Duhon said on 25/Sep/23
@Trip Jeffery you sure that was Jerry you saw? He's short but he never looked that short on Entourage (under 5') and with the weight loss you can tell his proportions aren't actually dwarfish, as you can see in the above photo of him.
Trip Jeffery said on 22/Sep/23
I saw him at a bar in West Hollywood. I was absolutely shocked by how short he was. At first I saw him with his back to me, and the only reason I was looking was because I thought wow that is an incredibly short man. Nothing wrong with being short, I just was shocked by the proportions of someone without dwarfism. He is legitimately the shortest man I’ve ever seen that didn’t have dwarfism. In no universe is he even above 5’ flat. I’m not sure where 5’5 and 5’4” are coming from. That’s not even a remote possibility. My mom is 5’1”. She is taller than him. I’m pretty sure Jerry doesn’t even clear 5’ flat.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/23
Jerry’s clothes give him a taller impression.
5ft4.75. 😃
Alden grg said on 9/Jul/20
He is about 5'4.5
Long65 said on 18/Nov/19
Pretty good proportions and posture give him the illusion of being taller than what he really is
Sonny Black said on 31/Aug/19
Holy sh*t this dude’s only 5’4?? I’m blown away how small these Entourage guys are, I thought Grenier was like 6ft tall and Dillon around 5’11. I look at these guys different now, not in a bad way just differently.
TheBat said on 15/Mar/19
Give me a break with that 5'7" claim, Jerry's not even 5'5".
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 12/Nov/18
No way he is even 5ft 7 as he claimed on his twitter b4. All I can see that he is even more than few inch shorter than his lookalike actor wilmer vanderrama... Presumably similar height with Daniel Redcliffe from Harry Potter. He is definitely one of handsome cute short actors like Bruno Mars...... Like I said b4, short actors are always cute somehow.......
Jman said on 24/Mar/18
He was in a movie with
Kevin Hart and he is 1.64m, and Jerry looked little taller, so Jerry should be around 1.70m.
Kartikeya said on 3/Jan/18
she is 5.4 inch tall
Gnaw said on 23/Oct/17
"Barely 5'7" smh this is why real 5'7 guys that say 5'7 arent taken seriously and of course he comes from entourage, where theres a rolodex of liars about their height. Only one guy was 5'10+ and he even claim 6 feet. You got to lie in hollywood about your height to get into movies these days such a shame...
anon said on 9/Apr/17
5'4- 5'5 range looks good, 5'5 is the most I could bu after seeing him in Entourage and Think like a man, his 5'7 claim is really pushing it
Julien said on 28/Dec/16
I'm about 5 foot 9 with shoes on and I saw him at a bar in Hollywood last year he was a few inches shorter then me . He's about 5 "6 to 5"7
truth said on 4/May/16
lol yeah he has JB height syndrome.
Paleman said on 9/Apr/16
Congratulations, Jerry, you now belong to CelebHeights' list of the most wildly ridiculous and exaggarated height claims along with Justin Bieber, Corey Feldman, and One Direction. Yeah he's nowhere near 5'7", the current listing looks fine.
Sammy Derrick said on 4/Mar/16
In Think Like a Man Too,his character has his mugshot taken and is a bit over the 5'7 mark on the height board.It seems he goes a pretty long way to sell the 5'7 claim.
pauly e said on 16/Oct/15
He claimed 5'7 on Chris Jericho's podcast numerous times today. He's really selling the 5'7 thing
Parker said on 14/Jul/15
Quote from Newyou magazine in May refering to a medical he had
I passed the exam, but I weighed about 200 pounds and I'm 5'7". It's hard to carry 200 pounds on that frame."
He's upgrading himself 2 inches and rounding up? Maybe he does hit 5'5.
CD said on 29/May/15
5ft 4.5 seems a good shout, looks about 2-2.5 inches taller than
Kevin Hart.
Ricky said on 27/May/15
I thought he was a 5'6" or 5'7". Shocked me that he's that short. I knew he was short, but not that short.
Lorne??? said on 23/May/15
He doesn't look taller than Rex Lee(I give him 5ft4.25
MD said on 22/May/15
He is not a centimeter taller than currently listed.
guest said on 19/May/15
Click Here
jerry looks around 5'7 if Ciara is meant to be 5'9.
everyone is wearing flats since its a bowling tournament.
jerry looks taller than 5'2 kevin hart, with a considerable height difference.
hmm said on 25/Mar/15
can look 5'5? In the second trailer for the Movie, in scenes with ronda rousey, he can look 5'5, if her height is correct (claims 5'7)
Marc said on 25/Mar/15
I think he might be closer to 5ft5 hes decently taller than kevin hart
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 25/Sep/14
Upgrades himself by 3 inches. That's getting into Bieber-level height embellishment.
merrin said on 23/May/13
i saw him last year at fred segal. he is 5' 8"!!
Jerry said on 13/May/13
5'4 and a half!
QuestionableC said on 24/Jan/13
This guy is not 5 foot 4. Wow, isn't this too much? You guy's seriously need to get your ego checked up.
AS said on 12/Nov/12
no way he is 5'7 but i would buy 5'5... he looks taller than kevin hart by a little
Van said on 26/Oct/12
I see him quite a bit at Clippers games. He's legitimately only 5'4". He's tiny. Maybe 5'5" on a good day, but he's very short. Even Kevin Conolly at 5'5 is noticeably taller!
linke said on 21/Sep/12
Rob in terms of exaggeration, does this guy tops the list or do we have others on this site who claim as being more than 3 inches taller than what they are?
wrong. said on 11/Aug/12
5'5 at least. taller han 5'3-5'4 kevin hart. he is between 5'5-5'5.
croat said on 4/Aug/12
Shorter then gabrielle union in think like a man,
thought he was like 5'8 and she was 6 feet.
what a shorty
Really? said on 16/Jun/12
I thought Jerry Ferrera was at least 5'6. The 5'4 listing shocks me.
NoWAY said on 20/Jan/12
pb is correct, I've seen all seasons of Entourage and NEVER did Ferrara look shorter than Conolly.
Click Here
Something is up.. one or possibly both of their heights is/are inaccurate.
Ace said on 30/Dec/11
He claimed 5'7 again in a recent people magazine article.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 25/Nov/11
LOL @ his 5'7 claim
PeterH said on 26/Jul/11
I stood next to him at a golf course...I'm short at 5'7". He was like a whole head shorter than me. I would guess 5'1" with heels on.
PeterH said on 26/Jul/11
I am short at 5'7". I stood next to him at a golf course. I was almost a head taller!! He has to be like 5 feet nothing!,
jake said on 21/Jul/11
He looks 5 inches shorter than Kevin Dillon. He is 5ft4.25 or 5ft4.5 max
riley said on 23/May/11
5'7? I don't think so, he is cute and all but he is not very tall, I never been next to him so I really can't answer if he is 5'7 but it doesn't just don't look like it, I'm 5'7 so for me he seems to short to have this height :)
I've read Conolly is like 5'5 and in the tv serie Entourage we can see Ferrara is a little shorter so he must be around 5'4 :D but he stills cute
pb said on 16/Apr/11
i don't know how jerry ferrara is listed as 1" shorter than kevin connolly on this site. i don't think i've ever seen a photo, video clip, or episode of entourage where ferrara looks shorter; he's the same height at the very least, and if anything, he looks slightly taller in most pics/video i've seen.
i think this site has it mixed up - i think connolly is the one who's 5'4" and ferrara is actually 5'5".
Koowie said on 14/Mar/11
Has anyone noticed Hollywood is like the only money place where being short is not a career killer? From sports to CEO to President most everyone is effin tall.
LongCruise said on 26/Feb/11
He doesn't seem like he would be shorter than Connolly... And when it comes to lying about height, I think Tom Cruise is the ultimate grand master of that art. The guy played in Top Gun and is still unbelievably embarrased of his own height alongside gorgeous Katie Holmes.
emfs said on 26/Dec/10
What difference does it make? He's a really great guy.
Anonymous said on 4/Nov/10
no marcus no 5'4" is right on
Dr. Steve Brule said on 30/Jun/09
Saw him on the tonight show recently and he was dwarfed by 6ft 4 conan and then halfway through the interview he said he was 5ft 7! - i laughed out loud.
I think 5ft 4.5 is the maximum height he can be.
Clay said on 8/Jun/09
Seriously he need an upgrade to 5'5.5 at least.
Cameron said on 1/May/09
"Viper says on 4/Dec/08
He looks 5-4 I think with 6-2 measured Shawne Merriman. Click Here Looks like a 10 inch difference, with Merriman closer to the camera even."
What? He looks taller than just 5-4 with 6-2 Shawne Merriman in this pic.
Click Here Its about an 8 inch difference. He looks 5-6 there.
If hes looking a solid 5-6 next to a 6-2 measured athlete then he should be upgraded.
lego said on 2/Apr/09
I would say he is 5'6'' half an inch shorter than E (Kevin Connely..
Doc Holliday said on 21/Jan/09
If Jeremy Piven is 1.72m, it's very likely Turtle is around 8/9/10cms shorter.
CK said on 7/Jan/09
he would have to be about 5'7 seeing that he is taller than E on entourage!
Viper said on 4/Dec/08
He looks 5-4 I think with 6-2 measured Shawne Merriman.
Click Here Looks like a 10 inch difference, with Merriman closer to the camera even.
Littlelee said on 17/Oct/08
Real, I don't know about Jeremy Niven. Could be 5'9" could be 5'2" just depends on his posture. never looks much taller than connolly but can sometimes look as tall as adrien grenier who btw is not 6' i'd give him 5'11 at tallest what u guys think
bigtonymoe said on 11/Sep/08
I know them both personally...Jerry and KC...obviously neither one of them are Patrick Ewing but Jerry is taller...amost 5'7...but a solid 5'6
callie said on 25/Jul/08
edit: busy is 5'5.75
callie said on 25/Jul/08
On the HBO myspace pages for the guys turtles fake page says that he is 5'7 (even though its a fake page)
Click Here .
And when he is with Busy Philips who is 5'7 in entourage he looks taller than her (look up turtle entourage on youtube and when she is yelling at him she looks taller)
Leung said on 16/Apr/08
Anonymous, I agree with you, Turtle is taller than E.
I don
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/08
He looks taller than Connolly in Entourage by a 1/2" or 1" even
Real said on 7/Mar/08
I don't think I've ever seen Connolly wear lifts on Entourage. However, Ferrara usually wears clunky sneakers and usually appears taller than E. In reality, I cannot see Connolly more than 5'5, Ferrara is a little shorter, but not much. - Lee, I know what you mean, I'm 5'6 too, and I do not look as short as these guys either. Also, how do you think you compare to Piven? I think he is lucky to hug the 5'7 mark..
Jon, yeah the "napoleon complex" is a bunch of bull. First of all, people always use the French measurements to say that Napoleon was 5'2, but by English measurements he was 5'7ish and above average for his day! he only looked short because he had bodyguards who were 6'+.. kind of funny that very few people know that.. but yeah, for most short guys, it's either be quiet and be a pushover or stand up for yourself and have a complex.. i've found that there is a delicate balance that can be achieved.
leonari said on 21/Feb/08
Connolly is never 5'6" where have you seen that??
LittleLee said on 21/Feb/08
how tall is kevin connolly, I have heard he's 5'6" if that is the case, jerry is 5'5" not smaller Then again i'm 5'6" and i don't look as short as him. Connolly wears lifts in entourage and ferrera doesn't so i can't tell who is taller all i know is ferrera isn't 5'7" he's tiny
Leung said on 10/Feb/08
I also see Turtle being slightly taller than E.
Some people ask why E gets all the short jokes, well E gets the short jokes, Turtle gets the fat jokes, and Drama gets the old jokes.
Dude said on 9/Feb/08
How can he be shorter than E? He is clearly an inch or two taller than him on Entourage
Jon Doe said on 6/Feb/08
no cuz E is 5'5,so Trurtle would be 5'4.
sam said on 27/Jan/08
his hair makes him look taller , tho i do say 5,5
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/07
yeah kevin connoly's character constantly gets ripped for being short from that billy walsh character who's played by a 6'1-6'2ish guy. yeah dillon isn't short, from someone who's only 5'9 he looks to hold his own against adrian grenier who's 6' and that walsh guy and jeremy piven is nothing above 5'9, more 5'8 i reckon
Real said on 15/Aug/07
Go back and watch the episodes Jon- I'd say 1/3 to 1/2 of them have some kind of remark about Connolly's height, whereas only a few mention Ferrara's.
piven and "walsh" constantly rip on E (Connolly) for being short.
Jon Doe said on 13/Aug/07
But isn't it funny that Kevin is only an inch taller than him and no one of the show really says anything about his size except this one time some girl said he had tiny hands on Entourage.Anyonymous Kevin Dillon isn't short though.
Anonymous said on 1/Aug/07
in he last episode of entourage he refers to himself as short, so it's easier to bleieve that he's only like 5'4 based on photos next to adrian grenier, who looks like godzilla next to the rest of the tiny cast of entourage
Jon Doe said on 8/Jul/07
I beleive he is 5'4, (see there are lots of other guys my height!)He does do things to look taller, ever notice he wears like certain bootsand sneakers with think soles? and on the eposode with Seth Green,Jerry Wore a hat and he has a chubby build thats makes his shoulds look broader so he looked Kevin Conally's height which is 5'5 on the dot but in reality Jerry is shorter than Kevin.
hi said on 2/Jul/07
hey leonari this is where insults lead dude...next time you'll know better and you'll learn how to argue without agressing. no need to call names or be despising. we're sharing opinions that's what this is all about.
Marc said on 1/Jul/07
My mom knows Ferrara's aunt pretty well, so I actually got the chance to meet him. I'm 5'11, and he was probably about 5'4".
leonari said on 1/Jul/07
hi: you should consult your shrink...leave me alone man.
hi said on 1/Jul/07
leonari : consult? maybe?
leonari said on 30/Jun/07
hi: whatever... you are right...he must be 5'7" then.
hi said on 29/Jun/07
seems to be quite painful for you to hear different opinion leonari, since you're quite fast on calling names. I based my observation on pure logical reflexion.try to come up with well argumented assertions before switching too fast on insult mode.i'm sticking with my 5ft6 estimate.hey, see how open I am, I'll give you a quarter of an inch. 5ft5.75. he doesn't look 2 full inches shorter than the cutout
Daniel Craig said on 29/Jun/07
Well he's shorter than Kevin Connolly in almost all the scenes on Entourage so this makes sense. Not by much though. Possibly 5'4.75. I noticed Kevin's picture up today also. Was this an Entourage party/premiere Glenn?
OutBenchThis said on 29/Jun/07
In Shoes 5'4-5'5" but without shoes you'd have to say 5'3"
leonari said on 28/Jun/07
I see a good 3 inch difference, which would make him 5'5" ...max...
Leung said on 28/Jun/07
5'4" is too low, your talking Seth Green height. Seth Green appears on a couple of episodes of Entourage and Ferrara is nowhere near as short as him. Ferrara looks closer to 5'6", minimum 5'5.5".
glenn said on 28/Jun/07
his body does look small here.
glenn said on 28/Jun/07
5-4 sounds low.maybe he is.i felt 5-5,5-6.
leonari said on 28/Jun/07
hi: you are out of your mind for really believing a full 5'6" for this guy... silly.
hi said on 28/Jun/07
he looks to be just a tad smaller than the guy's image, which I believe to be real size. Now the guy pictured is Nate Robinson, a basketball player playing for the New York Knicks. He has officially been measured at 5ft7.75, barefoot. (5ft9 with shoes).You do the math then, but I would personally upgrade Ferrara a bit, like 5ft6. This is what he looks like next to Glenn as well

Editor Rob
the measuring tape shows the cutout at 5ft 6. You can see the 2 foot divisions and then its 6 inches more...
leonari said on 28/Jun/07
Glenn: whats your verdict on Jerry? Does Rob have him perfect or is he taller??
Lmeister said on 28/Jun/07
What measuring tape are you guys talking about?

Editor Rob
oh, the links had gone from the page,
example, the cutout is 5ft 6
TheJerk said on 14/Jun/07
Nah, 5-4 may even be generous. But let him have that at least for pitys sake.

Editor Rob
one of the *few* who has stood with a tape measure in a pic...he deserves some sort of honorary celebheights recognition, like a 1/4 of an inch upgrade.
J. said on 23/Jul/06
I would say, if he were to raise his head a little more, he'd reach 5'5" on that measuring tape but then again, I'm not sure. He looks 5'5"-5'6" range on the Entourage episodes I've seen.