Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jan/23
I’m excited to discover that Lin is starring in a film entitled The Final Wish, which is one I’ve never heard of to date.
It’s showing on the Legend/Horror channel, so no surprise there then! So far, it’s a film that looks good enough to buy.
Slim Lin gets 5ft3 for her peak and 5ft1.75 for today’s height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/22
I’m watching Insidious again, and I think that 5ft1.5 is more to the point for Lin’s today’s height.
She can have 5ft2.75 for her peak.
What a fabulous actress!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Oct/21
Lin looks so tiny in the Insidious movies, but she's as brave as they come and extremely knowledgeable. I didn't rate 2001 Maniacs very highly at all, the only good thing being Lin's dancing, which certainly showed the viewer how fit she still is! 😁👌
Peak height - 5ft2.75 😉👍💐
Today - 5ft1.5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jul/21
Thanks, Rob, for the before and after box facility! 😁👍
I'll make the most of it by adding 5ft3 for Lin's peak height and 5ft2 for today's, and reiterating how much I thought she could pass for a little girl in a scene from one of her Insidious films when you see her from behind. Such are the advantages when you keep your weight down and haven't got much of a height!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jun/21
That's very honest and matter-of-fact of the lady, Rob!
Lin turns 78 this year, and others born in that year (1943), i.e. David Cronenberg and Christopher Walken, who have already turned 78, have 'Peak' and 'Present' height boxes, so why not Lin?
Peak - 5ft3; Today - 5ft2.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/May/21
'Insidious IV - The Last Key' is showing on the Film 4 channel and it really is maddening to witness how dreadfully her brutal beast of a father treated her when she was a child - all because she saw spirits, which frightened him - the pussy! 😝 Then to make matters even worse, her mother is hanged by a ghost, so the child and her little brother are motherless.
How Elise grew up to be the strong woman she became, helping others who have trouble with evil spirits, shows what a fantastic and selfless person she is. I really do love her Elise character!
Has she been downgraded, Rob, by half-an-inch?

Editor Rob
I gave her peak/current, she had claimed 5ft 2 last year.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
I recently bought a 2020 version of 'The Grudge' and I thoroughly recommend it. Well, I would do - Lin Shaye is in it!
I just found 5ft3 for Lin, but when she herself admits to 5ft2, I'm not going to doubt it. I can believe 5ft3 for her peak though.
Original height - 5ft3; today's height - 5ft1.75. Lin is 77 and-a-half now, so a height loss of 1.25" is highly likely. She does cut a tiny figure when you see her standing in her 'Insidious' and 'The Conjuring' movies, whether she's by herself or with others, and she is delicately built as well.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/19
💐🎂💝 Many Happy Returns Lin! 💝🎂💐
Here's wishing the excellent, exciting horror actress Lin Shaye a Very Happy 76th Birthday!
5ft3 peak; 5ft2 today! 😁 XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Aug/19
I'm watching a Lin Shaye/Robert Englund film called 'The Midnight Man'. It's not the first time Lin has joined Robert in a film either - '2001 Maniacs' saw them star together. I think I'm going to like this a bit better though because it's not turning cannibalism into comedy, but the ending of that film had such a brilliant twist that it is worth seeing purely for that.
In 'The Midnight Man', Lin is playing an old lady who is suffering from dementia and she lives in a huge house with a pile of secrets which, no doubt, will be unveiled during the course of the movie. She is looked after by her teenage granddaughter, who has her boyfriend round. Then they discover a rather sinister-looking game, boxed up tightly for good reason in the attic.
I don't think this is going to offer much of an opportunity to see Lin standing and walking about, unlike the aforementioned film, where we see her dancing and looking the petite 5ft2 that we see chalked up here.
So that's it - 5ft2 for today's height and 5ft3 for yesteryear. I can't see her having lost any more, and if you don't believe me, have a look at how fit she still is in '2001 Maniacs'!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Jun/19
Lin looked a very convincing 5ft2 last night in 'Insidious'. Every time I see it, I always think how slim she is, but in a job as scary as the one she has, not many would have a huge appetite - except for Angus Sampson, of course, who plays one of her helper-boyzzz! 😉
I can give Lin 5ft2 and 5ft3 for her peak.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/19
I have just started watching 'Insidious II' and marvelled at the likeness of the 'young Elise Rainier' to Lin herself! The actress who plays her is called Lindsay Seim and she is written up as 5ft5, and if Leigh Whannell's films weren't so absorbing, I would have noticed the discrepancy before now, but I hadn't!
Yes, Lindsay does seem a trifle too tall
to play young Elise, though a 3" height loss over the years is excessive, but not unheard of by any means.
Lin looks in far too fine a shape to have lost 3" - the actress's posture is excellent!
Today she gets 5ft3 peak and 5ft2 for today's height. 😊👍
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jun/18
I've just been watching the 'extras' from Lin's super-scary kick-ass fourth 'Insidious' offering! Among the goodies there is an alternative ending. It goes not unlike this:
Elise Rainier is stuck in the 'further' when she is faced with a demon known as 'Key Face'. He looks as though someone has tried to yank his face off using an upward motion, and given up trying, exposing the skeletal part of his nose and his rotten gnashers! Not very pretty, I assure you!
While condemning the demon and assuring it that, eh.. he will never be getting any more misery out of her, for it's upon this that he thrives, she stabs him through his excuse for a mouth and says, "Get a breath mint, @rsehole!"
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jun/18
Lin is just SO GOOD!
I'm watching as 'Insidious' is shown for the first time on the 'Horror Channel', and she stars with 5ft6 Rose Byrne, 5ft11+ Patrick Wilson and 5ft4 Barbara Hershey. This little powerhouse of an actress, with her wonderful, commanding voice, is notably the smallest!
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/18
Robert Shaye is Lin's brother!👦👧
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/18
@ Rob - I have never seen 'Kingpin', but I have 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' on right now, and Lin is playing the kids' teacher, which is something I hadn't remembered! I saw it at the pictures when it first came out, and then the second, and the third....!
I did notice at the beginning of the film that the name Robert Shaye came up as the film's producer! He must be related to Lin! Isn't that interesting?
Lin doesn't look below 5ft3 in this. She'll have been no more than about 40, and most attractive as well, with that same distinctive voice!

Editor Rob
If you like Bill Murray and Woody Harrelson, I think it's worth catching one day. Yes, I remember her from that classic, Jenny got scared watching the first one so she's never seen the others!
But then I nearly had a fright cleaning a window sill the other day...a flippin bat flew out about 30 feet and then done u-turn and began heading back towards me. I never shut a window faster in my life!!!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/18
That's a crackin' little picture of her, if you don't mind my saying so, Rob! 😉

Editor Rob
I remember her in the film KingPin...she certainly looks a lot better in real life than her character was made to look.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/May/18
@ Rob - Thank you! 👍😁
Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/18
The name of Lin's 'Insidious' character is ELISE Rainier, and not Louise, as I previously stated.
Nik said on 30/May/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I am pleased that your page request for Lin Shaye has been granted! Well, here she is and it must be said that she is a very worthy addition to celebheights!
Lin seems to look at least her listed height compared to many of the cast members from the "Insidious" films so I will offer her 5'2" for her current height!
lee168cm said on 30/May/18
Five three peak sounds about right as there was barely half an inch between her and Heather langenkamp in a nightmare on elm street but five two now sounds ok was a good few inches shorter than Olivia Cooke in the first ouija film and she's five foot five
Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/18
Lin is the smallest of the 'Horror Actors' - if she finds her way onto the page! I think she qualifies! 🎺😆

Editor Rob
I think she is worth adding to the page.
Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/18
Brilliant! Fantastic! Thank you so much Rob!
I found Lin instantly captivating when I first saw her in 'Insidious'! Since then, I have found that she's been a regular in horror films - and others besides - for years! I've even spotted the lady in an episode of 'Tales from the Darkside', so there have been many, many acting credits to her name.
I will agree that Lin looks 5ft2 nowadays, but her slim figure can give the impression of slightly more height, I feel! 5ft3 will go in her peak height box, unless I catch that 'Tales from the Darkside' episode again and think otherwise!
She's a fabulous addition to Celebheights!

Editor Rob
As I think I mentioned, Leigh Wannell called her a 5ft 3 woman, although today I think 5ft 2 is maybe more likely.