How tall is Johnny Depp - Page 4

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Average Guess (498 Votes)
5ft 8.65in (174.4cm)
Adamz said on 5/Oct/13
saw him in LA; could be 173 to 176 not sure.
Mathew said on 1/Oct/13
Weak 5'9" guy. I'd go with 174 - 175 cm, leaning towards 175.
Troy said on 27/Sep/13
Rob what can you say on height difference of Johnny and Tom including their footwears based of what Koalized just posted? Is this the right time to downgrade Johnny Depp?
Samuel said on 23/Sep/13
I watched these pics here below .. and Johnny is wearing shoes with a 1 1/2 inch-heel (i guess if i'm not blind)
He might be around 174-175 cm (about 5'9), but 172 cm is also possible i think. A weak 5'8 for him, maybe. Peak - 175 cm.
Koalized said on 22/Sep/13
The 5th link doesn't work, it linked to a photo when the Bardem shoes were shown. Like in this one Click Here
Koalized said on 22/Sep/13
Rob, did you receive my last comment?
Koalized said on 21/Sep/13
Some pics of interest:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Troy said on 18/Sep/13
Johnny is 5'8"-5'8.5" but more likely 5'8.5". He really never look exact 5'9" and to his frame too. 5'8.5" is the height of Johnny that's why rob has him at 5'9" and sometimes can easily look 5'10-11" with big heels on and also most of the time people see him as 5'7-8" because the truth is Johnny Depp is 5'8.5"! Am i right rob?
Troy said on 18/Sep/13
Johnny's height is really hard to tell because in the series 21 jumpstreet he really look tall next to Peter Deluise and Peter himself is 6'1" so i guess Johnny was around 5'11" in that series but now i can see him only atleast 5'8" in the movies i saw him recently. And most of you people here see him only at 5'7"?? Rob what do you think of this?
denter said on 16/Sep/13
i never saw over 5-8.5 (174 cm) for him ever but even solid 5-8 looks right to me
nagaden said on 10/Sep/13
Was next to him while shopping at American Rag in SF. He's around 5'6" maybe 5'7". My g-friend at the time is 5'3" and she was as tall with heels. His handprint at Planet Hollywood is also tiny. Small guy.
Alice said on 31/Aug/13
I saw him while they were shooting The Lone Ranger in Arizona. I'm 5'6 and he wasn't a lot taller than me, wearing shoes. I think 5'7 sounds right, maybe 5'8. More than that is being too generous.
f said on 29/Aug/13
he can't be more than 5-8 without shoes..he was only an inch taller than cruise and they were side by side
Koalized said on 28/Aug/13
There is just a magazine old of 20 years ( when Depp was not yet a star,and a greatest part of his fans was teenager girls that prefer tall guy) that quotes these words by Depp, and this quote would be silly even if Depp is 5'9". For what we know that quote should be partially wrong (newspapers often have mistakes in their articles) or totally invented!
Sain\'t said on 23/Aug/13
I dont think he would claim 5'11" if he wasn't atleast 5'9" or a less likely 5'10" at his very possible tallest or with shoes. He would just look silly. I think 5'9" is very fair.
Cal92 said on 22/Aug/13
He came to UC Berkeley to speak and I'm 5'9.5 barefoot. He was a lot shorter than me. 5'7 max.
IndroB said on 12/Aug/13
Sorry, I met Depp in Rome (he was there to promote "The Tourist"). I passed right by him. I am 5'10.5'' and was wearing sneakers.
He is very attractive, very polite (he actually waved to me first; he saw I was staring at him, trying to figure out whether I wasn't mistaken; I wasn't), but I got to say, he's nowhere near 5'9''. Not even close.
He was wearing boots and still, he was considerably shorter.
I'd put him at 5'7'', 5'8'' max. Quite talented too.
Tomfc said on 4/Aug/13
He honestly looks about 5'10" here standing next to 6'1" director Gore Verbinsky and 6'4" Army Hammer (I can't see Hammer as 6'5" but who knows?):
Click Here
(scroll down the page) greg right he seems at least 178 maybe 179-181 range rob does he wears lifts or he is around 179 range?
cole said on 31/Jul/13
greg says on 22/Jul/13
He honestly looks about 5'10" here standing next to 6'1" director Gore Verbinsky and 6'4" Army Hammer (I can't see Hammer as 6'5" but who knows?):
Click Here
(scroll down the page)

I agree, he looks 5'10 range there, at least in those boots. I wouldn't bet on him being shorter than 5'9.
kal said on 29/Jul/13
i think 5'8 is just about right! does give the impression he is 5'10 though not more. if u look at alot of his movies always wearing cowboy boots which makes him taller anyway they all look shorter in real life..downey jr, vam damme, bpitt etc. all look much smaller in real life.
Nick Of time said on 25/Jul/13
I stood right next to Johnny Depp when I worked as an extra on the movie
"Nick of Time" and I'm 5'9" and clearly was taller than him by an inch.
Johnny Depp is 5'8".
Meltdown said on 24/Jul/13
I was actually on a FB page for one of the top Johnny Depp fan pages on the internet and the woman running it argued with me that Johnny was 5'11. She was very serious about it. Just another reminder to stay away from his fans who are delusional whack jobs and need professional help.
romanspqr said on 21/Jul/13
5'9 sounds about right. Sometimes gives a 5'10 impression. Yes he does wear boots but not the military/hiking type with huge soles/heels. He likes those vintage looking ones that have modest heel. Sure he could slip a lift inside. I've sorted thru tons of pics. I have not seen him in elevators.
bodwaya said on 17/Jul/13
5 foot 11 mikey rourke has 2 inches on in in once upon time mexico.Depp pitt clooney are all bad actors who r lucky for there looks. Actors like dustin hoffman is not considerd a heartthrob yet he is a top notch actor and has to work hard to get where he is
JB said on 6/Jul/13
I think he's closer to 5'8" than 5'9". But his claim was 5'11" at some point? wow, it's normal to lie about your height by an inch or so, everybody does it. But I'm 5'8" and would never even consider trying to get away with saying I'm 5'11". That's just too much of a height difference.
bobo said on 3/Jul/13
met him in NYC in an wife is 5'5" without heels...she was wearing heels and looking a bit down at Johnny. He's no where close to 5'9" claimed. Great actor though and nice fellow.
Linebacker28 said on 1/Jul/13
After seeing several of his films, I couldn't agree more with this listing. Always appeared squarely average in height to my eye, but that's really peanuts compared to everything else he has. He's the embodiment of "cool" and an amazing actor.
JB said on 30/Jun/13
He's the same height as keith richards. Keith is 5'8" or 5'8.5"
Olivia said on 26/Jun/13
I met Johnny Depp at a premiere and he was barely taller than me with boots on. I'm 5'9, so I guess that would put him around 5'8.5-5'8.75 flatfooted...I don't think he's quite 5'9, but pretty close.
Koalized said on 25/Jun/13
Bruckeimer is wearing italian shoes mocassini, with almost not heel at all, Depp is wearing cowboy boots and the instep of the shoes of both Depp and Cruise looks too much angled for the heels of their shoes.
Koalized said on 25/Jun/13
Interesting new pics of Depp with Tom Cruise, both wearing large shoes, and Bruckeimer, normal shoes. I don't think that without the shoes advantages Depp can be taller that Bruckeimer. What do you think, Rob?
Editor Rob
he might have 1cm thicker heel than jerry, cruise's actual heel part looks a little less than depp, but as said, it is always possible to fit something in boots and not really tell.
Silent d said on 22/Jun/13
Towered by armie hammer. I remember in platoon, he was the same height as his friend charlie sheen. There was also a photo with him and nicolas cage. He was a little shorter. Maybe 2 inches and a bit. 5 foot 9.
Mathew said on 17/Jun/13
I'd have him somewhere in the 174 - 175 cm range. 5'8.5" - 5'8.75". Doesn't quite pull off the full 5'9".
bodwaya said on 17/Jun/13
he was towered by 6 foot bale in public emenimes by 3 inches. % foot 9 nothing more
Richie Rich said on 13/Jun/13
What Chris posted. 5'7.5" for Depp. He always wears boots. Never seen him in sneakers or regular shoes.
Check his arm and torso length next to Ricky Gervais. They're the same. Only difference come from the shoes.
Meltdown said on 5/Jun/13
Matthew says on 21/Apr/13

Hey Matthew, that is VERY believable. I hope you can share the measurements. Remember people, this is likely his mid-day height so he is probably closer to 5ft 9.25in first thing in the morning.
Koalized said on 30/May/13
Chris you are welcome! Finally someone else that support his own opinion with some documents(and my and your conclusions are almost the same...maybe it is just coincidence...)
Emil said on 23/May/13
I dont think Depp is insecure about his height at all. I just believe he is mistaken about his height
Chris said on 22/May/13
Same as Cruise at 5' 7.75'' (172 cm) Barefoot and 5' 9.5'' (176 cm) in Boots. He looks 5' 7'' in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (in tennis shoes) and in the beach scene in Pirates 1 (barefoot with Keira Knightley).

Click Here
Click Here
MaskDeMasque said on 17/May/13

5'8.75 is possible for Depp. Thats the lowest i can see him though.
BRUTAL said on 13/May/13
Clearly in the 5ft 8 to 5ft 9 range. Normal height, nothing remarkable about Johnny in that regard. His charisma, charm and talent on the other hand are all excellent.
Anon said on 12/May/13

Would be nice if you showed your evidence.
Juicey said on 6/May/13
Depp is same height ass joe rogan so whatever height rogan is that's the same as depp
Dman1528 said on 27/Apr/13
Depp is 5foot8 to 5foot8.5 max
I 'm a shortie so everyone is tall to me said on 24/Apr/13
I don 't think most people know their height, so he may not be lying he just might really think that. I was shocked when I measured myself and found out I was several inches shorter than I thought
Matthew said on 21/Apr/13
I work with stylists all day long who tailor custom pieces for celebrities. Recently I met Johnny Depp. A leather designer from Los Angeles was doing a jacket for him. So I have all of Johnny's measurements on file (bicepts, arm, front, shoulder measurements, etc) as well as his height. I can tell you for a fact that he is 5ft 8.75in. Thought I'd share this with you as I was surprised, I thought he'd be taller.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 12/Mar/13
He looks 3 inches taller than Gervais. That's 1 due to lifts. All factors taken into consideration = 5'9
Jack said on 12/Mar/13
5'9'5"(177 cm)..
Koalized said on 12/Mar/13
Click Here and Depp wears boots; 5'8'' for him.
Cjhipster said on 11/Mar/13
I heard that he was 5.foot7
bakel said on 6/Mar/13
Wonder why he looks 5ft10+ with Gervais...
howie said on 3/Mar/13
Ricky Gervais is 5 ft 7 and is 4 inch shorter than JD in the Globes vid :-Click Here
Koalized said on 27/Feb/13
My little pony Princess met mister Depp, she's just 5 ft and she said Depp was her height. Really tired of that useless post.
(s)ain\'t said on 26/Feb/13
My Dad met Jhonny Depp. My Dad is on average 5'11" and he said Jhonny Depp was his height.
JYDE said on 26/Feb/13
Hospital records show Mr. Depp's height as being 5'7 & 1/2. If you don't believe it, do some research for yourselves!
Koalized said on 24/Feb/13
First of all is very difficult to compare height with the precision of the centimeter, and it's even more difficult to find out the height of a person with an hat.
Moreover Timothy Hutton does not look 6ft at all near to Travolta.
Wipeout said on 20/Feb/13
My best guess is he is 5'9.25 in the morning and 5'8.5 at night, since we fluctuate about 3/4 of an inch throughout the day. 5'9 is about dead-on. Otherwise 5'8.75 mid-day.
??? said on 16/Feb/13
Guys last time I was on here months ago it said 5'8 I swear lol....why do they keep changing heights
Editor Rob
it's not changed for years, you must be looking at another site.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/13
Looks more 5'10" than 5'8". I think he's a solid 5'9"
BONNI said on 6/Feb/13
I met him years ago. I'm 5'10", was wearing 2" heels and was at least 5" taller than he was.
Matheuscore said on 27/Jan/13
Something between 5'8~5'9.
Koalized said on 26/Jan/13
Abbs says on 24/Jan/13
I've met him on several occasions and stood next to him at premieres in the past; he's definitely 5'10".

During premieres stars wear lifts.
Excelsior said on 25/Jan/13
The best answer is probably between 5'7" and 5'8" because of the movie Donnie Brasco. Pacino is short, like 5'5" short, and Depp looked a couple of inches taller than him throughout that movie (some scenes they looked identical, other scenes you can tell Depp is taller). I don't think either of them wore lifts and that movie.
Abbs said on 24/Jan/13
I've met him on several occasions and stood next to him at premieres in the past; he's definitely 5'10".
Pic said on 13/Jan/13
Donny, can you share the picture you took?
Donny said on 12/Jan/13
My daughter and I met him last night at a Benefit for Autism in Texas and he is only 5'7" at best... I'm 5"11 and you can see that I'm 3 to 4 inches taller in the pic we took with him ~
Amy said on 5/Jan/13
I had the privelage of meeting him in person, and I can assure you.. He is only about 5'7"!
(S)ain't said on 2/Jan/13
He is at least 5'9" in my opinion. Probably 5'10"
Bogie said on 27/Dec/12
Shredder, Depp wears lifts. I don't know if you recall, but he wasn't that much taller than 5'6,5'' Glenn in both shots he took with him.
bodwaya said on 8/Nov/12
pitt is bad at accents he may play weird roles but he plays then the same . same voice same inflections. He gets off by his looks.he hasnt gotten any better with age either.His roles should go to ryan gosling an actor considerd a heartthorb yet can actualy act
MaskDeMasque said on 7/Nov/12

i agree that clooney doesn't have much range but pitt? i think he does serious roles and strange roles well.Check out 12 monkeys, he's brilliant in that.
bodwaya said on 6/Nov/12
well silent d i dont care for pacino or eastwood(escpecially eastwood) those actors got no range.freeman and bacon r good actors.Alotugh i think bacon is underated and sadley dosent get the credit he deserves. freeman was good in shawhsank and bacon got no noms mystic river.depp was 2 inches shorter then 5 foot 11 geofrey rush
Koalized said on 5/Nov/12
Where did my last comment go?
Editor Rob
submit it again if it doesn't appear.
Silent d said on 4/Nov/12
Where's al pacino, morgan freeman, clint eastwood and kevin bacon? 175cm.
bodwaya said on 1/Nov/12
hanks and leo r amazing actors. Hanks is my all time fav.Here is my fav in order. top 5. 1.hanks,2kevin costner,3gene hackman 4denzel,5th deniro. depp cant compare with any of those actors.Judging from his interveiws i think he does alot of weed. He seems strange and sloppy when he speaks. 5 foot 9 nothing more. in blow he was twoerd by 6 foot ray loaita by 3 inches
Silent d said on 30/Oct/12
I guess so but noone compares to the great tom hanks and leonardo dicaprio and a few others. I guess depp can only do weird. 175cm.
bodwaya said on 24/Oct/12
pitt and clooney have no range. Depp pitt , clooney all got in cuase of their looks if they look the way they did they would be all sweeping floors at burger king. I use to be shy but acting really help me come out of my shell.I love drama class iam not good at but its fun.Your right agree to disagree even though iam no fan of depp he still better than pitt and clooney. Although to be fair before pirates he wasnt that famous
Silent d said on 21/Oct/12
Not everyone can act. They can try to act but won't be as successful as him and others. Agree to disagree. Brad pitt and clooney are good actors. Brad pitt in kalifornia and clooney has range. 5 foot 9. I heard acting is a great way to meet girls and come out of your shell but it'll be pretty scary to act in front of people. Acting is a confidence builder. I am shy but I might give it a try one day.
bodwaya said on 15/Oct/12
thats the point he has no range. Even when he plays weird character he uses the same inflections. Anyone can act on film. Its tougher acting on stage.Depp cannot do that. He has no training it shows. example actor like denzel can do that has done shakpsher one of the hardest. Depp cannot do that he just a teen hearthroad like brad or clooney(although he is more talented then pitt or clooney thats not saying much)but depp is bad actor.
Silent d said on 12/Oct/12
Bodwaya he is a great actor. It is hard to act in weird movies. You have to have this certain amount of talent and creativity. He is no robert de niro but he is a different type of actor. Not everyone can do dramatic roles. He is just sticking to his strengths and he is growing as an actor. He is different. He becomes the character he plays. 5 foot 9.
bodwaya said on 7/Oct/12
u say lack pretty boy looks? he is considered a sex symbol by countless of girls. I am a straight guy i am not going to judge his looks. but he u say hes is a good actor. No he has has can only play weird characters. When he plays a dramatic role he comes off as flat (finding never land example. He has no actign training and it shows. plus he is not a good guy he use to a conrinic drug abuser and hes been jail before.
menina said on 6/Oct/12
Although I think he looks to be 5'9"-- what difference does his height make? tall or short he's a great actor as attested by the wide range of characters he has played. Wwhat he lacks in typical hollywood leading man looks, he compensates ith his strong masculine looks; reminiscent of the golden age of hollywood standard for strong male characters. whichis preferable to today's mamby pamby pretty boy actors.Having said that, he is very easy on the eyes.
I've also read that he is a good, loyal friend who never forgets a favor.
rish... said on 4/Oct/12
i thought he is 5'11
rintu said on 4/Oct/12
My height is
5' 6''inches
hey johnny depp hi.
echochamber said on 29/Sep/12
5'9.5" no less is my guess... Unless he is flat out lying about being close to 5'11" how could he be less than 5'9-5'10? The guy who said he was 5'7" probably didn't know what he was talking about.
John said on 29/Sep/12
5'8.5. I don't like splitting hairs but really looks a bit under 5'9.
Louis said on 27/Sep/12
keira knightley is definitely under 166
look at her with Jude Law
Silent d said on 26/Sep/12
There was a photo with him and nicolas cage taken in the late eigthies. He was about 6cm shorter than cage. I heard he was friends with charlie too. Have to find a photo of that. Charlie is 5 foot 9. I remember he was in a movie with charlize theron and they were about the same height. I'm laughing that people think he is 170cm. That would make alpacino 160, orlando bloom 170, keira knightley 166 and amber heard 165cm. 5 foot 9 is right on.
Ahmed khan said on 21/Sep/12
I am also 5 ft 9 in and I want to be a Hollywood actor like johnny depp.Because he is my teacher and I am his student.
bodwaya said on 8/Sep/12
in edward siccorhands he is equal height with 5 foot 9 alan arkin
Koalized said on 7/Sep/12
I posted a lot of pics and other clues (like opinions and photos of several fans that met the actor) on Depp height in the past: 5'8'' for him is my documented opinion.
MaskDeMasque said on 5/Sep/12

Depp has never claimed 5'7. He doesn't look 5'7 at all. 5'9 is correct.
Simon said on 29/Aug/12
Johnny Depp is 5'7, like he said. Guys, go to Madame Tussauds in London. I am 175cm and he is similar/a cm shorter. He said it himself that he was 5'7 and nobody at below 5,8 would claim a lower height, usually the other way around.
logan noll 1996 said on 23/Aug/12
If Depp is 5'9, then so is Orlando Bloom.
Meltdown said on 4/Aug/12
In the Bonus features for "Pirates 1" DVD, there was a diagram showing Johnny Depp at 5'10. Then for casting of photo doubles in "Pirates 3" he was listed as 5'9.
KN said on 4/Aug/12
Well, I'm going to need proof as anyone else. Feel free to provide them please.
2nd truth said on 29/Jul/12
gary busy and bencio del toro
towered him in fear and loathing in las vegas

so did christopher walken in nick of time

5 7 to 8
i doubt hes 5 9 to 5 10 just wouldnt make sense

5 9 in shoes sorry kn
KN said on 26/Jul/12
2nd truth, don't get me wrong or anything, but...
Do not start on Johnny Depp, PLEASE! :D
I don't think he should get an upgrade from now on. Even if he might be 176 cms from now on his body is going to shrink bit by bit.
Tarik said on 24/Jul/12
He never looked particularly tall compared to other actors he worked with but I still think he needs an slight upgrade. I've watched enough movies in which he featured to be able to say that Depp is closer to 5'10 than 5'9. Perhaps 177 cm and a half would be his exact height but then again it's tough to say for sure.
2nd truth said on 24/Jul/12
if brad is 5 11 on the web
considered 5 10 in person
and downgraded among peers to 5 9

then this guy is 5 foot 7 to 5 8 max sorry
altough he is a genuine actor i can disagree
that this guy is really cool 6 foot 2 or not he could
have been 5 foot 4 for all we care right?
Aditya singh said on 11/Jun/12
I am 5'9" and I took a picture with Jhonny Depp. He is a super cool guy.He was taking pictures with everyone. I have not seen a cooler celen than him. He was my height.. You guys are right he is 5' 9"
MaskDeMasque said on 9/Jun/12

Depp looks a maximum of 2 inches taller there but who knows what kind of shoes they've got going on. assuming they have the same size shoes that would put gervais at 5'7 and depp at 5'9.
Will said on 8/Jun/12
Depp & Gervais
Click Here
Mr S said on 6/Jun/12
@Rob. Do you think that a peak 5'10" is out of the question? Depp may be in the 5'9" range now because he is nearly 50 but in his earlier films he did look 5'10" imo. In "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" he looked a clear 4" taller than 5'6" Juliette Lewis and no more than 3" shorter than 6'1" John C Rielly.
Editor Rob
depp can look 5ft 9-9.5. I don't think he's really lost much height, I mean mm's maybe
VMK said on 10/Feb/12
Hey Rob. A while back there was that picture of assumed 5'8" Glenn. With that assumption Johnny looked 5'9". Knowing now that Glenn is in fact 5'7" at most, where does that leave Johnny?
Editor Rob
I still don't think Johnny is under 5ft 9.

I wouldn't use G's photo as it was shot very close with G nearer. Who knows how much that added to G's height ;)
kkr said on 6/Feb/12
maybe in his youth 5-9 but now no more than 5-8
Silent d said on 5/Feb/12
He is not 5 foot 7 or 8. He has to be taller than tom cruise and mark wahlberg. I don't see him as 5 foot 8. 5 foot 9.
LG69 said on 28/Jan/12
5'8" barefoot
Koalized said on 27/Jan/12
Tabula rasa, Rob? :)
5'8'' for Depp
Silent d said on 26/Jan/12
5 foot 9. How do you know regis doesn't wear lifts?
Brad said on 8/Jul/09
Glenn said he was 5' 10". Another laffer. He's not close. G said he's 5' 7.5" in pictures down below, he sure looks it with Jenny. Height expert. Yeah, he sure was. He can't get his own 5' 6.5" right at 10 P.M. scooter.
Emma said on 8/Jul/09
Johnny Depp is definitely no more than 5ft 8 if that. I was inches away from him in my flats and I am 5'8" so its a good comparison. You can tell by his petite frame and narrow shoulders and small hands. He has the physique of a very young man, almost like pubescent. However he is perfectly formed and has the most beautiful facial bone structure from every angle and an amazing completion. I am still elated to have been that close after being obsessed with him since 1984
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/09
just watched public enemies and he stood in front of a lineup at police station and measured his head was between 5'6 and 5'8
Anonymous said on 4/Jul/09
Depp is at least 2 inches shorter than Bloom who happens to be at least 1.5 inches shorter than Brad Pitt.

Pitt is exactly 180 cm - not any taller. Let's be generous and say that Bloom is 178 which is generous since 2 cm is less than one solid inch. Then Depp can be 172-74 cm max with being exactly two inches shorter than Bloom. (I look at red carpet pics etc. to make these comparisons)

Unless Brad or Orlando constantly wear lifts, there is no way Depp is taller than 174 cm, plus he looks to be shorter than most actors anyways.
GF said on 4/Jul/09
5-7 hrs of sleep is not good for you long-term. A normal amount of sleep for a long life is 7-9 hrs per night. I was just saying after some days of significantly losing sleep it's good to experience a good night to sleep in. It helps your body regenerate. However, clinical studies have also proven getting too much sleep (more than 9 hrs a night) can actually reduce your lifespan as well. So it's important to get just enough, once again 7-9 hrs per night and whatever your height is when you wake up after that go by, unless you want to go by what Doctors say you are mid-day which is what most people do.
Felix said on 2/Jul/09
5'8 no more
Shawn said on 1/Jul/09
And yet TELLEM, you think Cruise is 5'7. I can guarantee you right now, there is no way in hell there'd be 3 inches between Cruise and Depp. Shame the two have never been photographed together in all their years in Hollywood. It's one or the other... Either Cruise is taller than 5'7 or Depp is shorter than 5'10.
TELLEM said on 30/Jun/09
depp and turturro Click Here
trueheight said on 29/Jun/09
yeah but nobody sleeps for 12hrs unless 1) you had way too much to drink or 2) you are in-patient in a hospital. If these swings are indicative of your sleep pattern, I suggest you seek to reduce stress, as it is unhealthy in the long run.

Most adults sleep 5-7 hrs per night.
TELLEM said on 29/Jun/09
i'm starting to think johnny depp is really 5'10. look at him with 6'0 john turturro Click Here about a 2 inch diff. and with 6'2 benicio del toro: Click Here
Click Here

he looks 5'10
GF said on 27/Jun/09
trueheight, I have personally experienced more than 1.25 inches in height variation. This only happens in EXTREME CASES, but it still happens.

For ex, when I sleep a normal night of about 8-9 hrs, I wake up at almost exactly 5-10, or slightly shorter. Within 4-6 hrs I am 5-9.5 and after being up for 16-20 hrs I am slightly above 5-9.

But for those rarer cases -- days I can sleep in for 12 hrs + I have been measured in at 5-10.25 and days when I am on my feet for over 24 hrs straight I have been measured in at exactly 5-9 or possibly slightly below.

So most days I usually go from just over 5-9 to maybe 5-9.75 offering a deviation of 3/4 of an inch but in extreme cases I have varied in height as much as 1.25 inches or more. It all depends on if I have an exceptional amount of sleep, an exceptional lack of sleep, or just a typical night. My maximum and minimum height fluctuates from the normal 3/4 inch if I get an abnormal amount of sleep, or suffer an exceptional lack of sleep.
trueheight said on 26/Jun/09
GF, actually it's closer to 1/2 inch for most ppl. And this whole morning height thing is nonsense. You pretty much reach your height within 2hrs of waking. That's like if you wake up, eat breakfast, shower and get ready for work, you are basically your normal height by that time.

The best evidence we have is the Charlize Theron scene, proves 5'9.
Brad said on 26/Jun/09
Glenn said "he's 2" taller than my 5' 7.5" frame". Hey John, that was the height expert.
GF said on 25/Jun/09
If we all sleep at night and wake up in the morning then throughout the day we lose height (about an inch) at the same pace. But try going all night without sleep and standing next to someone else who just got up and you will see a greater height gap than normal.

Depp is approx 5-9 as a low height. Max height he is close to an inch taller, like most of us are. Not many people understand the effects of gravity on their heights. It has more to do with what position you sleep in and how long you sleep for, not so much what time of day. You will always be tallest immediately after sleeping horizontally 9 hrs +.
John said on 25/Jun/09
Stood next to him outside an LA restuarant. He was eye to eye with me and wearing sandles. I am barely 5'8". I nodded my head at him and walked right by him. He reciprocated.
Jay said on 21/Jun/09
"Why can't this site just contact some of these celebs like Depp and ask them to make a video, barefoot with someone measuring their height."

Go ahead : jd at
Fritz the Cat said on 20/Jun/09
Never seen this picture before. Here we have two 5'9'ers, Stallone together with Depp. Depp wearing resoled Boots (seen them in other pics where it's clearer), and Stallone wearing... elevators? Meh, I wouldn't be surprised if Depp was a tad shorter though, keeping the Depp Pacino pictures further down in mind.
Click Here
George said on 18/Jun/09
What I was trying to say is: stop making evening height an alibi. You can't really relay to it when you judge heights.. not like Glen, who pretended to be 2 inches taller after sleep..
in my case I never felt shorter in the evening
Anonymous said on 16/Jun/09
GF what are you talking about. you are clueless.
GF said on 16/Jun/09
"George says on 1/Jun/09
Evening height... that makes me laugh!!"

It's called gravity buddy. Look it up!!

And JD is approx 5'9" evening height. Day time add close to an inch.
trueheight said on 15/Jun/09
no more than 5'9 for Depp I think. Glenn photo looks like he is in mid-stride? Glenn is 5'7, JD looks 5'8 in that photo
Danny said on 10/Jun/09
I agree with vlad that reducing certain people to ridiculous heights in silly. I have always thought Depp was 5ft 8, possible 5ft 9. He often wears what apears to be an inch lift or so, making him a possible 5ft 10 now and then, which on film looks about 6ft. He isn't tall, but he isn't short either. He's pretty much bog standard average height. He's awesome though, big Depp fan.
Rance, said on 9/Jun/09
orlando bloom is stated as 5ft 10 to 10 n half, now in pirates when stood together with depp without hats etc you can clearly see bloom is a good 2 inches taller than depp, obviously both wearing boots so the height gap between would be pretty much the same if both barefoot, therefore depp has got to be 5ft 8inch barefoot tops.
Vlad303 said on 9/Jun/09
Why can't this site just contact some of these celebs like Depp and ask them to make a video, barefoot with someone measuring their height. Problem solved.

I've seen different pics of Depp's frame and I can't say he is 5'7. I'm not an expert but he could anything from 5'8 and a 1/2 to 5'9 and a 1'2. Not a clear 5'8 if you're thinking he is in that range but not a clear 5'10 either if you're thinking he is in that range.

But all this reducing to 5'7 and 5'5 by people is ridiculous and degrading. I know some of these celbs hide their height like Bradd Pitt but I don't think Johny Depp is one of those. Why not just contact him and measure his height.
mmm said on 7/Jun/09
in sweeney todd next to 6'1 alan rickman he seemed to be 5'10--at least 5'9 barefoot he is
Jay said on 5/Jun/09
He's always been 5ft 7 and wore large heels. There were photos of him barefoot on a yacht with Vanessa Paradis and he wasn't that much taller than her.

Glenn who used to have this following photo on this page about when he met Depp in high heeled boots. Since we have found out that Glenn is normally 5ft 7 or under then you can tell in this photo that Depp should be downgraded to 5ft 7 at the very most

Click Here
dddd said on 4/Jun/09
yes he shranks with age and he will shrank another inch
Felix said on 4/Jun/09
exactly. I think 173-174 barefoot morning, 176cm sneakers, 5'10 boots, could reach 5'11 in the 90's with funny shoes.
trueheight said on 3/Jun/09
what's this about peak?

The man is 46, he hasn't shrunk more than a few mms.
dddd said on 3/Jun/09
i think he was 5'9 barefoot at peak and now he is 5'8
George said on 1/Jun/09
Evening height... that makes me laugh!!
Aratirion said on 31/May/09
Ok, good, I was wrong about Glenn being a legit 5'8. But that doesn't change much. Glenn's pics with Depp weren't my only source for believing Depp could be 5'10. And, by the way, ... even if Glenn were 5'7 in those, Depp still looked a bit more than 2 inches taller ... and it was evening height.
Anonymous said on 30/May/09
My friend meet Johnny Deep about a year ago when he was filming a movie in our town. She is 5'8" and when she met him she said she was suprised to see how short he was, she said he was around my height. I'm 5'5 1/2", she said there was no way he was taller than 5'7". I didn't believe her at first but when she showed me all of the pictures she took with him, she was taller than him.
Aratirion said on 30/May/09
Hmm, nothing but discussing about heights. That's what this page is about.
Bogie said on 29/May/09
Aratirion, what are you gonna do? One of the few persons that backed you up on Depp being 5'10, Glenn as a matter of fact, is gone...
Anonymous said on 29/May/09
Agreed, Kowa, and you touch on a point that explains the curiosity about height. I checked in because I've heard so many men lately insist that Depp is about 5'4. They openly resent that so many women admire him -- for his talent, professional integrity, intellect, personality, generosity, and yes, looks -- but men tend to objectify, focusing on the physical. Anyway, he's at least 5'9. Not that he cares.
Kowa said on 29/May/09
I'm trying to fathom the big issue here. Does Johnny Depp's height really matter this much? Does it affect his acting capabilities or pose as a disadvantage for any such matter? I think not. What we care about are his abilities to portray a character and he has that skill in the bag and on the plane. So this whole debate seems pointless to me, unless you are were just looking up facts on him due to curiosity.
At Chad a few posts down, I do agree with you on Jean's post, but the extent of your ridicule seems a bit much. She's obviously a fan and mentions more than once his ability to act. Being attracted to a person physically is only natural for a human being and when that person's skills and personality add to their visual presence, it just makes them all the more attractive to the person who has taken an interest. And to say that someone who judges on anything other than character is a terrible thing, then you most likely hate every person on this planet. No matter who you are, there will always be someone who catches your fancy visually. Its the most common reason for a person to start being interested in another. This is a fact of life. And most women, though many won't admit, have this fantasy of having their significant other to be someone who is financially stable(or someone who has a great deal of money), a good looker and have a great personality. They look for all these qualities that will make a perfect man. Which is relatively shallow, yes, and I don't agree with it, but thats life. You know should probably know yourself that more than half the population of males on this planet go after a woman because of her physical appearance. More so to me in my experience of watching people, than women after men.
OutBenchThis said on 28/May/09
In the below article, Keith Richards (Rolling Stones) is qouted as saying he's the same size as Depp and they swpped clothes on occasion while filming. Richards being 5'8.5" suggests Depp mustn't be much bigger than that 5'9" has to be tops.

Click Here
tonya said on 28/May/09
About that "we're the same size" remark Depp made after trying on Dillinger's pants -- he'd mentioned in an earlier interview some legendary news photos of Dillinger's body on a stretcher. His arm was lying at his side and was bent --in rigor mortis--upward at a 90-degree angle from the elbow. When a sheet was thrown over the body, the arm looked to some viewers like another appendage(see Google Images), which started a persistent urban legend about Dillinger being abnormally well-endowed. Depp was probably joking about that, and the joke went past the interviewer or readers who'd never heard the tale. probably n
Fritz the Cat said on 25/May/09
Pacino wears lifts in movies where they might require him to use them, but from seeing the man in real life a good portion of times, on red carpets and normal life, he's not one to use them for off stage type things. And from meeting Pacino I'd say he's a 5'5. Depp seems like a 5'8 - 5'9.
Will said on 23/May/09
If Pacino is listed accurately on here (5'6), than Depp does look about 5'9 in those pictures, and there is always footwear to consider.
Chad said on 21/May/09
Jean listed below is right about height not being an issue, however, she definitely possesses the groupie mentality and that is one who is enamored with, or affected by a man's looks, status, and money. She, not only represents a weaker-than, and inferior-to behavior (in other words, Jean is a loser....), she is a sexist (anyone who judges a person by anything other than the content of their character) and is, in essence, a man-hater. Jean has succeeded in reducing a human being (and trust me, Johnny Depp despises her and/or, women like her) to an object.....hard up and desperate
TELLEM said on 21/May/09
memory tells Glenn 5'9-5'10 while Depp is wearing cowboy boots. Thats how Glenn has met the man, in cowboy boots. But Glenn doesn't even know his OWN height, so his theory is out.
Brad said on 21/May/09
6' 2", he weighs a lot. Believing Glenn's figure is like believing him saying he is 5' 7.5" in photos. He comes in close to 5' 6.75" at wake-up.
trueheight said on 20/May/09
that comment about a 5'7 man's pants is of no use at all.

I'm 5'9 and will wear anywhere from 29 to 32 length pants depending on the style and fit. You have to remember in the 1930s, it was typical for men to wear their pants a good two inches above their belly-buttons.

Fritz, your photo is confounded b/c Pacino is known to wear lifts; Antonio, you seem not to have factored that into your math. Brad, you could say that Pacino isn't 5'5.5 in that photo w/ Depp - you could say that he's 5'7 due to lifts :)

The only person here who has met the man is Glenn; if his memory tells him 5'9-5'10, that's good enough for me.
TELLEM said on 20/May/09
how tall was madsen brad?
Brad said on 20/May/09
Geezus, I met Madsen at Ray Courts' Show a few years ago. Glenn's "more of over 5' 9" is stone joke.
Fritz the Cat said on 20/May/09
Another picture from the same set, this time with Michael Madsen & Mike Newell: Click Here
Brad said on 20/May/09
Depp isn't 5' 9" in that photo with Pacino.
Antonio said on 19/May/09
Fritz, that's a godd pic of Depp & Pacino. If Johnny stands straight he is very close to 2.5" taller than Al.

If Al is still 5-6, that makes Depp 5-8.5". It is likely that Al is under 5-6.
Fritz the Cat said on 19/May/09
Found an interesting picture of Al Pacino and Johnny Depp on a premiere for Donnie Brasco. Al's standing a little straighter than Depp, but the difference isn't as great as I thought. Click Here
jean said on 18/May/09
Johnny Depp would never be considered a tall man. But he is considered to be the most handsome and beautiful actor in Hollywood today. He is a "ten." All of this nonsense of is he under 5' 10" makes no difference. He is definitely under 5' 10", but everyone wants to meet him, or be him, or date him. Any man who wants to be taller, just realize that Depp is perfect. His height is perfect. Only recently are we seeing giant men in the 6'3" and higher range. Tyler Perry is 6'5". Large men have their own issues to deal with. But Johnny Depp's height makes him who he is . . .a talented actor and one gorgeous man.
MKR said on 17/May/09
glenn that is a bunch of gibberish. you have no solid proof because he was wearing boots with large heels when you met him.
glenn said on 17/May/09
a weak 5-7 at best? balls.strong 5-7.get your facts straight.that would mean i average 5-6.75.and at worse,what am i,5-6?stop deluding facts to match your fantasies on depps height.depp is 5-9 to 5-10.more on the over 5-9.
glenn said on 17/May/09
bogie-believe what you want.i know the truth about my height and certain celebs here.not all.but the major ones,i do.think depp and stallone is 5-8,and that im 5-7 all day long,all you the end,i know the truth and laugh at some of you can laugh too.but,who has the most solid proof of meeting celebs? and who in time,though not much credit for it,is usually right? small examples of mario lopez at close to 5-10,owen wilsons at 5-11,and woody harrelson at 5-10 to 5-11,and william macy at 5-9.25 are all now being revealed and agreed on by people that actually met them or saw too many pics that proved i was right all along about what i was saying for 3 1/2 years.who's really stubborn now? all those names were alleged 5-8 to 5-9 names.lopez 5-8.colin farrell 5-9.nope colin is 5-11.most wont agree on that here with me nearly tip toeing next to him,him bending, with moccasins on.but now people are realising he is at least 5-10.if i didn't arrive on this site 3 1/2 years ago,alot of you would still be clueless.and alot of you still are.and disrespectful too.all this isnt all directed towards you bogie.some of it is.not some of the anger.and next time,get your facts straight.those pics of me measured were explained for a month straight,that it was my lowest.ok,im 5-7 to 5-7.5 in pics.cause i slept all day in 90 percent of not going over this again.very possibly 5-8 out of bed.which doesnt count in the closed
Aratirion said on 17/May/09
What the hell are you talking about, Bogie? How can you talk about evidence? If Glenn says he's 5'8 you can believe him or you can't. But how can you be so sure that he's a weak 5'7? That's ridiculous...
Concerning the two pics; Depp is not marginally taller; If Glenn is 5'8 in those (by the way, why should he lie?) then Depp obviously appears to be 2 inches taller.

Don't misunderstand me. I don't agree with Glenn on Depp being 5'10 but he's absolutely right about the two pictures (and has met him, so his opinion should be considered as more important) and is definitely 5'8 if he says he is. He has no reason to lie about that ...
Bogie said on 16/May/09
Glenn, I think you're the most stubborn person I've ever seen. You say that you're close to 5'8 out of bed when we have evidence that you're a weak 5'7 at best. Same thing for celebs you like, such as Depp, you won't budge an inch that he's 5'10, when on the two pics shown, he's marginally taller than you. I'm not judging you, but I think you should be more objective.
Felix said on 16/May/09
MKR - HAHAHA don't blow this out of proportion. It's diffrence of being 5'4 and 5'7. Yes, ofcourse it more possible they're the same height but there is chances that Dillinger was 5'7 and Depp is 5'8. The clothes can still fit. You can have a longer neck etc.
glenn said on 15/May/09
agreed jane.
MKR said on 15/May/09
what you said makes no sense. so you are saying a 5'4" guy can wear longer pants than a 5'9" guy . that is 'ridiculous'. makes no sense. build and body mass. you say common. i say common sense. why would you even compare 5'4" with 5'9"?
jane said on 15/May/09
he's 5'10 out of bed in my opinion.
Felix said on 15/May/09
SAM - Thank You!
SAM said on 14/May/09
the clothing comments are ridiculous, i mean common its all about your build and body mass. you could be say 5ft4 and wear bigger clothes than 5ft9.
MKR said on 14/May/09
a 5'7" guy can wear a 5'9" guys clothes? are you a 5'7" guy who has tried on a 5'9" guys clothes? that wouldn't be a perfect fit. we are talking about dress pants, and not jeans.
Felix said on 14/May/09
Well, about the clothes..even a big 5'7 guy can fit a 5'9 guys clothes. So that proves nothing... maybe that he's not 5'6 and not 5'10 but that we already know. I think 5'8 maybe 5'8 and a half out of bed. People are often amazed of how short he is!? If you watch youtube clips of him signing autographs many says it and I've seen replys to it that all say 5'7 or 5'8. Strange? yes...but I can backup Glenn that Depp can slouch sometimes, really much also.
glenn said on 14/May/09
not case 5-7 at night.i was at least 5-7.5 cause that pic was taken in the late afternoon,shortly after i woke.
akira said on 13/May/09
johnny depp would be nearly 5'8
MKR said on 13/May/09
Johnny has never quoted his height to be 5'9" or taller. Glenn is 5'7". Johnny Depp was wearing large heels in both of those photos with Glenn. Depp is 5'7"-5'8" and he said it himself. Case closed.

Depp said he felt privileged to be allowed to wear the cotton trousers the bank robber was wearing when gunned down by FBI agents outside a Chicago cinema.

Not only did they help in his characterisation but they were a perfect fit. Depp said "It was amazing, we're the same size."
MKR said on 13/May/09
I said a long time ago that Public Enemies would expose Depp's true height. John Herbert Dillinger was 5'7"-5'8".

Depp said he felt privileged to be allowed to wear the cotton trousers the bank robber was wearing when gunned down by FBI agents outside a Chicago cinema.

Not only did they help in his characterisation but they were a perfect fit. Depp said "It was amazing, we're the same size."
RisingForce said on 13/May/09
wasnt glenn closer to the camera in that pic with depp? depp seemed to be clearly taller to me.
glenn said on 12/May/09
thanks for backing me aratirion.his shoulders and slight lean,if examined carefully,shows he is 2 inches taller than my for certain 5-7.5 was early,and i slept good.
Bogie said on 12/May/09
Maybe his shoulders are above but it's the eye level that matters most. And that isn't a 3 inches difference, not even a 2 in both pics.
jf said on 12/May/09
I don't think Depp is sniffing 5'9". But maybe. He's built a lot like Michael Jackson, who always appears diminutive but is like 5'11". Some people just always appear more petite than they actually are. If we ever saw Depp with some weight or muscles on him then 5'9" would be more imaginable.
Aratirion said on 12/May/09
No matter what you think of all the other comparisons, pictures, videos, ... and no matter if Depp would look 5'8 all the time (he doesn't), but in the pictures with Glenn, Depp looked a legit 5'10. His shoulders in the brasco pic were way above Glenns ...
glenn said on 12/May/09
you guys need to look at his shoulders in that pic.and he has a slight lean.rob might still have the pic.and there was another pic up here where depp is still taller than me.
Bogie said on 11/May/09
He isn't 5'10'', get over it. Did you see the pic with Glenn on Donnie Brasco's set. I don't know if it would be possible to have it back on this page, but he is barely taller than 5'7'' Glenn and he has most likely his thick heeled boots.
LG69 said on 10/May/09
Johnny always looked at least 5'9" but no more than 5'10".
Spoons said on 10/May/09
big d, Johnny Depp does not do anything to try to make himself look taller than he is in his films, nor DOES he look taller than he is in his films.
RisingForce said on 10/May/09
i still say 5-9.5, possibly 5-10 for depp. i'm really looking forward to public enemies as well.
trueheight said on 10/May/09
155 for 5'9 is by no means skinny. He was probably around 145 back in the 90s.
jake said on 7/May/09
he's listed everywhere as 155 lbs so I guess that is pretty skinny.
glenn said on 5/May/09
no,the reason is cause i have seen him in front of me between 1990 and 1997.
xyz said on 5/May/09
"And – get this – we’re the same size!"
--Johnny Depp
Entertainment Weekly
January 9, 2009

Depp about John Dillinger, whose height was according to FBI slightly over 5 ft 7 in... (5 ft 7.125)

5'9" max for JD
glenn said on 3/May/09
thats correct tonya.he is closer to 5-10.
tonya said on 3/May/09
Depp is 5'9" to 5'10". I'm 5'2" and was wearing two-inch heels when I met him on a "Public Enemies" set. I had to stand on my tiptoes for a hug (well worth the effort). He was wearing boots that looked like Doc Martens -- low-heeled.
Dave said on 1/May/09
Bloom was measured as 179,5 for waxwork.
Daniel said on 29/Apr/09
Dave, Johnny Depp could be more than 1 cm shorter than Bloom, but I think it's very possible that Bloom himself is 1.80m or even a little taller
glenn said on 27/Apr/09
thank you monica.
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/09
I say 5'8."

He looks small. A little over Cruise, under Brad. He is not a tall man. I bet he is also wearing all the necessary in the movies to look taller, or they make him do.

Pirates? He wore higher heels than Keira with those boots, and he was still not that much taller than her 5'7" frame.
monica said on 26/Apr/09
I'd say he's 5'9". agreed with glenn.
he's the same height as charlize theron.
Dave said on 26/Apr/09
I think the 5 ft 9 claim is correct, orlando bloom is 179 cm and looks more than 1 cm taller than depp, so I don't think that depp is 5ft 10 (178 cm) I would say 5'9 at most in the morning and maybe around 5'8 in the evening.
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
i agree liam.
Liam said on 22/Apr/09
I walked right pasted johnny in london in the 90's im 5-10 and hes was exactley the same height as me. he had boots on but i had 1 inch heels on, so im more tha confident that depp is defo at the 5-10 mark. thanks.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
trueheight-the brasco pic was taken in late 1996.the other pic was in 1993.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
maybe your right shawn jones.depp is between 5-9 and 5-10 either way.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
your right trueheight on the weirdness of the pic.
trueheight said on 19/Apr/09
That pic of Glenn on the Brasco set is kinda weird - Depp's shoulder is way taller than it should be (maybe pads?). The other more recent picture has Depp about 1.5 inches taller than Glenn, however he is sporting a severe slouch.

I could buy 5'8.5 - maybe just a hair taller than Rob.
Felix said on 19/Apr/09
trueheight- I referred to both Pete Deluise and their built. And I disagree, I see more than 1,5inches.
Shawn Jones said on 19/Apr/09
Glenn, are you still sure about 5'10? I clearly remember the two pics that used to be up of you and Depp. In neither pic did Johnny look a full two inches taller than you. I'd say Johnny is the same height as Rob. Wakes close to 5'9, if not hits it, and slides closer to 5'8 by the end of the day. I will even say it's possible he's close to 5'9.5 in the morning, because like you say, he has pretty horrendous posture. Even the pictures prove that.
trueheight said on 18/Apr/09
Felix, they don't stand next to each other in that episode. All you can do is use Peter Deluise as a frame of reference. From that Pitt looks to be no more than 1.5 inches taller than Depp.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/09
Have you seen the shoes johhny wears as capatain jack sparrow theyre like 4 inches big just check out the first movie you will see what i mean
big d said on 17/Apr/09
johnny depp barely looks taller then christina ricci in sleepy hollow, and she is only 5'1". he is a max of 5'5" and adding a hollywood 5" ego lift to feel better and he probably has a deal with disney to make the cast members that play him 5'9" so that everybody thinks he's that tall. It's a psychological ploy. Don't get me wrong though he's an excellent actor, he's just not 5'10"!
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
outstanding post gf.thats correct.just like im 5-8 to 5-7.or a hair under both.
Felix said on 16/Apr/09
I can say like this, if people claim that Brad Pitt is 5'9 then Johnny Depp is 5'6-5'7. Watch 21 Jump strett, second season. Brad is taller than Depp, and I don't think there's much advantage of shoes on any side. Brads body is taller. To say that Depp is 5'10 if you argue that Brad could be 5'9, 5'10 or 5'11 is ridiciolus. I think daytime; Depp is 173-174. Pitt is 178-179.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
GF, sure pal.
GF said on 15/Apr/09
JD, exactly like me, is about 5'10" out of bed, stooping closer to 5'9" end of day. That's why we keep going back and forth between the two heights. It depends what height you want to claim. He is both.
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
I still say he's 5'9.5" and with his boots and slim frame he gave the illusion of 5'11" to Glenn.
Rosa said on 6/Apr/09
I work at Disney World and saw Mr. Depp from a distance last year, at night, standing with his family. I was surprised at how a) short and b) thin he was- he was very thin! I'm just under 5'10, and he was definitely shorter than I am- my guess is 5'7" or 5'8". (He was in flat sneakers.) Besides, has anyone looked at the heights of Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean? Keira is taller than Johnny in most shots. Jack Sparrow's character is listed at 5'9" for character casting at Disney World, as well.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/09
Others have met him and they say he is a smaller 5'7" - 5'9". I'd put my money on somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9.5". It is hard to tell with this guy. I don't think he is a solid 5'10". Some days he looks 5'8" and other days he looks 5'9.5".
George said on 4/Apr/09
And you believe that Mr. R?
glenn said on 3/Apr/09
interesting mr.r.i saw him look 5-11 alot in the early 90s.though its obvious 5-10 is tops for him.
Usi said on 3/Apr/09
Hi, i'am of the same opinion as Felix and George, i also think he's 5'9. But he appears a little bit taller because of the boots he wears most of the time. Sorry for my bad english...
Ironman said on 3/Apr/09
I think that depp looks taller than charlize theron in da below pic. He might be 5"10. Cant rule that out.
Mr. R said on 3/Apr/09
He is listed at 5-11 in the May 2001 issue of People.
Ray said on 1/Apr/09
Re: You're wrong
Nope: You're right.
Stiller is slouching a bit, ask him to stand straight and behold the difference. Who told you Depp is not wearing boots, he's often seen wearing high-soled shoes, he's concerned with height I'd say, that said, also always tries to keep good posture. That would make a huge photographic difference btw him and Stiller.
Anna-Maria.. said on 1/Apr/09
I think that it doesn't matter how tall he is..Why do you(all of you)matter of how tall he is???Me,i don't matter about it..I only love him and i don't see only his appearance..but i look inside too,of course it's a point in his appearance years are passing..i love him more and more,and now i know what means real love......
Felix said on 29/Mar/09
I totally agree with George. I've never met him I know. But according to many pictures, people, angles, I can clearly say that he's not 5'10 barefoot. I think he's 5'9 straight out of bed...173-174cm most of the day.
George said on 28/Mar/09
Have you seen "Nick Of Time" (John Badham's 1995 film)?
Underrated movie (and good for height estimate ) should take a look.
-Charles Dutton (here listed at 5'9) is a bit taller than Depp
-Roma Maffia and Peter Stauss(5'10)are taller than him
-Walken is considerably taller (maybe 3-4 inches)

You should check it out. Depp is NOT 5'10. A very weak 5'9 imo
glenn said on 24/Mar/09
your blind cause you never met depp or a celebrity.what qualified you to make such a claim or talk garbage?
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/09
he is not 5'10". glenn must be blind.
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
he's 5-10 cause thats what me and peers see him at in all kinds of footwear spanning a 20 year period.
Katty said on 23/Mar/09
JOnny Depp looks so much taller ,(He is so hot)!!
Bogie said on 23/Mar/09
I agree with Doug.175 or 176 max for Depp. People would like him to be 5'10'', which he's not, because he's a sympathetic figure to them.
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
exactly cookie.
Cookie said on 21/Mar/09
Johnny Depp is definitely higher than 5' 7". He's about 5' 9" and 5' 10".
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Again Rob has him bang on I think. I don't think he looks 5'10" either, barefoot anyway. Maybe you are a cm too low and Depp is 176 cm, no more. Remember he often wears boots which make him look near enough 5'11" anyway. Not a hair under 5'9" for sure but little more either.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
I still think Charlize is a hair taller, but she is very possibly 5'10". Depp is either 5'9.5" or 5'10" in my opinion.

I admit I'm insecure about my height as well Will. I also measure myself pretty often and I wear thick footwear like big heeled cowboy boots, the thickest sneakers and thick work boots. But that's because I wake at 5'8" if I'm lucky on a good day. At 5'10" you have nothing to be insecure about. You're exactly average or a bit over.

Will, there are plenty of actors shorter than you that women love as well. Look at Tom Cruise, women adored him prior to some of his odd behavior the last few years. Cruise is also in the 5'7"-5'8" range.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
i agree gf,acg and will.
leonari said on 19/Mar/09
Will: finally? What about James Dean? He was more adored by women than Depp is and he was 5'7.5. You are average height. You have other issues . Thats reality. Work them out.
Will said on 19/Mar/09
I agree with comments saying that he is between 5'9-5'10. I am in this area as well, when I wake up I'm 5'10, and during the day I slowly get smaller until evening when Im just a little over 5'9. I measure myself alot due to my insecurity. Depp seems like he may be in the early day 5'10 and in the evening close to 5'9, but never dropping below. But after all, I may sound a little biased, I am glad that finally there is a actor who women adore that seems to be in my height range.
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
Charlize has better posture than Depp in those pics(at least to me). And I think she could be a full 5'10, making Johnny the same if he straightened up.

JD is 5'10 in my eyes.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/09
GF, I'd give JD a good 5.7 at least. If you don't have proves your statement is subjective and useless...
GF said on 17/Mar/09
glenn, i'd give JD a good 5 ft 9.5 in (177 cm) AT LEAST.
TELLEM said on 11/Mar/09
with that dress on u can't tell whether she's bending her knees or not...but either way i'll buy 5'8.5-5'9 for him
Bogie said on 10/Mar/09
It's more than a hair in the first shot because he's standing straighter than her and he's still shorter, in the second we don't see their feet so it's difficult to draw any kind of conclusion from this shot. 175-176 for Depp
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/09
I still say he's 5'9.5". He was just a hair shorter than Charlize Theron and they were both barefoot.
Click Here
Click Here
The dude said on 7/Mar/09
Was at Caf
xyz said on 7/Mar/09
Imho 174-175, no more, no less
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
thanks trueheight! why did you disappear? stick around!.anyway,maybe depp is 5-9 and wears a slight lift? i saw him at 5-11 as well.maybe thats when the normal lifts come in.great work on the video.he did get taller from 1993 to 1997.
trueheight said on 7/Mar/09
And also 3:15 in this clip:

Click Here

He looks almost 3in shorter than Underwood - but take into account his character and role (slouch). Even so, he is at the very least 1in shorter. Pointing to more like 5'9 than 5'10.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.