Jesse said on 7/Aug/06
I saw the autopsy report and I remember if im not wrong that Kurt was 5'7" tall 170cm.
trueheight said on 5/Aug/06
nice find tuts! there are a multitude of Kurt+Courtney pics in which Kurt is the same or taller(wedding)
paul said on 4/Aug/06
hey tuts in this same day of the vma '92 there is a picture of cobain and flea (5'6) from chili pepers side by side too, and kurt seems like 5 cm taller, maybe pushing 174 cm, and dave is 183 cm, that's do not make sense
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
And Dave is 6ft.
tuts said on 3/Aug/06
you guys remember the mtv video music award that nirvana won for best album i guess it was?? there was a clear shot of kurt and dave side by side fast walking to recieve the award, and they were pretty much the same height, they looked like brothers or something, if you dont believe me, go to and see it for yourself... that should clear all doubts
Larry said on 27/Jul/06
Glenn - Thanks! :-) I only hope my accident hasn't ended my field work. THAT would bug me; I'm not a "classroom" instructor. Also, I consulted with the Dallas, Texas zoo in setting up their Nile crocodile habitat. They have several adults, including an 11 foot female & a 14.5 foot male. She weighs about 600 pounds & he weighs about 900 pounds. So, I got inside the enclosure, but stayed at least 30 feet away due to my healing leg. I made it VERY clear that these animals can and WILL kill AND eat them if they're not CAREFUL, so ONLY to use professional handlers in THAT habitat! :-)
Glenn said on 26/Jul/06
What did his autopsy say in height? thanks for backing me Larry.I wish I experienced what you know and learned Larry.
trueheight said on 26/Jul/06
autopsy results are revealing, even if slightly skewed. I subscribe to 5'10
Larry said on 26/Jul/06
Doris, Glenn - My son saw him in concert twice & so I asked him IF he saw him off-stage & he stated that Kurt looked 5'9" to 5'10", BUT that Kurt looked the TALLER height when he (my son) saw him 5 years earlier. So, a spinal problem could account for that.
Yes - I have studied and "handled" (carefully) big cats. :-) Beautiful animals, but "I" wouldn't want one for a "pet". :-) IF they are hand raised they CAN be handled though. I haven't dealt with tigers much, but lions, cougers, and jaguars: yes. Also, I helped with the snow leopard collection at the San Antonio zoo. They have a species-sustaining breeding program there. Also, I worked with hyenas (neat animals when you get to know them): entirely matriarchal.
Glenn said on 25/Jul/06
You could see Kurt was a bit taller in earlier pic.though I mightve been 5-7 then.second pic,he was hunched a bit,you cant really tell.and in pajamas! again minimum on this guy was 5-9,with a most likely,realistical 5-10 more photos.actually there is another taken a minute before the first.clearly 2 iches taller in this pic.I will post one day.
paul said on 25/Jul/06
glenn, looking at the ewest picture (blond hair), what was kurt's height? you may know cause you were beside him, rs.
cris said on 25/Jul/06
i tottally agree with you glenn, and laurence, you do not need to be so rude, more humility please. glenn, do you have others photos with cobain?
trueheight said on 24/Jul/06
check out my pics Laurence
Your pics:
lying in bed, kurt's legs are comparable to Daves, but NOTICE his torso! you can't deny there is something wrong w/ it
2nd pic:
I see one Asian woman. Maybe i've been around less than you but the two chicks in the center don't look asian. and there's 5'5 chad appearing about a good 5in shorter than kurt, plus he's closer to the camera
Glenn said on 23/Jul/06
Another thing.Vedder is 5-7 to 5-8.yes,she is wrong about that.but he wasnt taller.Kurt was taller by almost 2 inchs.Doris is going through one of the worst periods in her life now.if and when she comes back,she doesnt need to read your insult.
Glenn said on 23/Jul/06
Listen Laurence genius.I did something 99% of you didnt do.I met Kurt many times,talked to him,and even on one occasion hung out with him.each time he appeared 5-8,5-9 with a horrible slouch,giving me the impression he mightve been 5-10 if straightened out.and if you look at Bleach era pics there are shocking pics of him looking near 6ft,hence what Doris saw when she MET him.and he had a spinal condition I REALLY think he was 6ft? no.but I think he was close to time debate in mature manner and dont call people stupid that actually met him.THAT makes YOU look stupid.can I explain why Depp and Stallone look 5-11 everytime I saw them? maybe cause these guys are closer to 5-10 than we think.
Laurence said on 22/Jul/06
oh and another thing, i cant believe how ignorant some people in here are (especially Doris)
just look at the pic that has been posted here before where Nirvana is lying on bed:
Click HerePLEASE how can you deny this?
and now comes the even more hilarious thing, the pic which you brought up yourself as the big evidence for Kurt Cobain being a tall man:
Click Herenow if you, even if it is hard for you, try to look unbiased at it, how does it make someone tall or even 6 feet tall, or just 5'11 or 5'10, because he can stand out in a group of partly asian women who are all together hardly over 160cm? HAHAHA
and the good thing about this pic is having Krist Novoselic standing on the left side, because that shows us much more
it shows us that on this pic Kurt Cobain is clearly 1 foot smaller than Krist, which makes him how tall? yep.. tatatata 5'7
alright, one last thing
if someone doesnt know anything about the Grunge scene and followed your comments here, Doris, he would get the picture that Kurt Cobain is a "tall" man of about 6 feet, while Eddie Vedder is 5'4
when IN FACT vedder was taller than cobain or at least same height hahaha
alright, in conclusion i can just say it all doesnt matter anyway, what does it matter how tall someone is
and im not trying to criticize or make Kurt bad in any way, im a big Nirvana fan myself, and im not saying hes not handsome or anything, he was, he was just not tall
but wheres the problem with that, many great men in history where not tall
Shinra said on 7/Jul/06
On the concert in Rio , January 1993, Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers is talking to him on stage and he's around 167cm (5'5?) and cobain is an inch taller or so it looks, so my guess is that cobain is around 171-172(5'7
Glenn said on 19/Jun/06
Doris-I dont think those cats have a name.they are clinically bred that way.I guess various to choose makes me happy that your mom acknowledges me.I just hope she gets better soon.make sure to not touch your face after handling the cat and always wash your you seem alergic at all yet? love,hugs and kisses to the 2 of you.Doris,are you the only one watching your mom? if she has other help,please get at least one shot of 8 hours rest.please.
InUtero said on 16/Jun/06
5'9....5'10 it's impossible!
the picture shows cobain was at least 3-4 inchese smaller thang Grohl
Mr. T said on 13/Jun/06
Slouch city in that photo--I'm still convinced on 5'9-10", at least from around 1991.
InUtero said on 13/Jun/06
People look at that picture
Click Here is the definitely picture that demonstrate Cobain was 10 cm smaller than Grohl!
Larry said on 13/Jun/06
Our dog is 1/2 Charpei (sp) & 1/2 pitbull. She MIGHT have some golden retriever in there too. :-) My daughter found her abandoned & nearly dead. We nursed her back to health & she's a big sweetheart! :-) Two of our cats are sisters & 13 years old. They're white & grey-spotted short-hairs. We have a Russian blue & a black long-hair. We have two other litter mates: a long-haired tabby & a black short-hair. The two older sisters we've had since birth & the others "found us". We always had our pets neutered. I've worked with wild animals all of my career. I know Jeff Corwin & Steve Irwin & have even helped "wrangle" a 5 meter salt water crocodile! NOT by myself, of course. Mostly I teach field research on North American mammals, but I've handled snakes. They don't scare me, but I respect them! I've been bitten by: a copper head, a black bear, 4 brown bears, 3 coyotes, 1 dog, 2 pythons, etc. and I've been "raked" by an 8' grizzly, but I still love 'em!
Glenn said on 12/Jun/06
Doris-any progress? how are things? you do know they have cats now that are hypoallergenic? 7Gs in price.Im not keen on Boas and scorpions for mom.a furry kitty would be nice :-).I prefer cats over people.much love to you and mom!
Glenn said on 11/Jun/06
exactly.My cats dont care if Im broke or not.
Doris said on 11/Jun/06
Hi, I love you all very, very much, and send my loves on the snoots to your pets!
I think animals are the only perfection that exist amongst mankind. They are pure, sweet loving orbs of joy. My Afghan Hound is my pride and joy, no matter how disobedient, Persia was there for me when my dad died, and mom got sick. She is my baby love. Sometimes, when she is running outside, or just standing in the sun, she is the most amazing vision to behold. Her hair amazes me. What kind of dogs do you have Larry dear? and lots of cats you say? I think cats are beautiful and would love to get my mother one Glenn, but sadly we both suffer from cat allergies. I am determined to attempt feline companionship again, maybe one of those hideously cute naked cats, the Sphynx! have you guys seen those things? no fur, and wrinkled all over!
Thank you mr. T, yes he DID SHRINK. Kurt's posture and terrible spine caused a loss in height that is apparent, it just seemed to be getting worse too. It makes me so sad. I just can't stand the pained look on Kurt's face.
My guys! I love you my precious Glenn-glenn:-), my sweet Chris:-), my animal lover Larry:-), Ed. Rob:-), love you all, all you guys:-)!!!
You are so right, I just can't imagine you thought I'd get my mom a snake Larry! you are so funny and sweet. The image of my mom with a python is really funny! way too big. Aren't they beautiful though? my friend used to keep exotics, cobras and vipers...isn't that the creepist thing? he loved those albino cobras, and Chinese green tree vipers. Also yellow scorpions from the desert. He used them to protect his million dollar rare book collection, with many volumes on the occult and from centuries ago. He was a strange, fabulous man, a Satanist I believe. Very scary. My father met him in 71' in Prague. Since then I've always been a bit cautious about snakes and scorpions. I suppose what Larry said about snakes reminded me of that...he had a gigantic python that was so heavy. So I could just never, ever think of my mom with one of those creatures. Maybe something in the avery world, or fluffy. She loves Ravens. What do you guys think? what do you think would be a good companion? she likes Cairn terriers, but I think they are to active.
I love you all, I hope everybody had a great day!!!!!
Larry said on 11/Jun/06
Glenn - Animals give so much & it's unconditional. I think they're noble. :-)
Mr. T said on 10/Jun/06
He doesn't look like he's standing up straight in those pictures, Zach. Notoriously bad posture, plus he started shrinking around that time due to his numerous back problems.
Glenn said on 10/Jun/06
cool chris!
Glenn said on 9/Jun/06
Glad to hear your an animal lover too Larry!
Larry said on 9/Jun/06
Good for you, Glenn!!! :-) We have a BIG dog and 6 cats. That is: we are "staff for the cats". The dog RAISED 4 of the cats from kittens.
Chris said on 8/Jun/06
Hi Doris. Nice to hear from you again. So sorry about your mom. Never give up. I
UNK said on 8/Jun/06
Nice find Zack! Rob, what do you make of that pic, he's in socks, she's barefoot and behind him.
Glenn said on 8/Jun/06
Doris-Glad to finally hear from there hasnt been any progress with your mother?.I feel for the both of you.Im glad your finally eating.the weight loss is stress Im guessing.I prefer cats for company.but maybe she isnt a cat deepest love to the 2 of you.keep in touch soon.
Larry said on 8/Jun/06
Doris - As a zoologist: BEWARE of exotic pets! Usually a bad idea. I've seen some tragedy up close & personal from things like extracting a 15 foot renticulated python from a guy's bathroom. JMHO - you can't beat cats, dogs, REGULAR fish and (some) birds. I best pets I ever had, I got from the animal shelter.
Zack said on 7/Jun/06
He can't be taller than 5'7-5-8, here's some pics with him standing next to 5'9 Courtney Love:
Click HereClick HereNo way over 5'9 unless he wore lifts
Doris said on 6/Jun/06
My Glenn-Glenn, I love you much. Christian dear, loves. Ed. Rob, great affection. I want to know that everybody is fine, doing well. Happy and healthy. I hope you loves are all perfect and content. I am so sorry about my prolonged absence, my life as of late has been exhausting.
My mom is very sick and lonely. I thought of getting her some kind of pet to keep her company. She likes exotics. What would you boys suggest?
I have lost 20 pounds already and am having terrible pain in my side. I have been eating, just like you made me Glenn:-). I am loving bagels and cream cheese or lox. Actually, I've been eating very well considering...which to guys might not be well at all, but none the less this mysterious weight loss plagues me.
I sometimes wish there was a new Nirvana album coming out...
I love you all very much, I hope everybody had a wonderful day!
Glenn said on 23/May/06
Please eat and get some rest at some point.remember always that the 2 of you are in our hearts.
Doris said on 23/May/06
Glenn, Chris:-) I love you guys so much and my mom is grateful for your warm thoughts. You are wonderful, lovely men and I only wish the best for you both. She is still very, very ill and fighting her illness. I am a wreck...I have not slept or ate in three days, just coffee. I really am so grateful for you guys, you make me feel so much better!
Lots of love to everybody, I hope everybody had a great day. ed. rob, lots of love.
Chris said on 21/May/06
Hi Doris. I´m so sad to hear about your mom, I´ll bet she´s a strong woman and so are you:) Love you. I will think of you both. Lots of love /Chris
Anonymous said on 20/May/06
In the biography of Cobain 'Heavier than heaven' the author says Cobain didn't have curvature of the spine. He had unusually long arms for his height and this made him look a little strange posture wise.
Glenn said on 19/May/06
Yeah,Ive been worried about the both of you.remember,nothing beats will, and the power of the mind.never let negativity love to the both of you.
Doris said on 18/May/06
Lots of love, I hope everybody is doing well! I'm sending good energy out there.
Thank you Glenn for being so honest and sweet in our pursuit of Kurt's true height. I am really proud of you. Thank you Ed. Rob for being so understanding and giving Kurt back his height! I'm proud of you too. I just wanted you guys to know that.
Lots of love!! good night snugglebugs!!! I'm going to bed early so I can take care of my mom.
Doris said on 18/May/06
Hi Glenn & Christian-
My mom is very ill so I won't be here as often, but I'll try because I love you my Glenn-glenn, and Chris. Thank you Ed. Rob for your well wishes!
I'm so worried about her, I haven't slept in days. She said much love Glenn-glenn and friends. Glenn, I hope all is well with you and I missed you terribly!
Chris, all my love! Enjoy the "lovely ladies" of summertime. Those Swedish vixens are really hot...who doesn't love Scandinavia?
I do not understand why Kurt's height is being disputed and attacked once again. I think there are many jealous and vindictive people that cannot stand a successful, beautiful man, and they feel to compensate for their ill-feelings they must proverbially "cut him down to size". Thus the lying about Kurt's true height
(I find this happens a lot with Johnny Depp, River Phoenix, Rita Hayworth and a select few others) trying to make him shorter than he really was. He was 6' in 1988 and a half inch smaller in 89', then he seemed to shrink and his posture towards the end was like that of an old man. He was nearly crippled from his spinal curvature and that drastically effected his height as an adult. The shortest he ever was (and if you straightened him out he would not be short at all!) is 5'9 hunched over. You cannot use a hunched over measurement as a true height.
I think bring that lying hideous monster C.L into this is a waste of time, and I for one will not discuss that thing. Every one knows he was murdered, you think murderers and paid off coroners are going to be honest about height? that was of no consequence.
The day everybody trust/believes everything that is written by so-called police authorities and biographers (and those leaches that lived off Kurt's fame and money, they know who they are) is the day that Tomkitten pops out of its pod, breeds with Jesse Africa Jolie-Pitt and tries to over-take planet earth with little green "thetans" who force everyone to take vitamins, wear lifts, and engage in "couch-jumping"!!
O.k guys, I've had my was good for me, was it good for you too? wink-wink;-P.
I love you Glenn, my babydoll. You always make me proud, and make me feel better no matter what day I've had. Christian! I love you, dear!. Ed. Rob thank you again for your sweetness towards my mom and me. Lots of love, please send lots of good energy my mom's way, we are fighting her illness everyday.
I hope everybody had a good day!!!!
Glenn said on 17/May/06
Wish I was there Chris!
Glenn said on 17/May/06
Courtney isnt 5-10.she is a little under 5-9. maybe 5-8.and she wore superior footwear to kurt.autopsies mean nothing.they have 2 pac at 6ft,when he was 5-9,Steve Mcqueen at 5-7,when he mightve been 5-10.5.the smallest kurt looked to me was 5-9.and he did look close to 6ft in photos from way was this man smaller than a strange world,I mightve been 5-7 in those pics,with flat sneaks,and him in boots and converse I believe,maybe gave me the illusion he was bigger.small possibility he was 5-8,more likely 5-9,and with a horrible slouch,he looked to be 5-10 if streched out.
Chris said on 17/May/06
Yes Glenn, we have lovely ladies, especially now in summertime :)
UNK said on 17/May/06
This pic doesn't show a lot, early 90's grunge - god knows what kind of footwear they have on. Flea is said to be 5'6" at most. Cobain is closer to the camera.
Click Here
Glenn said on 17/May/06
Sweden,home of the lovely ladies.
Vova said on 17/May/06
here's quote from Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth about Last Days movie:
"I suddenly realized Michael was much taller than Kurt, and much more buff, actually. Kurt was a wee little man, with these big piercing blue eyes and this tremendous smile - and that's one thing that nobody can replicate."
george said on 16/May/06
this whole thing about kurt cobain being 5'10 to 6 foot is bulls*** . In his autopsy he was measured to be 5'7. In the kurt and courtney video an ex girlfriend of kurts says that kutr was very insecure about his slight build and short stature. Aswell as that kurt said himself he is 5'7 and he looks about 3 inches than 5'10 courtney love in all photos.
Chris said on 16/May/06
Glenn-I live in Stockholm, Sweden.
Glenn said on 16/May/06
I read once 5-6!
Glenn said on 16/May/06
MR T- Kurt never really looked past 5-10 to me,but anything is fact,at times,he looked friends and the media all found him short.bizzare,the whole thing.
Glenn said on 16/May/06
My love and positive energy to her.I am so sorry.we will be here for you.hope she gets better.
Mr. T said on 15/May/06
Glenn, out of curiosity, did you ever see Cobain pushing 5'11"-6' like some people think he looked? I heard the back problems he had could have resulted in height variating day-by-day, but I'm not sure how valid that is.
Doris said on 15/May/06
My mo got sick guys, she is having lung problems and her heart...she's in the hospital. She's a fighter, the strongest woman Goddess. Please send good thoughts and energy our way, I love you guys, My Glenn & Christian.
Lots of love, hope everyone is doing well...
[Editor Rob: wish your Mother gets better soon!]
Glenn said on 15/May/06
Where do you live Chris?
Chris said on 14/May/06
Hey Glenn. I´m good, thanks for asking. Doris-My favorit actors are:Philip Seymour Hoffman, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey and Ellen Burstyn. Of course I can name many, but I always liked their work. Hope you are doing good Doris. Miss you. Take care. You to Glenn.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
How are you and your Mom doing Doris? and how are you Chris?
Glenn said on 12/May/06
Love the cold too.I get anxiety in the heat.the kitties are good,thank you.
Doris said on 11/May/06
I know Cornell seemed slouchy, but he was drunk when I saw him and I really cannot say what height he is/was, except he looks smaller now in his 40's than back in his grunge days. He was beautiful! I think he was gorgeous, he and Kurt were the only gorgeous grungers in my opinion (unless I'm forgetting somebody...). I had taken valium, so I really only remember his face and hair, he may have been 6'1 or over, especially in combat boots. I don't think he's 6'3 though, but as I said I'm not sure about him, love his music! Soundgarden was great and Temple of the Dog. It's hard to pinpoint these things at a crowded concert. Those things really smell bad in my opinion, like feet, arm pits, and beer. Ha! I'm to much of a lady for it:-).
Glenn! my love! hope your day is fabulous.
Christian, my Swedish friend, love you! Is it beautiful there? Cold? I love the cold, I am a snow angel all the way. Hate the heat, and most humid places. I loved Egypt and some of the ancient places my dad took me, the desert was gorgeous but the stifling heat I just do not care for. Have any of you guys been there?
I am so sorry that Christian went through a bad time, I am glad medications worked. You are so sweet, keep up the good work. You will make a great Director and Producer. And your english is fine dear. Love you! What type of films do you like? actors/actresses?
Glenn, hope your cats are well. Sorry about what you went through, always here for you. Lots of love!!!
Hope everybody is having a great day!
Glenn said on 11/May/06
Thanks Chris,your a strong soul.happy to see you beat it. Doris-my asthma is mild and very lame compared to others.just a slight weez.never an attack,or at least not as bad as I witnessed.meds side effects are horrific.dont even want to think about.sorry for all your loss.Im happy you pulled through. I know your pain.I dont believe in God in a biblical for Cornell,I know he is 6-2 at the least.I love cats and have several.actually like Cruise,Im a big believer of nutritional healing over meds.of course,alot people need meds, which is where Tom went wrong.but meds can be harmful.I learned the hardway.double whammy of hell in 6 week span.I cringe at mention. take care Chris and hugs and love to Doris.
Chris said on 10/May/06
Doris-I belive in staying positive. A couple of years ago I sufferd from obsession, thoughts I could not get rid of. (Sorry about my english, I´m from Sweden) :) To get through I went to a psychologist and after a while I started using anti-depressants, one called "citalopram" and it helped me a lot. Now I´m feeling good and studing filmproduction, I want to be a producer/director, I know it´s difficult, but you have to fight for your dreams and never give up. I know it´s really hard sometimes but you just have to. Like John Lennon said "Life is to short while you´re busy making other plans". I´m here for you Doris. I also like you Glenn and all the time you spend on this site to make it better. See you guys.
Doris said on 10/May/06
When I met Tom Cruise he smelled fantastic, anybody else notice that? and his green eyes? He was sexy, Now he is famous for being creepy/nuts.
Aslo, I framed that photo of Kurt crowd surfing, the one I posted here. He looks 5'11-6''s right above my piano now.
I want Glenn to know, I understand multiple loss, I lost my beloved brother and infant son in a two month span. I cling to my mom and family, my hubbie, for strength. I think of myself as a tigress, a leopard, a big cat that has to keep hunting to survive and take care of its family (I thik big cats are splendid and great mothers).And I want to be totally honest with my friends here, I do not believe in God, but I do believe in many different supernatural forces and afterlife. All cultures have true beliefs we can glean from. That's me.
If I offended anyone, please don't take it to heart, we are still friends!
Lots of love everybody!
Doris said on 10/May/06
I think my dad's major discord came from a dinner party at a producer's house in Malibu, and of course the topic of religion came up. Bad idea around egocentrics! I do not believe in discussing religion with anyone (unless they are open minded like you guys!) , because life is to short to disagree with everybody, right? But of course, his vicious defense of the church of Scientology totally threw my dad off, my dad was a sweetheart, so it really did come out of no where. I think the topic was something to do with some European countries refusing to acknowledge the cult, sorry, "church" of scientology;-P. Not really anything that interest me, I'm put off by religious topics. Spirituality is better, gentle persuasion. Good energy! I believe in Feng Shui.
Yes, dear ed. Rob (hope you are doing well!) the Mr. Mapother nee Cruise has been very enthusiastic in meeting fans it seems, almost scary excited. I heard he even talks on their cell phones, saying "hi" to fans families. I still loathe him though, sorry Cruise fans! I'm glad he was nice to my Glenn though, that makes me happy. His career is over anyway, it has an expiration date on it like bad milk. His past is dark, just like his future. He does have mental problems, and to say that depression and other serious illnesses can be treated with “vitamins” was way, way over the line. The thought of him a monk made me smile, that is really a weird image.
Sweet, sweet Christian! I am so glad you are back! You like my energy? I am sending energy rays to you right now! You are so nice. I like you too! You have a very sweet, gentle energy. I believe in energy and karma, I’m also very superstitious about objects and other people’s energy. Like, I will not buy magazines with certain people on the cover because I believe they have bad energy. I know, it sounds goofy, but it makes me feel better. Also, certain colors have good energy, and animals. That’s just my brain , though. What do you think of everything, Christian? Do you guys have any pets? I have a Russian Wolfhound named Natalia. And an Afghan hound named Persia. Actually, she is quite unintelligent compared with my other dogs (no obedience champ there). Very odd and loves fruit! But so pretty.
Mr. Cruise was way shorter than I expected the first time, maybe 5’4-5’5 (I’m estimating so be kind to me, guys) the second time his lifts were obvious, probably 5‘7. At the M-I-3 premiere he had considerable lifts on, it was way over done, because he was eye-level with Kate. Who else noticed that?
Glenn, I am so sorry you had a nervous break down. I too have had the dreaded trauma reaction of a breakdown. I went through a private hell the last three years, suicidal, lost in pain and felt as if everyone had deserted me and my family (there was lots of fighting in my large family, which contributed to my breakdown). I really, really feel for you! I know exactly what you felt, even if it is in different packaging. It is never good to dwell on the past unless it is for healing purposes, I learned that. And you are right, being busy is much better. I would never be upset at your suggestions, you were just being a good friend. There is no reason for offense or touchiness, we are friends and have thoughts and opinions. I respect your suggestion about mourning. I am so sorry about you feeling bad, I really hope you never have to endure that again. I really am sorry. If you ever need me to make you feel better, I’m here! I’m here for you Glenn. And my guys here. Glenn, I am so sorry you have asthma. I have a heart valve condition that causes frequent black outs and asthma like breathing problems. So I am really sorry you are sick on top if the stress in your life. I hope everybody here is doing fine health & home wise.
Kurt had lots of problems, but I believe he was stronger that most people believe. He needed a better life, and mood stabilizers. What do you guys think of anti-depressants?
Has anybody here ever met Soundgarden’s lead singer? Cornell? I met him in 91’. Gorgeous! Really good-looking man. Not really tall though, but not terribly small, does any body know his exact height?. I was a little high at the time though, I needed valium for my crowd anxiety. He’s no Kurt Cobain at all, though. He smelled a little. Concert sweat I guess. Ah, grunge perfume!
Well, I hope I’ve offended no one, I love you guys and you have helped me everyday in getting through this situation. Love to my Glenn, I’m here for you! Love my Christian! Lots of love to everybody!!!!! I hope everyone is having a great day!!!
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Cruise was always nice to me.I meant he had a dark family past.
Chris said on 10/May/06
Hi Doris. It´s nice to see someone so positive despite everything you´re going through. We all like you, you send positive energi:)About Tom said he was really short, is he under 5'7''? All the best to you. /Christian
Glenn said on 10/May/06
I heard that Cruise had a dark past too.

Editor Rob
I thought he wanted to become a monk or priest at one point? One thing I'll say for Cruise, I may detest some of the things he is involved in, but he appears to be one of the better ones in the last few years in acknowledging fans
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Sorry to hear Cruise was a jerk to your Dad.I met a decent handful of country stars.I recommend keeping busy soon.I could sense the connection you have with your are both special happy I could somewhat be there for you.
Glenn said on 10/May/06
I was a little afraid at how you would react,cause I dont want you to think Im telling how to mourn.everyone has to mourn their own way.Im glad you reacted fact,I should be the last person to tell one how to grieve.I ignored my Fathers death 5 years ago,and went out that night meeting celebrities,thinking it was the right thing to do,and it possibly backfired on me.a year later,with no help from asthma steriods,I suffered a nervous breakdown,which in part couldve been post traumatic stress disorder.I didnt go through the grieving process properly,I guess.though I had a breakdown in 1994,stress anxiety was always hiding waiting for another bad experience to come. I fought nearly cold turkey for the last 4 years through positive thinking and education of how the mind works.I felt 90% better only in the last year.felt crappy last month,but always do when it 1st gets warm or cold.had to change my outlook.or else.thanks for your kind words.I think your on the right track. love you too.
Doris said on 10/May/06
Glenn, I just love you so much. You are lovely and sweet and the best. You have made me so happy! in the midst of lots of darkness, and as you put it, morbid you are so positive and loving. You reminded me of the wonderful friend you are, and also very wise! I too mourn your parents death, I grieve your loss, and applaud your strength.
My mom's b-day is July 22 (same as Oscar De La Renta! I think that's what I saw in a magazine...I have no idea!). We always celebrate early though, so I plan it in May, because it is a big deal to me, her baby girl. She thinks you are very sweet and clever! You words were so sweet and precious, do you know how much you've helped me? My mom is my very best friend, I worship her! She is the best, a goddess. It's like you knew that, like you just knew she is my best friend, did you? My Glenn and I have a connection.
I think celebrating a persons life and memory is fabulous, and you are so right, my dad has peace now, he is whole and in no pain a free and just perfect in some dimension.
We've been in the south a bit lately, I hate the heat down there. By the way, have you met many country music artist? My mom has met a couple.
Have you seen the horrid, disgusting display of Tom Cruise going to Aberdeen, WA? (the supposed birthplace of NIRVANA). Tom Cruise is repulsive, and so short I gasped upon seeing him in person back in 92' and 2000(he wasn't wearing his trademark lifts and high heels the 1st time, so we were looking at a near dwarf! a little, little man with a big ego;-P). It makes me sick what a fuss they made, yet they claim to be the hometown of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain! Kurt will always be remembered, Cruise is a depraved insane demon visiting for a day with his robotic-girl Katie. My family has friends who knew him, they told my mom and dad horror stories! Well, he isn't a big deal in Seattle, why should he be? grunge, coffee...Bill Gates and Microsoft, Hendrix, NIRVANA, they don't need that idiot. If my hatred is pouring through, forgive me. I am very emotional right now...still grieving, still raw. My dad hated Mr. Cruise, because he was rude to him, so I have an association thing, you know? My family was never fans anyway. But to see Kurt’s name in the newspaper with his is sickening, you’d never expect to see that. I just hate that he thinks he is somewhere in Kurt's pantheon, so not happening. Some friends from Lynnwood called to tell me about it. Yuck.
Glenn, what do you recommend for grieving? staying at home in pajamas vegetating, or going out everyday, working with kids (and shopping, I've become a obsessive shopper, b-a-d.) till you drop from exhaustion? I cannot seem to find a medium, a comfort zone. I guess it all takes time and love and family to pull through it. I either surround myself in noisy family situations or hide away in my bedroom from shock. I am so tired.
Glenn-glenn, you wonderful guy, you really made a huge difference in my outlook. I give you all my love.
Lots of love guys!!!!! Hope everybody had a great day!!! Lots of love!
P.S. I hope I don't sound rambling, forgive me!
Glenn said on 9/May/06
When is her b-day? I use to look at my parents deaths morbidly,now I look at death as a celebration of a person and the peace they have now.missed you too.hope the both of you remain strong and celebrate the love you have for each other.celebrate love,life,afterlife and positive. Love, Glenn.
Doris said on 8/May/06
Thank you so much Glenn-glenn for your concern for my mom, that was precious.
I missed you, and the gang here so much. You have made me feel comforted and warm. My mom feels exhausted, physically and emotionally...I've never seen her (or myself) so tired and drained. It's a struggle to get out of bed. But at the same time, we are the type of people who like to stay busy, I mean totally hyperactive. So this is really hard.
Who here likes those mini bottles champagne? like they serve backstage at fashion shows? and pastel macaroons? I have to plan my mom's birthday party, which I know has come at an incredibly difficult time, so I wanted it to be pretty, something to ease her mind for a night. Give me your opinions.
Kurt was tall, and to see that restored on this site brings tears to my eyes. Thank you my lovebug Glenn, ed. Rob, Christian, and all the sweeties. Lots of love, hope your day was wonderful my Glenn!!! hope everybody is doing well.
Lots of love
Glenn said on 5/May/06
Missed you too are you now? and how is your mom?
Doris said on 4/May/06
Hello to my loves. Sorry about not posting, I've been taking care of family affairs, naturally my mom is feeling unwell. You guys mean so much to me! you are the sweetest, most giving little angels, I hope you are very very blessed by the god of your choice for all this kindness:-).
Glenn, my doll, forgive me for being gone so long! I thought of you and missed you dearly! You have made me so much happier through all this grief, thank you!
Christian (I love your name, reminds me of Christian Bale), I'm so glad to have made a new friend! I am so sorry about your uncle, I'm here for you. I'm glad you enjoy my comments, I'm among friends and feel so free and liberal. You seem very nice too! Thank you for the compliments and support.
Glenn did a fine thing, didn't he? he proved photographically for a lot of people that Kurt was not at all short, that he did lose height later due to his spinal disease, fortunately for my brother my mom took him to about 30 different doctors, clinics, chiropractors till he was finally guided to a correct treatment. I wish we'd helped him sooner though, and I wish poor sweet Kurt had been taken care of properly also.
I think Glenn and I have done something wonderful for Kurt, making sure people know his true height, and restore that rightfully to him.
You guys have been so supportive, this site has been such an escape for me, thank so much for everything! all my love to you guys! I hope you all had a wonderful day!
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Sorry about your uncle Chris.hope Doris is ok.
Chris said on 3/May/06
Sorry for your loss Doris, you seem very nice. I recently lost my uncle, hope you will stay put cause I like reading everything you contribute to this site:)
Glenn-You have now proved with your photo that Kurt was about 5'10''. Thank you, you´ve made my day:) Regards Christian
Mr. T said on 2/May/06
Even considering angle and Glenn being pushed back, he looks like a 5'10"-ish guy.
Glenn said on 28/Apr/06
Yeah, I feel for you.I had bad experiences with my parents deaths.feel bad to bother you at this time.hopefully this site can be your escape.Im sure Id love your Mom was a doll too.geez,your Father met the real legends! yeah,the 2nd pic is coming.there will a 3rd for the future.same moment as 2nd,different pose,different crappier camera.Im here for you if you need,Doris. Love, Glenn
Doris said on 28/Apr/06
You guys mean so much to me, Love you all.
His funeral was just a few days ago and I'm a mess, a complete utter falling apart mess...
This is just the type of web-site my daddy would have loved (I know, I was and will always be a daddy's girl). He loved chatting about all the famous people he knew or met. He met a lot of old-school stars, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Ingrid Bergman, my fav Greta Garbo...hundreds probably, if you count political, royal, directors, writers, artist, and just famous for being famous, rich or beautiful (a.k.a socialites and mistresses). My gosh, he had so many stories, he was so wise. I am such a mess.
I love you all for being so nice, so gracious to me. You let me be myself, that is a rare gem on the web or in person.
Face size means nothing in reference to body size or height. My mom is 5'7 and has a what my family calls "a pea head". It is freakishly small, and I swear it got smaller with time (by the way, she is just the most beautiful, sweet creature in the world, Glenn you'd love her!). Some people have small faces, I mean everybody has different symmetry. I'm tall, but my head isn't a pumpkin! Oh my gosh, have you guys ever seen that? like, freakishly pumpkin like heads on stick bodies? that is so Hollywood/ Fashion industry! Cameron Diaz's head scares me;-P.
Glenn, my photo is on it's way! I broke my scanner trying to scan a piece of wood I found on the beach. I thought the shape was interesting. O.k, that was stupid & weird, laugh at me!
When are the new photos coming? I can't wait!
Love to everybody, hoped you all had a great afternoon!

Editor Rob
I will add the other kurt photo hair phase. Sorry for your loss...
HelterSkelter said on 27/Apr/06
Look at that picture
Click HereCobain got a small face than Glenn... if cobain body's proportioned, his height no more 1.68
UNK said on 27/Apr/06
sorry about your dad Doris, that really sucks. and you don't have to be calmer, just be yourself. this site's a goof, write what ever you feel.
Glenn said on 27/Apr/06
I can never be upset with you Doris, my love.sorry about your Father.I know what your going through.I was hoping you would email me that photo of you:-) stories coming soon. Thanks Cris!
Doris said on 26/Apr/06
Oh, I knew we were all cool, I was just being my usual dramatic self, and I do enjoy just rubbing my enthusiasm all over you UNK! I am like that, so please nobody take it the wrong way, o.k?
I do have a photo with Cobain, but it is glued into my photo-album.
Please Glenn, don't be upset with me ;-(.
I will try to be calmer from now on, promise to everybody. I guess I'm overly emotional lately because my dad just passed away and I'm not all "here". Forgive me, o.k guys?
Glenn, please tell me more about your Nirvana days!!! you've got some awesome memories man.
Lots of love to everybody!
P.S. Feel free to push my buttons, it gives me a thrill;-P. What's life without challenge? Boring!
Cris said on 26/Apr/06
that's great! a new photo
I would like to thanks glenn, really nice person making this funny things, you seems be funny glenn... and doris too because of her kindness
love for all
Glenn said on 26/Apr/06
Yeah,I saw some legendary stuff.
UNK said on 26/Apr/06
i absolutely meant no harm to Glenn, i was busting him.. he knows that. i think his contributions are one of the main reasons this site is fun.
also, i like pushing your buttons doris... i like your enthusiasm.

Editor Rob
just you wait...there's another cobain photo coming in future with younger looking glenn, well looks quite young...
well, at least I'm sure its Cobain, he had red hair in the pic Glenn?
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
Im sure UNK didnt mean any harm with me.its the other posts that have we BOTH met the tall Depp! a mystery.a 5-9 guy with lifts then perhaps? cant wait to see your pic too! did you take photos with celebs too?
Doris said on 25/Apr/06
Oh! I can't wait to see those photos Glenn-Glenn:-).
I hope you had a really great day, and everybody else had a nice afternoon. Lots of love!
Elio said on 25/Apr/06
I always believed the 5'7" listings. This is quite a revelation.
UNK said on 25/Apr/06
LOL, Doris is nuts! And i am starting to question Glenn after reading how much they "think alike".
Did she just call Depp 5'1", 5'5" maybe and "yucky"?? ha ha ha ha
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
Doris-of course I want you to email me.hope your day was good,even if active.mine was boring.a day off.I met kurt about 6 times.3 photos with him.he was taller in the other pics.5-10.Depp shrunk from 5-11 to tall are you? I always wondered what you look like. Kurt wasnt overly friendly,maybe cause he couldnt understand my friends,and eventually me asking him for autographs.I heard he didnt take fame to well.yeah,thats weird with the whole Depp and body double thing.hope to chat soon. Love, Glenn
Doris said on 24/Apr/06
Glenn-glenn! Hope your day was good, mine was over-active as usual. I see we think very similarly and have an almost telepathic thing going on! funny:-). Actually, it is really weird how much we think alike, I mean I absolutely knew he was the first name you would mention, and we thought the same thing about body doubles! When I saw Mr. Depp, he was, in my humble opinion very, very beautiful. Stunning. And tallish. Then, as if by metamorphosis, he seems all of 5'1, 5'5 maybe...and just yucky. I don't's pretty strange. But that is Hollywood! They are never what they seem! Especially height-wise, they are nearly always shorter.
Glenn, how many times did you meet Kurt? was he the same every time?
I think if you want, I may e-mail you. You are very interesting!
To the rude ones (you know who you are!). Is this not a discussion group site about height, which is a very personal and vain thing. Are you all not too discussing other persons physicality’s? Height is about appearances my dears, you are making many comments yourselves . And my comments offend you?, oh I think not. You are just nasty little vipers.
I knew Kurt Cobain, he was a sweet, talented individual. I ALWAYS tell the truth. I'm not obsessed, just in deep admiration. And he was not short when I met him!.
My appearance? why yes, I am tall and attractive, physically and in nature, and one of the traits that makes me attractive is my brutal honesty. I am not going to lie to save some shod in Tinsletown's feelings. I am just telling height and/or physical details as I saw them.
I think it's just so funny that anyone would be offended:-).
Lots of Love, Hope everyone (especially Glenn:-) & ed. Rob, and all the nice poster’s had a great day).
Glenn said on 24/Apr/06
Who else have you met Doris? wouldnt you say Depp looked near 6ft then?
Glenn said on 24/Apr/06
Doris-oh yeah,last time I was in Seattle was during the whole grunge far as photos,I have 3000 in my whole collection,so at least hundreds more Ill be sharing with you and the site,not to mention the future.Im always meeting someone.whether it be a A-List hollywood legend or a D-List death metal musician,Im there.hope to hear from you soon. love, Glenn.
Adam said on 24/Apr/06
I agree with you UNK,
UNK said on 24/Apr/06
@Doris - it's fun to read your posts, but you are way too opinionated. Eddie Vedder is a "circus freak", Vanessa Paradis is "hiddous", Kate Beckinsale is "unattractive and small", all other celebs you met are "ugly, short, or both". Jeez... you must be the picture of perfection to talk about people the way you do.
As for Cobain, it seems you are too obsessed with him to be impartional about his height.
Doris said on 23/Apr/06
I'm psychic! I knew the very, very first name that you, my Glenn, would mention was Johnny Depp!!! I was even going to ask you about him in my last post, but didn't want to seem overly inquisitive. I too met Depp, and thought how can he look so tall, yet seem so small at events? I was told by one of his lackey’s that it is somewhat of an aperitif, that he does have body doubles and relatives that look an amazing deal just like him. Ha! Hollywood is the underworld on earth, with all those little celeb demonic goblins in their 5 inch lifts. Not that I would ever think that of dear sweet angelic Kurt Cobain, he was very genuine. Angelic to me.
Did you think Depp was as pretty as I did? was he not nearly a girl in his very prettiness? How beautiful his face was, though now (I met him in 1992 & '93) I would scarcely recognize him. He is almost a different person, even in height, isn't he? And that hideous Vanessa creature, I shudder to think how short she must be!! Under 5' is the golden rule for celebs, at least under 5'5 for most. Don't you agree? I've been very disappointed by those I've seen (except Kurt, and pretty Depp, Faith Hill-gorgeous by the way, and people say I look like her!, Claudia Schiffer, Nadja Auermann, oh, Josie Maran, Elena Anaya, Silvia Colloca-those are the three vampire brides from "Van Helsing" stunning! and the cast of "Van Helsing" was tall and good-looking except for the rather monstrous Kate Beckinsale, very unattractive and small.). Everybody else in the celebrity world that I've met has been ugly, or short, or usually both! I will tell you who later if you ask.
Oh, by the way, when were you in Seattle last? and do you have more photos to share? I love discussing height with you:-). Well, I have missed you and the site, Lots of love!
Hoping everybody is having a great day!
Glenn, I will try to stay put, no more disappearing acts!
Adam said on 23/Apr/06
hey glenn do you have another photo? what about you change this one? If you want, of course
Glenn said on 22/Apr/06
Glad your back.and that we met, and that you found the site.I guess I first got fascinated with height when I was on a line waiting to get into a club and Johnny Depp was in front of me and appeared near 6ft! I thought he was short,but didnt know about lifts and he had boots with a heel on it.7 years ago,I read 2 mags that interveiwed Depp,and one mag said "at nearly 6ft,Depp is taller than you imagine".next mag described him as small and petite.I was perplexed.ever since depp,I became an enforcer of height! next fave of mine was around 2000 when
Mel Gibson was asked if there was anything he would like to say before ending a mag interveiw,and he went on about him being up for the Bond role once, and wanted to in his words, "squash this myth about me being short,IM 5-11".I was thinking this guy is nuts! Marcus Sheckenberg, however you spell, is most impressive in height at 6-4 and looks.hope you dont dissapear again !
Doris said on 22/Apr/06
I missed you too! I was busy with my family (very large, very loud, very skinny and strange mix of Seattlites and East-coast, can you imagine?), I couldn't get to my laptop which is like cutting one of my limbs off.
Missed you very much Glenn;-).
Yes, he did seem very hunched over and I believe he lost a few inches due to a spinal condition. It was obvious that he was unwell, and it affected his height along with everything else. I swear he was tall, then the sicker he became it was as if he couldn't straighten out. I think that is as tragic as the rest of his ailments.
Glenn, you've met many talents, who was the most impressive, height and looks wise? My husband's co-worker recommended this sight, he then told me I should look it up since I've met Kurt Cobain and a few others. I'm so glad I did! and met you, lovely sweet Glenn.
Lots of love! Have a good day!
Glenn said on 22/Apr/06
doing good.I missed you.
Doris said on 21/Apr/06
Hey Glenn sweetie! How are you doing?
Lots of love! Hope everybody had a great day!
Jake said on 21/Apr/06
I doubt he was ever 6'. I don't think he was little, but come on...
Glenn said on 21/Apr/06
Did he shrink when you kept seeing him Through the years?
Doris said on 21/Apr/06
1988, then 1989. Also in 90, 91, 93. I'll add details tomorrow.
adrian said on 20/Apr/06
when you did you meet him dorisss ?
Doris said on 19/Apr/06
You are all wrong except nice Ed. Rob & sweet Glenn.
He was not "a little person". Is this a smear campaign or something? I met him, I know what I was up against. A lanky, tallish man-child, a 5'11-6. Later, 5'9 or 5'10, because he did lose height later due to his back, that is obvious from the hunched over posture and crooked spine he so obviously had. He needed medical care!
I met him, his face was very angular and though not a giant alien head like Hollywood's creatures known as 'actors', it wasn't a golfball! He had a square jaw and really pretty masculine features, and long, beautiful hands, GIANT HANDS. Long arms, he was not a small person.
Charles cross is evil and everybody here knows it, that book is nothing but a fairy-tale, a modern day fable by a bunch of demonic money-hungry murderers.
Have a great night/day everybody!
Chris said on 18/Apr/06
"Heavier than heaven" is such a great book :) Read it last summer. Can´t recall that he said he was 5'8'', but what I do remember is that he wrote 5'9'' in some form but he knew and everybody else that he was exaggerateing his height with 5'9''.
HelterSkelter said on 18/Apr/06
Doris, the picture that you post on 23 march explain the case. Chad Channing is a very little person, like 1.55 m, in thath picture cobain looks about 10-15 cm taller than him and the other girls around (all small girls, there's a chinese too). cobain is no more 1.68
look at the picture posted by vova on 17 march. on the bed cobain is in the same position as grohl, he's more short, and his face look small. cobain was a little person.
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
Met him a bunch of times from 1991-1994.another photo coming.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/06
yeah I agree with you glenn. in some pictures he looks very higher but in this biography (written by Charles R. Cross, search later you'll like) says about his spinal disease and your really true. Glenn, very cool your meeting with cobain, when was it?
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
So he himself said 5-8? this is a good respected book? not a cheap, tabloid like bio? thanks for telling me this.this is bizzare.but explains why he looked so short.but sometimes he looked 5-10 even in front of me!
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
glenn, heavier than heaven is the best biography of kurt cobain, even him said that he was 5'8. I know in some pictures he seems to be higher but 5'8 is the true
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Jimbo-hard to say on courtney.she usually looks 5-9.could be 5-8.
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Whats Heavier than heaven?
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Thanks Doris,now Im wondering what you look like! Kurt wasnt to friendly in those days.bit sarcastic too.Im 5-8.Vedder is a piece of s***.though I wouldve guessed 5-7.yes,Kurt was in his pajamas if you look carefully! he hit the streets soon after in that attire! do you still live in Seattle? BTW- Im glad you brother is doing better and I hope he stays forever in good health. lots o love Glenn
trueheight said on 26/Mar/06
'I wasn't being rude, I was being honest. Sorry to offend, sincerely.
And people do lose inches, through spinal diseases and injuries. My brother is one of them, He was 5’10, he even ended up on a cane terribly disabled. He then through medical science regained his health and height and is now over 6 foot! It is a subject close to my heart thus my passion.'
dunno why, but i smell BS
trueheight said on 26/Mar/06
eddie vedder is not 5'4, thats just wishful thinking on your part
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/06
guys, read Heavier than Heaven, please, he had 5'8
Doris from Bellvue Washington-state said on 26/Mar/06
Glenn, in your photo he looks a reasonable height, perhaps 5‘9-ish (defiantly shorter than in his youth, what height are you? close to 5'8 and a half? I'm guessing. If you are taller please forgive my error! his spine was obviously curved and he lost quite a few inches since 89' when he was leaner and taller. He isn't quite pretty in your photo, did you wake him up from slumber? he looks so smushy! when I saw him he was skinny and really striking, yummy! ).
There he's slouchy and a bit hazy, what was his demeanor? did you find him nice? I thought he was sweet and lovely, but I was a pretty girl, I'm not sure if he was the same all the time. He seemed bossy and aggressive toward males, but not as pro-feminist as books would have us believe either.
I really miss Seattle of the early nineties, before coffee prices went through the roof.
P.S. You are very cute Glenn! ;-) Nice pictures of you on this site.
P.S.S. UNK- Eddie Vedder was rude to many people, I personally saw him urinating on somebody, he was deplorable. and he is below 5'4 (without his large combat boots to boost him). I wasn't being rude, I was being honest. Sorry to offend, sincerely.
And people do lose inches, through spinal diseases and injuries. My brother is one of them, He was 5’10, he even ended up on a cane terribly disabled. He then through medical science regained his health and height and is now over 6 foot! It is a subject close to my heart thus my passion.
Even if we disagree, lots of love to everybody, have a great day!
trueheight said on 24/Mar/06
Kurt had an inferiority complex; he always believed he was too small and slight; Love and his former g/f stated that he always wore 3-4 sweaters and 2-3 pairs of pants so that he didn't seem so small(mass-wise); Its kinda funny that he wouldn't be sportin' lifts too; but to my knowledge, Kurt always wore converse all stars or vans deck shoes. Based on all the photo's i've seen, i hafta say that Kurt was b/t 5'8" and 5'9"
trueheight said on 24/Mar/06
LOL, eddie vedder a circus freak(thats pretty mean)? Now thats a die-hard Nirvana fan. Seriously though, he looks 5'7ish in alotta publicity and candid pics, and he was always quite shorter than Grohl, who is 6'. But he does appear taller in other pics.
jimbo said on 24/Mar/06
glenn you reckon courtney love is only 5'8 now .
UNK said on 24/Mar/06
Doris, a few comments below you called Eddie Vedder a "circus freak".. and I am the one being rude? Do you want to explain to us why you called Vedder a "Circus Freak"?
You guys are taking this way too serious. I'm not disrespecting people with spine disorder... how did you get that?
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
I agree Trueheight.thanks Doris for letting me explain that even if he was 5-11ish,he looked shorter 1991 on.what did you think of the height in my photo?
trueheight said on 24/Mar/06
On the other hand, there are a TON of pics of him looking only 5'7; many of them he was 5 inches shorter than Dave Grohl.
Doris from Bellvue Washington-state said on 23/Mar/06
Thank you Editor Rob, you were very generous.
"UNK" I did not care for your comment, it was snide. We were not discussing what height Kurt would be if "we straightened him out" (how disrespectful to spinal-injury and disease victims! they do lose height!), we were discussing his proper height before his back curvature took some inchs from him. He was very sick and years of lugging a guitar around didn't help his back either.
I am not stupid nor blind, I met him more than once like so many Seattlites who hung around the music scene of the time, and can honestly say he was not short. He was lean and tall. I have a photo if I can download it. Also, this photo of Kurt stage diving during a concert is very clearly of a not-so-short man.
Click HereAnd this with another band (Bhang Revival):
Click HereHe doesn't seem that short, now does he?
Thanks Rob. Thank you Glenn. Trueheight very thorough.
UNK don't be so rude, it is just a height discussion.
UNK said on 22/Mar/06
trueheight, pictures without showing foot wear are useless to us. she could be barefoot, she could be bending her knees, she could be on lower ground... the pic proves nothing.
maybe he is 5'10", my point was that it's silly to guess a height with theories like... "if you stretched him out, maybe he had spine disease, he's 3" taller when he doesn't slouch".
and there are a ton of articles describing him as small, short, dimunitive. how do you think the whole 5'7" thing came up. that is what robb had him at first, because that is what the general consensus of the world is... granted, it could be wrong.
Glenn said on 22/Mar/06
Hard to say cause steve mcqueen is at 5-7 and Frank swears he is 5-10.5.and 2 pac says 6ft! And he was 5-9 or smaller.I dont trust a wedding picture,but 5-10 it is like I was saying all along.and your right,journalist never mentioned height,except once in maxim or stuff I read 5-6! but fans percieved him as short.
jasna said on 22/Mar/06
well his death certifficate says he was 5 ft 10 which would have to be pretty accurate for something like that,however alot of the time 175cm used to be refered to as 5 ft 10 and not 178cm,he was always shorter than courtney who is always listed at i think he really was 1.75cm.
trueheight said on 21/Mar/06
plus he was never described as 'short' in any article i've ever read. You know how journalists like to assign those descriptive terms to famous ppl
trueheight said on 21/Mar/06
UNK, check out that photo I posted. Cobain is at least 5'9 in that pick if not a full 5'10. Its just that he always slouches w/ Love in other pics. Opiates can make you like that, you know
Glenn said on 21/Mar/06
If Im repeating myself,forgive me,this cell crashed.the whole point of the site is to come to some sort of conclusion,even if we dont.inaccurate,inclusive at times yes.but to say one cannot stretch out or lose 2-5, YES 5 inches is wrong on your part.look at mick mars of motley crue who in his youth was 5-9,now 5-4,5-5 with a rare spine disease.if this woman says he was 6ft and I saw 5-8 slouched,the man mightve been 5-10 or a hair more.I have friends,fat and skinny that appear 5-9 and stretch out to 5-11.I only span 5-7 to 5-8.
UNK said on 21/Mar/06
This is getting a little ridiculous. I think it's pretty silly judging the man's height on what you all think he would have been if you straightend his spine. We have no way of knowing how tall he would be straightend out, and we don't know if his spine was even capable of straightening out fully.
He is almost always reported to be in the 5'7" - 5'8" range. If you want to give him and extra half inch for slouching fine, but now we have him up to 5'9.5"... makes this site seem unreliable if we are going off of statments like "well, if he didn't slouch he would be a 6 footer".
And Rob if you are so unsure of a height, maybe you should list the celeb with a range, example Kurt Cobain's height is 5'7.5" - 5'9.5". Data inconclusive... or something like that.
Editor Rob said on 20/Mar/06
Click Herecertainly in the above pic, he can look near 5ft 10. And the other picture from a while ago someone posted he also could look it, maybe this guy if he straightened up was in that range, but bad back/posture really gave him a shorter appearance...
Glenn said on 18/Mar/06
No way is courtney 5-10.she is 5-8.maybe 5-9.
Doris from Bellvue Washington-state said on 17/Mar/06
Kurt was in NO WAY 5'7!, he was closer to or over 6'0. Why make him smaller? he wasn't and it is obvious. I saw them in person back in 1989, he was tall. I got his autograph on "Bleach", the Sub-pop LP. He was incrediably gorgeous too, very beautiful face, hands, and sweet mannerisms. He was NOT short. I saw him & Krist the giant in person, so take my word for it. He had massive hands, and really long legs. He seem to have a bad back from his walk, almost painful, so attribute his slouch to terrible health...
Rocky said on 17/Mar/06
About bloody time :) from the pics ive seen he only looks a couple on inches shorter than Grohl i would certainly go along with Glenns 5'9-5'10 estimate, theres no way Novoselic a solid 6'7 has a full foot on Cobain.
vova said on 17/Mar/06
people look at this picture
Click Herethey're lying on bed (so you can't blame Kurt's slouchiness), Dave and Kurt's legs on pretty same level, and Kurt's looking far smaller. I believe Kurt was 5'7" but appearing taller because of slim frame and really long arms
Mr. T said on 14/Mar/06
Good to see Cobain up to 5'9" now. I think we can now safely say 5'9"-5'10" was his height in military posture. I guess we'll never now just how bad his scoliosis was, though.
trueheight said on 13/Mar/06
seriously though, cobain could not have been 5'7 b/c his arms/legs/hands are too long for that of a 5'7er
Mr. Awesome said on 11/Mar/06
i don't care how bad his posture was, jenny, 5'11'' for Cobain is ridiculous
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
I agree on a possible 5-10.however,the world has this obssesion he was 5-7 or so.
Coffee_at_night said on 11/Mar/06
I'm a Nirvana fan for a long time. Having read lots articles and books about Kurt, I can say he was solid 5'10". Dave Grohl who is 6 feet, isn't (wasn't) that taller than Kurt - about 2 inches. And then Kurt always wore flat trainers and slouched. If you see Nirvana videos you might notice that Kurt wasn't short, even compare to 2 metres Novoselic.
Glenn said on 7/Mar/06
Yes,he Looked 5-8.slouched.
mr. t said on 6/Mar/06
Ok, I'll now buy that he was 5'9" standing straight up. But I'll still say he could have been 5'10" if he didn't have spine curvature. I suppose I'm leaning more towards Glenn's side. Still, his posture had to have been really terrible most of the time, because he could certainly pass off as <5'7" in a lot of photos with the other guys from Nirvana (though I suppose that's because they are comparatively big, especially Novoselic).
Glenn said on 25/Feb/06
now people are on my side that he was 5-10ish.Im happy people are seeing that now.
Jenny said on 24/Feb/06
I looked at the picture above and did some marks on it where the top of the heads are, despite the piece of Kurt's hair oddly sticking up in the back.
Of course I took into consideration that it seems like Glenn is closer to the camera he's facing? I don't know for sure but it's clearly not a full-frontal picture.
He looks about 5'7 to 5'8 1/2 slouching, and anywhere from 5'8-5'11 if not for his slouchiness.
Glenn said on 19/Feb/06
your very much on point mr.t.
Glenn said on 7/Feb/06
since 1990.
Damon said on 4/Feb/06
The only thing I can think of when looking at this picture f***ing long as Glenn been doing this?!?
Kelly. said on 29/Jan/06
How does Glenn Meet All These Amazing Celebrities? *Jelous*
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
chris was 6-7!
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
I found this wild photo from 1985 where he looked 5-11 next to chris novoselic!
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/06
Keep in mind he was often on heroin. That surely didn't help the slouch.......
trueheight said on 21/Jan/06
i remember posting before that he had a spine curvature. Maybe that explains why he slouches so much. He has abnormally long limbs as well, and huge hands
Christian said on 18/Jan/06
Charles R. Cross wrote a biography called "Heavier than Heaven" as many of you know. It´s a great book and I can truly recommend it. Anyway, he wrote that Courtney was 3 inches taller than Kurt, standing 5'10''. That made Kurt 5'7''. It is documented everywhere. He can´t have been 5'8''. But...Glenn has met the guy, so he would know.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
I remember kind of having to look up at him when he wasnt slouching.
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
a-bomb is correct.and again boys and girls I keep trying to correct you on one thing you always seem to forget.POSTURE.he was always slouching.5-9 tops.5-8 minimum.
UNK said on 14/Jan/06
Lets not start questioning heights we already know. Cobain said he was 5'7". Now we're going to have him up to 5'9"? What up! There is no way he was 5'9". He doesn't appear taller, at all, than Glenn. And who knows what kind of shoes he had on, or if the ground was exactly level.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/06
Yeah, but even if glenn is closer to the camera i still see kurt being the same height as Glenn at most. So if Glenn is 5'8 I dont see Kurt looking any taller than that either?
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/06
Rob, you should put up Dave Grohl's height...ive met him and can vouch that he is at least a very solid 6 feet.
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/06
Glenn, he looks at the very most as tall as you are in the picture and perhaps anywhere from half an inch to an inch shorter than is that possible from him to be 5'9 or 5'10? Also, how do you meet all these celebrities?

Editor Rob
I think Glenn is further to camera, so emphasising his height more
Glenn said on 12/Jan/06
he looked 5-9 actually.
Marc said on 10/Jan/06
If you look at any Nirvana Video, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl both tower over him (they're 6'0" or over). My friend was the first to notice this, and when I told him this it all made sense.
A-Bomb said on 30/Nov/05
Bone structure? Width of shoulders? Length of arms? I've met people my height with shoulders nearly twice as wide as mine, others are thin as a rake and only 3/4 the width of my own. My 5'9" brother has an arm span of 5'11 1/2", he's one amongst many. Further my brother and my own bone structures are different and there is only an inch between us. I'm not doubting your claims so much as I want to ask what is it about those variables that you make you ascertain he's 5'8 - 5'9 1/2"? And how can you really be so certain by just looking at photo's whilst not actually knowing precisely the measurments of his arms and shoulders?
Glenn said on 30/Nov/05
I met him many times and have photos to proove it.Im 5'8''.he looked a shocking 5'9'' 5'10''.shocking cause Ive seen him listed as short as 5'6''!.and he always slouched.he was probably as tall as 5'10''.you people that have that theory are correct!
George said on 29/Nov/05
Cobain had very long arms and legs, he didn't look well-proportioned but neither that short, he was kinda 172.5
jan said on 26/Nov/05
if you look at his bone structure, from his earlies 20s pics, the width of his shoulder and the length of his arm, standing straight barefoot he was at least 5-8, to a 5-9 1/2.period. I do this for a living-
cendrin rovini said on 13/Nov/05
I read the book -come as you are. The man who wrote that was a friend of Cobain and he wrote 170cm. Dave is surely not any smaller than 6 foot. Greetings from Germany.
RLG said on 12/Nov/05
Kurt is in his socks and Dave is barefoot and they're not slouching for once:
If Dave is 6 foot as people say then Kurt must be 5'9" or 5'10".
cendrin rovini said on 11/Nov/05
His body was strange, Kurt Cobain was a mess of sadness. I think 172cm. But a great poet.
elio said on 10/Nov/05
Well i've seen the (rather sick) picture of him dead, which only shows his legs. If i remember correctly he seemed to have pretty short looking legs.
cendrin rovini said on 8/Nov/05
Your German friend is here! Watch Cobain when he did the unplugged show or in the teen spirit video. He really looks like 5 11 or so. But I saw a lot of photos wi hout that video effect and in those he looks like 172cm or so. They had a drummer, Chad, who was smaller. Still unsure, greets from germany where heightism reigns.
Viper652 said on 7/Nov/05
Cobain would be 5-11 in 5 inch lifts.
Christian said on 7/Nov/05
What???????????? I met them on Valencia, Spain, 1992. Krist Novoselic was taller than me. He´s 6 ft 7 in and I´m 6 ft 3 1/2. But Cobain was 5 ft 11 !! He wasn´t so short !
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/05
He must mean he was underdevelopment by not being very big in terms of his body or weight, not height. Cuz 5'7" is nowhere near underdeveloped, that's actually right under average of 5'8" or 5'9".
trueheight said on 15/Sep/05
dude, i got tons of friends that are under 5-6 and they don't look that short. least your not 5'3 or 2 like lotta other guys. If you really wanted be tall either lifts or that bone surgery, but i heard its really painful
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/05
If Kurt Cobain felt underdeveloped and thought of himself as very short, then what the hell does that make me?? I'm 5'5.25"
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/05
Dave Grohl is definately 6', I met him in Hawaii
absolution said on 28/Aug/05
rob, do you know the height of dave grohl, drummer of nirvana and singer of foo fighters?
nirvanafan said on 9/Jun/05
Just to clear some stuff up.
Kurt had curvature of the spine from the time of his teens, and his guitar playing
exacerbated this condition. Although he was a solid 5'8", he actually could have been 5'10 or even 5'11, if his condition had been corrected.
I make my estimates because, in all the pics he clearly looks like hes got long and slender legs and long slender arms and fingers, only his torso looks unusually short.
Also, never seen a picture of Kurt in dress shoes or heels, always vans or chucks. (read: he wasn't one to play up his height)
Chloe T said on 5/May/05
I am a hardcore Niravana and Kurt Cobain fan and he IS 5'7". I've read pretty much every piece of literature on him, along with his diaries and probably every biography written about him, and the common figure that came out was usually 5'8". I know some sources copy others, but I also have loads of footage of him and he does seem quite short. Also, he was shorter than Courtney in their wedding photo, in which her shoes were not particularly high.
Sheilla said on 27/Mar/05
In this Seattle Police document it says 5'10''
J. said on 19/Mar/05
That 5'10" one must be some kind of joke but surely the sheet that has him as 5'8" is a bit more realistic. He obviously had shoes on and that's why he was the height he was listed as. A co-worker of mines is 5'7" and he wrote 5'8" on his drivers lisence so it does happen.
J. said on 18/Mar/05
Yup, Kurt was pretty short. He would sometimes playfully comment on his lack of height during Nirvana's peak. And like another tiny rocker, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, he was usually pushed back in publicity photos so he wouldn't look like an ant next to 6 foot 7 Krist Novoselic.