How tall is Johnny Depp - Page 5

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Average Guess (498 Votes)
5ft 8.65in (174.4cm)
trueheight said on 7/Mar/09
Haven't posted in a long time - glad to see you're still a huge part of this site Glenn!

I've vacillated b/t Depp being 5'10 and 5'9 - some of the earlier footage suggests though that he is more 5'9. For example he's 3in shorter than 6ft Peter Deluise on 21 Jumpstreet (as a reference, Brad Pitt looked 5'10 next to Deluise - however Pitt and Depp did not stand together in his only episode).

And this one clip in which Depp is next to a very young Blair Underwood, who is listed as 5'10 here, he looks at the very least 1in shorter, maybe even 1.5in.

Click Here

Go to 9:20 on the video.
anon said on 6/Mar/09
i thought that maybe about 5'9 has Orlando Bloom is the taller and Keira Knightly is tallish as well.
glenn said on 5/Mar/09
i too believed depp was 5-8 for years.he is 5-10.the tour guide wants to feel better about himself by exaggerating.we all did it once or twice.
anonymous said on 3/Mar/09
when i went on a jack the ripper tour in london, my tour guide was telling me about how he spoke to johnny depp when he was doing research for his jack the ripper film. the tour guide said that depp was the same hieght as him, which was about 5'8". my friends and i were shocked at first...he gives the illusion of being very tall, but i guess not!
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
First of all Glenn is 5'8" and Glenn was closer to the camera in that picture.
Complex said on 20/Feb/09
I've never seen the one of glenn/depp, i'd like to see it tho.
Bogie said on 17/Feb/09
If he was 5'9.5'' like you say, he would have looked taller than that next to 5'7.5'' Glenn. The picture taken on Donnie Brasco's set shows a noticeable shoulder difference but they are almost at the same eye level and it is reasonable to believe that he has shoe advantage. Depp is listed correctly at 175 and his absolute maximum would be 176.
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
sunnyfan, 5'9.5" would be perfect for Depp. That's exactly how tall I think he is barefoot. With boots and his thin frame he can pass for 5'11".
Complex said on 14/Feb/09
5'9 tops seems right to me, couldn't be too much more than that...
Zach #2 said on 14/Feb/09
morning height is 5ft 9.5" i bet, he's just average and i wouldnt call him short,if i saw him walking down the road. short is anything below 5ft 8" for a man.
sunnyfan said on 14/Feb/09
i`m amazed rob hasen`t upgraded Depps height to at least 5.9.5 when Glenn who has met Depp several times insists he`s 5.10.
George said on 14/Feb/09
Ref my post below: I mean Depp looks about 2 inches taller than Glen with 1.5 inches heeled-boots. So if Glenn is 172, Deppp is 173.5 in my opinion
Mister Lennon said on 11/Feb/09
I agree with his height listed here. He looks a 5'9 guy, althought at times he could look taller because he is very thin.
glenn said on 11/Feb/09
there was a noticeable shoulder difference and depp was leaning in.
Complex said on 11/Feb/09
Glenn it made sense because who's to say Glass didn't meet him too like he said in his story..I do respect everything bout you Glenn, you meet all these celebs..and you are the man, but it's not like you're the only one that meets celebs, I've met a few, not as many as you, mr. r has, mamun, vaj, rob, just to name a few on this site. I'm not discrediting you're word just saying I haven't seen the depp/glenn photo so you have to understand that in my eyes, your word and glass's word are both hearsay, I somewat believe both of ya'll but I never fully trust til I see proof, that's all I was sayin in that last post.
George said on 11/Feb/09
Exactly trueheight, he looked 1.5 taller with (at least) 1.5 inch cuban boots heels
trueheight said on 10/Feb/09
In the pics w/ Glenn (why are they no longer posted?), he looked 1.5in taller than 5'8.
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
complex-what sense did that post make? how is anyones word the same as mine? when im actually the one that meets these celebs repeatedly?.depp is slightly leaning in on one pic.but has boots.the other,i have a stick up my bum,and he has his head down can see he is 5-10 if he straightened out.
Felix said on 10/Feb/09
Glenn, on the other hand, didn't you see Jerry Buckheimer very short a year ago or something? I remembered you said 5'5 or something about him, What I'm trying to say is that there's no possible way Johnny Depp is 5 inches taller than Jerry.
Complex said on 9/Feb/09
Well then Rob should post them glenn, cuz if we can't all see them, then your word and glass's word would be the same. I could give Depp 5'9 on a good day, that's the most. Glenn in your pic with him, how much taller is he in than you?
anonymous said on 7/Feb/09
I stood right next to him and I'd say he's 5'9 at the most. He was wearing shoes that had a decent sized heel on them and a hat, while I was standing about 5'4 in my heels, and he really didn't seem much taller. Yea, I'd say around 5'8 if I had to guess. Plus, he's almost always wearing some sort of hat, which makes him appear taller. Ah, whatever though! I'm short, he's awesome, it's all good :)
glenn said on 7/Feb/09
complex-i have 2 pics with depp.maybe you know that already.some pics risingforce didnt know i had.and i thought he did know.
deep said on 6/Feb/09
He's not very tall. He's perfect though
Complex said on 6/Feb/09
Yeah Glenn, it's my primary language, I'm also very good with the metric system ;)

Glenn glass was just telling a story about how he met depp, don't hate, granted he don't got a pic with him, but i'm lookin' up at the top of this page....and you don't either, puts ya'll at equal ground...who to trust, who to trust, lol ;) I do agree that maybe 5'6 is extreme, but i'd say 5'9 tops, no chance at 5'10!
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
great pic lemon.i didnt realise guitar center was so interesting.
Lemon said on 6/Feb/09
Glass: in my opinion there is no way Johnny Depp is shorter than 5'9".
Loot at this pic: Click Here
If Johnny was 5'7", Stiller would be 5'4".

Depp is 5'9" minimum. Good chance he is 5'10" as well.
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
5-6,5-7 for depp it is.he works at guitar center.gotta believe it.
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
i guess it isnt your main language.cause again you dont understand me.
Felix said on 5/Feb/09
glass, cool story! Well 5'6 for Depp sounds ridicoulus (no offence) but it does. I don't buy anything over 5'9 for him though...172-174cm most likley.
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
That's a cool story glass, bet it's awesome working there, i'm a musician myself. You see any other stars come through??
Aratirion said on 5/Feb/09
And you are sure that it was actually Johnny Depp?
glass said on 4/Feb/09
I've stood next to the man. I'm 5'6", and I was wearing creepers with an inch and a half heel. So at 5'7 1/2", I was just a tad taller than him. He was wearing boots that had no lift at the time.

He's 5'7" at the most. possibly 5'6" or 5'6 1/2".

To add credence I was working at the Guitar Center in Hollywood, where celebs would come in on a daily basis. He came in with a friend who was looking at vintage guitars. He himself seemed somewhat uninterested. They left without purchasing anything.
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
Glenn why would you ask something like that...??? just curious, but that question doesn't deserve a response, sorry, but I can't answer that w/o laughing!
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
is english your primary language complex?
Complex said on 31/Jan/09
oh ok, lol, sorry glenn, I understand it's just that words with no expression make it hard to interpret the meaning sometimes, so I get thrown off.
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
i meant bad reading comprehension complex.i have bad
miser said on 31/Jan/09
yes i was agreeing with that glenn. i just said that 1.76m is closer to 5-9 than to 5-10, and since you and others have said he hits on 5-11 in boots then he'd most likely be 1.77m than 1.76m.
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
you have bad reading complex.i said for once i agree with you.that it is,is possible.i didnt say,not possible.
Complex said on 30/Jan/09
What's not possible?
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
miser-what on earth are you talking about? someone just recently agreed with me when meeting him in nyc.legit story.and a woman 3 years ago as well.that also repeatedly met him.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
i can agree for once complex,that,that isnt impossible.but i agree with aratirion and risingforce more.
Complex said on 29/Jan/09
I could see a strong 5'9, nothing over though and less wouldn't suprise me. Maybe straigh out of bed he would be a little taller than 5'9, but not most of the day.
miser said on 28/Jan/09
>It explains how he could pass for a solid 5'11" while wearing boots.

a 1.76m man does not pass for "a solid 5'11", not even in "lifts". besides glenn there was this other guy here who also said he met depp and he was 5-10 to 5-11. so i would say 177cm rather than 176cm. the charlize pics are a bit intriguing, but they may well be the same height, he may just have appeared a tad smaller in those shots.
Aratirion said on 28/Jan/09
I absolutely agree with RisingForce and Glenn. I think 1.76,77 is what is most possible for Depp.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
true risingforce.
RisingForce said on 28/Jan/09
To me 5'9.5" fits best.

It explains how he often looks and gets listed at both 5'9" and 5'10".

It fits with Glenn estimating in the 5'9"-5'10" range.

It explains how he could pass for a solid 5'11" while wearing boots.

It fits with Charlize Theron being 5'9.75" in the barefoot pictures

It explains how he usually looks about an inch shorter than 5'10.5"/5'10.75" Orlando Bloom
You're wrong said on 27/Jan/09
5'9.7"(177cm) for Depp... barefoot with Theron(listed 5'9.75"),Rising is wright.
glenn said on 27/Jan/09
i agree that very possible woods.and thats his official height lately.use to be 5-9.not that official heights mean anything.but sometimes they do.
Complex said on 26/Jan/09
I'm with you felix, I'll stick with "not over 5'9" for his height..
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
no way is he under the one that said his wardrobe people told me still not me and others i know that met him,he is 5-10.
woods said on 25/Jan/09
johnny deep nowhere under 5.10
Felix said on 25/Jan/09
RisingForce, I highly doubt anything over 5'9 for Depp because the POTC wardrobe listed him as 5'9. I'm pretty sure he's beetween 5'8-5'9.
RisingForce said on 25/Jan/09
Glenn's sightings and his proportions. Plus those pictures of Depp and Theron are the best evidence so far, full body shots of them barefoot. He usually looks between 5'9" and 5'10" to me anyway.
Complex said on 24/Jan/09
Rising besides the movie stills of him and theron, what makes you so sure?
Aratirion said on 24/Jan/09
Hmm, if Bloom is 179,5 cm as measured at Madame Tussauds, which I think is pretty accurate, than Depp is an Inch smaller, metric system --> 2,5cm, which makes him 1,77. Totally accurate as well. Explains the 5'9 sightings, the 5'10 and upwards sightings, him next to 5'10 Theron, next to ... . If you ask me, than Depp is around 1.77.
RisingForce said on 23/Jan/09
I still say Depp is 5'9.5". In fact I'm as sure as I can be without having met him.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
tellem-im confused as to hunters height.but as felix says,he was listed as higher.i did read 6-3 for him.thanks for backing me on that felix.i was surprised benicio wasnt taller than 6-2.i met him.wouldnt pose.was in a bad mood.
TELLEM said on 21/Jan/09
thanks glenn...benicio del toro is taller than hunter s. thompson by about an inch so 6'1 for thompson could be it...but who knows
Felix said on 21/Jan/09
glenn, yeah I've read everything from 6'0 - 6'3 for Hunter, probably 6'1-6'1 and a half in his later years.
glenn said on 21/Jan/09
i couldve sworn i read hunter was a big guy.i read highs of 6-4 for benicio.but he sure wasnt.cause depp can look 5-9,doesnt mean he is.i saw the other 2 pics(manson) tellem posted before.great work and photos by the way.
trueheight said on 20/Jan/09
i dunno, where is the source for HST's height? He does look 5'9 there if HST is 6'0

But there are times he looks legit 5'10 like in this video w/ Ben Stiller at an awards show, he looks 4in taller - Ben is at his eye level, and Depp isn't standing up straight:

It's at the 1:00 mark where you get the best shot:

Click Here
Claudia said on 20/Jan/09
Kate moss is about 4 inches shorter than him
TELLEM said on 20/Jan/09
this is the pic i was talking about: hunter s. thompson is listed at 6'0 in other sites by the way:Click Here
glenn said on 20/Jan/09
good pics tellem.i never met hunter.but i met benicio.he was 6-2.depp does look 5-9ish there.not more.
TELLEM said on 19/Jan/09
he looks 5'9ish or a tad below nextto 6'0 hunter s. thompson Click Here
Click Here

theres a pic on one of depp's biographies w/ thompson, and he towers even more over cruise, like by 4 inches.
TELLEM said on 18/Jan/09
i think depp is a weak 5'9
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
thank you trueheight.
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
im surprised at that post below.the whole world knows depp isnt tall.even in the 80s.
scribble said on 17/Jan/09
Found this image with Depp next to Keira Knightley who's supposedly 5'7:
Click Here
trueheight said on 17/Jan/09
Pretty clear he is 5'10. He a sloucher so that can make him look 1-2in shorter at times.

In this video at 2:54 is a picture of him and Reagan. He looks max 1in shorter and is slouching:

Click Here

Glenn has seen him numerous times at 5'10 and even 5'11. I'll take his word for it. And remember in Private Resort, he is 1.5 to 2in taller than Rob Morrow who is listed here at 5'9. They are both barefoot
Complex said on 17/Jan/09
Miser I know he's not 5'7 but is it listed at more than one place at 5'7, I can name two right off the top of my head.

Ignorance is so funny! I already said I don't agree that he's 5'7, but i'd say 5'9 tops and 5'8ish possible. 5'10 is way too much. Ignorant ppl should be required by law to go to school longer and realize that if they say something w/o knowing that they are ignorant. For instance miser you said he's listed no where at 5'7 and i'm staring at two celeb heights sites that have him at 5'7, so thats ignorance on your part. It's not the end of the world, just you saying things w/o being sure, ie. ignorance!
neven burni said on 17/Jan/09
the first big suprise for me i thougt he is 6 feet tall.
flower said on 17/Jan/09
I just read that Johnnys stand in from Public Enemies had to be 5.9 the same size Johnny is without shoes! :)
So now I'm confused, because google says 5.9 is 1,798..m not 1,75m
I think JD looks more like the 1,80 than 1,75 ..can anyone explain?
glenn said on 17/Jan/09
and your probably right complex.good chance he is 5-10 as me.
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
I think Depp is 5'9 tops
miser said on 16/Jan/09
lol so you're actually upgrading the guy eh Complex? The guy is listed everywhere at 5-7, but that's just the crazy "complexed" people talking... in reality his height is 5-8 or 5-9 tops! the downgrade-at-any-cost crew has arrived to save the day ^_^

nowhere is depp listed at 5-7!
glenn said on 16/Jan/09
shes 5-9.5 to 5-10.see her in all kinds of footwear.
Complex said on 16/Jan/09
Rising he still looked a tad under her actually and that's assuming we have her height nailed down exactly, she is tall no doubt but it's not set in stone that she's 5'9.75, least not for me anyways cuz I didn't get a chance to measure her yet :)
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Yet he looked 5'9.5" barefoot next to 5'9.75" Charlize Theron.

He's 5'9.5". He slouches quite a bit which makes him look shorter.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
And yet he looked 5'9.5" barefoot?

He's 5'9.5" barefoot next to 5'9.75" Charlize Theron.
Complex said on 14/Jan/09
Depp is listed several places at 5'7 but I don't think he's that low, but he's definately not over 5'9, 5'10 is WAY TOO MUCH barefoot for him!
RisingForce said on 14/Jan/09
I think Depp is 5'9.5", Wahlberg is 5'7.5" and Farrell is 5'10".

I think Farrell is the most likely of the 3 to be a lift wearer but he can look over 6'0" in boots/lifts.
leonari said on 14/Jan/09
FElix:Farell has a stocky built? Yeah sure. Are you crazy? he is thin boned with long limbs. Mark Wahlberg is Stocky. Matt Damon is stocky. Please. Get real
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/09
I never thought he looked short. Looked 5'10 in Edward Scissorhands, sleepy hollow, and Sweeny Todd. He's def. not short
Felix said on 13/Jan/09
I think Farrell just got the short sightings because he's stocky built, I think he can look 5'8 to people but in reality he is 5'10. Depp on the other hand is not 5'10, I think and is pretty sure 5'8-5'9 max is his barefoot height. Stallone is short,but just tricky because he has enormous lifts and strange postures (Stallone-effect).
Bogie said on 13/Jan/09
But maybe that's pushing it a little bit.
Leung said on 13/Jan/09
Depp v Wahlberg? Not even worth debating because we all know that Depp is taller.
miser said on 13/Jan/09
and/or Colin Farrell?
miser said on 13/Jan/09
Did Mark Wahlberg stand next to Depp at some point?
Bogie said on 12/Jan/09
And Colin Farrell did look taller too.
Bogie said on 12/Jan/09
I saw him last night at the golden globe ceremony and he didn't look 5'10 at all. In fact, Mark Wahlberg looked taller than he did.
glenn said on 12/Jan/09
exactly acg.true story.
glenn said on 12/Jan/09
lifts are overated.not everyone wears them.and those that do, dont wear them all the time.hence the short sightings on stallone and cruise.lifts shouldnt be the excuse to everything.i talked to more people who saw depp recently and the said he was a solid 5-10.
ACG said on 12/Jan/09
I don't think Depp really ever wore lifts...just boots, but not for the purpose of enhancing his height.

He is 5'10 and doesn't really fuss over his height, imho. In fact, I'm willing to bet that glenn has put more thought into Depp's height than Depp himself! After all, glenn asked him once and he said he had forgotten...
Neon Genesis said on 11/Jan/09
Looks average or sometimes even below average, 5'9" at most, in reality probably 5'8" barefoot
Bogie said on 11/Jan/09
Glenn you say that 5'10 guys are the basis of all arguments on this site, that they can pull off 6ft in the right footwear, but you said that the most you've seen Depp look is 5'11. One of the most notable lift wearer(Tom Cruise who is a weak 5'8) can gain nearly 2 inches with his lifts. Assuming that he wore lifts back in the period when you've met, shouldn't he had to be 6ft if were really 5'10?
Complex said on 8/Jan/09
5'9 tops for captain sparrow...
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
thanks guys for backing me.depp is 5-10.and can or did look taller.of course he can look shorter.all 5-10 celeb men are the basis of all big arguments on the site.always pegged at 5-8.if your 5-10,in the right footwear and posture your flat footwear and bad posture your 5-8.5.i agree that bill was 6-3 back then.i was shocked to see him last year shrink to barely 6ft! he seemed a hair under!
Dennis said on 7/Jan/09
I have seen in person. 5'10 or even 5'11".
Dennis said on 7/Jan/09
I was at a play on broadway years back and Johnny Depp was with the girl from Dirty Dancing, Jennifer Grey. I guess they were dating back then. I am 6 feet and I would say Depp who didn't have shoes with high heels was a good 5'10". I was surprised that he was that tall. I lived in NYC for 12 years and would see up close many movie stars and some were taller than I thought and some were smaller than I thought. I remember seeing Bill Murray one night at a club and he was around 6'3". I never thought he was that tall.
Liam said on 1/Jan/09
i saw keira knightly in soho last year and she was approx 5-8 (taller than i thought) and johnny appears in pirates about 2-3 inches taller so johnny is deifinately in the 5-10 range.
glenn said on 29/Dec/08
that would explain why i saw him look as high as or lifts.
miser said on 29/Dec/08
i think he does look short sometimes, but 5-10 men can look 5-9 or 5-8 depending on posture, angle etc glenn is totally right about that. i think 176cm is a bit too short for him, 176cm is more of a 5-9 than a 5-10. but it isn't impossible. 176cm to 178cm for him.
RisingForce said on 29/Dec/08
Thank you leonari. Just a hair shorter than Charlize Theron barefoot. She's listed 5-9.75 here. 5-9.5 backs up Glenn's estimate of between 5-9 and 5-10 as well. Depp never looks really short or tall. Just dead on average and 5-9.5 is dead on average height.
glenn said on 28/Dec/08
6-1 isnt unbelievable brad.willis claims it,i see it,he can look it sometimes.anyone can look shorter or taller than they really are.if you saw willis,mario,oscar,woody,sly etc all in the flesh,you will agree.cause your excellent at gauging height in the flesh.
Brad said on 28/Dec/08
Okay, I'll stop ignoring what he says. "Willis is 6' 1"". Okay, I'll ignore. He's 5' 8".
leonari said on 27/Dec/08
Rising: 5'9.5 makes the most sense and it fits him well.
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
Johnny is about 5-9.5, look at the barefoot pictures! Glenn always said he was in the 5-9, 5-10 range and he looks EXACTLY that in the barefoot pictures.

Some of you guys have to stop ignoring what Glenn says.
miser said on 26/Dec/08
actually, I think it would be more like about 5-9 in pirates and about 5-10 in most other films.
Neon Genesis said on 25/Dec/08
Depp looks like 5' 8" (173 cm) in Pirates of the Caribbean, and about 5' 9" (175 cm) in most other films. It's hard to believe he is 5' 10" (178 cm)
GF said on 25/Dec/08
Johnny's height is between 5'9" and 5'10" depending on gravity and time of day. End of story.
glenn said on 24/Dec/08
thanks for backing me ian.
Ian said on 23/Dec/08
i saw johnny at a premier once and he looked a genuine 5-10
Vibram said on 21/Dec/08
I find a lot of guys that are reasonable average height: 5ft9 - 5ft10 whom have "insecurities" about it, a lot of them either have a taller brother/siblings or a late puberty and bad memories of being shorter during that time (maybe due to rejection or bullying) in their mid-teens.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
exactly miser.
miser said on 20/Dec/08
"A 177-178 guy wouldn't have to worry that much about his footwear."

He probably doesn't worry about it... it's you that's worrying about it. Probably just likes boots. Nothing to do with height.
glenn said on 20/Dec/08
thats a 7 year span shawn.he hung out here,dated once semi new yorker kate moss,filmed movies here etc.he sneaks into town on occasion to this very day to meet with hilton and jessica simpson are here 6 times a year for 2 to 5 days at a time,and they dont live here.same goes for tons of celebs.those sightings add up.
glenn said on 20/Dec/08
no problem that are 5-9,5-10 can still feel insecure too.
Bogie said on 19/Dec/08
My apology Glenn. I was refering to the two pictures that were shown in the past on this page. Nevertheless, it puzzles me that he always wears thick heeled boots. A 177-178 guy wouldn't have to worry that much about his footwear.
hobo said on 19/Dec/08
I stood next to Willem Dafoe in the Picasso Museum this summer, and was surprised to see that he was pretty much the same height as me, around 173cm.
Shawn Jones said on 19/Dec/08
How were you able to see him so often during those years Glenn? Did he live in NYC before moving to France? I thought he lived in LA back then.
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
i met him twice? huh? who said that? i met him 20 times or more from 1990-1997! hung around him in clubs.knew friends that knew him.he was always 5-10 to 5-11.of course he isnt as tall as 5-11.thats boots or lifts.but he is closer to 5-10 than 5-9.and no way is he 5-8.he could be 5-9 cause i saw him with boots all the time.and i couldve been closer to 5-7 in the early days,sure.but most people i know that met him repeatedly all agree on 5-10.
Bogie said on 18/Dec/08
Glenn says that Depp is 5'9 to 5'10 because he met him twice. But if Glenn took for granted that his own height was 5'8, then he told himself Depp is 1 or two inches taller than me so he's 5'9 to 5'10. But if Glenn is shorter than that, like 5'7 1/2 or 5'7 1/4, then Depp is in the 5'8 1/2 to 5'9 1/2 range. 5'8 1/2 is probably too low, 5'9 1/2 too high so something in between like... 5'9 would be appropriate for Depp.
Vibram said on 17/Dec/08
If Depp is 5ft8 that makes Bloom 5ft9 /175cm tops.... which I doubt very much; Bloom is either 178 or 177cm.
Neon Genesis said on 17/Dec/08
Depp is never in the world more than 5'9"... 5'8" sound more like his real height
glenn said on 16/Dec/08
biased? i actually met the guy many times between does that make me biased? my friends who meet him today still say 5-10 for depp.
Aratirion said on 16/Dec/08
Yeah, right Anonymus, let's all not believe Glenn, cause it doesn't matter at all that he has met him twice and is a master in judging heights. Let's ignore misers posts, let's ignore my posts cause we are all so stupid to assume that 90 percent of every evidence is not faked.
Let's believe Anonymus #345 cause he is the only one who nows for a fact that Depp is 5'6.
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/08
Good one Tellem! Vanessa is a VERY petite woman, anyone who sees pics like that and still thinks Johnny is over 5'8 is kidding themselves.
ryan said on 16/Dec/08
wow anonymous im sure fox news isnt anywhere near as biased as cnn
Anonymous said on 15/Dec/08
Miser, Glenn, and Aratirion are all biased. You shouldn't even bother reading what they say. It is like watching FOX news.
JR said on 15/Dec/08
Just watch that movie! I`ve always thought he is 177 or higher , but when I`ve seen this, I`ve changed my opinion! He is shorter than almost every male actors! He was 27 yo and wasn`t so famous he is now! And I do not want to downgrade his hight, I`m just interesting about what do we see in movies and what do they have in reality!
TELLEM said on 15/Dec/08
he looks under 5'9 here with vanessa...Click Here
miser said on 15/Dec/08
"JR says on 14/Dec/08
In Crybaby barefoot with Willem Dafoe (listed here as 5.7) :
(watch 4:45)
Click Here

If Dafoe is 5.7 and has no lifts, Depp is 5.8 - max 5.8`5"

Lol, here we go downgrading everyone by association again. Dafoe is listed as 5-7 ONLY in this website, most others have him at 177m(5'9
Aratirion said on 15/Dec/08
Indeed, with Dafoe he looks about 5'9. But it's a too bustling scene and Johnny is slouching so you can't really tell the difference. However, this is one of the rare moments where he gives an under 5'10 impression.
Bogie said on 14/Dec/08
Aratirion, you say that Theron is 178 or a tad taller, when actually, she looked shorter than 5'8 Marky Mark Wahlberg in the Italian Job. He probably wore lifts but I think the listing of 5'9 and 3/4 is right which makes Depp 175,176.
miser said on 14/Dec/08
"Neon Genesis says on 13/Dec/08
Depp looks tall in some movies (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and really short in others (Pirates of the Caribbean). 5'9'' (175 cm) fits him well as his real (barefoot) height, not a hair longer."

He actually looked 5-10 in most of his films... edward scissor hands, nick of time, etc... in pirates he did look shorter, probably because of that nutty character he played
miser said on 14/Dec/08
These stills pretty much prove that Charlize and Depp are the same height, as I said... The main reason she is listed at 177cm and he is listed at 175cm is that the type of comment that appears more often in the Charlize page is "oh im so happy Charlize is 5-10, i'm also a tall girl and this helps me accept this height blablablah" and the type of comment that appears more frequently here is "Rob you're clearly OUT OF YOUR MIND if you think this guy is over 5-8. It is absolutely clearly obvious he is 5-7 or 5-8 tops!!" Now tell me that ain't true, hahaha! ;-D

Orlando Bloom is 179cm or 180cm and is about an inch bigger than Depp.
JR said on 14/Dec/08
In Crybaby barefoot with Willem Dafoe (listed here as 5.7) :
(watch 4:45)
Click Here

If Dafoe is 5.7 and has no lifts, Depp is 5.8 - max 5.8`5
C. said on 14/Dec/08
Theron is listed here at 177 cm (a shade under 5'10"), which she looks with Keanu. If her and Depp are around the same height, 175-ish is accurate. I don't know where all of the 5'7" claims come from because Orlando Bloom doesn't have a couple of inches on Depp at all. And he's listed here at 179.
Aratirion said on 14/Dec/08
Again. The boat pictures are useless. Especially when we are debating about one inch. They are good if someone says Depp is 6ft and you wan't to proove that this is wrong. But they are useless if you want to tell me he is 5'9 instead of 5'10. So please don't let them be in the center of attention any longer.

Charlize Theron is about 1.78, maybe a tad taller. He doesn't look an inch smaller, even if you consider angle, the fact that this is a movie shot, ... . They are pretty much the same height. Maybe 1 cm difference, maybe 2. If it was more i would be surprised.
Bogie said on 14/Dec/08
He's isn't the same height as Theron in the first pic, in fact, he's about an inch shorter because he's standing straighter and Theron is still taller. The 2 other pic can't be taken into account because we don't see their feet.
Neon Genesis said on 13/Dec/08
Depp looks tall in some movies (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and really short in others (Pirates of the Caribbean). 5'9'' (175 cm) fits him well as his real (barefoot) height, not a hair longer.
ACG said on 13/Dec/08
yes, it's a movie still with Charlize....but unless they some how artificially enhanced the shot, it's as close to "real life" as you can get.

Depp is about the same height as Theron- 5'10. Case closed.
TELLEM said on 13/Dec/08
those boat pics aren't completely useless...LOL...grow a brain if u think that...what about the pic where depp and vanessa are both walking down the street and theres a 3-4 inch difference between them in full body that pic useless too? quit being so biased...and miser thats a movie still ur looking at w/ charlize theron, not real life buddy
miser said on 13/Dec/08
"That would be a valid argument if there were only 1 or 2 pictures - but there are like a dozen shots of them where they look similar in height, and NONE where he looks taller."

Oh please... so there are NO shots wherein Depp looks taller than Vanessa? It's always alot better to gauge height comparing two people who are of similar height. Large gaps like 6" are bad for comparison. I think he slouches when he's near short people. Why anybody would look at these boat pictures before looking at the Charlize stills is beyond me...
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/08
That would be a valid argument if there were only 1 or 2 pictures - but there are like a dozen shots of them where they look similar in height, and NONE where he looks taller.

How is it possible that there could be a 6" height difference between two people who look nearly the same height while standing a foot apart? A 6" difference is pretty huge, and looks much more extreme than you guys apparently think it does.
Bogie said on 12/Dec/08
The first pic with Theron is the only one that can be taken into account, because we see both of them clearly barefoot. He is standing straight but not Theron and yet she still looks taller.
Aratirion said on 12/Dec/08
The boat pictures are completely useless. Totally ... Forget them ... A 5 feet guy could look taller than a 6 feeter if the angle is weird and the basement of the boat is moving because of the waves ...

The pics with Theron are a lot better; the camera is pretty close and is in favour of no one. They're no proof either, but they show that he ain't far away from 5'10. Less than an inch.
miser said on 11/Dec/08
"Why is it that barefoot stills from a movie with Charlize prove that he's 5'10, but candid barefoot pics where he doesn't look much taller than his 5'3 girlfriend don't mean anything?"

Because these "candids" were shot from like 30 meters away, the photographer was outside the boat? These pictures didn't not have good angles, at least the ones I saw, show me a good one and I might think again. The stills gave a good shot of their heads, and they were standing side-to-side.
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/08
miser - Why is it that barefoot stills from a movie with Charlize prove that he's 5'10, but candid barefoot pics where he doesn't look much taller than his 5'3 girlfriend don't mean anything? Scenes from a movie are subject to any number of flattering camera tricks, real life is not.
miser said on 11/Dec/08
If he is 5-9 to 5-10 like Glenn says (I think he is right)then 176cm is actually the minimum, 175cm would be a flat 5-9. 177cm is probably right, as near as one can put it without measuring the guy... he slouches alot when he's near short people.
Felix said on 11/Dec/08
He ain't 5-10 these days, that's certain! :) He looks 173-174. He could be 172 and up to 176, no more or less...
glenn said on 10/Dec/08
to make statements like that is uncalled never met depp.i did between 1990-1997.he is 5-9 to 5-10.
Neon Genesis said on 10/Dec/08
Anyone who think Depp is over 5'8'' (173 cm) is clearly out of his mind.
g said on 10/Dec/08
in those pics with charlize we can't see his complete feet, so I can't trust them because is from a movie. besides those pants are covering some of his feet he could be standing in something, so I think I can trust more in my evidence were we can see that he has short legs.
biohazard said on 9/Dec/08
He can't be 5-10 (178 cm). Guys like Thomas Jane, Russell Crowe and James Woods are from 5-10 up to 5-11 , compared to them Depp looks like a little boy...
TELLEM said on 9/Dec/08
risingforce, there's also been pictures posted with him and his 5'3,5'4 girlfriend on the boat and walking on the street with him looking 5'7-5'8...i tend to believe those anyday over movie stills
bayonetta said on 9/Dec/08
looks like a shrimp in most films, 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Neon Genesis said on 9/Dec/08
Depp looks exactly the same as Robert Downey Jr. who is 5'8'' (1.73 m)
Neon Genesis said on 9/Dec/08
Doesn't look a hair taller than 5'8'' (173 cm)
cyber said on 9/Dec/08
he looks like a little boy, 5'7'' (1.71 m) barefoot, and even with big boots never goes over 5'9'' (1.75 m)
Bogie said on 8/Dec/08
Aratirion, you make me laugh...

Rob has Depp listed pretty accurately here at 175. You say that were debating on 175 to 178, but you rule out the 174 possibilities. You're ready to give him 3 more cm, but not to take away 1.

The pic with Glenn on Donnie Brasco's set shows a 5'7.5 guy with Depp,who has most likely a shoe advantage with his boots, and yet he's only about 1 inch taller. It's only one picture, but I think that the absolute max for Depp is 176.
RisingForce said on 8/Dec/08
We have barefoot pictures of Depp and Charlize Theron who is 5-10 or close to it. These have been posted before.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

That's about as good as you'll get for evidence. They look pretty much the exact same height

If she's 5-10 or close to it then so is he. I doubt he's any shorter than 5-9.5, 5-9 at worst but likely 5-9.5, 5-10.
Felix said on 3/Dec/08
Aratirion, no not that picture. It's a shot where Johnny and Benicio is going down some stairs and then Johnny talks: "This was Bob Hopes turf, Frank Sinatras! Full of plastic palm-trees" Something like that. You have a good shot there! and about the video, yeah it sure helps, he don't have that long legs. They are much shorter. But I can't really tell from that video. Someone comment that he only was 3 inches taller than his 12 year old sister or something (I don't know how tall his sister is, but I think he's saying that he wasn't that tall as he thought)
g said on 3/Dec/08
hey, I found the video where he appears without shoes :D Click Here I hope this helps.
g said on 3/Dec/08
I think depp is a 5'8.5 or even a 5'8, in the extra features from the blu ray of the movie pirates of the caribbean at world's end, there's a video when he is without shoes and talking with the director, I hope some one post the video or some photos of what I'm talking about and I think that will help a lot. I mean he looks like a 5'8.
Felix said on 2/Dec/08
Oyes I can tell that difference. And I said max 174cm, probably less.
Aratirion said on 2/Dec/08
You mean that one, right? Click Here
But you are right, he's looking 5'8 to 5'9 next to Del Toro during the movie. That could be weird posture because of the slouching or the shoe advantage (dress shoes vs. converse) of Del Toro... At premieres he looks 5'10 next to him.
And in nearly every picture I know... Next to Tim Burton min. 5'10.
miser said on 2/Dec/08
It's not possible to tell 174cm and 177cm apart by putting the guy next to someone who's 188cm, that's too big of a gap.

177cm is probably right on for Depp. Banderas is 174cm. Depp is a little bigger.
George said on 2/Dec/08
All right, all of you check the pictures with Robert Rodriguez and Salma Hayek at the Once Upon In Mexico premiere. Rodriguez is another 188 max, impossible Depp is 176-177 next to him.
George said on 2/Dec/08
All right, all of you check the pictures with Robert Rodriguez and Salma Hayek at the Once Upon In Mexico premiere. Rodriguez is another 188 max, impossibleDepp is 176-177 next to him.
Felix said on 1/Dec/08
The Horse of FUNK, Depp is not looking 176-177 next to del toro in Fear and Loathing, not a chance. Maximum 174cm, he looks very short next to Del Toro in a shot (a straight one) I've posted here 1,5 year ago. Sorry but he's not that tall next to him.
UNK said on 1/Dec/08
cuban heels in donnie brasco
The Horse of FUNK said on 1/Dec/08
He might be 176-177cm a guy, which would go along with what Glenn has seen. He looked this with Del Toro in Fear and Loathing, too. Actually, if I recall he wasn't that much shorter than Del Toro in Fear and Loathing and Del Toro's supposedly 6'2", granted Del Toro walked around barefoot a lot while Depp wore shoes.
glenn said on 1/Dec/08
he is 5-9 to 5-10.i had the most encounters.
Missy said on 30/Nov/08
The old brown 'grunge' boots that Johnny wears at a lot of events (i.e. MTV awards) are actually the 'friends' he wore when filming "Platoon". He did wear cowboy boots in the film "The Brave" for sure. I'm curious now about cowboy boots in "Donnie Brasco" and possibly "OUTIM" and "Arizona Dream"...I'll have to re-watch those DVD's. Normally I notice JD's eyes and hands...not his feet! LOL! I have never met him, however, I know a few who have and reports of his height range from 5'8" to 5'10". These peeps probably had the same problem I do...with the eyes & hands...LOL
miser said on 30/Nov/08
I have googled for it and did not find a single picture of him in "cowboy boots". I never saw a picture of him walking around or at an event in "cowboy boots". As for these famous beat up boots that he's been wearing since the 80's, I'd be surprised if they have a full inch of soles left to them.
Aratirion said on 30/Nov/08
These boots give him an inch, maybe 1,5 inch and are not really cowboy boots. The only time I have seen him wearing higher cut cowboy boots were in Donnie Brasco...
mark said on 29/Nov/08
I dont know how to hotlink unfortunately im no computer whizkid. However just look up johnny depp on google the first pic you see with his feet should show you a pair of 'cowboy boots'
glenn said on 29/Nov/08
more like 5-11,but yeah,he did look that all kinds of boots.some with no heel advantage at article i read said "at nearly 6ft tall,depp is taller than you would imagine".same moment i picked up another magazine that descibed depp as "small and petite".both descriptions by interviewers.
ACG said on 29/Nov/08
mark, you are wrong....depp looked 5'11.5 to glenn constantly in the early 90s, as i remember him saying. depp CAN look tall.
anonymous said on 29/Nov/08
Next to kiera knightly he looks 5 foot 9. 5 foot 9. Orlando bloom is 5 foot 10 because he's taller than 5 foot 9 mirranda kerr. Charlie sheen is 5 foot 9. Michael douglas is 5 foot 10.
miser said on 28/Nov/08
"The cowboy boots he always wears give him a good inch and a half lift in height which i beleive could be the reason he wears them so often. As an educated guess id say hes 5'8.5 barefoot. 5'9 with flat shoes. With the cowboy boots 5'10."

I'm not sure what "cowboy boots" you are referring to. Could you show me a pic?
mark said on 27/Nov/08
Depp never appears taller than 5'10 regardless of footwear. Any time you see him in pictures with normal flat shoes he looks short. The cowboy boots he always wears give him a good inch and a half lift in height which i beleive could be the reason he wears them so often. As an educated guess id say hes 5'8.5 barefoot. 5'9 with flat shoes. With the cowboy boots 5'10.
Aratirion said on 26/Nov/08
So Douglas is 5'9, Sheen and Depp 5'8 and Bloom 5'9. LOL ...
Lifts obviously do their job ...

I bet Douglas is about 5'9.5, so is Sheen and so is Depp. Bloom is an inch taller than them.
glenn said on 26/Nov/08
ill buy that tellem.except it gets confusing cause i finally bumped into douglas again after 14 years and he was still 5-9.
TELLEM said on 25/Nov/08
glenn says on 25/Nov/08
sheen is 5-9.5 to 5-10.

sheen looked an inch shorter than 5'10 michael douglas...he could be 5'9
TELLEM said on 25/Nov/08
miser says on 25/Nov/08
"sheen has been described at 5'8 depp could still be under that"

LOL yeah maybe he is 5-7 TELLEM. What about the Charlize pics? Sheen is not 5-8. Why do you only consider what you want to see? Jesus

Bottomline is: if this guy were 175cm flat he would simply never look tall as he sometimes does. He probably is a couple of centimeters over that if he would just stand straight, but likely not a full 5-10 nowadays. 176cm absolute minimum.

LOL 176cm minimum is a joke...hes looked short before...NO WAY does a thin 5'9-510 man EVER LOOK SHORT...what about the depp pics with his girlfriend on the boat? explain that smart guy...
glenn said on 25/Nov/08
sheen is 5-9.5 to 5-10.
miser said on 25/Nov/08
"sheen has been described at 5'8 depp could still be under that"

LOL yeah maybe he is 5-7 TELLEM. What about the Charlize pics? Sheen is not 5-8. Why do you only consider what you want to see? Jesus

Bottomline is: if this guy were 175cm flat he would simply never look tall as he sometimes does. He probably is a couple of centimeters over that if he would just stand straight, but likely not a full 5-10 nowadays. 176cm absolute minimum.
TELLEM said on 24/Nov/08
Aratirion says on 23/Nov/08
Johnny with 5'9 to 5'10 Charlie Sheen. Click Here
No way he is under 5'9.

sheen has been described at 5'8 depp could still be under that
Aratirion said on 24/Nov/08
@Bogie: And how do we know how tall Theron is? She could very well be over 5'10. Furthermore, one picture or one situation is not enough for a correct comparison. Yeah, telling from those he could be 2cm smaller, but maybe he is one or the same height? Btw; I never said that he couldn't be 5'9, I just think that there is no way he is under that. 5'9 to 5'10. 1.75 to 1.78, that's what we are debating about.

My admiration has nothing got to do with my way of judging his height. At first I thought he was about 5'8 to 5'9, I even thought 5'9 would be possible for Orlando Bloom. At that time I admired Johnny the very same I do now...
Insider said on 23/Nov/08
I think he was 5'9 at absolute peak. I think he is 5'8.5 right now and that's just my informed opinion.
miser said on 23/Nov/08
am i the only one that can't see aratirion's pics? the link directs me to the main page of the website
Bogie said on 23/Nov/08
Aratirion, you're blinded by your admiration for Johnny Depp. We saw him barefoot with Charlize theron and he's shorter by 2 cm so either he's 175 or 176.
Aratirion said on 23/Nov/08
Sorry, no hotlinking...

That's the correct link: Click Here
Aratirion said on 23/Nov/08
Johnny with 5'9 to 5'10 Charlie Sheen. Click Here
No way he is under 5'9.
Aratirion said on 23/Nov/08
I don't think Burton is 6'. Or he is slouching really badly. Johnny Depp is max. an inch smaller, telling from the pictures. I think Tim is more about 5'11.
johnnydepprulzzzzzzzz said on 23/Nov/08
there's no way he hate's tall people!he's friend with marilyn manson and tim burton,manson is listed at some site's at 6'3 and at some site's at 6'1,and tim is almost 6'0,you said that he wears lifts to make him taller that mean's that he want's to be taller than he is,so he couldn't hate tall people if he want's to be taller then he is!by the way he's my idol!
martiko said on 22/Nov/08
i guess its better to put one`s height tattod on his for head . it would save us time...
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
glenn are u serious? my New Balance shoes alone give about 1.1 inches... normal leather shoes give about an inch... what are u talkin about??
glenn said on 21/Nov/08
an inch boost.not all lifts are meant to be 2,3 inches.they have inch,inch and a half too.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/08
err glenn i dont understand... havent you been saying hes 5 10? and now youre saying that when u saw him at 5 11 he was obviously in lifts? what are you tryna say?
Felix said on 21/Nov/08
Click Here

Check that out! :P
glenn said on 21/Nov/08
i have seen him hit 5-11 alot in the early obviously lifts.
Insider said on 21/Nov/08
I ran into him over the summer, he was wearing sandals and was around my height, 5'8.5 maybe 5'8 because the sandals had heels. No way he is 5'10 barefoot, this is absurd, anyone who knows him or does business with him understands that he isn't the tallest actor, but that's not why he gets paid so much. Height means very little for on screen performance truth be told.
Midget said on 20/Nov/08
The best lifts in the business are a from a shop in Melbourne, Australia. web-"". Lifts ranging from 1.5' to a solid 4" for mens shoes apparently. Mostly dress shoes I think but they look ok on the net and not too obvious.Depp may wear soemthing similar to these shoes when in public.I still think 176cm-177cm at peak. Looked a solid 5'10" in his "Nick of Time" movie. Never looked short.175cm or 5'9" now though plus he slouches a lot which doesn't help our guesstimates.
derbi said on 20/Nov/08
no way is he under 5'9". Could be 5'10". Mt likely something in between...
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/08
agreed anonymous
TELLEM said on 20/Nov/08
great pics anonymous
GF said on 20/Nov/08
JD is 5'9." Not sure if that is morning or evening ht, although I presume it's closer to his evening height.
Felix said on 20/Nov/08
What part of COWBOYS BOOTS and LIFTS didn't you undertstand? Cowboy boots can give you 1,5-2 inches. maybe he put 1inch lift into those aswell.
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/08
Miser: the pics I linked have Johnny and Vanessa both barefoot. Every pic you've linked has him in shoes. He's widely rumored to wear lifts - there were pics posted before with Tim Burton, where Tim is clearly taller but Depp's shins are longer. Pics with shoes are worthless.

Click Here

They're clearly standing within a foot of each other. There's no way a 5'8-5'9 guy could look THAT small next to a woman who is 5'3 at best.
miser said on 20/Nov/08
"I belive he is 5'8 barefoot. With cowboy boots and lifts he reach 5'11."

So you can go from 5-8 to 5-11 with "lifts"? Would you please inform me where I can acquire such lifts? I would like to try these on, lol.
Felix said on 20/Nov/08
Depp ain't 5'10, I'm sure of that. He is mostly described as short, people are shoked of how short he is. Photos show him the shortest a weak 172cm and tallest 176cm. He actually don't look taller than this if you have his footwear in mind. I got the impression that Depp's posture insn't the best anymore, and he looks shorter these days with his hair down. I belive he is 5'8 barefoot. With cowboy boots and lifts he reach 5'11. Mostly 176-178cm depending on footwear.
miser said on 19/Nov/08
"aratirion orlando bloom was SAID to be measured at 179.5...which is a hair under 5 11. however noone has produced a picture or a video of this meaurement that works, so again that can be disputed."

Lol, yeah maybe it is all a conspiracy to make these actors look taller. We can't dismiss this possibility.
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
and by the way just cus you dont look as tall doesnt mean youre actually not as tall.. im 5 ft 9 and a half and i dont look tall... there are people i see from a distance who id figure is taller than me.. but when i walk past em im clearly taller.. so just cus he LOOKS taller doesnt mean he is
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
aratirion orlando bloom was SAID to be measured at 179.5...which is a hair under 5 11. however noone has produced a picture or a video of this meaurement that works, so again that can be disputed.i agree that depp is probably not under 5 9.. but i dont think hes quite 5 10
glenn said on 19/Nov/08
amen to that aratirion.
Midget said on 18/Nov/08
Here in Australia, we had multiple magazines and newspapers articles pushing the launch and success of the new program and also "rising star status" of it's cast members and many of these mags listed info (age,height,maritial status,film biography etc),about the lead depp, deluise etc. No guarantee it was accurate of course as they were celeb mags after all. Depp was listed as 5'9" and deluise at 6'1" plus they had Dustin Nyguen(i think this is spelt correct)at 5'7".
Aratirion said on 18/Nov/08
@Anonymus: No, I'm not Glenn's sidekick. I have long enough been studying Depp's height and at first I was a supporter of the under 5'9 suggestions ... But time can make one cleverer and the longer I am thinking about this subject the more I think that he could easily be 5'10. Explanation already given;
Orlando Bloom is not 5'10. Whatever someone tells someone I don't know either is not enough evidence for me. Bloom looks 5'11 upwards most of the time, Bloom is said to be 5'11, Bloom was measured 5'11, People who met him who are experienced in height judging say he is 5'11. Depp is an inch smaller.
miser said on 18/Nov/08
What 21jumpstreet "promotions/literature" listed him as 5-9?
Midget said on 17/Nov/08
Rob's got this one spot on. 175cm or 5'9" now, possible peak of 5'9.5".Was listed on 21jumpstreet as 5'9" in promotions/literature.
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/08
Aratirion what are you talking about. He is shorter than Theron so how are you saying he is 5'10". You show me where he looks 5'10" all the time. Yeah, next to his wife he looks less than 5'10". Maybe you aren't 5'9". You guys must not know a 5'10" guy who wears 1.5" inch boots. Aratirion are you Glenn's sidekick? Yeah, I know for a FACT he is not 5'10" because Orlando Bloom is no more than 5'10" and that is from someone who worked on one of his films.
TELLEM said on 17/Nov/08
miser says on 17/Nov/08
It is not possible to conclude that he looks 3" or 4" taller than her looking at these pics, they are not standing side-to-side or anything, this website is filled with such pictures which would lead one to all kinds of erroneous conclusions that contradict each other! Are you referring to any particular picture anonymous? This one is a little better:

Click Here

LOL he looks 5'7 there
miser said on 17/Nov/08
It is not possible to conclude that he looks 3" or 4" taller than her looking at these pics, they are not standing side-to-side or anything, this website is filled with such pictures which would lead one to all kinds of erroneous conclusions that contradict each other! Are you referring to any particular picture anonymous? This one is a little better:

Click Here
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/08
Here are barefoot pics with Vanessa Paradis, who is widely acknowledged as being a VERY petite woman - 5'3 at most.

Click Here

How can anyone see these pics and still believe he's 5'9 or 5'10? He looks 3" or 4" taller than her at the most.
Pamela said on 16/Nov/08
How funny, I stumbled on this site because I thought Harrison Ford looked shorter in the new Indie film so did a web search, as you do. Now I come on this page about Johnny Depp and that magazine clipping is from a teen mag (can't remember which one, possibly "Smash Hits") and it was when he was promoting Edward Scissorhands, I would had been about 15 and I'm 33 now. I was huge Depp fan then and being a teenager read that interview a million times. So, seeing that it's from a teen mag, I really wouldn't take the 5ft 7in as strictly accurate! I personally think he is probably around 5ft 9in,but no way as much a 5ft 10in. I'm a nurse and have to measure people on admission so can usually gauge quite well. But saying that it's different when you are just seeing them on the telly!
Aratirion said on 16/Nov/08
We know for a fact he is not 5'10? Where on this planet are you living? Depp looks 5'10 wherever you see him (pictures, videos, ...) and people who met him, who can be trusted, say he is 5'10.
I repeat; next to Tim Burton, Bloom, Pacino, Richards, B. del Toro, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Kate Moss and several others he looks 5'10 in his one inch heeled boots. Next to Glenn he looks 5'10. I do not know one single picture where he looks smaller than 5'9.

Small hands? This is your evidence? I am 5'9 and even in my tallest boots I do not look nearly as tall as Depp in his one inch boots. He could easily be 1.78. 1.75 the least, the very least...
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/08
5 foot 9? He looks barely taller than Kiera knightley and she's 5'7 if that!
johnnydepprulzzzzzzzz said on 16/Nov/08
he's 5'9 what is it so hard to understand??he never look 5'7-5'8!always 5'9 to 5'10!with charlize theron he wears no shoes and he's almost as tall as her and she's 5'10!
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/08
Disney execs said Depp had hands like a girl. small hands and slender fingers. I find it incredible people still say he is 5'10" when we know for a fact he is not. The evidence would place him between 5'8"-5'9". END OF STORY.
trueheight said on 16/Nov/08
also, those aren't cowboy boots anon, just regular working boots. Cowboy boots have a distinctive look and pronounced heel.
trueheight said on 16/Nov/08
@ anonymous. Ppl don't shrink an inch into their 40s, not even close. Maybe a couple mms after age 45.

I always thought Depp was 5'10 and always looked it, especially in his earlier film and TV roles.
miser said on 15/Nov/08
"where did this come from them?"

This quote comes from a female interviewer(as I suspected). I wonder if this woman is over 5'5 lol, she probably does not have much of a clue of what she was saying and clearly wasn't trying to be accurate. Here's the full transcript of the interview's passage:

"Up in Johnny
mark said on 15/Nov/08
Having read that i dont beleive depp is as short as 5'7. Id say 5'8 - 5'8.5 barefoot. It really is unbeleivable the enigma about this guys height, some interviewer needs to get his boots off get out a measuring tape and put this to bed once and for all.
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/08
"Its strange because although Johnny Depp is actually only 5' 7", he gives the illusion of being really tall." - Sometimes Depp can appear shorter.

where did this come from them?

Depp is the master of illusion people. Most people, apart from obviously us, look passed his height, he is an exceptional indiividual. But the reality is he is a short man, for argument sake between 170-175 cm. The man also has the stature and framework of a short man. But he is a typical example of someone which such a dominaiting and surreal presence that height is least impotant. Other people like this i can think of include bollywood celeb sharuk kahn, cilian murphy, thom yorke, robert downey jr
glenn said on 15/Nov/08
you can believe what you want.maybe he is 5-8. 5-7 is too low.most likely 5-9 5-10.
mark said on 15/Nov/08
By no means does it mean that depp is an ugly freak however he is exactly what i have said, i am a fan of his, but am no longer blind to the differance that make up and the big screen does to ones appearance., and hence dont find him attractive. I have met both depp and tom. Depp being very short like 5'7 and very skinny, and his skin was quite pitted, welling was 6'2 he had a very nice body and nice skin. They were both nice people to me, but theres is no dount which one was more attractive. How is descibed his is EXACTLY how he looks, i never said he was an ugly freak, that was your response to my description. Therefore it would be an obvious assumption to me that someone who is very skinny and short isnt someone you would find overly attractive.
This is a quote from someone who has met depp, and its a fact he has pitted skin it is clear at the shooting scene at the end of donnie brasco. Would she then lie about his height?
Felix said on 14/Nov/08
Watched many youtube movies when Johnny is in town and somebody filmed it. There's almost always someone that's saying: He look short, how tall was he? And people who met him says 5'7-5'8. almost everyone... I think anonymous is pretty much right on, even though i thought Johnny was 174cm...
Anonymous said on 14/Nov/08
You guys continue to say 5'10" with only evidence being glenn says he is because he met him. Simply ridiculous.
Aratirion said on 14/Nov/08
How can you be 100% convinced just by some photographs? Glenn has actually met him twice and told us he seemed 5'10. Depp can also look 5'10 next to some celebs. Tim Burton, Orlando Bloom, Keith Richards, Benicio del Toro, ... You could add several others to that list. Posture is not everything. If I see people the first time from a far distance I often judge them smaller than what they really are, just because of their posture or clothing or whatever. When they stand next to me I find out that they are way taller than what I thought.

Depp looks 5'10 on pictures, Depp appears 5'10 when people meet him and Depp never really looks short. Yes, 5'9 maybe, I also think he could be about that nowadays. But no one can be 100% convinced that he is that height...
Leah said on 14/Nov/08
I'm 5'2 and he wasn't much taller than me when i met him a few years ago. He's a very small man. I'd say 5'5
glenn said on 14/Nov/08
it would be nice if he were my height.but he isnt 5-8. 5-9 to 5-10
TELLEM said on 13/Nov/08
anonymous makes some valid points...i mean the man was an inch taller than 5'7 sean penn in some gettyimages pics...he could be around that height
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/08
Depp's a tricky one to judge height-wise. I swear on Pirates of the Caribbean he looked shorter than when he was in Donnie Brasko and edward scissorhands. His thin frame adds to the illusion of him being taller. I am 99% confident this man, like many other truly below 5 foot 10 celebs is inseucre of his height, and wears cowboy boots often to compensate for it. He, in many films, is only a tad taller than his female co-star. I reckon Depp is a true true 5 foot 7.75, and probably an inch taller in his prime. Eveery photograph of him suggests he has a frame for a short guy, and looks even shorter when he bulks up. This man is an intense actor, extremely good looking (and i am a guy) and very popular..i think most women out there dont really care about the fact he is actually quite short. A true 5 foot 8. I am 99% convinced
glenn said on 12/Nov/08
but not always in the street when i see them.
miser said on 11/Nov/08
lol, by about 12cm? just how on earth would you know it's exactly 12cm and not 13, 14 or 15? maybe because penelope cruz is listed here at 163cm and 163+12=175? go figure. anonymous how much height do you think can be gained from "lifts"?
Anonymous said on 11/Nov/08
Why do people keep using movies as examples? Unless the actors are clearly barefoot, they're useless. Lifts are used EXTENSIVELY in Hollywood.
anonymous said on 10/Nov/08
In blow he was taller than penelope cruz by about 12cm. 5 foot 9 seems right. He is an intense actor.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.