How tall is Kevin Nash - Page 4

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Average Guess (495 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 9.65in (207.4cm)
Current: 6ft 8.7in (205cm)
James B said on 13/Dec/16
rob in regards to Giorgi comment I think it's a frustrating fact that much taller guys have the upper hand against shorter men in terms of physique just for the fact that there 'taller". You can be 5'8 and over 200 lbs and still lose a fight to a guy like Kevin Nash because of his height advantage.
Giorgi said on 12/Dec/16
Rob, we all know height isn't just a number, it employs certain kinds of associations at least on subconscious level. That's why this site is popular.. So I just wanted to ask if it is on some level intimidating to stand next to a guy with such an extraodrinarily bigger physique knowing he could easily smash you with one hand if he wanted to. I mean, not necasserily with this guy but generally speaking.
Editor Rob
Giorgi, I don't really think like that, maybe it would be different if the person was acting aggressive, but I can't ever recall in person feeling like a very big guy was acting threatening to make me feel intimidated.
Jordan87 said on 12/Dec/16
Based on the Picture with ROb, He is not over 6'8. He was in his Mid 50's in this pic so maybe he was 6'9 when he was younger.

If he was listed 6'10 on a Basketball Roster he likely isn't that tall guys, c'mon now. Every Sport inflates.

Nash is still an absolute monster though. You Don't believe me? Watch him in the Punisher 2004. Great Fight scenes, Kevin was perfect for that Role.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Dec/16
Luger is 6ft3 range. Now if he was in wrestling gear when you saw him then he would have been 6ft4+
cobra said on 5/Dec/16
Back in 1999 Nash claimed he was "6-11 barefoot"

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berta said on 24/Nov/16
maybe he always was 6 foot 9 aand the other times he saidh he was 6 10 he meant with his shoes on.
Slim said on 19/Nov/16
Nash doesn't look as tall as Malone in that pic... wow
joe### said on 15/Nov/16
Braun Strowman 6´6.5-6´7
Big Cass 6´7.5-6´8
Typhoon said on 15/Nov/16
Braun Strowman is 6'7 max.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Nov/16
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Rob, maybe adding this claim to the top?
GS1981 said on 9/Nov/16
i'm guessing 6ft, 9.55 with Undertaker being 6ft,7.

Gonzalez 7ft,6
Khali 7ft
Big Show 6ft,11
Andre 6ft, 10
Kevin Nash 6ft, 9
Matt Morgan 6ft, 9
Nathan Jones 6ft, 9
Big Cass 6ft, 9
Braun Strowman 6ft, 8
Undertaker 6ft, 7
Kane 6ft, 7
Dan Spivey 6ft, 6
Sid Eudey 6ft, 6
Baron Corbin 6ft, 6
miko said on 7/Nov/16
Luger was 6'3 range, a bit taller than Sting, and 1.5' shorter than Hogan in the mid-90's.
James B said on 6/Nov/16
Luger looked minimum 6'3 next to sid
62B said on 6/Nov/16
Syracuse Glenn said on 27/Oct/16
I stood bare foot next to Lex Luger in a gym in 1995. Lex was at least 6'4-1/2". I am 6'2. When I saw Lex Stand next to Kevin Nash a year later Big Kev easily had 6" - 7" on Lex. Now doubt in his prime Kevin was a liget 6'10 - 6'11".


Lex Lugar was at best 6'3". I saw him when I was 18-19 and standing 6'3-6'3 1/4" myself. Lugar was in the NWA at the time. We were close, but I'm fairly confident that I edged him out. I do think he started to wear lifts once he was more famous.
Chris said on 5/Nov/16
If Nash is 6'9.5" currently, probably with shoes on.
Aussie Oi said on 5/Nov/16
On a program here in Australia, few years back when he visited a reporter asked "So is it 7' ?" ... Nash: "No, thats wrestling, it's 7' - 7'1 I gain a couple inches ... 6'10" - 6'10 1/4" is real"
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Nov/16
Guanzo said on 1/Nov/16
Karl Malone is 6'9''

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Nash is way closer to the camera, put them side by side and it wouldn´t be much between them.
Guyster said on 3/Nov/16
Lets remember everytime Nash and Big show had a staredown, big shows heels were 2 - 3 inches thick, where Nash was wearing standard 1 inch soles. CURRENT Nash 6"8.5 - 6"8.75.
Guanzo said on 1/Nov/16
Karl Malone is 6'9''

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joe### said on 1/Nov/16
never 6'11 with Kareem AbdulJabbar
6'9.5-75 peak
Sean said on 1/Nov/16
Peak: 6'9.25"-6'9.5"
Current: 6'8.25"-6'8.5"
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 1/Nov/16
Eagles said on 31/Oct/16
6'11.25" in his prime, 6'9.5" today


6ft11.25 is pushing it way too much. He looked nowhere near Big Show's height, who is more fitting to be in that range.
Eagles said on 31/Oct/16
6'11.25" in his prime, 6'9.5" today.
Peter 179cm said on 30/Oct/16
Rob,how likely is 203-204cm range for Nash now and 206cm at peak? I guess he would easily look a solid 6'8 in the second pic with you if he stood better.
Editor Rob
it is possible, last year when I seen him wearing converse like how Cudmore did, I thought...this guy isn't much taller than big Thor, who isn't much taller than big Cudmore.
joe### said on 28/Oct/16
kevin nash looked taller than Karl Malone who is 6'8
Syracuse Glenn said on 27/Oct/16
I stood bare foot next to Lex Luger in a gym in 1995. Lex was at least 6'4-1/2". I am 6'2. When I saw Lex Stand next to Kevin Nash a year later Big Kev easily had 6" - 7" on Lex. Now doubt in his prime Kevin was a liget 6'10 - 6'11".
James B said on 25/Oct/16
Rob how come u will not downgrade his current height?
Editor Rob
never say never.
joe### said on 23/Oct/16
6'8 night because he had towers JM 6'4.75 and 6'6 baron corbin
Guyster said on 23/Oct/16
Current Kevin Nash is 6"8.5 at least. ANYTHING lower is not quite accurate. He would still clear 6"8 quite easily.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/16
Rob, how likely is 6ft8 for Nash today?
Editor Rob
a decent possibility.
joe### said on 21/Oct/16
never 6'8 peak it with big show
Nash disadvantages footwear
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S.J.H said on 18/Oct/16
Lol some people just wanted nash to be higher than he is and make a false height chart. In fact he was only 6'8 or lower today. 6'10 just an acting height aka wrestling claimed
Ayushmaan Parijat Biswas said on 16/Oct/16
About right.
The Ben said on 15/Oct/16
I did have a pic with Hulk who had me by 3-4 inches.

As far as me trolling to make my idols seem bigger I'm definately not. Ultimate Warrior was my hero as a kid and I had pic with him on here, 6'1 tops.
I've met plenty of wrestlers who where smaller than I thought. Flair, Jericho, Piper, shamrock, Steiner. Raven, Animal, Honky, Samoa Joe, AJ styles. Jannety.
Other where taller than I expected, Nash, Mountie, Tito Santana, Dibiase, undertaker. RVD.
Others where their billed height or as expected, Bret, Rick Martel, Scott Hall, Al Snow, Foley, Virgil, HBK. Hardys.

In general id say wrestlers are usually as tall as their smallest billed height and from my experience Rob and this site is accurate on everyone I've met to within an inch apart from Warrior who was shorter, and slimmer than expected. A super cool guy though.
Scott said on 15/Oct/16
I work at the airport, so I see the wrestlers without shoes on. Nash was at least 6'9 without shoes.
James B said on 13/Oct/16
Rob do you think at some point you will upgrade his peak to 6'10?
Editor Rob
at this moment I'm unsure.
mike said on 12/Oct/16
easily 6'10"
Guanzo said on 7/Oct/16
Science solved Nash is 6'9''

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James B said on 6/Oct/16
I think 6ft10 peak makes sense if you watch him face 6'7.5 undertaker on the video below and as others have pointed out there was 6cm between the taker and Nash in the 90s. Yes you could argue that undertaker was just 6'7 but there was 2.5 inches between him and 6'5 listed Scott hall in the late 80s.

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kingkong56 said on 5/Oct/16
Still towers most in the current day roster.
Probably, big show is the only one taller than him.
kingkong56 said on 5/Oct/16
Would have probably been dead even in height during the mid 90s to the monster boots Kane.So, a peak height in the threshold of 6'9.5 to 6'9.75 looks realistic.
dewie said on 5/Oct/16
Nash 6ft10 taker 6ft8.25 barefoot
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/16
straightahead said on 2/Oct/16
I think Ben is trolling to making his idols looking taller than they really are.

Keep in mind posture, footwear and cameraangle. Ben has a pic with Ric Flair showing him 3 inches taller...
Maybe Nash is losing a bit more than we would guess next to Rob or something else.

Ben doesn´t drive a volvo I believe, or sells his pics, or claims 5´8" :)
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/16
Jackie Knife said on 3/Oct/16
2 Mayfield

6'3.75" Scott Hall is some kinda really bad news for Bad News Barrett


We don´t see feet or footwear. Barrett is a legit 6´5".
Hall did some tiptoeing in a lot of pics like next to Taker, Nash etc.
I wouldn´t trust Hall without seeing feet.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/16
Guanzo said on 3/Oct/16

You think Nash is 6'8''?


Today I think around 6´8.5" eveningheight.
Guanzo said on 3/Oct/16

You think Nash is 6'8''?
Jackie Knife said on 3/Oct/16
2 Mayfield

6'3.75" Scott Hall is some kinda really bad news for Bad News Barrett

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Johan said on 3/Oct/16
@The Ben

I am maybe mixing you up with someone else but didn't you also have a pic with Hulk Hogan on his page?

Looked 6' next to 6'3" ish Hogan.

Vegas said on 23/Sep/16
Can someone do a comparison between chris' big show and Nash shot with ben's nash one assuming ben and Chris are same or of similar height

Vegas if I'm not mistaken Chris claimed 6'1".
James B said on 3/Oct/16
Rob give Scott Hall peak 6'4.75 and current 6'4
Mayfield said on 3/Oct/16
If you're considering a Scott Hall page, yes, do peak and current. IMO peak 6'5, current 6'3.75
James B said on 2/Oct/16
Rob could you add a Scott hall height page?
Editor Rob
should he have a peak and current though?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Oct/16
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joe### said on 1/Oct/16
Tyler mane was over 6'8 so
The Ben said on 1/Oct/16
James B said on 22/Sep/16
Ben how many hours of bed where you measured at 6ft flat?

As rob has pointed out all kinds of things including flooring etc can distort how tall you are measured

This was 730pm so I'd been out of bed 13 hours, Nash would have been up all day as well.
Wrestler heights are very hard to gauge, I had 3-4 inches on flair and piper. 1" on shamrock. 0.5" on Bret.
Hulk had me by 3"-4" but Nash was huge, 6'9" easy I would say.
I have 2 friends who are just over 6'7 and although they're super tall they aren't shocking until you stand next to them.
Nash was a giant, he wasn't even stood straight with me.
The last time I stood next to him was 94, he was in cowboy boots as all the wrestlers were that day, he was the tallest person I'd ever seen at the time.
I'm the photo with me Nash commented he weighed 308lbs.
James B said on 29/Sep/16
Sean- Nash could have been 6'10 but then he didn't look that large next to sid
James B said on 29/Sep/16
Rob people have pointed out that Nash did look 6'10 compared to undertaker in the 90s but are you not convinced Nash was quite that tall?
Editor Rob
true, I am not sure if the peak guess would end up at 6ft 10 or not, but then, anything is possible...
Sean said on 29/Sep/16
James B - What do you think Nash's peak height is?
Mj said on 28/Sep/16
Rob what do u think about the height difference b/w Nash and hall in their prime based on this pic... is it more than 4 inches considering the footwear advantage to hall Click Here
Editor Rob
yeah he can look over 4 inches taller. In the most recent pic with Ben he also doesn't look like he's lost any more height in last 3 years either.
James B said on 26/Sep/16
In 2011 he looked over 6'8.5 I'd say
Sam said on 24/Sep/16
Just shows you how big a 6'8+ guy really is when it makes a 6 footer look that small. At first I thought Rob looked similar next to Nash as Ben does but not really it just shows how gigantic Nash is height-wise next to people tall, average, short etc.
Vegas said on 23/Sep/16
Can someone do a comparison between chris' big show and Nash shot with ben's nash one assuming ben and Chris are same or of similar height
CaptainBeast2.0 said on 23/Sep/16
Rob, in person would you say that Kingma has the giant facie look of Big Show and Andre, but smaller and mildly acromegalic??
Editor Rob
yeah Kingma does look to have a little bit of an acromegalic appearance.
Johan said on 23/Sep/16
Clears 6'8" for sure still next to The Ben in that pic. I can see 6'8.5"-6'9" depends how much both could gain with better posture.
James B said on 22/Sep/16
Ben how many hours of bed where you measured at 6ft flat?

As rob has pointed out all kinds of things including flooring etc can distort how tall you are measured
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Sep/16
The Ben said on 20/Sep/16
Me at 6ft flat bare foot measured today and Nash taken a week ago.
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Great pic, looks 6´9" there if standing perfect straight
James B said on 21/Sep/16
Mike- he looks at least 6'5 if Nash was 6'10
James B said on 20/Sep/16
I'd say the wrestler in the video I originally posted could even be 6'5.5-6'6 if Nash was 6'10.
The Ben said on 20/Sep/16
Me at 6ft flat bare foot measured today and Nash taken a week ago.
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dewie said on 20/Sep/16
Kevin 6ft11 taker 6ft9 kane 6ft8.5 sid 6ft7.5 barefoot
The Ben said on 19/Sep/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/16
6ft10 peak would mean 6ft11 out of bed

I figured a 6'10 peak would mean 6'10 out of bed.
Meeting him on 94 he looked 6'10.
His billed basket ball height was 6'10.
He was often billed taller than this in wrestling, I have no problem with 6'10 bare foot peak.
Typhoon said on 17/Sep/16
4-5 cm max, imo Nash had Camera advantage in this shoots with Taker, camera is closer to Nash.
Taker 200 cm right now, Nash 204 cm.
Guanzo said on 16/Sep/16
Kevin Nash is 6ft11 in 90s (7ft with boots) 6ft10 in 2000s 6ft9 in nowadays
Pierre said on 16/Sep/16
Imo about 6"8.25' next to strong 5"8' Rob (with the scale)
joe### said on 15/Sep/16
kevin nash 6´11 lol
dewie said on 14/Sep/16
Kevin 6ft11 taker 6ft9 sid 6ft7.5 out of bed
James B said on 14/Sep/16
Maybe closer to 7ft out of bed he was 6'10.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/16
6ft10 peak would mean 6ft11 out of bed
James B said on 13/Sep/16
I'd say as Diesel in the 90s he looked an honest 6'10
Jackie Knife said on 13/Sep/16
Actually looks closer to 2,5" than to 1,5". I'd say it's 6 cm between Nash and Taker

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@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Sep/16
The Ben said on 11/Sep/16
I just met Nash tonight and I'd say 6'9.

Any new wrestler pics? ;)
The Ben said on 11/Sep/16
I just met Nash tonight and I'd say 6'9.
Still a huge guy.
Last time I met him was 94 and he looked every bit of 6'10.
James B said on 10/Sep/16
rob if Nash could have potentially been 6ft10 then surely Sid must have been 6'7?
Editor Rob
yes, generally I'd have said Sid may have had a better overall posture than Nash at times though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/16
Rob, how likely is the full 6ft10 for Nash at peak?
Editor Rob
I wouldn't dismiss the idea, I'm sure there are occasions he has looked it.
joe### said on 7/Sep/16
Rob, the asked if he was 7 host no longer 6'11 I did not see it looks very 6'11
2:10 Click Here
Slim said on 3/Sep/16
Razor eh, undertaker is wearing all black which will make him look slimmer. Kurrgan does however look heavier (thicker) but not bigger as in taller. Notice when he's about to get choke slammed, they look the same height. Kurrgan has BIG boots on too!
dewie said on 31/Aug/16
Nash 6ft9 taker 6ft8 kane 6ft8 sid 6ft6.75
Guanzo said on 29/Aug/16
Kevin Nash is 6'9" he said instagram in one time

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brickhithouse said on 29/Aug/16
Thanks Slim! To me it looks like Nash edges him out a little. But, with both of their heads tilted some it's hard to say. They look very close in height. What do you think Rob??
Razor said on 27/Aug/16
Mailett's peak height may have been 6'10''. He made The Undertaker look small back in 1999.

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Slim said on 25/Aug/16
Great pic brickhithouse! Now we need to find out how tall Robert "Kurrgan" is bc he's apparently taller than Nash.
Zed said on 25/Aug/16
Rob, doesn't Kingma have the Giant look Big Show has rather than someone like Nash??
Editor Rob
he does have a kind of slight acromegalic appearance up close.
dicksock said on 24/Aug/16
I would say Nash was 6'9" in his prime and is 6'8.5" now.
Guanzo said on 24/Aug/16
Akebono supposedly measured 6'8-3/8" barefoot? That makes a 6'11-1/2" barefoot Paul Wight . Click Here

The Big Show having a stare down with Kevin Nash a 2011 (Nash is 6'10 in this picture) Click Here

Kevin Nash is not 6'8, 6'9-6'8.75 today i think
Typhoon said on 23/Aug/16
imo he's 204 cm right now, no way he got 7 cm on taker max 4-5.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Aug/16
Editor Rob: if you give him an inch for posture and then with Joe give me the fraction in footwear and fraction less posture, the difference might be nearer 3-3.5 zone. In person he is at least 3 inches taller than Joe.

Think we couldn´t get any closer than this without a measurement: Nash ~ 6´8.25" today, 6´4.75" for Manganiello
Guanzo said on 18/Aug/16
Size chart in this picture is wrong? Rob you're 5'9 range in this picture right?
Editor Rob
I'm just going with the chart representing me as if I didn't have footwear.
joe### said on 18/Aug/16
Test was over 6'4.5
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mrtguy said on 16/Aug/16
Rob, how tall precise would you say Big Show looks in comparison to Kingma??
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Editor Rob
he can look over 5 inches taller there...but I don't know the position of big show/host and whether Big has a little more advantage with the position.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Aug/16
Click Here

Rob, the Stadiometer is equal to your lines. So there´s one chance left, Nash has worse posture than you thought, or Chris is max 5´11.5" rather less considering Nash´s posture.... or Nash has a smaller twin...

With Manganiello he was in converse and looks easy between 6´8.5"-6´9" standing straight.
If Chris is 6´1" Nash could even reach near 6´10" standing straight...

Something doesn´t add up...

Chris has a small head for a man, but it makes his bodybuilded frame optical wider.
Editor Rob
if you give him an inch for posture and then with Joe give me the fraction in footwear and fraction less posture, the difference might be nearer 3-3.5 zone. In person he is at least 3 inches taller than Joe.
Typhoon said on 16/Aug/16
there's no way that Taker is 199 cm and Nash 206 right now, max 2 inches like always was.
dewie said on 15/Aug/16
Peak nash 6ft10 taker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft7.75 sid 6ft7
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Aug/16
Rob, could you do a back-to-stadiometer pic like the right one with Nash(same cameraheight if possible).
You may not have the same camera as the photographer but it would be nice to see if the stadiometer comes out to the lines or if the camera squeezes the gap since all the tall celebs come out shorter than they´re listed (Mane, Nash, Hafthor, Nairn etc.) and I don´t think your lines are wrong compared to your headlength.
Editor Rob
it's tough to replicate it exactly, but I did a roughly close idea Here, with similar photographer distance/position and the larger photo was pretty similar framed.

only thing is I tilted my head a fraction more than I did with Nash although I just kept my Nash head the same size.
Guyster said on 15/Aug/16
Perhaps a current Nash needs a down grade however he is still nothing under 6"8.5 and admittedly he no longer is 6"9, how about a re assessment Rob, what do you think!!
A Man said on 14/Aug/16
Why is Nash listed at 6,9" when you hover over the picture and he doesn't even touch 6,8"? I know he's not standing straight but no way in hell is he going to be able to stretch himself to reach 6,9".

6,8.25" at best.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Aug/16
207/208cm peak
James B said on 12/Aug/16
6'8.5 is his height now.

Still a very very big man
James B said on 11/Aug/16
Strong 5ft9- that guy with Kevin Nash looks a legit 6'5
Sean said on 10/Aug/16
Rob, is it possible Nash hovers around 6'8" now? Your pic with him on the right illustrates that (even if he tilts his head straight up he still looks around that mark) but I think Nash can pull off being 6'8.5" - 6'9" still, what do you think?
Editor Rob
I think somewhere over 6ft 8 but maybe not quite 6ft 9 could be possible today.
Typhoon said on 10/Aug/16
203-204 cm max now, 6'8.75 in.
Strong 5ft9 said on 10/Aug/16
@James B Maybe 6'6" at most
Strong 5ft9 said on 10/Aug/16
@James B He looks like he could be maybe 6'6"-6'7" area.
dewie said on 10/Aug/16
Rob nash 6ft8 kane 6ft6.75 taker 6ft6.5 sid 6ft5.5 now
Arch Stanton said on 10/Aug/16
Perhaps it's acromegaly related in giving off that giant look with the others, Nash looks more normal and naturally this big genetically I think.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Aug/16
Big Show/Giant still has more of a true "giant" look though I think!
Arch Stanton said on 10/Aug/16
Maybe you're right James, been a few years since I last saw 90s wrestling haha but just looked at Kevin Nash & Sting vs The Giant & Scott Hall 20/07/1998 (HQ) on youtube and Nash definitely looked near 6 ft 10 peak. Today he looks more 6 ft 8 range to me
Arch Stanton said on 10/Aug/16
Now Big Show, Khali, and Andre do look like giants. Guys like Nash, Undertaker and Kane I would think of as just huge guys,. Perhaps it's because Nash is unusually well proportioned and normal looking for such a great height that I don't think of him as a freaky giant?
mrtguy said on 10/Aug/16
James B said on 8/Aug/16
I disagree Arch at his peak Nash was a legit giant.

Guys like undertaker and Kane were borderline giants but not in the same way Nash and Big show were

Big Show and Andre are the giants if you look at the size of their head, hands and feet, it's all caused from gigantism/acromegaly
James B said on 8/Aug/16
I disagree Arch at his peak Nash was a legit giant.

Guys like undertaker and Kane were borderline giants but not in the same way Nash and Big show were.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Aug/16
Arch Stanton said on 4/Aug/16
Nash looks a really big guy but not really a giant, though in person he might have that !! factor you get on people this tall. Perhaps 210cm and up has got to be considered generally as a true "giant". You could probably say 190-200 is very tall, 201-209 extremely tall and 210 up a true giant.

To me at 6ft, I would say Giant starts at 6´8".
6´2"-6´4" is tall and 6´5"-6´7" very tall
Super Giant 7´4" and taller

Doctor told me here in germany man 190cm(6´2.75") upwards are tall and man under 163cm(5´4.25") are considered short and under 150cm(4´11") person of short stature( german "Kleinwüchsig")
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Aug/16
James, that guy looks 6ft5 range
Jackie Knife said on 6/Aug/16
at least 7 inches difference between Kev and 187-188 cm Sting

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James B said on 5/Aug/16
Rob they billed that guy in the video at 6'9 lol
Arch Stanton said on 4/Aug/16
@Rob, what's your opinion on the "giant" definition. I do think over 6 ft 8 is more unusual but perhaps 6'10-11 range near 210 is where it really starts to look like a human skyscraper. A guy like Nash doesn't really look like a giant in the way somebody like Kevin Garnett looks. That said, a guy like Kingma can start to give off that giant sort of look can't he at 6'9.5?
Editor Rob
I think in daily life over 6ft 8 definitely becomes a enormous height, I haven't seen anybody that height in a day walking about my own town and even in london only on the odd occasion 6ft 9-10 people.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Aug/16
Nash looks a really big guy but not really a giant, though in person he might have that !! factor you get on people this tall. Perhaps 210cm and up has got to be considered generally as a true "giant". You could probably say 190-200 is very tall, 201-209 extremely tall and 210 up a true giant.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Aug/16
Rob, what´s the lowest you would argue for him during his early wrestling years?
Editor Rob
6ft 9 is probably the lowest I would try, but I think you could argue him anywhere from 6ft 9 to 10 range.
James B said on 2/Aug/16
Rob how tall does this guy look next to Nash at 2:45?

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Editor Rob
somewhere in 4 inch shorter
Johan said on 2/Aug/16
Again you have to consider other people and their perspective.

5'10" guy finds 5'7" short and 6'1" tall. They look at a 6'3" guy and say hey he is very tall, so yes I agree anyone over 6'6" would look massive to someone like that.

However going from a very tall guy's perspective say 6'4" they won't feel short next to someone like that. So how can that be a Giant? 6'9" has to be the minimum as that is very tall to those guys. Still they won't feel tiny so its not really a giant either.

Words like Giant and Dwarf get thrown around alot when really they should only be used to describe the extremes. I have seen many people describe a man of 5'2" as a dwarf. He is the smallest man at my workplace but he is eye to eye or a few inches shorter than the majority of women so how is that a dwarf?

Noone describes my 6'11" co-worker as a giant either. He gets called huge or very very tall but not a giant.

I once saw a guy walking around in Amsterdam who was into the 7 foot range. He was a foot taller than me and yes he looked gigantic next to everyone and everything around him.
Canson said on 30/Jul/16
He sure looks giant next to Rob
The Man said on 28/Jul/16
James B said on 27/Jul/16

I disagree. I would say 6'5" or 6'6", unless you live in Netherlands, than maybe 6'8". Idc what anyone says, when you're 7-8 inches taller than the national average, you're still a giant.
James B said on 27/Jul/16
Johan 6'8 is start of giant
dewie said on 27/Jul/16
Nash 6ft9.25 taker 6ft8.25 kane 6ft8 sid 6ft7
Johan said on 26/Jul/16
6'9" is only 2 inches taller than 6'7" guys who are just extremely tall so I wouldn't call it a giant.

Over 6'10" makes the 6'7" guy feel short so that imo is a giant. Nash is in the top end of heights below the giant range.
Canson said on 24/Jul/16
@Junior31: after looking again he isn't under 6'8. Can't tell if 6'9 tho. Maybe still is or a weak like 6'8.5-.75.
Leonardo said on 23/Jul/16
Yes, Nash is a true giant, 6'8.75 (2.05m) or more is a legit giant.
James B said on 20/Jul/16
Kevin Nash was a legit giant man as was big show as well

Taker and Kane were not quite legit giants but still very large men. Sid was wasn't a giant but never the less a monstrous sized man and never looked short against Nash either.
heightchecker34 said on 19/Jul/16
I always thought Kevin Nash was 6'10 back in his college basketball playing days, and then throughout his wrestling years, probably hovered around the 6'9-6'9.5 mark. Other than the Big Show, he was for the most part the tallest guy on the roster. He was always maintained a relaxed posture even if he was staring down 6'6-6'8 guys. A true legit big man, might be even considered in the "giant" status.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Jul/16
Sean said on 16/Jul/16
Any guesses to what The Steiner brothers and The Road Warriors peak heights are? IMO:
Rick Steiner: 5'11"
Scott Steiner: 6'0"
Animal: 6'1"
Hawk: 6'2.25"

I agree with Animal at 6´1", Hawk I think max 6´2".

The Steiners were shorter than your guess, Scott was under 6ft in a mugshot with footwear, I would say 5´10.5"-5´11" peak, Rick a couple of inches shorter.
Sean said on 16/Jul/16
Any guesses to what The Steiner brothers and The Road Warriors peak heights are? IMO:
Rick Steiner: 5'11"
Scott Steiner: 6'0"
Animal: 6'1"
Hawk: 6'2.25"
Jackie Knife said on 13/Jul/16
1995-2003 heights:
* Big Show -- 212-213
* Kevin Nash -- 207-208
* Kane -- 202-203
* Undertaker -- 201-202
* Sid -- 200-201
dewie said on 12/Jul/16
Nash 6ft9.75 taker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft7.75 sid 6ft7 barefoot
James B said on 11/Jul/16
Peak Nash being 3 inches taller than Sid does not make sense to me
Canson said on 9/Jul/16
He still looks near 6'8 range with Rob. Maybe was 6'9 peak
VC said on 8/Jul/16
Everybody likes Kevin just like me but I am sure he a big fellow but 6.8 here, 6.10 there is all smoke and mirrors. Lets face it, on a good day, Big Kevin is 6.6.5-6.7!
Guyster said on 7/Jul/16
You will find Tacko Fall to be a legit 7'6 nothing under.
Gabriel said on 6/Jul/16
6ft8.5 at most, I don't think he could stretch his neck out too much to reach 6ft9.
Leo said on 3/Jul/16
Tacko Fall is 7'4.75 (2.25m)
Sean said on 1/Jul/16
Just saw a pic online with Nash and 7'6" College Basketball player - Tacko Fall, its probably from a few years back. Nash looks 6'8" range there.
James B said on 1/Jul/16
In 2011 I think he was 6'8.5-6'9.
Johan said on 29/Jun/16
Looks a good 6'9" there in 2011. Hard to say nowadays but i think a half inch loss is fair to say.
James B said on 27/Jun/16
Rob is it just me or did nash look taller back in 2011 compared to more recently?

In 2015
Click Here

In 2011
Click Here

Do you agree 6'8.25 now and 6'8.75 back in 2011?
berta said on 26/Jun/16
he doesnt look like a guy who have lost height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jun/16
I'm comparing this photo to the ones of Rob w/h Mane and Bjornsson. Upright, I can see him being 1in taller than both of them. So 6ft9 is today is fair, a fraction under at worst. If he's 6ft8 flat then both of them are 6ft7 max which I doubt.
6'2 said on 25/Jun/16
hes a solid 6'9 now. had to be 6'10 in the 90s compared to big show taker kane sid
dewie said on 21/Jun/16
Nash 6ft10 rob 5ft8. Taker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft7.75 barefoot
James B said on 19/Jun/16
Disagree he could even be 6'8.25 now
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jun/16
Absolute lowest is 6ft8½(204cm) today. Not convinced he's 6ft8 flat...
mrtguy said on 16/Jun/16
Rob, a guy like Kingma is definitely taller than Nash and Nairn. With real 11 inch head, but do you believe 6 ft 10.5-11 for Kingma in shoes??
Click Here
Editor Rob
I'd only be 5ft 9.25 in sneakers that day, so I'd adjust the scale a bit.
Sixseven said on 13/Jun/16
Whatever. I don't like fake wrestlers-fighters.
Guanzo said on 12/Jun/16
The Big Show having a stare down with Kevin Nash a few years ago, go to 6:07 of the video

Click Here
Scott said on 12/Jun/16
Rob...At 5' 8" ....I don't think your head is 10" long from base of chin to top of head..(as the height marks that pop up on the photo to the right would seem to indicate) the average length for adult males is about 9" long...
Editor Rob
I've said on here for many years perfectly level it measures in the 9.5 inch range.

A slight tilt of the eyelevel up or down will take it near 10 inches in a photo or a tilt up could make it more near 9 inches in a photo.

Here is a Photo showing my head at 10 inches in a photo.
Ice said on 10/Jun/16
@ Clement KEVIN NASH IS 6'6" ? Dont make me laugh , a 6'6 guy wont tower over a 5'8 guy like that .
Johan said on 6/Jun/16
Yeah Big Shows page, Chris has a pic claims 6'1" knew I remembered him from another wrestler page :)
Johan said on 6/Jun/16
Im sure Chris claimed 6'1" at some point.
James B said on 3/Jun/16
In 2009 Nash was probably 6'8.75 so yeah Chris looks more like 6ft compared to him.
Guyster said on 31/May/16
Chris said on 26th May 2016, just curious the pic with you and Nash in 2009, how tall are you, I am of the opinion you are about 6 foot even, maybe a fraction more, great pic by the way, regards.
dewie said on 31/May/16
Kane thicker boots thane taker peak heights in the 90s nash 210cm taker 205cm kane 203cm barefoot
Slim said on 29/May/16
If we're calling taker 6'8 prime then Kane had to be at least 6'9 bare foot.
James B said on 27/May/16
Except undertaker was 6ft7.25 peak NOT 6ft8
James B said on 27/May/16
Chris said on 26/May/16
Me with Kevin in 2009....similar footwear...very nice guy, I stood and talked to him for a bit that day. My best guess when he stood up straight was right in that 6'9-6'10" range...very tall guy

Click Here

Nah in 2009 he was no more than 6'8.5-6'8.75 since he was same height as Matt Morgan in 08
dewie said on 27/May/16
Kevin nash 6ft10 mark calaway 6ft8 nash 5cm taller
Jacko said on 27/May/16
I too think Nash was definately 6-10 at his peak, as Aswin said he had at least 2 inches over Callaway,
Aswin Kini MK said on 27/May/16
@Rob: Might need a small note stating that he was 6 foot 10 in his peak, I have seen him during his days at WCW. Even in photos which show him and Paul Wight (Big Show, who is measured as being 7 foot), he never looked less than 2 inches shorter than Paul, and this was with Paul at 26 years of age.

Kevin is a big man and he hasn't had much activity in the ring. In fact, he has wrestled lesser than Hogan, who was the most notorious for missing many matches. Kevin towered minimum 2 inches over 6 foot 8 Mark Calaway (Undertaker) and also looked a genuine 7 footer in boots (which give you 2 inches or more height). Maybe, you should make a note that there is a strong possibility that he was 6 foot 10 or a shade more during his peak.
Chris said on 26/May/16
Me with Kevin in 2009....similar footwear...very nice guy, I stood and talked to him for a bit that day. My best guess when he stood up straight was right in that 6'9-6'10" range...very tall guy

Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 26/May/16
Rob, I'm a bit puzzled by your comment " James B said on 25/Feb/16
How much under 6'9 rob at a guess?
Editor Rob: half to 3/4 inch."

If he's 6'8.25-6'8.5 by your estimation now, why is he at 6'9?
Editor Rob
I've not dismissed the 8.5
dewie said on 25/May/16
Rob nash 6ft10 taker 6ft8.25 in the morning peak
James B said on 25/May/16
Funny rob you once listed Nash at 6'10-611 range and Sid 6'6 flat.
Editor Rob
their current estimates I think are nearer the truth.
Aswin Kini MK said on 25/May/16
@Rob: Strange listing. I have seen Mugshots of Kevin Nash and it clearly shows him a minimum of 4 inches above 78 inches. Here is the URL Click Here
Considering that this is a real picture (Hopefully not doctored), deducting 2 inches for footwear, does he clear 6 foot 10 inches. What do you think?
Editor Rob
you have to take away footwear and the advantage he has by being in front of the chart and the camera not being at the top of it's head.

I believe he is getting well over an inch and near 2 inches camera advantage in that shot...
Mark said on 23/May/16
Really really big dude.

Rob, 6'10" in the morning peak?
Editor Rob
he could have cleared 6ft 10 by a bit out of bed.
James B said on 23/May/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/May/16
205/206cm today, 207/208cm peak. Dude has a notorious temper. Would not want to piss him off...

Does he? How do you know that? He does seem a bit grumpy in interviews
Sean said on 19/May/16
Just saw an interesting video with a staredown between Nash and Matt Morgan from a 1/24/08 TNA Impact taping. I can't upload the video (having issues) but both Nash and Morgan are in street clothes and both have equal footwear. Both are equal in height. I'd say Nash and Morgan were both between 6'8.5" and 6'9" barefoot in that staredown. No doubt though peak Nash would be taller than Morgan. By how much? My guess peak Nash between 6'9"- 6'9.5, Morgan 6'8.5"-6'9"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/May/16
205/206cm today, 207/208cm peak. Dude has a notorious temper. Would not want to piss him off...
dewie said on 15/May/16
Nash 6ft8.75 taker 6ft7.5 sid 6ft6.5
James B said on 12/May/16
I must admit if sid was 6'6.5 then Nash did look a bit under 6'9.
Guyster said on 12/May/16
I believe an early to mid nineties Nash could very well have hit 6" 10", during the day and now current being 6" 8.75.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/May/16
Looked 6ft10-6ft11 in the 90's
James B said on 9/May/16
Nash defo looks taller than Morgan here

Click Here
Aza said on 7/May/16
Robs met him; had a pic with him; he's 6'9.
Slim said on 6/May/16
The vid with Nash and Morgan in the same ring sucks. There is a vid someone posted on here of Nash and Morgan in a stare down. Post that one.
Nobody said on 6/May/16
The Big Show having a stare down with Kevin Nash a few years ago, go to 6:07 of the video

Click Here
James B said on 5/May/16
Vegas I think Nash was probably more than 6'8.5 in the 90s. I mean do you remember how colossal he looked as diesel?

A guy who is as big as Nash could have lost a bit of height at a younger age so back in 2008 Kevin was 6'8.5-6'9 and today 6'8-6'8.5. I wonder too if Morgan lost height prematurely?

Interesting Vegas you say there was 2 inches between Kevin and big show. That could mean perhaps big show was a bit under 7ft in his prime?
joe### said on 5/May/16
It looks like matt morgan was wearing boots and Kevin using normal shoes
Vegas said on 5/May/16
Morgan and Nash were around same height, they had a number of staredowns in tna and i saw both in person in same ring and on ramp at a show in early 2008

If Nash was easily 2 inches taller than morgan then big show should have been easily 4 inches taller than Morgan as show had 2 inches on Nash..yet big show didn't have 4+ inches on Morgan in 2003-05

Both Nash and Morgan were also listed same height by the ncaa during their basketball careers (not that that says alot)
Sean said on 4/May/16
I don't believe Nash looks taller than Morgan by 2 inches. The video in question was circa 2008, and if you look closely during the duration of the video it is hard to tell if they stand on the same level throughout. peak Nash was taller - 6'9.25", than Morgan - 6'8.5". But it is hard to gauge from this video the difference in height, since Nash probably lost some height as compared to his peak.
dewie said on 3/May/16
Big show 7ft1 nash 6ft11 taker 6ft9.5 kane 6ft9 sid 6ft8 prime height barefoot
Nobody said on 3/May/16
If Kevin Nash is 6'8-6'9 like some of you are claiming then what does that make Matt Morgan? He's easily got two inches on Matt Morgan here who most people claim to be 6'8 Click Here
James B said on 2/May/16
6'11 prime in ring gear
DI me said on 1/May/16
Kevin Nash was about 6'11 barefoot in his prime. He was never one for really heavy falls so he only shrunk like 1-2 inches. Even in 2014, his mug shot shows he was at least 6'9 1/2. And in his prime, he should be 6'11. Judging from this, the big show was a legit 7'0-7'1 guy from their photos together.
S.J.H said on 30/Apr/16
I believe he could be 6'8 in person but those people lie that he look 6'8-6'9 above is indeed trolling. Up here the height chart put him close to 6'7.75
James B said on 30/Apr/16
That's really weird compared to Bobby lashley he looks barely 6 4 if those pictures are too scale?

With rob though 6'7.5 slouched and 6'8.5 standing straight. If he was 6'8.5 in 2013 than he might be under that in 2016?

Although he still towers over currently 6'3.5-6'4 Scott hall.
James B said on 30/Apr/16
Rob do you think Nash looks 6'9.5 in these matches here compared to Sid?

Click Here

Click Here

Maybe on TV 3 inches doesn't look all that much? If you think about it 3 inches is not really a big difference. But I'd say though Nash and Sid looked in the same height category 'super tall'.
Editor Rob
he could look a couple of inches taller, but some of these wrestling angles can throw heights about the place, reduce or exaggerate them.
James B said on 30/Apr/16
6'9.5 did look a stretch judging by past mast matches with Sid....... Unless of course Sid was over 6'6.5?
james said on 25/Apr/16
Pro wrestling always ridiculously exaggerates wrestlers heights 6'11 Andre was billed 7'5 .6'2 HHH is billed 6'4..6.7 undertaker is billed 6'10 ..6'5 Hulk Hogan 6'8 ..6'7 Big John Studd 6'10 .7'7 Giant Gonzalez 8'0 .6'10 .6'3 Dwayne rock Johnson 6'5 Kevin Nash 7'0..
dewie said on 25/Apr/16
Nash 6ft10.5 taker 6ft9 prime height
Damian said on 23/Apr/16
The Kevin Nash on the right is shorter than the Kevin Nash on the left, do not be deceived!
Slim said on 22/Apr/16
Never 6'10 my ass! He was 6'10 6'11 in his prime! Prove me wrong.
Guyster said on 22/Apr/16
Jordan87, you have a poor read on Nashes height, Nash still clears over 6"8.5 only just, your 6"7 Estimate is way off, I bet you think hulk hogan to be what 6"1 range then.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Apr/16
Naaah not under 6´8"
Nobody can tell in Robs pics how much height Nash could stretch out of his back with a "Tyler Mane"-posture.
Comparing him to other celebs he never looks under strong 6´8"-6´8.5"
dewie said on 22/Apr/16
Nash 6ft9.75 taker 6ft8.5 kane 6ft7.75 sid 6ft7 morning height
Jordan87 said on 21/Apr/16
6'7 Now. Def Under 6'8. Never 6'10.
James B said on 17/Apr/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Apr/16
Scott Hall is still at least 6ft4 today.

No way Kevin Nash toweres over him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Apr/16
Scott Hall is still at least 6ft4 today.
Damian said on 16/Apr/16
Wow better posture in ecw, but not that good, today.
Sean said on 14/Apr/16
Nash peak height 6'9", maybe 6'9.25". Big Show had at least 3 inches on him back in WCW.
James B said on 14/Apr/16
Scott hall peak 6'4.75 (195cm)
Today 6'3.75 (192cm)
Sean said on 12/Apr/16
Hi Rob, any thoughts on having a Scott Hall page? To me, it seems that Hall was probably 6'5" peak, and nowadays 6'4". He looked the same height as Hogan during their WCW run in the 90's and at that time Hogan and Hall were probably both near 6'5".
Simeun_206cm said on 9/Apr/16
I am 206 cm, but for some reasons, I don't think that I am taller than Nash. He looks around the height he is listed. I would find hard to imagine that I am taller than Nash for 3-4 cm, like some says that he is in 6'7 range. He is probably a bit shorter nowadays then in youth. In the youth, he was near 6'10, like he states that height, but now is bit under. His height is from 205-207 nowadays, my opinion.
Junior31 said on 8/Apr/16
Canson said on 7/Apr/16
@Junior: prime absolutely. Was prob closer to 6'9 or def over 6'8. But don't see much of a difference between Mane and Nash with Rob. that puts him 6'7 range even if he is "closer" to 6'8 than Mane is. Remember Mane was billed 6'10 as well at one point and Undertaker 6'9 when he's not much over 6'6 these days.

Understand but don't think he hits e 6'7 mark. He's noticeably taller then everyone side by side in that range and all the 6'4-6'5 guys around him, he clears them by a forehead at minimum.
S.J.H said on 8/Apr/16
If nash had shoe advantage he can't even had a chance on 6'8. I don't think he look much over 6'7 and maybe 6'7.25 on the right picture with big rob and 6'6 on left. 6'7.5 at best standing straight and if footwear similar as rob he did be 6'7-6'7.25 like this very close in height with 6'7 tyler mane
184.3cm (Night) said on 8/Apr/16
Tyler mane has a 0.5 inch footwear advantage with Rob. Don't forget that. Its possible that Nash is in the strong 6'8" range today though. He looks around 4 inches taller than Manganiello in sneakers.
James B said on 7/Apr/16
Well rob saw Nash at a strong 6'8 recently so I wouldn't put too much importance on the photo.
Canson said on 7/Apr/16
@Junior: prime absolutely. Was prob closer to 6'9 or def over 6'8. But don't see much of a difference between Mane and Nash with Rob. that puts him 6'7 range even if he is "closer" to 6'8 than Mane is. Remember Mane was billed 6'10 as well at one point and Undertaker 6'9 when he's not much over 6'6 these days.
Junior31 said on 6/Apr/16
The 6'7 talk is ridiculous. Please stop.
really? said on 4/Apr/16
If Rob is a legit 5'8" you can see that Nash is a foot taller or not more.
Johno said on 3/Apr/16
Although a tall man such as Nash could lose alot of height during the day thus, he probably could measure over 6'8 in the 1st hour of waking up.
joe @@ said on 3/Apr/16
it is noticeable that he ta with poor posture in the photos and your eye level I believe it is more than 6'2
Guyster said on 2/Apr/16
Kevin Nash eye line if standing straight would be in the 6"3.5 range plus 5 inch"s at least above the eye level would bring his height to 6"8.5 range at least, I do think he is .25 to .5 inch below 6"9, I still believe if he ever stood tall and straight he could still hit 6"8.75.
Johno said on 1/Apr/16
He clearly has a 6'2 eyeline; unless his forehead is 6-inches, i don't think 6'8 would be his height.
Johno said on 1/Apr/16
Celebheights users could practice the same pose as Nash has with the head tilt and see how much height they lose. You will find you hardly lose any height at all. The height chart is pretty indictive of what height range Nash resides in and i can see that it is in the 6'7-range.
James B said on 1/Apr/16
Studying the left picture big Nash with his posture actually looks 6'7-6'7.25 and on the right pic 6'7.5-6'7.75.
James B said on 29/Mar/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
I doubt Tyler is just 6ft7.

Well that's what he looks with rob and he's standing with great posture too
184.3cm (Night) said on 29/Mar/16
Even on the right pic he isn't standing at full posture. Look at his neck how it is rolled forward as he has his chin down. He is not under 6'8" today or joe manganiello is 6'4" on the nose and Rob gave him 6'5".

Under 6'9" but not under 6'8".
James B said on 27/Mar/16
Moke- his postures poor against the chart
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/16
I doubt Tyler is just 6ft7.
Moke said on 26/Mar/16
Rob, his height seems to be very inflated now with the chart. He's obviously a weak 6'8.
Guyster said on 26/Mar/16
Rampages estimates are spot on for both
Tyler Mane and Kevin Nash.
James B said on 24/Mar/16

Tyler Mane 6'7 (201cm)
Kevin Nash 6'8.5 (204cm)
Jimmy said on 24/Mar/16
This dude is a legit 6'9 to all the haters!
berta said on 24/Mar/16
By looking at the pic he doesnt look this tall. A littel over 6 foot 8 if the really stand tall, and that is what he look whit manganiello
James B said on 23/Mar/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/16
James, this is what I think would be likely for both guys today

Tyler Mane - 6ft7½(202cm)
Kevin Nash - 6ft8¾(205cm)

Against the height chart Nash looks 6'7.5 though.........
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Mar/16
James, this is what I think would be likely for both guys today

Tyler Mane - 6ft7½(202cm)
Kevin Nash - 6ft8¾(205cm)
NBAer said on 19/Mar/16
Looks atleast 6'8 range with Rob,he might be a full 6'9 or at worst 205cm since as a huge guy he naturally has a large head.
mrtguy said on 18/Mar/16
Nash is probably 6'8.5 at lowest
James B said on 17/Mar/16
Rampage- Tyler mane did not look over 6'7 with rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Mar/16
Could be heading down toward 6ft8½(204cm) but I don't know if he's lost a full inch. He could pass for a full 6ft10 during the WCW days when he got billed at 7ft. I reckon he still clears 6ft8 now. I definitely would not put him in the 6ft7 range. He looks taller than Tyler Mane does with Rob (who is listed here at 6ft8 but may be little below it today).
James B said on 13/Mar/16
Yeah he looks 6'7.5 in the right picture but he's not standing as well rob in the left hand photo he looks no taller than 6'7 flat but again his posture is poor.

I think in the right hand photo if standing at his tallest he'd be comftably 6'8.
joe @@ said on 13/Mar/16
he was definitely higher than matt morgan is 6'7.5
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 12/Mar/16
I have a feeling that Nash is under 6'9" today. Probably over 6'8" but under 6'9".
Guyster said on 10/Mar/16
Johno you will find Nash is not standing fully straight,when he does he will be 6"8.75, as for the height chart it is a rough guideline and with Rob standing at 5"8.25 this accurate.
Johno said on 7/Mar/16
Well the height chart is there and so are the comparisons with Rob.

Nash clearly is not 6'8 or over.

Slim said on 6/Mar/16
Deontay wilder is every bit 6 foot 7. I live 8 miles from him. I know him.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.