5'10 Dude said on 3/Feb/23
I feel like she can look ever so slightly taller than Allison Janney on "Mom" in recent years so I wouldn't go under 6'0. She's super tall!
Irshgrl500 said on 24/Sep/22
Kirsten is 6' and unfortunately, she's gained a lot of weight. At her height, she'd have to be more than 210 pounds. What's sad is that the weight gain is very,very likely due to her lupus. She was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I applaud her for continuing to work, in her field. She's also got about 20 years clean & sober. She's amazing & a doll.
David Tang said on 24/May/22
weak or strong six foot rob?

Editor Rob
In the 90's I got a solid 6ft impression from her.
David Tang said on 22/Jul/21
she looks like kirstie alley
mark joyce said on 13/Feb/21
Kristen is 6" 1".
This is when I knew her in her 20s.
Marta said on 10/Sep/20
Hi Rob, what do you think it's her height equivalent if he was a man?6' 6? Thank you

Editor Rob
Within 6ft 5 to 6 range
Nik Ashton said on 5/Oct/19
@ Christian 6’5 3/8” - Too true!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
Not only that, but she also said she stopped growing at 12. Her comments contradict each other.
Nik Ashton said on 7/Aug/19
It’s interesting that she claimed to be 6’0” at age 12 and 5’11.5” at 13!
Nik said on 11/Jun/19
Average vote (6'0"!) = Rob's vote (14 votes!)
The average Kristen on celebheights is 5'6.45" and 10 out of the 14 Kristen's on here are 5'6" or over! Also 11 out of the 14 Kristen's on here are 5'5" or over!
Nik said on 11/Apr/19
Tall actresses are cool, as are actors and actresses of all heights!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Feb/19
She admits to being 5'11.5" at age 13, and she claimed to have stopped growing at 12. I doubt she was ever a full solid 6'0".
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Feb/19
She gain alot of weight last year cast in Mom like over 210lbs, not sure if she is still this plump now.
Click Here Almost unrecognised, she look aging terribly with her size.
Canson said on 25/Dec/18
She definitely looked it next to Lithgow
Nik said on 2/Sep/18
There is nothing wrong with women being very tall and it is not unusual either. Everyone should celebrate height diversity because every height is cool, for both men and women. There must be many millions of women in the world who are at least 6'0"!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Aug/18
182.5cm at her low.
Junior said on 7/Jan/18
She look so skinny in this PR photo and probably under 125 pounds.
tshark said on 7/Sep/17
Every bit 6' but her illness could change that over time.
even said on 19/Jul/17
legit 6 footer
Hyde said on 27/May/17
Lithgow seems to tower over her in some scenes. 5' 11.5 throughout the day.
Jp said on 27/Feb/17
What about
Peak = 183-184
Current = 181-182
Allie said on 6/Dec/15
Ah thanks Rob. :). Anyways, yeah. It gets super confusing. Like when I once said I'm a size 10 (as in shoe size), people told me that I look nowhere near a size 10 dress size, had to tell em I'm talking about shoes!
And all this conversion stuff makes my head hurt having to remember which one's which.
Allie said on 4/Dec/15
Rob, does she mean size 8 as in shoe size or dress size? Or was she never clear on what she meant?

Editor Rob
I'm sure she means dress size.
I wish decades ago countries could have unified shoe sizes, dress sizes and measurements.
Standardised it all so there was no confusion...
Sunil said on 10/May/15
@Buzzy Hey if you're anything like her then you can kick ass like her too, literally everyones! ;)
J.Lee said on 11/Jun/13
rob how tall is she in these?
Click Here I can't tell how tall these are

Editor Rob
hard to tell how much front is on those heels
nona said on 22/May/13
Kristen Johnston has Scandinavian blood and as such is 6'0" & very well built at 175 lbs
5ft10guy said on 30/Mar/13
Just seen a picture with her and jamie kennedy another 6footer and thought why does he look small.She had heels and towered him.Then I checked her height and was like ooooh ok its because she's a giant.
Buzzy said on 17/Sep/12
I've been told by strangers and friends that I look a lot like this actress. I'm also 6' tall and glad I am, but it was no fun in high school at the dances.
the AMAZING Babushka said on 30/Dec/11
she looks like gaint Amazon Woman. 6' for a woman is like 7' for a guy
Hercules said on 16/Nov/11
@ Hannah
LOL sure. Maybe for a guy, but for a girl that's pretty darn unusual.
Hannah said on 3/Dec/10
I'm 6 foot tall since I was 17 yrs old. Nothing unusual about it.
bazeley said on 7/Jul/09
Enormous height difference between her and drew barrymore in Music and Lyrics. Drew reached her shoulders! Incredible!
Jlee said on 18/Oct/08
I doubt it google, I am a renounced world expert on heights. She is atleast 4 inches shorter than lithgow.
Google said on 4/Oct/08
In ER, she looks similar height to 6'4" Goran Visnjic - Maybe 6'1"-3"
Jlee said on 5/Aug/08
So kendra would you ever date a guy much shorter than you?
Kendra said on 27/May/08
I can relate to those girls who wish to be average. I myself am a giant compared to most women. Even taller than Sally on 3rd Rock. At 6'3" I stand very close to Dick (John Lithgow)'s height.
glenn said on 19/May/08
maybe she did in that photo,but go to brookes page on the site and compare me and her to this pic on top.maybe both are 6ft.im 75 percent sure im right.tall women usually downgrade themselves,which im not sure if brooke is guilty of that.
glenn said on 16/May/08
kristen is taller.compare with my brooke pic.
glenn said on 28/Jan/08
thanks joe.she was always nice and friendly towards me.
Joe said on 27/Jan/08
Not her best photo imo. I believe she's dead on 6'0. What was she like when you saw her Glenn? You're a really lucky man, meeting all these legends!
6footkate said on 5/Jan/08
im excatly the same size as her. she did sometimes look taller on 3rd rock
bhavesh said on 30/Jun/07
HI i m 5'5" male. I personally met krishten johston. I hardly touch to her chin. so i think she must be 6'1"
Joe said on 9/Jan/07
Sorry glenn was looking for it under 'The Rock' cause did'nt know his real name, my mistake, hey im irish thats my excuse ha ha!
Glenn said on 9/Jan/07
d rock? you mean the Rock? it was up for 4 months now.
joe said on 8/Jan/07
hey glenn ever get ur pic taken with d rock?
Glenn said on 13/May/06
I heard THE ROCK comment once.Depp several times.Cruise once.Emilio Esteves twice.and a bizzare Pitt comment once.in frosted blond long hair once when INTERVEIW WITH A VAMPIRE came out, and with my fat lips,and no white people in my neighborhood,I understand the comment better.
don said on 11/May/06
even tho shes kinda freakishly tall i thought she was pretty hot on that show, until i seen that picture of her and glenn, she looks like my grandma on a bad day, secondly oh man does glenn look like the rock
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Oct/05
From entertainment weekly, "I was 5-foot-11½ at age 13. I was enormous, a monstrosity, a freak. I've always been an outsider."