure of his claim.
mamonazo said on 7/Apr/09
leung, one thing is having a good posture and another thing is lifting ur whole body and chin in a ridiculous way. Brad Pitt has a good posture and looks great. Matt looks silly and not confident at all. If u don't see the differece thats not my problem. Ask anyone in the fashion world if u need advise.
mamonazo said on 6/Apr/09
He's a short guy that always tries to strecht himself up so to look taller same as sly. that's not cool at all! Shouts insecurity.
Leung said on 5/Apr/09
I could believe 5
Rob G said on 4/Apr/09
Agreed on 5'9" morning height, middday he is prooly about 5'8.5". Plus 2 inch lifts in those ugly boots he was wearing constantly during Friends and he may appear as 5'10.5" :-) IMO he did look 1" - 1.5" shorter than Perry, but he had noticable footwear advantage and most probably lifts. A slight downgrade wouldn't be the worst thing.
Rob G said on 1/Apr/09
Agreed Rising Force, he is possibly 5'9" in the morning, midday about 5'8.5" With lifts in those boots he wore constantly on Friends he may be that claimed 5'10.5", about right considering he is atleast 1 - 1,5 ich under Perry, and Perry (who I believe is in 5'11" - 5'11.5" range) is usually wearing snikers or flats.
Ian said on 31/Mar/09
Miko I notice how Schwimmer gains the advantage again by being in the foreground of that photo and turns sideways further gaining the height advantage. He does this a lot. Yes and Le Blanc is really stretching up and Schwimmer is to a certain extent. Perry looks totally relaxed though and comfortable with his height. Good photo.
Brad said on 31/Mar/09
Yes Miko, that's "the Le Blanc effect". He knows he's going to be fired on by the photogs with the cast so he's in his 3" whoppers. Matthew is probably laughing silly.
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
Le Blanc there is getting a noticeable camera advantage and his posture is indentical to the Stallone effect, yet he's visually shorter than Matthew Perry who is listed here at 5'11.25". And that's not even considering what Le Blanc may have in his shoes.
He's 5'9" in the morning.
Leung said on 30/Mar/09
I think Le Blanc and Stallone are both 5
miko said on 30/Mar/09
I'd pay to see a LeBlanc/Stallone photo.
Here is the 5"9 stretch and Stallone '83 model Brad.
Click Here
sodapop said on 29/Mar/09
Hes not 5'9" , he looks more like 5'7, the black chic is as tall as him and I know shes not 5'9
ace said on 28/Mar/09
Anyone else think he is standing on a box:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 22/Mar/09
I agree Brad, I don't think he looks more than 5'9" unless he has height enhancing footwear.
Ivan said on 22/Mar/09
for me he seems to be not more than 180 cantimetres maybe 178
Brad said on 22/Mar/09
I want to see that clip. Katie nailed it. She's not stupid. He's 5' 9" in his effect. He's always looking up to male humans. "Suspicious"? Those are the Stallone '83 model with Travolta. "Five feet ten and a half", try "maybe 5' 9" if I stretch myself".
bam said on 22/Mar/09
perry might be closer to 6ft, according to glenn, 6ft. Le blanc is 5'9.5, 5'10ish with a small footwear boost.
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
I can't help but find it funny how much he stalled when he claimed 5'10.5" and how unsure he sounded. I know there's a clip of that interview somehwere, I'd love to see it. I know Katie Couric called him out too saying "don't you mean 5'8"?".
Look at him with Matthew Perry(listed here at 5'11.25")
Click HereClick Hereit's obvious that Le Blanc is atleast 2 inches shorter. In the first picture the low angle favors Perry a bit, but Le Blanc is also closer to the camera. In the second picture it shows that Perry slouching heavily is still taller than Le Blanc.
Le Blanc's shoes even look suspicious
Click Here while Perry's shoes didn't.
Click HereHe seems 5'9" max to me. I guess 5'9.5" is possible, but I have my doubts.
Rob G said on 9/Mar/09
Hey, just to say no hard feelings here ;-) btw Brad nailed it lol
ace said on 8/Mar/09
"Rob G: The guys name is Leblanc not Leblack...can you even read? Dyslexic ?"
Did that really need to be said. It could be a simple spelling error.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
you should see the forum police try to capture me on the stallone page leonari.its disgusting.
Brad said on 8/Mar/09
Matt Lelookup. Matt "Where's my chunkies" Le Blanc. Matt "I need better writers" Le Blanc.
leonari said on 7/Mar/09
Anonymous: get lost. Rob G answered with humour. You go around and play forum police? Fool...Take care of your business. Weirdo.