How tall is Kid Rock

Kid Rock's Height

5ft 11 ¾ (182.2 cm)

American singer-songwriter.

How tall is Kid Rock
Kid and Tiger Woods
Photo by kathclick/

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Add a Comment152 comments

Average Guess (27 Votes)
5ft 11.45in (181.5cm)
Arch Stanton said on 10/Apr/23
Nugent did once look 6'1.5-6'2 with Kid Rock, though not sure if he had boot advantage.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Apr/23
Nugent is mid 70s now, so I think a 1.5 inch loss is believable now. Looks about 6 ft now, probably was 6'1.5. Kid Rock generally looks 6 ft to me, and could pass for taller at times due to his lanky build, though for some reason looks shorter than Tiger.
Shamarr said on 13/Oct/22
Him, Kanye and ray j all took a pic together. Kid rock seems 5’10 5’11
greg99 said on 10/Jun/22
Rob wrote: Nugent claims 6ft 1 and a half.
Maybe he was that in his younger days, from what I'm seeing now he's no taller than around 6' tops; a pic of Ted eye-to-eye with Don Jr. who is max 6' and probably under that:
Click Here
Editor Rob
Actually I checked my file and it was a 6ft 2 claim!

"My name is Ted Nugent, and I am a special deputy from Genessee county, Michigan. I am Six Foot Two"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/22
Tiger Woods actually looks 6ft1 range with Rock!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/22
Rob, I think Ted Nugent's another guy who deserves a page?

Very odd to see 5ft11 and 6ft listings on the web for him. At least 6ft1-2 range as he claims. Next to Rock he looks 6ft2...
greg99 said on 8/Jun/22
Is it possible he wears lifts? (standing next to 6' Ted Nugent Click Here)
Editor Rob
Nugent claims 6ft 1 and a half.
Public Enemy said on 24/Mar/22
My fav track is Bawitdaba. Very talented. Peak was 6 feet. Today he’s lost a fraction.
toddd0461 said on 21/Nov/21
I don't really listen to Kid Rock, but I liked his new song 'Don't Tell Me How To Live'. Anyways, I'd say 5'11.5" seems like the best height for him and he could round it up to 6'.
Ethan Larsen said on 24/Jun/21
Slighty under 6ft, I think he could get away with 6ft on the dot though.
Meltdown said on 7/Jun/21
With Donald Trump. Definitely looks 5'10 here at most.

Click Here
ADAM VARCO said on 21/Apr/21
viper said on 26/Jan/20
With Trump Jr.

Click Here
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 22/Dec/19
Good downgrade. I thought 181 or so
Sonny Black said on 28/Mar/19
I used to think he was like 6’2 till I saw him next to Trump the other day. Gotta be like 5’11ft tall.
Sebastian s said on 24/Mar/19
He looks more than 1/2 an in shorter than President Trump in this photo Click Here
Zakk said on 23/Mar/19
A little over 5'11" seems right. No way he's 6'.
MD said on 23/Mar/19

With Donald Trump:

Click Here

Even with his much wider stance, he can't be this listed height, can he?
Editor Rob
Well with Catherine Zeta Click Here I think he's 3 inches taller and she's got a heel that event...

It's hard to imagine over 5ft 11 with Trump, but it's a golf green so who knows the real difference.
Laws said on 18/Feb/19
Next to 6'1 Chad K. [ugh] 5'10 Click Here 3'' shorter at least
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/May/18
Rob, how tall do you think Ted Nugent is?
Editor Rob
I've not looked at him much at all.
KH said on 16/Jul/17
Emily you mean you met him wearing heels and the few inches were 5. There is plenty of picture evidence of this guy with other people he is right around this mark.
Emily said on 12/Jun/17
Dude is NOT 6 ft.. I MET THE ****. I'm 5ft 4in... he was only a few inches taller than me. I remember being so shocked because I was always under the impression that he was taller.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 9/Jun/17
181-182cm, looked similar to hockey player PK Subban Click Here , who himself is 13-14cm shorter than Charles Barkley Click Here
KH said on 20/Apr/17
He is a legit 6'0. He is super skinny with loose posture so can sometimes seem shorter. The 5'7 and 5'8 claims are dumb.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Feb/17
Super skinny guy who in massive boots has fooled many into thinking he was 6ft3-6ft5 range for years...
berta said on 9/Feb/17
i think he can look in the 184 range but maybe because he is skinny ore something although as i said here before he did claim 6 foot 1 in one song. dont know if it should be stated as a real cliam. its in the song " rock n roll pain train" by himself he looks 184 but with people he can look 182-183 i think this listing is good. could be little taller ore littel shorter like max half inch.
Gregorovich said on 26/Jan/16
@ Oanh..."Nah, he's 5'11" tops"

based on?
Oanh said on 7/May/15
Gregorovich says on 13/Oct/13
Well over 5'10". Easy 6 footer.

Nah, he's 5'11" tops
berta said on 17/Jul/14
he says he is 6 foot 1 in his song rock n roll pain train
Alex 6'0 said on 11/May/14
Kid Rock does slouch some and doesn't have good posture at times but when he stands straight he does look 6'0ish. Could be 5'11.5 maybe but those 5'7-5'10 estimates are way off.
Gregorovich said on 8/May/14
With heights, gotta remember that most people slouch. I am 5'10" on the now, but that's with me standing against the wall fully elongated to my max height. But that's not how I am all the time. I slouch when I walk and stand and lose around an inch. In Kid Rock's case, I know he is right at 6' even because I met him and was surprised that he was taller than I. He does not look tall in photos and on stage. Trust me. He is a tall dude. These people who are saying 5'7" have never met him. And the 6'5" claims are wayyyy off too.
Alex 6'0 said on 6/May/14
Kid Rock with 6'1 Carson Daly and 5'7 Fred Durst. He looks 5'11-5'11.5 here

Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 2/May/14
Hasn't he claimed 6'1 somewhere too? He looks 6'0 or maybe a bit less. He had a good 4-5 inches on Fred Durst and Eminem who are both 5'7 range
SaveUsY2J said on 12/Apr/14
@Ted: On what grounds? That would make Eminem 5'6 and Tiger Woods barely over 5'10 himself. If you're going to downgrade somebody, actually have an impetus for doing so.
Ted said on 7/Mar/14
Seriously doubt he's even 6 foot. More like 5'10".

And 6'5" is really silly.
MD said on 13/Nov/13
Of, your dad's not really 5'9"? Or, your dad thought he met Kid Rock and it was really someone else? I only give these options for you, because not only is 6'0" really the max he could be, but here with 6'0" Tiger Woods, he may be slightly under a full 6'0":

Click Here
lelman said on 11/Nov/13
He must wear huge lifts or something, there's a photo with he and my dad (5'9") and he looks considerably taller, like 6'3".
Gregorovich said on 13/Oct/13
Well over 5'10". Easy 6 footer.
Jay said on 13/Sep/13
What's with these 5'7 trolls?
Chad said on 29/Jul/13
Ive met him twice in Virginia Beach. Once at a 7-11 and once at a surf shop behind the Ted Constant Center. Im 6'1" and he barely came up to my chin...5'7" tops!!!
Lester said on 6/Jul/13
(reads the description above, chuckles)

What nutjob PR firm tries to claim 6'5" for Kid Rock?? LOL. He looks 5'10", maybe 5'11" at most.
Mathew said on 10/May/13
I'd estimate Kid Rock is 183 - 184 cm range. 6'5" is way too high, 6'1" absolute max.
Jay said on 7/Mar/13
These 5'7 claims are BS.
Gregorovich said on 29/Jan/13
I met him in 2008 when he did a concert in Kuwait for the soldiers. Stood right next to him, and I am 5'10". I was surprised he was taller than me by around 2 inches. Definitely a 6 footer. Like many, I thought he would be shorter than that, but he is easily a 6 footer.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Dec/12
yki says on 28/Oct/12

"if he is 5'7" I would be surprised."

Hmm, very surprised. I'd have guessed him at 6'1".
Tyki said on 28/Oct/12
I met Kid Rock at a Flint Generals hockey match. A very nice guy. I am 6'2" and if he is 5'7" I would be surprised. He was much shorter than I thought. But who cares he was a great guy to me.
KidFan said on 17/Jun/12
I don't care if he is 5'10 or 6'10 - non of it changes his talent or his heart for this country. He is welcome to sit at my table anytime.
dc said on 8/Dec/11
I met Kid Rock, and I remember thinking he was little. 5'7" or 5'8"
pauly e said on 28/Oct/11
btown says on 13/Sep/11
i had a drink with him in the bar at hard rock in biloxi and when we stood up kid rock was no taller than my eyes and i am 5'11''

Yep, my buddy who is just a bit over 6'0 barefoot met him and said he was 5'11 flat. Also got a pic w/Kid Rock and kid rock looks about an inch and a half less than my friend....
btown said on 13/Sep/11
i had a drink with him in the bar at hard rock in biloxi and when we stood up kid rock was no taller than my eyes and i am 5'11''
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 13/Jul/11
He's not especially tall, but he looks like he is. His tiny head makes him look much taller.
Richie said on 5/Jul/11
Thats chris rock... Not kid rock
Quan said on 13/Jun/11
6 ft. really? Looks 5'8.
Phil said on 4/May/11
You guys have this one totally wrong. In the Longest Yard (2005), Kid Rock is the exact same height as Burt Reynolds and Adam Sandler who are both listed here as 5' 10" there is no way he's 6'. He looks tall because he's so skinny but the video proves otherwise.
Joe said on 25/Mar/11
I agree with the person that said 5'10 or 5'11. I'm 6'1 and have met him many times. He is 2-3" (or more) shorter than me.
T.J. said on 18/Mar/11
Seeing him in other thing I can say he looks 6'
but next to David Spade he looked 5'11ish" to me..
that's just me though...I've never met him so I can't give an accurate judgment.
Shaun said on 14/Mar/11
Granted he can somehow give off a 6'2"-6'3" because of his build but he's shorter than Tom from Aerosmith so he aint over 6'.
hot karl said on 12/Mar/11
i can believe 6 foot. i would have guessed a little over 5 foot 11 without shoes, but 6 foot is close enough. where did you ever hear 6 ft 5? he is nowhere near that.
toni said on 5/Feb/11
He looked pretty average in Joe Dirt. Next to 5'5 david spade he looked like 4in taller at most. But maybe spade was wearing lifts for that movie so who knows.
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/11
jus wantd 2 make sure the guy i told 2 enter a look a like contest @ hockeytown b4 his birthday bash on sat jan 15th was really an impersonator!! He was mayb 5'6 and jus couldnt handle if it really was kid that was all i could think 2 say lmao
RJ said on 8/Jan/11
I've known Rob for a while, hung out with him plenty of times around the Detroit areas like Romeo and mt. Clemens MI. Im only 5'8 and he towers over me. I'd say 6'1 with shoes easily.
medic 1 said on 1/Dec/10
pretty certain he wears shoe inserts or thick soles
Redbeard said on 21/Nov/10
I stood right next to him at the Casino in Downtown Detroit and he's not even 6'0. I'm 6'0 tall and he was shorter than me. I'd say 5'10 or 5'11 but definitly shorter than 6'0. He's really skinny so looks taller than he really is!
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/09
I would say 183 at least. Quite possibly 184.
jf said on 27/Jun/09
I always thought he looked a strong 185cm, or just under 6'1", if he stood up completely straight. His stage presence and long hair may make him appear 6'3", but I think just under 6'1", at his peak with good posture.
Hugh 190cm said on 22/Jun/09
6ft0.5-6ft1 at least!
Doug said on 2/Apr/09
Agreed, the man is 5'11.5 (182cm). Another 5'11-5'11.5" guy who pulls off the 6'1" look in good shoes easily.
G money said on 23/Mar/09
In his song Rock n Roll Pain Train there is a line where he sings "six foot one, I walked around like I was ten foot tall" so I'm guessing he's six foot no problem....
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/09
Walked past him over a year ago, when I was 5'8.5"...He didn't seem that much taller at all, 5'10" at the most, but that may have been due to bad posture.
Red said on 30/Jan/09
looks to be a legit 5
Alex said on 20/Dec/08
Kid Rock at 6'0 puts Fred Durst at no more than 5'8.
klem said on 16/Dec/08
On that "Who height are you mirror" he is listed under michel jordan round 195cm LOL.
Hugh said on 12/Dec/08
Are you telling me that this guy was once listed as 6ft5 on this site????

Editor Rob
he was listed elsewhere at that.
hcbl said on 27/Nov/08
Hei if this guy is 6 , hounsou couldn t be more than 6 - 6 1' top ...
Ian said on 10/Nov/08
A weak 6ft. 182cm. His build makes him look taller though. 6ft is about right. No more. He'll be 6ft morning height, shrinking to mostly 5ft11 during the day. Nothing over 6ft though. Looks about the same height as me.
MHouillon said on 8/Nov/08
He's a shade under a solid 6 ft. I'd say 5'11.5 (182cm) seems more realistic.

NEVER a 5'10 !
glenn said on 5/Nov/08
exactly alex.
Alex said on 5/Nov/08
Glenn, yea 6'0 seems about right. His posture can be loose is why he can appear shorter at times. Back then he use to give me a 6'1-6'2 impression though.
glenn said on 26/Oct/08
just obtained my 3rd photo with him.always though 5-11.then agreed on looks 5-11
September said on 25/Oct/08
Oh my God, he's so skinny and slouchy I seriously thought he was like 5'7". Lol. But by those photos, 6 even looks spot on.
Star said on 7/Sep/08
My dad met Kid Rock. 6'0 seems spot on because my dad is 6'4. My dad said that he was quite a bit taller than him.
Anonymous said on 1/Sep/08
really? he looks like 1 or 2 inches more than rev run look at this Click Here
hmm said on 18/Jul/08
looks 5'10 in the pics i'm afraid..
Midnite said on 11/Jun/08
Saw him at a hockey game, legit 6 footer.
16 and 5'11.75 said on 6/Jun/08
he's 6 ft without shoes and 6'1 with shoes..
crystal said on 30/Nov/07
kid rock is hott i wouldn't care if he was 5 foot lol
Arth said on 6/Nov/07
Based on the above pictures, I'd reckon he's a solid 6'1". he is slouching a lot when "Joey" is visibly quite upright, and joey's head looks to just top "kid rock"'s. It's still odd, though, when I've always "known2 him to be a 6'4"+
Harry said on 22/Oct/07
I'm 6' with no shoes on. I've stood next to Kid Rock and he was 2-3 shorter than me. Lots of people like to exagerate their heights and it's no different with Kid. He's a scrawny little punk, who if he didn't have his entourage around all the time, he would get his ass kicked every day.
Bill said on 14/Oct/07
You are mistaken, "Ancient Aztec Guy". Kid Rock is in no way related to the Williams family.
Jennifer said on 24/Aug/07
I watched the video with Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow "Picture". He TOWERS over her so I thought he was at least 6'3 but I just read that she says she is only 5'4 so he probably is 6'0
Ancient aztec guy said on 11/Jul/07
I once saw a piture of Kid Rock and Willie Nelson. He towered over Willie. Also for your info, Kid Rock was son to the country singer Hank Williams and grandson of Hank senior(Guy who sang tear in ma beer,your chetin heart etc.)
batton said on 8/Jul/07
no truth to height because of different soles. i have seen him wearing boots with 2 inch soles
Alex said on 1/Jul/07
Glenn, yea probably because Carson Daly I thought was 6'2 back then and is really 6'0-6'1 and Kid Rock looked about the same height as him.
glenn said on 19/Jun/07
that sounds right.
Viper said on 19/Jun/07
I give Hounsou 6-1 1/2 - 6-1 3/4. 6-2 out of bed Im sure.
glenn said on 19/Jun/07
thats very accurate viper.with his flat footwear and faulty posture he seemed 6-1 actually.but in reality a hair under 6-2. really alex? i thought kid was my height cause he made a comment or ryhme about having joe c around so he can look im thinking 5-10 max.then 2 years ago i saw him looking 5-11.then last year and this year saw him multiple times look 6ft.all kinds of footwear.lets not forget his 6-5 listing!
Viper said on 18/Jun/07
Glenn, Hounsou looks a shade under 6-2 to me as well.
Alex said on 18/Jun/07
Glenn, when I was younger and Kid Rock was more popular in 1999-2000 I thought he looked 6'2 back then.
glenn said on 17/Jun/07
i always thought and saw 5-11 for kid.i was wrong.last year i saw him alot.he is 6ft.and i finally got that honsou guy too.seemed a weak opposed to the 6-3 i originally thought i saw.
Alex said on 16/Jun/07
Shortest Kid Rock would be is 5'11.
Arth said on 17/May/07
I retract my previous statement. I believe him to be a dead on 6'.

Here's a picture with him next to a 6'2" Hounsou

Click Here
Arth said on 17/May/07
I do agree with Dman, I'd've thought him to be a solid 6'1.
HOLLI said on 12/Feb/07
dman said on 5/Feb/07
I think your wrong about the height. You can tell the guy Joey is leaning up to look taller probably giving himself a few more inches then 6'0" and Kid Rock is slouching and Kid is still taller.
Jen said on 5/Jan/07
I ran into him shopping in Las Vegas. He is definetely at least 6ft. I would have guessed he's about 6'1" or 6'2" because he doesn't have very good posture. Then again, he was also wearing a taller maybe that gave him a couple inches. I'm about 5'6" with my heels I was wearing that day, and he seemed MUCH taller than me, so there is no way he is only 5'8"! I'm guessing he's around 6'0".
Alex said on 29/Dec/06
Glenn, any idea why he was listed at 6'5??? I'd love to know why. LOL
Glenn said on 13/Dec/06
Yeah,but Viper,you never met him.with all due respect.his posture is bad.
Glenn said on 11/Dec/06
I always swore on 5-11.and did look it alot last year.this year he is looking another photo.doesnt look it in the photo though.
Alex said on 10/Dec/06
He looks 6'0 to me, not the best posture can make him appear shorter. He MIGHT be as short as 5'11 but no less.
Jordan said on 4/Dec/06
looks over 5'11, i think 6'0 is good.
6'2'' JK said on 22/Oct/06
He is Definetley about 6ft, look at picture with 6ft Joey at the top of the page for EVIDENCE, Robs listing is correct. I couldn't believe it that people used to list him at 6'5'' though.
Viper652 said on 21/Oct/06
He looks closer to 5-10 to me.
6'2'' JK said on 20/Oct/06
Looks bang on 6'0''
Glenn said on 14/Oct/06
He could be a dick.alot nicer lately.
Rr said on 13/Oct/06
Actuly i would say 6'0 is right. I seen him at a consert when he came back to Detriot , and im 5'10 he was defnitly at least 2in taller than me. Either way , hes a cool guy.
knightryder said on 11/Aug/06
I say he is 6' foot when i used to work for footlocker robson st.(vnacouver,canada) he came up to me asked me for help. Now i am 6'0 and we were eye to eye both wearing running shoes.
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
Kid is a legit 5-11.possibly even 6ft.I see the guy once a month.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
He might be 5-10. He looks shorter next to 5-11 Tyson Beckford.
Dave said on 29/Jul/06
Check out this pix of him next to Thomas F Wilson (of Back to the Future). Wilson has been listed anywhere from 6'1 to 6'3 (personally I'd put him closer to 6'1). As such I'd guess Kid Rock is 5'10 or 5'11
Click Here

Jonathan said on 21/Jul/06
Kid Rock is shorter than 6'5" because I have seen photos of him talking to Victoria Silvstedt who is about 5'11" without heels and over 6ft tall with them and she looked taller than him.
Glenn said on 22/May/06
I think I mentioned this before,he said once he liked to hang around Joe C to look taller.I thought he was my height with comment.
Glenn said on 18/May/06
I mean no heads in photo.Ill post it soon.I doubt she will see it.if she does,I know what to post with pic.bizzare,how nice she was.

Editor Rob
ah, ok I get it...
Glenn said on 18/May/06
Thanks Rob.though it doesnt look like her,its still a personal one for me.and she put her arms around me.saw her last year looking classic Alicia,running with a wall of security.a night off,and she figures,Im a real fan,not a dealer,I mention something to ring her ears,a little tipsy,she was all for 1994,she ran from me and got her lie.that was the start of her bad period.not cause of me,but I had bad timing,cause in 1993 and part of 94 she was doing.its like the Clapton cutoff.I was the last pic.I missed the Alicia cutoff.she was so into me last night she had to be reminded she had to go.I feel guilty to post the pic.Im sure I will,but will with some words for her,if she sees it,which I doubt.Im always paranoid,the boyfriend or friend,will cut are heads off on purpose.

Editor Rob
ah, Glenn knows all the tricks! You must have made her at ease then if she didn't want to leave!!!

Maybe best to leave that pic till end of year or something...what do you mean cut off your heads? The boyfriend would cut off YOUR head if he saw it on the web??? Or you mean blank out head in photo?...
Glenn said on 18/May/06
Silverstone stop doing pics at her start in 1994.Cameron Diaz stopped in 1999.never saw her.

Editor Rob
in one extent you can understand some of the reluctance, maybe a fear of one fan getting to close and doing something 'crazy', but on the other, many of them forget who effectively pays their wages...congrats on getting that alicia one!
Glenn said on 18/May/06
Just Bach and Silverstone.believe me Im in heaven over the Silverstone,as no one believed she was there,and no believed me she posed.

Editor Rob
so, she's as rare as a personalised cameron diaz autograph? Nice one...
Glenn said on 17/May/06
He might be 6ft.but I doubt it.they have Fred Durst at 5-10.some people say 5-6.he is really 5-8.maybe Kid meant the 6-5 as a joke.
Viper652 said on 17/May/06
So a 6 inch exagerration you say Glenn, that is insane. Why would they list him as tall as 6 freaking 5?
Kyle said on 15/May/06
lol so that'd make him 5'9"/5'10". rock looks like a 6 foot guy to me.
Anonymous said on 13/May/06
My girlfreind was on worked as a promo girl for his concert, she's 5ft 6" and he is maybe 3/4" taller max...
lala said on 3/May/06
kid rock looks about 6'6 or so in this pic Click Here He is standing next to 6'7 richard hamilton, and 6'9 or so ben wallace. maybe nba players are lieing about their heights? but I doubt it because they are big guys anyway and even if they lie about an inch which the nba often does to jack up heights, they still are pretty tall and kid rock looks tall for some reason, I always thought he was a sissy though lol. maybe he hit a growth spurt? either way he still looks kinda gay.
kyle said on 8/Apr/06
when you type in "kid rock height" on google search the first thing says "6'5" , I can't believe he'd be rumored that big...

6'0" sounds right, as he is slouching in the pics.
Ujane, Moscow said on 29/Mar/06
What a f***? This story wit 6'5 then 6'1.5 then 6 ft and at least under 5'11'' finally made me feel suspicious about any claiming of any star about their heights! Are they clowns?
as said on 5/Mar/06
This photo was posted before but this one is bigger.
Alex said on 28/Feb/06
If Kid Rock is really 5'9-5'10 as a few are saying then he must be wearing 3 inch lifts at least everytime hes on TV because he looks 6'0 when I see him. I think some people are making up stories too just to make celebrities look shorter.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/06
I just met kid rock in San Antonio Texas, at the rodeo. This is sooo off. He was about 5'9" , 5'10" max!! I am only 5'8" and he wasn't much taller than me. My friend says he looked about 5'8".
Alex said on 10/Feb/06
Tyson probably got big boots on I am assuming.
Alex said on 10/Feb/06
Yea, no idea how he got listed at 6'5 though. Looks to be 6'0 now though even though it can appear 6'1 at times. I doubt hes under 6'0 though.
Viper652 said on 7/Feb/06
Yeah, Kid has won the award for biggest height exaggeration by a non-wrestler ever.
J-Dog. said on 6/Feb/06
How the hell did he ever get listed as high as 6'5", woooooo. I am shocked.
Viper652 said on 6/Feb/06
Here is another pic at a different event with Tyson where he is shorter.

Rob, I think its time for another major downgrade to 5-10. He is shorter then 5-11 Tyson in every single pic. The funny thing is, this pretty much puts the 5-8 rumour to rest for Tyson, LOL
Viper652 said on 6/Feb/06
I thought he did look 6-0 standing around Tiger Woods.
CelebHeights Editor said on 5/Feb/06
Here is pic of Mike, his brother with Kid added to the top of page.
Mike said on 5/Feb/06
Hung out with him at his studio, and he's no more than 6' tall. Photos to prove it.

Editor Rob
if you could show a pic???
Glenn said on 20/Jan/06
kid rock is 5-11.please change that.
CelebHeights Editor said on 14/Jan/06
Added a little pic of glenn and Kid. Hmm, the comment+seagal pics back on 14th October can kind of agree with Glenn's take that he's 5ft 11...maybe the original 6ft I gave him was closer ;)
Ujane,Moscow said on 7/Jan/06
For a long time I couldn`t believe Kid is 6ft1(thought he`z 6ft2 or 3) and now we got him 5ft11. Truly unbelieveably.
Glenn said on 13/Dec/05
I met him and have the photo with.he's 5-11.
Slim said on 19/Nov/05
No, he's more like 5ft 11. They always add 3 inches onto thier height.
Kid Rcok said on 6/Jun/05
On a concert that he did on CMT, he said that he was 6' 2. I was trying to get an email address where he reads them. No sucess. I a big fan of his. Shaushownee Sioux Dove
agebusters said on 16/May/05
I've seen him in concert - he said to the audience he was 6'1" 175 lb.
8-ball said on 20/Apr/05
Saw Kid Rock at the ski resort with Lars Ulrich and Lar's (beautiful)girl who dwarfed him. All were in ski boots and skies. Rock was my height 6'1.25" (186cm). Lars was too little to even tell how tall he was. Maybe 5'6" (167cm). They were cool peoples.
Mr. R said on 4/Feb/05
For the first time, I think this is too small. I have seen him onstage, and he is usually the tallest person on stage. I think that he is almost 6'3", but I have no proof! Check pis of him with Pam Anderson.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.