5'7 and a fraction said on 17/Jan/23
Got this guy and Ethan Hawke so muddled one time, thinking the guy from Entourage was also in Magnificent 7. In Entourage its quite easy to assume he and Adrain must be tall guys when being around guys like Jeremy Piven, Kevin Collony and Jerry Ferrara when actually they are fairly average in height.
viper said on 1/Feb/22
Dillon with 6-3 DK Metcalf
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Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Feb/21
Kevin is quite a bit shorter than actor brother Matt, and one of SIX children! He has two daughters, Ava and Amy.
He can have 5ft8.75.
rafael proulx said on 4/Jan/21
He’s 5’9
TheBat said on 5/Aug/20
Looks 5'9" most of the time.
Turtle said on 1/Nov/17
How come you downgraded kevin the quarter inch Rob?

Editor Rob
I watched some more of Kevin and he's not quite as tall as I thought.
Wow said on 6/Jun/15
No way in hell! He looks much shorter
Schmirler said on 21/Jan/13
I contacted Kevin's publicist, his height is estimated to be 5'9.25".
The milkman said on 27/Jul/12
Hey rob how tall do you think David Hornsby is? Dillon's co-star in how to be a gentleman!

Editor Rob
could be 5ft 10 range
lorne said on 13/Sep/11
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Does look a little taller than
Mark Wahlberg, though it's hard to tell from the pics.Connelly definantly doesn't look 5'5 with Wahlberg though!
Dustin said on 5/Sep/11
Met Kevin Dillon (As mentioned under Adrian Grenier). He was at most 5'8" and he was wearing boots. 5'8" 150lbs max. (I'm 6' even)
My brother is 5'8" about 150 and I remember thinking he was smaller than my brother. All I could think of was how small he was cuz he's the "big guy" on the show.
lorne said on 3/Sep/11
Hmm...since Adrian grenier was downgraded perhaps 174cm is appropriate?I honestly did think he was a solid 5ft9, but he wears boots a lot, and even with a footwear advantage, looks an inch and a half shorter than 5ft10.5-5ft10.75in Grenier.
I'd say 5ft8.75in is spot on for Kevin DIllon, though no less than 5ft8,5.
Lars Cohn said on 27/Jun/11
Tom Beady was at least nine taller than him in the golf episode.
dmeyer said on 10/Jun/11
can he be 174cm ???

Editor Rob
I think that would by lower end of estimate, maybe 179cm is a lowest estimate for adrian.
Sully said on 6/Jun/11
So I was watching some old Entourage episodes and ran across something hilarious.
Check out Season 5 Episode 3 "The All out Fall out" Like 11:20 or so in, Drama is asked personally to take his shoes off after refusing to initially. He obliges and proceeds to take his boots off (massive shoes). However, maybe 5 seconds later, he magically has his boots back on and you can see them.
Honestly, a 5'9 guy will feel like a king amongst 5'4 people and not terrible around the 5'10ish Grenier. It should be noted that there were no tall people involved in the scene.
I smell a rat, ill keep an eye out.
dmeyer said on 6/Jun/11
rob i met dillon and grenier the same day adrien was near 3 in tller than dillon one of the listing is wrong
austrianguy said on 28/May/11
Yeah but you have to factor in the uneven ground. Its not a good picture to see the exact difference, but it sure shows Dillons usual boots arent small at all, since he usually looks about Greniers height.
Toby said on 3/May/11
Has very long arms and legs which makes him lot alot taller, plus most of his costars are shrimps
Tommy179 said on 23/Apr/11
Hes got a 175 range on him for sure, but he looks so tall in Entourage. (Btw Rob: Downgrade Adrian Grenier to 5'9.75" or 5'10", trust me, he aint 5'11") I would be 4-5cm taller than him, and i feel tiny amongst to my 6foot1 friends.
Kevin Patrick Dillon, M.A.R. said on 19/Apr/11
I am 5' 10 1/2". --Kevin Patrick Dillon, M.A.R. My books on Barnes & Noble are apparently sold out.
Kristian said on 7/Jan/11
Ok so matt dillon is 5'11" more or less, yet he towers kevin by more than 2 inches, suggesting kevin is about 5'8"??? Or do we take hair into account here i am never sure
Clay said on 7/Jan/11
Notice I said he LOOKS 5'10, not that he actually is.
OliTheMan said on 16/Jun/09
yeah i agree he looks 5"10" MINIMUM on Entourage but he wears big boots EVERY episode so 5"9" is def possibility
Clay said on 8/Jun/09
He looks 5'10''.
maximus said on 14/Mar/09
Looks 5' 10" minimum....not short
CK said on 7/Jan/09
kevin is definately 5'9'' and no taller...he is the same height as Jeremy Piven on entourage and he is also 5'9''
jake said on 3/Jan/09
Looks 5' 9
leonari said on 31/Oct/08
average height.
derek d said on 6/Oct/08
On a recent episode of Entourage Kevin enters a home and is asked along with the group to take their shoes off and is the only one who refuses at first.... Eventually he does and they all are barefoot.
Joe said on 19/Sep/08
I'd say 5'9 is a good estimate. Adrian Grenier who is a solid 5'11 looks to be about an inch taller than Kevin Dillon, but Adrian Grenier usually wears flat shoes and Kevin Dillon often wears cowboy boots or shoes with big lifts that might give him an advantage of about an inch.
brownsound said on 30/Aug/08
this guy is definitely 5'7 or 5'8 barefoot; if you notice, on entourage he's always wearing boots/cowboy boots. glenn, what type of shoes was he wearing?
Pip said on 3/Aug/08
5'9" sounds about right, and is it just me or does he look like the older brother of Matt Dillon and him. He looked so young in "Platoon", and now he is the butt of "old" jokes on "Entourage".
mark said on 29/Jun/08
glenn is standing perfectly straight, kevin is leaning forward
Bombay Rocker said on 30/Apr/08
If I had to make a guesstimate I would say 5 feet 10, something btw 5 feet 9.5 to 5 feet 10.25!!!!
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/07
he has that morrissey like hair and he seems to wear thick footwear a lot, but he is known to be 5'9. but it's insane, i'll be watching episodes of entourage and he looks to be closer to grenier(6ft). he has a build that makes him look more like 6ft on the screen. there must be some serious camera tricks to make these guys look bigger next to grenier, because turtle whos only 5'4 looks 5'6ish and E looks like he's about 5'7 and ari looks 5'9 and they're all two inches smaller than their percieved heights. btw kanye looked big on entourage last sunday, but he's also just 5'7
Real said on 14/Jul/07
Dillon didn't look more than 3-4" taller than 5'4 ferrara during the last episode of entourage.. but I'm guessing it was a boots/sandals situation...
with that said, He's a solid 5'9. gives a taller appearance though.. good build
Duhon said on 4/Jul/07
He's bending and he still has a defenite height advantage over glenn. I'd say 5'10".
Franco said on 3/Jul/07
he looks 5'10ish, remove the shoes = 5'9 maybe even 5'9.5 why not. he looks it.
guys dont look at the eyes, look top of head.
glenn said on 2/Jul/07
no.in the photo and in the flesh he looked 5-10.
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/07
Glenn, I take it he looked more 5'8?
glenn said on 2/Jul/07
i dont know how he is 5-9.i didnt know i was 5-9 either.
RICHARD said on 1/Jul/07
Looked 5'11 in The Blob. He still looks 5'11 in this picture with 5'9' Glen
Anthony said on 1/Jul/07
Kevin looks closer to 5'10 there.
RobertJ said on 1/Jul/07
Oops that last comment by anonymous was mine.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
Of course there brothers Daniel, there resemblance is extremely apparent.
glenn said on 1/Jul/07
funny,kevin looked 5-10 to me while matt looked 5-10.5,which wasnt the 6ft i saw 9 months ago.someone beside me mentioned matt being taller than kevin.i didnt see much difference.adrian must be 6ft.
Daniel Craig said on 29/Jun/07
are Kevin and Matt even brothers? They looks so different I honestly can't find a single feature that connects them as siblings. If Adrian Grenier is 5'11" on entourage, kevin dillon is 5'9" definitely.
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/07
matt has 3 in on him and matt was just about my height when i met him
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/07
he looked a lidl under 5'9 in person 5'8.25 to 5'8.5 adrien had 3 in on him so max 5'8.5
dmeyer said on 26/Feb/07
could even be 174 but 5'9 is close
MD said on 13/Feb/07
Matt's 5'10.75":
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Needless to say, Kevin is not 5'9". Kevin can look taller, and recently, too, but it has to be lifts.
thierry said on 27/Aug/06
ther's no way he's that tall. Look platoon! he's 3 inches smaller than berebger... maybe he grew after though: he seems pretty young in that movie
Wash DC said on 21/Oct/05
No way Kevin Dillon is like 5' 6" - 5' 7". Saw him at a restaurant.
Biff said on 4/Mar/05
Take a look at this Image #50721179 at www.Gettyimages.com were Kevin is standing next to Ray Liotta. Of course the angle makes Liotta appear even taller, but since Ray is around 182cm Kevin cannot be 177cm. Maybe he really is in the range of 172-175cm. Also when Kevin is standin next to his bro Matt (182cm) U can see that he is kinda shortish.