mr. error said on 11/Jan/11
kurt cobain was 5'7 - 5'8 max! in the deadlatter is he 5'10 jeehh but this is the heights of his deadboddy a deadbodddy can 10cm taller when he dead is my mother is nurse and tell me that :
Click Here
efrain said on 27/Dec/10
heyy, please, tell me, how much is 5.77, i think i tall that, butt, in cms, im 177, like this, and here 177 is 5.9.5, soo, its correct 5.77 for 177 cms or 5.9.5, please tell me, sorry my bad english. efraneed@hotm...... send me the answer to that mail, pleaseeeeeeee somebody tell me!
Steveo6000 said on 17/Dec/10
NO way was he 5'9. I met him back in the day and he seemed about 5'7. No taller than that.
h51465 said on 5/Dec/10
I have to agree with Johnny on this. I met him in real life and I'm 5'10 and I was looking down on him. My estimate of him would be a guy that is somewhere around 5'7, 5'8...but def. no bigger than 5'8.
Johnny said on 4/Dec/10
This is ridiculous. We would watch him in Seattle when he still played in bars and he was really small. He looked about 5'7 and from what I understand everybody around during his heyday knew him to be 5'7 also. It seems to me that he became 5'9 1/2 about 4 years ago which is what? 12 years after his death? Come on, he was 5'7. This needs to be changed.
Gamble said on 24/Nov/10
He smoked pot as a kid, didn't eat healthy, and rarely excercised. Kurt Cobain was a little guy and from I understand from people who knew him he was in between 5'7 or 5'8, no shorter or less. This def needs to be changed.
Mickey said on 29/Jun/09
Missing report sheets and arrest forms don't mean much in terms of height unless they have a picture of the person under a height chart. Mickey Rourke got listed at 6'1" on his police sheet when he got arrested but his boxing records(where he was actually measured) showed 5'11".
Alberto said on 24/Jun/09
Thought he
Alberto said on 24/Jun/09
Watch this videoclip:
Click HereTake a good look at 0:40/0:43
That part of the video shows Kurt standing next to Krist. Given that Krist is a solid 6
NT said on 20/Jun/09
How tall Kurt was is irrelevant. He was a brilliant artist who I've loved and admired since I was 13. I'm now 31. His physicality never mattered to me. I keep a framed picture of him on my computer desk. When I look at his image I see a person who has had a profound effect on my life. I don't look at him and puzzle over how tall he was. We're all different. We're all unique in some way. One's height or weight is unimportant! There are many other topics much more worthy of discussion than this sort of stuff.
Electric Shock said on 3/Jun/09
In Nirvana's 1993 Biography, Come As You Are, Kurt mentioned he was 5'7", 125 lbs. I'm not trying to downgrade Cobain due to some dislike of him; I'm a neurotically obsessive fan, and on all of the message boards I post on with other neurotically obsessive fans, 5'7" is the universally accepted height.
GF said on 26/Apr/09
he weighed only 135? what the hell?!! i knew he was skinny, but not that skinny. jeez. that's terrible.
Joker Style said on 3/Apr/09
Orinal height was 177cm. During his last years maybe he lost around 4cm because of scoliosis
glenn said on 29/Mar/09
thank your mom.finally proof of what i was saying for years.
yourmom said on 27/Mar/09
kurt was 5-10. if you don't believe it, look at his missing person report here:
Click Here
glenn said on 26/Feb/09
courtney said he was 5-10.and so do i.2 people that know/met him.
Ann said on 25/Feb/09
Saw this thread just now. Take a look at this photo. I don't know exactly how tall Cortney is, but she's sure taller than Kurt (even if she might be wearing heels here). I'd go for 5.7 too. I can't guess about his weight, but he sure looks alarmingly thin...
Click Here[/IMG]
T.J. said on 24/Feb/09
WHAT? Rob, he's 5'7.5" max.
and that's all he ever claimed.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
I fully agree with James below, I think 5ft 7.5 is more accurate.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
I always heard Cobain was only 5'7". He was two inches shorter than Courtney I believe. Can't see 5 ft 9.5 in barefoot. 5'8" max I'm sure.
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
oh,thats met her.and have proof that she is 5-9.well so do i.and she is 5-9.5 to 5-10.not 5-9.i have video of it.that i shot.and i have a photo with her.
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
Sorry but Courtny is about 5"9 and in pictures with them together she looks taller than him...he probably was about 5"7 max
glenn said on 23/Jan/09
that should be happening in april.thanks for the support.
hmmm said on 23/Jan/09
Glenn, would you be willing to post a pic of you getting your height measured, to put to rest the nay sayers. 90% of these arguments would be done if they saw a pick of you getting your height measured by some undebatable means. Your one of the leading sources of this info. Thanks for all your input.
glenn said on 13/Jan/09
love is 5-10 when she wakes.i never believed she was that tall until i saw her in stockings at 5-9.5 at least,late at night.she wore heels around kurt.
FT said on 12/Jan/09
Courtney Love is 5'9" and was at least 2" taller than Kurt Cobain.
There is no way I would ever believe Kurt was an inch over 5'7".
glenn said on 11/Jan/09
well said about his height matt.and im glad your doing better.
Matt said on 10/Jan/09
I have idiopathic (unknown cause) scoliosis like Kurt. I had surgery about 8 years ago and the doc attached a rod with screws to my spine which straightened it from around a 50 degree curve to around 30 degrees. I picked up about an inch after the surgery. Even at 50 degrees you couldn't really tell I had scoliosis unless I took my shirt off and you knew what to look for (one side of my body was more sunk in). Now that I'm older and a little thicker, you definitely can't tell it. Looks can't always tell how how big the curve is.
Anyway, I don't know how large Kurt's curve was, but for it to be a known issue, I'd imagine it was 30+ degrees (I never had much pain until mine got to 45+). Thus, with a straight spine Kurt could've been ~1.5" taller.
It also depends on when it started getting bad. He may have been 5'10" at 17 and as the curve got bigger he lost more and more height.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
in fact,they would give the illusion of me looking 2 inches shorter.if i wore converse all the time i would be pegged as shorter is what i really mean.kurt wore converse alot when i sw him.and doc martin boots,other boots with no heel.but big on the converse.
Erica said on 8/Jan/09
I didn't know converse gave two inches either! hmmm...i wear them and it sure as hell doesn't give me two extra inches!
glenn said on 28/Dec/08
i didnt know converse gave 2 inches.
allie said on 22/Dec/08
years ago, my aunt was a nurse at an office where Kurt came in 9after hours)for medical reasons (my aunt never told me what) but SHE measured him herself.....just barely 5'8, small boned, and he weighed 142 lbs. She TOLD me immediately about his visit. She was pretty excited to tell me as I really was a fan on Nirvana.
GF said on 21/Dec/08
Kurt Cobain was certainly 5'9.5"
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/08
Erm, Alex, about your earlier post. 6
john said on 23/Nov/08
He couldn't have lost more than half an inch to scoliosis. You can't even tell he has it, it's very slight. I have it quite badly and I've only lost 2 inches.
micca said on 23/Nov/08
if you have every been around a mustang guitar, you know that they are pretty small. if you look at pictures of him playing a mustang, it looks too big for him...not just his skinny frame, but his head and height. i'm 5'8 and i've a good amount of pics of myself playing a mustang and it looks proportinate. i say he was 5'9" (scoliosis) or less.
glenn said on 21/Nov/08
exactly tim.i always remembered that pic.and flea is 5-6.5 or so.maybe 5-7.
Tim said on 20/Nov/08
I don't understand why people think he's 5'7, i mean he obviously never was. And people think Eddie Vedder was tall lol and he was 5'7. I seen Kurt Cobain stand next to flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers he's atleast 3 inches taller than him from what I seen.
michael said on 15/Nov/08
I met him about a year before he died, stood face to face with him, and he was about an inch shorter than me. I am 5'-8". Kurt was about 5-7, with his shoes on, the day I met him.
glenn said on 15/Nov/08
finally brad and i agree on something.its been awhile.
Brad said on 15/Nov/08
5' 9.5" is close enough to what I saw....with BAD posture and a really tall band member didn't help looking tall. I forgot to ask Pat last Summer.
glenn said on 13/Nov/08
rob hasn't gotten around to putting back up alot of pics.not sure how many.
Danimal said on 12/Nov/08
Where are the pics of Glenn and Kurt?
dudewer said on 11/Nov/08
hes gotta be 5'7 5'8, theres nooo way hes 5'10
Michael said on 10/Nov/08
"Well I think the general consensus is that Kurt was around 5'8 (possibly a 5'10 affected by scoliosis, but that's being generous considering early nirvana pictures). The editor of this site is obviously a biased fan."
Why would a biased fan make Kurt out to be taller than he really is? What does his height have to do with him being a grunge legend?
Alex said on 1/Nov/08
And how do you know that he was exactly 177cm with shoes on, in 89? You measured him yourself with a tape measurer?
Krist is huge, and he can make 6'3 (185 cm) guys look small, I know because I'm his height. And Dave is also well above american average height, especially for that generation. My estimate was between 175-179 cm, so it could be true that his real maximum height was 175 cm, but very unlikely any lower.
And I really think that his maximum height is what counts, so it's irrelevant if he lost a inch in the 90's. I'm not denying the fact that he did though.
Megg said on 31/Oct/08
And yeah, by the way.. I was a photographer at the time, and when I wanted to make some photos of Kurt, he always wanted to be taller, so in some photos he was standing in the front and closer to the camera, and Krist and Dave are standing further. Or pictures were taken from bottom, to make Kurt look taller. Or he was sitting somewhere, to make him taller. (you can't guess what his height was in those photos).
You can find some examples at
in Nirvana's profile. There are lots of Kurt's pics in bad posture, in good posture, alone, with Krist and so on, and there are photos when he was younger and before his death.
And in Heavier Than Heaven Cross had wrote, that in report from police Kurt wrote his height higher than it was. So we can say, that Kurt really wanted to be taller...
Megg said on 31/Oct/08
Okay. I've read all your comments and I have to say, that it's ridiculous to guess what height was he. I've met him in 1989-1994 (a motnh before his death) and in 1989 Kurt was 177cm with converse, so without them he'd be about 175cm. And a month before his death he was like me, and I am 174cm with converse(without I am about 172cm). And I was with converse, and he. So about month before his death he was about 172cm barefoot, and he really looked small even when he was standing next to me. (I'm skinny and quite tall). So I think he was 172cm at the time he was 27. It's ridiculious if you want him to be taller...he wasn't. And almost anyone who met him can say, that he was small, skinny and shy guy, and he looked like a kid when he was standing near to Krist or Dave. He could'nt be 177cm, no way!
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/08
I'm 6'2 and Kurt was a little smaller than I. Check out my rough tracks at
glenn said on 27/Oct/08
he did look tall or close to 6ft in some bleach era pics.5-10 it is.excellent find by for bill,i met him many times and have photo proof.he was 5-9ish,5-10.
ozzy osborne said on 26/Oct/08
he was six feet tall at peak hieght but lost a few inche from back problems
The Banshee said on 26/Oct/08
also, after being arrested in 1986, he stated his height as 5'9".during an interview during the nevermind days(early 92") he claimed to be 5'10".
bill said on 6/Oct/08
This info should be changed for sure - its funny how many folks for some odd reason want kurt cobain to be taller than he was, making excuses, etc - very odd.
When the artist themself claims to be 5'7", their drivers liscense claims 5'7", official biography claims 5'7", and their bandmate/housemate claims 5'5, olympia residents claim 5'6", and pictures remain debatable, you GOT to go with the more official sources.
NO WAY kurt cobain was over 5'8", even when (rarely) standing up straight. Take it from the man himself. Also, Courtney Love was taller than cobain, heels or no heels - this has long been common knowledge. Whatever she is listed as, take a few inches off, and throw in some scoliosis.
There is a reason cobain was described as "short" in every article or profile written on the band from 1989 (first everett true article) on. True himself being only around 5'8", kurt looked 5'6 next to him.
change it!
Alex2 said on 24/Sep/08
This listing is TOO high for Kurt, many fansites list him as 5'7". RIP
Viper said on 11/Sep/08
Why all the 5-7 stuff If he was average height?
Alex said on 11/Sep/08
I'm 100% sure that Kurt, when standing straight was around 5'9 - 5'10 and I'll tell you why...
I saw that video with the band posing next to that Barkley guy, and Kurt seems to reach Krist's chin when he stand straight. We don't know exactly how tall Krist was back then, but if he's 6'7 he's 0.5 centimeter taller than me. I have been exactly 2 meters since I stopped growing 3-4 years ago, and I even double checked today. I am 177cm (almost 5'10) up to my chin, so if my head is the same height as Krist's, which it should be since we're almost the exact same height, then Kurt is definately in that area: 175-179 centimeters or 5,9-5'10
Anon said on 22/Jul/08
Check out this SNL promo vid from 93 w/ Charles Barkley:
Click HereKurt clearly looks about 3 in. shorter than 6-0 Grohl standing side-by-side.
He can look anywhere from 5-7 to 5-11 in photos/vids i've seen. He had long legs, broad shoulders and a skinny frame, which can make him look taller, but spinal curvature/slouchy posture could make him look smaller too. 5-9 or 5-9.5 seems right though.
Chris said on 13/Jun/08
I think he just looked short in comparison to Krist...
ED said on 15/May/08
A few days ago a send an email to Charles Cross and he answered this:
thanks for your kind words on my book...My latest book is on Jimi Hendrix titled Room Full of Mirrors that you may also enjoy.. It
glenn said on 13/May/08
when they were searching for him.
ED said on 12/May/08
when did she describe him as 5-10??
glenn said on 11/May/08
believe what you never saw the guy.he was described as 5-10 from courtney.
ED said on 9/May/08
i read the book heavier than heaven, the autor always describes kurt as a short guy .. im pretty sure about that.. but im not sure that he in one page says that kurt was 1.70m (5 7).. its kind extrange to say he was short if his height was almost 5 10.. its an average height.. i truly believe that he was 5 8 tops..
Aaron said on 1/May/08
bet he was between 5-8 and 5-10 no more no less. I wish I could have met that man, I wouldn't care if he was pissy, he had a lot be pissy about.
JC said on 14/Apr/08
I'll have some info that I'll believe 100% when I hear it... because it can't come from a better source. Just check back here every now and then because it'll take some time for me to get a reply from her.
Chris175 said on 4/Apr/08
JC i have a 6-0 friend who calls me short quite a lot and im a legit 5-9, its just my posture lets me down sometimes, but other times i can feel very near the same height as him. cobain had back problems and that does count for something
glenn said on 4/Apr/08
if you never met kurt,dont be so sure of yourself.police report from courtney had kurt at 5-10.he also looked 5-11 in some bleach era pics.of course he wasnt that tall.he was 5-10,and with a spinal issue,plus poor health,shrunk to 5-9.
JC said on 3/Apr/08
Dave talks about Nirvana, and says "Novoselic was like 6'8, and then next to him was Kurt who was little and quiet" look below for his hand when he described Kurt - there's no way a 6ft guy like Dave Grohl would describe his former 5'9.5 bandmate as little then. I thought it was well-known (in 2008 shesh!) that Kurt was shorter than Courtney.
Click HereVideo (Look around 6:00)
Click Here
Jake Is Back said on 3/Apr/08
Layne was about 6'. As for Kurt I'm thinking 5'9" range. Couldn't have been 5'7", no way.
glenn said on 28/Mar/08
kurt was 5-9 min.
aoz said on 28/Mar/08
in the first pic kurt looks around 5cm taller than the guy, but in the second pic they look around the same height, which 4 me wud place kurt at exactly 5'9 in the first, but in the second he looks around 5'7.5
Jari said on 8/Mar/08
Well in Everett Trues book Dave Grohl says that he is 6ft Krist is 6ft 8 and kurt was 5ft 5...i think that might be true.
I really think kurt wasn't over 5ft.7
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
not too friendly.but signed and posed.rarely looked in camera.
Joe said on 18/Feb/08
You're so lucky to have met so many legends, Glenn. Especially one like Kurt. What was he like in person?
glenn said on 12/Feb/08
layne was 5-11 or 6ft.
Nicole said on 12/Feb/08
Can we get a page for Layne Staley? I've heard he was 5'10" but I'm guessing he was more than 6'. I emailed the guy who runs this site and nothing. Anyone here know his height?
glenn said on 11/Feb/08
while 6ft sound extreme,i did see pics from 1989 where he did look that.but not standing next to anyone for comparison.5-11 tops for me.5-10 most likely.
Spyro said on 10/Feb/08
I think Kurt Cobain lost _A LOT_ of height due to scoliosis. I have a post-traumatic cervico-toracic scoliosis (created by an injury doing a martial art) of "only" around 14 degrees and I have lost around 2cm of height!
I'm sure he had more degrees than me because his scoliosis was idiopathic, a type of scoliosis that usually is progressive (you lost height progressively with the time due to the increment of the degrees of the curve), he refused to wear braces and do treatments, and he passed a lot of hours with the weight of the guitar in his back.
In think a "scoliosis-free Kurt Cobain" had been around 6' or even more.
Electric Shock said on 17/Jan/08
Kurt told Michael Azzerad he was 5'7"; he's listed in the book Come As You Are as being 5'7", 125 lbs.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
even the words you repeated here, i understood he was doing comparison.unless you had something else on your mind.sorry for budding in.
Danimal said on 9/Jan/08
Sorry, I re-read what you wrote Anonymous. My apologies.
Danimal said on 9/Jan/08
Anonymous says on 16/Dec/07
i am 5'10'' but look 5'8'' due to scoliosis
What does you being 5'10" have to do with anything?
glenn said on 8/Jan/08
on the right i remember he had bizzare cant see it in the pic.he was ok.not very friendly.
jece_goodfornothing said on 7/Jan/08
i don't know about this one, i watch a ton of stuff on nirvana, mainly vh1 stuff and i never heard taller then 5' 9" but mainly they said 5' 7". And he looks 5' 7" compared to 6 foot dave grohl, and he looks your height in the second pic, which you claim to be 5'7" in. But i never meant him so, i guess my view is worth nothing. and btw, how did you guys click?
Anonymous said on 1/Jan/08
I read Kurt didn't have scoliosis but had unusually long arms for his height which made his posture look a little odd. His back wasn't curved like with scoliosis.
glenn said on 28/Dec/07
exactly.and i saw him a million times.5-10. 5-9 is also possible.and no smaller.take it from 2 people who actually saw him.courtney and me.
El said on 27/Dec/07
Courtney Love (lied and said she was his mother) filled out his "missing persons" report and lists Cobain's height as 5'10"
Litio said on 25/Dec/07
James Mc Avoy is supposed to play Cobain in a film about Nirvana
MR said on 24/Dec/07
I thought his drivers license stated he was 5'7". I also thought Kurt Cobain was unhappy about his slight build and smaller height. Didn't he say he felt underdeveloped. How could he be 5'9.5"?
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/07
i am 5'10'' but look 5'8'' due to scoliosis
breed said on 11/Dec/07
ok look at that
Click Herecobain looks like a 5'7" maximum height.
no more.
Anonymous said on 10/Dec/07
ok ive seen hundreds of vids and thousands of pics... cobain was 5'8" for a little while but most of the time 5'7".and any fan knows he had boots in the 91-93 time period, which is the ONLY reason he was 5'8"
chris175 said on 18/Nov/07
kurts height is weird, sometimes looks 5-10 and other times 5-8, i would say he wears big shoes. probably 5-8 to 5-9
Freddy said on 25/Oct/07
He's taller than flea by atleast 2 to 3inches I seen a picture of them standing next to eachother side by side.I Still think Kurt Cobain was atleast 5'9.
Yowser said on 22/Oct/07
I'd say kurt's 5'8 no more cos he had a curved back due to scoliosis plus he played the guitar in a slouched some people say he's 5'10 but in camparison to the band who look way tall over 6 foot, so kurt is 5'8.
Freddy said on 20/Oct/07
Well Kurt Cobain was 5'9,Dave Grohl is 6'0 and Krist Novaselic is 6'8,so Dave is 3 inches taller than Kurt, Krist is a giant and since Kurt was a skinny guy and he marriade Courtney Love who was taller than him he looked short.But he wasn't.And when you're standing next to big guys like Krist people think you're smaller than you really are,so an average height guy around 5'8-5'10 is will pick up more chicks at a bar if they're hanging around short guys.
Dr. Wu said on 9/Oct/07
Well I think the general consensus is that Kurt was around 5'8 (possibly a 5'10 affected by scoliosis, but that's being generous considering early nirvana pictures). The editor of this site is obviously a biased fan.
Stench said on 8/Oct/07
Just seen this video
Is Grohl taller than 6'? He look taller than that next to Novoselic
Click Here
Stench said on 8/Oct/07
Yeah Kurt was at least 5'8 but it sounds strange how people constantly underestimate his height. Even in the biography supervised by C. Love ("Heavier than Heaven") where he is often described as very small, tiny, short . Maybe there's something in there to make believe Courtney is taller than she really is?
I don't consider 5'8 short but maybe the fact that he was so freakishly skinny and always next to the giant Novoselic could bring people to think he was tinier than he really was
miles smiles said on 3/Oct/07
Yeah, there's this myth that Kurt was really short (like Beck or even Angus Young.) Krist is a freakin' giant, and Dave is tall and lanky. Kurt usually wore Chuck Taylor's, too, and obviously could care less about his height.
tom cruise said on 2/Oct/07
it kinda pisses me off when people call kurt short, all the people around him were kinda freakishly tall (courtney 5-10) krist 6-7
breed said on 2/Oct/07
ok guys look at that
Click Here
breed said on 2/Oct/07
Click Here
look the video at 1:43 cobain and grohl both standing, kurt seems to be much shorter than grohl
miles smiles said on 8/Sep/07
I stood next to Kurt in early '91(?)...right before Nevermind broke. I think they were opening for The Melvins, belive it or not. I'm about 5-11, and he seemed about two inches shorter. I think he was wearing his trusty Chuck's, too, which only add half an inch or so. Sweet, ethereal, Brilliant, and fragile guy....
Roflo Lauren said on 5/Sep/07
All right, let's get one things straight: Kurt always wore sneakers, mostly Converse All-Stars. Those type of shoes will add about .5 inches to a persons height. Lots of times, Krist and Dave wore boots. Krist almost always wore boots, and his height is far too much greater than Dave or Kurt's to even compare them.
Most boots will add anywhere from .75 inches, to 2 inches to a persons height.
In photos with both Dave and Kurt wearing similar sneakers, you can see that Dave is about 3-4 inches taller than Kurt. With Dave being 6 feet tall, this would put Kurt at about 5'8 or 5'9. His weight was probably around 115-120 during the final years of his life.
It's safe to assume that Kurt was around 5'8.5 tall.
I am 5'9, and weigh 117 pounds. My body looks very, very close to Kurt's.
Also, the fact that Kurt hardly ever stood up straight makes him appear shorter in photos.
Diego said on 26/Aug/07
Come on Glenn, come on!
Diego said on 20/Aug/07
Kurt = Dave's height - 10cm
Courtney = Kurt's height - 3cm
Courtney appears taller than Kurt because is always in heels but...
Dave 183cm, Kurt 173cm, Courtney 170cm (barefoot on the beach!).
Click Here
Diego said on 19/Aug/07
If Dave Grohl is 6'... Kurt Cobain is 5'8' and Courtney Love is 5'7''.
The celebrities always have the vice to increase their height of 4 or 5 cm.
So, don't look
Click Here m d
Shortish Scottish said on 1/Aug/07
Kurt Cobain is just under 5'8" . FACT! a well known one at that. H e was 5'9" with boots on tho yeah.
Glenn said on 30/Jul/07
19.and then 21.
Slh said on 29/Jul/07
hey glenn how old you were to the left in the photo?
glenn said on 30/Jun/07
i read in a magazine the same thing.he was 5-10 though in reality.or at least 5-9.
michael said on 29/Jun/07
i read in a bio he was about 5'6' to 5'7'
captain howdy said on 18/Jun/07
kurt was 5'10. its on i m d b
breed said on 12/Jun/07
yeah if grohl is 6, cobain is 5'7-5'8
malibu said on 11/Jun/07
ih this video that breed sent cobain is not 5ft9
maybe max 5ft8.5
breed said on 9/Jun/07
look at this
Click Here
definitely Kurt Cobain maximum height 1,70 cm (5'7) no more
snrub said on 20/May/07
Thanks for clarifying breed. Its hard to compare anyone's height with Krist's
Breed said on 16/May/07
Jon Doe, at 2:38 kurt is ahead, dave is behind. dave looks a giant compared to kurt. and they were both standing on the same floor. Snrub was talking about that, obviously not about Krist
rollabluntcallitaftermath said on 15/May/07
glenn, how old were you when these pics were taken? 18?
CORRECTION: Novoselic is 6'7 thank you very much :P
rollabluntcallitaftermath said on 15/May/07
glenn, how old were you when these pics were taken? 18?
Novoselic is 6'7 thank you very much :P
Jon Doe said on 15/May/07
Snurb that's not Dave, that's the bassist Krist, and Krist is like 6 foot 8, he's ****ing huge you can't compare Kurt and Krist in height.
Random Person said on 5/May/07
Huh, seems to me I read in one of his biographies as having "a small 5'6 frame". Seems to me Kurt had said himself that he was 5'7 before too. Though in those pics with Glenn it pretty much shows that Kurt was indeed a 5'9 - 5'10 guy. He had the worst posture though so no doubt in my mind that he could appear much shorter. Oh and Dana, Courtney is nowhere near 6 foot. It's debateable if she is even 5'9 (which is what she is listed as here).
snrub said on 5/May/07
No i was 5 when he died. I hadn't read your comment saying 5'10"
glenn said on 3/May/07
you met him snrub?
UNK said on 3/May/07
i agree with not being too generous with posture. You can't say "well, if his spine was straighter.." because guess what? his spine wasn't straighter, so what he stands at his what his height is.
looks way shorter than grohl there. i have a hard time with him over 5'9"
snrub said on 3/May/07
I think this listing is too high, from any photo or video I've seen of him, he seems slightly smaller than this, maybe 5' 8".
This is nirvana on Jonathon Ross
Click Here . Take a close look at 2:38 as Grohl is following Kurt through the door. There's a fairly big difference in height, even considering Kurt's posture (and dave's isn't great either).
Your height is how far your head is from your feet, I don't think we should be too generous here with posture
dana said on 30/Apr/07
kurt had a big enough bone frame, just that he had hardly anything covering those bones!!! there's a good mugshot on the web, google it-- it shows him from the side, in a police mugshot from (Aberdeen I guess) getting arrested. His spinal curvature is obvious there, quite a hunch. He used to paint himself as a skeleton, because, he really was one! Zero biceps, more like popeye forearms from playing guitar. Might have been several inches taller if he wasn't so bent. oh and isn't courtney around 6 foot?
hard said on 7/Apr/07
he was 5' 9, glenn is only 1 inch shorter than kurt in pics.
n/a said on 23/Mar/07
in heavier than heaven there are several references to his height, one being that kurt HIMSELF, said he was 5'9, but the author writes that he was exagerating his height much like he does with a lot of other facts. another reference was that courtney had 3 inches on him, and in earlier shows he wore 4 inch heals to enhance stage presence. kurt was also down to aprox 100lbs, you would have to be fairly short to weigh that without looking completely unhealthy while kurt didnt look that unhealthy on camera as far as we could tell.
mht03 said on 18/Mar/07
I think he was probably around 5'9" or so, but it varied due to his back problems/slouching.
Bleh, the actually numbers are irrelevant, Kurt looked small and short regardless. There are people who are probably actually shorter than him who look more proportional and taller.
And I think the point we're missing here is this : Kurt's small stature greatly adds to his power as "the little angry underdog against the machine" vibe he gave off.. why people so identify with him as a fighter for society's rejects... because he was one as well.. someone who did not fit in with society's macho standards for how a straight male should be.
Breed said on 18/Mar/07
Lightning if your friend is 173-175 and dave is 5-7 cm taller than Dave is about 180.
As you thought 5'11 (180)
Lightning said on 16/Mar/07
I've always thought that Dave was about 5'11 (180cm), a friend of mine who met him at a concert said that he was about 5-7cm taller than her (She's 173cm tall and her shoes that day made her 175cm)
Alex said on 15/Mar/07
Breed, in almost all those pics the essential element is perspective, and position in relation to the camera. Based on that, and considering Dave's height as a given 6 ft., I'd say Kurt was about 5'8"
trueheight said on 13/Mar/07
AdamCheb - that site is a joke. The Rivers guy is 5'6.5 but Kurt Cobain was around 5'10
Albi said on 13/Mar/07
Oh sorry. I see Dave is the white guy. The big guy is Barkley. Ok, then I'd put Kurt on 5'9", probably 5'9.5".
Albi said on 13/Mar/07
I dont understand. Did you guys see the same pics as I did? There is a full-head difference between Cobain and the black big guy. My head is 23cm, so its obvious he is a biiig guy, not 6ft.
As for the little black guy, there is half-head difference between him and Cobain. So it not easily 5 inches, its [at most] 5 inches. Which puts Kurt at about 5'8".
AdamCheb said on 13/Mar/07
but rivers is only listed as 5'6.5"
Click Here
trueheight said on 13/Mar/07
In order to limit the debate a bit,
Reborn, your 2nd pic w/ Farley - we can categorically conclude that Cobain is AT LEAST 5'8, dissavowing all the 5'7 claims. Meanwhile, the great deal of evidence points to Cobain being substantially more than 5'8, more like 5'10
trueheight said on 13/Mar/07
Glenn's photo and anecdotal evidence are conclusive in my book. There are photos w/ Chad who was 5'5 - Kurt towered over him and quite a few w/ Dave in which Cobain appeared 2in shorter max - look for the photos I posted a while back. Also, as seen in many band pics, Kurt had insanely long legs and arms - It makes sense that a 5'10 or even 5'11 man would appear shorter due to spine curvature. For those who think he's 5'7 - looking at his limbs, he would appear to be alien-like - and in fact he does in many photos. For any true - even topical Nirvana fan, one would know that Kurt suffered from both scoliosis and sever stomach cramps in his later life - but would impede severely on posture. Last point, Kurt was never seen in shoes outside of his Chuck Taylors or Vans, both only with only .5in heels. Glenn - you are so luck to have met this person; his life was very very tragic but also beautiful
Brad said on 12/Mar/07
Short looking 5' 10".
Tally Ho said on 12/Mar/07
In those pics from SNL below, Curt appears to be about 8 inches under Barkely's heighth. That "little guy" on the other side might be Muggsy Boggues. And Dave Growel looks like the lady that used to groom my doggie, LOL! Do the math friends, I is ignorent of it.
spiderknut said on 11/Mar/07
a friend's boyfriend saw him in Newport TJs club,watching hole in 91,and he said he was his height-5 ft 7.
Reborn said on 7/Mar/07
I don't see why Dave say "Kurt was -little- and quiet about a 5'9-5'10 guy" even if he had a bad slouch or whatever.
I'm personally putting Kurt at 5 ft 8.5 max. but that's pretty impressive as well, seeing as _he was a bit shorter than Courtney_ his wife. I think she even mentioned that Frances his daughter were soon going to catch up with her dad's height or slightly taller. I'm going to search for this comment. (1½ish year old statement)
On the 01/23/1993 Rio Concert he's next to Flea (the short guy in RHCP) in Red Hot Chili Peppers on the stage talking to him for quite some time and Kurt is about 1.5 inches taller at max than him.
Here are some screens of 1991 and 1993 Saturday Night Live, where Kurt is next to Dave (Who's apparently 6ft?)
SNL1991 - Screen 01
Click Here
SNL1993 - Screen 01
Click Here
SNL1993 - Screen 02
Click Here
SNL1993 - Screen 03
Click Here
glenn said on 6/Mar/07
stick with that lexi.i have photo proof and i met him many times.he was around 5-10.maybe a little under.
lexischapman said on 5/Mar/07
many ppl say his height is 5''7 but u guyz say its 5''9.5. i'm going with 5''7
glenn said on 18/Feb/07
i forgot you guys met him.he was also described at 5-10 in a police report.which is closer to the truth.he had a bad slouch that made him 5-8.
Matt said on 17/Feb/07
No way is he 5'9 1/2. Glenn is slouching slightly it seems. Kurt was a 5'7 even, he was not THAT big.
Michael said on 7/Feb/07
Kurt was 5'7 read "nirvana the chosen rejects" it says it in there
Reborn said on 29/Jan/07
Click Here
Around 6mins Dave Grohl speaks about Novoselic's height (6'8 he says) and unfortunately he doesn't say how tall Kurt was but he shows Kurt's height with his hand right next to him to how he was to him and says "And Kurt was little and quiet"
Austrian said on 19/Jan/07
please i still dont get it, why do u still list Kurt at 5'9.5 if youre obviously about the same height at 172 cm in the 2nd pic right
Reborn said on 14/Jan/07
Scoliosis? Evidence of this?

Editor Rob
"but I have scoliosis. I had minor scoliosis in junior high, and since I've been playing guitar ever since, the weight of the guitar has made my back grow in this curvature. So when I stand, everything is sideways. It's weird"
Reborn said on 14/Jan/07
My dear Kurt was around 5'8 and not much more, this is something I thought of when I looked him in the eyes. That photo with the red hair looks crazy. (as if he'd been 180cm or something, geez) I'm 173cm tall as well. Him being around my height made our little meeting more comfortable as I hate my height. Of course this is just words from another internet user out there, but hey... 'tis true. Just look at the Flea photo, there's also tons of bootleg concerts where you can see him next to Chris and also Dave, it's also a known fact that Kurt was just a bit shorter than his wife Courtney.
Brad said on 4/Dec/06
You could never tell in concert, he had that Keith Richards downstroke slouch and wore theose low cut Converse sneakers. I'm sure walking on a street with mountain boots he looked much taller. He is one dude that could look 5'8" to 5' 11" depending on the weather: whether he is or whether he isn't. Friend of mine saw him in Seattle driving a beat up Pontiac or something not long before he died. He didn't care, he just did what he wanted.
Glenn said on 23/Nov/06
He gave a short impression,thats for sure.there are short 5-10s and tall 5-10s.
Elena said on 22/Nov/06
and then comes a guy like Charles Cross and says something like how strange it was for two ppl as different as Kurt and Krist to be friends, one really short, almost elvish, and one unbelievably tall....
Glenn said on 21/Nov/06
He did look as short as 5-8 and as tall as 5-11.true height 5-10.
RICHARD said on 20/Nov/06
Kurt was probably 5'9'',5'10'', or 5'11''. He always appeared short on TV but he looked tall in books/magazines so either these three heights would suit him. If I had to guess he probably be 5'10''. RIP Kurt
Franco said on 16/Nov/06
Wish we could take a measurement of his bones right now, that'd save the day...but honestly i think he is 1.78cm ruined by his back problems, bad posture. :)
AC said on 27/Oct/06
Kurt was 5ft 10inches. It says on his missing persons report and in his official biography, Heavier than heaven.
Elena said on 26/Oct/06
oh come on....are they insane?...5'6?? maybe because he was so skinny. In the same missing persons report he appears as weighing 135 pounds...61 kg at a height of 178 cm...
Glenn said on 23/Oct/06
I never knew that Tony.I was right then.those 5-7,5-8s were myths.I once read 5-6 in a music mag.
tony said on 23/Oct/06
kurt was 5'10 . On the missing persons report he was down as 5'10 that information was given to the police by courtney and courtney would know his height better than anyone.
Glenn said on 21/Oct/06
I think from what I saw,Courtney is more 5-9.but I agree Kurt is more 5-10.
mac said on 20/Oct/06
i think standing up straight 5'10 5'11 its sounds kinda big but he had very bad posture to give him a slouch of 5'7 to 5'9 it sounds rather large but if your look at kurt and courtneys wedding picture (courtney 5'10) kurt looks about a inch taller and he was wearing no shoes but if you look a vacation picture of kurt and courtney she looked like 2 inches taller and theres another pic of kurt and dave grohl standing next to each other kurt with no shoes and dave with shoes dave looks only a inch taller than him
Glenn said on 11/Oct/06
Elena,email me cause I only get on myspace twice a internet at home.this is my cell phone.I can look at myspace on the phone,but it wont let me respond or accept friendships.I just missed you by minutes on myspace while I was on a computer.Ill be on a computer on friday.for now lets email.thanks!
Elena said on 10/Oct/06
yeah, Glenn, it looks like I have a lot to learn...I'm still pretty much failing the positivity course. Nothing too drastic tho. :) Donno, maybe we could talk you have msn or some mail address?
Glenn said on 10/Oct/06
Thanks Elena.I was too negative then.but I read that one can be dramatic in their 20s.Im all about positivity for years crept up on me 4 years ago again,but I pretty much beat it again.scary stuff.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
Ironically, Rob has 5-9 1/2 for Cobain as well. I think Rob has him right.
Diego said on 6/Oct/06
Ok...the weight is relative but I can't wait to hear the Grohl's opinion!
Elena said on 6/Oct/06
Diego, maybe he could have been 5'9-ish, since he was soo skinny...And in a journal entry he says that at one point his weight was down to 52 kg, and it seemed outrageously little for him, so I guess he had had better days when he weighed more...
And Glenn, i know perfectly well what you mean, considering after all this time and I'm still not really completely over it. I really can't imagine what it would have been like to lose him after I would have exchanged two words with him...I'm glad you were able not to follow the "coincidence" to the end and were able to pull yourself out of that.
Diego said on 5/Oct/06
Kurt was weighing 55 kg as Tracy Marender said in a interview. He could not be 5'9,5''!!! MAX 5'8''...
Glenn said on 5/Oct/06
Yeah,I went through,ironically,coincendently my own breakdown 2 months later.subconsciously maybe it played part,along with other issues.
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
I think Cobain's exact height was 5-9 1/2.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
The photo of me and Chris is only months after the death.3,4 months.I met and hung out with all 3 members at the same time,several times.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
Someone I knew,knew Lennon as well.he said 5-9.thats why I dont understand 5-11 reports.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
Yeah,whats up with the autopsys? do bodies shrink when dead or strectch out? or it can go both ways?
john said on 4/Oct/06
glenn, when you met chris novoselic, it was after or before cobain's death?
Viper652 said on 4/Oct/06
I figure the 5-7 autopsy height is just as bogus as 6-0 for Tupac. Somebody posted on John Lennon's page that the autopsy report said he was only 5-6, which is ridiculous. Dont know why these autopsy heights are all over the place.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
Will check that out soon Gustav.this cell phone only let me see one pic.
Elena said on 4/Oct/06
"He was a guy who had a ton of sex all the time, and he got that hunched-over shape going from that sheer habitual main occupation,"
yeah,'s difficult to get a certain shape by...that method ;) More likely because of the fact that he had no adult around him to constantly nag him about standing straight.
and Glenn, looks like you really had your share of special moments. And was Kurt like that every time you met him?
Glenn said on 3/Oct/06
Thanks Phillip.I didnt find Kurt too friendly.he wasnt mean,but wasnt into signing or posing, but did it with snide I was right about 5-10.maybe I met 2000 names? I wouldnt call them all celebs.anywhere between 1500 to 3000.realistic would be in the middle.I took months and years off,here and there,which hurt me with names like Britney,Aguilera,Eminem,50.but I had a life,not like some of these other dealers.
UNK said on 3/Oct/06
ha ha ha
"He was a guy who had a ton of sex all the time, and he got that hunched-over shape going from that sheer habitual main occupation,"
i hope you weren't serious?
Elena said on 3/Oct/06
wow, Dana, I never imagined him quite like that! you're so lucky you got to meet him, spend time in the same room with him at least..., so lucky to have known him for real. were you two close? how was he really? I'm only asking because I miss him every day and...I guess you understand how I feel...
dana said on 2/Oct/06
okay now, after reading comments I have to say this: Kurt's curvature was really a forward hunching of the shoulders. He was a guy who had a ton of sex all the time, and he got that hunched-over shape going from that sheer habitual main occupation, as well as not very dense bones (he had to float and couldn't sink down in a swimming pool even tho no body fat). A guitar strap always hanging off you can do it to your shoulders too. Yeah, very long arms and hands that make him look short too.
dana said on 2/Oct/06
In about 1990, Kurt himself told me that he was 5'10", probably meaning if he stood straight and maybe just a tad under like 5'9.5". He was certainly a few inches taller than me and I am 5'5.5".
Dana said on 2/Oct/06
I did know Kurt, since age 6. At age 20, he told me that he was "stunted", which I found out was because there was some kind of family failure to feed and nurture...At one point, he could not eat my spaghetti, he had to have a little applesauce and cottage cheese because his stomach hurt. That too must have contributed to his malnutrition. Po' Baby!!! Luv Him....
gustav said on 30/Sep/06
hey, i think this maybe works...
look glenn:
Click Hereand now, look kurt:
Click Herewhat do you think?
phillip said on 29/Sep/06
hey glenn, as you met kurt sometimes, i wish to know how was he on the met..., shy? happy? you're my iol glen, did you ever count how many clebrities you have met?
Glenn said on 29/Sep/06
When Ghrol comes to NYC.that could be 6 months to a year.
Diego said on 29/Sep/06
Hi Glenn! When do you ask Grohl about the Kurt's height?
Diego said on 28/Sep/06
Kurt 5'8'' (173 cm) and Courtney 5'9'' (170 cm)...
both in bad posture.
Click Here
Diego said on 27/Sep/06
For me Kurt is 5'8'', " Heavier Than Heaven " lists it at 5'8''.
Now we hear Dave Grohl, then...
...we come to a conclusion!
Glenn said on 27/Sep/06
Thank you Viper.
Glenn said on 26/Sep/06
Grohl isnt always friendly and may think its stupid too.Ill talk death metal with him first.
Diego said on 26/Sep/06
Is it true that in the book " Heavier Than Heaven " Kurt is listed at 5'8''?
... if so, I'm right!!! I supported many times this thesis.
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
Cobain really does look 5-9 bare mininmum at least.
Diego said on 25/Sep/06
Thanks Glenn! Please ask Dave Grohl which is reliabler than Courtney. He played together with Kurt for 4 years.
I'm very curious to know the height of a grunge rock icon as Kurt.
Click HereClick Here
Glenn said on 25/Sep/06
We may never know.she may not know.Ill ask Grohl on day.he was there when Kurt appeared 5-11.Courtney was around when Kurt got shorter.
Diego said on 25/Sep/06
I don't want to insult you... I'm sorry.
Kurt's height = Courtney's height + 1 inch.
So you must find out ''the real Courtney's height'' to know the height of Kurt.
For me Kurt is 5'8'' barefoot, 5'9'' with shoes. Courtney 5'10'' in heels.
But if Courtney is 5'9'' barefoot, you're right! Kurt is taller, so 5'9,5''.
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
Diego, get a life.your insulting me cause I met these people many times.Kurt wasnt 5-7.neither was Courtney.both are around 5-9.
Diego said on 24/Sep/06
Yeah, Courtney 5'10''... with heels. Kurt is teller than her.
The celebrities tend to enlarge their height.
Measuring them would be necessary!
You claim that Kurt is 5'9,5'' but when the doctors measured it, he was 5'7''.
How do you explain it? Was the meter calibrated bad?
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
Courtney claims 5-10 for her.she is 5-9,maybe way 5-7.
Diego said on 24/Sep/06
Kurt is listed as 5'7'' but is taller because he has a bad posture.
For me Courtney is 5'7'' (170 cm) and Kurt 5'8'' (173 cm)...
Here, Kurt is an inch taller than Courtney, both are barefoot.
[5'8'' (173 cm) v.s 5'7'' (170 cm)]
Click Here
Here, Kurt is an inch shorter than Courtney, but he wears Converse Juck Purcell and she's in heels.
[5'9'' (175 cm) v.s 5'10'' (178 cm)]
Click Here
Diego said on 22/Sep/06
Yeah, Kurt was short but not so much! 173 cm
The medium height of a man is 175-177 cm...
If he was 177 cm as Glenn says, he was a normal height!
sappyyy said on 22/Sep/06
For people who say that Kurt was never described as short in press - that's not true. Many times he was described as small, diminutive, etc. Here's some quotes for examples:
the one from Everett True (he was close to Kurt) from 1988-89: "He's your archetypal small guy - wiry, defiantly working class and fiery"
the one from Eugene Kelly of the band Vaselines: "He was small and frail, sitting with his feet on the chair"
the one from Kim Gordon of the band Sonic Youth: "Kurt was a wee little man"
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
Im 5-7 on the left.5-7.5 or 5-8 on the
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
At least anonymous agreed that he looked alot taller early on.
Diego said on 21/Sep/06
Glenn, are you tall 173 cm with or without shoes? In the second picture with you, Kurt has a bad posture and seems 3 cm shorter than you. Kurt is like you in good posture! In "Pennyroyal Tea", song from the album In Utero, Kurt sings.. "I'm on my time with everyone, I have very bad posture".
Glenn said on 21/Sep/06
Im done.the smallest he ever was is 5-9.very possible taller.I sized him up in the flesh.
Diego said on 21/Sep/06
For you Tuts, how tall is Kurt? For me 173 cm, 10 cm shorter than Dave (183 cm). And Courtney? I'm not sure about her because she's usually in heels but in this picture on the beach (marriage at Hawaii), I think that they three are barefoot on the sand. Courtney is more or less at the Kurt's level (173 cm). So she could be from 171cm to 175 cm.
Click Here:
Click Here
Elena said on 21/Sep/06
I must agree with Diego. Not based necessarily on the pic, but on common sense and evidence. He WAS 10 cm shorter than Dave, he WAS shorter than Courtney...he couldn't have been 180 or sth like that. And i'm not saying it like a value judgement, like Doris suggested, I love him equally if he was 190 and if he was 165.
tuts said on 20/Sep/06
it looks like they are staggered Diego, dont rely on that picture. Courtney is visibly behind him a few inchs, try n' find some live video footage, I posted a link below from an mtv video award,
Click Here , compare Kurt and Dave and tell me, what do you see?
Diego said on 20/Sep/06
Ok, Kurt had scoliosis, spinal curvature which may have made him shorter than he was. I understand! but not of 7 cm... 2,5 inches? are we joking?!
Probably of 1 inch (about 3 cm)!!! 173 cm - 3 cm = 170 cm [the autopsy's result]. In the pictures with Glenn it's possible to see perfectly this theory.
Diego said on 20/Sep/06
The doctors are the only ones which measured Kurt. The autopsy reports 170 cm.
This is the only real fact we've. For you, did they make a mistake of 7 cm? mmm ...
Even if you met him, yours remain only hypothesis. The pictures deceive.
A mistake of 3 or 5 cm max is more probable and realistic. It's logic!
Kurt in bad posture was 170 cm. Kurt in good posture was 173 cm.
Furthermore if Kurt was 177 cm, he wasn't so short as he himself said!!!
Glenn said on 20/Sep/06
Autopsy had Tupac at 6ft.when he was 5-9 tops.Cobain lost height,one inch or a few,we will never,as with everyone else on this seem to forget I met these celebs.he had a hell of a slouch and still appeared taller than me.5-9 no smaller.5-11 if he is like DMX and retracts his spine.
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/06
i don't know but, 6 ft is impossible, really, tottally impossible. but i can't deny and i must agree with glenn that cobain seems much taller in early days of nirvana.
Diego said on 20/Sep/06
Hi Glenn! Open this page:
Click Here
kurt is with courtney and frances... They're without shoes and wear the pyjamas.
Kurt has a bad posture but Courtney is behind him. They seem the same height (173-175 max)!
What do you think about this?
Diego said on 19/Sep/06
For me Kurt Cobain is 5'8'' (173 cm) because...
1. [isn't 170cm] autopsy makes a mistake of 3 cm.
2. [probably is 173cm] he's 10 cm shorter than Dave (183cm).
3. [isn't 175cm] Courtney is 2 cm taller than him in flat shoes or is the same height.
4. [isn't 177cm] can't be taller than Courtney.
5. [isn't 180cm] only with the heels of his wife.
Diego said on 19/Sep/06
The appearance deceives! In 1988-89 he was as in 1994. Between 5'7'' and 6' there is an
abyss. If Courtney 5'9'', Kurt 5'8'' or 5'9'' max.. Maybe 6' with the heels of her wife. If Dave is 6', Kurt can't be 5'9,5'' (177 cm).
For me, Kurt Donald Cobain is 5'8'', max 5'9'' (with converse jack purcell shoes)!!!
Glenn said on 18/Sep/06
Rob says 5-9.5.I say either 5-9 or 5-10.however Diego,research Nirvana photos from 1988 and 1989,and you will see what appears to be a taller Kurt.Doris said 6ft when she met him.while that sounds high,I could swear in those early pics he looked around 5-11.furthermore lets not forget DMX looking 5-9,5-10 to me,and 5-8 to others,whenI had my photos developed,he appeared 5-11,6ft in my photos! so there is people that can strectch themselves out 2,and sometimes,I guess,3 inches! like I said many times,I have 3 friends that I though were 5-9,that prooved me wrong by strecthing out to 5-11.DMX style!
Diego said on 18/Sep/06
The autopsy reveals 5'7 ''...maybe he was in a bad posture when was measured. Glenn says 5'9,5''. For me, he was 5'8'' without shoes!
Glenn said on 18/Sep/06
Yeah,I think I heard the 5-7 report too.the mystery continues.the man appeared 5-8 to me with a hell of a 5-10 max.and he looked surprisingly tall in 1989.
Doris said on 16/Sep/06
Glenn! my e-mail is ---, I had to make one while away from my home. I am in TN, because of visiting "family". I missed you so, so much. I have been through H-E-L-L...I'll tell you more, you are the sweetest, most caring, loving perfect friend ever, thank you for forgiving me sweetheart! I feel enormous guilt over my failure to post, but I was truly unable to, still I cannot bear putting you through that. Thank you Ed. Rob for your thoughts.
I love you Glenn, my guys, please write tomorrow sweetie, I will tell you what happened.
Glenn said on 15/Sep/06
Around 21 or 22.Im 173 now.
Drew said on 15/Sep/06
"Younger Glenn is 170cm, older Glenn 172cm "
Hey Glenn how old were you when you grew two centimeters?
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Yes,but Im afraid to ask Courtney.she may be into it,or fly into a rage about how stupid this all is.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Paul-missed your post too.downgrade is like downsize,to say lower than the height really is.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Im shocked I missed her post.hopefully she wont think I forgot about her.I almost thought she dissappeared for good.whats it been? I see its been 21/2 months.well 3 by the time I read this.I cringe to ask about who passed away.hopefully she will come through like a positive Doris and celebrate ones life,mourn to a point,just dont be too negative.youll rise from the seem a bit in place thankfully.hopefully,Ill hear from you sooner than later.much adore,Glenn.
Anonymous said on 14/Sep/06
I think only courtney has the answer of how tall was cobain
Diego said on 13/Sep/06
I met Kurt in 1993 after a show. I was wearing the Converse Jack Purcell shoes like him.
I'm 5'8'' tall (173 cm). He was exactly my height!
Diego said on 13/Sep/06
I'm sure, Kurt was 5'8'' (173 cm) because he was 10 cm smaller than Dave Grohl 6' (183cm).
Courtney is the same height of Kurt [see marriage at Hawaii] or max more 2 cm (173-175 cm), but she's about 5'11' (180 cm) with 5-7 cm of heels.. so she appears taller than Kurt in many pictures [see Video Music Awards 1993]!
Diego said on 13/Sep/06
Kurt was 5'8''(173 cm), usually with CONVERSE shoes he was 5'9'' (175 cm)...
Courtney is 5'9'' (175 cm), usually with 5 cm of heels 5'11'' (180 cm).
Doris said on 31/Aug/06
Oh Glenn! I miss and need you. I have had the WORST time of my life...there is just no going back after what has happened withen my family...I am in the proccess of another funeral and having maritial problems...Oh Glenn, remember I love you so much. Forgive my long abcense...
Say what you people will about Kurt, Glenn and I know the truth and facts
(and yes, occassionlly talents are taller than expected! they couldn't all be Neopoleon Bonaparts, now could they? at least don't insult us-Glenn and I- why are some of you so mean!!!??)
Doris said on 31/Aug/06
Glenn, I love you very much and forgive my abcense...I have had a terrible trauma since my last post, lots of family problems and tragedy, please remember I love you and the guys, Christian! I will return my loves, I want all the best for you forever darlings...
Elena said on 18/Aug/06
just found this pic...him and Dave are standing at the same level....and Kurt is standing straight for once...what do you think? there's a bit of a difference...
Click Here
Elena said on 18/Aug/06
hmm...if a foot is 0.3048 metres, then 5-8 would mean 176 cm...Although in those pics he does seem 5-7 (173 cm or something)
paul said on 17/Aug/06
hey glenn, i'm not american, i'm just a french guy and i don't know what downgrading means, could you explain for me please? thanks again
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
He appeared 5-10,but had a bad slouch that made him 5-8.yes,I think he was downgrading.
Elena said on 17/Aug/06
then again, many ppl don't really know their own height precisely. I, for one, as an example, always thought(truly and realistically) that i was 5'3, when in fact I'm about 5'4. And i wasn't trying to exaggerate my small height or anything like that. Could it then be that he both thought he was shorter AND said he was shorter, putting himself down as usual?
paul said on 16/Aug/06
oh yeah elena, tht's curious, even kurt said himself has 5'7
Elena said on 16/Aug/06
watching that video, it didn't seem that Kurt and Dave are the same height, but not that much of a difference either. Kurt saod he was about 5'7 or something, but he has been known to consider himself shorter, smaller etc. On the other hand, both the autopsy report and the missing persons file say he's 5'10...that, again, would be a stretch. So I think he was something like 5'8 - 5'9...
tuts said on 14/Aug/06
could be Paul, but don't believe all the still pictures, I mean, a video with subjects in motion is hard to refute, I found the link,
Click Here --- If im not right, please do tell, like you, im only interested in the plain facts
Viper652 said on 14/Aug/06
Glenn makes a good point. You cant go by autopsy reports when Tupac was shown to be 6-0 which is laugable.
dale said on 12/Aug/06
ive met kurt and im looking for the picture i have with him but its from head to toe and we are both wearing the same shoes *chuck taylors* and i am about an inch taller and i am 5'9 3/4
Glenn said on 12/Aug/06
Autopsy accurate Brad? what about Tupac at 6ft? when he was 5-9 tops.
Brad said on 10/Aug/06
Somebody get the autopsy report and end it for once and for all. These things are pretty much accurate. I think they use exact measurements on a steel table. This 5' 7" to 5' 10" is the widest margin I've ever heard of.