Gerald S said on 3/Dec/24
Yes Rob, Drury looked nearer 6ft with McClure here (
Click Here
5’11.5” might be Drury’s figure after all.
Gerald S said on 30/Nov/24
Rob, can we go with 5’11” for Drury?
Below from 0:46:12 is the best Elvis/Drury height comparison. Elvis seems a smidgeon taller but also could have been more 5’11” than 6’. Richard Egan (near 6’) easily edges out Drury (who evidently carries a 5’11” frame).
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not looked enough at him, just had a quick look at some clips from The Virginian and at times seemed to hold up reasonably well with Doug McClure.
Gerald S said on 26/Nov/24
Rob, can you add his THE VIRGINIAN co-star, James Drury?
6ft seems an exaggeration. 5’11” range more realistic, on par with Cobb.

Editor Rob
I remember him with Elvis and I am not sure he was shorter than him....would need to look at this guy in the future.
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/23
Then at 1hr17:07 he suddenly miraculously grows 4cm and looks this with an edge on Holden! Must just be his slumped posture in earlier scenes.
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/23
He is slouching a bit, but still hard to imagine he'd actually be a bit taller than Holden!

Editor Rob
He does look like he's losing height with Holden, just how much is the question.
Arch Stanton said on 18/May/23
Oh dear Rob, see 36 minutes range, he's not holding up too well with William Holden, though he is playing an old man so posture might not be the best ... Looks 5 ft 9 range there, the shortest I've ever seen him look!
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 27/Dec/22
Looks nothing under 5 ft 11 here with a barefoot James Coburn at 12 minutes, looks about 6 ft in shoes.
Click Here
dreus23 said on 22/Nov/22
For whatever reason, I thought he looked 5'8.5-5'9 in 12 Angry Men. He didn't look much taller than 5'6.5 Martin Balsalm (genuinely looked maybe 2 inches taller than him) and was clearly shorter than Henry Fonda, pretty clearly by 4 inches. Initially, I thought it was because he was old and had shrunk by then, but since Cobb was born in 1911, and the movie was released 1957, that's impossible
I haven't seen any of his other work though. I guess they could have made him look shorter than he was there in case he consistently looks closer to 5'11 outside of that movie. He does play a pretty pathetic character, and it's clear they were trying to make Fonda appear as the superior, maybe therefore "bigger" man
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/22
I turned over for a while last night to see Lee J Cobb appear
in ‘Coogan’s Bluff’, so that I could compare him to Clint Eastwood.
I didn’t have to wait long, and yes, there was a considerable difference, but I didn’t doubt Lee’s entry for 5ft11. Clint was young in that film and very tall.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/21
Lee played the charming, cinema-going, somewhat star-struck Lieutenant Kinderman in 'The Exorcist', but had sadly passed on when 'Exorcist III' came out, and his role was reprised by the 1" taller, burlier George C Scott, but it looks more than an inch so maybe Lee had lost some height when it was made in '73. Yes, I think he must have done, as he was in his early 60s when 'The Exorcist' was made - probably 62.
Poor Lee passed on less than three years later. He died of a heart attack, aged 64. 😢
5ft11 but less in 'The Exorcist'.
RIP Lee J Cobb 🕯️ XXX
8th December 1911 - 11th February 1976
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Aug/20
Wouldn’t rule out 181cm peak. Could give a tallish impression at times
Arch Stanton said on 7/Aug/20
@Rob for some reason the italics thing is broken...
Check him out at 48 minutes here.
Click Here Looked better older than he did younger, could pass for near 6 ft there with Italian actors. I think a legit 5'11 in his prime is reasonable.
James said on 12/Feb/17
Cobb was actually 5'10". He was badly miscast in "Man of the West", he was actually a decade younger than Gary Cooper.
angelica iheanacho said on 28/Feb/16
Lee J Cobb was an amazing actor. I enjoyed his appearance in "Twelve Angry Men" and "The Three Faces of Eve". I just finished watching a movie with him and Tyrone Power. He was vastly underrated.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/15
He definitely looked around this w/h Brando in OTWF...superb actor.
Sam said on 18/Aug/15
To go with a Western featuring Cobb, you'd have to mention Man of the West, looks like you got one more slot to 10 there, Rob.
Steve said on 17/Aug/15
I believe Cobb was 5'10". I'm watching 12 Angry Men. Cobb is the same height as both Jack Warden and Jack Klugman, both no taller than 5'10".
Arch Stanton said on 13/Feb/15
Oh and Man of the West of course!
Arch Stanton said on 13/Feb/15
Rob can you squeeze in The Three Faces of Eve, Our Man Flint and How the West Was Won?
Sam said on 1/Dec/14
He actually looks more 5'10" tops near 5'7" Frank Sinatra. I know Sinatra wasn't adverse to larger footwear perhaps making them look a bit closer.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 10/May/14
Yeah 180 looks spot on next to Jimmy Stewart in Call Northside 777. 4-4.5 inches.
Arch Stanton said on 10/May/14
Watching him in Call Northside 777 with Jimmy Stewart right now! He's sitting at a desk!
Sam said on 25/Mar/14
No, I haven't seen it yet. After the Oscars, in my little free time I've been trying to catch up on TV shows that I missed like Hannibal and True Detective (what's with all the ritualistic murders involving deer antlers??), but will watch these movies when I get some time.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Mar/14
Sam have you checked out Our Man Flint and In Like Flint yet?
Arch Stanton said on 25/Feb/14
5'9??? Not a chance. Unless Coburn was 6' flat..
Gonzalo said on 21/Feb/14
I see him more at 1`78
Arch Stanton said on 5/Feb/14
They're good fun with some very funny gags and quips in parts but they tend to fizzle out in the second half, Our Man especially is great until they reach the island and then it pretty much sucked. Well worth a watch though, they're both available on the tube Sam. They're pretty groovy 60s movies.
Sam said on 5/Feb/14
I've never actually sat down and watched the In Like Flint movies.
Knowing all said on 2/Feb/14
Cobb was exactly the same height as Dana Andrews in Boomerang! (1947). Andrews was five-ten.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/14
Generally yeah though he played arrogant bullies.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jan/14
@Sam, don't forget the end of the Flint movies, Cobb was guffawing and going pretty wild for his character at the end of those!
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jan/14
@Know it all. If what you say is true every actor on here needs to be downgraded an inch, including Gary Cooper and James Coburn.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jan/14
I requested Ella a few weeks back Jeff. She was amazing. Joe Pass being my favourite guitarist of course, check out her and Joe live in Germany from 1975 I think it was! Sinatra didn't have much musical knowledge but he certainly struck a chord with his singing!
Sam said on 30/Jan/14
I enjoy Cobb a lot. I especially like him The Exorcist because it was one of the few films where he was allowed to show his sense of humor, he had a lot roles as dour, kind-of-mean dudes. I have ambivalent feelings about his actions during the Communist Witch-Hunts, though.
Jeff C said on 29/Jan/14
Arch dont forget also Frank's friendship with the great Ella Fitzgerald. They sang many times together, great duets. Sam, that was a interesting article regarding Frank's generosity.
Knowing all said on 29/Jan/14
Cobb was definitely five-ten. I met him back in the late 1960s and noticed he was slightly shorter than me. I'm five-eleven. A real gentleman. He was extremely friendly and appreciative when I told him he was one of my favorite actors.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jan/14
Cobb looks 5.5-6 inches shorter than 6'5" Andrew Duggan and 2.5-3 inches shorter than James Coburn in In Like Flint. Consistently looks a clear 5'11".
Sam said on 27/Jan/14
Click Here
Apparently, he paid for Cobb's medical bills. It was Bud Abbott funeral Sinatra paid for. This article is interesting, showing how Ol' Blue Eyes could be both very generous and a monster. One of my favorite stories with Sinatra is John Wayne taking down one of Sinatra's bodyguards because Sinatra and his entourage were making too much noise in their adjacent hotel suites and refused to keep it down. They were quiet after Wayne punched the lunch out of the big guard's stomach.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jan/14
Yes I think part of it Jeff was that Sinatra was surrounded by elite jazz musicians who were extremely talented like Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Dexter Gordon etc and it must have seriously angered him at the ignorance of places who refused to accept such musicians just for being black, when in reality they had more talent than many of the white musicians at the time. Sinatra was the man, there's few men of the 20th century I have more respect for. I'm about to watch In Like Flint which Cobb was in, and Austin Powers's favourite film :-]
Jeff C said on 26/Jan/14
you're right Arch. Not that many people know he was also a civil rights activist. Back in the day he refuse to perform in hotels were black entertainers were not admitted. He was also very generous with his friends, maybe with the exception of Peter Lawford. But that's a whole different story.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Jan/14
Sinatra was a good man and knew a good man when he spotted one. It wouldn't surprise me Jeff if that was true.
Jeff C said on 23/Jan/14
johnny friendly was a weak 5'11, however he was a terrific actor. I heard that he died broke and Frank Sinatra paid for his funeral. Not sure if its a rumor or a fact.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jan/14
Cooper only looked about 4 inches taller in Man of the West Sam, that's not towering him.
Sam said on 21/Jan/14
He was almost towered by Cooper as I recall, but Cooper was near 6'4". Oddly enough Cobb was supposed to be older than Cooper in Man of the Wet but in spite of their hair colors, Cobb looked younger. I don't buy under 5'11" really for him. In this shot from 12 Angry Men, Cobb is bending down to approximate the height of the defendant and wishing he could stab Henry Fonda. As I said, upright Cobb looked 2 inches shorter than Fonda.
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jan/14
He had about 2 inches on Brando in On The Waterfront.
truth said on 20/Jan/14
hehe has that bad ass smirk.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Jan/14
@Jeff and Avi and co 180cm is technically like 5'10.866, you're quibbling over 0.366 of an inch...
Jeff C said on 19/Jan/14
I will give him 5'10 and a half at the most. He wasnt that much taller than Brando On The Waterfront.
avi said on 19/Jan/14
was in Gunsmoke and obviously way shorter than 6'6.5-6'7ish James Arness but really wasnt super towered. one of those strong 5'10 guys probably at 5'10.5
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jan/14
I've seen 10 of his films I think and he looked 5'11" in all of them.
Mr. Kaplan said on 19/Jan/14
I think he was 5'10". Jimmy Stewart had just about five inches on him in 'Call Northside 777'.